Thursday 6 February 2014

Reprint from Wednesday

Wednesday, 5 February 2014 -We Are a Nation of Immigrants?

This note:   This entry has been brushed up a bit.  But it is our sincerest feeling about the issue.  We take nothing away from those who have come after the establishment of the Republic.  But, as in the case of the Mexicans, those who are coming here now as immigrants are far, far outnumbered by those who are coming here because a person can live for free.   In the early days of my life the Mexicans who came here primarily went back to poorer but very, very pleasant life circumstances after working hard for a while and making enough to stabilise the family's patrimony.  Criminality was rare...very rare...and sloth was non-existent.   Those who determined to marry and/or stay became positive elements in the Texas fabric perhaps 96% of the time.  Now, because we have essentially compulsory comprehensive welfare (essentially) we attract perhaps 30% who intend to be contributors to, and not consumers of the Bounty found in Texas.   Lamentably, the general population of the American Republic has chosen that route in increasing numbers.   Disability for people who are entirely whole, free food paid for by unknown third parties who are stupid enough to pay their taxes, free rent, free school, free whatever they want, plus medical for their hordes of "special needs" miracle/anchor babies, free medical for everyone is just a wondrous thing.  And always the resounding echo of what the woman said in my Laundromat some years back..."Yes, it is true, things are better here.  The government has to take care of you when you are nervous or tired.  They provide much better than over there (Mexico).   The only problem here is the damned Gringos.''

To all the Karl Roves out there:
      We have a certain 33% of the Latino vote.  It is the bulk of the productive group. We have nothing to offer the un-productive group.  If Mexican American issues are to be food stamps, AFDC, free lunch, Head Start, WIC, and Section 8 issues and we play to that group's idea of what the issues are, then the 33%  we have in hand will not vote for us.  That 33% is actually larger than we think because many, many Latinos and Latinas are intermarried and not statistically identifiable in most surveys.  
      My wife, as a white woman, always checks the box that says "white" do all or almost all of her biological and political (in-laws) relatives.  In reality, while they are very proud of their Latin and colonial Ancestry, they are totally dedicated to the flag of their nativity.  They check "white" because they are white, and beyond that it is nobody's business.
     We can work on the other 67% as the American engine snags one by one out of the morass of dependency.   Each one of those will be as the recovered alcoholic, and he/she will become a prophet of conservatism.  This I know.   Nothing else will work.


     We appreciate that there is good in having a sense of acceptance toward the foreigner.  He/she ought  to be at home among us.  We also know that gradually those of us who come before, die and go away, and things gradually change from how they were to how they will be.

Figure 31
The six chiefs of the Civilised Tribes of the Iroquois address
the Philadelphia Convention on secession in June of 1776. El
Gringo Viejo had a distant grandfather who apparently
married a girl from the Oneida Tribe of that Nation in the
earlier part of the 1700s.

     We who were not immigrant are descended from the colonial times. By direct continuum we are connected to places in Europe from whence our forefathers escaped or left in search of a different un-proscribed life.  Rush and El Gringo Viejo share a great-great-great-grandfather, for instance, a German fellow by the name of Frederick Johann Limbaugh who left his Hessian and Prussian ancestors and relatives behind and journeyed to some strange planet or parallel universe called Pennsylvania.   He arrived, after departing Antwerp two months before, and made to a place full of his similar fellows and certain cousins in the German areas of eastern Pennsylvania  during the early 1750s.

     He began to learn English quickly.  He bought good land and established a farming operation of some considerable value.  He threw himself into the business of being a communitarian, a contributor, a pillar of his community.  He became active in the Lutheran Church, in the public theatre, and in the military, rising to the rank of major and executive officer of a brigade of 3,000 well-trained militia.


 A famous Ibero statue from eastern Spain.
Predates the Celtic and the Gothic, and the
 Visigoth and the Greek, and the Roman,
 and the Arabic penetrations of the
 "Iberian Peninsula"

                   People he would not know in life, but who lived just a short distance to the north, in the Hudson River Valley, who were also German and Dutch along with English,  whose descendants would cross paths and have matrimonial involvement in such a way as to finally produce El Gringo Viejo.   The Hudson River people had already been in the Hudson Valley for over 100 years, by the time the Limbaugh gentleman had arrived. The Hudson Valley people all spoke English after 100 years in New Amsterdam, as did most of the Pennsylvania folks, albeit with an identifiable brogue in the case of the Teutonic peoples.
The wife's people came, pretty much directly,
from the southeastern Iberian Peninsula, leaving
Huelva and arriving to the lower left of this map
at a point based at Monclova.   This was in the
1560s.  The social and economic orbit extended
to Texas with properties on both sides of Laredo.
They also had considerable land interests in that
area between Laredo and Monclova.  Another
wave came in the mid-1700s and settled in and
around what is now the McAllen area.  

     Another batch of English moved into the Boston area....later into a place to be named Newton, Massachusetts...and spread the name from there to Maine, Vermont, New York, and Pennsylvania.  Some went to a place called Canuckia and were never seen again.

    The better three-quarters of El Gringo Viejo had people on the American Continent just after the a place that was conjoined with Texas for most of the period up to and including 1836.   Like Texas, it was originally named for the first known aboriginal peoples encountered by the Spanish explorers.  Those peoples were the Coahuilteca, or "people of the Flying Serpent".  Coahuila and Texas both have stood far apart and away from their governing centres from the beginning.   The wife's people were "pure"  Celto-Hebraic-Phoenician-Ibero-Latins, real-live, pure-bred Spaniards.   They quickly outnumbered the local aboriginals....who also conveniently croaked from the common cold.  Then the Spanish colonists set about drawing an existence from what was essentially a moonscape.    And, they set about trying to fight off the Kickapoo, Comanche, Apache and other disparate groups of aboriginal ruffians.  Another group of Spaniards on her side came in a bit later in the Spanish Colonial period into the Tamaulipeca and that strange place called Texas.

Just below the middle "E" in Tennessee, where
that State meets Alabama and Georgia, more
or less, is where El Gringo Viejo's mother's
people settled, after coming out of Virginia
and North Carolina.   There are scores and
hundreds of them still to this day, in Franklin
County, Tennessee.  They began their trek
through the American wilderness, mostly
arriving from Portsmouth to Virginia in
the 1650s.
     El Gringo Viejo's people....mainly Britannic, with some considerable Teutonic overlay....are conjoined with more almost entirely English folks, with a bit or a tad of Cherokee.   They wind up in another Indian named place called Tennessee...and a few in Alabama.   The Cherokee nation, related somewhat to the Creek and the Choctaw, and Chickasaw, these in a greater ethnic and linguistic sense to the Iroquois Confederation formed a great body of humanity with a complex culture and considerable talent.  These groups fought against and then were absorbed by,  and  absorbed with the white arrivals, chiefly through matrimony.

     The northern branch of El Gringo Viejo's grouping winds up moving into the  Minnesota and North Dakota region.   There was tree-steading hundreds of acres in the case of his paternal grandfather, and setting up very modern milling and financial operations in Minneapolis (Saint Anthony) Minnesota, the case of his paternal grandmother.  Flour, flour, flour was their cry.
     The long and the short and the wide of it, after all is said and done, is that  America has tended to drift off into the "Aura of Ellis Island" and the huddled masses and somehow tying that to some kind of grand national policy.   In these times, there is greater honour allowed to those who came here after the arrival of the liberty statue  as refugees or simply as people moving to the United States.
    Most came not because the United States is or was so great, but primarily because the place they were leaving was a hopeless dump.   They left someplace drab, someplace decayed, someplace blown to bits over nothing beyond an argument between royal cousins or groups of madmen such as Robespierre, Hitler, or Lenin and Stalin.   These places were abandoned without regret.   And it amazes this observer that many of those who have arrived, and who are still arriving, line up to vote for candidates and causes that they were trying to escape "back home".
    Strange people have arrived, like atheist Jews who hate Jews and Judaism and prefer marxist solutions to problems that do not exist.  They  have flooded in by the millions.  People come in hating everything about America and hating Americans.  Arrivals take up residence and expect to be cared for and given something....perhaps as a reward for not knowing how to play baseball, or that Gettysburg is not some kind of a maritime ice formation.


     We have investment and property in Mexico, and we would never urge or suggest that anything be changed there to adapt to our comfort.  We speak the language of the guest nation and we abide by the laws of that nation and the States and locales that compose it.   We might complain about things that are disagreeable, such as litter that spoils beautiful settings, but even those matters are conducted discreetly and in sotto voce.  But in the main, Mexico is a wondrous place with a million delights at every corner.  So we adapt.  The place has always been a refuge, a retreat, and perhaps even a "just-in-case" type of investment.
    And, judging by the fact that we are being governed, in the present time in America, by a body politic that can be swayed by convincing arguments such as "hope and change" and "....we'll have to vote for the bill to find out what's inside of it"....I would rather have a few distant alternatives.   Perhaps where  people are comfortable with the government buildings  having manger scenes during the time of Advent up to Epiphany.....there are some small, difficult to quantify, benefits.  It is difficult to explain.

     What is known is that many of the foreigners who have come into the United States recently do not want to continue the United States as it was intended to be.  They care nothing about common law, or the sovereignty of each man and woman.   The best of them are industrious and disposed to work 100 hours per week to make money and have things or to send some money back home.   But, Almost all the Chinese who have entered since 1990 are moles, plants, spies, and/or saboteurs.  All the workers in the Chinese restaurants are either slaves from Latin America or members of the Red Chinese Peoples' Liberation Army on furlough, learning where the vulnerable places are in Pittsburgh and Birmingham for when the time comes.   The Germans did the same things during the 1930s.
     And then there are the not so industrious.  The worst of the new arrivals whelp out anchor babies and to barnacle onto a welfare system, encouraged by the America-hating marxist Americans in our midst and by people who say such stupid strings of words as, "....of course we have to provide a safety net.  The government has to make sure that ....".
      And of course we still have Auntie Zietuni and Uncle Omar Onyango Obama who are just know....there....having collected well over 2,000,000 USD during their Grand Tour of America that they won on the Kenyan Wheel of Fortune show, or something.


     We leave it with these simple questions.
    Is there any room for colonials in America?   Is there any room left for people who speak English as a native language?
    Is there any place left for people who would die before  taking public assistance?
   Is there any thought ever given to the idea that FEMA and the Bureau of Indian Affairs really, really are Rosemary's Baby, and Sesame Street is a back alley in a town named Secular Humanist Egalitarianism?  Liberte'?, Egalite'?,   Fraternite', anyone?

El Gringo Viejo   

Fabulous Fallacious Falsities

     We are humoured, in a bitter way, by the blithe insertions into the popular understanding of facts that "everybody knows".    Lincoln freed the slaves.  Teddy Roosevelt charged San Juan Hill, FDR saved us from the Great Depression, discrimination causes crime and poverty; all commonly known, accepted, and understood parts of the American quilt of patches of understood history.
     And all are false.   Each patch is made from feeble or invented fabric.
     Almost daily, now, we are treated to someone pointing out that William Jefferson Blythe brought us "welfare reform".   Frequently this information is put forward as an example of how everyone started off each day singing "Hi ho! hi ho! It's off to work we go",  in the 1990s when everything was perfect on the Hill and in the White House.

     The fact is that William Jefferson Blythe vetoed two separate "welfare reform" bills that passed with significant majorities and were sent to his desk for signature.  He was surly and dismissive when he scoffed them into the round file.  It was only when the bill was strengthened a bit and sent one more time that he seemed to sense that his own party was going to join in the override of his veto that third time.  He signed the bill, but then arrogantly left the issue with the threat that "we will have to revisit some of these provisions and fix them in the next Congress",  The "fix", of course, was the need to water down the legislation and provide more alternatives to the "we breed them, you feed them" community.   In short....or in long, if one wishes....Billy Jeff Blythe had little or nothing to do with the very little "welfare reform" that took place in the wonderful, prosperous 1990s.
     Next, we shall be treated during the next two years to the murderous, mendacious, marxist hag (Sir Edmund) Hillary Diane Rodham Corkscrew, of the Immaculate Concussion, declaring, ''....and believe me, as you noticed in the 1990s, we know how to get this budget under control....We brought the hardworking American people balanced budgets and surpluses until they were squandered by the Republicans."
New Lady Gruoche of Scotland,
she hides her hands so discreetly.
 Oot! Oot! Damned spots!
Oh! Why do you
so  torment me?
     Once again false.  The intention of the Clintons and their cabal of tax, spend, elect jackals was to continue deficit spending to the greatest extent possible.  Billy Jeff himself was heard many times saying that the only way to ensure high employment was by maintaining public spending as a means to 'stimulate the economy", a shibboleth that has been disproved over and over again.   Billy Jeff also said, many times, many ways....''....we might be able to balance the budget by 2005, or maybe ten years out.  A lot depends on economic conditions".     Sometimes he would say seven years, sometimes he would hedge and tack on two or three years more.   But he really had no true or real interest in balancing the budget or reducing even the rate of increase of that budget.
     What caused the balancing of the United States fiscal budget was the slight application of the brake, forced by the United States Congress over the budget process and upon the Ministry of the Exchequer.   Because of those measures  the budget came into balance, even with the slowdown and recession of the last two years of the Clintons' co-presidency....a recession brought on by the "irrational exuberance" of the leftist, hi-techie investing classes in New York and Simi Valley.   All lefties, selling stock in companies that had marvellous inventions but no one ever really bought any of the products the companies perfected.   One wonders, does anyone have need for a computer chip that can facilitate the fish in your aquarium in their efforts to shine your shoes precisely at 04:00 hours on Tuesday morning?   Neet-0, but stupid. And then, one day, the bubble did burst.

      Next, the notion that the schools are generally good, the great political class is being instructed up into a good general understanding of the nature of citizenship, natural forces, economic reality, and how to read and understand at a third grade level upon leaving Harvard.
     Uncle Joe Biden, the labour union thug cabal, and many other ''regular people'' declare with certainty that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) ushered in the wholesale exit of "jobs" to Mexico where the people have no labour union protection and work for a few pennies per day.   El Gringo Viejo hopes and desires that the OROG will leave the presence of anyone stating such things as though they are factual.
The four-cylinder John Deere Engine Factory
in Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico.  It is one of
four factories presently in operation in
Mexico, producing primarily for the
Mexican and Central American
    The establishment of factories and integrating fabrication facilities in Mexico by American, Spanish, Canadian, German, Britannic, Italian, French, and Japanese companies has been something that has gone on since the 1870s, and even earlier in some cases.   John Deere tractors and implements established a factory in the Monterrey - Santa Catarina industrial sector in 1966.  General Electric, Westinghouse, Maytag, Zenith, and we could go on for several hundred major and well-known companies had permanent, with the Company emblem hoisted high facilities throughout Mexico long before the establishment of the free trade agreement.
     Some of these companies were established in Mexico to address the Mexican local market.  Some were established to address Mexico and the remainder of Latin America.  Most OROGs know this.  Perhaps some do not.  In these times, interestingly, there is not so much the necessity to establish a company factory in Mexico in order to establish sales there, because the duties on American exports going into Mexico are essentially non-existent (and vica versa). 
     To the extent that companies have moved their production into Mexico and other countries in search of labour is due to the general uselessness, cost, and poor quality of American union labour.  Proof of this is in the fact that companies can move to places within the United States of America to place their plant in Right-to-Work States, and immediately enjoy better results.   The better results are not totally tied to cheaper labour, but in the overall better outcome.   Workers in Texas and other Southern States tend to be satisfied with the 30 per cent lower wages  they earn when compared to the unionised labour in the North.   One reason is because there are no union bullies and thugs who parasite and barnacle off of the union membership.  Another is the lack of need to pay "union dues" that almost always would have gone to support causes and candidates not preferred by the worker.
Erin Brockovich, following her
arrest, 2013
    There are union robots in the South to be sure, but they are most frequently people who are drawn from the ranks of white-trash, well trained in the art of schilling and jiving.   Erin Brockovich. whether or not a union member, comes to mind as the kind of personality  that makes up facts and causes and feels entitled to be  an authority without the need to establish that she knows anything about anything.

12 JUNE 2013

     The last time most of us heard about legal crusader Erin Brockovich, she was being glamorously portrayed by Julia Roberts in an Academy Award–winning film. Thirteen years later, she’s a household name again—for drunkenly driving a boat around a Nevada lake, an act that earned her a DUI citation and a very unflattering mug shot. Brockovich was booked at the Clark County Detention Centre and released after posting $1,000 bond.
     “At no time was the boat away from the dock and there was no public safety risk,” Brockovich wrote in
a public apology released on Sunday. “That being said, I take drunk driving very seriously, this was clearly a big mistake. I know better and I am very sorry.” (That "at no time was the boat away from the dock" is totally refuted by many witnesses who were endangered by Brockovich's disregard for the safety of children and vacationers who were nearby.   They were the ones who called the Cops.= comment added by El Gringo Viejo after reading other accounts from the locale.)
     Not a good look for a woman whose reputation is built on moral rectitude. But even before the boating incident, Brockovich’s post-Brockovich life hasn’t been without controversy. In the years since the 2000 movie was released, much of her litigation—including the landmark class-action suit that inspired the film, have been the subject of intense scrutiny.

     It is to be noted that Brockovich's "stands" on behalf of the oppressed and exploited masses are frequently based in junk science and outright mendacity.  She learnt that it is very easy to throw big words at a jury and make them feel sorry for the aggrieved.   However, such leftist stalwart publications as the New Republic and Mother Jones have, in their research, found her to be an unreliable water carrier for the True Cause.   They dispute several of her recent cases as being fully fallacious.

     Moving towards "closure" on this topic, my compadre will probably back me up on this, but labour unions in Mexico for many, many post-Revolutionary years, it was joked in a macabre way, kept one hand on the throat of a business and the other hand in its cash register.   The Mexican labour law....some 30,000 pages in the Diario Oficial del Congresso....was tilted decidedly in favour of the worker.   Of course, the worker did not really win the benefits of this bias so much as did the Secretario General del Sindacato Local no. 233 de los Trabajadores etc. etc.   But he did gain some relief and protection that did result in lower quality production standards and malingering as part of the accepted job description.  Triple-time for holidays, one meal per day, retirement at 55 years of age or after 25 years of labour at full pension, etc. etc.
     One of the small but significant changes that brought Mexico at at least into the realm of partial reality in terms of economic production and activity was the opening up of the labour pool to competition between unions and the permission of companies to establish independent "employee associations" or company unions (known as 'white unions' in Mexico).   When the votes are taken, the "white union" alternative is chosen over 80 per cent of the time.

A normal day at any of several commercial
bridges in Texas that handle international
transhipments between the Republics of
 Texas and Mexico 
     As far as jobs lost or gained, it should be pointed out that processing and transporting things to and from Mexico involves over 500,000 people now, not counting federal and state regulatory and immigration personnel. That number in 1990 was probably less than 5,000 individuals involved in the international transfer of goods and services.  The same is the case on the other side of the Rio Grande.   At this juncture, Mexico and Canada and Texas with 180,000,000 people out-produce and consume the entire production of Red China with 1,300,000,000. 
     The legitimate industrial, touristic, and agricultural trade dwarfs the illegal drug  trade many times over.   Presently, legitimate cross border trade exceeds one billion USD per day between the USA and Mexico.  And that is just the inconvenient truth....sorry, AFL-CIO and UAW.  
We are ready to fight.   We are dedicated to protecting the Constitution of the United States of America.  We are voting.
     The Tea Party people err when they speak in specious platitudes and use terms such as "....the hard working American people."   They err when they do not speak and write concisely and identify specific causes of action and specific objectives.
For Instance:
    We believe in the outright, total, and complete rescission and total cancellation of the Obama Socialised Medicine Initiative (aka: Affordable Care Act).
     We shall not vote for, approve, or entertain any notion of a budget of any kind that includes an anticipated deficit.
     We shall work to abolish the Internal Revenue Service, and replace the levy with a national sales tax not to exceed 10 percent.
     We shall not vote to authorise any change in the immigration and naturalisation format presently in force.   Nothing will be approved until the international borders and airports are sealed and secure against illegal entry.
Speak in that manner.  Speak in those words.  If you do not, we shall lose.  And that will make my task much easier.  I shall then dedicate not 10% of my time to the Texas Republic....but rather 100% of any time left to me.  And 100,000 other Texans will do the same.
El Gringo Viejo

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Republic of Texas - A Positive Action Suggestion

First Flag of Texas Republic
 made at the very point that Texas withdrew
 from the Mexican union.   Lorenzo de Zavala
was the first Vice-President of the Republic.
He delivered 3,000,000 reales in silver, and
other negotiable securities to the
Texas Revolution.
We are in. A small suggestion. Let us propose this small measure.

     Texas Independence is not a wafting scent of incense and wistfulness. It is not the humming of Dixie, and wondering how the Yankees could have gotten us down for the count so quickly. It is a matter of necessity....of life and death....of liberty and bondage. Any nation that can tax the income of it citizens has converted its citizens to serfs. They are born to serve the central government.

      My humble proposition is to put our silver where our souls are. Charge the Texas Nationalist Movement with the responsibility to take, keep, and husband all the scrap silver we can forward to their keep. Old and broken Mexican tourist silver with a 925 stamp, for instance. It is very good silver. Broken silver services, especially forks and spoons (the knives have steel blades). In short, any scrap silver. We are at least one million adults who have the proclivity and disposition to "withdraw amicably" from what has become a useless, increasingly totalitarian Union. Silver can serve as a CERTAIN BELIEVABLE FOUNDATION that will allow us to build our house upon a stone.

     If CARY WISE will appoint a board of governors, publicly named and identified by credentials and accomplishments, to receive, melt to bullion, and conserve such silver, I am certain that we could have many millions of American dollars worth of bullion on hand quickly. This procedure could be extended to scrap gold as well, once the programme is rolling. Then other numismatic valuables, such as coins, could be granted or invested with the Texas Nationalist Movement, thereby bestowing a sense of provisional government-in-waiting status to our cause.
     I have a pound of scrap to send, now.

It is just a thought, a suggestion, and part of a  battle plan.
El Gringo Viejo, Citizen Review this article, please.

Finally, Back to the Anglican Curmudgeon


We are finally putting ducks in a row a bit better.   This after herding cats for the past several days.   The chickens have come home to roost and the pigs have flown.   We do something now that we meant to do back last Thursday.
     We were celebrating having finished our tax statement to Caesar, as if he should have anything to say about what shekels we draw into the house and what we talents we spend.   This taxing procedure is a further insanity brought on by the notion that the central government has any business in the affairs of a family's economy.   We have been assured that Caesar will send us some Barrynotes that they owe us from having taken more than they needed at the moment.   Only the Great Zeus knows how much Barrynotes will be worth as the days go by.
Tennessee Scopes Monkey Trial

In reality, ladies were not permitted
either on the jury or in the court's
audience.  Certain indelicacies
concerning procreation were
thought to be too "earthy"
for proper ladies.  They
remained outside on
the Courthouse
    More importantly is the issue, perhaps a couple of entries back, that is found in the Anglican Curmudgeon's recent posting.  Sometimes El Gringo Viejo will say, "This is a quick read, perhaps 3 minutes."   Othertimes he might say, "This is a bit of a thick intellectual soup. You might want to set aside 17 minutes to read through it a couple of times."
     In this case, we offer up required reading for anyone who wants to increase his bibliography of reference concerning things Anglican, historical touchstones of importance, and reasoned matter concerning the interface of science and religion....especially the Abrahamic Religions...and the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve, the notions of evolution, and such matters.   This is not an instant replay of the Scopes Monkey Trial (my mother was there, but she was not a monkey). 
     The warning is that this is heavy stuff presented by a deeply and well studied scholar in the classical sense about matters that are very profound and expressed in "non-layman's terms".    All OROGs with whom I have any acquaintance will have no real problem grasping and understanding what is written.  El Gringo Viejo, due to age and general slowness of wit, must read the Anglican Curmudgeon's  missives three order to wrap all of his 'little grey cells' around the issue under consideration.
     This particular article, Mere Anglicanism Conference: a Report , is long.   It is complex.  There are many speakers who are cited.  It will take two or three nights, depending upon the OROG's schedule, involving at least 20 minutes each, including the necessary "re-reading".    It is also worth every second and every minute of the OROG's time investment.   It will deepen and widen the entire Anglican, Orthodox, and Catholic notion and consist of our understanding of Western and human culture.  It is excellent for Jew and Protestant, for agnostic and inquirer.
     The OROG will feel better for having done this exercise.   It is like not going to the dentist. 
El Gringo Viejo....

Monday 3 February 2014

Some Comment served as Goulash

     We awoke this morning feeling Hungarian, and probably thinking in Magyar, so we are serving a goulash of different topics here.   The problem, quite frankly, is an inability to maintain a continuum of thought, and perhaps the cold.   We dodged  quite a blast from the north, yesterday and the day before.  There was  considerable rain between Tuesday and Wednesday, and a bit of frozen precipitation here and there, and cold.   Cold and dank.  We had a bit of sleet and snow here and there around the Tip of Texas, mainly sleet and rain all night here at our place, but nothing like the Great Christmas Snow of 2004 when we picked up 10 - 12 inches in McAllen, all the way up to George West, Texas.  We had the highways almost to ourselves on that drive up to Central Texas that time.
Vigilantes are Militarised:
     The OROGs will remember, perhaps, when we pointed out that common civilians in the area where western Michoacán State, northernmost parts of Guerrero State, and the southernmost part of  Colima State of Mexico come more or less together had begun to take up arms against the drug cartel people in that area of western Mexico.
     Some might have thought that those carrying that story were fantasising about some Zorro-like presence, rendering righteousness and order against the evil-doers.   Others suggested that they were all the same, the vigilantes and the cartel people were just fighting over turf.  El Gringo Viejo knew that the 10 to 1 odds were that the vigilantes were the real thing.  And, interestingly, the old saw about the best thing to do to a bully is to beat him up....because all bullies are cowards and cry-babies was applicable to the issue affecting the area above proscribed.

    We have seen a disorganisation of the Knights Templar Cartel (not a joke) has been significant.   They are a particularly blood-thirsty and combative group, or had been until recently.   They began to go into a disorganisation due to harassment by the Vigilantes.
     The Mexican Army had been active near and about that part of Mexico.  They made a kind of a formal contact with the Vigilantes (think of them as a semi-militarised Tea Party of mainly very young men....ages 15 to 30....20,000 members strong.)

     High-ranking army officers and experienced combat people reviewed various of the "companies" of infantry and their "mobility" (old pick-ups), and their communications (cellular telephones), and their armaments (beat-up shotguns and rusty revolvers with a few hundred decent rifles, few if any automatics).   Almost all the firearms came from the hearth and many were almost family heirlooms.  The automatic stuff had been taken from cartel thugs who had been captured and/or killed during confrontations.
     The vigilantes have been organised into fighting units and given martial authority by the real live Army, and named Rural Citizens Militia.  The training we had heard about earlier actually did take place and is continuing.   Military order, rules of engagement, basic forensics, and other police and military necessaries have brushed up the volunteer rag-tags into a large and formidable extension of the Army.  This extension has the further advantage of being intimately familiar with forest trails and roads, as well as certain knowledge about who belongs and who does not.
     The recent capture of one of the most, if not the most important, "Knights Templar" commanders is credited in large part to the investigation and reconnaissance done by the Rural Citizens' Militia.

    This activity was monstrous news throughout Michoacán State, because this capture was of the man who controlled organised criminal activity and drug transhipments from the capital, Morelia, to Mexico City and to Los Angeles, California.
This note:
It was at this point last Thursday that our telephone, television, and computer feed went down.   It was restored shortly before noon, on 3 February 2014.
Thanks for bearing with us.
      We are troubled continuously about the lack of Republican resolve to establish  true, conservative guideposts and positions for the coming Congressional elections.  It seems more than obvious that the Republican hierarchy is disposed to be the daddy socialist arbitrator of issues leading up to who can be Queen for a Day, slobbering at the trough provided by the central government in Washington, D.C.
     It is as if they are the "more conservative" of two choices.   It is like Stalin or Trotsky.   Do you all want to be slaves in the gulag or do you want to the slaves in some other place.  Do you want a show trial before we shoot you, or do you just want to get it over with?   Are you satisfied with Red Chinese Mao pyjamas and beanie cap, or do you want to have a choice between Red Chinese manufacture or Michael Moore pyjamas and beanie cap made in an environmentally friendly country?   Either outfit is free.   Simply pay the 50 Yuan manufacturing, assembly, and transport charges.   Obama will allow you t0 have one outfit every year.
     It is fundamentally necessary to stand our ground.   There can be no compromise with the notion of right and wrong.   There can be no compromise with the notion that "creative accounting and resourceful economics" can set aside the rules of mathematics.   There can be no compromise with social policies that have globbed scores of millions of people onto the dole, destroying any sense of self-worth or self-reliance.   The central government has created a class of dependents that performs economic liposuction on the productive class, while at the same time assaulting, murdering, stealing, and defiling at every opportunity, both against their own and the commonly decent class of people.
     The business of having the Republicans devise a special, designer Obama Socialised Medicine Initiative a la Elephant is preposterous.   The special Republican plan must be "Repeal and Rescind".   Keeping any piece or part of the hideous, government controlled, totalitarian socialised medicine initiative is patently unacceptable....beyond ridiculous.  Please...."We'll have to vote for it to find out what's inside of it."   ?????????????????????   We shall have to repeal and rescind in order to wipe the slate clean enough so as to move on into the future.
     It is apparent that the entire offensive by the Obomatrons was for the purpose of lumping several score million more people into the Emergency Room Plan (proven to work in Cuba and Russia) commonly known as Medicaid.    The other purpose, equal in value to the first, was and is the collapsing of the private insurance industry.   Nationalisation is one sure way to destroy private business.
    One final point.   We do not pretend to regard Barack Hussein Obama as any kind of original thinker or inspired philosopher.  He is simply a little finger on the hand of a cabal of "progressive" marxist socialist engineers.  They are perverse, dedicated to the construction of anthills and beehives for us, and dachas for them....and they are ensconced in all areas of American industry, academia, labour, entertainment and arts, and religion.   They hate individualism and love Frieda and Fidel.   Barack cannot think beyond what he is fed through the teleprompter from the focus group editors.
More later.
El Gringo Viejo

Word from El Zorro...and an explanation is deserved to the OROG community

     During the better part of the past five days, we have been held hostage by the Time Warner Company.   They provide our linkage to the outside world, via television, telephone, and high-speed computer connection.   All systems went out, due to the lack of a secure service box, which had apparently been violated by vandal children.
     We awaited the service man, who came at the appointed time....four days after the event....and made the diagnosis and repair (screwing the two elements of the connecting cable together) and left within fifteen minutes of arrival.   He then gave me his card and said, "From now on, just call me, and I'll notify the office that you are on my call list."   Same day or next day service.    Gee.
     We are now filtering through about 120 messages of different import.   We are also fixing to spill rancid liver bile out on the internet until the entirety of cybermundo looks like gorilla guts in a witch's cauldron.   However, more civil contributors have eased my efforts by providing an adequate contribution "de inmediato".    El Zorro weighs in on the pretendrix to the Presidency of the Republic of Texas.


State Sovereignty:
Get the Women and Children out First
(or Save the Union?)

(Having some health issues, El Zorro has not been able to contribute to El Gringo Viejo's blog though there are certainly a plethora of subjects to be discussed, expounded upon and dissected.  But, my sense of well-being has been restored somewhat by the need to ride to the sound of the cannon.)

  One of the larger issues that has the attention of many in the Great State of Texas is Texas' sovereignty. This writer is a proud member of the Texas Nationalist Movement with mixed feelings. Being a sixth generation Texan, my loyalties are to this state first and the the United States second. In that regard, to clarify that it is our opinion that the good of Texas rests or has rested to a certain extent with the good of the Nation. As long as the Union acts in the interest of the States and the people this arrangement is a useful one and one to be respected. However, if the Federal government does not observe and respect the sovereignty of the states and the people, that relationship should be reconsidered.

      The United States Constitution is a brilliant document written by some of the most intelligent men of the time it was written.  It was also inspired by a common power greater than the individuals who wrote it. It was written very clearly and precisely to be interpreted literally, a very simple document by design. There are not many grey areas but for those invented by the progressives who have infected our governing systems with deliberate intent to destroy the Constitution by conjuring up grey areas. The greatness bestowed on the people by the framers in this document is being stolen bit by bit through deception and intimidation.

       Those since Woodrow Wilson have been accumulating power until we have more than a simple majority of greedy selfish politicians who would turn the republic into a socialist-communist utopia. Our liberties are being illegally taken by unchallenged unconstitutional laws and executive orders. Obamacare and the IRS, the NSA, EPA, Executive cabinet appointments, Federal bench legislation, and hundreds of unelected subdivisions of government have replaced government by the people being governed.

      This gargantuan cancer is metastasizing into the state governments as well
The New Fabian Society is the Old Fabian Society
Listen to the similarities in content, context, and speech...
Andrew CuomoGeorge Bernard Shaw

George Bernard Shaw's socialist views, the Communist Party involvement and his membership in the Fabian Society are eerily similar to thinly masked ideology of today's government leaders. Is New York (state) lost?
The Fabian Society

In Texas we have a challenge that must be met forcefully:

Wendy Davis
She who would be Governess
of the Republic of Texas
Wendy Davis filibustered the Texas Legislature to abrogate a bill that would restrict abortions in the state. This was a twofold trick that would impose death penalties on unborn people and to promote herself as a liberal change of executive in Texas. Her motives are transparent. Hopefully, Texans are aware enough of the potential harm to our state if this woman

Greg Abbot
Republican Candidate for
Governor of the Republic
of Texas 
should be elected. Texas would become a blue state. The example set would turn other states as well. She has done what liberals always do, compromise her own aspirations by stupidly embellishing her image with lies. She overstated her impoverished situation as a young mother to get sympathy from women in Texas. She lied by implication that she worked her way through law school when in fact her then husband helped which she did not mention. She has tried to denigrate her opponent, Greg Abbot by saying he is in a wheelchair falsely claiming a disability. Even though it appears she has damaged her campaign, it is a danger to thing she will not be a force not to be taken lightly.
     These are two examples of the insidiousness and power we are facing as a free people. If the Federal government will not change direction, which is  certain it will not, then the American people have to take charge. The U.S. Constitution is in dire jeopardy. Progressivism is growing geometrically and with such issues as immigration reform, the farm bill, the military budget cuts, Obamacare, etc. there is not much hope. It is certain we have no hope for retaining the freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution is action is not taken by the people.

     As a last hope, the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution has to be taken seriously by at least three-fifths of the states. That would be a first choice for preservation of the Union and the vision penned by the framers. It means the Texas legislature will have to participate and I would urge strongly that it does. There is not much to lose by giving it a chance. The one consideration is the next governor of the state cannot be Ms. Davis; however, the Fifth Amendment does not depend on the Governor, only the Texas House of Representatives is necessary. As long as the House remains conservative we can proceed with this method for restoring the Constitution.

      The last course of action is Texas secession from the Union. That works for me as a last resort even though it would be a huge effort needing more than just a majority of Texans to support it. The TNM is working to coordinate such a proposition. As a proud Texan the idea of being a sovereign country is appealing. It would be worth all who read this to check out the organization at
Texas Nationalist Movement

God bless the United States, and

El Zorro