Tuesday 9 July 2013

After Good Rains, Hot Days, and Very Cool Nights and Early Mornings

    This small collection of photos is included so that folks can see what happens with 91 degree afternoons, 56 degree overnights, and about 14 inches of rain over a three week period. In our nearby mountains, four or five miles to the west, there have been the typical prodigious rains....one hears that as much as 30 inches have fallen at the middle and upper elevations during the same period.   Nothing too phenomenal....rather normal....but normal is good.
    It is rather a pleasant matter to deal with the tonnes of butterflies and birds that advantage themselves of the proliferation of flowering things, the new minerals that are found at the edge of numerous puddles, and just the generally pleasant ambience.
We catch Alvaro working on the land down
under, surrounded by near jungle-like scenery

This and the picture below, essentially gives
 the OROG anunderstanding of how wooly, green,
 and "filled-in" things have become during this wet,
 hot, and cool mixture of ambient influences came
 to us, sent by a happy choir
of angels.

This is a carnivorous cactus flower, a bug eater.  Not exactly
the fragrance to build a perfume company on, but an inter-
esting plant to be sure.   The locals call it "starfish cactus" or
"paper flower" cactus.
This is how Flamboyan tree blossoms appear, up
close and personal.   This is a late bloom, due to
the late arriving, but bountiful, rains.


Once again, just a few pleasant scenes so that you all will know that we are not completely stewed in battery acid and No-Doze.    We shall have a bit more commentary in the next few days.   By-elections in Mexico deserve some comment, as well as the activity around our little mud hut.   Thanks for the interest.
El Gringo Viejo

Voting Rights Act, and Other Pertinent Odds and Ends

The Voting Rights Act, which mandated Federal preclearance of the states before changing election laws, was in effect struck down by the Supreme Court.  Essentially, the Court said the Act was unconstitutional as pertains to section 4 which singled out several states and other municipalities for application.  Section 5 of the Act set the requirement for preclearance.  Without the scope of the Act set in section 4, section 5 becomes meaningless.

The scope of the Act in section 4 was set at the discretion of the Attorney General based on arbitrary civil rights records.  On June 25, Eric Holder announced he was “deeply disappointed” in the Court’s 5 to 4 decision.  Obama also expressed he was deeply disappointed.
Being from one of the states hog tied by the Act, Texas immediately responded that it would put into effect the Voter Identification law requiring photo ID.  Greg Abbot, Texas’ Attorney General, said that the redistricting maps would not need Federal approval and would also be immediately be recognized as law.
This ruling by the Supreme Court does not invalidate the discrimination sections of the Act.
This is good news for Texas as well as those states and political entities where voter corruption is a problem.  In addition this is a baby step toward stabilization of the “immigration problem”… at least as far as Texas is concerned.  Texas Senator Ted Cruz who supported strong opposition to the Voting Rights Act, actively supports insertion of a national voter ID in any immigration bill.
Speaking of Senator Cruz we are in agreement with El Gringo Viejo’s observation (see Daily Journal 07/09/2013) regarding the “sucker punching of Marco Rubio” and we also have not lost faith in Senator Rubio; however, we are concerned that he has now become somewhat damaged goods as concerns a run for the Presidency in 2016.  He was number one prior to his fall from grace with the immigration bill and has been supplanted by Senator Cruz by most Tea Party conservatives.  Marco is still a remarkable Senator but the perception usually becomes reality.  The Democratic Party has done what it does best by casting doubt on our most promising hopes for the future.  Marco may be able to redeem himself because we have three and a half years until the next election.  But, Ted Cruz is not a runner-up.  He is the real deal and does not earn a favorite status by default.
The Democrats and faux Republicans will not quit beating on Marco but should soon turn the machine on Ted Cruz.  If there is a lesson to be learned we hope Senator Cruz has vicariously learned a very important one.  There is no “reaching across the aisle” with these people.  There is no compromise.  Conservative values cannot be altered.
A change of subject suggests a surreal idea.  This is the machination of an over active-imagination:  Rick Perry has announced he will not run for another term as Texas’ Governor.  How about Ted Cruz for Texas Governor, (errr, - uh... “President” of Texas)?  Let the idea take you where it will.  Crazy, huh?

Monday 8 July 2013

The Sucker-Punching of Maro Rubio


    We have witnessed a fairly effective sucker-punching of the junior senator from Florida, the Hon. Marco Rubio. While Mr. Rubio is an effective politician, well experienced in the art and science of political manoeuvring and combat, he was possibly un-prepared to deal with the kinds of  treachery practiced by the Democrats of the United States Senate.  Those individuals, when teamed with the Alinsky-trained community organisers in the White House and SEIU activists and rabble rousers, can be formidable .

     It is very probable that Marco Rubio wished nothing more than to take an ill-defined problem and come up with a reasonable and well-defined solution.   As a freshman on the floor, he might have been unconvinced of the of the all-but-total corrupt nature of the Democrat Party and its convened presence in the United States Senate.
     The first and foremost issue before those Democrat Senators who formed part of the "Gang of Eight" was never to  help out a hapless bunch of poor, picked upon, discriminated-against, exploited illegal aliens.   Their mission was to destroy Marco Rubio and his standing with the movement conservatives in the GOP and those people generally typified as Tea Party activists.    People like Senator Schumer should and must be measured closely.   What they say is almost never what they mean. Their number one goal is to maintain the greatest number of people on the dole as possible, so as to ensure their own place in the Hamptons and in the Senate restaurant.
    This is done first by convincing the folks who "feel" rather than "think" that the Schumers of the world are genuinely concerned about feeding the children, "women's issues", and the heartbreak of psoriasis among lesbian water buffaloes in Bangladesh.....and of course, bullying.   The proof of this is simple to demonstrate.   Every program they propose and then put into action almost always results in cost overruns and a worsening of the original "problem" that did not really exist in the first place.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, official portrait, 112th Congress.jpg
Debbie Wasserman
52nd Chairman
Democrat National Committee
     Student loan guarantees for college students....only fair and reasonable.   Everyone could do with a little help from Uncle Sam in order to pick up a college education.    Everybody wins....right?   Wrong, of course. More debt, ever rising tuition charges due to the availability of more money being flooded into the food chain....free money that doesn't cost anybody anything is the inevitable result.  It all feels great until the hangover hits.   Like Medicaid and Medicare and Social Security.....all broke....breaking the nation....never solved anything.... but it does give the Democrats the perpetual stick to drag out and beat the Republicans every two years,"....and the Republicans want to cut your Social Security and Medicare!   Roll Grandma to the cliff and throw her and her wheelchair into the chasm of Republican Greed....Just like Romney making that poor old lady die of cancer by closing down the company where her husband had worked all his life!!!"

     Such is the nature of the beast.   So, Marco Rubio forgets the rules.   He knows how they operate in Florida.   Just think of Debbie Wasserman's wild and wooly Whopper-rama during the last couple of years.   Think of the demonic glint in the eye of Barack Hussein Obama when he exhorted his crowd of low information and intelligence followers..."Get your revenge by voting.  Get your revenge!!"
   But, just for an instant,  Marco decides to be kinder and gentler....reaching across the aisle.  What could be wrong with a bit of bi-partisan co-operation and reasonability?    And, the answer as usual, is "Just about everything".

     El Gringo Viejo feels...or knows....that the Democrats simply set up Marco Rubio.   They knew that any efforts on Marco's part to "work across the aisle" would diminish him with the  hard-core rightwingers such as El Gringo Viejo and about 30,000,000 other of Marco's supporters, thereby injuring Marco's chances to destroy the Democrats in 2014 and 2016 with his good looks and conservative message to Americans of all ethnic and racial stripes.  Marco was invited into the  "Hispanic Outreach" and "immigration reform" racket, and he made the mistake of walking into the mess and staining himself.   It is a set-up that the Democrats prepared for him.   It is called, in boxing, the "sucker punch".
    We still support and defend him, and see his errors in these matters as being caused by unjustified optimism and goodness of spirit.   We are certain that the immigration reform efforts are undertaken, not to improve any situation, but rather to make the situation worse.   Nothing that has been proposed has anything to do with the problems we face here on the border, nor in the hinterland with people who have little or no interest in self-improvement and good citizenship.   We know very well that it can only serve to  invalidate that Latin group that has been here long and/or legally.
     Public assistance, provided by government workers who are usually unionised, has brought upon us a plaque that will finally ruin the republic.  The body count in Chicago and Detroit serves as a demonstration of this fact.  The last amnesty unleashed an inundation of unfathered gang members throughout the Borderlands and the border States that could not have  been  comprehended by those of us who are native here and who can remember life here in the 1950s.
     El Gringo Viejo retires from the page with the hope that another bill is not passed through the Congress that we have to read after it is approved to find out what civic horrors we have approved while sleepwalking.
El Gringo Viejo

Thursday 27 June 2013

EL ZORRO rides....

As we speak today, it is obvious our president is totally out of his depth (if not intentionally destructive) in all things foreign and domestic. The conservative media has nailed it while the liberal media is asking "Uh, what?"

The talks between Vladimir Putin and Barrack Hussein Obama were embarrassing for Americans and a joke for the rest of the world. Body language notwithstanding our President showed just how pathetic our leader is.  

Putin/Obama June 17, 2013
At this point, the US has nothing to offer the Russians or the rest of the world for that matter. No bargaining chips. Whether by stupidity or by design, he is destroying America. He looks the fool; however, either he really is a fool or he just hates America… the result is the same.

President Obama wants to arm the rebels in Syria. That worked out really well in Egypt. We don't even know who the rebels are... well, yes, I guess we do (can you spell Muslim Brotherhood) and they are not our friends. The armament we provide will end up in either the hands of the rebels who will ultimately end up using them against the free world or in the hands of the current regime who will ultimately use them against its own people. A lose-lose situation for the US. He reaches out to the Muslim radicals at the expense of friendship with and support for Israel which has been our strongest ally in the middle east.

In the meantime we are facing a pull out in Afghanistan which will allow the Taliban to return to their previous strangle hold on that country and undo all the gains we made and could have kept except for Obama's unbelievable audacity.

At home, the government is empowering itself at the speed of light. The IRS will soon have total power over our health, wealth, and happiness. The NSA has, by direction of the administration, assumed the power to access personal information on every American without Constitutional authority. The President has already denied local authorities the ability to enforce immigration laws and is on the path to permanently allow illegal immigration. The republicans, for some not understood rationalization, have joined in with the democrats to give amnesty to illegal immigrants. The Attorney General continues to abuse his office (Fast and Furious, James Rosen's prosecution, etc.). So many abuses by cabinet members and non-elected bureaucrats not to mention the Executive agencies running amuck:
Department of Agriculture,
Department of Commerce,
Department of Defense,
Department of Education,
Department of Energy,
Department of Health and Human Services,
Department of Homeland Security.
Department of Housing and Urban Development,
Department of the Interior,
Department of Justice,
Department of Labor,
Department of State,
Department of Transportation,
Department of the Treasury,
and Department of Veterans Affairs

These are not an all-inclusive list of Presidential branch departments nor do they include the sub-agencies. Just to list them is exhaustive.

The President has all of the departments reporting to him and under his authority by which he convoluted the Constitution by intimidation and Executive order. This one man of average IQ and radical ideology is ruining the United States with the assumption of power not granted by the people or the Constitution.

The people by the polls approve of the President personally by a very small margin but his job approval rating is in the mid 40 percentile and dropping. He and his appointees have run out of spin to justify the outrageous programs and unconstitutional activities of the past four years.

Internationally the United States is viewed as a declining power. The middle eastern radical Muslim countries are simply waiting for our policies fall apart and our military support to withdraw so they can resume their extremist regimes. They know the US is a paper lion. China and North Korea are biding their time as well. Russia knows there is nothing to fear from us militarily or financially.

Nationally, our rights are being taken from us or being forfeited by apathy and ignorance. The "low information" class is growing. The welfare state is overtaking the working class. Our greatest enemy is the inability of educated conservatives and reasonable libertarians to reach the majority of our people who will not listen or even try to understand the severity of the situation.

Possibly this is the end of the greatest system of government ever on the face of the earth. In the struggle between good and evil, it appears evil has a better than even chance to prevail.

To pull this out, every American has to wake the hell up and look at what is happening! The current administration has to go! We have to get rid of every Obama disciple and appointee as well as the progressive ilk who have been sucking the blood of our beloved country. Read, study, be aware, look into your heart and mind, pay attention to those things that are ruining our country. It starts with Obama who singlehandedly rammed through the ObamaCare abortion and by executive order is whittling away at your liberty. It follows with the Congress and the power-mongering socialists/statists too many to name them all but just a few are:
Harry Reid
Dick Durbin
Chuck Schumer
Joe Biden (President of the Senate)
Bob Menendez
Lindsey Graham
John McCain
Barbara Boxer
Al Franken
Dianne Feinstein
House of Representatives
John Boehner
John Dingell
John Conyers
Henry Waxman
Ed Markey
Steny Hoyer
Nancy Pelosi
Maxine Waters
Jerrold Nadler
Xavier Becerra
Jim Clyburn
Lloyd Doggett
Sheila Jackson-Lee
Loretta Sanchez
Gregory Meeks
Chris Van Hollen
Eddie Bernice Johnson
G. K. Butterfield
Charles B. Rangel
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
With Obama goes his Chicago thugs and socialist "Community Organizing" cohorts. With the change in leadership in the House and change of majority party in the Senate, maybe we can turn this catastrophe around.

Good luck and God bless America!

hello from the Sierra Madre Oriental

Hello to all friends and enemigos back in Gringolandia.   Here all is well although our connection here is a Little slow.   The girl in charge is being very patient with our own slowness of mind in terms of adapting to a new keyboard.
      Paula Deen  -   It is funny in a sad way.   All rappers must say n····r at least four hundred thousand times before they brush their teeth in the morning.  El Gringo Viejo`s maternal grandparents could not say the word "negro" in the way it is written in English.  They could only identify a black African originated person by saying the word "nih -gra".    If we said the word "n·····r", they would, if we were in a private setting, spank our White bottoms with a shoe or thick oleander branch.   If we were in public,  they would take us outside, and discreetly whack our butts.
       But they could not say better than "nigra" for black African-type people.   Granma Mamie....nor her husband Reginal (misspelling is because that is the way his name was spelled)....could say the word "Mexican"....they could only say..."mecks  -  kin"....not  "meskin"....but "mecks -kin".
AND....the number one thing they both hated most in this Existence was the Ku Klux Klan.    And both were proudly Confederate....thought of themselves as First Friends of the Nigras....and the Meckskins.   Granpa Rex`s uncles, in Winchester had an emporium and weekly newspaper that was badly damaged by Klanners during one of their revivals in the 1890s.   They suffered the arsonage for having editorialised against the Klan in their weekly.  El Gringo Viejo has....in his sidebar is a proof....always fought the Klan when and whereever possible.
      Paula Deene should have "come out" at the time that she went National.   She is no racist.   She might be a dumboe for not "coming out" as a normal Confederate-type person from them-there Olden Dayes....but, good grief!   Henry White picked up the biggest roar of laughter and applause at the McAllen High School Auditórium during the Shiner´s Holiday Minstrel fundraiser....when he came out in his tuxedo...singing Carry Me Back and Swing Low, Sweet Chariot....IN WHITE FACE!!!!!    Henry White was 15-16ths Negro by race....and of all the people in McAllen in those days, always included in the top ten most admired people.
AND THEN, ON TO OTHER MATTERS OF IMPORT....INCLUDING THE ABSURD IMMIGRATION "issue".     The answer is yes to enforcement.  The solution is NO!!! to public assistance and anchorbabymother síndrome.    If you all could only see the difference between the Latins that composed the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of pipples in Texas during the Olden Tymes in Texas....pre-1960....and what we have now as a result of the "Great Society" and the last urgent fix of the "immigration problem"....it would make you want to cry, commit suicide, or both.
 Then, the Texas Nationalist situation....
      If Massachusetts can elect a slug...profesional parasite (Spanish Spellcheck is over-riding)...over a liberal Republican SEAL Team type person....then to Hell with the Whole thing.   If Anthony Weenie can be ahead in the Peoples` Republic of Nueva Yorque polling, and Massachusetts, (one if by land, two if by sea) can be so far beyond redemption...then to Hell with the whole show.   There is no functional federated Republic.   TheSupreme Court of the American Federation can say that if Idaho determines, by a vote of its citizens,  that Swahili will be the oficial language of the State...the Supreme Court can overturn such a vote and tell everyone to get back in line.   We are still on track to have the Clinton - Obama Socialised Medicine Initiative  forced upon an unwilling public.    The budgets are whacked...matters become worse....the abolition of the IRS is a back-burner topic....and so forth.
     It becomes increasingly clear that this political subdivisión of the New World....can and should become totally self-governing.    El Gringo Viejo would kidnap David Robinson and take a chomosome and DNA sample and prove that he is descended from Watutsi Royalty...and put him on the throne  of a parliamentary Monarchy.....and establish a Court of Counts...of people who have been awarded the Title of Count of the Realm...by the Pariliaments acclamation....ànd  the Monarch´s deigning by sabre....and change our ¨legislatura" into the True Parliament that it should be....full of scoundrels and generally regular folks meeting briefly every couple of years....and doing as Little damage as posible....being paid as Little as posible...and never spending more than the Lord Comptroller says will be available.
    The above is written even as El Gringo Viejo debates within his own soul and heart....a true Son of the Republic...an enemy of George III....honourably discharged conscript of the American Army....whether he will put his name on some ballot or another to forcé the inclusión of the Texas Nationalist Party onto the Ballot of All Electors in the County of Hidalgo, Texas.
It is hot...dry again...although there are clouds upon the Mountains and other signs of rain....ant activity....a roach or two on the corridor (fun for the cats) and the mornings are very cool....55 degrees.   The Army comes down to swim in the Rio Corona most afternoons.....it drives the girls crazy....All Mexicans love order...uniforms....power.....you know....Like Obama and his Marine Corpse.     Actually, Porfirio Diaz   (president or ultimate authority of Mexico - 1880 to 1911) demonstrated the usefulness of a benign dictator and the subsequent uselessness of such a dictator when his service has been outlived.
Please forgive various errors and oversights.   This computer is very good.  The problem is that it has all the Spanish keys ....different placements....and Spanish spell-check....It will give our pinkoe friend who do not read us something more about which to complain from...at....with....of....and everything.
El Gringo Viejo 

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Heading South - Alvaro Has Parties to Attend


The time has come for our return to the Quinta Tesoro de la Sierra Madre.  There are five or six small projects, and the possibility of folks arriving.  All eyes are on the Bay of Campeche and the eastern Gulf of Mexico for the next two or three days.   Tropical Storm "Barry" is meandering 100 miles east of Vera Cruz, Vera Cruz as we write, and these systems have a way of putting down lots of water....slow movers....hitting the Sierra Madre....always interesting.   Also, sometimes an event measured by the yardstick.

El Gringo Viejo celebrating the
late bloom of the Flamboyan on
the "Land down below" as it was
just "coming out" last week.
     We have been informed that our flamboyanes have really begun to put on a show for all around, and that they are setting new "buttons" that presage more flowering.    So, this will be the first year since 2009 that we have had the florid presence.   It makes things a little more worthwhile.

     We shall be walking around a bit, this time, to take personalised pictures of the Ejido and its appointments, quirks, and pleasant corners.   Admittedly, one must employ a bit of patience and penetrating gaze to find things that are of interest, because the people are very skillful at covering up any outward sign of prosperity or wealth.   Lamentably, they used to do it with disorder and a kind of messiness that could be depressing.  In recent months, for some reason or another,  things seem to have been up-grading, and it may have to do with the new-found sense of having taken control from the cockroaches.   The days keep going by, and the tempo and intensity of our affliction diminishes more.    Pray that it should be a memory soon.

    We are going to make a serious effort to be un-lazy.  This will be revealed to the OROG if there are two or three or four submissions to our blog....concerning events and activities down at our place.

     For whomsoever might be disposed, we urge at least an email to Marco Rubio and your Senators about the uselessness of this "Path to Legalisation" business.    We notice that Harry Reid  is attempting to speed up the processes suddenly.   This is usually a sign that his fellow  Senators are getting an earful about the proposed legislation.  Please, for those who are "on the fence" or trying to be "fair" or who think that we shall gain one more vote from any ethnic or racial grouping due to our patronising beneficence to any group of people, who in the main, could not care less about a "pathway to legalisation", know that such will not happen.   This is strictly a Democrat Socialist Trojan Horse.   They see more people mired in hopeless dependence upon the "safety net", ergo Democrat voters....while our Latin voters will feel sold out, and lumped into a group of which they are not members.

     We shall hit the road to-morrow early, and be at our little place sometime around mid-day.  Then Alvaro can make his run to Xicotencatl 70 miles to the South, and attend the party they are throwing for him.  I think he won second prise in a dog-bathing contest or something.

More later,
El Gringo Viejo