Friday 3 January 2014

This too will pass....this too is passing. We shall strike the tent and cross the River.

     Some quick notes about the events in Puerto Pen~asco, Sonora, Mexico.  The place is in that strange area between Sonora and Baja California, right on the Sea of Cortez, and not at all old, like we think of colonial Mexico.  Puerto Penasco (Port Rocky Point) was a place of renegade Indians, pirates, and skulduggerous American smugglers during the Prohibition.   In the 1930s the Railway of the Occident was completed, finally linking the Republic of Mexico to itself in terms of a connection between the main body of the nation with its peculiar, nation-sized peninsula....Baja California....also with almost no population at that time.
    Like the Baja, Puerto Pen~asco is a playground for well-to-do and young-at-heart geezers and geezerettes who live most of the time in and around southern Arizona and California.   Many Gringos live permanently to somewhat permanently in "Rocky Point" they do all along the Baja on the other side of the Sea of Cortez from Sonora State of Mexico.
     Finally, due to the dissolution of the rigid control once exercised by cartel bosses, "juniors"....pretentious younger, unqualified members of the cartel fight over territories and usually wind up killing each killing another fellow member, from six weeks ago...six months ago, or killing bunches of one-time fellow lower-ranking cartel member(s).   These people are especially dangerous and out of control.
     Thankfully, almost all of their killing and shoot-'em-up escapades result in casualties for their own previous friends and/or small cells of degraded cartels' sub-divisions.   Such an event occurred recently in "Port Rocky Point", leaving 5 dead after a fairly lengthy shoot-out on the edge of the downtown area of this really nice little city.
File:Malecon puerto peƱasco.jpg
Nice area around the downtown to beach and yachting
 and restaurant/bar district in the south of town.
Things are back to being safer in "Rocky Point":
than in Central City, USA again.

    With five cartel gunmen dead, and in spite of the fawning admiration the foreign press has for the noble cartel people who "always recover their dead and wounded" five mortally wounded and dead cartel members were found in the area of combat.   As usual, the cartel gunmen had sprayed everything, everywhere, without investing the least concern about other people or their property.   Luckily, no civilian, police, or military people were wounded.
    Now the point.   Not one, but two rifles pertaining to "Fast and Furious" were found.   This time there was no adding to the list of the Honoured, Lamented, and Heroic.   There were no children, women, semi-honest /honest police,  no Mexican Army soldiers, nor Naval Infantrymen wounded or killed in this encounter.   Military units did considerable engagement and rendering of casualties out west of town shortly after the original firefight.
     It seems now that the idea that we can kill five and only four replace those, seems to have been coming true.   These events slowly, steadily retreat from the daily and weekly scene.  Compass drawn circles demarcating zones of intense conflict and drawn with  shorter and shorter radii.
     Thank you so much for these events, Mr. Holder and Mr. Obama.  You are both treacherous liars whose lack of concern about the "rough edges" of the "phoney scandals" you cause with considerable regularity will earn you a well deserved place in Hell as accessories to murder before, during, and after the fact.

     We also notice that (Sir Edmund)Hillary did nothing to explain, ameliorate, or repair this situation...although she was the chief officer in terms of foreign relations.   Holder, Clinton, and Obama....just think of all the miles they flew....for women, minorities, and all the dead innocents left behind by "Fast and Furious".

Maybe some day soon, we can leave this damned old Rodeo behind.
El Gringo Viejo

The Lord Spake and said, "Let there be Snow, Ice, Sleet, and all form of Glacial Abundance".



Guys!!!   They're gone!!  Finally!!!
Let's hit the beach, we only have Summer for six
months, you know!!!  Have you ever smelled a
ranker bunch of commie hippies?
Whoopeee...!!!!   Sardines, here we come!!

     We have served ourselves well by stating, all of us who are reasonable sorts, that the abundance of snow, ice, sleet, and all forms of glacial abundance probably disproves the urgency if not the existence of climate change as a function of humankind's rapacity of the Planet.

     With each announcement by "The Really Official and Final Judgement Panel of Real Live Professors Who Know More than Any and Everybody and Who Have Been Peer Reviewed by Real Live Experts in the Field Who Also Know All There Is to Know, Past - Present - Future About Climate Change So Just Shut-UP!" ....there seems to be just one more little set-backipoo.

     To our credit there has been very little na-na-na-na-nya-nya  when overwhelming evidences crashes down on their carefully scripted parties.   The supreme and totally idiotic effort to declare Hurricane Sandy's damage to New York and New Jersey was fairly quickly abandoned as a piece of the Ark of the Truth of Total Death by Fire and Ice Caused by the Tea Party and Ted Cruz.  Reasonable observers could readily point out that Sandy's damage was due entirely because of the lay of the area where it struck, and by peculiar preparations, as in the case of New Orleans, by officious public officiators.
     Sandy, of course, as a powerful storm was not comment-worthy.  It was a storm of mediocre strength, and with the considerable maze of building standards, union labour rules and "standards", and the general air of superiority that the northeasterner has concerning their level of human accomplishment as opposed to the Duck Dynasty really should have caused little if any damage.

     In Texas, such a storm would have been hard pressed to have caused one billion dollars in damage.   Without FEMA, settlements and recovery work could have be done within a year.   Of course, with FEMA, the Queen for a Day Beg-Grovel keeps the gnashing of teeth and tearing of robes going on forever.      The Lower Rio Grande Valley had such a storm In 2008, a Category I and II (depending on the day and hour), that went through the Lower Rio Grande Valley, almost straight up the Rio Grande, at one mile per hour.   Two days can be pretty long when a regenerating, weakening, and regenerating Hurricane moves over your area at one mile per hour.   Rains of 12 to 25 inches were common for the period.
     Press reporting now has essentially beg-grovelled as well, with "reporters" seeking out and inventing if necessary horror stories about the heartlessness of Southerners, Texans, Republicans, business owners, Tea-Party people, Christians and Jews during natural and man-made disasters.  And of course, we are accustomed to the fawning, fainting, leg-tingling reporting about h0w Obama can descend to bring comfort and to heal the halt and lame, the blind and bereaved with just one wave of your check-book.

     We do not use these continuing contradictions such as the trapping of propaganda ships taking advantage of the Antarctic Summer, which is little understood by John Q. Public as proof of weather normalcy, although one can edge in that direction.   The problem is that weather normalcy is almost a contradiction.  Climate is a way...and it changes over the thousands and hundreds of thousands of years.   There in Texas we have seen droughts and floods, cold waves that could freeze ports in deep South Texas and heat waves that could push temperatures into the one-hundred and teens for weeks at a time.   We have had rains of 28 inches in a 30 hours period, and hailstones the size of medium watermelons.   And, following these events over the years little or no "sky-is-falling" morose lament has been heard.   Complaints about the weather, yes;  but converting the episodes into evidential construct to form a political movement-cum-religion.

    Not even the Galveston Hurricane of 1900 that killed 7,000 to 13,000 people and totally destroyed 99% of the 3rd biggest city in Texas....with supposedly 200 mile-per-hour winds caused a "climate debate".   Perhaps there just weren't enough yahoos with nothing left to do besides sell phoney science scandals.
More later.
El Gringo Viejo  

Interesting Confrontation

    The looming confrontation between the Executive and the Judiciary could prove to be quite interesting.   Justice Sotomayor (a surname that means, in the archaic Spanish, very dense thicket...a surname associated with aristocracy) has deigned, as is her prerogative, to hold a hearing on the merits of several petitioners concerning the Obama Socialised Medicine Initiative (OSMI).    This is peculiar because Justice Sotomayor is a person of impeccable socialist credentials and is dedicated to the notion of egalitarianism as bedrock to the marxist cause.
     If there is to be misery, then let it be shared equally by all.  Income redistribution is canon law in the religion of these folks, and so one might assume that all religious groups and anti-religious groups must violate their life-rules, canons, catechisms, morals, and ethics so as to make the provision of pre-natal care available to 70 year old men.
     One might imagine that there would be some problem when a group of people belong to a religious order or sect that is absolutely opposed to ending human life at any point from conception until natural expiration.   Many of these groups, orders, and sects are opposed to terminating life processes directly, indirectly, or even by passive measures.  By passive measures, of course, we mean the act of doing nothing as such events occur as terminating life processes by active measures.
     The vast majority of the populi americani has determined that abortion of pregnancy is really not in the best interest of the un-born baby.   Several religious groups, sects, denominations, and even agnostic or cosmic theistic thinkers have structural moral objections to complying with orders that suggest compliance with the processes leading to the abortion of a pregnancy.  Many of these same people are opposed to the imposition of the death penalty in any criminal case, no matter how heinous the crime.

     So here we are.   A fork in the road between those who believe in something and those who believe in nothing except absolute control through force.

     Apparently, Justice Sotomayor has determined that there is too much weight to the argument made by the proponents of supremacy of conscience who favour the life alternative in the debate about the abortion issue.   As a Ist Amendment issue....that Congrefs shall enact no law establishing a Religion, there is the obvious correlary...that it cannot enact a law that might disestablish a Religion where it is being freely practice with the approval of reasonable participants.   This does not even call into play the concept of equal protection, and several other salient legal arguments.

Justice Sotomayor
Shall we see wisdom from the
"wise Latina"?  We have seen that
she is willing at least to question
more vigorously than the
Chief Justice.
     It is so very obvious that should somebody wish to end the life of a creation within the belly of a woman, he and/or she can certainly in these days search out a facility that delights in bloodying its hands in such messy work.   The desire, here, is on the part of the marxist absolutists to extend absolute control and power over everything and everyone absolutely.

    It is what can best be defined as those people who, instead of saying God Bless America, or In God we Trust, or My Country 'tis of Thee....want to feel the thrill of being able to say, "SHUT-UP AND GET BACK IN LINE."

We shall see if Obama decides to "fail to comply" with the Supreme Court's Justice Sotomayor's order for presentation of arguments, due to-day, at her clerk's office, before close of business.   Will he opt instead to create a Constitutional crisis and/or to ridicule her and her office by disregarding the Court's order?
El Gringo Viejo

Thursday 2 January 2014

Circle the Wagons

     We are treated to the spectacle of a group of girly-men reporters who are lemmingly going to try to impose upon the American people a woman to be President.   As an old beat-up geezer, some discretion is left to El Gringo Viejo to judge other broken down old hulks who want to talk about the great pass that thrown back in high school,  or when the big fish was caught back in '55 just downriver from Falcon Lake.
     We are advised that the New York Times...appropriately known as the "Old Grey Lady" of American journalism....had to report that a meanie-poo YouTube video about Islam and Mohammed caused the Arab Street throughout the world to rise up in righteous indignation.   The "Times" had to confess to a long covered up fact that they had a reporter on the ground during the attack on the embassy facilities situated somewhat off-campus.   The New York Times had this asset and because of that they know more than anyone else about what was happening in Benghazi on 11 September 2012.  And not only did the New York Times have a reporter there on location during the day of rage against the YouTube Video, but they were in communication with the intrepid, brave reporter even during the attack..."in real time" as it is said during these times. 
   They decided not to tell anybody about this information because Starbucks was closed in Cairo and it was time they had set aside to restring their tennis racquets.   After that, they could say, "We had about twenty brass doorknobs to polish, and then there was that darned old leak in the bathroom lavatory drain upstairs."
     Poppycock.   From my upbringing, it seems now like several hundred years ago, there was a commonly used expression among the Mexicans.   When someone would come up with a whopperoo, one of the listeners was apt to respond, "Haz me el favor de no decirme que Usted causo' la noche tapando El Sol con su pulsar."   This is a polite way of telling a person that he is full of it.....and translated, it reads, "Do me the favour of not telling me that you caused the nightfall by covering the Sun with your thumb."
     Folks, all OROGs and those just passing through, the story being told by the prevaricators at the New York Times is such an obvious attempt to breathe life into a dead, putrefying mendacious explanation of a tragic event, that it should be greeted with joy on the part of the forces of common and natural law and Constitutionalism.   Certainly a batch of three or four per cent of the electorate will be offended by this heavy-handed attempt to change the true nature of the events of those horrid hours.
     Please remember that these are the people who sent Sandy Berger into the National Archives to literally tear pages out of the Archives that could prove that Billy Jeff Clinton's "Eagle Talon" terrorist interception programme had absolutely nothing to do with the capture of the terrorist who was en route to LAX to blow up the airport and/or several airplanes.   Clinton testified that he had set up the programme and that he had had success, citing the arrest and detention of said terrorist.  The only problem was, of course, that "Eagle Talon" was established four or five months after the American female border inspector, intuited that the person before her was up to no good, and then, upon checking his trunk, found many, many pounds of explosives making material, detonators, and other devices necessary for the correct assembly of several bombs.
Hillary, Hillary, please!  Go back!
This is Tusla International and you are going
to be telling people about how we corkscrewed
into this place and had to run zigzags wearing
flak-jackets and helmets due to the sniper
fire....Oh! Hillary...The humanity...!
      Because George Bush wanted to make nice with the kind of people who would celebrate vandalising and sabotaging computers and word processors by prying the "w" keys out of almost every one of said machines in the White House and the Old Executive Office Building adjacent....we did not have a chance to prosecute Good Ole Sandy the Knicker-stuffer for any number of felonies.
     It is dangerous to be around the Clintons because one needs to be current on his 'pushing up daisies' exercises, and because the "swing-around effect" of a Bill or Hillary when they turn to face you, might result in your being bashed by a rapidly growing nose, that suddenly  extends well past the normal distance from their faces for standard conversation.   If that can be avoided, it is very possible to suffer serious injury by being too close to either one of them or their associates due to the probability, not just possibility, that their pants will spontaneously combust at any second.
Save money.  Buy the National Enquirer.  More Reliable.
El Gringo Viejo

Wednesday 1 January 2014


    There are many points to cover as the old calendars are thrown out and we search for the new ones that were put in that "special" place.   If anyone out there in the Land of the OROGs can remember where I put those special gift calendars, please email us with very simple instructions that might help in the location of said calendars.
     Deviousness is an hallmark of the Left.   Anyone who can say with a straight face, "It all depends upon what the meaning of 'is' is." and is considered a leader of his peoples, really sets the standard, as low as it can possibly go.
     We can imagine after Hillary has returned to the White House, shortly after the doors have been resized so as to provide more manoeuvrability for .....moving large pieces of furniture and the like.   There will be an order to continue the production of the new, plastic coins that also serve as lick-off lottery tickets.   The coins will also be edible, and they will have the mottos "What difference does it make?" on one side  and "It all depends upon what the meaning of 'is' is" on the other.

     A country has to have some standards after all.  (SirEdmund) Hillary will inherit something like a perfect union, in many ways, kinda, more or less.
     Everyone except for six Hollywood actresses in rehab (in Mexico),  and four Hollywood directors will have free medical services (in France).   That free service will be kept to a maximum and permanent, unchanging charge of 10,000 dollars or less per month per family member, until such time that the rates change.
    For those who want substandard policies, they can schedule meetings with Minder, Inc. who will guide the c0nsumer through ordering manuals provided by gulagsto-day.vom magazine (printed and assembled in Red China and Baweesa Zolongbo).

    It was announced shortly before Barry Soetoro and his estranged mother-in-law, (name unknown) were escorted out of the White House where they have been holed-up since the Impeachment and Conviction of the then president Soetoro.  As we know, he was impeached and convicted under provisions of the law prohibiting phony scandals.  The Soetoro defence that no telephone was used in any of the scandal, and nobody spoke in telephonese did not seem to carry much weight with  the Judge and Vice-President of the United States, Good Ole Joe-Roy Bean-Biden.  He came out with a double-barrelled shotgun and announced, ".....the vote had been one to nuthin' and Soetoro was guilty of a lot of bad things, most of which had to be redacted."

     Barry and his mother-in-law (who has yet to say a word since birth) were abandoned by Michelle Robinson Soetoro Obama Onyango Karakatoa after a series of unseemly funeral - photo sessions in a foreign country recently renamed Mandelobama.   Several attorneys were present during the evacuation of the White House by Barry Onyango Soetoro, who was un-indentifiable due to the fact that his hoody was covering the upper two-thirds of his person.  On the front left shoulder area of the grey, Oscar de Laurentas zip-up was a button demanding "Free Treyvon, Now!"   We last heard that Obama's daughters were jogging down at The Battery near the southern tip of Manhattan, in downtown New York City with Chelsea.

     Judge Vice-President Joe-Roy Bean-Biden (serving the last 19 months as President of M'Obamoa - meaning, loosely Obamaland), came after the departure of the one-time president and his mother-in-law (who mumbled one hard-to-understand word...something like 'Mashelle' or 'Mitchell')-  passed out one-page summaries of the various specific charges that had been made and that resulted in the poor sap of a President's impeachment and conviction.   It began with "How I came to provide everyone with free medical service by allowing everyone to keep their doctor and by allowing everyone to keep their medical plan, and ended with "....everyone will be able to have free disability, free pills, and early retirement along with free unemployment checks, as well as the Uncle Omar and Auntie Zietuni Life-Plan of Free Everything for Everybody....and the millionaires and billionaires will pay for it, along with any hapless cracker we can catch up in the net, and any Negro who ever thought about voting Republican or conservative".

(Sir Edmund) Hillary, newly
inaugurated Queen of the
Universe and the Kingdom
of M'Obamoa shows off the
"new look' provided by her
state of the art, miracle-
worker Cosmic Cosmetical
Surgeonistic medicalist.
      (Sir Edmund) Hillary will keep an office at Dr. Hajib Karraluauishabhanstanopolous's office.)  The doctor is famous for herbal, holistic, organic, and transcendental incense and mystical treatments for facial and other corporeal disorders.  His success in combatting Facious Uglimatosis has been legendary, especially for mendacious, murderous, marxist albino water buffaloes.   The new Queen-Presidenta for Life (Sir Edmund) Hillary plans to spend quite a bit of time at the good Doctor's office during her first 200 year term.

     When asked about how she will wave her wondrous sceptre and solve all the problems that have plagued President-King-Diety for Eternity Barry about the free medical programme that broke down completely after never really being put into service, Her Higher than Any Common Highness Highness deigned to sneer, "Like I said back in 1994, I don't feel responsible for the financial problems of very little underfinanced small business."   It was a remarkable recollection, word for word, that the Goddess of All Universes called forward from her perfect, photographic vocabulator.  It brought to mind this grovelling reporter's recollection of her famous, "....Well if you people expect me to sit around baking cookies, you've got another thing coming"....
     And of course, the string of dead people, fraud, and shenanigans showed that she could bake the books, but not as well as she should have.   Six people had to go to prison to serve her time....but it beat the alternative.   Ah, McDougal, I barely knew ye, my mon.
Sir Edmund Hillary has
 dedicated herself to seeing
what women have to offer.
Here, she talks with Bonnie
Bimbeaux about a couple of
Women's Issues in which
Sir Edmund has shown
more than a little
    Huma has said that some
of (Sir Edmund's) best
"friends" really

      Oddly enough, this all pertains to the debacle known as the Obama Socialised Medicine Initiative.    We wemt through this song and dance before, with a less complicated, illegal grab to nationalise the "health care industry".  The 
progressives, know that there are hordes of people out in the hinterland who want someone else to pay their way through life.
  According to Barney the Dinosaur, who is an authority on wuv, he knows what wuv means to a parasite.  One of the easiest things to do, on the behalf of such parasites, is to give them the notion that they are helpless and the Tea Party hates you, and I WUV you...I mean I WEALLY, WEALLY WUV YOU!!!  Yes! You! Hilawie, I'm talking to you....You're on camera 2, Wight now, Hilawy...!!!!

      This issue of being led around like sheep and rushing to this deadline and then the other deadline and then declaring victory every time there is another catastrophe, it's old.
      And by the way, Presidents cannot write law.   They can propose law, but not write law.  Once a law is passed, a President cannot rewrite the law  to a form and/or intent more to his own liking.  He can propose an amendment to the previous legislation, and even write the Bill that he might prefer.   But he cannot write new law.   He cannot write original law, and he cannot disregard a law that he has signed into force.
    This particular president wrote the law that he is not willing to enforce once he read the law that the wrote.  If that makes sense to the reader, then the reader is a Democrat, leftist, elitist, and probably agrees that "....we'll have to vote for the bill in order to find out what's inside of it."
    If the above procedure does not make sense, then you are probably an OROG, and/or a literate person with above average deductive and intellectual ability, a common-law, natural-law type person, and a reasonable Constitutionalist.
     Finally, and for this the effort this evening:   This whole thing has to have been a charade, designed to make the dull witted, low information, low intellectual level member of the "hard-working American public", become angry with the Insurance Companies.   This anger will become frustration, and then the frustration affecting the regular Democrat type voter will spill over into ire and lead the President to expropriate the insurance and oil companies pretty much like he expropriated the Auto Companies. 
     The Solyndra and several other "shovel ready" and "green" initiatives were made for running money through the hands of lackeys to then be delivered to various Union and Democrat fundraising operations. Fister, or whatever the name of the Scandinavian company that was making electric race cars to the moon, and many solar panel companies have all gone bankrupt. And like Solyndra and the United Auto Workers, and scores more such sham, straw-man shakedowns, they were all money launderers.
     In the Democrat lexicon, Tom Delay did not launder money and was convicted for it so that is defined as"good".   Solyndra's poobahs did launder money to give to Obama, the Democrats, and various leftist issues and personalities.  And, they did not go to jail, even after making a very dubious declaration of bankruptcy, and then receiving,  only a few hours before declaring insolvency, their last few million dollars of free central government "green" money to save the world, and that is also "good".

     Solyndra is used as an example of scores and scores of useless, defunct, and abandoned Obamamare projects, some of which did not even go through the niceties of bankruptcy.   And now, we saved General Motors so that we can proudly say, "Most of our production is in Red China."   And we can say we saved Chrysler so that we can proudly note that it is owned by Fabrica Italiana de Automobili Torino, S.p.A.   (Societe per Azionti or a Society of Stocks or in American English, Corporation).  And, of course, it is also owned partially by the United Auto Workers, who can proudly say, "Many of our workers sometimes don't drink a whole lot of beer or smoke too many joints during their 3 hours lunch breaks....very often....sometimes.  And besides those guys only work on the engines and transmissions and the braking systems". 

Thanks for putting up with the jumble...but each day that goes by we have to know that we are arriving ever closer to the edge of the Earth.  We leave you in peace as we begin to find our calendars and life preservers.  A person never knows exactly right when they might come in really handy.
El Gringo Viejo

Tuesday 31 December 2013

The Buzzards Are Circling Ever Lower


    The buzzards are circling ever lower, bringing notions and ideas about which El Gringo Viejo can write.  Our dialogue may start again soon about the future of Texas now that a bit of normalcy is returning to the schedule.  We have had a large and pleasant contingent of visitors....all family of direct relation....and all complex and interesting people.  Ranking police officers and agents, executives, computer engineers, education professionals.  Their children were included, of course, mainly coming to do obeisance and recognition of the Matriarch of a small but terribly accomplished group of descendants.

     The folks are Latin with a large Anglo overlay, and they have a decidedly traditional bent and political drift that is decidedly to the right.  All of that is good, but there is the fact that those people used to constitute a good majority of the Latin population in Texas, but now they are outnumbered by the people who demand that provision must be made for their existence from the larder of others.
     Working where they work, and following the guidance of their method of being raised, El Gringo Viejo will assure any reader that their last concern in the world is about "immigration reform" and/or any form of legalisation for illegal aliens or any kind of accommodation that disregards the value and sacrifices of those people who complied with the law as immigrants.   In the case of these visiting family members who are my wife's blood relatives and their spouses...they are all colonials, save for the spouses.   The spouses are native Texians by many generations.

      One young mother, working in a public school environment at a fairly high level for her age, points out bluntly that 97% of the problems in the school stems from beings who are drawn from "families"  that are dissolute.   She pointed out that she had to deal with a mother who was just as profane, threatening, pushy, and illogical as her children.   She did say that she had had occasions when a grandmother would call to apologise for the incivilities committed by the mothers and the grandchildren every now and then.
     That is a sad situation, because it means that at one time a large part or the whole of the family was integral, and in two generations it had deteriorated to a cheap replica of Jersey Shores and the Jerry Springer Show meet Molly Cyrus and Lady Gargle.

     Any effort to try to reach my wife's "people", who are also my people,  as "Hispanic voters" will be mildly offensive at best.   These are that plurality who do not want central government "help", and they surely do not want to be lumped into a group that includes parasites as a group identifier.  We cannot win and then govern with "safety nets", "head starts", 2 year paid vacations for the slothful, and disability payments for the pseudo-infirmed.
     And as far as not hurting anyone's feelings in the Republican primaries, it would be difficult to surpass the dirty, foul things done by the Bush supporters and the Ford supporters before them in 1976 (when the Whigs won the GOP nomination) and 1980 (when the right wing crazies and 'issues' voters won the GOP nomination.   In 1976 Ford lost, running as a fair an reasonable guy...and also as an incumbent of sorts.   In 1980, Reagan won, running as a liberator and a restorer of great things lost and/or damaged by Carter and the ever increasing encroachment of government.   Reagan won in a landslide. And he did it again, four years later.

     Therefore, to avoid the syndrome of nominating useless "moderate" and "reasonable" and "reach across the aisle" candidates as was King George I in 1992, and Bob Dole in 1996, and John McCain in 2008, and George Romney in 2012 we must approach the GOP matter with arched backs and tails puffed up, and the wild look of a cat ready for battle.   Name a moderate as your Republican candidate for President, and it results in a a GOP disaster. 
     The reason King George the First won in 1988 is because he essentially postulated himself as "Reagan's Third Term".   For his re-election effort he was banking on having won a significant War against Saddam Hussein and had an economic situation that had begun to improve even with the return of many troops into a sluggish economic situation.  The campaign was  lacklustre, against a low-class shyster governor of Arkansas, and a lunatic billionaire who had made a lot of money by working for the central government, computerising the IRS, among other things.    King George I looked at his watch during the debate, was remembered not for defeating a tyrant who had invaded a weaker neighbour, but for breaking his "No New Taxes...Read my lips." pledge during his second acceptance speech at the GOP National Convention.   How's that reaching across the aisle stuff working out for you now, King George the First?

     This is not said in any really scornful way, but in sadness.  What good does it do to appease tyrants or bend to the will of Congressional Democrats who want to put someone else's money where their mouths are?  Each sees "being reasonable'' as weakness.   King George the Second gave geezers their "free pills" and was scorned by all...left and right.   He thought that he could buy the affection of the left and the understanding of the Right.   Twice wrong twice.
     With tyrants and Congressional Democrats, there is only one objective.  They want control, and that requires the destruction, perhaps total destruction, of the opponent,   While they are doing that, it is necessary among the leftists to always accuse the opponent of being guilty of doing something of which he is innocent, but also of which the accuser is purposefully guilty.    Spending in a profligate manner comes to well as trying to register non-existent and/or unqualified electors   and/or any other of a number of voters' rights violations while accusing the GOP of "voter intimidation".

It is time that Americans who desire to save and restore the Republic to be unyielding in their fervour.   Enjoy a Happy New Year's beginning with this view of a good Britannic and somewhat patriotic Scottish Statement....perhaps in the recognition of Scotland's separation and increasing autonomy from the United Kingdom on an amiable basis...perhaps even as a member of the Commonwealth.

Feliz An~o Nuevo! Let us redouble our effort in defence of liberty.
El Gringo Viejo