Monday 3 February 2014

Some Comment served as Goulash

     We awoke this morning feeling Hungarian, and probably thinking in Magyar, so we are serving a goulash of different topics here.   The problem, quite frankly, is an inability to maintain a continuum of thought, and perhaps the cold.   We dodged  quite a blast from the north, yesterday and the day before.  There was  considerable rain between Tuesday and Wednesday, and a bit of frozen precipitation here and there, and cold.   Cold and dank.  We had a bit of sleet and snow here and there around the Tip of Texas, mainly sleet and rain all night here at our place, but nothing like the Great Christmas Snow of 2004 when we picked up 10 - 12 inches in McAllen, all the way up to George West, Texas.  We had the highways almost to ourselves on that drive up to Central Texas that time.
Vigilantes are Militarised:
     The OROGs will remember, perhaps, when we pointed out that common civilians in the area where western Michoacán State, northernmost parts of Guerrero State, and the southernmost part of  Colima State of Mexico come more or less together had begun to take up arms against the drug cartel people in that area of western Mexico.
     Some might have thought that those carrying that story were fantasising about some Zorro-like presence, rendering righteousness and order against the evil-doers.   Others suggested that they were all the same, the vigilantes and the cartel people were just fighting over turf.  El Gringo Viejo knew that the 10 to 1 odds were that the vigilantes were the real thing.  And, interestingly, the old saw about the best thing to do to a bully is to beat him up....because all bullies are cowards and cry-babies was applicable to the issue affecting the area above proscribed.

    We have seen a disorganisation of the Knights Templar Cartel (not a joke) has been significant.   They are a particularly blood-thirsty and combative group, or had been until recently.   They began to go into a disorganisation due to harassment by the Vigilantes.
     The Mexican Army had been active near and about that part of Mexico.  They made a kind of a formal contact with the Vigilantes (think of them as a semi-militarised Tea Party of mainly very young men....ages 15 to 30....20,000 members strong.)

     High-ranking army officers and experienced combat people reviewed various of the "companies" of infantry and their "mobility" (old pick-ups), and their communications (cellular telephones), and their armaments (beat-up shotguns and rusty revolvers with a few hundred decent rifles, few if any automatics).   Almost all the firearms came from the hearth and many were almost family heirlooms.  The automatic stuff had been taken from cartel thugs who had been captured and/or killed during confrontations.
     The vigilantes have been organised into fighting units and given martial authority by the real live Army, and named Rural Citizens Militia.  The training we had heard about earlier actually did take place and is continuing.   Military order, rules of engagement, basic forensics, and other police and military necessaries have brushed up the volunteer rag-tags into a large and formidable extension of the Army.  This extension has the further advantage of being intimately familiar with forest trails and roads, as well as certain knowledge about who belongs and who does not.
     The recent capture of one of the most, if not the most important, "Knights Templar" commanders is credited in large part to the investigation and reconnaissance done by the Rural Citizens' Militia.

    This activity was monstrous news throughout Michoacán State, because this capture was of the man who controlled organised criminal activity and drug transhipments from the capital, Morelia, to Mexico City and to Los Angeles, California.
This note:
It was at this point last Thursday that our telephone, television, and computer feed went down.   It was restored shortly before noon, on 3 February 2014.
Thanks for bearing with us.
      We are troubled continuously about the lack of Republican resolve to establish  true, conservative guideposts and positions for the coming Congressional elections.  It seems more than obvious that the Republican hierarchy is disposed to be the daddy socialist arbitrator of issues leading up to who can be Queen for a Day, slobbering at the trough provided by the central government in Washington, D.C.
     It is as if they are the "more conservative" of two choices.   It is like Stalin or Trotsky.   Do you all want to be slaves in the gulag or do you want to the slaves in some other place.  Do you want a show trial before we shoot you, or do you just want to get it over with?   Are you satisfied with Red Chinese Mao pyjamas and beanie cap, or do you want to have a choice between Red Chinese manufacture or Michael Moore pyjamas and beanie cap made in an environmentally friendly country?   Either outfit is free.   Simply pay the 50 Yuan manufacturing, assembly, and transport charges.   Obama will allow you t0 have one outfit every year.
     It is fundamentally necessary to stand our ground.   There can be no compromise with the notion of right and wrong.   There can be no compromise with the notion that "creative accounting and resourceful economics" can set aside the rules of mathematics.   There can be no compromise with social policies that have globbed scores of millions of people onto the dole, destroying any sense of self-worth or self-reliance.   The central government has created a class of dependents that performs economic liposuction on the productive class, while at the same time assaulting, murdering, stealing, and defiling at every opportunity, both against their own and the commonly decent class of people.
     The business of having the Republicans devise a special, designer Obama Socialised Medicine Initiative a la Elephant is preposterous.   The special Republican plan must be "Repeal and Rescind".   Keeping any piece or part of the hideous, government controlled, totalitarian socialised medicine initiative is patently unacceptable....beyond ridiculous.  Please...."We'll have to vote for it to find out what's inside of it."   ?????????????????????   We shall have to repeal and rescind in order to wipe the slate clean enough so as to move on into the future.
     It is apparent that the entire offensive by the Obomatrons was for the purpose of lumping several score million more people into the Emergency Room Plan (proven to work in Cuba and Russia) commonly known as Medicaid.    The other purpose, equal in value to the first, was and is the collapsing of the private insurance industry.   Nationalisation is one sure way to destroy private business.
    One final point.   We do not pretend to regard Barack Hussein Obama as any kind of original thinker or inspired philosopher.  He is simply a little finger on the hand of a cabal of "progressive" marxist socialist engineers.  They are perverse, dedicated to the construction of anthills and beehives for us, and dachas for them....and they are ensconced in all areas of American industry, academia, labour, entertainment and arts, and religion.   They hate individualism and love Frieda and Fidel.   Barack cannot think beyond what he is fed through the teleprompter from the focus group editors.
More later.
El Gringo Viejo

Word from El Zorro...and an explanation is deserved to the OROG community

     During the better part of the past five days, we have been held hostage by the Time Warner Company.   They provide our linkage to the outside world, via television, telephone, and high-speed computer connection.   All systems went out, due to the lack of a secure service box, which had apparently been violated by vandal children.
     We awaited the service man, who came at the appointed time....four days after the event....and made the diagnosis and repair (screwing the two elements of the connecting cable together) and left within fifteen minutes of arrival.   He then gave me his card and said, "From now on, just call me, and I'll notify the office that you are on my call list."   Same day or next day service.    Gee.
     We are now filtering through about 120 messages of different import.   We are also fixing to spill rancid liver bile out on the internet until the entirety of cybermundo looks like gorilla guts in a witch's cauldron.   However, more civil contributors have eased my efforts by providing an adequate contribution "de inmediato".    El Zorro weighs in on the pretendrix to the Presidency of the Republic of Texas.


State Sovereignty:
Get the Women and Children out First
(or Save the Union?)

(Having some health issues, El Zorro has not been able to contribute to El Gringo Viejo's blog though there are certainly a plethora of subjects to be discussed, expounded upon and dissected.  But, my sense of well-being has been restored somewhat by the need to ride to the sound of the cannon.)

  One of the larger issues that has the attention of many in the Great State of Texas is Texas' sovereignty. This writer is a proud member of the Texas Nationalist Movement with mixed feelings. Being a sixth generation Texan, my loyalties are to this state first and the the United States second. In that regard, to clarify that it is our opinion that the good of Texas rests or has rested to a certain extent with the good of the Nation. As long as the Union acts in the interest of the States and the people this arrangement is a useful one and one to be respected. However, if the Federal government does not observe and respect the sovereignty of the states and the people, that relationship should be reconsidered.

      The United States Constitution is a brilliant document written by some of the most intelligent men of the time it was written.  It was also inspired by a common power greater than the individuals who wrote it. It was written very clearly and precisely to be interpreted literally, a very simple document by design. There are not many grey areas but for those invented by the progressives who have infected our governing systems with deliberate intent to destroy the Constitution by conjuring up grey areas. The greatness bestowed on the people by the framers in this document is being stolen bit by bit through deception and intimidation.

       Those since Woodrow Wilson have been accumulating power until we have more than a simple majority of greedy selfish politicians who would turn the republic into a socialist-communist utopia. Our liberties are being illegally taken by unchallenged unconstitutional laws and executive orders. Obamacare and the IRS, the NSA, EPA, Executive cabinet appointments, Federal bench legislation, and hundreds of unelected subdivisions of government have replaced government by the people being governed.

      This gargantuan cancer is metastasizing into the state governments as well
The New Fabian Society is the Old Fabian Society
Listen to the similarities in content, context, and speech...
Andrew CuomoGeorge Bernard Shaw

George Bernard Shaw's socialist views, the Communist Party involvement and his membership in the Fabian Society are eerily similar to thinly masked ideology of today's government leaders. Is New York (state) lost?
The Fabian Society

In Texas we have a challenge that must be met forcefully:

Wendy Davis
She who would be Governess
of the Republic of Texas
Wendy Davis filibustered the Texas Legislature to abrogate a bill that would restrict abortions in the state. This was a twofold trick that would impose death penalties on unborn people and to promote herself as a liberal change of executive in Texas. Her motives are transparent. Hopefully, Texans are aware enough of the potential harm to our state if this woman

Greg Abbot
Republican Candidate for
Governor of the Republic
of Texas 
should be elected. Texas would become a blue state. The example set would turn other states as well. She has done what liberals always do, compromise her own aspirations by stupidly embellishing her image with lies. She overstated her impoverished situation as a young mother to get sympathy from women in Texas. She lied by implication that she worked her way through law school when in fact her then husband helped which she did not mention. She has tried to denigrate her opponent, Greg Abbot by saying he is in a wheelchair falsely claiming a disability. Even though it appears she has damaged her campaign, it is a danger to thing she will not be a force not to be taken lightly.
     These are two examples of the insidiousness and power we are facing as a free people. If the Federal government will not change direction, which is  certain it will not, then the American people have to take charge. The U.S. Constitution is in dire jeopardy. Progressivism is growing geometrically and with such issues as immigration reform, the farm bill, the military budget cuts, Obamacare, etc. there is not much hope. It is certain we have no hope for retaining the freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution is action is not taken by the people.

     As a last hope, the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution has to be taken seriously by at least three-fifths of the states. That would be a first choice for preservation of the Union and the vision penned by the framers. It means the Texas legislature will have to participate and I would urge strongly that it does. There is not much to lose by giving it a chance. The one consideration is the next governor of the state cannot be Ms. Davis; however, the Fifth Amendment does not depend on the Governor, only the Texas House of Representatives is necessary. As long as the House remains conservative we can proceed with this method for restoring the Constitution.

      The last course of action is Texas secession from the Union. That works for me as a last resort even though it would be a huge effort needing more than just a majority of Texans to support it. The TNM is working to coordinate such a proposition. As a proud Texan the idea of being a sovereign country is appealing. It would be worth all who read this to check out the organization at
Texas Nationalist Movement

God bless the United States, and

El Zorro

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Sequel: Focus Group V

     The entire episode presented by the president last night was simple foolishness.   Even less than sound and fury, it was the stuff of focus group phrases, spoken by dolts with little intellectual or deductive ability.   The teleprompter feeders dutifully take off the phrases....job training....income inequality.... make America a fairer place....make investments in America's future....and the like.   Then after they have 20 or 30 phrases, those phrases are strung together in an incoherent way and read off of the teleprompter with lofty, near-shouted community organiser - cheerleader - union boss assertiveness by a puppet known as the first person to have ever been given the Nobel Peace Prize for having done all that stuff about everything and whatever.
Message to the nephew of Auntie Zietuni and Uncle Omar:   Your task, according to the Constitution is to give a state of the Union report to  the Congrefs of the United States of America.  No report was made.  I shall give the report for the nephew of Auntie Zietuni and Uncle Omar.
     The condition of the Republic is strained.   There are more people taking than giving.  The government is abusing its authority by over-regulating and by interfering with private parties and businesses via the Internal Revenue Service among other bureaucracies.  Foreign policy matters are laughable, were they not so dangerous, and the military is sick to death of Zietuni's and Omar's nephew.   So, we can assume that the condition of the Republic is not good, therefore the president has been largely successful in his mission to begin to  fundamentally transform America into a third-world country.
We have given the report.
Ours costs less and said a bit more in terms of discernible substance.
El Gringo Viejo.

Tuesday 28 January 2014

From Reuters: Argentina Circles the Bowl


Being the (Sir Edmund) Hillary of South America
takes a toll on a girl.  Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner
did have a brain health issue last year.   She was out of
circulation for about five weeks until appearing in public
in mid-January finally.   She and her government have
succeeded, by in large, in destroying the financial system
of Argentina, along with the peso, in the quest of establishing
"Income Equality".   Leftism brings depravity and ruin.
(the upper labelling of the photos states, "Argentina remains
aware of the health of its President.")
27 January 2014   

UPDATE 4-Argentina's peso slides on first day of new currency rules

Mon Jan 27, 2014 4:05pm EST

By Brad Haynes and Hugh Bronstein
    BUENOS AIRES, Jan 27 (Reuters) - Argentina set monthly
limits on dollar purchases on Monday, widening the gap between
the official and parallel exchange rates with an erratic
currency policy that has battered the peso and rattled global
financial markets.
    By limiting the purchases of U.S. dollars to a fifth of a
worker's monthly wages, the government revived doubts about its
commitment to a more open currency market under measures
announced on Friday.
    The concerns circling the peso, which posted its biggest
daily drop in a decade last week, added to fears of an
emerging-market sell off hitting currencies from the Turkish lira
to the Polish zloty.  
    Argentina's ostracism from international credit markets
since a 2002 debt default has limited the risks to the global
financial system. However, the plunging peso could hurt trade
with neighbours such as Brazil, whose currency closed at a
five-month low on Monday.
    Argentina's central bank stabilised the official peso by
pumping $100 million of its waning reserves into the interbank
market. But private traders wary of the government restrictions
weakened the peso nearly 4 percent in parallel trading.
    Due to excess demand for dollars, the peso trades on the
parallel black market at a discount of more than 40 percent to
the tightly controlled official exchange rate.
    "This is a relief, but it is not freedom. In practise, it
gives just a little escape," said economist Rodolfo Rossi in
Buenos Aires. "The pressure on the (black-market peso) is going
to continue."
    The local currency weakened on the black market to
12.15 pesos per U.S. dollar, while the official exchange rate
 was unchanged at 8 per dollar in thin trading. Last
week, the official peso slid nearly 20 percent as investors
scrambled to make sense of the new currency regime.
    The rapid depreciation has raised credit risks for Argentine
banks, insurers and companies with foreign debts, analysts from
Moody's Investors Service warned in a research note to
    "It remains unclear what policies the government plans to
pursue to address the underlying causes of capital flight, curb
inflation and restore investor confidence," the ratings agency
said in a statement. "Hence, Argentina's credit quality will
likely continue to face negative pressure."
    Moody's forecast a further 50 percent devaluation of the
peso by the end of the year, with price pressures from imports
pushing inflation upward to over 30 percent in 2014, from what
is already one of the world's highest inflation rates.
    Argentine officials were quick to dismiss such risks.
    "There is no reason that the exchange rate should distort
consumer prices," said Cabinet Chief Jorge Capitanich in a press
conference detailing the new regulations. "Lots of businesses
just raise their prices out of uncertainty."
    Shopkeepers over the weekend hurriedly replaced price tags
on imported items, from Cuban cigars to Asian televisions.
    The price surge followed the government's decision to lift
two-year-old restrictions on Argentines buying foreign currency,
allowing savers access to coveted U.S. dollars.
    The relaxation of controls came as the central bank's
foreign exchange reserves dipped under $30 billion - a level
suggesting its interventions in support of the anaemic peso had
become unsustainable.  
    Allowing average wage-earners to access U.S. dollars should
pressure reserves as well, because the central bank is the
economy's main source of foreign exchange.
    Conditioned by previous financial crises to hold savings in
dollars, Argentines are obsessed with the greenback. The
currency controls regime ending on Monday forced many people to
go to the black market for dollars to protect against the weak
peso and fast-rising consumer prices. 
    Consumer prices rose about 25 percent in 2013, according to
private analyst estimates. Official data, which many economists
dispute, clocks inflation at less than half that rate. A new
government consumer price index, ordered by the International
Monetary Fund, is expected to be unveiled next month. 
    While inflationary, President Cristina Fernandez's policies
were seen by most voters as the key to economic recovery from
the 2002 debacle. She easily won re-election in 2011, promising
deeper market interventions and more stimulus spending
unencumbered by inflation targeting.
    The effect of peso volatility on other countries' markets
should be limited by the fact that Argentina has been unable to
issue international bonds since its 2002 sovereign default.
    Since then, the government's unorthodox policies -
underscored by its 2012 seizure of energy company YPF 
- have kept all but the most risk-hungry investors at bay.
    The peso's recent slide added to risk aversion in global
financial markets, but foreign officials played down concerns.
    "The troubles in Argentina today find a European Union that
is much more solid and a euro that is much more solid and a
better ability to deal with this kind of concern," Italian Prime
Minister Enrico Letta told journalists on Monday.
    Consumer prices remain a big worry on the streets of
Argentina, but the issue has not sparked mass protests lately.
Tensions may rise in the coming weeks as labour unions demand
that pay increase in line with private inflation estimates.
    If Argentina suffers 30 percent inflation this year, as
private analysts expect, it would mark the fastest rate since
the 2002 crisis, when inflation reached 41 percent.
    Fernandez has mentioned neither consumer prices nor the
peso's plight in recent speeches, leaving her cabinet to
announce policy changes. The next presidential election is in
2015, with Fernandez constitutionally barred from a third term.

What? No selfie?
     Being an inveterate blowhard and self-congratulator, El Gringo Viejo reminds all OROGs that this event was predicted early last year.  The Argentine Peso is involved in a death spiral that will provoke, for the second time in the last few years, a complete and total bankruptcy of the Republica de Argentina.   Cristina was hysterically assuring the Argies and the world, less than six months ago that the fundamentals of her "share the wealth" and "make the rich pay their fair share" schemes were sound approaches to establishing a more economically democratic Argentina.
     Cristina was also threatening to re-declare war on the Brits, and/or to establish a diplomatic boycott of the Old Empire.  That measure met with similar success.   The Falkland Island issue always serves to whip up war fervour among the Argentine people for at least 22 minutes.
     There are so many parallels between the promises and accomplishments of Obama and this horrid demagogue princess that it is almost as if they are twins separated at birth, born under the same star, and....thankfully, both term limited out during the 2015 to 2016 period....we hope.
More later.  Thank you all for the time you invest in this screed.
El Gringo Viejo

Little Boxes, Little Boxes....and then he was gone....a long time passing



The nightmare of psoriasis
and cul-de-sacs
Left-think requires that we not just know...but confess, admit, and believe...that the picture on the OROG's left represents a great evil.   Simultaneously, we are demanded by the left-thinkers that we must also admit the picture on the right represents a higher form of human achievement.  The popular "folk-song" of the counter-cultural movement of the 1960s and 1970s was a sneering impeachment of the bourgeois decadence and materialistic orientation of the "artificial non-existent American Culture".  It was necessary to tear down anything that bespoke of comfort, treasure, individual sovereignty, and of course, the silly pursuit of the "American Dream".    It was always a source of humour to El Gringo Viejo to note that the marxists condemned America and Americans for materialism, when in fact, Marxism was and remains pseudo-philosophy based entirely upon materialism and envy.
Somehow, little boxes really don't
seem that attractive in the Brave
 New World of central planning.
     At worst the Gringos practiced a form of idiotic "keeping up with the Joneses", but the Bolshies practiced "let's slaughter a few hundred thousand royals and aristocrats and a few million traditionalist, prosperous peasants in the Ukraine and Georgia so that Uncle Joe can have his dacha on the shores of the Black Sea.''  And the Bolshies also practiced the art of requiring, from each citizen, that which his abilities permitted and, of course, giving to each citizen what the government determined to be his needs. 
     The OROG certainly understands the perfect yin-yang, the finest balance of karmic resolution, taking only what could be given and giving only what would be needed.   Wow!  One might wish he could have thought that up all by himself.  Except...were we to "balance" things that way, then it might possibly turn out to look like the picture on the right....Leningrad, 1989.

     So Malvina Reynolds writes the song that Pete Seeger sings, ridiculing America and the Americans and the American way of life.   The audience laughs and snickers....feels superior for a moment....without remembering what happens when pinkoes and elitist social engineers can do for a city...even in America.  Just drive by any public housing project in any of America's 100 largest cities.  Right, Pete....little boxes, really.   The government should do something about it.

More later.
El Gringo Viejo

Monday 27 January 2014

If, then. If not, why not? Why this and not that?


Enslave Women, Beat Them Up, Disorder the Social Order.   Democrat National Socialist War on Women is alive and well, and, of course, un-reported.    

To any reasonable observer, the contradictions are massive....huge....even gargantuan.   Somehow the record of victimised women, frequently beaten and/or abused women left behind by Billy Jeff Blythe is phenomenal.  Or the disdain Theodore (Lion of the Senate) Kennedy had for your daughter, his wife, his children male and female, can also inspire future degenerates for years and generations to come.
    The Democrat National Socialist Workers' Party has performed phenomenally in the process of enslaving women throughout the United States of America to the notion that Aid to Families with Dependent Children is some kind of calling or a right or a way-of-life.  With each program to "help" women, domestic violence has risen to ever higher levels of per capita numbers and severity of abuse.
Anthony Wiener is a big
 supporter of the War
 on Women.
     Children are born into fatherless homes, sent to rudderless schools, fed, food banked and stamped, and suddenly decide to become gang members.  Later, when they are around 16 to 22...they beat up their mothers and grandmothers and girlfriends.   It is the product produced by the Brave New World Social Organisation.    Mayhem, violence, degeneracy, profligacy are the end product of  government programmes that are "helping women".

       And, in keeping with the Leftist Rule of always accusing your opponents of doing (when they are not) precisely what the Left really is doing, they point vigorously at George Bush or Ted Cruz or Rush Limbaugh, when in fact the greatest enemy of womankind is that famous serpent, whispering, "You don't need to follow no stinkin'  natural law,  you gots the Government."

     To these remarks it will be responded perhaps that we are accusing all women involved in multigenerational welfare dependency are guilty of something.   We are.    We also point at those welfare dependency workers, the companies and industries that promote participation in slugism and welfare dependency.  

     It is called .... a purposeful War on Women...designed to enslave people to a form of dependency that is much greater than a life-style;   it is an addiction.
The Wondrous Dinesh D'Souza Evaporation Machine:

America's most dangerous is now being readied for death by defamation via the active measures being taken by the United States Department of Justice,
Dinesh D'Souza
Public Enemy
with direction by Attorney General Eric (the Red) Holder, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and  the Internal Revenue Service.
     He is being prosecuted for campaign contribution violations.   No one has ever been prosecuted for his particular way and amount of contribution.   The Clintons, the Gores, and all Democrats and leftists are absolved of any "criminal intent"....remember Al Gore being unaware of what was happening at the Buddhist Temple in Los Angeles on that pleasant afternoon when he carried off several hundred thousand dollars in illegal campaign contributions.   Red Chinese campaign contributions were legendary.   Selling pardons for Bill and Hillary became a cottage industry for both Bill's and Hillary's brothers.
     But, it is the price one pays for helping the president's little brother. Dinesh must be punished!!!   Documentary movies that say bad things about bad people are bad....especially for the people who make the movie.
     But now, Eric the Red Holder, who cannot "get to the bottom" of the Fast and Furious matter with hundreds of dead people resulting from a botched plan that he, the anti-private gun ownership cabal, and career bureaucrats dreamed up.   Those are the ones who have dreams about that wonderful time when only the bureaucrats and the elites will have guns and the little people will be allowed to dial 911 for the body pick-up service.   Obama's National Health Service will pass out necklaces with transmitting devices that the people can press that say, "Help me, I've been shot.  I'm dead.  Please come and pick me up".
This Dinesh D'Souza  thing is reminiscent of the Tom DeLay mess that turned out badly, finally, for the over-zealous, leftist, Travis County, Texas district attorney.

Oy vey iz mir!
El Gringo Viejo