Virginia, y0u will be a big girl soon. There are things you need to
understand. Not just know, but truly understand for your own good, and for the
good of the family you will have to raise.
first thing is to know what a marxist is and what a national socialist is.
They are very similar and frequently move around in each other's company.
Members of those secular faiths uniformly can be known by the
(1) Each member assumes himself to be superior intellectually to all and any
other human, especially of the common class, aka - "proles".
(2) Each member assumes that he will rise to the top of the political
organisation and thereby
make his way to comfortable employment and privilege of acquisition of
things that should not be wasted on common people, aka
(3) Each member
of socialist-styled parties of any kind knows that he is entitled to
what the common people will think and do, where they will live, what they
will eat,
what they will study, how many children, if any, they will be allowed, and
they will
be allowed access medical services, and of course what they will earn and be
to keep. None will be allowed to have firearms, of course. Firearms are very
Each member is part of an elite who is not bound by the rules or the laws that
must necessarily
pertain to the common class. He will have a blue identification card, while
common "proles" will have plain white cards, that if lost, they will have to
replace and also
provide 1,000 hours of community service to make up for their
(5) All commoners will be required to report their earnings to Central
Finance, on an
annual basis. If sufficient money has not been paid, according to the judgement
of the
governing group, the balance must be rendered within 5 days or the tribute
will be incarcerated for a lengthy, undetermined period of
(6) All "proles" will be paid in a range whereby no one person within the
prefect or soviet will be
permitted to make 10 percent more or less than any other "prole". Such
restrictions will not pertain to members of the permanent ruling
government party, known
(7) All "proles" will be required to say the following pledge each day,
into the sound and
hearing facilitation devices that are fitted into every room of every house
living facility in the Fatherland:
pledge all fealty to the Fatherland. All that I own comes from the
of the Fatherland. All that I am allowed to eat, do, see,
speak of,
live in, think, and associate with is granted by the central
and I am indebted to the Government
forever. I promise
to do what I am told to do.
Now, Virginia we have arrived in the United States of America to the point where
such configurations of society always wind up. Debt, social disorganisation,
dependency upon the government....these are all good things. The greater part
of entire races within the population hopelessly dependent, old people
frightened by the breakdowns of government programs without which they think
they cannot live, young people who are hopelessly ignorant and socially
incompetent, hedonistic, spoiled, and feeling entitled. All of these problems
come from they perceive to be underfunded central government programs. This is
always good, because such things can be blamed upon the rich because they "have"
while the others "have naught". And we can continue to generate hatred for
the people who cost the government nothing and give their money to the people
who want everything without paying for it.
socialist elitists, we can "speak for the Poor", although we certainly would
never live or break bread with them. They are dirty and smell funny. But we
take a goodly share of the money that we require from the rich and wealthy, and
then allow the "proles" to have some of that same taking, while we lounge on the
beaches of the Dominican Republic and dream up campaign slogans about the rich
parking their money "offshore". We frequently learn about how to accuse the
rich and the wealthy of doing such things because it is what we do. The trick
is to have a compliant press who will disregard the rich peoples' complaints
against us, and to take seriously the charges we make against the rich people.
And remember, when you become a socialist, a rich person is not determined to be
such by his amount of money or possessions. A rich or wealthy person is any
person who can feed, house, clothe, and move around without any government money
or assistance. People who are not dependent upon the government cannot be
trusted or easily controlled.
as you graduate to the next level of being an elite, remember to always damage
the small and medium sized businesses, and make friends with the huge
businesses. The bigger businesses will do anything for government contracts.
Always make alliances with Labour Unions who "know the score" and "how to play
the game". Labour unions are organised to produce money for socialist
politicians and to deliver votes from dull, stupid people who think they will
receive money for not working, while they smoke dope on their breaks, and go
back to pilfer and sabotage company equipment. It is called "On the Road to
the Workers' Paradise".
Virginia...go, destroy the Great God Yahweh, install the god Ba'al, major in
Analytical Toothbrush Tarnish in Zimbabwe, and demand FREE oral
contraceptives.....go to the Ivy Leagues and then go to work for the Central
I am
Adolf Schwartzengruber, and I approve of this
hearty hello to my great friend and inspiration, Margaret
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
I am
Nicolai Ilyich Lenin, and I approve of this message. I would like to give a
shout out to my
good friends, Eleanor Roosevelt and Armand Hammer.
партия Советского Союза
Now, when
we had faith, this is how the newspaper responded in those times, in the New
York Sun on the 21st day of September, 1897... just after the Editor had
seen this brief letter;
EDITOR: I am 8 years old.
"Some of my little friends say there is no Santa
"Papa says, 'If you see it in THE SUN it's so.'
"Please tell me
the truth; is there a Santa Claus?
"115 WEST
Broadway and
Central Park,
downtown - most
Manhattan, New York
City, New York, about six
blocks from where David Christian's
lived, and where David and his
stayed briefly before moving on
to Albany, in
the Up-state. The year is 1807.
David and his
wife Esther
Webster, were Anglos
had originated in County Wicklow,
married at Christ's
Church Cathedral (Anglican), in
Dublin, They came to America to
other English
Christians, (relatives) in New York.
David Christian's
(this writer) great-great-great-grandfather John was born
between the British
Isles and Hudson Harbour. El
Gringo Viejo, when asked, "Are
youa good
he always
"Why madam,
such a
my middle
name is

This I believe,
Gringo Viejo