Tuesday 10 June 2014

The Exodus


There are four things going on with the exodus of people from Central America to America:


     (1)   The people coming here are composed of younger people with or without an adult accompanying them.  These younger people are supposedly arriving in order to try to reunite with some relative already ensconced. legally or illegally,  in the United States.   Most of these people are coming from places with horrid, truly incomprehensible social disintegration problems.  Violence, continual brutality, abandonment, grinding true poverty of a nature that most Americans cannot possibly comprehend are the order of the day.  Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador are beautiful, geographically wealthy, agriculturally potent places.  Socialism and animalistic social degeneration have essentially brought them to the abyss of self-annihilation.

     (2)     The Administration has sent messages into the loose matrix of the illegal alien ether.  It is difficult to explain, but it is a fact that any small change in the official policy, written or otherwise, in the immigration enforcement practice at the border will affect the "supply line".  More intense enforcement leads to reduced attempts to enter, especially illegally. Less intense enforcement leads to rapidly building numbers of people heading north, especially from Central America. 
     About four months ago there was significant "understanding" being repeated, even on radio and television programmes about how children can join their parents, and even siblings can join up with someone who is already in the United States.   The American immigration authorities were said to be offering :"temporary entry permits" and then being allowed to continue to wherever said relative might be living.  The Immigration would even take the illegal alien to a bus station or airport where the illegal alien could buy a ticket to said destination.
     As this information began to gain traction in the "illegal alien universe" it soon was learned that these measures were actually in force....were true facts....thousands were being placed "in-country". The desperate, and the devious, and the oppressed, huddled masses came to the realisation that "the time is now".   And they came.

(3)     There are several levels of offensive going on with these measures.  Be aware that this is perhaps one of the few social engineering efforts that the anti-American Obama Plan for "Fundamental Transformation" that is working nearly perfectly for the ACORN Plan for America.  The Obama Socialised Medical Initiative is still working through the bloodstream of the nation, and may well die on the vine within a year or two.  Disruptions in the overall system, at best, will continue for three to five years of "withdrawal pains" even if the ridiculous programme can be repealed and rescinded.
This picture is a bit dated, from late last
year.  It is moving from Guatemala into
Ixtepec, Chiapas, and then eventurally
into Vera Cruz.  It is a daily train.  Of the
males you see, probably half are ex-cons
and any woman within their group is
either a slave or a gang moll.   
    But, if the anti-American Fundamental Transformation forces can cram in a few million somewhat legalised residents who have absolutely no idea what citizenship is or what responsibilities are required of a citizen in a Republic made of free, self-providing people, then the desired cheapening of the concept of America is will be accomplished.   The hope among the Fundamental Transformers is that there will several layers of intergenerational globbing on to some form of temporary residency.  That might mean, "I'm here with my mother, and she is still waiting for a hearing with the Immigration and Naturalisation people.  She has not been given a lawyer yet."   When does mom receive her hearing?  Perhaps two years from now.
     Then, the girls all know that the totally, 200% for-sure method to remain in the United States of America is to make it to the Charity mid-wife clinics or an emergency room or some similar place.  It does not matter if there is a husband or even a male.  Many of these babies "just happen".  But once that baby is here, and born here, and there is a document that says that the baby was born here, then the mother is instantly  "Legal", a legal resident alien.  Why?  Because she is the only known source of support for an American citizen.  She knows to go, because the "illegal alien universe" and its form of communication has informed her that this is the case to the place to obtain food stamps, section 8, Medicaid, WIC, Head Start pre-Registration, AFDC, and a myriad of other "free" money and services.  She will learn to produce one more American citizen every two to three years in order to amplify and extend the massive amount of public assistance she will receive, essentially without lifting a finger.
     This new procedure, being implemented at this time, extends the dynamic both ways...from birthing down...to children bringing in their parents, uncles, and siblings as the years go by, in fairly quick order.   That procedure is already being practiced in some offices of the Immigration and Naturalisation Service.

Valerie Jarrett Glows About Improving the Breeding Stock

(4)     Several things will suddenly begin to be pumped-out by the mainstream press.   There will be long, moaning renderings about how this is a human tragedy that "we" (America) have both caused and done nothing to prevent.  American companies keep these countries poor  (?) so as to have a source of cheap labour where they can send things to be assembled for one dollar/day labour charge.  The people are forced into prostitution and drug trafficking because there is nothing else to do.
     Another drum-beat will be, "We have to take care of them, because they don't have anyone back there to go to.  It is our humanitarian duty."   Religious spokespeople will repeat over and over again that the people hate America because America took everything and doesn't share.  Then the people come up and ask for a little crust of bread from the loaf that the Gringos stole, and the Gringos kick them in the teeth."   The case of "This Guilt Trip is Your Land, It's All the Republicans and Rich Peoples' Fault, This land was Stolen for you and me, not them"....will be drilled into the American public theatre of discussion.  The Obsolete Press is bound and determined to destroy America as we know it and mould it into a part of the Unicultural Socialist World.
     The productive and self-supporting and charity contributing American class will be vilified and mocked as it never has been during the next 18 - 24 months.  Every form of charlatan will use these people and the ones who came before and the ones who will soon come after as a stick to beat us about the head and ears for our iniquity.  It has all been done before, but this coming wave of guilt-tripping against the innocent will be the worst.

     One must understand that logic and law are not a defence in this matter.   We can remember that Elian Gonzalez had to be sent back to Cuba so as to be with his father.  Little matter that his mother had died trying to reach relatives in Florida so as to give her son a chance at the American experience.  But, Janet Reno and Bill/Hillary Clinton adamantly demanded and sent heavily automatic-rifle armed, battle-garbed agents into the house of the relatives of Elian Gonzalez and they extracted him by force.   Multi-billionaire, pro-communists with their own private Lear-type jet, flew Elian up to the Cuban mission in New York City to rejoin his father and then be flown to the Tropical Workers' Paradise where "he needed to be".   That was the ultra-leftist solution to the issue at the time.
    Now, the solution is to bring over the people who will be styled "hard-working, religious, and potential assets to the community", when such is not the case.  The vast majority of Cubans were, and in years past, the huge majority of Mexicans were.  But with the advent of the Great Society and the First Amnesty the positive Mexican contribution to our situation went from 90% to less than 50% in this writer's estimation.  The Mexican participation in the American demographic fabric of the 1950s and before is not what it became in the 1990s and up to this point.   The Republicans would be well advised to heed my often given admonition to not group all "Hispanics" into the same cluster.  The great majority of "pre-1960" people of Spanish and Mexican ancestry in Texas, for instance, have very similar political-demographic consonance with what is styled "the general demographic".
     The Republican effort to do anything in "Immigration Reform" is insane.  The notion that another wave of people disposed to think that "work" is having to go down to the Human Resources Department to up-date their Public Assistance Record with another miracle baby delivery as work.

"To us, the Maya People
They show us from
our childhood, that there is never
any need to take more that that
which is needed to live..."
Rigoberta Menchu'
    El Gringo Viejo will not shrink from his condemnation of the practice of the use of the word "Hispanic" as some sort of accurate identifier.  He will also not back down one inch from the idea that if we allow these people coming over now to remain, they will be facing the same horrors in Houston and Peoria and  Las Vegas and Kansas City that they thought they were escaping when they left Honduras and Guatemala.  They are bringing it with them.
     The group that is coming right now, as best as this writer can tell, is about 35% addled, distressed, pitiable casualties of the depredations of gangs such as the MaraSalvatrucha 13.  Others  are victims of the depredations of pseudo-communist guerrillas and criminal gangs of different origins.  The American press generally refers to any such violence against the "marginal class" is done by "right-wing death squads" or the "troops of the Dictator So and so".   That, of course, is complements of Rigoberta Menchu Tum....another of the people who invent stories, are caught at the invention, and then make a life based on the lie, while never apologising for the fact that his/her fame was derived from a lie that fed into the Socialist International construct conveniently.   The quote, above included, is a convenient fit with the marxist adage, "Unto each according to his need, and from each according to his ability".
     Another 35% could possibly be integrated into some reasonable form of Americanism.  Perhaps, even as an arriving immigrant, and probably within three or four generations.   Much would depend upon how much we could cut back or abolish the system of public assistance as it exists now.
     The other 30% would be, almost certainly, members or potential new members of gangs of the most bloodthirsty, nihilistic, destructive sort imaginable.  They are already here.  They are already involved in extortion, shakedowns, murder, murder-for-hire, racketeering, armed robbery, car-jacking, kidnapping for ransom, gang rape, kidnapping for female white-slavery, arson for fun, arson for insurance split, looting, and generally terrorising the "home-group".   They seek out immigrants of their own "home-group", legal and otherwise, and strive, usually successfully, to fold them back into the horrors they tried to leave when they came North.   Gang-recruiting is normally done at the main gates of even primary school every late August at schools in the Central American parts of middle-sized and large cities.
     These "hands" that reach out to enslave and terrorise the people from the "old country" have always been part of the American immigration story.  The Italians were plagued, and still are in many ways, with the Sicilian Cosa Nostra.   The Jews have had those who practiced fraud and jewellery  fencing of the highest and most costly and valuable types of stones and bullions.   The Chinese had their Shanghai connection, and the Anglo/Scots-Irish group in the South had even the Klan moving in and out of illegal racketeering and organised criminal activity.    Along with the Klan was the shadowy Knights of the Golden Circle, with which the James people in Missouri were affiliated.
    So, to say that this 30 per cent anthropologically degenerative melt-down group is "racism"  or 'anti-immigrant" would prove that the "sayer" is a braying, drunken jackass without intellectual portfolio.  It is a matter of normal course for a recently settled group, especially.  The problem with the Central Americans is the utter unimaginable brutality and the fact that it never seems to improve.  It has only become worse in my life-time, even without the assistance of translocation.  With the migration of many to Texas and the United States during the El Salvador communist inspired civil war of the 1980s and 1990s, their gangs did come with them.   Guatemalan and Honduran gangs are present and functioning now throughout the United States.

We hope this porridge of opinion, facts, and deductions assist the observer of to-day's events on the border and elsewhere.  For those who are not OROGs (Order of the Readers of the Old Gringo) please be aware that our family is interethnic, and that my wife's family has roots into Texas dating into the 1750s on one side and into the 1560s on  the other side.  El Gringo Viejo's family has been active in business and travel in Mexico since the 1880s.  We own a home in Mexico, and we are multigenerational Texans and Americans.  By my wife's side, my granddaughter's are 14th generation Texian; by mine, only 7th.   We are registered Republicans, conservatives, and are normally found in Anglican or Roman Churches, when El Gringo Viejo isn't too grumpy with either or both.
El Gringo Viejo

Monday 9 June 2014

Back in the Saddle -

     We have just returned from Extreme Central Texas.....there are various epicentres actually....a quiet day on the road, by and large.   There was a busy mixed with lazy period of four days or so, looking after very resourceful young women who truly appreciate their grandmother's visits.  Their grandfather is a bit of a lesser treat....but he is not in a popularity contest.

     The girls continue to advance, ahead of themselves, in academics, athletic ability, and the arts.  They complete their move from the old fancy new house to the new fancy new house.   The change was from a somewhat exclusive and self-regulated development with a home-owners' association convention that was very complex, to a more exclusive development.   In the new place, the Conventions are deeper, wider, and  more imposing.  The development is like Stepford Wives  Chug-a-lug Steroids - The Sequel.

     All OROGs must understand that life, the way of living, the style and purpose, the nature of the people....is summarily perfect, or a little better.   One of the things that makes it even better is that the inhabitants of the City are at once as simple as rural rustics, uniformly of an intelligence level of a university professor, and quite sophisticated, urbane, even as they  maintain the true humble, generous, and almost childish friendliness common to Texans and Southerners.   And while the term ''college professor'' is used, these people are, in their great majority, decidedly ultra-conservatives, very dedicated to the precepts of common law, the Constitution, natural law, and local control.
     As Austin, Texas is a Mecca for the oh-so sophisticated leftist, Progressive, and Che' set,  where the LGBTSYRUHS's rule from their position of self-given moral superiority,  in Dell'sville we find a place where folks actually "do" and "produce" and "provide".   It is Dell'sville where folks know and act.  Austin is where people practice "feeling", "openness" and "expressing one-ness with Mother Earth and Sister Nature", etcetera.



     Now, as we move into the final two years of the worst Presidency in the history of the American  Republic, we begin to see the effect of the affectations,  and the policy of deigning so as to damage.   We have written before about the true seed of the movement against Richard Milhouse Nixon's  presidency having been his "impoundment"  of authorisations by Congress of expenditures.   This means, in long-hand, that Nixon was returning to the Treasury of the United States monies that were un-spent at the end of a given fiscal year.
Sam Ervin.jpg
Sam Ervin (Democrat)
United States Senator for
 North Carolina
1954  -  1974
     Prior to that point, most programmes that could pass with a "D" were always expecting to receive their unspent moneys in the form of "carry - over:".   That way, a one million dollar grant in aid by the OEO to Pahdoodle Community Action Agency for "poverty workers" and "community organiser training"  that had 100,000 dollars left unspent, would receive their new budget, perhaps with an increase and authority to transfer the unspent money into the new programming year.   So, voila!  1,000,000 plus an increase...let us say 100,000 USD, and then reprogramming 100,000 USD for a White House - based bureaucracy that would eliminate poverty in or time.
     Well...not so much.  But it did buy a lot of votes, a lot of employment for brothers-in-law, and a lot of swagger for local politicians who could strut around and point at the "good we are doing fo' th' poh' - fokes".  Just think, in 1969, a Democrat County Commissioner in southeast Oklahoma being able to use our money to lubricate the will of his electorate.   For that reason, the Democrats went ape-crazy when they figured out the Nixon was going to impound their campaign "stash" derived from the tax-payers.

    The Democrats whipped themselves up into a stuporous frenzy and before long had begun to seriously entertain the notion that the president had to be impeached for overriding the will of Congress,  for not enforcing laws that were passed and signed into the Law of the Land.   They were even doing the preliminary songs and dances for adding on, as an impeachable offense, the authorisation by President Nixon of the Cambodian Incursion which actually helped bring a quicker end to the War with the North Vietnamese.

    Sam Ervin, a country-boy, Southern philosopher / attorney, chaired the Senate's investigation into Nixon's shenanigans, which by (Sir Edmund) Hillary's and Barry's standards were child's play.   But, of course, the press loves to love cads who are Democrat and loves to hate Republicans who draw living breath.   Ervin never had the chance to cast his vote to convict Richard Nixon of any high crimes and misdemeanours because Nixon resigned before the Lower House had even had time to indict the President.
     Ervin tried to seem reasonable and moderate, but it was known that once the impeachment was forwarded to the Senate, all the Democrats would readily vote Nixon into the dust bin of history.  In those years the Democrats held huge majorities in both Houses.  Like most Democrats, Ervin was concerned that Nixon could possibly become an Imperial President.

    Now, massively more egregious, are the offenses of Barrack Obama and his henchmen and thugs, such as Jarrett and Holder.   None are smart.  They all coast on the magic carpet provided by the  mindlessly approving press, the dull, the parasitic, and the intellectually-devoid intellectual class of dolts who, knowing little, presume of their own wisdom.

     Obama could be impeached and convicted for being the intellectual author, and/or the perpetrator, and/or accessory before, during, or after the fact in the following acts and actions:

          1.   Fast and Furious - possible charges of Manslaughter due to
                depraved indifference, or murder if it is demonstrated that the
                purpose of the programme was to provoke the killing of Mexican
                and American civilians, constabulary, and military "due to the
                the over-availability of firearms and ease of purchase in the United
                States".  This would, then, precede the final push to eliminate
                private sales and ownership of firearms and ammunition by
                this present administration.                   
         2.   Internal Revenue Service - multiple counts of fraud and abuse
         3.   Benghazi Fiasco, gun and munitions running, negligent homicide.
         4.   Deception, use of tax money for political ends for the purpose 
                of sabotaging the American Medical system, as a first step to     
                nationalisation of the system.  Mendaciously representing
                and true intent of the Act.  Using tax money to propagandise what
                was essentially a political campaign.
         5.   Repeatedly divulging names of foreign persons  who have given
                assistance to United States forces
         6.   Working in collusion with the Muslim Brotherhood on many levels
                when it is known that the Muslim Brotherhood is the sworn enemy 
                of all things American.   Subversion of the Mubarek regime.
         7.    Co-ordination of an immigration tidal wave and abrogation of the
                obligation to enforce existing immigration laws.   Authorising the
                dispersal of scores of thousands of illegal aliens, principally from
                Central America and southern Mexico. The Dispersal Site?
                Throughout the United States with temporary entry permits.
         8.   Purposeful manipulation of Veterans' Administration.
                Scores of thousands put on lengthy waiting lists and then lying to
               deflect criticism.   Possible charges of Manslaughter due to depraved
        9.    Failure to establish comprehensive and coherent diplomatic plan
      10.   Absurd malfeasance and misfeasance concerning withdrawal from
               Iraq and Afghanistan

The list could go on forever.   With Benghazi, for instance, there is only one certainty in the whole issue.  That one charge certainly leads to many possible interpretations about the violence, death, and hermiticism by this horrid administration  surrounding the Benghazi affair.   The one certainty is the absolute fact that everything was done by Panetta, Clinton, Obama, and several people within the highest ranks of State and Defence and the inner sanctum of the White House to prevent reinforcements from arriving at the Consular compound in Benghazi.  People who insisted upon trying to we punished, formally and out of view.  

El Gringo Viejo

Thursday 5 June 2014

Various Dynamics, running in sync and running at cross-currents


    The Obsolete Press is pleased that they can report to the divisive split in the Republican Party where the moderates are shouted down by the religious rightwingers.  No big tent, guns, bibles, wimmin shackled with to the bed with a chain only long enough to reach the kitchen.   To them to Obsolete Press, the coming two national elections are cut and dried, no matter how much in disarray the Democrat National Socialists seem to be now.

     The elitists are comfortable with the notion that they have taken enough money from the poor-rich and the upper middle income/asset people and given enough of it away to the labour unions, crony capitalists, and parasites that elections will forever be "predictable" and based upon the notion that the poor need to be cared for.   The Obsolete Press will tell us how to care for the poor, and the elitists will tell when, how much, and where to pay.

     The problem with their thinking is that it is very probable that the Republicans of all stripes will probably get together after a fashion and carry both houses of the United States Congress,  It is also very probable that both chambers will vote to overturn "settled law".    This is even more probable now that the Congressional Budget Office has officially published that they have no way of determining how many people are legally  engrolled in the Obama Socialised Medicine Initiative.  It is especially difficult since the figure of 8,000,000  enrolees has turned out to be ....how should we say...a big fat lie.
     One sure and certain fact is that marxist elitists will lie whether there be need to or not.  We were all witness to the Good Ship IYWTKYDYCKYD, Period!   That was a ship launched by Valerie Jarrett and Co.  It was a lie.
     It turns out that the people qualifying for subsidies under the OSMI were lying about their income.  ACORN veterans and the flies attracted to such matter recruited and counselled  people in typical ACORN fashion.  It turns out that some said they were making 18,000/year when they were actually making 300,000/year and variations thereto.   Why?  To be subsidised by my daughter, son-in-law, and my granddaughters....etc.   After all, if the government pays for it....it's free.   Right?

    Final Deal??   The much vaunted 8,000,000 dog whistles who signed up turn out to be fewer than 6,000,000 slugs who are, in their  plurality, now registered on Medicaid.  Others are legitimately (?) enrolled with subsidy, while others have new plans that cover all seventy year old males with neo-natal and birth control pills for "free"(Barry's word).

     The Congressional Budget Office advised that because of the misstatements, attempted fraud, lies, stupidity, incomprehensible rules and regulations, fewer than 75% of those who signed up are actually signed up, and absolutely no one will ever be able to project a reasonable cost for the programme.   It is known by the CBO that it will be much more expensive than anyone could have imagined.

Repeal, Rescind, and sue the Democrat National Socialist Workers' Party, the AMA, and AARP and all those who supported this horrid act....including those insurance companies who were looking for the guaranteed premiums, paid by the central government, after said government had done their Dracula thing on the tax-paying portion of of the Republic's Demographic.

Thanks for your time and interest.
EL Gringo Viejo

Comminication to all OROGs

flinstones with computer
This is an advisory to all OROGs and associates that we shall be heading north for a few days to babysit our grand daughters.   Perhaps it is more fitting to suggest that they will baby-sit us.  So, although my daughter and son-in-law leave me a computer, it is one of those Scandinavian kind made by the Lap people who live in Lapland.   We find them difficult to use because we are accustomed to the Fred Flintstone type of computer.   However the girls will be there to help us adapt.
     After that, we shall be heading down to our place in Mexico for an extended stay.  We are hoping that it will be easier to make entries during the summer, out-of-school time.   There is a bit of a complication because the better three-quarters decided to fall off of her bicycle, causing a bit a shoulder problem, perhaps a dislocation so some of that planning is up in the air.

     However, during the afternoon and evening to-day there will be some commentary about the lunacy emanating from the Casa Blanca.   It is stunning, the nature of pure and distilled to perfection  hubris.  We shall know it well before these next two years are done.

More Later.
El Gringo Viejo

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Another Great Foreign Policy Victory for Obama


     All day, all night, every day, every night the masses trundle up with their children, or with a child, or sometimes the children arrive without the nariest sign of any adult or even adolescent sibling.   It is a mass of humanity not seen since the disorders of the Mexican Revolution and the subsequent Cristeros War.   That was a period of cultural upheaval that pulled Mexico apart at the seams from just before 1909 through the beginning of the Great Depression.
     The Revolucion de 1910 - 1917 that never really ended, even when it ended was followed by anti-Roman Catholic disorders that mirrored the destruction of the Russian Orthodox Church at the same exact time.   Through the 1920s there were anit-Catholic reprisals and repression 1,000 times worse than any Inquisition.  It ended in another full-scale war, finishing  in time to welcome the International Great Depression.

     The number of mortal casualties during the two wars, when the population of Mexico never exceeded 15,000,000 people, exceeded 1,000,000.  Perhaps a fourth to a third of those were civilians, and easily one per cent were foreigners.  Most of the first third of the 20th century in Mexico was something similar to a continuous earthquake.   That was followed by a complete World War, with Mexico being involve on the periphery...a very active and costly periphery that brought an odd order and stability.
     No more playing footsie, diplomatically and commercially with the Huns, as they had during the latter stages of the Revolution of 1910.   There was a draw-down on the playing of footsies with the Comintern, controlled directly out of Moscow that Mexico had practiced in some segments of their ''polite society'' before, during and after the Second World War.

     We have been left since the Second War with a slowly, slightly improving situation through the remainder of the 20th Century, with certain episodes of significant setbacks.   The greatest problems?

     (1)    A smuggling industry that traded off running international and Mexican liquors to the north and all nature of industrial items and domestic things like washing machines and electronics to the south.  That industry morphed, starting in the late 1960s, with the "dawn" of self-realisation and the new decadence of drug usage, throughout American society.   A more than willing group, with operators in the middle of Dixie, southernmost Texas, and California established the first organised criminal enterprises that thought in terms of millions of dollars per action instead of a few hundred dollars.

    (2)     A disastrous social welfare programme called The Great Society.   This was put into place by Democrats, Big Labour, limp-wristed Republicans and Big Business as a vote buying scheme for the Democrats.  Head Start, Free Food in various manifestations, and all nature of rewards for failure to defer gratification and for the practice of licentiousness.   That was the first "Great Wave" since the Cristeros War in the 1920s.  Perhaps 5,000,000 people came into the United States from Mexico on 72-hour border passes, and established themselves over Terra Sanctus Americanus.  The delivery of one baby was quickly learned to be the "paso magico" to be allowed to stay in Gringolandia on the dime of the Gringos. 
    The more there were, and the more un-spoken for babies, the more money was poured into the support of those who had finally found a place stupid enough to defend those who would not defend themselves.   Poverty kept being re-defined, ever upward, in order to keep the grocery stores full of people who obviously needed little malnutrition intervention, the rental properties heavily subsidised, and the schools full of digestive and future reproductive tracts.

    (3)    Since all the above worked so well, Democrats and limp-wristed Republicans who are completely uncaring about or unaware of the reality in these precincts are causing a new, hugely massive exodus from the south into the United States, chiefly at these moments, primarily through the South Texas and Lower Rio Grande Valley area.
     How is this happening?   Simply because from Tegulcigalpa to Chichicastenango to Puerto Barrios to Tikal and Copan...there is a movement of millions, Coming to America....not for opportunity, but rather for a certificate of preferential occupation and a free ride.   Make no mistake.  The Progressives know all the old saws than make peoples' heads nod in the affirmative.   Those old saws do not apply in this case.  They are not coming for opportunity.  Eighty-five per cent are coming for the greedy-freeby fun-time machine.   It used to be visa - versa.   And even the "floods of people" of the days of yore, were miniscule trickles compared to the Noahnic flood facing us at this point.

     To-day we are found, in the Magic Lower Rio Grande Valley, which is the southernmost four counties in Texas and we are surrounded by an inundation of people that cannot be handled by the Customs and Border Patrol, by the churches, by the Roman Catholic church that specialises in using "free federal dollars", various "Alleluia" churches, local public charities, food banks, and whatever, along with some mainline protestant and Episcopal churches, and a few social fraternities and sororities.

Jeh Johnson
 Incredibly enough, worse,
stupider, more anti-American than even
Janet Napolitano.   He refused to allow
the Border Patrol Chief of Operations in
this sector to call for public attention to
the issue of the Tsunami of humanity we
are facing here, and along the frontier.
As Johnson appears here, a stupid,
arrogant, self-impressed slob, is
actually an improvement over his
true personality.  T0-day HLS
tomorrow, maybe the VA.
     Four days ago, the commandant for this part of the Rio Grande Valley and the extension to the north up-river to Laredo, scheduled a press conference to address this issue and give an accounting of the dreadful numbers we are seeing now.  He was also going to declare that there was no place to keep the people coming across.  Jails and prisons are full, primarily of illegal aliens who have already committed moderate to extremely serious crimes.  Public housing is over-stretched, primarily because of anchorbabyism and lethargy poverty....(being too tired to go down and buy junque food with the Lone Star Card).   

     But, the scuz-bucket, incompetent fool who is the Secretary of Homeland Security ordered the Commandant to "stand down" and not give an unauthorised press conference about the issue.   He did not want the American people to receive a "....distorted image of what is going on in one small section of the border".   To Wit:

Homeland Security Secretary Cancels Border Patrol News Conference

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May 30, 2014 1:00 PM

    The fact is that we are being overrun by people who have arrived here recently because of rumours being spread throughout Central America.  Those rumours spread by agents promoting the destruction of America by the introduction of incompetent people who will tax the system of public assistance well beyond the breaking point.  That task will be fairly easy, because it is already broken.  And it never should have existed.  The reason?    Quite specifically and clearly because of what is happening here,  right now.

     We are having scores of thousands of children without adults, adolescents with two younger siblings, 36 year old grandmothers coming with two generations in tow, people who essentially have no idea what living reasonably in Texas and/or the United States might reasonably require.   They equate the concept of opportunity to finally arriving at that promised land that pseudo-Catholic, liberation-theology people have been spreading in southern Mexico and Central American that the Americans will pay you to eat.   They will give you and your children free medical attention.  The Americans are required to give your children a free education because of the abuses the Americans have committed against "la gente" for hundreds of years.   They are told by "NGOs", "church workers", and "people who have helped the poor", and even the embassies and consuls of the United States and other countries that, "The United Nations has ordered the Gringos to pay.  All anybody has to do is cross the Rio Grande and turn yourself in to the Border Patrol."

     And they are arriving in droves.   The Border Patrol is taking their transfer busses down to the Rio Grande to load them up and take them to feeding, rest, changing, processing, and then "distribution" processes.   Please Understand the Following.  Distribution now means:

     (1)   Being given a temporary entrance permit, if the illegal alien and any and all dependents with her have a known relative who has been in residence since such and such a date in the United States, legally or illegally.  After a telephonic, text, or email confirmation of existence of this person and that place.

    (2)  The illegal alien and her coterie are then given a ride to the fancy bus station we have in McAllen, and from there they are able to just mount the 1st class bus with their continuous flurry of pampers and litter trailing around and after them.   All the illegal aliens say that the family members have sent money during their detention for the bus fare. Ostensibly, the central government does not pay the fancy bus ticket.

    (3)  In 24 to 36 hours they are somewhere in North Carolina, Louisiana, Tennessee, Texas or somewhere ..."waiting to be notified of their time and place for appearance concerning their immigration status and normalisation."   What they are actually waiting for is the Congressional Act that will grant conditional amnesty to illegal aliens who have been in residence since before such and such a date.

   (4)  It is for that reason that the are sent to a relative who has been in residence since such and such date...El Gringo Viejo thinks that it must be the date that has been agreed upon by the Democrat National Socialists and the "reasonable Republicans" that will establish eligibility to "join the back of the line'' for citizenship.  

 There is a labour shortage in Mexico.
 Central America is what most Americans think Mexico is.
 Central America is essentially a totally failed area...completely under the control of left-wing demagogues in some areas and in all areas, perhaps save Costa Rica, and the organised best rural and urban parts of Panama.
   Roving hordes of criminals, thieves, rapists, and murderers abound.   The disorders one hears about from all the authoritative news agencies about Mexico are barely true.   If they were to describe the Central American situation...especially Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala....one is speaking of a socio/cultural cauldron of complete collapse, utter violence, and what must be recognised as anarchy.
    This is especially true of Honduras, which is easily the most violent and murderous nation in the New World, per capita, and the ever-perplexing El Salvador. Both are associated with being the spawning grounds of the bloodthirsty Mara Salvatrucha 13  whose membership is composed of boys who have killed their mothers as a rite of initiation.


after supplying the three with food and supplies for the  3 day's
long bus trip "home" from the bus station in McAllen, Texas to
Tucson, Ariz.  The three spent the night at King's home in
McAllen, Texas after U.S. Immigration and Customs
Enforcement left the family at the McAllen Bus
Terminal the day before.
Photo by Kelly Presnell / Arizona Daily Star

  It is reasonable to think (and here El Gringo Viejo must put on his sociologists hat) that the explanation for the existence and arrival of so many children and females lugging babies and toddlers up to the Mexico / Texas Frontier is to evade the probability that the women will be slaughtered by their sons, once the sons are recruitable (ages 10 - 12).   Young girls are carried off by their brothers and used in Santaria rituals and Santo Muerte services of socially psychotic, death-dealing zombie barrio commanders.

     This became especially bad since the arrival of Obama and the subsequent lessening of pressures against the neo-communist, military dictatorships of Honduras and in Nicaragua with the Ortegas back in the driver's seat.   One must recognise, and study the actuarial charts of demographers and insurance companies, etc.

     For instance, the nations (such as they might be) of Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador combined have a population of almost precisely 20,000,000 people.   They occupy about 80,000 square miles of the Earth's surface, combined.   That means they have about 4/5ths of the population of Texas on about 1/3rd of the terrain.   With the 20,000,000 however, they commit more than 3 times the amount of death by murder, criminal gang activity, and such as what Mexico can produce with 110,000,000.

     During the worst of the Cartel violence in Mexico, about 30 months ago, President Felipe Calderon was being blamed by the leftist press for bringing violence upon the country.  Fools...always fools.   The violence was there and had been increasing slowly for fifteen years until suddenly the extortions, kidnappings, and cartel wars set everything in motion.  Over a six year period, all homicides in Mexico totalled right at 60,000.
     Last year, Honduras alone had 16,000 homicides.  Six times sixteen?  And then that 96,000 times the 12 times larger Mexico is than Honduras.  That's a total of nearly 1,000,000 dead in Honduras more or less (we are speaking conjecturally)  were  Honduras to have had the same population as Mexico over the same six year period.   The problem is that there are so many born without souls.  This is even worse than Chicago and Detroit and New Orleans combined in terms of rates per 100,000.

     In Texas, we are aware that in Houston, there is a Barrio dominated by people from El Salvador.  The violence, gang activity, welfare, filth, litter, graffiti, and licentiousness is incomprehensible.   Almost all the people there are derived from those refugees who came up during the CIA sponsored Agrarian Reform war that the communists took away from the CIA and used to get a couple of hundred thousand people killed in Salvador.  The "refugees" poured up into Texas and centred themselves around where there had been a very small Salvadorean community.  That is what began the phenomena of Houston becoming a city surrounded by normalcy.   Small, clean towns with low crime rates and clean streets and parking lots and and no pampers in the parking lots.... little or no graffiti.
    And this is while Houston, lamentably, has become a dirty place full of violence and full of a city council that approves the mayorette's pet bill that requires no more men's rooms and women's rooms.  All rest rooms will sing a one-note song from now on.   Can a person imagine, Houston? ....and don't visit the Salvadorean Barrio at night or in the daytime...or if you are Anglo... or Salvadorean...or anything.

    Finally.   The Border Patrol and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement people have been reduced to a meet and greet group, and forwarding agents.  This story about bussing and flying people to terminals out of McAllen and the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas to destinations "in-country" with temporary entry permits is not a joke, and it is running in the thousands per day of people coming in,   Thousands.

Thanks Barry, and thanks limp-wristed, Reasonable Republicans.  Thanks a lot.
El Gringo Viejo 


Mommy! Mommy! Look at the President

Mommy! Why does the president walk off with the Hate America First people and turn his back on the Flag?


     We urge that the OROGs "go to the rifle" on the sidebar, and click on there.   There El Zorro has posted a coherent collection pertinent commentary and images about this miserable event of reverencing a deserter and saying nothing about the many who were killed and wounded trying to save him.

We have the address of the article here: