Sunday 7 August 2016

Sage Advice from El Zorro....who knows a little bit about firearms, one might say


    During these days of listening to useless dribble about guns, ammunition, safety, need for self-defence, 'the Australian Option', and the million different rationalisations about why guns kill people but pens do not misspell words, one finally just tires of it all.  We shan't argue or explain the point any longer.   We take our solace in the witty and / or wise things we pick up from around us.

    The following submission is one of those little smiles that make our task easier and immensely more pleasant.  To wit:

nuff sed!
El Gringo Viejo


Let's Hear Again, from the edge....the Mexican Credencial Electoral Federal


This is the level of encryption and processing hoops
the common Mexican National Voter's Registration 
Card has.   And every polling place now has a tie-in
 to the "Big Computer Bank" and every polling place
has a catalogue of register voters for that precinct
with pictures of each voter and other card information.

David Christian Newton writes on his Facebook:

     We have considerable concurrence and agreement on this end. We would suggest, however, that the interference by computer manipulation, as claimed by the South American fellow who recently made quite a dust-up in the international press, by saying that he does it as a profession for American and Mexican politicians, as well as others, is very improbable, in my opinion.  
     Also, since the measures now in force in terms of voter qualification have been implemented, it is noticeably more difficult to determine who will win a given election at any level in Mexico. We wish to point out as well that it is the Democrats and the Left of the American political panoply who suggest that the "Mexicans'", and Black folks, and left-handed Eskimos (Inuits, I know)  are too stupid and lazy to register to vote. It is "too complicated" for "minorities" according to them. Such an observation is a very telling point about the "Left" in America and its opinion of the "minority intellect".
     Were anyone on the Right Wing of the political spectrum, or in the Republican Elephant Corral, to suggest such a thing, that person would be well on the way to the Political Purgatory for several million years, yesterday.

     In Mexico, approximately 88% of the qualified electorate is registered to vote. In Mexico, no-one goes around hand-walking "registration applications" to the County Elections Registrar. What one sees, as do I in my dwelling among the Mexican populace on a prolonged and frequent basis, are long lines of people waiting with stoic looks, as the line moves steadily, if slowly, along, at numerous stations of the Comision Nacional Electoral that are established throughout the Republic.   Sometimes, towards end-of-registration-time, the lines wrap around a block two or three times.
     It is amazing how such offices flourish early each year. The Credential Electoral Federal that is issued to each potential voter is built up on the basis, first and foremost, on the photograph of the elector, taken at the CMN's intake facility. When all is said and done, there are 13 qualifiers that establish, very soundly, who the carrier of this card is and where that person lives, and where that person must vote, if he/she wishes to have influence in the coming elections.
     That is not the amazing part. During the election process, where the Dry Law is in effect, in some States for three days (stock up early), the elector goes to his / her casilla (precinct) to vote, and in that location there is a voluminous catalogue that holds the names, residence, picture, voter's identifying registration number, and other vital information concerning the elector who stands in front of the qualifying officer.
     The qualifying officer is supervised by a committee of observers, normally composed of one representative from each party with a horse in the race. That same committee will also count each vote that was casted, one by one, and each of the political parties' observers must sign his / her accordance with the count of the casilla (precinct).
     The document, above-pictured, is so important to a Mexican of any class, race, age, or condition, that it is favoured over even the official Mexican Passport or American Laser-Visa ( both very respected and readily validated on both sides of the Rio Grande/Bravo).  The Laser Visa is the somewhat costly American computerized bio-accurate entry visa for Mexicans who make many or several crossings on an annual basis.
     So, once again, whenever this comes up, I laugh and howl at the Pueblo Unido en Contra de Todo y El Maltreat Intencional de La Raza Capitalista Fascista y Opresiva blah, blah, blah....who actually think they are fooling somebody when they moan about "restrictions'' on voter registration. Just the day before yesterday, North Carolina released the number of people they had registered and on their polling lists (which of course have no picture of the elector) who were over the age of 110: the number? 2,100 and some odd. Others with names such as Pluto Dogg, Daisy Duque, Flash Gordon came up to about five times that number....also with no photographic reference point, because that would inhibit the registration of minorities, extraterrestrials, and victims.
     We would also point out that during the past presidential General Elections, of the several hundred precincts that voted over 100% of the registration of those relevant precincts, 97% were in "inner city" precincts. We publish on our blog ( with some frequency, details about the Credecial Electoral Federal de Mexico, and, of course, very few people believe me.   But the problem is theirs, not mine.  I live it, see it, believe it, and have seen the direct and indirect impact it has had.
     One additional note:   While Mexico is better off with a national registration, I still feel that the United States would be better served with States - by - State registration.

To end:   Jorge Ramos and Barry Soetoro condemn me because I say that NO aliens, not just illegal aliens, should be allowed the franchise in local, regional, State, or central government elections anywhere in the United States.  I say this, while simultaneously complying with the Mexican law in Mexico which, by Constitutional Provision, forbids foreign citizens from participating in any election in any manner including passive campaign support, under penalty of deportation and permanent expulsion from revisitation to Tierra Sanctus Mexicanus.
El Gringo Viejo

Flash Mob: The U.S. Air Force Band at the Smithsonian


     We thought that playing this kind of music in uniform was some form of treason.  Separation of Church and State, etc.  Is Nancy Pelosi going to do something about this?   Where is the Democrat Party that "Boo'd God" in their past two national conventions?   What is this world coming to?  Does anybody recycle any more?  Just where have all the flowers gone?

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Stop the Madness....


     Brits come here, Japanese come here, Mexicans come here, Jews comes here, Italians come here.   Even people from some country called Europe come here.   Judging by overnight radio, even people from other galaxies and solar systems come here.  They come here because our construct of culture and governance is more suited to the kind of lives productive and profit oriented people who also have souls wish to live.
     It used to be that the above named and many others came here with the the above-stated objectives in mind.  Now, however, we have changed.   We used to attract bees with the honey of God-given, illuminated paths to prosperity, righteousness, fraternity with the prisoners, the infirmed, and those who have had a bad spate of it.    Now we attract, along with the ever-lessening number of bees searching places to make honey, an ever increasing number of flies who come for the purpose of establishing garbage heaps similar to what they abandoned, so as to live at the expense of the host forever....because they have been wronged, they have been made tired, they have made "bad life decisions",  American capitalist imperialism forced them to work at places where they made 10 to 20 times more than what people normally made in their homelands.
     They come for AFDC instead of fighting in some way to better their truly beautiful homelands.  Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador....these are places that were, and could be again, beyond Hawai'i.  
     They are endowed with a massive resources / population ratio with which  few countries have blessed. Gold, bananas, ocean fish and mollusks, tourism, heavy agriculture, assembly industry.   Mexico has just recently entered into that environment where aesthetics, production, social order, middle - classism, respect for the true culture, and society with open doors to fall through and to rise past.  And yes I know of Mexico's problems intimately, but I choose to relate it to something larger than my brief moment upon this earth.   Mexico of 400 to 30 years ago ceased to exist.  Even with all her problems the Republic of Mexico is well on the road to reality.

     We include this rant from one of my lesser moments in Facebookworld.  To wit:    

David Christian Newton wrote, somewhat in anger, somewhat in humour:

Sally Hemmings
    The slaves who worked on the building of the  White House were people of high degree and training and trustworthiness. Many were manumitted due to their industry and talent. It was a different time.
     George Washington was thought to be a liberal because he implemented and also argued actively for prohibition of the stupid practice of selling slaves apart from family. It was a ridiculous and counterproductive practice for all concerned, which, lamentably was practiced by nearly all Negro slaveholders, and perhaps a majority of stupid Caucasians.
    Nothing could be worse for the morale of the people. It was strictly a self-defeating stupidity. And yes, Virginia, many Negroes owned Negro slaves....and the fourth largest holder and the tenth largest holder of Negro slaves in the antebellum South were Negroes. There is so much so badly interpreted and so much measured by measuring sticks that did not exist during those times....Verily, How much easier it is to play last Sunday's football game on Monday morning.
    It is rather much like the Sally Hemings thing. Both sides who uselessly argue this matter; Be there A POX upon you and your houses!! Negro and Caucasian both!!
Thomas Jefferson
By Charles Willson Peale - Extracted from Keeping
 the Seal in Good Hands poster, part of a U.S. Diplomacy
 (State Department) exhibition  225th anniversary of
 the Great
Seal. Direct PDF URL [1] (24MB)Courtesy of
 the Diplomatic
 Reception Rooms, U.S. Department of State.,
 Public Domain
     The truth of the story is that Thomas Jefferson lost his wife to the Hand of Death. He went into a steadily worsening depression. It was apparent that this genius and astounding political and scientific and agricultural thinker would depress himself into the path of his departed wife.
     Hemings was a Negress of the Mulatto grouping, that being a woman of at least two races of ancestry. She was what was referred to as High Yellow, or Quadroon.....and like some...many of such women, were noted for profound beauty and exceptionally high intelligence. She was definitively and famously one of those.
     She was inherited and owned by Thomas Jefferson, and grew to be the governess not only of the house but also became the maternal figure in the life of Jefferson's beloved daughter...the twin of this wife. Hemings and Jefferson's daughter bonded in the mystical sorority that women can have.     
     Hemings was also in love with Jefferson and wedged her way past social convention at the time....utilising her astounding brain and comeliness. When Jefferson's daughter travelled to England and Spain during a learning and finishing process, her chaperone and mistress was Sally Hemings.
     Sally Hemings committed no adultery, no more than Ruth of the Bible. Nor did Thomas Jefferson. Their bonding saved and made two truly fine and  worthwhile Lives of Greatness. Sally Hemings should be put on the same level, or even higher, as Martha Custis Washington and Betsy Ross, etc. She saved Jefferson's life and gained freeman's manumitted status for her babies....a biography of the Hemming descendants reveals solidly good citizens....and it is a worthy story worthy of all men/women to be received and studied. It is a clumsy yet noble and positive story of Americana and the Southern manner of obsolete, romantic, noblesse on both sides, almost always thrown under the train by Progressives and their ignorant followers.

So there.
El Gringo Viejo

Sunday 31 July 2016

It swirls around us, like a poisoned gas, and cannot be escaped......


We awaken around 04:00 hours most mornings;  sometimes a bit earlier, sometimes a bit later.  This morning it was slightly later.  The morning chores and maneuvers include making a complex type of coffee with honey, cinnamon, whole milk, and at times ginger.   Whether in Texas or Mexico one must always feed the cats who are waiting at the first sign of life within the hearth-stead.  In Mexico that means dogs as well, but for now, we are positioned in what is becoming the shambles of what had been the greatest nation on Planet Earth.

We tune in a bit early for the Trump News (Fox and Friends - Weekend), thankful that we have a remote control whose volume button can reduce the volume of news blather and the offensive advertisements to zed.  After catching up a bit on the comics that went to sleep on my chest shortly before the midnight hour, I tune up the blather.

Upon hearing the new Trumpisms, even I, ever so accustomed to the ever-subjective "Donald", almost spill the coffee and stain my comics page.   It turns out that after being castigated by some poor Muslim man who had suffered the loss of his son in Iraq, Donald decided to take the bait and make an ass of himself (apologies to the Donkey-American community).

A person with any class at all would, of course, respond only with sympathy for the parents of the boy, a captain in the Army's infantry, who obviously sacrificed himself so that others under his command could continue in this life.  The parents resented Trump's resistance to Muslim immigration or something, and they were still (and forever will be) grieving about the loss of their son.

But Trump went out of his way to say obfuscative and pointless things about the father who had been very pointed in his remarks.  Trump also observed that the mother, who was present at the lectern of the Democrat National Convention, said nothing, and suggested that she was probably prohibited by her husband or her religion from speaking.   At each turn in his painful, self-oriented soliloquy he revealed his trademark egotism:   he explained his position from the point-of-view of a narcissist...that the matter was important because it was about him.   He could not say, "We must first consider the reasonable grief that the couple has, as would any parents at the loss of a child.   I will comment no further, and certainly not deny them any feeling the have about me.  End of statement."  That would have been, as it is said, Presidential.

But, Trump was, is, and apparently will remain, the overstating egomaniac, full of bluster and threatening of posture...thinking about his persona instead of the big picture.  He is exceeded only by (Sir Edmund) Hillary's cackling and shrieking about how she is going to give this group that, and that group this.  I mean, after all, is it not time that working women have "free" child care??After all, Miss Sandra Fluke with a law degree from Georgetown University needed to have 3,000 Yankee dollars worth of condoms per years provided "free" by Nancy Pelosi and the Central Government.  It really did seem like a small price to pay, especially if the rich would finally pay their fair share of taxes.   After all the top 10% only pay 90% of the taxes:  does that seem fair? They can always pay more.  

The lunacy of the left knows no bounds.   And as a matter of fact, there should be no income tax of any kind, in that it simply give the Central Government the ability to monitor every move a citizens makes and every breathe he/she takes.

We return to the axiomatic truth.  If somebody requires that something be purchased, subsequent inducements by the seller to the buyer are no "free".   One can say , "At no extra charge".   Or it can be stated, "Included in the price of purchase is a wobdoddle of the colour of your choice."   When politicians wave their hands and declare, "The minimum wage will be 15.00 USD / hour, how do they arrive at that point?   Why not, if their science is so pure and calculations so accurate, such as Global warming, cooling, changing, etc.  Why not 15.32 USD / hour?

Why not 22.22 USD?  Actually, the 22.22 USD figure is what it costs an employer to pay a full time employee a nominal 15.00 per hour.   The dolts who think they should be paid 15.00 hour because the government says so, as well as a great bulk of the American population, are unaware of what the actual cost of labour is, once "employer's contributions" are figured in, along with, where possible, retirement and health care benefits.   Even when the employee is "splitting" the cost with the employer, the fact is that the employer is paying all of the cost of the employment and the employee is earning all of the share of the cost.   That one truth is almost never considered by the Dolt Community and the everyone-is-picking-on-me Community.

Courtesy of Charliecatnip
 master c
at portraiture

If these comments hurt peoples' feelings, sorry, but reality is real. Another reality that is all too real is that every government fix is designed to correct a problem that most frequently was caused by that same  government.  And, as before, every fix of the previous problem, of, by, and for the central government will lead to ever increasing programming by "specialists" and "experts".The proposals rendered by the wise men and wise persons will always be another form of midnight basketball for the numerous double reverse, re-transgendered, left-handed, Eskimos and heterochromatic-eyed cats.

Trump, for so long as he considers that Donald Trump is the issue and not America, only reveals by his conceit that his ill-defined platforms are simply variations of "Hope and Change" meant to assuage the dolt-community and dullard-community.  He is only very slightly better than (Sir Edmund) Hillary and her Song of the Gulag aimed at those who want anybody else to pay for their comfort and supposed wants and needs.

So far we are caught between Juan Peron and some feminine form of Uncle Joe Stalin. Each of the two major party candidates is worse than the other.  Nothing good can come from her, and very little seems possible from him save soap opera-like reality show episodes for four years.  We do not trust him, frankly, to appoint Constitutionalist Constructionists to the bench of any federal court system, much less the Supreme Court.  Both candidates are laden with the possibility of an avalanche of felony criminal charges and / or civil suits that lurk in the near shadows even as we type here.

Making matters worse:

The fancy saloons of Georgetown and Manhattan are abuzz with theories about the recent murders of two Democrat party operatives / employees who were murdered while out walking, and who had been thought to be co-operating with an FBI investigation involving (Sir Edmund) Hillary.   This is actually new, old stuff.   Massive efforts are being employed by the Obsolete Press, and even FOXNews, to keep the stories removed from public view.   Just enter something like "suspicious murders - Democrat National Committee and United Nations".   This follows, by a few days, the peculiar death of a UN slug who had been called to testify, who wound up with a barbell bar crushing his throat in the UN exercise room.   Purely happenstantial.....????

We shall look under the bed and through all the closets, then turn in until to-morrow's coffee and kitty routine.

El Gringo Viejo


Thursday 28 July 2016

Newly discovered video of the "Gentle Giant" Mike Brown!

     This is the Gentle Giant of Ferguson.   The Left and the Obsolete Press had this since the beginning.  They preferred to allow Ferguson, Missouri to burn than to print the truth.  We know now why the six who bore witness, as Black Men, deserve medals for heroism.   We now know why the Grand Jury deserves medals  for common decency and heroism.

     This is the cultural construct when paternity is replaced by a distant Uncle Sam who always has free money and no judgment or guidance drawn from scripture to bring progeny up in the ways of the righteous.    Planned Parenthood's mission to eliminate the Black Race by "birth control" did  not work, so now they try to eliminate the Race by an incomprehensible killing-field rate of slaughter in the inner cities throughout the United States.

   And while this continues, guns are blamed for the cultural rot and violence found in almost every middle sized and large American city.  The fact is that liberals, progressives, marxists, and various other anti-American philosophies tear down the moral fibre and traditions of this Republic.  And with that degradation of standards and conduct, violence and disrespect of the law and the people of the land abounds.  

     With each turn of the screw our American civilisation is further degraded.  When someone says, "The Government ought to do something about this!" remind that idiot that the mess appearing on your screen was brought to reality by the central government of the United States of America.
It was thought by some to be in the interest of "helping" people.  But the fact is, and always has been that the programmes aimed at "helping" people were actually meant to enslave them as proles dependent upon the Central government, and forever obliged to vote for more of someone else's money.   Remember that one of the better definitions of a leftist is that he is someone who is more than willing to put someone else's money where his mouth is.

El Gringo Viejo