Tuesday 7 August 2012

Other Activities Qualifiying Applicants for Public Assistance

In keeping with the Administration's desire to make the qualification for participation in public assistance programmes a kinder and gentler process for the oppressed, the minorities, the Lesbian Eskimos with six fingers on each hand, and other neglected communities of need, El Gringo Viejo has forwarded some additional qualifying activities that will qualify as "work" or "active job search" as required for welfare payments.

     (1)     Moving the applicant's meth-lab so as to avoid detection by the constabulary or other competitor gangs.

     (2)      Beating up of  baby mothers so as to extract the applicant's percentage of AFDC due as the agreed "finder's fee" for making said baby mother pregnant.

     (3)      Searching for those extra Lone Star Cards (food stamps) that cannot be found, when the applicant is certain that he or she put them somewhere in the project apartment.   Nothing but beer cans and broken crack pipes....no Cards.

     (4)     Having to return calls to the public assistance agency to find out why the applicant's other check under the false name has not arrived on time.    A real inconvenience.

    (5)     Co-ordinating the scratching off of lottery tickets while running ten bingo cards simultaneously down at the parlour, while explaining to the applicant's grandmother that all were bought with the grandmother's Social Security and SSI checks.  Man! Talk about multi-tasking stress!

    (6)      Moving the 468 inch flat screen television into the bathroom.   And then putting in the 1032 inch into the living room.  A real chore.

    (7)      Rounding up all the beer and malt liquor cans around the house every three days to take down to the salvage.  Sometimes the buggers roll under the sofa, behind the toilet, and other hard to get to places.   Really inconvenient.

    (8)    Changing applicant's baby's diapers every other day without fail.   A real challenge when there are four in diapers in the house at the same time.   Why can't they change themselves?

    (9)     Feeling sad or attending therapy and counselling when people mutter "white trash" or other pejoratives while waiting for the applicant to check through 312 dollars worth of chips, Cokes, smoked oysters, and such necessities....and then waiting while the applicant tries four or five different Lone Star Cards before she or he finds one that works.

     Remember.    Gaming the public assistance system can be really, really hard work.


We were advised the other day by some grand poobah in the administration that as much as six percent of the food stamp program might be being defrauded by "unscrupulous" vendor practises.    Fact is, the entire program is fraudulent.  Participant fraud in the area where we live is easily in the area of 50% by what we witness alone.

El Gringo Viejo

Monday 6 August 2012

Madness of Lunacy

    We are back from the tropical wonderland.  All is well, hot with a few showers on the last couple of days.

      It has been stunning to observe during the past few days how the obsolete press and the Democrats (redundant?) have lock into a cause that is equally mendacious as it is destructive. The notion that Mitt Romney did not pay any income tax in ten years is preposterous.   To say that "somebody told me" is the new standard for authoritative evidence is preposterous.  Anyone with an IQ almost as high as a dead rock can see through this sham.

     The value of the charges are further defined by the kind words of Nancy Pelosi, who also declares that the charges are true because they must be.   Although she does not disclose her tax situation, being second in line behind the Vice-President,  in the line of succession, she would probably argue that her tax situation is not pertinent to this argument because she is a Roman Catholic.

     Solution?   A brief statement from anyone who can stand up and say to the gaggle of fools and their lackeys the press,"If the Internal Revenue Service does not have any problem with Mr. Romney's tax filings, then where is the issue?    Also, if Mr. Reid knows with certainty that there is a failure by Mr. Romney to have paid his taxes, he should tell the IRS.   His failure to do so is, in itself, a criminal act.   If Mr. Reid's "very reliable source"  knows that Mr. Romney or anyone else, has not paid taxes to the United States government for the past 10 years, that person is remiss in not having informed the IRS of such a matter.   It would serve both Mr. Reid and his informant to bring this matter to the attention of the IRS because there would probably be a sizable bounty paid to them as well.
     "We could further suggest that Mr. Reid and Mrs. Pelosi refer the matter to Mr. Eric Holder, their own very reliable Attorney General whose prosecution of so many important cases and his quick action in the Solyndra matter, among scores of others, has been been so incredibly....noteworthy.
      "We further urge that Mr. Reid consider that Mr. Romney has made more charitable contributions in the last ten years than Mr. Reid has ever made or will ever make.   Mr. Reid, in his own right, is a considerable financial genius, having parleyed his 190,000 dollar per year salary into an extensive 8 figure estate.   His theatre of operations was within the a series of very peculiar insider real estate transactions in Las Vegas area."


El Gringo Viejo

Wednesday 18 July 2012

What Is Left Out (cleaned up)

Mr. Romney and even a few "reasonable conservative commentators" fail in their necessary attack on Barak Hussein Obama's off-the-prompter rant on several levels.   This is to be expected because the marxists, Chicago thug-operatives, and union-thug operatives are permitted to lie, cheat, and steal by the "watchdog press" but they will carpet bomb anyone who remotely suggests that the White House is under the command of a substantially psychotic marxist.   This is in keeping with the true observation that the left loathes truth and worships mendacity.
     To begin, we are told by the fellow travellers and useful idiots (Uncles Joe's name for them, not mine) that Barry really is a likable guy, and he did not mean that he had it in for people who are "successful" or who have high incomes or who might be what we call "rich''.

     POPPYCOCK!    He means every word of it and more.   During his amble off the Hacienda de la Telepromptera he fell into a common marxist rant.    It has been said many times, many ways.   El Gringo Viejo can type up something from just the gentle winds, blowing long-dead leaves around in the gardens of his mind....such as..."They can't do it alone...you can't do it alone...the government accompanies each comrade to security and correct relevance in society.  And further, the wealthy....those lucky ones who have made it on the backs of those who build the roads and bridges and tunnels and railroads....should pay their fair share....Pay back to the ones who sweat and bleed so that they can feed a few crumbs to their families, while the rich are having brunch on caviar and champagne, aboard their yachts...sailing in channels dredged by boatmen with blisters and callouses.   The time has come for them to pay a little something to the rest of us who made it possible!!!"
     It is an old, old, old saw.   Every type of socialist demagogue in the history of socialist demagoguery has said what Barak Hussein Obama said on Friday past, or what El Gringo Viejo has written in the above paragraph.
     They hate success.   They hate beauty.  They hate dignity.  They hate self-sufficiency. They hate rules that bind.  They hate cleanliness.  They hate private property.   They hate self-defense.   They hate religion that points to an eternity.  They hate profit.  They hate correct order.
      They love failure without redemption.  They love hideousness. They revel in coarseness.  They love 'community interdependency(?)',  They love licentiousness.   They love filth, litter, and rotting garbage.   They love public domain.  They love for someone to come to protect them.   They love "churches" who worry more about how to feed 300 pound 5th graders than they worry about parishioner's souls.   They love "non-profits".   They love disorder.
     The capitol building, and there are many, of their domain is every downtown area of every city of 250,000 in America, where one group or another that has been "helped" by marxist,, spread the wealth, social engineering, urban renewal, kinder and gentler caring programs has brought ruin.   Grafitti, abandoned buildings, drug addiction, harlotry of unimaginable dimensions, housing "projects" that are something akin to inverse, convoluted prisons and zoos, where optimism is a 12 year old hoping that he will be killed sooner rather than later.    Illiterate teachers teaching pregnant 11 year old girls and 13 year old boys who are contemplating who they will kill tonight in that "other gang" seven blocks away, are legacy monuments to their "New Deals".
    In the hootsey-tootsey universities, every year,the same marxists teach a new batch of arrogant, spoiled, lazy, and narcissistic slugs that they have a right to have my daughter pay for their birth control pills.  They are taught that discimination and racism and one certain pejorative word leads people to a life of poverty, despair, and exploitation, and that it is endemic only to America, and it is caused by white people and especially white people who are either self-sufficient or wealthy.  The song never changes.   It simply waits to be heard by a new sophomoric batch of slugs who "discover" poverty and discrimination and strike out to destroy the cause....America and wealth and productivity.    It is how fewer than 0.000000001% of the population can assume the mantle of "We are the 99%".  Over and over.

There is a song from the grooveyard of Rock and Roll, the linkage to which I include here:
     It is truly over and over and over again.   The leftists, all stripes and types and shades of pink and red, never stop oozing through the cracks with the same programs, projects, and historically success-proof solutions to problems that most frequently either do not exist or that are temporal or which have causes that cannot be abated.   Diego Rivera began his professional artistic career with serious, stunning works.   Better than Picasso, when both were guided more by the classic and impressionist instincts that they had early on.
     But Diego began his march to the left, "alliance with the poor (snickering up the sleeve)".  One work that marks kind of a pivot point for Diego is "A Sunday Afternoon in Alameda Park" which was a rough attempt at a historograph of Mexico up to the 1940s.  It begins to show much of his disdain for the ostentatiously wealthy.   He had little difficulty in approving his own ostentation, however, which grew in terms of wealthy and not-s0-wealthy young women, fine liquor, comfortable living, and hobnobbing with extremely wealthy "progressives" and communists like him.

Sunday in the Alameda Park
   (still quite an event in the middle of downtown Mexico City)

    Now, for Diego and Frida and Barak and Michelle,  I pay taxes to keep the schools open, and I have no children in the banal child-feeding depositories that are called schools.    My wife and I paid and pay income taxes, and other taxes, and we set up businesses that ran pretty well, and we hired people, paid commissions, provided social security payments, indirectly paid significant portions of the wages and profits and taxes of our providers and suppliers.    We paid more than the normal person at each turn than what was paid by the standard direct and indirect tax payer.    We were fairly minor players, to be sure, but we were players.
     They wealthy pay for the bridges and tunnels and highways at a far greater rate and proportion than the "common man" that the Obamatrons dream up in their imaginations.   If the common man does not want to  be a recipient of "share the wealth" schemes of the Obamas and the "progressives"....and he dreams of setting up his own plumbing contracting firm, HE IS INSTANTLY SLIMED, DEFAMED, DENIGRATED BY THE NATIONAL MAINSTREAM MEDIA WHO IMMEDIATELY CRAWLS INTO EVERY CORNER OF HIS PRIVATE LIFE AND SCORNS HIM BECAUSE HE IS NOT ALREADY WHAT HE HOPES TO BECOME...follow that logic.   Yes, we remember Joe the Plumber.   And Michelle LaVaughn Robinson's "All this for a flag...?" sneering statement....and "For the first time in my adult life I am finally proud of my country".  They hate America.  They hate self-sufficiency.  They hate self-reliance.

     No, Mr. Obama....I do not owe any more than what was paid.   We paid more than most.  Furthermore, consider that oil companies have paid over 1/2 of a  trillion dollars in "infrastructure taxes" in the past decade, but you and yours would strive to either nationalise or destroy that noble industry.  EXXON has paid 40,000,000,000 (40 billion) USD in national and State and local taxes in the last ten years, by itself.
     Our concern is for the producers.   And not only the large, medium, and small business people.   Our concern is for the skilled workers...the guys (and gals) who go down and finally qualify for their underwater welding certification.....their HVAC....their HAZMAT diploma....their LVN....their Cosmetologist licence...and on and on .....THESE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE IT WORK!!!     While we recognise that some of this certification, in and of itself, represents meddling by government, the little certificate of successful completion, the diploma of qualification...those seemingly little insignificant pieces of paper represent badges of physical and intellectual honour.   The are not insignificant pieces of paper.   THEY REPRESENT SELF-SUFFICIENCY, COMPETENCE AND NOTICE BEING SERVED THAT "I can take care of me and mine, thank you!"
I will calm down...I will calm down....I will calm down....and prepare to go down, on Friday, to my last life project of building and  maintaining an adobe mini-mansion "B and B" with low-tech themes to impulse locals to "go back to their future" and take advantage of a better way to build.   Then they make a lot of money and come up to Texas to buy things, and then Gringos come down and watch birds the Gringos don't have...and it becomes a perpetual motion machine.   I will calm down....I will calm down...
El Gringo Viejo

Tuesday 17 July 2012

The Hour Cometh and Now Is....

The time has come for us to begin gathering up our camels and tents, girding our loins, and flocking our sheep.   It is necessary to return to our little mud hut in the Mexican outback and attend to our visitors.   Alvaro has been holding things down for a good long stay of it, and there have been many projects that he is very probably desirous of showing off to the Gringo Viejo. 

     There have been plenteous rains visited upon our area, so we are hopeful that the flamboyan trees and other growies have responded well to our husbandry and the available moisture.  Alvaro has apparently run a water line to our southern edge of the "disciplined" upper part of the property, something we had talked about on occasion.   Alvaro may have been a little overly spontaneous in the installation, but perhaps he will pay for the pipe, faucets, and plumber's work for the installation at our pump.  Something tells me that the bill will be mine, however.

     A bit of damage from very high winds, and the debris carried by such winds, has been fixed right where our chimney joins the roof, so that is a good step forward.   One of the reasons for having built our little place in the manner we did, was to avail ourselves of the relatively less involved processes and less expensive financial outlays required  to repair whatever needed repairing.

     We should be away for a bit of a longer stay of it.  Most, if not all, of our chores in Texas have been acquitted, and they are in better hands with my better half, in any regard.   Arriving back down at our little paradise, one of the first things that we really want to plumb is the attitude of the people concerning the elections past.  The link here provided

with a clumsy but workable State by State interactive device for totalling of the votes for each registered candidate.   There were several surprises in the outcome for this observer.  We also noted that our girl had done very well in the State of VeraCruz...coming in second, but only 600 or so votes behind Pen~a Nieto in a turnout of about 2,000,000.   Some of the tabulations do not make historical sense, as in Baja California, Coahuila, Chihuahua, Durango, San Luis Potosi and Sinaloa.   Then again, Vasquez-Mota (my candidate) historically should not have been remotely close to winning the State of Tamaulipas, but she did....somewhat decisively.   Her Victory in and around the City of Victoria....was, bluntly stated, overwhelming.   Perhaps my neighbour had something to do with that.   It may speak to my misunderestimating the outcome....being surrounded by a normally PRI populace showing signs of, and then actually voting, PAN.

     The dogs are always glad to see me...sometimes waiting at the paved road and running joyfully, barking and doing acrobatics, behind the old Dynasty that last 200 yards from the pavement to the Quinta Tesoro de la Sierra Madre.   Doggy treats and medicine that doesn't hurt is here again.   The cats, on the other hand, are not unhappy that El Gringo Viejo has returned.    Perhaps that is the best way to say it.  If we were in colder moments of the calendar, they would be a bit more demonstrative, because they assuredly see me as their organic overnight heater.

     We are having a bit more activity as the comprehension of normalcy is worked into the psyche of the people again.  Things have been on a slow but steady upswing for the past few months.   We are awaiting the return of our American visitors to change from a trickle back to where it had been 24 months ago....and we are bolstered in our optismism by the general feeling and gossip that troops that have been deployed are going to be placed in a fully re-organised deployment pattern, meaning  that they will stay in place as part of a formal, permanent repositioning of forces.

     We should be adding on to this information later to-night.  It will be found here or in another new post.   Thanks to everyone for your attention and valuable time!
El Gringo Viejo

Psssst. Sen~or, su mula esta' de vuelo.

TEAM O'BAMA'S  "PLAN X" is 'up in the air', according to Ben and Tim

This is the result of Ben's (left, standing) and Tim's
(right, standing) last attempt to load the cart.  The
fellow hanging in the air is you, the taxpayer.
All the people on the planet now await, with bait
 on their breath, Ben's and Tim's next attempt to
right the cart and to pay Tim's IRS bill, on time. 


A three year study by the Foundation of People Who are Better and Smarter Than You, (a nonpartisan, non-profit organisation for the promotion of social democracy and progressive ideas and agendas and for taking everything from the 50% of the population that pays income taxes ..aka, 'the 1%'....and giving it for the defense and support of the exploited 50%...aka the '99%'), has determined who is at fault for the situation pictured above.

George Bush.

We also devised a solution,.
     It became obvious that the problem was not enough weight in the front.   So, we placed a bill into the congressional calendar repealing previous laws concerning weight, and establishing Metric Mule Measure, aka the BOV, which means Environmental Emergency in Tightening Rope Netting and Hair Spray Conditions for Minorities and Lesbian Eskimoes.  Republicans still have done nothing with this legislation, which will result in hunger for minority children, the middle class, and the mentally challenged polar bear community (the ones who have cute babies).
     The ATF and E was also authorised to shoot the offending cow above-pictured, and to blame the appropriate parties (gun owners) for the death of the cow.  But now, after three years and a fraction, the animal is still hanging in the air.  Nothing has happened.   Ain't No one can understand that nothing we don't do don't hardly  amount to nothing....no how.

     The party at fault for all of this is named below.
George Bush.

PS.   We shall have to skin that cow to determine what is in it.  It might just be a dog.

     We are actually astonished that so many people are watching CNBC, FOX Business, and Bloomberg while Bernacke and/or Geitner drone mendacious, deranged bilge out like a pair of stoned gurus in a cave in India.    One rock plus one rock equals two rocks.   Spend three rocks every day, while earning only two rocks per day will quickly lead to having serious and irreversible problems.
EL Gringo Viejo 

(and yes, I know that spell-check says that the correct spelling for Ben's and Tim's surnames is Barnacle and Gwinner) 

Sunday 15 July 2012

Fundamental Transformative Marxism

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, SUCCESSFULL PEOPLE ARE SLUGS WHO MADE IT ON THE BACKS OF THE EXPLOITED.   SIMPLY BECAUSE 50 PERCENT OF THE POPULATION PAYS 99.9% OF THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT'S INCOME TAX, STILL IS NO EXCUSE FOR THE PRODUCER CLASS TO THINK THEY ARE ANYBODY SPECIAL.   The special people are the ones who take advantage of what Father Obamaham allows them to have....AFDC, Food Stamps, Section 8, Lottery Tickets, WIC, and all the things the truly deserving deserve to deserve. He taketh the Motor Company from the stock holders and bond holders and gives it to the union thugs who drove the company into the ground by demanding unsustainable wages and benefits, and are rewarded by being named the new owners.   UAW-Government Motor Co.
Real live Indian girl, Cherokee Princess
Cherokee Princess Elizabeth Warren (L), Candidate of the Democrat National Socialist Workers' Party for the office of Senator representing the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to the Central Government of the United States of America.  She is famous as a marxist thinker as well as being a real live injun.   She is also the Reincarnation of St. Margaret Sanger, the patron saint of things that might have been.    She inspired the speech used below, during the early part of her campaign for the Senate seat.  Our fundamental transformer now uses his version (found below) which has been programmed into OZ, his All Knowing Teleprompter.   Hear what comfortable words our leader has for his children:
The nephew of Auntie Zeituni and Uncle
 Onanyu, America's most famous secret
 illegal aliens, attempts to steal the War
 Bonnet of Chief Medicine Crow, Chief of
the Crow Nation.   Obama was going to
raffle off the headdress for campaign
contributions.   Unlike Obama, the
Old Chief is a War Hero, having
served in WWII.
     "There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me -- because they want to give something back. They know they didn't -- look, if you've been successful, you didn't get there on your own. You didn't get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something -- there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there. (Applause.)
     "If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a business -- you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn't get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.
      ''The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together. There are some things, just like fighting fires, we don’t do on our own. I mean, imagine if everybody had their own fire service. That would be a hard way to organize fighting fires."   -  Barak Hussein Obama.

Special Warning:   Your president and his administration actually believe this bilge that flows from OZ the Teleprompter.  Much of it is in their Book of Satanic Phrases, Prayers, and Incantations.   Beware of marxists who control the state police and military of any country.

El Gringo Viejo