Tuesday 4 March 2014

One of many friends...but these words are especially valuable to El Gringo Viejo

     This is an especially pleasant note from a fellow traveller on the Anglican Curmudgeon's blog.  She is an earnest and positive critic of A Gringo in Rural Mexico, a great-great-grand niece of William Barrett (Traverse) Travis, and a much less wordily expressed analyst of the American Condition than your humble servant.
     I have concurred or agreed with every contribution she has made both here and at the Anglican Curmudgeon's blogsite.   At this moment, she has wandered over to underscore the accuracy of our reporting and recounting here.  The failure to encounter the weapons of mass destruction by the American and Allied Forces in Iraq was a joyously reported matter that proved beyond doubt to those of low intellectual ability that "George Bush Lied, and People Died".  Of course, it also proved to be valuable ammunition to the elite, obsolete media that would rather have an anti-Republican story than the Truth anytime.
     The only problem is that during the beginning stages, just before and right at the beginning of the hostilities, there were reports, even in the Obsolete Press that convoys of very heavy transport trucks were being waved through Syrian border checkpoints.   Speculation, informed rumour, deductions made by arms specialists and military analysts, were reported for two or three days.   I recall one report that suggested that the Americans knew about the convoys from their aerial reconnaissance but it was thought that Bush wanted to avoid widening the theatre of the War by giving Syria an excuse to joins arms with Hussein.   Although Bashir Assad and  Saddam Hussein were enemies of a sort Hussein had demonstrated that he would entrust Iraqi assets with his enemies, as when he sent his feeble air force group over to Iran during the War to Liberate Kuwait.  About sixteen poorly maintained fighters made to Iran at that time.
     In any regard, our friend sent this brief note, a kind of testimony in El Gringo Viejo's defence, just to let me know that I have not been dreaming or inventing the story about the truck convoys to Syria.
On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 3:34 PM, Xxxxxx Xxxxxx <noreply-comment@blogger.com> wrote:
Xxxxxx Xxxxxx  has left a new comment on your post "MSNBC'S MADDOW BLAMES BUSH FOR MESS IN THE UKRAINE...":

I am a TV news (and C-Span) junkie. I clearly remember, just prior to US forces invading Iraq, seeing several aerial coverage of convoys of Iraqi trucks crossing the Syrian border, and TV commentators saying the suspicions were they were moving the weapons (of mass destruction).
Strangely, when none were found within Iraq, the story changed to "they never existed", and the convoys were never mentioned again.

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Posted by  Xxxxxx Xxxxxx
 to A Gringo in Rural Mexico at 4 March 2014 15:34
          Her transmission jogged my memory, because in truth, there were fairly lengthy, very low level filmings of the convoys...some tractors pulling trailers with triple rear axles....and everything neatly canvas-covered and roped-down in a fairly orderly manner.   It was almost as if the "fly-overs" were being done by those small helicopters or fixed-wing single-propeller observation planes used for forward infantry reconnaissance.
     So.   I know the truth was being told through my good offices, but this transmission from our friend at the Anglican Curmudgeon reassures that the OROGs can have sounder faith that it was not a dream that produced those convoys to Syria.
Many thanks to our contributor!
El Gringo Viejo

Important Purrsonalities at the Quinta Tesoro de la Sierra Madre


     We are all but totally self-consumed and egocentric.   It has been a life-long affliction.  So it is with a bit of trepidation that I move to underscore these personal defects by recommending to all OROGs, especially the newcomers, that they randomly review older and ancient...and some of the more recent rantings, observations, historical and Mexican analyses, and other commentary.
    This review is not for the purpose of deeper understanding of my great genius and superior, Cosmically-inspired intelligence, but rather to take advantage of the fact that this blog has many, many sharp edges and soft landing zones and nooks and crannies.  It is not mono-dimensional.   We have had people comment about the range of ravings, ranting, and contemplations they encounter within the entries found in A Gringo in Rural Mexico:  voice from the Sierra Madre Oriental....it is the nature of the beast.   Asi soy  (As such, I am).
    Herein is included an example of such.  These are among my very few and best friends at the Quinta Tesoro de la Sierra Madre.

Each cat-owner, if he/she is realistic and honest, will admit that cats own their two-legged, fellow occupants.   There really is no compromise about that one fundamental point.  These three are no exception.
From the top to the bottom:
(1)   Cleopaetra -  She prefers the spelling of her name as the OROG sees it.  She is a short-hair, Maine Coon green.   She is incredibly psychic, does well with the dogs, and is the spitting image of the 20 year old cat we took down from Texas and who is buried on the grounds of the Quinta.  She is somewhat affectionate, sometimes demanding, and prefers to sleep entirely under the covers during the episodes of cold and uncovered during the Summer nine-months.  Born in the Ejido of Francisco I. Madero, about 300 yards from her present Estate.   Mother of two, both boys, who live elsewhere in the Ejido.  Prefers Whiskas, half & half, very occasional table food, individual canned corn kernels served one at a time as a desert.   Very good mouser and poisonous snake killer.
(2)    Calico or Calandria -   In English she is the former and Spanish the latter, due to her colouration.   Calandria is the northern Mexican Spanish word for the Oriole bird.  Calandria also is the word in Spanish for a particular type of light horse-drawn carriage.   This cat was left off on us, and has always been something of an enigma.  She eats about a half-pint of milk per day....in 12 to 15 different demand servings.  She has figure issues.  She has become more entertaining and involved socially with El Gringo Viejo over the years, and like Cleopaetra generally accompanies me on my daily morning walks to different points on the Rio Corona with the dogs.   At times she studies the perch to the point that someday, probably, she will dive in and catch one.  She also likes to sleep on top of El Gringo Viejo during cold weather, and after the old coot has fallen asleep in his recliner  while watching History or Discovery.   Cleopaetra resists such sharing, and the combat generally wakes up the old coot, much to his displeasure.   Cleo also generally dines on Whiskas with very little variation. 
(3)   Smokey -  The full sister of Cleopaetra, Smokey is an Angora-like, Maine Coon green, very nervous, high strung yet docile.  She likes to play, but on her terms...and can tend to be a bit claws-and-teeth rough.  She likes to sleep in the large closet in the big bedroom.   On occasion, she and her sister will curl up in a ball of identical coloured fur in their cat-bed so as to look like some kind of monster racoon.  This is a cold-weather phenomena.   Like her sister, she is given to wild running around in the house at times, using the vertical walls as bounce-off devices for making "flying-curve manoeuvres" in order to make 90 degree corners at full speed.  Excellent mouser and poisonous snake killer.  Can be affectionate at times without expectation of reward.  Like her sister, she likes Whiskas....not so much milk or cream, but some....and really likes her Whiskas treats, which she will chase down as if they are wild game. Mother of three, males, delivered on the same day as her sister's two males.
     There are a million, billion stories and quirks that make my cats and dogs much more special than your cats or dogs...thereby making them exactly like your dogs and cats....but we shan't burden the OROG's patience with such droning-forth.   It is sufficient that the reader have an idea of what we mean when we might mention "the cats".
    Below is the pitiable girl-dog who delivered us 9 puppies....all males....all looking suspiciously like BeBe the Labrador.   We ridded ourselves of the pups, all to good homes, and even the mother....whose names is Sonsa (Silly Dunce in English)....was given to a nice family 14 kilometres away, to the South.  We were elated that she had found a place where she was actually wanted....until she wandered up from the Rio Corona, about one week later, scrawny, scratched-up, and elated to see her "real home" again.    She refuses to be touched or even come close to any human....even Alvaro and El Gringo Viejo.   She will wait for us to leave her bowl of food for her...and once we depart she will eat everything, without regard for or against the starving dogs in China.   She is fairly useless, but will bark at friends and strangers alike.   We are giving her an injection every now and then...a Stork Repellent....so as to avoid "problems" in the future.
Ugly, fairly stupid, but loyal.  She follows
El Gringo Viejo around like a robot, but never
comes within four feet of him or any human.
She is also very small, 15 lbs., and has survived
two encounters with motor vehicles.  One year
old at this point, and avoids motorised vehicles.

Thanks for your time and interest.
El Gringo Viejo



     The esteemed Rachel Maddow goes back to the well to find the real reason for the lack of any reasonable and/or coherent positioning or thinking or action on the part of Obama or his administration.   The explanation....George Bush.
El Gringo Viejo responded to her lunacy as it appeared  on a popular screed, and shares his own humble wisdom below.



  • in this conversation
  • ken
  • DJTrey
  • Navy Chief
  • 1940voter
  • Gmann2013
         Bush and the Americans, et.al. invade Iraq. Destroy the Iraqi military, capture Saddam Hussein al Tikriti, and generally win the war. The Gringos establish some semblance of civil society and do a fairly good cultural and social mop-up. The issue remains with the marxist / anti-American elements in the United States..."Bush lied and people died". The fact that Hussein had WMDs cannot be disputed. He had them, they were used frequently against the Iranians and against Iraqis....Shiite, Kurds, and the Swamp Arabs. Many, many thousands died. During the Iraq - Iran War (8 years), perhaps 1,000,000 were affected. During Kuwait, the environmental "lack of sensitivity" expressed by Hussein was revealed by the setting afire of 142 active and producing oil wells.

  •           I did not think much of the invasion, but in military and even cultural terms it was a considered success. Most knowledgeable analysts and observers are convinced that the bulk of Hussein's WMDs were moved to Syria shortly before the outbreak of the American,
    et.al. invasion. Some of those munitions quite probably were those being used both by Assad and the "freedom fighters" during the present Syrian disorders.

  •          The anti-Hebe nutcases in the present administration (which includes all of the members of this administration) are totally committed to the total erasure of Israel as a sovereign state, and in truth, to the elimination of the Jew presence within the ranks of the human race. I am not a Jew, so I am not begging for someone to save my race and me. It must be recognised, however, that all socialists...Bolshevik, National, progressive, etc...hate the entire Judaic - Christian "thing". Many of the Jew-haters are atheist Jews who hate their own "non-existent" Yahweh, their ancestors, and any notion of Judaic historical validity.

  •           The correct analysis for what has occurred in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, the Far East, and the rest of the world is that the Bush team did a high-mediocre to sometimes excellent job, won two wars, defended Israel to all reasonable limits,....left office...and watched this administration squander it all as it snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.....purposefully.

  •           Why? It was, is, and always will be the purpose of this administration to destroy, debilitate, and denigrate everything about the United States of America. These people will continue to do it while in office and sustain their efforts upon leaving office...hoping that when they leave that there is nothing left but smouldering ruins in their rear-view mirrors.   Their creed...hate traditionalist Jews, hate traditionalist Christians, hate agnostic libertarian thinkers, hate America, hate self-reliance, and give reverence to degeneracy.  Great creed.

  • Thank each of you for your kind attention.
    El Gringo Viejo

Monday 3 March 2014

Hall of Fame of Foreign Policy Victories for Hope and Change Barry (double bogey) Soetoro

Sergiev Legrov and Sir Edmund Hillary yukking it up back when
Sir Edmund Hillary was "doing so much for women and the
children". One can see the famous "reset button"  that was
developed by the Solyndra Labs Consortium.   That is
the same company that came up with the "If you
want to keep your doctor....'' slogan.  Also for
the children....and minorities....and the
Cowboy Poetry Society of Nevada.


A Couple of Necessary Observations - Arizona and El Chapo

Various topics that need a bit of comment are included in this transmission.
(1)    There is a little specialty shop operated by a Negro fellow who converted to Buddhism during a stay in Japan, while serving in the United States Air Force back during the 1960s.  He also became a dedicated vegetarian.   He specialised in "meaty" vegetarian cooking and preparations that appealed to men and people who really weren't "crazy-oes"  about being vegetablistic type people.   Asparagus, artichoke, cactus, capers, avocados, and the like, along with a few fudgies like sauces with creams and cheese ingredients, eggs and anchovy ingredients....these were his preparations.
     Some friends came over and asked him to cater a small wedding reception, and that he would need to co-ordinate with the "Wild and Crazy Wild Game Purveyors", a noted caterer in the area that specialised in deer, moose, fish, and other game preparations.   Smoking and pit-barbeque was their forte.
     The old Sergeant-Major, a true and practicing vegetarian/Buddhist, advised his friends that he did not want to adjunct with a meal presentation that would  integrate and complement with animal tissue being an integral part of the presentation.    "It's just against my religion," he informed those asking for the service.
     The people who were  putting together the reception said, "Damn!  We weren't thinking.  Of course.   The thing is your preparations are really 'meaty' so-to-speak, and we thought that since everybody likes your stuff so much that it would go together well.  Oh, well.   We'll just whip up some beans and Mexican rice and call it a meal.  Please forgive our self-centred thoughtlessness."
     The Sergeant Major then says, "Does this mean I can't go to the wedding and reception? "
     The client/friends responded, "What are you talking about?  The envelope on the counter  is yours.   If you're not there we'll come and drag you over there."
     The difference?   The people who have chosen to totally identify themselves as homosexuals....as perpetual victims....seeking to be offended....demand that they be approbated, fully accepted, endorsed, and literally yielded to on all fronts and issues.   Because of their own sense of self-loathing, they demand to be "accepted'' and "approved" as a inalienable right so as to offset that inner sense of self-hatred.  That sense of self-hatred is further exposed by the need to rename their problem, so as to be "gay" in lieu of homosexual. 
     The first scenario, the one about the Sergeant Major, is the correct solution to being denied service due to the provider's religious positions.   It is also a very slight variation of a true story that took place not too many years ago in Central Texas.   The story was "reconstituted" a bit so as to make certain that there would be no association with specific and known people.
      The "Arizona Law" concerning religious exclusion prerogatives pertains to the events described concerning the issue with the Sergeant Major and his potential clients.   The easily offended and people without the sense of propriety and driven to prove how "tolerant'' they are, will leave no crystal or china in the antique store unbroken in their zeal to prove their "moral superiority".   They will always consider their proclivities to be unassailable law, and other peoples' deep religious and philosophical understandings and beliefs invalid, stupid, and evil.
     Another slide into shortstop by the secular progressives and anti-traditionalists.  Morally devoid, intellectually defective, legally inert, but oh! so arrogantly superior.
(2)     "El Chapo" Guzman, and his capture, represent just one more step in the gradual, steady degradation of the cartel business.  El Gringo Viejo was pleased to see the effective and efficient take-down by the Mexican Naval Infantry of this horrid, cancerous scab on the skin of the human race.
     The press immediately began to denigrate the effort by declaring that Guzman would pay his way out in a week, and further the only way he was taken down was due to the DEA and Homeland Security and the DOJ on the American side being in charge of the action.   Such was not the case.   And Guzman has not "paid his way out" as of yet.  It is doubtful he ever will, and it is also doubtful that he will be extradited because the "bureaucratic class" within the American "public service community" really does not want the American public to know how many Democrat operatives and office-holders, along with unionised constabulary in the United States have been co-opted by Guzman's tentacular organisation.
     The immediate example of Caro Quintero, recently released from detention by a panel of three federal judges in Mexico, was repeatedly cited.  The thing is, that action was immediately contested officially and politically across the broad spectrum of the Mexican body politic, save, of course, for the leftist (marxist) Partido de la Revolucion Democratico (PRD). 
      Also, even though the press reports that Caro Quintero disappeared into a fog and his whereabouts will never be known again, his position is known by Mexican police and military individuals, Interpol, French and American police agencies, and other interested parties.    He has been effectively tailed since his release, and he seems unconcerned about and/or unable to consider issues about his secrecy or hiding out.   It is generally assumed that Caro Quintero is terminally ill, and perhaps even providing ensights with Interpol and/or Mexican military intelligence about what little left he knows that might be relevant to to-day's cartel activities.
     It is necessary to point out that in Mexico City,  elements of the PRD immediately impulsed hundreds of cannon-fodder "professional marching protesters" with appropriate T-shirts, banners, and placards to demand "Income equality now! Free 'El Chapo Guzman'!!"   Amazing. 
     Finally, Guzman...the most recent thug take-down...had his problems begin when the citizenry of the area around Choix, Sinaloa began to, essentially, rebel against the slugs and thugs comprising "El Chapo's" organisation.  The tales about the natives' love for "El Chapo" and about how much "good work" he had done for the poor and oppressed were written by people who are disposed to think of Ernesto Guevara as an "agrarian reformer".

(this note:   the video indicates that Guzman was able to avoid the Naval Infantry in Mazatlan because of an intricate system of tunnels, etc. etc,  That event was actually in Culiacan, the capital of Sinaloa State of Mexico, several weeks before.   There are other incorrect details in the reading by the announcer, but nothing that takes away from the most important facts of the capture)

  It was a little less than a year ago when major units of the Mexican Army penetrated and disorganised  the area and the personnel that had longed pertained to El Chapo and his father before him.  He was  flushed out....went not too far....to Culiacan....was flushed out again fairly rapidly....and then finally was re-located in Mazatlan, pretty much abandoned by his Pretorian Guard and unprotected by the supposedly totally compromised civilian authority.
     Like another of his ilk...who the people loved because of all he gave them, Sadam Hussein al Tikriti...he was taken without a shot being fired.
It was a good day for Mexico.   And humanity.
More Later.
El Gringo Viejo

Sunday 2 March 2014

Hey! O'Reilly! Brother's Keeper? Really? Plus other Socially Insensitive Observations

    We were recently treated to the pleasure of watching The Great Interrupter, Bill O'Reilly, being called to the Inner Sanctum in order to hobnob with the  Great Fundamental Transformer.   The White House confab had to do with another assembly of gibberish and gush about establishing Utopia while employing rules that require the complete disregard of Natural and Common Law.
     The blessed event was called something like "My Brother's Keeper".   The host for the event was a fellow who has accomplished the following:

                 (a)    Disregarded his own ill and pitiable, impoverished brother in Kenya.   That brother lives in what can only be described as grinding poverty.  The Great Fundamental Transformer has also managed to disregard the plight of his Uncle Omar Onyango Obama and his Auntie Zietuni by foisting them off onto complete public assistance provided by the people of Massachusetts and the United States of America.
                (b)     The destruction of the medical provision system of the United States of America as it was known, and forcing the replacement of said system with some absurdity forged from the cellars of various ash-bins of History and some place where Alice wound up by falling through a rabbit hole.
     By performing this amazing hare-brained feat of Magic, His Transformership has managed to at least 265,000,000 people either in a position of having lost medical insurance coverage or being in profound danger of losing said coverage sooner rather than later.
             (c)     With the Great Transformer enlightened approach, we are told that his desire to be his "Brothers' Keeper" he has deigned to subsidise medical insurance for the proles, dregs, and parasites who see themselves entitled to have other people pay for their insurance.   The Great Transformer declares that he is giving these people....not free money....but something even better;   Subsidies.
         Since the 50% of the adult population that pays all the taxes anyway has always paid for the proles, dregs, and parasites via  public health departments (free shots, anyone?) and Medicaid....perhaps nothing much has changed.   Perhaps there is a bit of a shift at least in style due to the fact that middle-income people are being globbed onto the Medicaid roles so as to further facilitate the notion that being a blood-sucking, Draculene parasite is now equated with ".....doing God's work".
     So in this case, the Fundamental Transformer and lecturer concerning the need to be our brothers' keepers, we are told to keep on doing the heavy lifting while he struts about telling people to keep doing the heavy lifting.   Novel notion.
     We are then treated to an interview with Valerie Jerrod shortly after the soiree at the White House with the swells.   That interview and O'Reilly's restatements about the nobility of the President's new-found realistic approach to Midnight Basketball 252.2 gives El Gringo Viejo even further cause to doubt O'Reilly's pertinence to anything remotely remotely reasonable thinking and/or Constitutional, conservative philosophy.   O'Reilly was, is, and will forever be one of the "reasonable" players on the political scene.
     Therefore, although it will certainly fall on deaf ears, we transfer this message from the Galaxy Reality.   "Dear O'Reilly, the deal is done.  Public assistance programmes have generated a population of several million people born with no souls.  There is no recovery for these poeple.  Nothing can be 'done' for them.  The only ones who will be saved are the ones who can save themselves and they are few. Very few."
    The AFDC  and Food Stamp Poisoning syndrome was inoculated into the "victim group" with the sole intention of destroying the United States.   Oddly, it plays well into the desire by Margaret Sanger and her posse to destroy the Negro race, at least in North America.   Progressives and their "reasonable Republican" useful idiots have given us the National Deficit that was sure to occur with the practice of crony capitalism, along with subsidised sloth and harlotry.   Those seeds have long since replaced the "waving fields of grain" with the reaping of the whirlwind produced by Godlessness and secular humanistic hubris.
     My Brother's Keeper.   Sheesh.  Do we spell this type of hypocrisy and hubris "chutzpah" or "hutzpah"?    As for O'Reilly, we really think he should be commended for being reasonable and open minded.  What with Barry Soetoro's fine record for veracity and positive accomplishment in improving quality of life issues for oppressed minorities, as well as his numerous foreign policy victories....we think that Billy O'  really, really is reasonable and open minded.    Right?
El Gringo Viejo