Tuesday 18 September 2012

You see...these people need welfare....

The liberals tell us about Black issues, Hispanic issues, and so forth.   Conservatives know that we are not equal.  The Good Lord provided many paths to spiritual and material prosperity.
    This little mite is....if I can judge the accents correctly....a Spanish and Tagalog speaking girl from the Phillipines....and she has been endowed with considerably more musical talent than El Gringo Viejo and the vast majority of the rest of the human race.   The rank and file Filipino is a peculiar bundle of energy and intelligence and talent, I have learned over the years.
     We should hope that some Col. Tom Parker doesn't come along and ruin this mite, like he ruined Elvis.

Worth the play.   It turns out that she was actually singing to the music and the vocals are hers.
This song was a Dolly Parton original, as almost everyone knows.   She wrote it to heal up from her own decision to leave the syndicated Porter Waggoner Show, back in the early 1960s.   Parton was swimming alone in shark filled waters, but Waggoner released her from a binding contract, and eleminiated a legal stumbling block.   To-day, Dolly is worth about one half - billion dollars, and is still married to the same dumboe she started off with.  My mother's family, two generations back had a Parton boy who married into the Neal family in that area of Tennessee.   All of those people could sing as a birthright.

     On a more serious, but equally pleasant note, we urge that all OROGs "go back to church" with the Anglican Curmudgeon.   This time he leaves the parish grounds for a stroll into the secular mess known as The Presidential Campaign.   His views are salient and wise. A must read...quite short.
More later.
El Gringo Viejo


     The facts about the 47%.    It is not a monolith.   Suffice that almost everyone who is using Medicaid, AFDC, and Food Stamps are lost.   There are so many other methods by which the United States attempts to seduce the people away from their own care and nurture.   It does not behoove this writer to go through the litany.   There are even "free" cellular telephones and calling plans especially designed for telephonic Miss Flukies who feel that someone else should pay for her stupid banal conversation.  "I'm on the aisle with all the pasta now, but I still don't see it."
      In the programs known as Social Security, Social Security Supplemental Income, and Social Security Disability, food stamps:   Surveys consistently indicate that between 33 and 37 percent of all such money goes to the following applications:
                                                  American Indian Indirect Investment System
                                                  Las Vegas and Atlantic City Indirect Investment System
                                                  Gambling Princess Cruises
                                                  Let's Beat Up Your Grandmother, Get her check, buy some crack
                                                  Let's Beat Up that old bag over there, get her check n'go smoke
                                                  I'll give you 30 cents on the dollar for your Lone Star Card.
                                                  Have any of you boys seen my ATM card?
                                                  Auntie Zietuni
                                                  Uncle Onyango
                                                  Gimme 10 Monster Zombo scratch offs and 10 Easy Lottos
     The bulk of the rest of the Social Security pension program....the very standard payments....go to geezers who use the money to do the following:
                                                 Pay normal domestic operations
                                                 Subsidise business ideas and applications
                                                 Savings and portfolio applications
                                                 gifts for grandchildren
                                                 Reserve and discretionary fund
     So, what this is about, is that while there is a large entitlement outlay, and it is too large, and it should be constrained, much of it goes to investment and rational domestic expenses.  The people who use Social Security repayments in this manner are very apt to vote to the right.   Many are Tea Party People or second career Geezers, or Geezers who have small businesses that employ significant numbers of skilled and productive people.
      This means that the concern about the the universe of potential  straight-thinking voters being shrunk because so many people receive "government checks", is a little over-estimated.    There are also military pensioners who tend to vote to the right.   So, this number of 47% that is bantied about by Rush, Romney and others...is way, way too overly pessimistic.
      Sixty-eight percent of Social Security recipients have two or more strains of investment or royalty income and/or collections of guns, things, antiques, coins, stamps, gold & silver, art pieces, and so forth, as well.   Many work and/or are self-employed.    The Geezer vote will probably break out 65 - 35 in favour of Mr. Romney.    In spite of everything.

Monday 17 September 2012

Believe it or not

      Vince Foster took a pistol, not his own, and put the barrel in his mouth, pulled the trigger and essentially blew the back of his head off.   He then took a shower, put on a nice, fresh, starched and ironned white dress shirt, a nice jacket and pants combination, walked over to Fort Marcy Park, laid himself down with his head leaning onto a tree, crossed his arms over his chest, still holding the pistol, (not his own).
     Several hundred thousand muslim extremists decided on the morning of the 11th of September to go down to the the American Embassy or Counsel most available, and burn, destroy, murder, and chant.."I am also Usama!" along with other meaningful epithets and admonitions.   It was all spontaneous.   The moderate Muslim Brotherhood had nothing to do with any of it, and in fact worked to minimise, difuse, and calm the justifiable anger of the masses caused by a"film" released many months ago.   The film points out how there is a group within the Muslim faith that is so stupid and lacking in self-control and self-worth that they will insanely attack people and buildings that have nothing to do with the films. Because of that, these people feel compelled to insanely attack people and buildings that have nothing to do with the films.
     It is the same disorder that affects other people who riot and burn down their own neighbourhoods  when an incident occurs, is said to have occurred, might have occurred, did not occur but would have been bad if it had occurred, or because a Korean family bought the liquor store and turned it into a specialty grocery and general merchandise shop.
Huma Mamood Abendin -Weiner
referred to by (Sir Edmund) Hillary as
 "a second daughter", also known as
Hillary's "body woman" during the
bloody 2008 Democrat Presidential
Primary.  Huma is very important, is
a new mother of Anthony Weiner's
baby, and is (Sir Edmund)Hillary's
immediate subordinate at State.
She also has the unfortunate problem
of having her (late) father, her mother,
and her brother connected to a group of
stamp collectors known as "The Muslim
Brotherhood".  Huma assured everyone
that these outbreaks were spontaneous. 
     We know that what is represented in the second paragraph is especially true because (Sir Edmund) Hillary Rodham, Perpetual Queen of the Universe, and the greatest, most betterest than everybody else, said it was true.   We know it is true because Ambassador Susan Rice who serves as our Ambassador to the United Nations said it happened that way.    And we also know it is true because (Sir Edmund)Hillary's prime aide, the wife of Anthony Weiner....of late a United States Representative for a district in New York State and facebook porno-boy....is a nice Muslim girl, and a marxist, so the Secretary of State must know everything about this matter....just like she (Hillary) dazzled the markets with her clairvoyance concerning cattle futures, many years and corkscrewings ago.
    We also know it is true because the Obsolete Press continues to include statements such as ..."provoked by an outlandlish film besmirching the Prophet Muhammad".  And we know that it must be true because the FBI arrested the producer/director of the ultra-minor league film yesterday, saying that he was "wanted for questioning concerning violations of parole with reference to a convictions concerning financial matters". 
      It is absolutely certain that this detention had evcerything to do with the matter at hand in the Middle East, and the  desire on the part of the Adminstration to....in effect....take a bow towards the rioters, and show that we are much kinder and gentler to their sensibilities as murderers and destroyers than we are to the First Amendment right of free expression in this Nation.   We know this because the FBI did assist in the framing of the White House Travel Office personnel on orders from Hillary Rodham Clinton.  Some might even think that the FBI overplayed its hand at Mount Carmel, once again on orders from Hillary Clinton and Janet Reno, or at least to curry favour with the two women and their cause of elemination of private firearms ownership.    We also know that almost any of this could be true because the Obsolete Press almost never told us the full story about any of their faourite personalities.
(Sir Edmund)Hillary is trying
a new look for her run for President
in 2016.   She thinks it is more in
keeping with the image she has
developed while serving as
 Secretary of State.
     Believe it or not, the present provisional President of Libya is not an idiot.   He knows a thing or two about Libya.   He certainly could be expected to know at least as much as (Sir Edmund)Hillary, or Huma Mamood Abedin, or Susan Rice.    He might not be able to corkscrew into a combat zone like (Sir Edmund) Hillary,with a flak jacket on.
       That settled, we can assume that if he says, along with various other Muslim sources, that the Gringos were advised SPECIFICALLY about these co-ordinated attack throughout the Muslim and/or Arabic World...over a period of the weeks leading up to the 11th of September 2012....the 11th anniversary (...with the moon to be in scimitar display with the Star of the East accompanying...) then it is true.
    We might ask...should we trust the these Arab/Muslim officials who have everything to lose by ratting out the deathly sects and gangs, or should we trust the  the brilliant CIA and FBI and the very vigilant President and his NSA and the (Sir Edmund Linda Carter) Hillary of the State Department.....along with her like-a-second-daughter aide...did not know, whose records of performance are somethng akin to Fast and Furious.
    So, if we have to believe it or not:    El Gringo Viejo would  believe a well spoken Muslim, President, speaking sadly, almost confessing to the errors of elements of his own people, seriously, with sincerity, at incredible risk to himself and to his family, and to his friends, and to members of his political alliances, being precise as to his conclusions, and employing only fact, deliberation, reason, and evidence on film with date and timer to substantiate his thoughts and conclusions    Such is a thing of reason.   We cannot believe our Secretary of State not her subordinates.
      We cannot believe our own President, nor his appointees, because this administration has been very successful in throwing the Pakistani doctor under the bus...the Yemeni counterspy under the bus....the Seals under the bus...the secrets about our ability to land people on a kidnapped freighter afloat in a distant sea, via parachute, under the bus...along with scores of other indiscretions in order to inflate an empty suit that stands by an empty chair.    It is only fair that we should believe the people who are telling the truth and disbelief the ones who are still trying to tell us that a trailer to a film caused the concerted, 21 nation chaos and death....on the 11th day of September, 2012.     If we do not believe the President.... I presume we are racists, again.    Agreed?

       We have a choice....Believe your president who is a compulsive, chronic, pathological liar.  We can believe the Secretary of State, and/or her husband, also compulsive, chronic, pathological liars.   We can believe the entire Cabal of Reid, Pelosi, Susan Rice, Huma, Corzine, (list goes on into infinity) cartel of National Socialists and the Obsolete Press, or we can believe our own eyes and ears. 

      This administration has been especially brutal, on the one hand, in allowing information to leak out that jeopardises the health and well-being of reasonable Arab/Muslim persons and their families, and on the other hand blaming the rest of the Cosmos for any reversals to the image of his Cult.   It has, as in the case of the Carter Administration, sacrificed leaders who are  not perfect for replacements who are worse.
      The Shah of Iran was not a Saint.   But he was not a devil.   A professor of applied jackassism lectured once on the To-day Show that the Shah had 3,000 political prisoners in his dungeons.   He had to go!   He left and went to die in Mexico....in Cuernavaca...and everything in Persia became perfect.   Now there are only 200,000 political prisoners, and homosexuals are hanged.    Anwar Sadat was not a Saint, but he brought the Egyptian military up to the point to where it could at least stand up to the Israelis a little more reasonably, and then signed an agreement...re-instating that peculiar and particular relationship the Egyptians and the Jews have had back to well before the time of Moses....(beginning with Abraham actually)....and then kept his and Egypt's word concerning the agreement.   Mubarak did the same.    Does anyone think that the Egyptian people will be better off berid of the strongman and turned over to the Muslim Brotherhood?
      Bush and the incredible American and allied military ridded Iraq of a real monster, and established a clumsy order towards the establishment of a common law nation.   Obama has solved that problem by withdrawing suddenly, and leaving much of our second tier hardware there on the ground.   No cat...lots of mice.
    Then, it's Afghanistan's turn;   the President decides to establish a date-certain exit point.   Bad Muslims start counting days, good Muslims say....Muhammad is going to kill me and my family when the Gringos leave.....We'd better get out Dodge or change sides now.    El Gringo Viejo is not very, very, very intelligent but he does think that the good Muslim has been left in the lurch and the bad Muslim....the one who shoots prositutes in the head with an AK47 in the middle of the soccer field for half-time entertainment....has been left in charge.
    So, one can assume that Obama will do whatever he thinks will make him look good for a few moments.    Obama will count on the Obsolete Press and the stupidity and ignorance of a broad mass of dullards who can still vote or respond to opinion polls in any remotely coherent manner (and who want free Obamastash goodies) as he continues to crunch the bones of the people he steps on in order to advance to his position in front of the teleprompter.

With gratitude for having a State Department and White House who have answers to all questions, we remain even more grateful for your continued interest.

El Gringo Viejo  

Saturday 15 September 2012

Yes, We Read Drudge....and other things, as well

'We're very proud of the president's record on foreign policy'...

FLASHBACK: The Day I'm Inaugurated Muslim Hostility Will Ease...

'One of the proudest things of my three years in office is helping restore sense of respect for America around the world'...

     We were aware of the background of the Manchurian Manakin shortly after he won a pre-fab primary for the Democrat nomination for the vacated United States Senate seat from Illinois.    He then wound up facing a stand-in candidate, Alan Keyes,  put up by the rightwing crazy section of the Republican Party at the last minute because the good and moderate, nice and clean Republicans had decided that it would be nice to let this nice young....man....be a nice United States Senator after all the nice things he had done for his nice people.   After all the seat, in a way, rather belonged to those people....you know...from the central parts of Chicago...you know...it just seemed fair.   And nice.
     Some GOP operatives, both country clubber and rightwing crazy, had come to an agreement on backing Mike Ditka, a famous tight end for the Dallas Cowboys and a relatively popular Head Coach of the Chicago Bears at the time.   Mike backed out at the last moment, no one has ever informed El Gringo Viejo exactly why.   Mike was not a "nice" boy.  He probably did not like the idea that he was being told that everyone wanted him to run, but nobody really wanted him to win.     In reality, the king makers did not  even think he could win.   That is not exactly the way one approaches a person who has a demonstrated Major League attitude about self-discipline and victory.
      So Ditka returned to the War on Women, and cleared the decks for the Archangel Barak.   The anointed Democrat dispatched the hapless, underfunded Alan Keyes in the General Elections, and began his long career as a United States Senator as he had spent his long career in the State Senate for the State of Illinois....by being absent and by voting present for much of his long and exemplary legislative career.  He did manage to throw his considerable support behind one bill that would exempt abortionists from being prosecuted for murder or any other crime should the abortionist has the unfortunate luck to deliver a live baby as a product of an attempted dead baby delivery.   You see, he wanted even the abortionist to have a chance at a mulligan, without fear of having to score extra strokes, if you will.    It seemed like the right thing to do.
     Then, the Archangel, and now Saint, Barry ascended unto the Holy Teleprompter and gave one of his famous leg-tinglers....especially written to massage every synapse of white, liberal guilt.   (We remember Gore Vidal, such a nice boy, lecturing William F. Buckley about race.   He said,"One time I took my shoe and hit a little black boy I was playing with, just to do it.  I just thought it was the thing to do.   Admit it Bill, white people all have things like that in their past".    Buckley did not bat an eye, responding,"Why Gore, were I to have done that, my mother would have surely slapped my face in public and beaten my bottom sore in private.  Of course I have no such thing in my past."
     In any regard, after a long and distinguished career of talking out of both sides of his mouth, bad-mouthing white people, black conservatives, FOX News, and anything normal he decided to vote 'present' a couple of times more before announcing his plans be appointed President.  He was a perfect fit for the office.   You see, he was black, and "understood".    That his "black" was derived from anything but the classical American Negro experience, and that he could not tell W.E.B Dubois from Jesse Owens in a line-up, had probably never heard of either of them, he was obviously qualified.   The Annenberg Foundation was very proud of the work he had done "for the community" via representing the Association of Community Organisations for Revolution Now!.  He had, after all, been especially active in bullying banks into giving home owner loans to people with 20,000 dollar per year (or less) incomes when buying 500,000 dollar houses.    He was a real miracle worker.   Had nice friends.   Communists, terrorists, murderers, anarchists....and Jeramiah Wright (who, by the way, was not a bullfrog).
     Archangel Saint Bishop Astronaut Barry, rose and took his place above the gathered  knights;  his named appeared on his throne immediately upon receiving the merest glance from his honest, sincere, and meaningfully expressive eyes.   Easily, he vanquished the Trundling Sow who was so crass as to think she could impede The Ascension, and he put her in her place.   Her place is the famous Hall of the Has Beens Who Never Were.   A couple of reporters (we think the might have been liberal Democrats) did have a bit of trepidation...asking, on the air, "....do we really know this person?   We do not have a body of writing, of legislation passed or supported, or even much knowledge of his past."    But it really did not matter.   He was black, and it was time to shove it in the faces of all those white Southern klanner, cracker, hillbilly hayseed, bigoted Christian gun owning hideous people.  Rednecks, flat-earthers, ignorami.   All manners of bad people...not good people like us who will vote for a Negro, no matter that we know nothing about what he thinks, who he is, what his plan is, what his agenda is or any such insignificant stuff.   It did not matter.   He promised Hope and Change, and by golly that was good enough for the really smart and sophisticated people.
      Of hundreds of teleprompted, condescentious pronunciamentos....reminiscent of various railing madmen....we stored up further reassurance of the utter shallowness of this marxist bigot.   His guide through life is Saul Alinsky.   His activity as a youth...nothing.  No piano, no baseball, no rock collections, no model planes.   Just smoking dope and selling cocaine, like any other kid.   And making up stories about white girls who weren't good enough, plugged in enough, or smart enough to keep up with his enlightened brilliance.
     The Police in Cambridge behaved stupidly, my mother was left with no insurance and had to die so that the insurance company could live, and if I had had a son, he would have look an lot like the reverend Mr. Sharpton, and the self-assuredness that can only be expressed by a narcissistic, ignorant empty suit, sitting in an empty chair. 

Now knowing more than we wished to know about this Manchurian Candidate,  Pretender in Chief, we can instuct him about certain basic facts.
     Many Christians and Jews are not perfect people.   Many people who are Christians and Jews, along with the agnostics and others sorts who stumble along life's path with them, are communitarian people who try to do for themselves, help others, leave the bar almsot sober and walk home to the family and help around the house.   That is a base-line.  They do not throw pampers in the parking lot.  They help...a little...a lot...They do and they pull their own weight.   They really don't have time or disposition to hate or even dislike anybody, unless there is a good reason or some kind of justification.  Ole Tex gets along with everyone and gives a little more than he takes.

     BUT,  among the Ishmaelites, we are presented with a problem.   We have a painting, done by one artist, of the Virgin Mary, taken by another artist and smeared with elephant dung.   The United States Government and the State Government of New York pay the artist for his work and hang it with pride in a famous, public museum.    Likewise, they pay and show other great works, such as a jar of urine with a crucifix inside the jar to keep the urnie company.  Truly inspired.   Something the Great Masters and the Impressionists would have had to really study in order to dig deeper into the meaning of aesthetics.  There are no riots, no bombings, no killings.   There is considerable consternation, but we consider the source, and do not patronise the degenerates or approved of their deportment.
     There is a strata of person throughout the Muslim world, who suffers from a richly justified sense of inferiority.   He (we say he, because the opinion of a woman in any matter is of no importance) has a pronounced sense of insecurity about his religion and his personal moral and social value.   He knows that he is a worthless clod.   He knows that in the scheme of things he has less value to the Cosmos than an earthworm.  He knows....and understands his worthlessness.   He is surrounded by other mindless, stupid people who only know how to hate.   They have no other emotion, save a bit of lust in the event that the opportunity to rape a foreign female reporter presents itself.
      There are others, a smaller percentage within those described in the  above paragraph...a percentage of a  percentage of the muslim whole, who are exactly like the ones in the previous paragraph, only these have university educations...sometimes advanced degrees.   Some are, by world standards upper-middle class and even from extremely wealthy backgrounds.   They cannot resist sharing the hatred felt by the unwashed, lower class, sub-human "muslims".   These privileged Muslims also  have trouble with girls, trouble with getting along with almost anybody real, but they have no trouble hating people who are having fun, doing things, being normal, and generally committing sins at ever turn....or being Jews...or being Americans....Americans especially are the ones who are unrestrained by the orders of the Prophet.    Americans only believe in friendship, fun, Coca-Cola, life, liberty, prosperity.   They do not understand their duty to Allah.  They are incurable infidels.  They mislead our children.   We must kill our daughters so as to teach them the evil of the Americans.  We must kill Jews and return our lands to the true followers of the  Prophet.   We must defend the interests of the people who no Arab nation wants, and  who cannot even live at peace with and among themselves, the "Palestinians".    We must hate, we must kill, and especially we must hate and kill others who say they are Muslim, but who are not correct in their practise and/or belief....yes, they must be killed.    Blow up their mosques, they are not true churches for any purpose, they are whorehouses of heretics....blow up the false mullahs, blow down their minarets, kill them as they leave prayers, during their funeral processions, kill them all, and kill all the Jews and kill all Americans.    And so, these well-placed Muslims join with the Muslims who are stupider than dead rocks and they set out to kill, demolish, tear down, destroy, and cause misery...kill, kill, kill.
     Enter Our Holy Pretender.   He tells us that he will make an appearance.   As a committed marxist and as a person who has lived in "foreign countries" he "knows".   He speaks and says:
     "Now you can stop killing Muslims who are in different sects.   Now, you can play Ring Around the Rosey with the white folks and be part of civilised society, and we shall tax the millionaires and billionaires to ensure that all men are taxed into equality by me, the greatest social democrat since Leon Trotsky and Frederick Engels.   I have come not to follow any law, but to fulfil the prophesies and establish the Worker's Paradise.   Only I can weld together for the good of all the oppressed the lunatic Muslim fringe and the dull, instinct driven Marxist cult of class hatred, into BARRY'S MUSLMARX ELECTRIC CAR AND SOCIAL PERPETUAL NON-MOTION MACHINE...AND EVERYTHING IS FREE....We'll simply tax the millionaires and billionaires, so get your shovels and get ready."

     "Stroke of a Pen...Law of the Land!  We just issued an executive order that America is respected for the first time in anyone's adult life.  America is respected because we have changed it int0 a place just like all the rest of the hell-holes on Earth. By becoming like them, a place with open sewers, litter, graffiti, 50% unemployment, unchanging and hopeless, mired in socialist drabness and depersonalisation others will  come to love us.  Praise be also to the little people who helped me in their little way to make all of this possible."
All OROGs will have to admit that they can now feel the tingle going up you alls' legs.   I am very sure that we are all very proud of the President's record on foreign policy, Muslim hostility has eased, and America is finally respected all over the world..... and everything.
El Gringo Viejo
We shall continue to offer our special pricing at the Quinta for those wishing to have a dull and boring getaway, with lots of birds, butterflies, and nice scenery.   Our pricing structure has been modified to demonstrate how things have changed in terms of paper money as opposed to copper, silver, and gold.    I have written before about paying for a good hamburger and a coke at a decent little place in Miquel Aleman, across from Roma, Texas back in 1962.   I paid with a one peso, somewhat silver coin.   At that point is was 10% silver...it was worth $0.08 American currency....eight cents American.  With that one peso payment, the girl brought me a 20 centavo coin of almost solid copper.....worth 1.6 American cents.  I left an American silver dime on the counter, so as to impress the girls working there.   It was a good meal.  And, it was a pleasant time.
SPECIAL PRICES AT THE QUINTA TESORO DE LA SIERRA MADRE: for those paying in Mexican or American silver coin, minted before 1965 the price for the minimum stay of three nights, with brunch or breakfast included will be:

In Mexican 5 pesos coin, minted before 1965.................25.00 pesos

In American silver dollar or silver coin, minted
                                                                    before 1965................20.00 dollars

This price will include either one extra night with no extra charge, or three "shared suppers for two" during your regular three night stay.

That will give folks a good idea of what money has become worth. The prices in silver are good, should anyone wish to take advantage of the deal.
This offer is real, folks.


Friday 14 September 2012

Bernacke knows he is killing the dollar and America, and he careth not.

      We rightwingers like to worry about huge convoluted conspiracies that are so complicated that the conspirators probably back into each other when they leave the conspiracy planning meeting.  As a Texan, and as a fellow who used to carry very top level  oil people into Mexico to go whitewing and dove hunting, El Gringo Viejo can tell you what would happen should EXXON- Mobil make a secret deal with BritPet to fix the oil-as-spot-commodity market.    Everything would go hunky-dory until one or the other hit a big strike in the Straits of Flapsplatter and they could undercut their life-long, forever faithful ole' buds...ole' Watzhiznaim.   I'll never forget ole' Watzhiznaim, if I could just remember what he looked like.
      Please be aware that Ben Bernacke is doing this slow murder of the Yankee Greenback dollar on purpose.   Geitner and Bernacke and Obama and Soros and all the progressive minions are puposefully trying to murder America.  They lie, they cheat, they slash, and they burn.  Nations are destroyed by the debt run up by the Crown.   Nations are destroyed when people are paid to perform slothfully  and to produce unspoken-for progeny.   States are destroyed by turning their backs on their ancestors and the Spirit that leads them to their promised land.
       Every measure, every political decision, every "administrative action" performed by this adminstration has been purposefully executed to promote the demise of America.   The zombies in the Obsolete Press showed very clearly in their badgering of Mr. Romney for having made very normal and salient observation....a necessary observation.... that they will do anything to destroy Romney and defend Obama, even if it helps destroy America.   It was well noted that when the President spoke and said nothing more than pablum-fused bilge, they asked him not one question.  Not one.   He turned and walked, he thought. victoriously away.
     It is ludicrous to think that a silly film that is old by to-day's standards caused any of this uproar in the Middle East.  The whole matter had been planned since before Arab Spring.   It is probable that Barack Obama is complicit in the matter.   Any fool would have known what the result would be, if Mubareck were to be de-throned.   So, El Gringo Viejo does not ever say,"Why doesn't someone tell Obama that he needs to think about ....." .   Obama already has thought about all of it.  He  needed to destroy the medical system.  He needed to restore the unions.   He needed to promote useless 'educational reforms" that would continue to dumb down the nation. He needed to do whatever possible to destroy the value of the currency.
     FINALLY, We arrive at our point.   Bernacke's announcement is that he is going to print 40 billion dollars per month in order to underwrite the steady debasement of the dollar.  It became apparent about 2 weeks ago, and was made official yesterday.   Since his decision was apparently divined some time back, the dollar has suddenly reversed its fortunes, and begun to lose value, fairly sharply.   Against the Euro it has lost almost 9% of it value in two weeks.   Against the Mexican Peso it has lost about 8% since the peso itself hit its own low of around 14 to 1.   The peso is now trading in the 12.80 level   because Calderon's budgets have either been balanced or nearly so, while ours have been riding a Saturn rocket lift-off to economic Hell.
      So, guess what?   Prices will have to go up, especially for things that are derived from imports.   The price of imports go up because it will cost more dollars to buy the same amount of goods due to the falling value of the dollar.
      And then,  why do we not want the Keystone Pipeline?   One reason is because somebody important owns the railroad that has lots and lots of carrying capacity for oil and natural gas via tanker cars.   Yes!!  Warren Buffet can  carry oil and natural gas on his railroad.   We don't need no stinkin' high skill, blue collar employment....in a lot of non-union places especially.....to build no stinkin' pipeline.    We need to pay into the support of the assets of the millionaires and billionaires who support the government even as the government prepares to take them on their own ultimate trip to the guillotine...playing soon in a public square near you.   Perhaps, if they are lucky, they can just take an all expense paid trip to the gulag where they can make buflamps.   Nobody buys buflamps anymore, so the government wants more of them because it makes production numbers look good.
       "Can't happen," grunts the pot-smoking, beer-drinking union thug on break from the bolt a bumper position on the assembly line.   We tell Thuggo the Thug, "The French did it.   They killed everyone they could who had 10 francs or a title of any kind.   They even killed over a hundred thousand children under the age of 10 who had any pretense of title of nobility."
     "Can't happen here" Thuggo burps.  "We're too sophistical."
    "Would you care to review the art, music, theatre, philosophical thought and writing, science, and agricultural and industrial ability of the French at the time?   They were easily among the top five if not higher countries in the world, in spite of the decadence and self-indulgence of the Royalty and Louis XVI's Court.   People visiting Paris from England were stunned to see the production, the beauty of the farms, the fine draught animals,  and wealth of the common peasants, especially after hearing from French Revolution backers that the peasants were starving," informs an incredulous El Gringo Viejo.
      "Berrrrrpppp.  Need to go in and punch out." and the Union Thug takes his leave.
It is all pre-planned, folks, and Barak and Bernacke are just  front men for the agents of "fundamental transformation" of America.
SPECIAL PRICES AT THE QUINTA TESORO DE LA SIERRA MADRE:    for those paying in Mexican or American silver coin, minted before 1965 the price for the minimum stay of three nights, with brunch or breakfast included will be:

     In Mexican 5 pesos coin, minted before 1965.................25.00 pesos

     In American silver dollar or silver coin, minted
                                                                     before 1965.................20.00 dollars

This price will include either one extra night with no extra charge, or three "shared suppers for two" during your regular three night stay.

That will give folks a good idea of what money has become worth.   The prices in silver are good, should anyone wish to take advantage of the deal.
This offer is real, folks.

Hillary knew? did not know? Either way she loses. THIS WAS NOT A SURPRISE ASSAULT!

Only one person in this picture is the hag who was thrusting a
newspaper in the air and shrieking, "Bush knew!!! Bush knew!!!
She did this while flourishing a page that had the same six-inch
headline on its front page.   This is in reference to the assault by
 religious maniacs on September 11th, 2001.   She was accusing
President Bush of having known that the attack was coming but
did nothing....or even being complicit in the attack.
  But we have
to remember that she was distracted because she had to go down
to look for Chelsea at the Twin Towers that morning.  She knew that
her daughter had to be there, because her daughter had said that she
was going to be there, because her daughter had told her that during
their morning telephone conversation.  Madame Corkscrew (pictured
above) dashed down to find her daughter and was almost right in the
middle of everything, helping people, worrying about where her daughter
might be.
   Later, like everything else in her twisted miserable life,
 it all turned out to be a lie.   Her own daughter said that she was closer
 to the Catskills than to the Twin Towers, and that she had been staying
overnight at the apartment of her boyfriend, and were unaware
of the situation down town until they turned on the
 television that morning.

Chelsea was NOT jogging near the twin towers when the planes hit. (http://www.drudgereport.com/mattch1.htm)



Curious confusion swirls around former first daughter Chelsea Clinton's upcoming essay for TALK magazine describing exactly where she was on Terror Day in New York City.

Breaking her media silence once and for all -- Chelsea writes in great detail about her personal experience on the morning of September 11.  But, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned, her account now sharply conflicts with her mother's version of Chelsea's New York adventure.

Appearing on NBC's DATELINE, Sen. Hillary Clinton told how daughter Chelsea cheated death on that fateful morning.
"She had gone on what she thought would be a great jog," Hillary Clinton explained. "She was going down to Battery Park, she was going to go around the towers. She was going to get a cup of coffee and - that's when the plane hit!"
Hillary's dramatic story about her daughter's close call with the Twin Towers became a media sensation.
"At that moment, she was not just a Senator, but a concerned parent," TODAY show's Katie Couric told viewers.

But now, in her own words, Chelsea does not mention a jog. Does not mention her plans to go to Battery Park, around the towers -- only to be stopped by a coffee break. In fact, Chelsea writes that she was at her friend's apartment on Park Avenue South -- miles from Ground Zero -- when she learned of the attacks!

"I stared senselessly at the television," Chelsea writes.

Calls to Senator Clinton went unreturned on Friday.
      The biggest slug in all of this is the mendacious narcissist, catty Katie Couric, who is Oh! so much smarter than that rubette, Sarah Palin who comes from Saskatchewan or Idaho or one of those nowhere places.
    Catie, you may not know the name of the President pro-tempore of the Senate of Argentina, but you will lie for (Sir Edmund)Hillary.  Why did you not ever set the record straight about  Madame Corkscrew's mendacity?   It is because you and she are one in the same.

Laughing on the inside.   But what do we do?   Pray for the health of Jerusalem.   Pray for the repose of the soul of Anwar Sadat, the last of the Great Pharaohs....murdered by the Muslim Brotherhood, after establishing a true peace with Israel.  Remember as we consider the life of the Last Great Pharoah, that Mubarak held to his and Egypt's word and that the Copts and the regular dumboe Muslims and all the tourists....pretty much just went about their business.   Mubarak was probably not a great Pharaoh, but so long as he had his finger in the dike, the dike held.   Mubarak, like the Shah of Iran, was more good than bad.
He was much better than what the Egyptians and the Planet have now.
El Gringo Viejo