Sunday 15 December 2013

A Message from the Frozen Northcountry

     We find El Zorro much restored, with a good prognosis.  There remains work to be done on that front, but at least the Rx is being done.   There will be some more testing and adjustments, and OROGs need to remember that El Zorro's boss is an RN among other things.  El Gringo Viejo urged him to cut back  on nibbling the NoDoze and drinking the AirWick a little, so perhaps that has helped as well.   We both need that in our regular diet so we can stay mean and grumpy.   His comments are spawned from the ridiculous sentencing of the boy whose attorney explained to the judge that his client had killed four people and injured about twice that number because his parents had never domesticated him and taught him responsibility.   As a 16 year old, he should have been bound over for trial as an adult. after having killed four people and injured various others.   But the judgette gave him probation.  To me, it looks like the fix was in from the beginning.    His parents should have been driven to the nearest prison and dumped there, after being shaken out of every shekel they currently have.
     It speaks to other issues, however, and El Zorro is grinding his teeth like the rest of us.   He says what I feel and what all the people around me are thinking about this issue.





    Our liberty comes with a steep price.  Every one of us is subject to affluencia.  It is how we are affected by it that determines whether we deserve the liberty that spawns it.  The proverbial struggle between good and evil is an archetype.  Even the poorest among us is fat…  the degenerates among us have no sense of self-worth and therefore do not care about real destitution of which they do not know.   Too much time, too much wealth, too much oblivion.  No value system, no appreciation for subsistence not worked for, no virtuous family influence, no humility.

How to get back to basics?  The answer is pretty simple.  The Application?  Not so much.
I would recommend:
1.)   Training in the fact that there is a power greater than self from inception.
2.)   Indoctrination in the 10 commandments, in style, if not by religion.
3.)   Enforcement of the golden rule through example.
4.)   Education in civics, emphasis on the Constitution.  (*Educating for Democracy)
5.)   Boot camp for everybody as an extension to public education.
6.)   Mandatory military or equivalent service after boot camp.
7.)   Emphasise State and individual as supreme and superior to the
      National Government at all levels of education.
     *I am not endorsing “Educating for Democracy”, however, it is impractical if not impossible to implement without individual value systems, strict enforcement of the Constitution, and strengthening of the Constitution through amendments to make it true to the original intent.
     The above are responsibilities of a family structure.  Parents are responsible for creating the value systems in their children.  Families are the nucleus of society, not the national government.  The role of government is to facilitate family’s ability to produce and prepare children to function in society.  Its role is to clear impediments to child development, not create them.  The Federal Government exists to defend national borders and maintain a common currency… nothing more!  The State Government provides all other services to the family and individuals to enable independent liberty.  That includes enabling religion and supporting education.
     The only seeable way to get to those basic propositions is to reinstate the Constitution.  The Founders did all the hard work.  All we have to do is follow it as the “law of the land” above all others.  If that is not possible, then I guess we do not need the Federal Government.  (!)

Saturday 14 December 2013

The Insidiousness of National Socialism

    Should one wish to perfectly understand the nature of National Socialism, we are all sitting on front-row seats at this time, so let us sit back and enjoy.  The meaning of "hope and change" when said words are spoken by a Marxist or national socialist always....always....means something far different from what is envisioned by those hearing those words.
     Bolshevik socialism is a bit different.  Shoot the Royal Family.  They are guilty of much of what the communist / socialist mentality deigns to be sin in their secular humanist religion.  And, true enough, they could be and were irrationally brutal when in came to the notion that the maintenance of social order led to the better condition for all.   Shoot and / or strip the aristocracy of most if not all their prestige, property, and personal wealth.  Shoot any attorneys at once if they show any deference in their earlier writings or opinions in favour of common law or open legal processes.   Shoot all journalists if they reveal the least inclination to question anything about the new government by the proletariat.
    The national socialist is a first cousin by blood.  The Czar and the Kaiser disliked Jews and homosexuals and gypsies, each his own.    The Communists and the National Socialists enjoyed tormenting and destroying them.  There are a lot of similarities.  And there are fundamental differences.
    Barack Hussein Obama....a human oddity....part Luo tribesman, part Arabic,  part Angloid and Heinz 57 American, he has managed to cobble together the sloganeering of the Bolsheviks and the policies of the national socialists.   That is probably a result of shoddy thinking, jumbled reasoning, and intellectual laziness more than anything.   His posse, when they begin to assemble a "final solution" however have chosen mainly a national socialist vehicle for the destruction of the United States of America.
     One of the main tenets of national socialist policy is to allow the private sector to remain more or less in place.  The main difference over the status quo would be to compromise the heavy industry, banks, bonding and surety agencies, transportation, warehousing, and large retail operators.   It is also necessary to c0-opt the information disseminating agencies, the universities as well as basic juvenile education institutions.  Theatre, arts, and music should be controlled carefully.  In short, the titles, names, and locations of institutions remain more or less the same, and ownership changes little if any, but control still rests in a small group of somewhat elected officials, along with a supergroup and/or individual with total, absolute unquestioned authority over the afflicted national territory.

     Fascism is sometimes equated with national socialism, but that is an error.  Fascism, originally, was nothing more than a philosophy that elevated the traditional, the Orthodox, the customs, the specific historic arts, foods, and social order of a cultural group.   Believers in the fascist philosophy are mired in the moment, and consider that there is enough social change provided simply by the processes of life....birth, maturation, marriage, child-bearing, dodderage, and demise. It is a substantially rural and small town philosophy, full of peasants scything their way through the wheat and barley fields singing duets with the peasants on the next property where the barefooted women are trampling grapes in the ancient oaken  juice vats, preparing to produce another fine vintage.   This Rip Van Winkle notion of how society should be might even be considered to be a brick in the wall of the conservative mentality in the Western World to-day.   
     The Ruhr Valley Industrialists were not socialists or fascists.  They hated the communists and the havoc that had been wrought just to the east.  They were generally conservative philosophically and politically.   They believed that they had Adolf Hitler under control, along with his comic opera gaggle of jokers, losers, and perverts.   That impression lasted about two months after Hitler became Chancellor of the Bundestag and all Germany.  Within a year they had been totally co-opted and were making things based on command economics instead of demand-side economics.
    Shovel-ready projects?  Infra-structural investments?   Let them eat the Autobahn.  Environmental improvements?  Give them a Volkswagen.  Unemployment?   How about a nice new military uniform, just your size.   The girls will love it.  The Messerschmitt and Daimler families have some ideas.  Ballistic missiles? There's a fellow named Von Braun from a good family who has some ideas.  Let's take all this power, intelligence, and work-ethic and keep an eye on it with a few Brown Shirts (national volunteer group - ACORN etc.) and do something really constructive with it.   And, blame the Jews, the British, blame the French and the Americans, and the Communists for all the ills in the Universe.  Now, we are ready to fundamentally change Germany and the German people and lead them a new land of hope and change.  No Hebes, queers, or vagabonds, or mongoloids, or mentally defective.  With our our Fuhrer's UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE - operated by the Ministry of medical care for all!

Kowtow - to whimper
 and grovel 

      It is because of this previous example of the industrialists and the intellectual German classes that El Gringo Viejo really does not have a lot of respect for, or much willingness to come to the defence of the insurance companies in the United States.   This truly was a self-inflicted wound caused by sneaky greed.  Many of the major insurance carriers consulted closely with  the White House about the Obama Socialised Medicine Initiative  (OSMI).   They all wanted to be sure that they could participate in the "guaranteed" payment system.  They were elated to see that there would be 20,000 New IRS agents swaggering around trying to interpret and enforce the  Byzantine and labyrinthine health insurance law of 3,000 pages of text and 40,000 pages of rules, regulations, and conditions.


    Now the insurance companies are being told when to do this and how to do that.  They are being treated like the grovelling beggars  they chose to be.  Still, with all this chaos and damage to the national psyche one turns his interests to the people who are being dumped.   And El Gringo Viejo remembers that they are being dumped because the insurance companies, instead of standing up and defending their right to a legitimate profit, sold their clients who paid them in silver....for a few copper coins.   Their clients were, in their overwhelming majority, desirous of keeping their relatively expensive but excellent policies.   But they were sold out like mangy dogs and cats with ringworm.

A very brief summary comes from the periodical The Freeman:

          Under the Weimar Republic these reforms resulted in clearly improved public health. However, the creativity, energy, and fundamental reforms found in social medicine during the Weimar Republic seem in retrospect a short and deceptive illusion. Medical reformers had wanted to counter the misery inherited from the first World War and the Second Empire on the basis of comprehensive disease prevention programs. In the few years available to the social reformers, they had remarkable success. But in connection with these reforms the doctor’s role changed from that of advocate, adviser, and partner of the patient to a partner of the state.
      Where traditional individual ethics and Christian charity had once stood, the reformers posited a collective ethic for the benefit of the general population. Private charity and welfare were nationalized. The mentally ill, for example, having been literally released from their chains in the nineteenth century and placed in local communities and boarding houses in regular contact with others (the so-called “moral therapy”), were returned to state institutions to become the ultimate victims of state “solutions.”
      With the world economic crisis of 1929, welfare state expenditures had to be reduced for housing, nutrition, support payments, recreation and rehabilitation, and maternal and child health. What remained of the humanistic goals of reform were state mechanisms for inspection and regulation of public health and medical practice. Economic efficiency became the major concern, and health care became primarily a question of cost-benefit analysis. Under the socialist policies of the period, this analysis was necessarily applied to the selection of strong persons, deemed worthy of support, and the elimination of weak and “unproductive” people. The scientific underpinning of cost-benefit analyses to political medical care was provided by the new fields of genetics and eugenics.

Read more:   El Gringo Viejo recommends reading the entire article when there is time.
     Now, in short, we have demonstrated that the evolution of, and the decline of a great people was brought on by the debasement of their currency (Weimar Republic economic policy as described in other postings).  It is referenced indirectly in the above selection from the article in The Freeman.   As the economic problems deepened and became international in scope, a demagogue came along and promised the people hope and change and a restoration of respect for the Nation.   He also made the medical system much more "efficient" and caused it to be "free", so long as he could define what the meaning of "free" was.  
     As our schools were worrying about "safe sex" and politically correct posturing, they were also teaching anti-history, non-history, and un-history.  As the "students" became more and more aware that everybody is equal and white males are evil, they were also being taught that "everybody 'gots' rights."    Some of the rights peoples "gots" is free food, free medical, free housing, free electricity, and a free attorney.
     One thing they did not "gots" is that in the recent past one of the world's most important nations set up a pathway exactly like Barack Hussein Obama would have things to be....and it wound up in disaster.  Millions upon millions of dead people.  Trillions and trillions of dollars in lost values, estates, holdings, family patrimonies, etc.    The policies of Weimar and post-Weimar Germany are almost identical to those of Barack Hussein Obama.   If the nation chooses to believe that Benghazi was caused by a video, and that Obama inherited "Fast and Furious" from George W. Bush, and that we can keep our doctor and our insurance.....all will not be lost.   It already has been lost.
Evermore convinced of the necessity to facilitate the pacific withdrawal of the Republic of Texas from our sister Union.
El Gringo Viejo

Friday 13 December 2013

We Fail Ourselves

     The Texas Nationalist Movement is careful about drifting away from their overall mission, but this issue tugs too much at a huge...overwhelming....majority of Texans.   Something stinks here, because this 16 year old thug....imagine Treyvon Martin on steroids with a couple of million-dollar limit credit cards and this is what Judge Jean Boyd was called to consider.  He killed 4 people, while 3X - DWI, injured a large number of other folks, one of whom is now paralysed, while another is traumatically intellectually diminished.
     Unless there was some kabuki going on, the prosecutors wanted the maximum allowable, 20 years, and that the boy be made eligible for treatment as an adult.   He has a lengthy juvenile record.  Very lengthy, very violent, and very self-indulgent.
     We have gone through this case and the synopsis included in the email-out by the Texas Nationalist Movement is, frankly, mercifully brief.   The death and destruction of lives that this punk thug committed upon the consciousness of all Texians serves as a warning.   El Gringo Viejo went through an issue over a half-century ago that left him with a labyrinthine dysfunction that never went away, and that comes and goes (weather, sneezing hard) at various times.  Vertigo and El Gringo Viejo are old, old friends.
     The guilty parties, there were three...a three against one deal...included the son of the president of the bank that was controlled by the Lloyd Bentsen political establishment.   We learned during the criminal processes of that case that the 20 year old high school sophomore had been booted out of four public school systems, and had been arrested over 50 times, had had in excess of 20 felony criminal charges, almost all involving violence, but he had never been sent to juvenile prison in Gatesville, Texas.  At the age of 20, he was still being carried in the courts as a juvenile case, with 6 different probationary actions being carried in his criminal file simultaneously.   He had a team of Bentsen establishment attorneys who kept the District Judges well advised that "Mr. Lloyd" was interested in keeping the boy "on the right track".  That was the first time we heard of "affluenza".
     That was a half-century ago, and apparently we have either back-slidden or we have remained in a muck thick enough to suck the dinosaurs in again. 
jean-boyd-disgraceThe Texas Nationalist Movement is publicly calling for the resignation of Tarrant County area Judge Jean Boyd, the presiding judge of the 323rd Family District Court.
Judge Boyd might not be a household name yet, but her ruling in recent days where she handed out a "slap on the wrist" sentence to a defendent whose core defense was that he suffered from "affluenza", is making her the topic of conversations all over Texas.
Before Judge Boyd was the case of 16-year-old Ethan Couch who, while over 3 times the legal limit of alcohol intoxication and under the influence of Valium, caused the deaths of 24-year-old Breanna Mitchell, Hollie Boyles and her 21-year-old daughter Shelby, and youth pastor Brian Jennings.
Couch's sole defense? He was the "victim" of his parents wealth and overindulgence.
Couch's sentence? Probation.
Daniel Miller, President of the Texas Nationalist Movement, issued the call for Judge Boyd's resignation.
"We are calling for the immediate resignation of Judge Boyd and demand that she make a public apology, not only to the families of those killed by Couch, but also to all of Texas for the embarassment that her ruling has caused."
Miller adds:
"Through this decision, Boyd's disgraceful decision has shown a tremendous lack of judgment. While a harsh sentence will not bring back those that were lost, nor will it take away the pain felt by the families that are left behind, it will show that Texans believe in justice."
Judge Jean Boyd is a Republican judge who has presided over the 323rd Family District Court since 1995. Her office can be reached at 817-838-4600.
    The episode a half-century ago was the first time we had ever heard of "affluencia" as a causative disorder in the make-up of a sociopath and/or a psychopath.  Our thought was always that if "affluencia" caused the crimes, and it could be considered a mitigation of the charges, then the parents (guardians) of the malcreant / miscreant should be thrown in prison for terms that be equal to their worthless whelp's sentence.

Thanks for your time.  We are still fighting the bugs, but things are clearing up about 70% so far.
El Gringo Viejo

Thursday 12 December 2013

The Zombyism of Socialism - defined


   (a gentle suggestion....if you all see radioactive words with a strange little emblem, within the blog text and/or in the guidance and general information panel to the right,, do not click upon their countenances.  Leave them to suffer unto the devices and desires of their own evil wilfulness.  If natural law exists, perhaps the hour will soon come, and find that those evil and uninvited visitors have no lamb's blood is upon the sill, and those Words and their First Born will be cast into that bottomless place of darkness and nothingness)
     We were treated to Lanny Davis's mea culpa just a bit ago.   He actually did say that he and the Democrats were wrong in their dogged pursuit of a programme and the defence of said programme.  He still tried to leave Obama a bit of any way out, by suggesting that Obama might have thought that, since his staff told Obama that the old insurance policies were grandfathered in, then it was okay to say, "If you like you plan you can keep your plan....and if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor".
     The fact is, Lanny, that if HRH Barry is so far out of the loop, or so lazy, or so incapable of comprehending, or incapable of reading a piece of legislation, or leading by drawing in the subordinates and ordering them to do specifically this or that.....then Obama is a dolt. He is exactly like Karl Marx, when Uncle Karl told some firebrand younger anarchists and proto-commies, "Don't ask me how to implement the insurrection of the proletariat.  I do not deal in kitchen recipes."
     Of course, Karl was like other great commies like Ernesto Guevara, who had to abandon his wife and children so that he could go out and kill Indians in the northern parts of South America.  That is, of course, after murdering in cold blood over 30 of his fellow revolucionarios in Cuba, and untold numbers of "reaccionarios" and "fascistas".   He is the one who taught the tormentors of Rigoberta's Manchu' village how to take 'revenge' on the Indians who would not give their support to "Revolucion Popular".  Rigoberta of course is famous for riding a lie into fame and glory by parroting the communist line that it was the government troops that had tormented her village and other nearby villages in Guatemala.    The Left still treats her as an icon even after her story was found to be false by another lefty reporter from the United States.
     Ah! Lefties and Bolshies, Nazis and Progressives.  They have all done so much good.   And when they do not have us to torment, they can maim and kill each other.
     The fact remains that whenever the word "socialist" or the term "socialist democratic" is seen anywhere, it always means mediocrity, oppression, massive pollution, drabness, shortages, and a sociological stew composed of resignation and unrest.   Socialist and socialism also mean, without fail, corruption of the highest and most refined sort.   In a place where the property and fixtures belong to everyone, the fact is that they belong to no one.    Therefore the property, fixtures, and money that can be carried off, is carried off.  The meanest animals in the jungle carry off the big pieces and the most valuable pieces, leaving the leftovers and crumbs to "los de abajo" (the ones below).
     And when the meanest animals become ill, they import doctors from other countries to attend to their illnesses and conditions, or they go to the United States for attention...or perhaps to some place in Europe.
More later.   I just need to see if this can finally be posted up on line.  If each could light at least a small candle for El Zorro, it will be appreciated.   We have news that he is doing well, and that in the coming days there might be some fine-tuning to get him back to 100%.  This is not some gastro-intestinal or cancer is reparable, but it is a serious common condition that generally responds to a bit of vigorous, applied measures.   Please forgive the oblique references but it is a private thing, yet I feel the need to keep people informed.   Prayers and candles....the situation is not critical, but it must be fixed. 
El Gringo Viejo`

Invasion by the Zombie Virus Monster

    We have been attacked by several invading viruses but your humble servant has managed to fight back with some success.  This has occurred even as we have begun to speak out ever more firmly against the Obama administration and the not-so-funny-clown-show that represents said administration so well.
     If it were not for the fact that everybody wasn't out to get me, I'd think that I was one of them there  pair of noids.  We shall continue to work on the issue of invasive advertising linkages and incessant pop-ups and difficulty in keeping my kitchen open.   We have had considerable trouble accessing the area where we do our composition.
More later.
El Gringo Viejo

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Vote down the tax and spend budget deal

     We were looking over this ghastly blueprint worked out by the joint committee on budget resolution, and we are, after having read it before voting on it, stunned by the stupidity of the document's preparers.   It is either that or the preparers are thinking that there no longer exists  sizeable numbers of people who can do basic mathematics, or who can do basic deductive reasoning.
     We are given an "agreement" worked out after "hard negotiation" between a moderate Republican who is trying to be reasonable and a hard-case socialist Democrat who is such a nice girl that you just have to like her sincere and gentle tone.   The poor dear looked so exhausted, after all that hard work.  And she had the hard row to hoe, as you know.   She had to make certain that the taxtax, spendspend, electelect program had to be funded at all costs.  She is also saddled with the responsibility to put someone else's money where her mouth and all the Democrat elected officials, and their parasitic coterie of interests, mouths are ready to slurp up the goodies.
     And then that nice Ryan boy comes out...a true, hard-case conservative.  Boy, don'tcha know?   He really gave it to that lefty Yankee girl.  So let's see.
We lard on 70 billion USD of pork renderings....enough to render soap for the Winter and quite a bit of cured sausage ready for Spring.   And of course that has to be done right away, because there are a lot of people out there suffering and it's cold and Christmas....excuse me....Solstice Kwanza is coming up.   So we need to put 70 billion dollars back into the kitty for necessaries like the Elderly Lesbian Eskimo Trapeze Artiste Retirement, Re-education, and Astronaut Training Program for African-American, Hispanic, and American Samoa and Virgin Island Eskimoes.   And for the Minority Obese Child Supplemental Feeding Program.  And the Women-only UNESCO and UNICEF and UNICYCLE three-year WORLD CRUISE, guided by (Sir Edmund)Hillary, HRH Michelle, and Miss Flukie.....they are such delightful, caring people.  So concerned about others, you know.
     That is a one-year allocation, to begin, essentially immediately.
     But Ryan stuck it to the  National Socialist Democratic Labour Union Party,  by golly!   He wrangled a 23 billion dollar reduction in spending outlays, to begin sometime after the next fiscal year, that would be spread over a period of ten fiscal years.   WOW!  I guess.  Maybe....kind of.
     Twenty three billion dollars over ten years.   Two billion, three hundred million per year for ten years.   Obama managed to lose Ten Billion just on the stock sale loss over the Union-ownership of GM initiative.   Then add on another billion just on Solyndra and Fisker 'green energy" initiatives and then almost a trillion on ineffective "shovel ready" and union-hiring initiatives that had no effect in terms of permanent employment.
     Let's see.   Over ten years.   Over ten years, the United States Government will spend at least 40,000,000,000,000 USD.   That is if the USD is still an extant currency.   So we put 2,300,000,000 over the amount of 40 trillion USD...what does that look like?
      It's just obvious that Ryan is being way, way, way over-optimistic.   El Gringo Viejo doesn't see any possible way that anyone could keep from spending 200 pennies for every 40,000 dollars over that length of time.  So, in order to be fair, we must just go ahead and surrender that part of the agreement because if not, funding for Al Gore's Brazilian Baked Alaska Museum will have to be cut back over 2 per cent, and we can't really expect that much suffering to be inflicted upon the people.....and the children.
Sheesh....Merry Kwanza, Happy Solstice.....let me see, where is my picture of Saint Mary with elephant dung by Ofili?   Oh! Here it is.

Chris Ofili: The Virgin Mary

Chris Ofili: The Virgin Mary
Ofili's work is made up of paper collage,

 oil paint, glitter, polyester resin and
 elephant dung on linen.
This was one of those other wondrous investments of somebody else's money.   The National Endowment for the Arts, and the New York Harlem Museum of the Arts....several thousands of pennies plus travel, accommodations, and such for that nice boy, Chris Ofili....he was soooo, soooo talented.  It was a shame when he and most of his friends all....well, we shan't diverge.   We think that although the content might be offensive to some throwback type people, that the subject is handled with great respect and deference.   It makes such a magnificent statement about the nature of the "envelope pushers" of our culture.  

We retire for at least a moment.  Time for feeding the cats for the 9th time, you know, once for each life, each day, each cat.   That is the best deal I could work out with the Sindicato Nacional de Gatos.
El Gringo Viejo