Thursday 24 January 2013

Some Thoughts on Hegel

Just a tidbit.
Chuck Hagel, per the main stream mindless dolts, “volunteered” for military service. But not so fast. Politico said the following:

“Chuck Hagel was technically a draftee, joining the Army’s 9th Infantry Division.
He was called in by the draft board in 1967 and immediately volunteered.”
In the same article, a hometown chum said he was drafted at the same time as Hagel.
My interest was piqued when it was made public during his nomination for Secretary of Defense that he only served 2 years, 1967-1968. Draftees were conscripted for two years only. Volunteers could sign up for two years in the Army and Marine Corp but for that enlistment they would be committed to infantry only. If an enlistee went for 3 years or more he could choose his career choice. The Navy had an enlistment kiddy cruise of 3 years (no draft) and could choose a career field. The Air Force did not have a draft and the minimum enlistment was four years. So if this guy did immediately volunteer he could had done so for as little as two years. Since he was in the infantry, it doesn’t make sense that he would volunteer. Another political spin to pretty up Hagel’s resume.
In addition, purple hearts were given out for toothaches (remember Lurch and the one he got for getting a grain of rice in the butt when a grenade exploded on a riverboat?). I had a facial injury in Vietnam for which I was offered a purple heart by a superior but I refused because it was not worthy. I had been hit in the face playing intramural football in off time at Cam Ranh Bay. For that I spent 6 days in the field hospital for a nasal septal reconstruction then off I went back to the field no worse for the wear. I do have residual effects, apnea, for which I have been compensated.
This is not really an issue worthy of exploitation; however, it does smell like a dead carp. The lies and whitewashes are rampant in this administration. If you liked Pinetta, you’ll love Hagel.
I pray for our defense;  standing army as well as militia.
JRH -  El Zorro....


Rambling statistics and observations....

Gettysburg and Chickamauga  -  five days of battle  -  combatants indiscernible save for banners, pennants, and uniforms, one side from the other.

Two battles,      5 days,   12,500 dead  and approximately      100,000  wounded POW / MIA
Viet Nam 35,000 days,   60,000 dead  and approximately   1,000,000  wounded POW / MIA
     During the Viet Nam period, there were more young men killed in auto wrecks in the United States than in combat or military deployment activity in Viet Nam or Indochina.
     Gnarley, dude.   And of course, El Zorro is correct.   A conscript was drafted for a 24 month term.   Since I was a graduate of an accedited university, they automatically tacked on 6 months for the additional time required for the coming and going  and passing the necessary training and military preparation in the Officers' Candidate School.  My completions were confounded essentially by the beginning of a rapid draw-down of deployments to Viet Nam by the new Nixon administration which took office in January of 1969.  Suffice to say, my experience in the military was nothing akin to heroic.  Perhaps the greatest act of "heroism" committed by this particular soldier was "allowing" himself to be drafted....I served where sent...and was honourably discharged without a negative in my file.   But, like most of the Viet Nam El Zorro, and really everyone I can bring to mind right now....we just don't talk much about our  service during those times.   We have a kind of rule we follow.  "The more that is said, the less that was done".   The American military won the war and the marxists and anti-American elements in the United States Congress lost the peace.

     Mr. (Sen.) Hegel and his brother volunteered for induction and this was normally done by young men, so as to place them on the fastest track to leave the military, usually after doing a lot of boring hanging around, and a lot of grunt work, and during that War, some pretty ugly combat. "voluteered for induction" so as to keep the quickest path to the exit door possible. 
     The regular enlistee had a different bearing and sense of mission,  The OCS guys, the two-tour guys....they were numerous and a bit wierd...because they liked  the food.  And they had that particular American...push..compliance...and fair play notion.   It is hard to explain.
     The Hegels were trained up well as warriors, with 8 weeks of basic, and since they were bound for the infantry, 8 more weeks of  Advanced Infantry at Fort Ord, formation and assignment, and then off to face the vagaries of a war without fronts.   I am glad that they did well, that they served.  But, neither the Hegel brothers nor El Gringo Viejo were "volunteers".  We were concripts...USA (United States Army), not RA (Regular Army);   The military citations (medals) issued to Mr. Hegel were the minimum to be expected for an honourably discharged soldier.
     In my way of thinking Col Alan West would be more qualified to understand the nature and necessitie of the War Department in these times.   He does lack theatre command experience, but Mr. Hegel lacks a great deal more.

El Gringo Viejo.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Nice try (Sir Edmund)

Madame Secretary, please remember what you told the parent of one of the deceased Benghazi casualties.

     After apologizing for his loss, Woods said Clinton told him that the U.S. would “make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted.”    Obviously, Clinton was referring to the anti-Muslim YouTube video that the Obama administration spent nearly two weeks blaming for the attack. … “When she said that, I could tell that she was not telling me the truth,” Woods said about Clinton.
Incompetence, mendacity, complicity, Arab Spring, women's
issues Election just around the corner,  what are all
 these stupid hearses doing around here?  Does
 my hair look okay?
  Should I smile sadly or look stern?
  It doesn't matter how I explain this in acouple of weeks.
  They know I'm solid on abortion.
  The Bald Faced Lie has always worked in the
past.  My voters are stupider
 than tree fungus.

This followed a particularly crass and white-trash like comment by Biden, who told the father, "Your boy must have had ***** the size of cue balls" .   Real class, really real class to speak in such a manner when the whole gaggle of you reprobates had turned your back on a mess of your own making and were, even as the bodies were still warm, figuring some way to blame it all on George Bush or the Tea Party or a failure to fund security needs by the extremists in the Republican House of Representatives.  It has worked before.  Your electoral base is mentally slow...and/or enured of an undeserved sense of anger about their victimhood, and the elitist leftist press will back up anything you say.   You could blame the entire Benghazi thing on an attack by flying saucers piloted by the Siamese Sasquatch Sisters of Doom, and Whoopee Goldberg would swear that she had seen them too.  The Obsolete Press would produce pictures to prove it.  What truly horrid people you are.  And (Sir Edmund)Hillary...Liar, Liar , Pantsuit on Fire, to think that you would even go before the Congress and continue to be the same mendacious old beat up hag you have always been. 
      Just once you could have said,"You know, I'm going to tell you what actually happened.   I was following all of this on the live television linkage that Miss Lam had on and saw what was happening and I ran out and hailed a taxi and we drove lickedy-split straight to Andrews AFB and arranged me a pilot, and we jumped into the SR - 71 because of its cruising speed, and we took off...I only had Vince Foster's old .41 revolver.  But with six shots, I figured that it would be six fewer film makers going around shooting pornographic Mohammed movies.  We had quite a landing there in Benghazi....having to corkscrew down at runway runway...and the semi-automatic assault rifle AAA sniper fire was flicking past could see the lead and mercurial pollutants trailing off of the tracer was coming right a my head.   Now you know that I did not actually fall down...I was hit in the head by a semi-automatic AK-16 anti-aircraft assault rifle cannon.  It was terrible.  The bullet then came back around, you know, it was one of those "boomerang cop-killer bullets" that George Bush authorised with that secret fund from the NRA, and it killed the driver of my SR - 71 or was it an RS-15?  Anyway, I managed to pilot the plane real, really low and I snatched those horrid films right out of the hands of that bad, bad man who was making those dirty anti-muslim movies, and flew back with the poor dead pilot.  It was really like a real James Bond movie know...except that it was really real.  I mean, really real.
     You have no idea how much I suffered with what I had to suffer through.  I was most concerned about those things about which I am concerned, like the mercury affecting the roufous bellied snotblotter, which is endemic to that area where I always have enjoyed camel riding when I am suffering one of my bad back episodes that I have with almost the same frequency that I used to have them before I found the medicine that I am using now.  I used to use a different medicine, but I changed....recently.
   So you see, gentlemen, this is not all about you.   Just think of all the flying I have had to do.  Must think of all the sacrifices I have had to make.  Just think of the suffering I have had to endure, and just think about what a stupid waste of time it is for you peons to be here questioning me.   Don't any of you have any idea who I am"  What my importance to the scheme of things on this Planet is?  Do any of you even remotely know what the meaning of is,  is?   I'm leaving.  I have have an appointment with Madge...time for a perm...  Ciao!

Thanks for your time with us Madame Secretary.   Can someone hail (Sir Edmund) a taxi please?
El Gringo Viejo

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Some Doubt?

To any who might have doubted what El Gringo Viejo might have stated about the kind of people who go to Democrat, marxist, national socialist, or progressive rallys or meetings one can run this bit of video:
A particularly obnoxious anti-OROG accused your humble servant of maligning the people who are robbed by the one-percent.   Please forgive this view of your national patrimony, the capital and capitol grounds and environs.   It is called the Nagin / Blanco effect....Let something negative and/or really bad happen in a place where you are in charge, and then blame George Bush.

This clip is after Glen Beck's Rally "Restoring Honour" a few months ago, also on the mall. Something like 800,000 in attendance, all of whom had to pay their own way, and take care of themselves, their neighbours, and be stewards of their surroundings.  For them, it came

Thanks for the extra time.
El Gringo Viejo

All Nature of Vileness



It brings back a lot of Memories....but I can still see the tobacco smoke streaming up from the crowd, and shining with the stadium lights beaming down on the lung-filtered was beautiful.
     Some months ago, we wrote briefly about the time Paul Harvey, as a very young firebrand, conservative speaker, came to McAllen and the Lower Rio Grande Valley on a speaking tour.  It was something like Limbaugh's "Rush to Excellence" period back when he first went on nation-wide AM radio.   Paul Harvey, with his trademark pauses and smiling through clenched teeth as he spoke, was an acclaimed speaker and radio personality, already surpassing Aurthur Godfrey and Edward R. Murrow as America's favourite voice from the magic box.
     To make the story short, McAllen in those days was almost a perfect place.   If people were to be transported back to that place and that time, some would think they had entered Stepford.  The differences were that it was real and the people were not perfect or clone-like, but they were a noble sort...warts, scars, and all. 
     Paul Harvey filled the north half of the football stadium (he could have filled the entire stadium several times over, but he did not like to turn his back on his audience as he spoke) 2,500 folks of all stripes and types.  We played and sang the national anthem (McAllen High had a really good band) and had an invocation presented the colours and said the pledge of allegiance...(that was before Yahweh had been born apparently)... and then Paul Harvey said, "Good Evening...Ladies.....and Gentlemen."
       He then went on to extoll the notion that all men were entitled and had a right to food, a job, housing, a fair and living wage, an education, and a system where medical services could be provided at no cost, any standard, religious, moral, or man should be allowed to profit from another man's illness.
     Paul Harvey had an IQ of about 160.   He was spellbinding on the radio, but in person he could make people nod in agreement to anything.   Even if he were to say "Fish for sale!"...most or all of a crowd would be nodding in agreement.   As he spoke it was clear that he was setting up our rustic little grey cells, because there was a lot of pleasant nodding going on.  Everything he was saying was nice, considerate, generous, and comfy.

     My father was embarrassing my mother, because he kept muttering in his very baritone voice..."That's all wrong" "That's not true" "That's Roosevelt's jibberish" "Can't work"...with my mother saying "Sshhhhh! " about every twelve seconds. She sounded like one of the old steam locomotives still in use over at the Southern Pacific about 4 blocks west of the stadium, letting off brake.
      Then there was a long....long...pause by Mr. Harvey.   Ladies stopped fanning themselves. Men stopped chewing on their cigars and puffing on their Camels and Luckies and Pall Malls. Did the microphone go dead? Is something wrong? All craned forward to see what problem might have befallen out visitor. He was looking down, from behind the lectern, that was mounted on a flatbed trailer with green cemetery carpet and R/W/B bunting all around its perimeter.
    He looked up, still with that smile that was not quite a grin and not quite mischievous, and declared,"Folks, I hate to tell you:     When something sounds too good to be know it almost always has to be false. What I have been telling you for the last eight minutes is published every day in Izvestia, and it is the basic speech given by the commissars in the Soviet Union and communist propagandists everywhere in the world, including right here, in the United States, in our labour our colleges and our churches....and sadly even among our major newspapers and from the lips of an increasing number of what Uncle Joe refers to as 'the useful idiots'".
    Lamentably, the speech intoned yesterday by Obama was something very much akin to the openning remarks made by Paul Harvey on that Spring night in McAllen, Texas.   The dolts at the event (those who were listening) were drooling, Chris Matthews swooning, terms like "Gettysburg" were being used.
    And, when it was all over....and the "minders" were running around prohibiting pictures of the mess, the pampers, the Styrofoam, papers, litter, and garbage strewn throughout the property of everybody/nobody....we knew that the crowd had not been a group of conservatives, or even Republicans, or right-to-lifers, or gun-nuts.   Yes, Virginia, even the gun nut shows are spic and span after everyone goes home.
Obama in a previous life
     But, it seems,  never for a march of the Partido Revolucionario Democratico...the lefty amalgam in Mexico...or the OWS crowd, or even when the original "I have a dream speech" was given...everthing was a mess, and that was before pampers and disposable everything.    The slack jawed and dependent produce graffiti, litter, garbage, ruin, and disorder, and then blame the people who are orderly, clean, and responsible for the mess caused by the morally devoid and dependent.   It goes with the territory of being morally devoid and dependent.  Wherever the Left meets, governs,  or resides,  filth, litter, and degradation presides and remains.
     In ever tightening bands, the filthy and incapable are surrounding the bakeries.  Soon they will be led to the galleries to watch the work of the guillotines, led by the servants of Lucifer and the ghost from Hell of the man pictured here on the Monsieur Maximilien Robespierre....who presided over what the Left assures us was 40,000 unfortunates, most of whom needed a bit of a haircut anyway.
     The number of those killed by Robespierre number far, far, greater.  Even children born with title were slaughtered, and literally millions of children were thrown out to starvation and deadly neglect by the loss of their parents and/or other relatives who have been liquidated by the 290 pound falling blade of steel.   Only the simplest of country folk far removed from Paris would even chance taking them in....for those closer to the blade had reasonable fear of Herod's wrath.

     The address made yesterday by the Grand Poseur was essentially a cultural and political declaration of war against free enterprise, normalcy, self-reliance, the Constitution of 1787 / 1789, and any person of free spirited mind and a soul that espouses liberty.    The Gettysburg Address?....I do not think so.    But like the promises made by the "reformers" in those days, and after all the loss of life on all sides, we saw that the promises made to an enslaved mass, once fulfilled, would simply mean that we would all become equal....We were to become all equally enslaved by an increasingly totalitarian and powerful state.   It all seemed to fair at the time, did it not?   The words about equality and fairness are especially comforting, are they not?    Such are the words as they were spoken to the Nazarene during the Temptations.

Pray for the restoration of the American Union that began to be lost at the moment the government established the notion that it could give something to anyone without exacting a terrible price on everyone.
Pray for a peaceful exit of Texas and her entrance into the ranks of Independent Nations.   And further petition Providence that we eschew the temptations that come from the devious minds of people who think they can establish a perfect order on this Earth.

El Gringo Viejo
Texas, Our Texas  -  National Anthem,  then play ,  from a commencement and graduation at Texas State University, where El Gringo Viejo graduated, and then his daughter and son graduated.

Monday 21 January 2013

A True View of the Real Cuba

    There is the Cuba of the lie, of the dolt...arrogant, stupid, ignorant dolt....wearing his "revolutionary" Che' Guevara pull-over...or his red beret with a "golden" star.    The Cuba of the Occupy Wall Street people is still....with all the reforms that have been announced over the PAST 50 YEARS!!!! still a septic tanque and a cesspool all rolled into one.  There are a few glitters of gold, here and there.  But they truly are not for the common people.   Please remember that when Cuba was a "....corrupt Mafia controlled playpen for the Gringos"....everything was quite different.  Corrupt politicians imprisoned hundreds of troublemakers and malcontents.  Policemen would shake down drunks and rowdies for a few pesos...(trading 1 = 1, dollar/peso), and there were a lot of Italian-looking people at the best nightclubs.   Cuba also had a huge working class and middle class, and was the fourth most prosperous American Nation in the Hemisphere.   Churches were full and everybody could read and write.  The American presence had benefitted everyone...even if the Americans felt a little too much "at home" there.
    Now, even Amnesty International....a proudly socialist, anti-American entity...estimates the number of political prisoners in Cuba at 20,000 .    Arbitrary criminal imprisonment...because some official took exception at some disrespect...or was offended by some mere citizen taking offence at the official's over-interest in the citizen's wife...might number in the 10,000 range.  Almost all jurisprudential activity is based on whim and the guarding of the State's interest, not the private citizen.  So, the "great leap forward for the the Brave New World" turned out to be the children's game of "Take 23 Giant Steps Backwards".   For those accomplishments, as is appropriate, the Castro-Ruz brothers are heroes to the Left.....because of all their "accomplishments".
HERE IS ANOTHER ONE, truthfully reported.
Web Exclusive

Cuba and Cholera: Good Hygiene and Good Government Can Save Lives

January 18, 2013

     Almost five months ago, the Cuban government announced the end of a cholera outbreak in eastern Cuba. At the time, Cuba’s Public Health Ministry blamed the three deaths and 417 cases on overflowing toilets, heavy rains and contaminated wells. According to the government, thanks to its prompt reaction and the quality of the country’s public health system, the crisis ended quickly.
     Just recently, on January 15, the Cuban government announced that there were “only” 51 new cases—this time in Havana.
     International and independent media on the island had already reported the outbreak, with independent media doing so months ago. On January 13, the BBC reported a “cholera fear in Cuba as officials keep silent.” Likely prompted by the international attention, the next day the government published an Information Notice to the Population saying it had detected “an increase in serious diarrhea…with symptoms that lead to the suspicion of cholera.”
Lest anyone become concerned, however, the government stated in the notice that it had everything under control and an “anti-cholera plan…was immediately activated” in which the government has “all the means and resources needed.” The Information Notice offered no additional details other than to say that “due to the measures already taken, the outbreak is on its way to extinction.”
     International news reports, however, belied the Cuban government’s claims. The January 13 BBC story reported that one known death had occurred “in one of the poorer and more overcrowded districts of Cuba’s capital” and that “there are increasing signs” of more cases. “Suspected cases are being sent to the Tropical Medicine Institute…All our wards are dealing with this issue—they are almost full,” an Institute employee told the BBC.
As a result of their own independent assessments, both the British Embassy and the American mission in Havana issued travel advisories earlier this week, and other embassies told the Associated Press that they were considering doing the same. The diplomats told AP they “have been concerned that the government is not sharing information with them in a timely manner”
       An AP report that appeared in The Miami Herald on January 15 explained that “Cholera is a waterborne disease caused by a bacteria found in tainted water or food. It can kill within hours” and said that “it was unclear why a new outbreak was being seen in Havana. Rains, which can help spread the disease, are common in January, but the weather has been unusually dry this year.”
An ambulance is parked in Varadero, Cuba. Photo: Courtesy of Domenic Scaturchio. Homepage Photo: Courtesy of Edgar Rubio Rodilla.

Blame Game

     To blame the weather (as well as the United States) for all of Cuba’s misfortunes is a common practice of the Cuban authorities. Years ago, Havana claimed the United States was responsible for starting epidemics, and even a tobacco plague, years ago, but when Washington demanded proof they had nothing to show. What the repeated outbreaks and the Cuban government’s efforts to conceal them show is that the much-heralded Cuban public health system is a great sham. The regime makes a great show of sending its medical personnel abroad to countries like Venezuela and Bolivia, while closing a number of clinics and hospitals at home and sending doctors who disagree to prison.
      Moreover, the persistence of cholera is also laying bear the sorry state of Cuban infrastructure, much of which has not been updated since before the revolution. Unfortunately, the international media has failed to make the connection between the disastrous conditions of Havana’s—and other cities—water and sewage systems and the cholera outbreak, as they would if they were reporting in Haiti or another country. But the truth is that thousands of Havaneros do not have access to running water, a service long since cut off to the homes of many ordinary citizens. Instead, they must patiently wait in line for the government trucks that are supposed to regularly distribute water (but rarely do) for drinking, washing and cleaning.
      Today, the government insists that the tourists are fine because they all can have bottle water. But what does that mean for the country’s own citizens?
      With a population more than twice what it had in 1959, Havana still depends on the same outdated water systems: its aqueduct, pumps and pipes have served the city since before the Castros came to power. Nationally, more than half of the water supply is lost due to leaks and improper maintenance, according to Cuba’s Institute of Hydraulic Resources. The government’s response? It recommends that Cubans dig their own wells for potable water.
     There is also the problem of Cuba’s outdated and short-changed sewer system. The lack of maintenance of the country’s creaky system for safely disposing of human waste is made worse by pipes that dump untreated sewage directly into streams and on to shores close to populated areas. Shoreline pollution is exacerbated by official corruption and the pilfering of pipes, which results in the pollution spreading farther on land.

A Story Foretold

     Months ago, dissident journalists reported several deaths attributed to cholera in neighborhoods south of Havana. The epidemic began hundreds of miles away in the city of Manzanillo, but there have been cases in other provinces.
Cuban authorities tried to blame the self-employed for the cholera and responded by prohibiting the sale of lemonade and other fruit drinks. There have been reports of closing of schools. Visitors are not allowed to visit cholera patients at various hospitals. And there are shortages of soap and cleaning products, which often can only be purchased at hard currency stores. But the majority of the population has no dollars.
     Tragically, in the absence of real information and honesty on the part of the government, the only way Cubans learn about the situation and how to protect themselves is from independent media and civil society. Last summer, during the outbreak in the eastern provinces, Raúl Castro complained that dissidents and the foreign media had exaggerated the crisis. But without the independent journalists, Cubans working in the government hospitals who talk to them and foreign correspondents, the government would have been successful in covering up the epidemic.
     Last Sunday, Cubans attending a number of churches were told to pay special attention to water and hygiene. But this is easier said than done: typically, three generations are forced to share a single small house or apartment. In this case, as in others, Cubans learn about developments on the island by listening to foreign broadcasts from South Florida, Dominican Republic and Colombia.
     The Castro brothers, like other totalitarian rulers, rewrite history on a regular basis. But while the regime boasts about Cuba being a medical superpower, (which it is not/ comment added by El Gringo Viejo) Cubans continue to die of a nineteenth-century disease. The last recorded cholera epidemic in Havana took place in 1883.

Appropriate copyright recognition to Americas Quarterly .
As always, we appreciate the attention afforded our efforts by each and every OROG.
El Gringo Viejo

Sunday 20 January 2013

Called to Mean Old Joe's Saloon in El Diablo, Texas

El Gringo Viejo had a bit of a different deal of the deck this time. He was picking up stuff that he couldn't find in at the General Store in Dusty Gullet Gulch, so he came over to El Diablo where Old Felipe has a store that is quite a bit better, but it's futher away and Felipe likes to talk (and pick up gossip, the number one sport in El Diablo). Felipe's sons had finished loading our two-ton buck and were getting ready to re-tack and hitch the two mules after their watering and otherwise being spoil't, when a little Latin squirt came running up with a message. "Sen~or Gringo, Sen~or Gringo, El Zorro esta' por alla en la Cantina del Viejo Jose, el otro Gringo. Me mando a decirle que quiere hablar contigo! Pero, de urgencia!!" So there we had it. Urgent! It is? Why, when, and where did all this come about? But, such an earnest child, complying with an adult's orders, just had to be obeyed. I thought I knew who it might be, but it was odd that such a meeting should be called out in the open and without regard to El Zorro's normal secretivity. El Gringo Viejo strode over the one block to the west and across the dusty street, to the somewhat ramshackle, but clean, saloon owned and operated by Old Joe Wilkins, who had never been known to smile in 30 years of running his bar...weekend restaurant...and-on call blacksmithing service.
Upon entering, there were no other clients to be seen, save for one old lady, looking the worse for wear for various reasons. Nope, nobody else around...but little "Chon" , the messenger was pointing purposefully at the old lady, and motioning that I should take a chair at that table.
As I sat down, the Old Lady stood up and took of her dress and wigs and began to wipe off the makeup....It really was El Zorro! "What's the point of all of this," I laughed.  Thankfully, El Zorro had his trademark black outfit on underneath the dowdy-looking dress...and his hat nearby.   The cape thing was always overdone, something he almost never used or uses....except, now that we up in years...I use the old over the head goat's wool poncho, and I would imagine that El Zorro would have liked to have that cape with the January night setting up clear...crisp...and more than cool.
 He responded,"I don't really care who sees me leave, I just don't want anybody to know that I'm here or that I arrived. Look, here is something that I wrote up. This issue becomes more serious every day. We need to remember our in shooting a rifle, or pitching a baseball, or heck, just doing an arpeggio on a piano. We have to practice our thought and thinking process. We've been poisoned by the mainstream marxist press to think that a President is like Fidel or Hugo or Kim or Ho. We need to push the default button on our own people and allow them to remember what it black and white...what it is that we are fighting for. Franklin's words, de Toqueville's words warn us about that. Adams and Jefferson as well. Madison speaks to it. But this paper here is what I want published to remind our folks....we are fighting for the maintenance of processes that were wisely installed and that also work when used."

Mountains to the west of
El Diablo, Texas, near the border
And then the preaching was over. It was not so much an instructive, but rather an order. And the message is more than worthwhile. El Zorro says little, ventures away from his two or three haunts and recesses only rarely, and for that reason the observations and conclusions that are made in his messages are arrows whose shafts are .925 silver and points are 18k gold. After a few rounds of Old Mean Joe's best Mexican beer, we went into the darkening hour. The mules would know the way home. I noticed that Old Felipe had put two carrots on the bench for each of the mules upon return to our little adobe hut about 5 miles to the west...towards those mountains.


January 21, 2013 - another inauguration of the executor of the will.

Does it occur to anyone that the executive of the United States, aka President, is in function, simply the "executor" of the Constitution as opposed to the "manipulator" of the Constitution? The job, as is expressed in the inauguration oath, "...I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve protect and defend the Constitution of the United States...". It is unfortunate that the phrase "to the best of my ability" is in the oath because it has given something of a loophole for this president to wriggle through.

There is a racoon in our stable that coexists with 3 cats. It is impossible to coax this critter out and we get no assistance from the felines. We have to daily clean up the mess of the previous nights' pandemonium. There is a mechanical door with collar sensors worn by the cats that allow the door to open and close for their entry and exit. Obviously the racoon does not have a collar but he is very satisfied to live in the building where there is food, water, and warmth.

Actually that has nothing to do with the president or the inauguration except for the frustration we have in that, despite all our efforts, we cannot rid ourselves of this varmit.

Back to the point we would make, most responsible individuals have a will so as to protect their heirs from government looting of their inheritance. Also with a will the responsible individuals will have an executor whose responsibility is to enforce the conditions of the will. The executor has no power to change the conditions of the document without the express direction of the originator. This is where we make the analogy between a will and the Constitution, the legal executor and the President of the United States. The definition of executive in the context of our government: "the branch of government responsible for carrying out laws, decrees, etc.; administration".

Article I of the Constitution establishes the legislature which is the sole authority to legislate (make laws). Article II establishes the executive branch and specifies the powers of the president which do not include making laws. His job is not to be the boss of the Congress or the Judical branch established in Article III of the Constitution.

We have three branches of government, estalished in order of priority, which none we now have seem to know what their responsibilities under the original law of the country are, nor do they understand the premise of our form of government which is a constitutional republic, not a democracy as our elected officials so often suggest. What this means, for low information voters or low information anybodys, our government is established to protect the the rights of the minority from being abrogated by the majority.

The esteemed Senator from New York, "Chucky Schmuky Schumer" as he is affectionately called, showed his hand on the issue of the rights of the minority off handedly in a recent conversation with Joe Scarborough of the Morning Schmo. To paraphrase, he said that he thought the next four years would bring more compromise between parties in the Congress and the President. He said Leader Boehner was working to bring more comprimise to the House but for 50 rebel members in his chamber. He and his ilk would have us believe compromise / good, but standing on principles / bad. The 50 members are the 2010 Tea Party members who are the hope for the nation. These junior members will ultimately prevail with help in the mid term elections of 2014 to increase their numbers in the House and gain a majority of the same quality individuals in the Senate.

This President continues to campaign. He is not to be underestimated. His gains in his first term are historic. He will try to be even more effective in this second term with immigration and gun control to name a couple. He will continue to bash us over the head with "all Obama all the time". His blathering about compromise and those bad representatives who refuse to bend over will be in your face at every opportunity. He is already using his campaign staff from 2012 to defeat us in 2014. We have to start looking now toward a candidate for 2016.
Yours truly likes Ted Cruz even though he is a junior Senator. He has all the values conservatives should rally behind (in our humble opinion). Senator Cruz already has more experience than did Obama at his first inauguration. He will have four years experience by the 2016 election. It would be a grand occasion to hear Senator Cruz repeat "...I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, so help me God."

El Zorro

('nuff said, and well said.   El Gringo Viejo)