Monday 26 November 2012

Back from a Whirlwind

     We returned from a quick trip up to the "extreme central" part of the Republic of Texas, and beyond.   Family matters and a combination mix of Thanksgiving and Christmas obligatory visitations.   The people who compose our very near to near biological and in-law class of family are all solid, civilised, productive people.  They are competent in the white collar, medical, blue collar, and social areas in such a manner that bespeaks of a solid catechism and approach to life.   Each has his/her little quirks and characteristics that set that particular relative apart from the other.   All share many similarities.
      For instance, Aunt Rosario and her daughter whom she did not name due to a promise made to an Indian spirit named Watabuncha always sacrifices two chickens and a cat just before daybreak on days that fall on odd numbers.  But she failed the rest of us by being a bit predictable and unwilling to branch out into more imaginative methods of self-expression and self-realisation.   Cousin Jake did not make all the reunion activities this year because he finally succumbed to the ardours to trying to set the Guiness World Record for Body Piercings.   He had something like 54,000, but was disconcerted when he found out he was trying to break the National Record for India.   He thought India was the name of a girl.
      So, we also went up and back to Dallas, Texas to visit our son.  We went up and back on the train, which was an experience, almost entirely pleasant.   The ride back was a little better than the ride up, although the entire event was rewarding with scenes of Texana filling the windows, and meeting up in a couple of cases with long lost friends who had never been met. One fellow in particular, a "old cowboy - master carpenter" whose ancestry, life-story, and political/culural observations were taken from the same mimeograph that was used to program this Gringo Viejo.    We both had substantial ancestry coming out of East Tennessee, and from there on the whole show went downhill.
Night scene at the Arlington House, a Southern-themed
events centre on the grounds of the 9 acre central-city
park.  Although this is a night view, this facility does
all kinds of public renderings, including a "cold fried
chicken" breafast, wedding receptions, business
 meetings, and a hundred other services.Just
 Amazing.  A publically accesseible place fit
for Royalty. 
     We  were especially impressed with the return train.   Both trains were full....every seat, ever Pullman compartment.   The first one even had a deluxe, add-on, private touring car tacked onto the front of the consist with people doing a Rail Tour of America.   They had been in San Antonio for three nights, and were heading to Dallas for a couple of know, to go to Gilley's in Fort Worth and then see what must be America's Stepford City...which is Dallas....simply an amazing place.
      We had the advantage of having our son as a chauffeur, and host...because we barged-up his apartment of course.   He has an idyllic living situation, and an executive-type position at a place adjacent to the most downtown part of Dallas about a squinch and a tad from  the train station, Highland Park district, University Park district, and Saint Peter's Earth Office across the street from Robert E. Lee absolutely stunning set of urban grounds, elegance, and tranquillity....none better....none as good.
     We were also treated with being introduced to a entirely delightful, entirely attractive, and entirely civilised young woman who looks strangely like our son and daughter and son-in-law...were they all to be seated together.    She comes from the background that causes her to put a self-made, elaborate floral display in a crystal vase on the table, for the pleasure of my Boss.   Pure class.   She also did well under the withering fire of prying questioning.   She didn't even seem to mind when The Boss took the mouth swab for ACME Forensic DNA Services and sealed it in the mail pack.   The fingerprinting was a bit messy however.  Although youngish, she is already an accomplished professional woman, qualified by diplomas and demontrated experience in two areas of professional endcvour.   A real "catch" to be sure....but then, so is our son!
    It was only an overnight run, so in the morning we went back to take the return ride, and we purposely had quite a bit of time to kill.  We turned in at a little restaurant, a half block from the train station, that appeared to be a little hole in the wall.  Something told us that it was a nice place.   Decent looking folks going in and out.  Clean and proud looking on the outside.  A combination of things.
     Once inside, one realised quickly that this is either the Cantor's brother or the Rabbi's sister's place.   Perhaps the Chinese ancestried waiter named Oscar gave it away, (actually it was the menu listings and some of the clients).   The fact is, after a little research, the owner is a Vietnamese lady...a refugee...who has five of these places in the Dallas metroplex.   Her efforts truly have established the best Country and Western Hebrew Delicatessen West of the Hudson....(as some reviews state).
     In any regard, it was a thouroughly delightful detour on the Road of Life.   We solved the problem with what to eat on the train by gorging on a "light breakfast" with our son.   It wasn't so much the quantity of the food, howver.   It was the sedate, august atmostphere....even for the morning....the commonality of the clients and staff...coming from at least 6 ethnicities and three races....yet all oddly similar in presence and deportment.   The physical plant was like Dallas, or any really fine place that is fine from the inside-out.  And the quality of meal and service was and anticipatable 100 on the scale of 100.  It's funny what can be done when you slam together Arkies, Orientals, Jews, Saxons, Latins...when they all have a catechism....a notion of compliance....a sense of the Golden Rule.   Amazing.... read her for recommendations other than our own;


Wednesday 21 November 2012

Israel - Palestine Solution

    We are pleased that everyone was clamouring for El Gringo Viejo to recommend a workable solution to the seemingly intractile problems presented by the Israeli - Palestinian conflict.    We have a very simple set of actions that would solve the problems permanently.  However, single women and people of colour and Hispanics and the elderly and the students would not approve, so our platform is being re-written to tolerate those more mature and intelligent points of view.
      The rest of the world's notion is for the Hebes to learn how to swim or die or both.  This is Hillary's idea...often stated in her more private moments....and it is the solution presented even by atheist Jews, who for some reason just love to hate the god they know does not exist.  It is the solution recommended by Bill Ayers,  Barak Obama's Chicago Community Action mentor, et alii:


William Ayers
(Weatherman Underground bomber,
 unrepentant domestic terrorist)

Frank Davis
(Member Communist Party USA,
 Early mentor to Obama)

Jeremiah Wright
(Black Liberation militant,
 racist, and "pastor")

Tony Rezko
(Corrupt Financier,with
  ties to Terror Financing)

Louis Farrakhan
(Nation of Islam Leader,
 racist, anti-American)

Raila Ordinga
(Fundamental Islamic Candidate,
 Kenya, Obama's Cousin)

Communist Party Illinois
(US Communist Political Party)

Socialist Party USA
(Marxist Socialist Political Party)

The New Black Panther Party
(Black Militant Organization,
 anti-American and racist)
Terrorist Group Jamas
     These are some of  the people and organisations involved in Obama's formative devolopment.  The above mentioned people and organisations and the individual known as Barak Hussein Obama have long advocated for the elemination of the State of Israel and for the "Palestinian People"  to be restored  their "rightful lands".
     It is enough to point out that the various Palenstinian groups are content to shoot rockets that indiscriminately rain down on wherever.   To them it is preferred that the rockets hit schools, hospitals, and synagogues full of people.    To them it is preferred that the Israelis be forced to aim as weapons stores and missile batteries that are purposefully positioned adjacent to schools, hospitals, and residential areas so as to cause the maximum civilian casualties.   They have no respect for life...even of their own people.   Their dead children are hoped for by products to be used for their insidious propaganda machine, which then means that the Obsolete Media and the Jew-haters like Hillary and Barak are accessories to the murders of children, women, old geezers, and other non-combatants.   It is what Obama wants and it is what Hillary wants because it feeds their understanding of what evil people Jews are and what a better world it will be when they are all dead.
     Palestenians with their guts hanging off the understructure of some building in downtown Gaza City are just necessary collateral damage.   And besides, Hillary doesn't really give a flip about them either....would you want people like that at your gated and guarded community in ....well, we can't say where Bill and Hillary have their love nest, you know.


     The people living in the Palestinian areas wake up one morning with brains in their heads.   They look around, as if trying to shake off a stupour of many generations.   They begin whispering to each other, generally agreeing, " We've been schnookered by a bunch of shake-down thugs."
     They conspire during the day, and then, at sundown slay all of the Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Fatah, Muslim Brotherhood, al Qaeda affiliates, Persian,  and similar operatives and officers.   Then they say among themselves,"We are all sons of Abraham, surely the Hebrews will see us as their brothers.   Let us go to them and ask their guidance.   They are an arrogant and cranky people, but they are also generous.   They will tell us how to become happy and rich, and our wealth and industry can reinforce theirs, and we will be too tired to hate the Hebes any more and the Israelis will be able to prosper more by not having to worry about the scum we killed yesterday afternoon.
     And they all lived happily ever after.

     There is only one other way a conflict that has one unreasonable, savage, unprincipled party engaged in mortal combat with a group of people who have a catechism that includes fairness and respect for human dignity and commonly applied law.    The second group has to finally destroy the former group.   There is an ancient Spanish epithet that was placed on the escudo of a noble family's coat of arms.   It stated, "Si no la Razon, la Fuerza".   It is easy enough to translate for anyone who looks at the words for a few seconds....."If not the Reason, then the Force". 

   (Sir Edmund)Hillary held up the announcement of the Peace Treaty for All Times for 24 hours, so as to give Hamas a little extra time to try a field goal.   She then was given the opportunity by the World Control Group Press Confederation to make the Official Announcement that signals   "The Bringing of a Permanent Peace to the Middle East, Finally".   Now she can be appointed president in 2016 to build on the great democratic  foundations she and Barak Hussein Obama Onyango Soetoro Dunham brought to us.   Mean, judgemental old judgemental meanies suggest that this permanent peace to last until the next episode of  Global Nuclear Winter and Summer Forever, which will be between 3 hours and 42 days.
Thanks for your attention, as always.
El Gringo Viejo

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Is anybody aware?

      Obama nearly caused a complete and total eclipse of the Universe by handling and smooching the three women.   Where was the protocol officer?  This is the smartest, most anti-American, grovelling, and foreigner-respecting person in entire Universe.   You don't hug the Queen of England.  There are some things you don't do.   Bill Clinton went and joined the line waiting to take communion at a Roman Catholic Church somewhere in Africa...he's one of them there Fulbright Scholars....real smart feller, jist like Obamer.   But he's also one of them there ingert Jethroes  that think they're really smartypants when they're really, really ingert.   He jist don't know that you hafta be one of them there mackeral snappers to be in their communion line.  I bet he don't even know thet you cain't pick yourn nose when you meet the Pope.

     In any regard, Billy Jeff managed to confuse the baptised, confirmed, and "confessed" communicants in good standing, even though he was in the middle of the Monica mess, as well as about 432,774 other venal and mortal sins being unaddressed.   I know that I am a pot calling a kettle black, and confess such.   So, that makes me a blowhard, but not a hypocrite.
      The internet has been fairly well "scrubbed" already of the various other grabbings and  smoochings in front of the press Corpse and literally hundreds of 10,000 dollar cameras.   The dunce doing the grabbing and smooching is apparently unaware that the communists who lurk in the background in Burma...still controlling much by virtue of their willingness to terrorise the population...have circulated all these encounters to the populace.   They are showing the populace that the women are wanton public women who will sell themselves to the American.   They are using language about these women that I do not feel needs to be used on this medium.   Or on that medium from Cincinnati who shortchanged me on the tarot card reading she was supposed to do.

Monday 19 November 2012

Snake Oil and Indian Tonic, FREE

Dear RINOs and all the other compassionate, reasonable, and rational sellouts to hedonistic "social justice" sales people:
     We know what the term  "revenue enhancement" means.   If you think that you can cover it up by saying catch phrases that only the  drooling, dull glazed look, basket people can understand, we have our own definitions of what you mean by the terms "closing loopholes", and "making the rich pay their fair-share" and the best one, "making a fairer tax rate".
     This is an example of the memory of El Gringo Viejo.  George Bush had been inaugurated three weeks before the Washington Post published the article which accompanied this picture of a hopelessly deranged "homeless'' woman.  During the entire "co-presidency" of Billy Jeff Blythe and (Sir Edmund)Hillary not one mention was made about homelessness or street people or any such issue by the Washington Post....unless, of course, it was to point out how programs were being put in place to help those of who, through no fault of their own, had been thrown out of the mainstream of American society and deposited under the overpasses by 12 years of neglect by Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush.    We knew what you meant by that, too.   Time for some of that "Magic Snake Indian Elixer and Tonic" called "Revenue Enhancement" cures everything.
     George the Second comes in and three weeks later, look what happens:

     You guessed it.   Lengthy "human interest" stories about the massive homelessness and the absence of any plan to address the problem.   We were told homelessness had diminished a great deal during the 1990s, but  that began to change after it was learned that the Supreme Court would vote along party lines to install George Bush as President, against the wishes of an overwhelming majority of the citizens of all 57 states.  This woman lost her house just hours after George Bush was selected and not elected.   Now, only 5 weeks into the repressive Bush regime and war against women, and the war against minority children, homelessness has increased from 1,305 people nationwide to well over 10,000,000 people now crowding every available square foot under every overpass on the American Interstate Highway System.  There is already a critical shortage of grocery carts that do not have "wiggly front wheel syndrome".
      We know the jargon used by the Obsolete Press, the RINOs, and the SOCIALLY CONCERNED means that anyone presently paying any income tax....defined as anyone who receives less back tham he/she paid in withholding, is considered by the obamocrats to be a millionaire and a billionaire.   A person who made 30,000 dollars last year and had 2,500 dollars withheld, and then receives a 2,000 dollar "refund" check from the a millionaire and a billionaire.   Anyone who produces on any level and is not a gross consumer of central government largess is a millionaire and a billionaire.  Such people are not paying their fair share.
     Is it fair that a young couple making 100,000 dollars, and having no children, be allowed to keep all that money when they really do not need it?    What about the single mom with six children, three of whom have special needs?  She has no income, and yet just a few miles away there is a young couple, with no children, no cares, with too much money in terms of the needs that surround them.
     So, we know that Obama needs just a little bit more from those who have been lucky enough to work their way through the secrets of the system while others were distracted by the need to care for children afflicted with spinabifida, anacephalic disorders, blood diseases, and diabetes all brought on by atmospheric, water, and ground contamination produced by uncaring, profit driven industries....who also never pay a fair share of their excessive, and sometimes obscene profits. (we know your dribble and demagoguery)

The parents of the little girl on the right just told her that the picture
 is of the monster who comes when you lose a tooth and put it
under the pillow. He yanks all the rest of your
 teeth out, and then  bites your nose off.  He
needs teeth.   Lots of teeth. And money.
  Your money.And your nose.
  And your ears, too.
We have some editting, and some preparing for our run to Austin and Dallas - Forth Worth.  El Gringo Viejo and the Better three/quarters is going to take the AMTRAK from the Austin area to the DFW area and back, during the Thanksgiving Episode.   My addiction to trains comes from cowardice after essentially crashing a Braniff 727  during the early 1970s,  in Austin and from a particular affection for trains that my paternal grandmother had for the concept of "train travel".   It is my affliction.  More later.
El Gringo Viejo   

Sunday 18 November 2012

Just happened to be there (?)

     Move along, folks...nothing to see here...move on's just a big sex scandal,  lots bigger than any slaughter of Americans in Benghazi....this is just like Desperate Housewives meets Marilyn Monroe mudwrestling with Eva Longoria and Big Bird.   And Madonna and Lady Gaga and Jersey know...the real stuff...just move along, just because we have tonnes of X-rated filth right there on the left, just up ahead about five or ten feet....there's no reason not to keep moving along.   Miss America-lesbian incest....nuns gone crazy....Librarian sex rings assaulting policemen.
    Move on...let's move on along.


   Jill Kelley, the Tampa, Fla., socialite who initiated the investigation that revealed the affair, and her twin sister had two “courtesy” meals at the White House mess as guests of a midlevel White House aide in September and October, the official said. Kelley and her family also received a White House tour on the weekend before the Nov. 6 election.
     The White House visits by Broadwell and Kelley illustrate the wide-ranging access both women enjoyed because of their ties with Petraeus, Gen. John Allen and others in the close-knit military community. The White House official discussed their visits on condition of anonymity because the visitors logs being cited have yet to be made public.
(from an Associated Press story, 16 November 2012)
Read more:
    The media does not need to play into a big sex and power scandal so as to distract from the manipulation of news by the White House to distract from a policy failure and a politicisation  of coverage and interpretation that borders upon treason and goes well past impeachable and convictable high crimes and misdemeanours on the part of Obama and various of his White House lackeys.
     It is being discussed fairly openly that the Obama administration was allowing Turkish agencies to ship surplus light to medium infantry weaponry and ammunition to the groups fighting against Assad in Syria.   Others have observed that, because of Obama's, his staff, and his major backer's natural pre-disposition to hate Jews and therefore the nation of Israel, that there exists an implicit understanding that these shipments would be allowed to be diverted to Hezbollah and/or Jamas through Egypt.  In that manner, several things could be accomplished:
      (a)  The Valerie Jerrod -  Van Horn - Che Guevara part of the White House team can now be happy with the idea that the Jews would finally be cut down to size like in the same manner British and the Americans have been and are being reduced to insignificance.
      (b)    Obama and his marxist team in the White House could demonstrate to the Ayatollahs in Teheran that he would put his actions where his secret promises have been.  They want the Ayatollahs to feel a sense of equivalence to the Americans so that we can have a socially just and democratic discussion as equals.
       (c)     Obama and his marxist team in the White House can now demonstrate to Putin that the Russians have free rein in Eastern Europe, so as to re-establish their hegemony and misery among those people.    This would bring Obama into compliance with the promise made to Medidev some time back, that Putin would be able to acheive what he wanted during Obama's second term without American objection.
     (d)     Obama can comply with his promises to the Muslim Brotherhood that agree with their right to turn Egypt into the same hell-hole that any Islamic Nutcase nation becomes.


    The fact that Obama knew what the event was, who had provoked it, and then covered up that fact so as to advance, not his administration, but rather his campaign, stepped across the line of legal and moral propriety.   He pre-supposed his immunity from scrutiny, which was a reasonable pre-supposition due to the fact that numerous slightly lesser crimes and misdemeanours have preceded this one and had been lauded by the press corps throughout the "journalistic community".   This has led to a stretching of the already established tendency to apply unearned hubris to any issue, even  (or perhaps especially) to matters of National Security.

    Malfeasance rising to the level of incompetence is another reasonable charge.  It involves several levels of gross incompetence:
     (a)   The appointment of a totally incompetent Secretary of State whose main claim to fame is the telling of serial whopperoos that would make a circus barker blush.   More commonly known as "Madame Corkscrew", or "Cattle Futures Kallie", or "Bimbo Eruptions Specialist" the present incumbent has made a life...not a living....out of being a chronic pathological liar.
She had and has no significant qualifications for being Secretary of anything, much less the State Department, except on one occasion she went for a camel ride in the Sahara after one of her husband's many hundreds of dalliances became too much of an inconvenient truth even for the Obsolete Press to cover up.   It does help, of course, that she like all good Bolsheviks, hates Jews.
      When Madame Corkscrew is not explaining how she had to suffer through knowing that her daughter was trapped just below the Twin Towers on 11 September 2001 (another lie), she could be found selling pardons to GOP-disposed Hebrews during her early days as a campaigner for the US Senator's seat from New York.  She made it well known that since she was born in Chicago, her favourite baseball team had always been the New York Native Americans.    She was outdone by Eric Holder selling pardons to Marc Rich's ex-wife for a pardon of Marc Rich....Eric Holder's effort netted 400,000 dollars from Marc Rich's ex-wife, plus other favours to be named later....everything going to Billy Jeff Blythe's Library in Little Rock.... or someplace.    This gave her unusally high marks to fulfill the old political adage, "Keep you friends close and your enemies closer".   Although Obama and Madame Corkscrew are both marxists (Trotsky learned that all Bolshies are not exactly "buddies", like when Stalin ordered a commie thug hit-man to put a hatchet into Trotsky's vacant head), Obama knew that keeping her at a little less than arm's length would be good, if for nothing else, to have someone upon which to blame whatever might go wrong.
      Madame Secretary Corkscrew-Cattle Futures also gained the new accolade by being named Queen of Saying to Hell With Security Measures for Dangerous Embassy Outposts, I'm Busy, and I have a headache!!    It's a long title, to be sure, but it is one she certainly richly deserves.  After all, she was tired from hitting the bars and from making sure that our embassy in Vienna had been outfitted with electrical connections for all those cute little electric cars like Tweety-bird's little old Granny used to drive.   First things first....and besides it was free...the government paid for it.   What good are four dead State Department Employees and contractors good for, anyway?   Where's the bar? 
      My mother said that if we can't say something good about a person, say nothing at all.  So, in keeping with that admonition, allow us to say, (Sir Edmund) Hillary does a really crummy imitation of speaking like black folks, and she also ta l    k      s        r e a l     l          y          slo  w     l          y.    She is probably the only personality in the Lewinsky matter who was/is uglier than Monica, and/or Helen Thomas as well.    There, Mom!!
       But in spite of all those accomplishments, she overrode any effort proposed to either up-grade the facility's security posture or, like the British and the Red Cross, to remove the American diplomatic mission and related personnel from Benghazi.   She didn't give a flip, Obama didn't give a flip:    Charges of depraved indifference resulting in the death of four Americans, directly.   In Texas that is a felony.   In Washington D.C., for a Democrat office holder, it is qualification for re-election and/or a salary increment and bonus.

    (b)     We must give credit where credit is due, because (Sir Edmund) Hillary did take responsibility, but not the blame (???????) for the little matter of Benghazi.   She also kept herself literally on the other side of the world during any proceedings that might require her to testify under oath to anything.   Wine tastings in Australia...don't you know...ever so very important to security matters in the Pacific Rim and all that.   Failure to respond to reasonable interest concerning this matter also indicts Obama, because he should have either ordered her testify or tender her resignation.
      This is not a game.   In terms of morality, these two people have failed as have their subordinates, as they scoff at the seriousness of having caused the deaths of four Americans.
So on this point, we have one of them there tuphers...two for the price of one.

     (c)     Abuse of power.   Obama lied about when he knew anything during the actual attacks on the the consulate and the annex.   He saw some of the early part in real time. Obama did take offense about anybody second-guessing his incompetence.  Two different general officers....of three and four star of the Navy and the other of the Army...were essentially arrested and ordered back to barracks in the United States.   They were guilty of monitoring the activities and making anticipatory preparations to a vigourous response in forse to the criminal acts being perpetrated by  Anzar Al Sharia in Benghazi.   Both were remove from positions of very high command and/or strategic command. 
     They were found guilty of saying mean things about the Commander in Chief and being meanies.   They knew that any number of alternatives were available.  None were authorised or utilised in any way.   It was the response of a frozen coward and/or a person who had determined to remove his own pawns from the chessboard, because he wanted his opponent to win the chess game.   Only a person who wanted the Muslim extremist Triple AAA minor league affiliate of Al Qaeda to win the Battle of Benghazi,  would have been so willing to not send the AC-130s Spookys and/or Spectres   (about which it is said: ‘The AC-130 really is the ultimate weapon. It is very accurate and simply vaporises the target and sends a powerful psychological message to the enemy. 
‘We have called in Spectre many times and you know the minute it starts to unleash its fury the enemy melt away.")  and/or F-16s on low altitude intimidation runs over the zone of combat.   The earsplitting roar of repeated F-16 passes, especially accompanied by hostile gestures and actions, would have detained or distracted the Al Sharia thugs long enough for the AC-130s to lumber in and vapourise them.

     (d)    Subornation of perjury.    As did Billy Jeff, and almost all control freak narcissists, they try to cover their tracks by ordering, asking, begging, and/or threatening people to back of their lies or "indiscretions" or out and out commissions of felonies.   Frequently those efforts are backed up by that old-fashioned warning, "Or Else!".    That poor hapless dolt of a lackey, "Ambassador" Rice who was sent out to lie about the "offensive video that insulted Mohommed and Islam" an example.   To think that Obama is such a low-rent piece of whatever that he would hide behind skirts....especially skirts of a woman who was in no wise involved in any of this mess.   SHE IS THE AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED NATIONS, for the love of Pete.    She has no earthly connection, bureaucratically or professionally or anythingedly to the matter of Benghazi.   Sheeeeesch!!!

     I can see it now,
   "Miz Rice, come on in here.   We want you to go to every talk show this Sunday and tell them that this whole Benghazi thing was the result of some old white guy making a nasty video about Mohammed and being mean to Islam. "
     "Well, Mr. Obama, what video are you talking about?"
     "That doesn't's just a really nasty video and it just goes on and on with lies about Islam and Mohammed.   And that's why all our nice friends over there became a little miffed about America and attacked our Embassy in Cairo... and a few other little deals and things, too insignificant to mention.   It was done by a white guy in California, and we're going to carry that state anyway so it doesn't's an anti-Muslim cult white guy who we already have tabbed...He's going down...he'll be in jail by this time to-morrow.  Don't worry about anything.   Everybody in the press is already prepped to softball everything, and with the Fox people just say that "it's classified at this time" to anything they ask, and, you know, just draw your answers out...they'll let you talk because you're black and you're a girl.   They know we'll "racists" and '"sexists" them to death if they ask you any real questions."
      "But I've never heard of this video.   Someone said its been around for 5 or 6 months and nobody found it any worse than some of the others," the Ambassador was quizzical.
      "Look, Suzy...have I ever steered you wrong.   Just do what we tell you.   Oh, and we have a little ceremony at the airport when the bodies come in in a couple of days.   You'll need to be there for that, too"
      "But, Barry, I don't have anything to do with any of this.  Don't you think that Petraeus or Pannetta have more pertinence?   How about Hillary....I really don't understand what's going on, and now you're talking about bodies to be received.   Where were these people killed?   Was there a plane crash or something?"   the Ambassador was becoming more an more perplexed.
      "Look, just do what you're told, or we'll find us a goat to scape right here, PDQ.   And if you go do just a little, tiny know...for National'll keep us in the hunt for Election Day and I'll make you Secretary of State!"
      "Well, if you say so...but five shows in one morning?   That's some kind of a record, no?"
      Then Barry became reflective and finally said, "You know, back in the 1930s a really sharp politician said  that a lie repeated ofter enough becomes the truth...that's what we're banking on.   The American people will believe almost anything I say at this point."
       "Well, if you say so Mr. President, but it sure seems like it would be more appropriate if..''
       " Go on, girl, git!   I've got a plane to catch to Las Vegas"

Special Notice for the "Hispanic Outreach" Dumboes

This following is a statement about and a summary of an event that took place, yesterday, on a cool, dank morning on the border, within sight of the Rio Grande, well-attended, and very noble in all respects.
    Since the event was covered widely in the local press, televised and print, we will point out that it honoured a man who served in the military forces of the Confederate States of America, dating from 1862 until the end of the War Between the States.   He served in a group of mounted infantry, as a Partisan Ranger in the Regiment of a Captain Thompson.   That Captain was involved in the co-ordination with Col. Santos Benavides (later Brig. Gen.) in reconassaince and in the operation of the "Cotton Trail" that permitted the Confederacy access to foreign markets for their precious bales of cotton, through Mexico and on to Bagdad, a Gulf port community related to Matamoros, Tamaulipas, across the Rio Grande from Brownsville.   Santos Benavides was the only Spanish/Mexican general officer (rank of general) in the War Between the States, and of course, he was a Confederate soldier, along with his two brothers.   Over 90% of the Latinos who served in the War Between the States served on the Confederate side.
     Below, the OROG will find posted another set of commentaries, the form of a vignette of Rockwellian Americana....or better....Texana.   It serves to contradict any notion that "Hispanic Outreach" involves anything more than explaining Conservative principles and the illumination of the reasonable National path our approach presumes to provide to all people who belong to these precincts.   To do or promise more violates the concept of Common Law and the Constitution, and to do less does the same.

The response to a supportive respondent follows.  To wit"
GeneralLee (aka el gringo viejo)

    Your kind words are an encouragement not only to your servant, but to many, many Latinos whose feelings and beliefs I represented in my previous comminication.
Oddly enough, my statement of gratitude to-day was delayed by my attendance of a rededication of the grave of a Confederate Veteran, who served honourably during the War Between the States.  He died back in 1897.   A new, military-grade tombstone and a nice service was conducted on the grounds a small. historical, frame church within view of the Rio Grande, a few miles southeast of McAllen, Texas. There were about 200 adults, and perhaps 50 children aged 12 and under there, by a small, historic frame Methodist Church.
       To the west side of the Church were the interments of family members dating back into the earliest times of Hidalgo County. The honoured deceased came from Alabama, and had a second marriage into one of the Spanish/Mexican families of the area whose presence dated into the Spanish colonial period. Many of his 10 children  intermarried with the orginal Spanish/Mexican populace. His subsequent generation and their subsequent progeny are also quite numerous. Many turned out to honour their ancestor, bringing children with them.
     Many of those in attendance are known Republicans, some were known conservative Democrat office-holders, present and past,  (Our area is one of the very few in Texas still under the control of the Democrats.) The main ramrod for the rededication and recognition ceremony performed by the Sons of Confederate Veterans and the United Daughters of the Confederacy and numerous local officials, is the GGGrandson of the fete'd person, who also has served several terms as the Hidalgo Country Republican Party Chairman.  He is, by my calculation, approximately 12/16ths Latino, although he bears the surname of his Confederate ancestor, which is Rutledge.   He is, by any measure, a pure-bred American.
    We said the pledge of allegiance to the Stars and Stripes, reverenced the Stars and Bars with the firing of a small, commemorative mortar (the honoured party had been in a military unit) had our volleys and invocation, nice words and recognitions, benediction and went home happy. And, 90% of the people who were there, are 87.5% Latin (+/-), and about 55% of the people who were there are card-carrying Elephants and have been for years.
This all occurred to-day, on the border, next to the Rio Grande (in view) 9 miles southeast of McAllen, Texas.
As always, we appreciate everyones time and interest.
El Gringo Viejo