A large granjeno bush. Prime habitat for wrens, songbirds, even hummingbirds. Berries are edible for humans and prised by orioles and other birds of the chaparral. |
The community was established as a ranch with continuous occupation since 1763 or so. It was an off-shoot of the town on the other side of the Rio Bravo de la Palmas del Norte, with the name of Nuestra Senora Reynosa de San Antonio, founded in 1752 by Col, Jose de Escandon and his sub-ordinate, Capt. Carlos Cantu' Garza. The word Reynosa means, "Queenly" and refers to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The town was moved by flood threats on a couple of occasions, re-named in various ways, but always included the adverb "Reynosa" in the naming.
Properties known as porciones, long thin lots with about a mile of river-frontage were assigned by Royal Decree to certain families on both sides of the Rio Bravo from what is near present-day Brownsville - Matamoros all the way upriver to well beyond Laredo. The Granjeno settlement was the main-station of the hacienda pertaining to the Anzalduas families who were awarded two adjacent porciones totalling about 70,000 acres.
The little community is one of the smallest incorporated towns in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Almost all the residents there now can trace their ancestry to the colonial period and the old surnames are still very much in evidence. It has one of the oldest cemeteries in Hidalgo County, and is full of American Flags during Memorial day, up to and including Confederate flags because like most of those communities, they "went Southern" during the War Between the States.
A million tales could be told, but the most important one is that El Gringo Viejo's father-in-law was a descendant of the founders of this noble little place and was born there back in 1920. A lot of tales could be told about this man as well, all good.
To-day, Granjeno is in the cross-hairs of History....ground-zero of Obama's invasion of the Illegals - War on America. We shall leave you all with this brief article for to-day, since at this moment we have family visiting from the northern part of the Republic of Texas. They are descendants of my father-in-law.
We do appreciate your time and interest.
We do appreciate your time and interest.
El Gringo Viejo