Sunday 10 November 2013

Chasing Our Tails? Or Psyching Up for the Big Game?


The Coming Bailout of Obamacare:    This linkage will take the OROG back into the chapel of the Anglican Curmudgeon.   He excerpts a bit of a piece from the American Spectator, and wraps his own particular wisdom around other weavings of advanced thought.   A very short read, perhaps two minutes.   The OROG has already had to suffer through the sobering lamentations of both El Zorro and El Gringo Viejo....neither is icing his birthday cake with icing made of optimism.
     On the morrow, we shall renew the interchange....perhaps not as Emerson and Thoreau....when El Gringo Viejo will respond to El Zorro's observations.   We do wish to point out that Anglican Curmudgeon folds very salient points about the tribulations brought unto the citizenry by the present Regime ensconced in Washington, D.C. into his most excellent analysis of interior wars affecting Anglican Orthodoxy.   He includes material from other intellectually conservative fountains of information and do we.
    Is this a case of us chasing our own tails?   I think not.   It is necessary for us to know that there are others among us....many others....who think well and passionately.    Each of us is "....una fibra mas en el metate..."  as the country Mexicans say....."another fibre in the rope".  The more fibres the stronger and longer the rope.  A smaller force that is intelligent and resourceful can beat another that is larger and full of sloth.   And further, perhaps we are not even the smaller force.
   To be blunt....the conservative women.....?   Prettier and smarter.   Black conservatives?  Infinitely more intelligent and capable of critical thought and deductive reasoning.   The conservative Latin element?   There is not even the remotest comparison in terms of intellectual BTU's.  But we need to feed to, on, and from each other.
   We shall win.   To-morrow, more.
El Gringo Viejo


Demographi​cs, Greed, Apathy and Solution  

Attn:  El Gringo Viejo,
"Remember the Alamo!”
We are outnumbered.
      The results are settled?  There are more of them than there are of us?  The Haves are a dwindling species and the Have-nots are about to have it all… that being free subsistence.  We are still stunned at the progressive coup that is holding the Constitution hostage.  The ransom is to give up our freedom.  The hostage takers will take the ransom and kill the hostage anyway.  The minority of the conservative element are negotiating with the perpetrators; however, their methods are weak due to a lack of leadership.  The guys with the megaphone (McCain, Graham, McConnell, Rove, etc.) are offering compromise but the hostage takers want our soul and will not settle for less.  The bad news is, the negotiators are inept and the majority of the population doesn’t know or care.  The potential good news is Obama and the gang are aiming at their collective feet (with black rifles).
    Nobody really knows the makeup of the population but it is clear that the majority consists of either those that do not care what happens to them, or they who have bought into the Obama tripe.
     El Gringo Viejo and El Zorro are aware of the demographics generally and how they affect the outcome of elections.  Rural areas are typically conservative.  Metro areas are typically liberal.  Throw into the mix North and South, East and West and the distribution becomes convoluted.  Other variables are divergent types such as libertarian and single issue voters.  With enough data an outcome can be predicted at a given time; however, over time swings occur due to changes in events.  Depending on how large the affected population and significant the event, the outcome can be instant and dramatic.  We saw in Virginia a typical outcome in the Governor’s race where Cuccinelli was as much as 9 points ahead until the large metro areas were counted and McCauliffe won by 3 points.
     If all things are equal, the metro Northeast, North, West and DC are mostly liberal.  Those populations pretty much outnumber the rest of the country which are conservative split by moderates/libertarians.  They are also top loaded with low information voters and government dependent enclaves. 
     There are some exceptions where there are large numbers of immigrants, mostly from Mexico, Central,  and South America who are eager participants in the welfare benefits available.
      In the recent 2013 election there was a proposition to amend the Texas Constitution as follows:
“Proposition Number 8
(HJR 147 and SJR 54)

HJR 147 would repeal the Texas Constitution’s maximum tax rate for a Hidalgo County hospital district; the maximum rate is currently set at 10 cents per $100 valuation. This rate is lower than the maximum tax rate allowable for hospital districts in all other counties in the State (75 cents per $100 valuation). The repeal of the constitutional cap would authorize hospital district tax rates in Hidalgo County equal to the hospital district tax rate laws applicable to all other Texas counties.”
     This is a special consideration that was written into the Texas Constitution at a time when 10 cents per $100 was higher than the rest of the state.  This was a special consideration for South Texas.  Now that the population of Hidalgo County is much higher, the taxes collected for the hospital district are insufficient to support the overwhelming indigent use of the emergency rooms and those who do not pay for services.  This proposition was on the ballot for the entire state.  This was a fair proposition but the point is that South Texas is a demographic that is more liberal than the rest of the state (exception being Austin).  This proposition passed. The elimination of the maximum rate for Hidalgo County will not alleviate the condition of misuse of the hospitals because of Obamacare mandates that the states cover what it will not.  In fact the 75 cents per $100 will not cover the costs for underinsured, subsidized, and pre-existing condition provisions in the law in Hidalgo and surrounding counties.  The repeal of Obamacare and sensible immigration reform are desperately needed here.  At the time El Zorro was a young man growing up in the Rio Grande Valley, Hidalgo County was rural.  Today it is metropolitan in nature. 
     The population of the United States is upward toward 330 million.  A rough breakdown hold the conservatives at 39%, liberals at 23%, and moderates at 37% (Pew Research Center).  So why do the liberals have so much control over the electorate?  The moderates obviously vote democratic and republicans stay home.  It is clear that moderates like free stuff and republicans (we didn’t say conservatives) don’t care.  The democrats are the elite handing out cell phones.

In order to change the tendency of government toward socialism the conservatives have to participate.  The moderates have to detox from dependence on Uncle Candy.

 mark levin photo: Mark Levin levin.jpg

     We have strongly supported Mark Levin's "The Liberty Amendments but have been some what critical (unfairly) that he has written the book and stopped there.  Mark still works at his radio show and with his legal foundation to work for us.  What we have to recognize it that he has done his part and it is time for the rest of us to do our part.  The challenge is to find charismatic leaders who can consolidate and coordinate the effort to set state conventions leading to amendments to the Constitution that will strengthen it per the intent of the Framers.  One individual has raised his hand and we should follow this closely and see where we can fit in.

     Indiana state senate president, David Long  - (R) has invited all states to participate in a meeting to discuss conventions as allowed in Article 5 of the US Constitution.  This is encouraging.  It is hoped this keeps going.  It will be a long hard slog.  It has taken 100 years to get to where we are… we have to have commitment, focus, and patience to make this work.  We also have to find and promote true conservatives to displace all democrats and RINOs.  We have to primary those Republicans who are doing as much or more harm than the progressives i.e. McCain, McConnell, Lindsey Graham to start with.

     To reiterate, more conservatives need to displace progressives/liberals/democrats/RINOS to gain majorities in the Congress in 2014 and the Presidency in 2016 for the short term.  Then the Constitution needs to be strengthened to stop this downhill slide to Marxist, socialist hell. 

     Support your local Tea Party if only to subscribe to their email.  It is an individual responsibility to keep oneself informed.  Do not do so at your own peril.  America needs all of us or she won’t be America any more.

We are only outnumbered because of apathy and greed.  We can overcome both of these.  Then we can say, “The results are settled”.  We cannot wait!


Saturday 9 November 2013

"We weren't as clear as we (could)(should) have been."


     Yes, Barry, you and your minions of gnomes and gargoyles mince your words in the kitchens of some horrid camp made up of Occupy Wall Street vermin, and you throw your minced-up words into a kettle of venom.....shrieking with laughter about the truth of what one of your great leaders said not so long ago.  It translates poorly, but it come out close to, "How easy it is to govern people who are so stupid" (Adolf Hitler - 1937)
     Your universe of supporters, consisting of the dull and dependent, the parasitical and nihilistic are custom-made for the madmen that you and your controllers are.  But please remember that there is still a large body of people in the hinterland who know that when you speak the words George Soros and Co. tell you to speak, you lie.  We know now that we must hope that we can change back to a time when we could be counted on to take care of ourselves and a few others.
     You bring us...."You must....".   We are greeted with alternatives that are set by a commissar.  We have three choice of this, that, or the other.   We MUST adhere to the limits of the program as established by some set of regulations that no one can understand, and almost no one has ever read.
     At any point along this journey into sociological and cultural psychosis, when the crooked bends in the road swing wildly this way and that for no particular reason, we know that you, Barry....the unaccomplished, mean, vicious, America-hating, incompetent, arrogant, narcissistic Barry....will blame somebody.   At one time, back in 2008, you scoffed and scorned at the secretive and exclusive way of the Republicans, who were always making shady deals behind peoples' backs, and behind closed doors.   We remember so clearly how you declared that you were going to have negotiations of importance to the American Public presented on C-Span.  Those of us familiar with the nature of the hard-core socialist mind, roared with laughter and shivered with the chills of fear that are produced by the images of the Nuremburg Party Conventions and Rallies.
(20 or so minutes of some of the most
intelligent people in the world
 acting like low-information
and low intelligence
 voters of to-day )
    Barry, we appreciate that you are hiring ex-ACORN "community workers" to serve as "navigators" for those who think that they would like some of your "free medical care".  We are also aware that these same "navigators" frequently have criminal records and have long been involved in things like registering Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck to vote....multiple times and in multiple venues.  Perhaps you could say to the public, "I assure you, that if you give your private data to any of our hard-working navigators, that your private information will be absolutely safe...period!"
      The issue is about the nationalisation of the entire medical and medical insurance industry in the United States and the outfall and fallout of the effects of those efforts by the Progressive and socialist elements within the  body politic.   It was not caused by a Tea Party Anything, by Ted Cruz, Bob Lee or any of those who are named by Barrack Hussein Obama, et al. 
      The movement to establish the Obama Socialised Medical Initiative (OSMI) came first.  The Cruz and Lee crowd came in as a response to said OSMI.  And, unlike the OSMI people, the Cruz and Lee crowd came in saying that they would do such and such, and they have complied with their word.  It is the one thing that gives the OSMI people the heebie-jeebies....straight-thinking opponents of the socialist movement, foreign and domestic, who do not waver from their word or beguile their constituents with false promises.
     This issue will not be over until every page, paragraph, sentence, and letter of the Obama Socialised Medical Initiative (OSMI) is repealed, rescinded, and shredded into a vacuum cleaner connected to the deepest parts of the Luciferine Precincts.
El Gringo Viejo

Friday 8 November 2013

He did not really cheat or lie

     We must remember that marxists have no true morality or sense of fair play.   One of the most basic rules of those who cleave unto that system of ordering lives is the certainty that anything that advances socialism is truth.   It matters little how far removed from the truth their truth is.    So, in defence of our Dear Leader, he certainly thinks that his mendacity should be seen as a different form of truth.   That truth, which seeks to dress the populace in grey muumuus and eat low-fat tofu throughout the entire 30 years of their lives, requires whatever necessary to force everyone into some form of the NHS.
     When Miss Fluke was demanding that my granddaughters and my daughter pay for her birth control, because Miss Fluke was a poor beset-upon girl who had to pay 3,000 USD per year for her pills, Obama came forth with his choir of white-coated dullards standing behind him to pronounce, "I am ordering that all insurance companies must include FREE contraceptive coverage in their policies according to the provisions of the Obama Socialised Medical Initiative (OSMI)."
     There are so many mandated conditions and inclusions that insurance companies were and are faced with either raising rates or retiring to the sidelines of the industry....veterinarian, body-parts insurance, professional athletes and belly / ballet dancer injury insurance, etc.   Finally, even those things would be brought under the control of the Central Government.
      For the "reasonable Republicans" who think that we need to have some "amendments" to the Obama Socialised Medicine Initiative (OSMI), please understand that it simply cannot be done.   They immediately began to suggest that a bill should be passed to allow people who have lost....or who are in danger of losing....their medical insurance policies (incorrectly referred to as 'health care'), to keep their policies.   Such cannot be done.   Insurance companies are not going to offer policies for long-term health considerations when the political barometer is so volatile.  They are not going to offer policies that are subject to the review to lunatics such as Janet Napolitano, Kathleen Sibelius, Eric Holder, Valerie Jerrod, and Nancy Pelosi.
     It simply cannot be done.   The only solution to the Monster of Frankenstein
Socialised Medical Initiative is to turn "settled law" into kindling and garbage wrapping paper.   The Act of Revocation could replace 2,900 pages of "settled law" and its accompanying 180,000 pages of rules, regulations, and requirements with perhaps two pages of legal construction that overturns page alpha through page omega.   It will simply require a veto-proof United States Senate, which would then be, by definition, a filibuster-proof Senate...ready to overturn any last-ditch defence of the horrid legislation by the horrid Community Organiser in Chief.  Republican control of the Lower House is all but certain, but it would help to hold a few more seats, and then perhaps there would be enough Democrats to join with a unanimous Republican commitment to become a 290 vote block total required to overturn a veto from the White House.

      Perhaps Hizzoner, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Wise Latinas could hold off finding the veto of the Obama Socialised Medical Initiative un-Constitutional.


     The press is pointing out that the sign-up for the OSMI in Kentucky for the is doing very well.  Almost 300,000 people have visited the fairly well-functioning web site operated by the State's OSMI Registry.   We invite the OROGs to use whatever search engine and look for the glowing reports  about the "Kynect Miracle".   The only problem is that the State of Kentucky fell for the deal about "free money" from Father Obamaham.   That free money came in the form that the OSMI offered States two "free" years of Obamastash money....and that at the end of that time, all people signed up on the OSMI Medicaid section would have to be converted to the State's budget.
     That is why Governor Perry and the great majority of the Republic of Texas's population favoured not participating in the "free money" offer from the OSMI.   Thank the Lord we refused that millstone.

    So, when analysed only a slight bit it turns out that over 80 per cent of the people being signed up for the OSMI are being assigned into the Medicaid Program.  They will never pay any premiums of any kind...opting for some degrading, parasitical relationship that can only serve to dehumanise the participant.    What will they do when the two years have passed?

     Another argument is the ancient saw one hears when a particular Senator or Representative is being lauded or is lauding himself before a campaign crowd,".....and we have to really give old Kennedy credit for having BROUGHT HOME THE BACON!!"   (roaring cheers in the background).
     The cheering stops for a moment when a hayseed in the crowd asks to speak, and Old Kennedy recognises the man and tells him to take the floor.  The man draws himself up and asks, "I was jist a-wondering, if'n it took all that work and trouble to bring all that bacon back here from Washington, then why did we send it up there to begin with?"

    All charity begins at home.   That feeds into the steadily increasing realisation that the Republic of Texas is a theoretical and spiritual reality. It must become a concrete legal reality.

Storm clouds and earthquakes....  
 El Gringo Viejo 

Thursday 7 November 2013

Back in Town

  We made a run of it to-day, leaving the Quinta in the rain at 07:00 hours and pulling into our borderland stomping grounds right at noon. Some areas to the south had received as much as six inches of rain overnight, and we had a little more than an inch.   All in all, the Autumnal rainy season has been quite wet for a large part of Southern Texas and northeastern Mexico.
     Our place has suffered a bit from the heavy rains.   Repairs will take a while, but the home is intact and functioning. The cats and dogs are fed, and the gardens, natural areas, and general surroundings can only be described as idyllic.  We have lost a little weight during the Summer, chiefly from laziness and not eating much.   El Gringo Viejo resolved this time down to do more walking around and to eat at least one big meal per now the weight is back up to 176.
     One of the "exercise routines" employed is just simply walking about a mile down to and along the Rio Corona, and then ambling back up.  The mainly gentle grades make for a bit of extra work, the dogs and cats seem to enjoy the running around, escorting the El Gringo Viejo during the hour or so it takes.  It has been an especially fine period for birds and butterflies.   It seems like each walking episode produced one or two new, previously unseen bird  and/or butterfly specie.....lots of little "jellybean" - type birds. 
     We watched and listened to the developments on this Obama Socialised Medical Initiative.   The march continues, wreaking havoc where there should have been no action.   Each action taken by the administration has been intentionally designed to eliminate the insurance industry from the theatre of the medical industry.  The Rules for Radicals guide to administration for the Community Organiser in Chief plays out the same in each cycle....promise the dull and parasitic people something grand, tell them that the rich people are denying the oppressed a fair share, demonise the appropriate people and/or industries, and then force the implementation of a solution to a problem that did not heretofore exist.
     That solution, of course, will simply aggravate the problem, thereby giving the community organiser community more opportunity to propose and implements solutions to the problems that they themselves created.   The complicity of the obsolete press helps by allowing the intellectually straight-jacketed press to direct the thought processes of the limited intellectual community and takers in the incessant attack on the givers. 
     It is difficult to listen to Senator Reid, who has been in the forefront of the effort to build another pyramid of enslavement to place on the backs of the citizens.  He declared that the "....American people have their beloved Social Security and Medicare...." which literally made this listener nauseous.   Social Security and Medicare are both cultural cancers that are ill-founded and born of the perverse desire of politicians to buy votes for themselves with other peoples' money.   That Social Security is a Ponzi system is not is in fact, a perfect example of that scheme.
      The Texas Teachers' Retirement System provides employee-owned retirement accounts that accrues interest, can be willed to survivors, and can build surprisingly during the period of employment.   The administration is small and very professional, and the governors have been a responsible lot for the long history of the institution.
      How the American public can sit, stand, or lie down in the face of this usurpation of every vestige of control and privacy held by us as sovereigns or our own natural, Providentially bestowed Rights cannot be understood by this observer.   We shall be making more observations and comments as the days go by, as usual....some Mexico news....some personal tales....and, of course, hopefully interacting with my fellow Neanderthal Troglodytes Community members.  
El Gringo Viejo

Wednesday 23 October 2013

And the Great Pumpkin slides down the chimney, and then....


bookstore pumpkin1.jpg
 A Pleasant Episode
to all Southwest Texas
State University Bobcats
during this period that approaches the Feast of All
Souls and All Saints in the Orthodox Churches of
the West, and known well as All Hallow's Even
or Halloween!!!! among all peoples.

Care for the little ones, as the Nazarene ordered,
as recorded in Matthew 10:  13 - 16

And they brought young children to him,
that he should touch them:
And his disciples rebuked those that brought them.

But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased,
and said unto them,
Suffer the little children to come unto me.
and forbid them not:
for of such is the kingdom of God.

Verily, I say unto you,
Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom
of God as a little child,
he shall not enter therein.


We recognise that the ranks of the OROGs does not need an admonition from El Gringo Viejo to protect your nieces, nephews, sons, daughter, and grandchildren....along with the children of favoured friends and Godchildren etc.   But in these days, the perversity of
mankind prospers, and an extra eye is needed during
even these great and grand celebrations of the
lives of those who did well before the Lord.

Thine be the Glory - a typical anthem during the
 Feast of All Souls and All Saints

We shall make every good attempt to take a series of pictures, with permission from the families of course, at the events surrounding the traditional cemetery visits at these times in Mexico.   It is normally a moving event.
El Gringo Viejo