Friday 10 October 2014

Possibly Silly, but it is important to us....and You are part of us

The Hacienda de La Vega has
its sign, about 30 feet away
also outside the gate.  So
perhaps the children can
resist the temptation  to
practice their slingshot
proweress, aftere all.
Alvaro has already installed
the sign, although I wanted
it inside the gates.  But, it
looks fine there.  If need
we can change it later.
    We hate to belabour the signage and so forth, but it has been one of those things that lurked around in the back of our minds for a good long while.  Now that it is done, it causes a sensation similar to that a child feels late on the night of the 24th of December.  I have not had the opportunity to see it "in person", and that will have to wait until  after my absentee ballot is cast on the 20th of October....straight Republican.  This will make over forty-two years of having never cast a vote in a partisan election that was not Republican.  It becomes increasingly difficult, due to the fact that so much of our party is made up of people who want to be "reasonable" and who want to work in a "bi-partisan manner", and who want to "fix" the Obama Socialised Medicine Initiative (OSMI).   That lemming-like "reasonability" has all but destroyed the Republic.
   One cannot compromise with liars and prevaricators.   It is impossible  to deal honestly with people who can even fathom saying in public, something like, "We have to vote for it in order to find out what's inside of it." or one of the best of all time, "....and if you want to keep your can keep your doctor....and if you want to keep your can keep your plan.....period."

     And how, pray thee, can someone fathom the utter moral depravity of a president who values his people based upon the following formula:   one deserter who is pro-Islamic jihad, a collaborator, a traitor in the truest sense, for five battle-hardened, murderous, religious psychotics.   And he even lied about that...saying that the trade was a matter of urgency because the "soldier" was "critically ill".  A complete examination at the Army hospital in Germany showed no serious injuries or maladies.
   Or a president who trades Mubarak for the Muslim Brotherhood?   Or who can say, "....there is not one smidgen of corruption...." concerning what is obviously one of the very worst cases of corruption involving collusion for arbitrary and illegal political harassment in the history of the Internal Revenue Service? 

     More later.  We just wanted to show off the sign's placement.  We have been advised that the Sargento Mayor did plumb it up straight before he anchored the sign-post.  That is in keeping with Alvaro's normal work habits.
 El Gringo Viejo

Thursday 9 October 2014

To Riot and Loot or Not to Riot and Loot....that is the question for Valerie Jarrett

     The National Socialist Democrat Labour Party has a well-established hegemony on shrewery ....what with (Sir Edmund) Hillary, Nancy Pelosi, Michelle Robinson de Obama Soetoro Onyando, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee and several hundred other Margaret Sanger look-alikes on their team.   Almost all have competed successfully in the 125 metre 5 pound crystal ashtray throw, and each has been awarded the coveted Planned Parenthood Golden Coathanger Award.   So now we watch inside the White House at the comings and goings of Puppeteer No. I .

     Valerie Jarrett, said to be hobnobbing with Ahmad Rashad, is weighing the pro's and con's about whether to beat the jungle drums and sound the dog-whistles to Missouri during the final two weeks of this campaign cycle.  Mrs. Jarrett, who is only once divorced, and Mr. Rashad (aka: Robert {Bobby} Earl Moore) who is only four times divorced are both mega-millionaires by their own efforts and positioning.   These snide observations have no real bearing on anything save to point out that the "gated community" Negroes of the Left seem to love to attend the 50th Birthday Bash of Michelle Robinson while they figure the angles on how, when, and where to make cannon-fodder happen for other hapless members of the Black race.

Valerie Jarrett Gunny

To the workaday American, Devil
To the standard-issue marxist, Angel


     It is our opinion that Marse Valerie is debating in her own mind and consulting closely with that great philanthropic communications think-tank, The Annenberg Foundation, about whether or not to unleash the riots, killing, burning, and flash-mobs full-scale in Saint Louis and Ferguson.  They are trying to answer this question:   Is it possible to gain one vote more for a drooling Democrat Senator's election on November 4th, attempting to unleash a 109% black voter turnout nationwide by ordering riots and chaos....or would such an order lose votes among the insipid and hated white cohort of the electorate to such an extent as to be counterproductive?
     Eric Holder has 20 "civil rights attorneys" in the Ferguson area at this time who have almost certainly made all the necessary contacts with the thug element that arrived from Chicago.  These various gangs and unions from Chicago and gaggles of Occupy Wall Street nihilist / marxists are awaiting their marching orders as the hours go by.   Last night, another attack upon a police officer, with three shots fired at said officer, resulted in the shooter's sudden demise.
     The police officer involved in the Saint Louis shooting returned fire and killed a young, black male who was fleeing from apprehension, but who then turned and began to scuffle.  Three shots.  Bang, bang, bang.  In the preceding scuffle, the boy lost his ''uniform" hoodie that had been covering up the pistol in his waistband.   The youngster withdrew from the scuffle and drew and fired.

The crowd became very unruly.  There were firearms discharges in the near distance, and police vans and cruisers were kicked and stoned.   However, there were black witnesses who volunteered to
 authorities that the officer fired a lot of shots,
 but he was shot at first.

    The officer was outnumbered three to one, once again in the dark, and almost immediately there descended upon the scene several hundred unreasonable threateners, the likes of which have repeatedly shown that they are capable of all forms of illegal excesses when offended by real or imagined grievance.

     The days shall transpire that the truth shall be delivered.  If the losses in the Senate are unavoidable, Marse Valerie will deign to order Barry to simply rule by throne and sceptre.   The reasoning?   The wheels of justice are so slow that at the very least Barry can gum up immigration, grind the military into the dirt by degrading existing assets, and establish a labyrinth around the Obama Socialised Medicine Initiative  (OSMI) so muddled that Democrats and lawyers will be able to collapse both the OSMI and the standard medical system it was designed to replace.   The medical system will take 10 years to recover from this hideous attempt to enslave America into a Soylent Green, Cuban veterinarian scheme.
     Valerie's Wikipedia states that her family "moved" from Iran to London, and then later to Chicago.   The reason that her family moved when Valerie was 5 years old is because the Shah of Iran expelled her communist parents.  Her parents, the Bowmans, had been in Iran for some time, as communist missionaries, trying to show the Persians the wonders of community agriculture (collective Bolshevik farming aka:  Look at rusty tractor with 200 vodka bottles under it).   The Bowmans worked  their way through leftist contacts to Chicago where they were taken under the wing of Valerie's soon to be father-in-law, a noted pinko multi-millionaire.
     Valerie took advantage of a brief moment when she might have been attractive (something a lot of women named (Sir Edmund) never enjoyed) and married the marxist son of said multi-millionaire, and from thence began her round of appointments to major commissions, boards, and agencies in the rarefied socio-political airs of the Daley Chicago Theatre.  All she knows is Marxism, crookedness, elitism, and impunity.  Typical Bolshevik cum National Socialist.

Hey! Barry...Hey! Valerie....Hey! Obsolete Media

The Cost of Losing a War That Was Already Won
Thanks, Barry.  Explain to these fellows about
Hope and Change.

     We are stunned that people so vile, so anti-American, so mendacious, Machiavellian, so easy-to-read as poseurs and pretenders....can strut around with their three-block long convoys of  SUVs from fund-raiser to entertain and hob-nob with those who can actually see the fine raiment of the Royal deceiver.  We are stunned when it can be done while Syria, Iraq, and all manner of order is being consumed by Satanic forces.
    The one obvious question is, "How can anyone look at a scene like this and still believe in the notion of central government involvement in the solution to poverty?   How can anyone with any synapses firing at all inside of what passes for a brain not see that AFDC, Section 8, food stamps, Head Start, Unemployment compensation, WIC, lotteries, SSI, Medicaid and the hundreds of other of "safety nets" established by the vote buyers kills the human spirit....and re-imposes slavery among all those who participate.

Captured: The Ruins of Detroit
United Artists Theatre -  Detroit
 Taken care of by "equality"and shovel-
ready whatever

 America's young...after singing
 "Obama, My Mama"
the New National Anthem


     And now, ladies and gentlemen OROGs, we leave you with a celestial wish, not a prayer, because I genuinely do not wish to bother the Great Orderer of the Cosmos with curing the sins and omissions  we have brought upon ourselves.  I will plead that said Superior Force in and of the Universe take note of our misery, lamentations, and confession of iniquity.

   Thank all OROGs, both newcomers and the faithful,  for the time and interest invested from your lives into mine.  We shall be in touch again later to-day.
El Gringo Viejo

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Our new sign

     After a number of years, we finally came up with  enough energy to find somebody else to do all the work.   We had always wanted a somewhat official looking sign that would note where the hapless traveller had arrived.  It was thought anyone that lost would appreciate at least knowing the name of the place that he/she did not know where it is.   As we pointed out on our facebook, the lettering is reminiscent of the letra cervantina common in Spain during the 1500s.  It is entirely appropriate for a place built in the style of the Quinta.   We were very pleased with the effort of the artiste.
     During the day to-day, I am sure that Alvaro and perhaps even Mr. Salazar our neighbour will be putting the sign onto either a wooden or metal pole, somewhere that will protect it from the slingshots and children throwing rocks.   I am sure that they will find an appropriate place and standard. 
El Gringo Viejo

Tuesday 7 October 2014

It couldn't have been done better if they had meant to do it......


     The fact is that the on-the-ground fiasco taking place in the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levantra bespeaks of an intentional slow walk to establish a stronghold for madmen as close to Israel, Jordan, and Lebanon as possible.
     El Gringo Viejo sincerely believes that everything unfolding before us at these moments is intended.  It is Obama's fondest hope to allow the success of American Armed Forces in Iraq to be left in smouldering ruins so that the chain can remain unbroken, so to speak.  Americans win the wars and the Democrat Left comes in and squanders the victory and loses the war, ex post facto.  
    It is a dream come true for the likes of Chief Helmsman Valerie Jarrett and all the Jew-haters that compose the leadership of the Democrat National Socialist Party.   Before Obama leaves office there will be an almost completely surrounded group of reasonable middle eastern countries that will be forever and on a daily basis menaced by the likes of the thugs and murderers of this new Islamic force.   Just think of it! Jews and countries that still have Christian churches that people actually enter to worship....with 8th Century Islam literally at their throats, day in - night out.  What could please a bunch of neo-Bolshevik, neo-National Socialist, America-hating, Jew-hating aging hippies and Occupy Wall Street gaggle more?
Tanks of Turkish Armed Forces are seen on the hills at the Turkey - Syria borderline in the Suruc district of Sanliurfa Turkey, as the clashes between the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and Kurdish armed groups continue in Kobani
     The only hope for the Israelis  and other afflicted countries will be to make an accord with Assad, keep friendly, open relations with the Egyptians, rely upon the people in Gaza to continue to consume themselves in their own bile, and to keep the present open or secret relations with the Emirates and Saudi Arabia as conditions might require.  Should (Sir Edmund) Hillary be elected president in 2016. the anti-Jew regimen will change only slightly.   It will mean that  the talons of the American Eagle will still have to be content with clutching sloth and incompetence, in lieu of the traditional lightning bolts and olive branches.  The insistence upon dismantling traditional America will continue unabated as well.

More than a bit disgusted.
El Gringo Viejo


Turkish tanks are silhouetted against the orange sky near the Turkey-Syria border after mortar shells hit Turkish territory in Suruc district, near Sanliurfa


Turkish tanks are silhouetted against the orange sky near the Turkey-Syria border after mortar shells hit Turkish territory in Suruc district, near Sanliurfa
Add caption

Turkish tanks stationary on the Syrian Border


Monday 6 October 2014

Frieden and Obama Meet To-day: Problem solved

          We were pleased to note the announcement by the head of the Centres for Disease Control and Research during his appearance on Fox & Friends this morning he had would be meeting with Barry Obama to-day.   We submit a video-copy of the interview so as to allow the OROG to note the scope of deflection, weasel-wording, attempted deception, and condescending posturing by Tom Frieden as he labyrinthed his was through the interview.  The following Youtube video is a bit crass, but it is a true duplication of the interview of the Weasel of the Day.


      Somehow, it is supposed to be reassuring to the public that two nincompoops are getting together to fix something that they both are actively rending asunder.   The notion that the United States does not have an active no-entry policy for anyone originating from the Ebola-afflicted regions is staggeringly astounding.   Were the United States to have an outbreak of smallpox in Wyoming, every airport in the world, from Tokyo to Budapest, would start going into shutdown mode for flights arriving from the United States.
     There would then begin a period of a week, at least, to work through a protocol for renewing arrivals.  It would be complex and it would involve a huge vaccination programme, where such vaccines might still be available.   A pandemic health risk of the potential size of a smallpox or Ebola outbreak would be devastating to any country.   Once the infectious agents "get loose" the geometric infection rate can outstrip any tactic or strategy to limit the extension of said infection.  Once it happens, it must exhaust itself like the bubonic plaque, or measles, or the Asian/Spanish influenza.   Each attempt to "catch up" will meet the agony of defeat.   The further problem with this case is that the mortality rate of this particular contamination is about 70 per cent.
     Were a Republican to be President at this time and doing the same thing as Obama and Frieden are doing now, the Obsolete Media would have already been making statements like, ''There aren't enough body bags to distribute for this Bush Katrina disaster".   Harry Reid would trundle to the microphone with 57 dolts in white lab-coats behind him to declare, "All the D-9 Caterpillars, back-hoes, front-end loaders, and dump-trucks in the world won't be enough  to dig, deliver, and bury all the bodies in all the common graves fast enough to keep up with this Republican-Koch Brothers disaster."
     During the interview this morning Frieden clumsily avoided answering question after question, essentially answering questions that he was asking himself inside of his own mind.  It was as if the interview had been spliced from two different interviews for most of the episode.   Every effort was made to pin the doctor down, but he simply refused to address the concerns expressed through question by the morning team at Fox and Friends.
     Then, Georgie Stephanopoulos has a programme that is only watched by about 300,000 people.   Ninety per cent of the audience is derived of people found within a twenty-five mile radius of Washington, D.C. , along the wilderness trail connecting and including New York City and Philadelphia, and the isolated outposts of Austin, Texas and the Wilderness Area of the Oakland - San Francisco National Psychiatric Preserve.
     The programme this past Sunday (can we still say 'Sunday'?) was devoted to "How can we say things that will fool the people at this late hour into voting for fellow marxists and crooks so as to keep Father Obamaham on the throne, ruling with his pen and telephone sceptres?  How can we keep the Senate as the harem of the American political system with Harry Reid as the harem master eunuch?"
     The great America patriot, communist, ex-con, one-time White House Czar for Green Energy Van Jones gave a sincere piece of advice concerning how to change the tide by declaring that the secret was Obamacare.   He opined, in the classic full-lie marxist mode, something very much to the effect that the people need to be reminded that 8,000,000 people have free medical now because of Father Obamaham.   Of course the number of ''new enrolees" cited by the obomatrons as having been newly registered has been  whittled down by analysis of the facts to a number much closer to 4,500,000 of whom the vast majority already had insurance with which they were largely satisfied but could not keep because it had been sabotaged by the Obama Socialised Medicine Initiative.
     But good ole' Van, being a Valerie Jarrett endorsed, full-blown, real-live communist could not help but to throw in one more big whopper as is common for those of his persuasion.   He was one of a panel that Georgie, the lackey - press secretary of the hideous Clinton Administration, pulled together....that panel looking very much like a rented clutch of Irish women hired to wail at the wake.

     El Gringo Viejo is not at all certain that this coming election is a "slam dunk".    We have to overcome provisional ballots, illegal registrations, multiple registrations, judges allowing mid-night voting on the day of election and carpet bombing efforts of vote-buying that all have become the Hallmark of the Democrat National Socialist Workers' Party.
Thank you all for your time and patience.
El Gringo Viejo

Sunday 5 October 2014

Head of the Centres for Disease Control and Research Is Deluded, Dangerous, and Dead Wrong

     The certainty of the present regime in Washington, D.C. that they can say whatever they wish and make it true grates on the nerves and sensibilities of those still capable of critical thinking.  The notion that some poobah from the CDC can actually come before the citizenry and say that prohibiting entry into the United States of people who are from Ebola-friendly entities and areas will not protect the Gringos from Ebola is so amazingly stupid that it leaves this listener stunned and furious.
     A contributor to The Hill screed sums up what 99% of the all participants said in many different ways, "A travel ban could make Ebola outbreak worse." Here is the perfect summary of the Obama Administration in one single phrase. Apply this stupid and dangerous logic to Obama's entire term: quick phrase-lies that ruin everything. "The border has never been more secure." "You can keep your doctor. Period." "Illegal aliens won't get Obamacare." "Common Core will raise standards." In fact the ONLY thing Obama has ever said that was not a lie is "We will fundamentally transform America." You got that right... into a disease-ridden, Muslim-beheading, flash-mob, unemployed third-world TOILET."
   Obama has most certainly followed Valerie Jarrett's instructions to a "T" in the sense that every move made by this regime, and every step taken by this regime has been calculated to forward the  agenda of human oppression, Marxism, dissolution of the American Republic, and racial confrontation.  The neutering of the United States Senate by environmental marxist elements and the imposition of foreign and hostile philosophies has moved us now to the point that not only are our grandchildren enslaved to a debt greater than normal people can reasonably comprehend, but now we face the possibility that there will be no grandchildren to pay any debt. 
Dr. Frieden
Tom Frieden
Director - CDC
Fool, cad, and
   The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention have played this game out perfectly so as to have a wave of viral infections invade us from the south and a wave of viral infections invade us from the east.   They have their hidey holes all laid out, while the rest of common, normal America must wait in line now at the hospital while verminous waves of humanised weaponry overload a medical situation already in the scrap-yard due to Obama's Socialised Medicine Initiative.
     Tom Frieden's blatant illogic during his attempt to explain to what he thinks is a nation of low information and low intelligence dolts is so stunning that it calls for his imprisonment if we can ever take back the proper processes of governmental operations.  To think that almost every non-Ebola black African, Arab, and many other countries such as France and Great Britain have taken extreme and profound steps to deny entry to people from Ebola afflicted zones, regions, and countries.  Yet somehow, such a logical step taken the name of morally and legally correct self-interest of any nation is essentially ridiculed by the very person who pretends to be some kind of national health caretaker.  What madness!

El Gringo Viejo