Wednesday 16 July 2014

But I really do care about Mexicans and Latin Americans!

    Father Obamaham assures the "Hispanic" community that he really, really, really does "care" about the "Hispanic" community, because, you know he really, really, really cares about them.   He cares a lot more than Romney who has Mexican cousins.  He cares a lot more than any Republican or Conservative because he vacations on Martha's Vineyard, just so he can hob-nob with "Hispanics".   Here is the postcard he leaves with the "Hispanics" to show just how much he willing to get to the bottom of Fast and Furious, if only the Republicans in Congress would allow him.
House sues Obama, Holder to force handover of Fast and Furious docs:
The people pictured could well have been just a couple sitting in a diner when two cartel gangs decided to settle their differences over their table.  Thanks, Obama.   Your ATF and E's efforts to frame legal gun stores and legal gun owners backfired, and you didn't....Eric Holder didn't....even care enough to tell the truth about your bloody hands and souls.   Forgot about the souls part....sorry....I remember now that you are both marxists who do not believe in such silliness.
I hope you join (Sir Edmund) Hillary in the nightly amble around the gardens rubbing your hands to see if you can remove the spots.
El Gringo Viejo

Remember: There is a War, they want to kill your children, they want to kill America


     Folks, we really must understand that this is very serious.  Send this around. Think. Tell your friends without embarrassment.  Remember, we already have "Immigration Reform" as provided by the central government.  It does not, and did not work.   Why?   Because it is operated by people who consider themselves exempt, above, and unfettered by any law or regulation.  This includes the government administrators and the "beneficiaries". 
     There are many contradictions and absurdities going on during the present day, brought to us by the lunacy of the last Amnesty and the current "immigration reform".
     (1)   There is and was already a guest worker programme.  It worked and continues to work, in spite of everything.  It simply needs a bit of very minor tweaking at this point.
    (2)   The great bulk of the people coming over at these moments are not looking for the American Dream.   They are looking for the Auntie Zietuni Retirement Programme that recruited those great "opportunities" represented by Obama's auntie and uncle Omar Onyango Obama.
    (3)    The people coming over right now are heeding the Fundamental Transformation call for parasites who will willingly latch on to the system of complete public assistance.   THESE ARE NOT THE MEXICANS OF THE 1930s -  1960s who either came and went under the Bracero and Temporary Worker programme, or who came, converted to resident, then citizen, had families, went to war, set up businesses, developed high-level blue-collar skills, became doctors, nurses, teachers.   They are not the Spanish/Mexican colonial people who have always been here in Texas and in many ways bent the Texian Culture into a decidedly Latin-influenced sub-set of the American and Southern Culture.
     (4)     We are dealing with the compounding of the menace of the anchorbabymother, a particular form of parasitic beast who latches on to her residency by means of her willingness to "single mom" her way onto the complex of AFDC, special needs Medicaid, Medicaid, food stamps, Section 8, and various other programmes that require her to lounge around in her muumuu while watching telenovelas all day.
  One of her main characteristics is the habit of laying her
eggs in the nests of other birds, thereby foisting off her
parental duties on other unsuspecting saps who
dutifully feed her children and care for them.
    This is what we are seeing coming across at this time.    When all this hoop-la is over, these factories...will still be with us, because many of them are  pregnant even as they are coming over.  Most have done this in cold blood, because they were taught by "someone" that once a baby comes out over Terra Sanctus Americanus, the baby is a Gringo and cannot be deported.
     This is an insult to every Mexican and foreigner who ever went through the true naturalisation process.   I do not apologise for pointing out once again that the Mexicans of "before" were, in their 90%, dull and boring and solid people....good Americans.   They took 40 and gave 60, like the slightly paler Gringos did.
    Since the last Amnesty, the people we have had are taking 90 and giving 03....with 07 being absorbed into the prison system.  Gangs, drugs, crimes, murder, DWI-deaths, corruption, filth, graffiti, indolence, stupidity, birth defects, domestic violence, incest, twenty-five year old grandmothers; bring unto me your huddle masses????.
     And yes these things exist elsewhere but among the post-amnesty people from the last is the norm.  It is something that a person who was born in McAllen in 1947 could never have been prepared to confront in what was then the Magic Lower Rio Grande Valley.

Image result for Bill Ayres
Ayres after, and unrepentant
      We must consider that those who wish to destroy the Ship of State come from within and without. There are approximately 100,000,000 Muslims who will willingly blow themselves into shredded guts and bone in order to kill all Jews.  They include as targets to be eliminated,  the infidels such as atheists, agnostics, Christians of any kind, homosexuals, adulterers, sinners, and any other religious or philosophical groups, and any Muslims who are not in direct precise focus with their own interpretation of the Koran.

Image result for Bill Ayres
Ayres before

      There is also another menace.  The Red Chinese and the New Russian Imperial House....a rise of the Ghost of the House of Bonaparte...that believes it to be necessary to destroy the Monroe Doctrine and those who imposed it in order to have a more perfect new world order.
      Combine all of this with the interior enemy....the marxists at the gate, represented by the Annenberg Foundation (   We put in the linkage so that the OROG can read the language of subversion....up to and including the notion that by linking Bill Ayres with the addled old Republican of days long gone will put the un-suspecting mind to rest concerning the present-day motives for the application of the Annenberg fortune.   The arch-nihilist-communist (contradiction recognised), Jew-hating Ayres (pictured above) represents the New, Improved  Annenberg Foundation and its pabulum and sugar coated public image.  By reading through the self-description of the Foundation, one quickly sees the weasel-wording and buzz-wording of ardent marxists.   As one reads, it is well to remember that William Ayres is an unrepentant murderer.   He is also a leading personality within the construct of the Foundation's organisation.    And, it is also well to remember that this foundation was integral to the recruitment of and nurturing of the useless bit of higher-grade cannon fodder, the teleprompter-reader-in-chief, Barry Soetoro.     Another high level individual both in the Daley Democrat Sewer Sludge Machine and Annenberg Foundation is, of course, the matchmaker for that matrimonial magical mating....Valerie Jarrett.   Such nice people.  The present day board of directors of the Foundation is replete with marxists and Alinsky-acolytes.

More evidence that The Republic of Texas must assert itself and
withdraw from the American Union.  They voted for this fool
twice, and he has gone way, way round third base in his
overall mission to destroy America.  Disgusting

     We arrive at our final point.   It is summarily necessary to return everyone who has arrived from Central America to Central America.  This could be done for....tee-hee....20,000,000 USD or so.  Iris and fingerprint every one of the invasive personalities, including their children, and send them to Tegucilgapa, San Jose de Sula, San Salvador, Guatemala....and remind them that the next time they come up and are caught they will be put in prison.
     Before that, we would recommend filtering out all gang member MS13, MS18, and all others, plus any person with outstanding Mexican or other arrest warrants.   These people would be turned over to the Mexicans on extradition, or to other nationally appropriate authority.
     Dispersal to await adjudication of immigration status is equal to successful invasion on the part of the invader.   The America-destroyers win, you lose.  For the first whelping of a little new Gringo...the rest of the tax-paying Gringos are on the hook for 40,000 USD per year.   The gangs and shootings and graffiti and used pampers in the grocery cart will multiply geometrically.  Your children and grandchildren will pay the bill.....forever.
Lamentingly, we retire.
El Gringo Viejo

Tuesday 15 July 2014

This needs posting now and again - Kipling was a wise man


The Gods of the Copybook Headings


AS I PASS through my incarnations in every age and race,
I make my proper prostrations to the Gods of the Market Place.
Peering through reverent fingers I watch them flourish and fall,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings, I notice, outlast them all.

We were living in trees when they met us. They showed us each in turn
That Water would certainly wet us, as Fire would certainly burn:
But we found them lacking in Uplift, Vision and Breadth of Mind,
So we left them to teach the Gorillas while we followed the March of Mankind.

We moved as the Spirit listed. They never altered their pace,
Being neither cloud nor wind-borne like the Gods of the Market Place,
But they always caught up with our progress, and presently word would come
That a tribe had been wiped off its icefield, or the lights had gone out in Rome.

With the Hopes that our World is built on, they were utterly out of touch,
They denied that the Moon was Stilton; they denied she was even Dutch;
They denied that Wishes were Horses; they denied that a Pig had Wings;
So we worshipped the Gods of the Market Who promised these beautiful things.

When the Cambrian measures were forming, They promised perpetual peace.
They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.
But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us bound to our foe,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "Stick to the Devil you know."

On the first Feminian Sandstones we were promised the Fuller Life
(Which started by loving our neighbour and ended by loving his wife)
Till our women had no more children and the men lost reason and faith,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "The Wages of Sin is Death."

In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all,
By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul;
But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "If you don't work you die."

Then the Gods of the Market tumbled, and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew
And the hearts of the meanest were humbled and began to believe it was true
That All is not Gold that Glitters, and Two and Two make Four
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings limped up to explain it once more.

As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began.
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;

And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!


Hey Al, Humanity doesn't want Climate Change Wackoes who taste good.....



 former Chancellor of the Exchequer Lord Nigel Lawson

Lord Lawson said the 'Stalinist' BBC had banned him

 from the Today programme. 

Photo: Andrew Crowley

The BBC must air the views of climate change sceptics even though they are in the minority, the editor of Radio 4’s Today programme has said after he was criticised for allowing Nigel Lawson to feature in a debate.
Lord Lawson, the former chancellor, now heads a think tank casting doubt on the science of global warming.
Appearing on the programme in February, Lord Lawson questioned whether extreme weather events - including flooding in the UK - had any link to climate change. Some listeners complained, and the BBC's editorial complaints unit ruled tha his views had been given undue prominence in the debate.
Lord Lawson claims the "Stalinist" BBC has now banned him from appearing on the programme because his views clash with the corporation’s “own party line”.
But Jamie Angus, editor of Today, said Lord Lawson deserved to be heard despite holding a minority view.

El Gringo Viejo opines:
     Jamie Angus is a kinder and gentler soul who says that the old fool deserves to be heard.   After all, he is elderly and he is a Peer of the Realm.  But, Jamie, my opinion is that the doddering old Lord represents a majority view of the literate world.
     Frequently the Gods of the Copybook Headings speak so that only the commonly wise can understand, and the Enlightened Elite and the Royal Court are left to admire the magnificent raiment of the foolish Emperor.
     AlGore is a foolish hypocrite and those who follow him are elitists bent on keeping Les Miserables dependent upon the Largesse of Robespierre and his daughter Rodham and son Hussein.
Thanks for the memories....and of course....the time of each and every OROG.
El Gringo Viejo

Monday 14 July 2014

Truth and Lies, Lies and Truth

     Bush and most of the world's best analysts all said that Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction.   It is known that he has employed them.  None are found during and after the war, although there are persistent rumours that some went to Syria and other places within Iraq were investigated and found to be probable sites of retention of chemical and/or atomic weapons processing.   During the past few weeks we have been treated to the actual deployment of chemical agent applications and the uncovering of pre-weapons grade uranium in the Mosul area of Iraq.
     It is assumed that the chemical weapons being used in Syria were derived from those weapons that Saddam Hussein sent west just before the outbreak of hostilities in the Second Gulf War.   And now the ISSA terrorists have uncovered the uranium that Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson said did not exist.
    But Bush lied. He made have been mistaken or partially mistaken, but Bush lied...that's it...the press said so, so it must be true.   Now the evidence shows that Bush and his gang were probably mostly if not totally correct. one comments on this matter...not even Republicans.  Cowards?
    I am going to shout again louder about this.  Most of the people coming up to the border at this point are not using guides or escorts from cartels.  They are filtering up through a very complex assembly of capillaries that are fairly easy to utilise by any slightly mentally adept person.
    El Gringo Viejo lives much of the time in a place in rural Mexico.  Not far from our place there is a main railroad line between Tampico and Monterrey. Fairly frequently we can see very long freight trains go by, running pretty fast....the rail lines are good and well maintained during these times.  We have never seen anyone hanging on to the side of the train or sitting on top of the cars.
     The idea that there is a thing called "The Beast" train that the cartels control and use to bring up people all the way from Guatemala is ridiculous.  The term "beast" is what southern Mexicans...especially Indians....called locomotives.  The only run that is used by illegal aliens on their way north is caught just outside of Tapachula on the Mexican side of the Guatemalan - Mexico border.    The people who actually use that train, and the other people who are filtering through by other routes and methods are generally moving towards Vera Cruz, Vera Cruz where they intend to hitch, walk, or preferably get passage on the incredible number of decent 2nd class and nice 1st class busses that are available and relatively inexpensive.
     The biggest fear the illegal aliens have is Mexican Immigration that has been and continues to be able to  round people up and send them back after much less shake-down than what the Central Americans used to suffer a few years back.  There is still a shake-down....but not like before.  When the Army or Naval Infantry liberate a "safe-house" all those poor dolts wind up being bussed back to Guatemala.
     The only place where there is a train called La Bestia is right there around Tapachula, Chiapas.
     The vast majority of the people arriving to Reynosa who are intending to intentionally be detained immediately upon making it across the Rio Grande are arriving independently.   This is especially true since the beginning of this year when very effective military measures began to mark the substantial degradation of the cartel control over their criminal activity.   With the recent increase of an many as six more regiments of heavy infantry and federal civil police groupings of several thousand more elements....Tamaulipas has essentially been put under, if not martial law, at least martial control. 
     This is the fact.  The whole thing has been passively and somewhat skilfully orchestrated by the Obamatrons and the Destroy America First people.  The only problem is that they have probably overplayed their hand.    Even many of the Obamatrons have now tired of looking at a very naked emperor while having to chant "Beautiful Raiment! Beautiful Raiment!" on the golf course.
GRRRRrrrrr.    Seek the truth.
El Gringo Viejo

How Close to Home? Obama's Illegal Invasion on top of Granjeno, Texas


A large granjeno bush. Prime habitat for wrens,
songbirds, even hummingbirds.  Berries are
 edible for humans and prised by orioles
and other birds of the chaparral.
     South of McAllen and Mission in Texas and situated directly on the Rio Grande is an ancient rural community, established during the Spanish Colonial period.  The place was named for the granjeno trees and bushes that line the Rio to this day.  Called ''desert hackberry'' in English, it is also found in the semi-desert, semi-tropical scrub of the chaparral throughout north-eastern Mexico and South Texas where ever one might find congestion of mesquite and cacti.

     The community was established as a ranch with continuous occupation since 1763 or so.  It was an off-shoot of the town on the other side of the Rio Bravo de la Palmas del Norte, with the name of Nuestra Senora Reynosa de San Antonio, founded in 1752 by Col, Jose de Escandon and his sub-ordinate, Capt. Carlos Cantu' Garza.  The word Reynosa means, "Queenly" and refers to the Blessed Virgin Mary.  The town was moved by flood threats on a couple of occasions, re-named in various ways, but always included the adverb "Reynosa" in the naming.
     Properties known as porciones, long thin lots with about a mile of river-frontage were assigned by Royal Decree to certain families on both sides of the Rio Bravo from what is near present-day Brownsville - Matamoros all the way upriver to well beyond Laredo.  The Granjeno settlement was the main-station of the hacienda pertaining to the Anzalduas  families who were awarded two adjacent porciones totalling about 70,000 acres.

     Once settled, the community of Granjeno endured Indian raids by the Kickapoo, Comanche, and occasionally Apache groupings.  During the invasion of the American armies in 1847, the blue clad soldiers filed past this area for several days, something we are sure filled the locals with wonder, excitement, concern, and with the thought of potential profit and advancement for when the peace came.
     The little community is one of the smallest incorporated towns in the Lower Rio Grande Valley.  Almost all the residents there now can trace their ancestry to the colonial period and the old surnames are still very much in evidence.  It has one of the oldest cemeteries in Hidalgo County, and is full of American Flags during Memorial day, up to and including Confederate flags because like most of those communities, they "went Southern" during the War Between the States.

     A million tales could be told, but the most important one is that El Gringo Viejo's father-in-law was a descendant of the founders of this noble little place and was born there back in 1920.   A lot of tales could be told about this man as well, all good.
      To-day, Granjeno is in the cross-hairs of History....ground-zero of Obama's invasion of the Illegals - War on America.  We shall leave you all with this brief article for to-day, since at this moment we have family visiting from the northern part of the Republic of Texas.  They are descendants of my father-in-law.

We do appreciate your time and interest.
El Gringo Viejo