From one who had people in his background who used the term and applied it to themselves at times, allow me to interject for all the people who are still actually sane out there. Cracker, like the word Gringo, is a term of balance. It is only an insult if it is said in an insulting way. Red-neck, hill-billy, web-foot (Cajun), and a thousand other terms are used to describe what is essentially best defined as the Upland South White Man. Red-necks are normally associated with eastern Texas, northernmost Louisiana, and Arkansas. Georgia, especially north Georgia is the home of the Cracker, Eastern Tennessee-Western North Carolina and South Carolina is hillbilly....and to a lesser extent southern Missouri and northern Arkansas (Ozarks and Boston Mountains people). Central Texas has what the Mexicans call "posteros" or "cedar-choppers" ....people who make posts from cedar limbs. And on, and on.
BUT! Cracker is certainly a person of both great and small resource. But either way, he or she is a person who cracks a cob of un-shelled corn shortly after harvest, and throws different parts into different piles. This base end of fat corn goes to the still'n, and the middle three-fourths we'll put'n in for grindin' into pone-meal. And the tail of d'cob will go to the hogs. Of course, any leavings will be raked up and fed to the chickens.....but not that mean old rooster over there....he just won't share to be beaten. (he is so obstinate that he'll take a beating before he shares.)

Oddly, the term applies generally to white folks, but in the good old days the black folks were as apt to be sittin' on the upside-down bucket singin' or gossipin' while "dey cracked de coin". Further, in some of those places a Yankee would have to sneak up really close to tell if da talkin' people wuz a white cracker or a black cracker.....caus'n they sounded a lot alike. The accent points and pronunciation written in this little paragraph, for instance, is how my Granma Mamie and Granpa Rex sounded. They were from Eastern Tennessee.
Hand-powered kernelers or shellers pretty much destroyed the "cracking" of corn by the turn from the 1800s into the 1900s in all save the most traditional areas.
Pleasant Hill Grain
Corn Sheller
Tough cast iron
& fast, easy operation! |
White Southerners wear our provinciality as a badge of honor. We thought the Beverly Hillbillies and the Dukes of Hazard was genealogical about our own famblies. We were rat proud of all o'dem.
El Gringo Viejo
The fact is that Obama is. That is the meaning of is. Democrats and socialists desire the death of a sinner's soul and that he become the slave of Man, not of Good. The Democrat Party...all leftist parties....desire the death of a man's soul and that he replace his loyalty away from Yahweh and towards those on Earth who know what is best for each man.
Large businesses also sell themselves to the call of Lucifer's enchantment by pointing out that farmers, food processors, transporters, and grocery outlets, along with school feed-the-fat-afdc children, all benefit from Lucifer's feeding the people and the children. After all, if the elites and Lucifer do not feed the people, who will? They themselves? Who will feed the "minority children"? Will it be the "minority parents"? Who will feed the "majority children"? Should it be the "majority parents"? What a brutal notion. However novel, it is silly. How quaint and backwards to think that people should feed themselves and their own children.
We are told that it is better to give than to receive. We were told, in the Olden Tymes, "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven".
Now we are told,"If you have, you are evil. If you support yourself and give the second gleaning to the poor then you are a Republican. You are evil and part of the one percent."
The only good people are those who whelp without plan, who demand to be supported, and who strive to become grandmothers when they are younger than 26 years. The only good businesses are those that depend on Lucifer's subsidies. And the only good churches are those who doubt every element of the Creed of Nicea, who know that homosexuals are better than perverted normal people and that aetheist women should wear cleric's collars and traditional women should be spayed.
Thank you, Father, for you time and patience.