Friday 22 June 2012

Hillary Lurks

This is the one thing that Hillary looks for towards mid-day every weekday.   She and her fellow caldron stirrers are calling each other at this moment....asking....'"Is it time now?   Is it time?"


The graph below is the standard Rasmussen analysis of Head-to-Head between Romney and Obama, and the standard Rasmussen analysis of the Job Approval.of Barak Hussein O'bama.

The graph below reveals the looming O'bama disaster that will probably seal the deal with the Hillary cliq to storm the walls for her justly deserved nomination as the candidate for the Presidency for the Democrat National Socialist Workers' Party.   Their campaign motto is sure to be, "We are at least as good as a Texas Department of Corrections Inmate", or "Change and Hope" or "Whatever and Lots of It, Maybe!".
    Just some thoughts.   One hundred days in American politics is an eternity, we know.  But 72 more hours of this is going to be like sitting in the dentist's chair and listening to the drill for the Democrat money bundlers.   There are almost certainly poobahs from the deep voices in the choir asking White House people for the particulars about the Fast and Furious - 2nd Amendment Abolition Program.   It will take about 12 Grand Poobahs to show 'thumbs down' in their conference call to authorise the purchase of two adult, and two children's,  one-way Greyhound Bus tickets to Chikenyacago, Illinois.
A pleasure always to be in contact with the OROG family.  More coming later about the sons of El Chapo Guzman....something very encouraging and hopeful.
El Gringo Viejo

Thursday 21 June 2012

Why and Because

George Bush XLIII -  Why the low scores?

     David Dewhurst is an example of the same disease that crippled King George II.   Although King George II was much more rough-cut, and more Texian than his father King George I, all three of the above-named are country-club Repblicans who like to be "reasonable".   Let's not be argumentative....let's be adults about all of this.   King George I said it best one time while responding to a reporter's question about whether or not Good King George I was "conservative enough" to placate the extremist elements of his own party.   King George I said "I think so.   I am conservative.   I'm just not crazy about it like some of my friends."
     King George II and David Dewhurst and to a degree Rick Perry are all painted with this same brush.  In their way they try to be moderate and kinder and gentler so as to help the unwashed with free money, and also in their way they try to recognise natural law and render unto those forces their place in the scheme of things.    Reference King George II's benefiscence in deigning to "give" the geezers their "free" medicine.   It was just the right thing to do.  It was such "the right thing to do" that even the marxist AARP was doing back-flips in celebration.
      Reference Mrs. King George I going to the funeral of the poor boy in flyover country who died of AIDS.   She went out to express solidarity with the "AIDS community" and to underscore that "we are all part of this problem".   She wanted to show that she and her family were not like that cowboy before them who did nothing to prevent AIDS.   She and hers were much better, and could somehow equivilate three boys in rural Ohio, who were hemophiliac and essentially murdered by some HIV-contaminated blood donor, with homosexuals who were having scores of sexual contacts per week or month in bathhouses and homosexual bars and landing pads from San Francisco to Manhattan.
     It is because, among the little people, they have those diseases and it really doesn't matter how they get it.  The little people are all essentially the same and to be equally pitied.  It's like the polio.  We just can't be judgemental, you see.

      So, during the last Republican primary in Texas, a nobody like Fred Cruz, runs a surprisingly strong second and forces a run-off.   This is after a muli-million dollar advertising blitz that actually was full of mis-leading half-truths and lies about Cruz.   This blitz was begun towards the end of the campaign, aggressively broadcast and telephoned throughout the Republic of Texas, and in the end....rejected.   Many people voted for Dewhurst because it was his "time".    They seemed confused that some obscure Mexican fellow could be taken as a reasonable candidate.   When the run-off happened, many of those same people asked how this could be.
     They found out that Cruz is Latin...but not Mexican.   His origin is Cuban.  They learned that he was Solicitor General for the Republic of Texas and has tried many cases successfully in various venues, including the United States Supreme Court.  They learned that he had a Harvard Law School record as well, but one of great substance....graduated with highest honours...unlike the unpleasant record of the unpleasant current President of the United States.  They learned that he is a natural law, common law conservative.   He is not "reasonable" about principle.   He is not a fair weather conservative. 
     David Dewhurst is stunned that the Republican Party of Texas did not give him a 90% endorsement in the past primary.   He was stunned by the fact that a Tea-Party nobody who is not even a millionaire would even run, much less finish a strong second and force a run-off.    Twelve million dollars and super-blue blood connections certainly should have been able to withstand a challenge by some Latin rube with barely a million dollars of nickle and dime money raised from nobodies.   After all, the Lieutenant Governor's position in the governmental organisation of the Republic of Texas truly is the most powerful position in the Republic.  Second is the Speaker of the House.   A very distant third is the Governorship, something that was put in place by the Constitution of 1876 after a very bad spate of it with another arrogant blue-blood jackass, Edmund Davis, who was the Yankee-imposed Reconstruction governor   (Yes, Texas...the least Slave State in the Confederacy...was under Reconstruction for over 10 years).

File:Edmund Davis.jpg
Gov. Edmund Davis, Mayor of Brownsville, Texas
and during the War Between the States the Brig. Gen
commanding the hapless 1st Texas Cavalry (Union).
He served, as a civilian, as Reconstruction Governor
and ruled as a despot.  He had to be dragged out of
the Governor's Mansion, like Hillary and Billy Jeff
almost had to be dragged out of the White House.

    David also knew what was best for all the little people.  King George I and King George II also knew that it was best to be nice and give people free money.   To be reasonable.   So, we change the black beret from a distinctive uniform appointment to a general part of the standard uniform.   We fail to bomb into shreds the nearest military airport to the place where the fighters took off to harrass our legitimate reconaissance plane.   We then make sure that we order all the new black berets from Red China.   We also make sure that we send women into combat to have their heads and legs blown off....for the cause of some false equality.   We call Hillary and Chucky to say "Whatever you need to rebuild New York City, you have a blank check".   We give the geezers free medicine.  We strengthen every worthless program that damages the poor as well as the taxpayers such as food stamps, Section 8, Head Start, AFDC, rent subsidies, utility subsidies, and scores of other useless crutch programs that cripple much more than cure.  We expand "bio-fuels" subsidies.   After all, all this money winds up back in the bank.  It helps the farmers when people eat...and eat....and eat....and eat.   And just think how we keep the rents up with free money....and just think how the neighbours like it when felonious, filthy swine move into that  nice little cottages and apartments next door and turn them into  crack houses full of addicts and prostitutes....ah! social  justice.   All of this is brought to us courtesy of the people who know better than we do....and who live in gated communities.

     No veto pen.  Acquiescence at every turn.   King George II could say, like his father, "I am a conservative, I'm just not crazy about it."   El Gringo Viejo voted for King George II four times in general elections.  When the alternatives are Creatures from the Black Lagoon and ghouls like Al Gore, Ann Richards, and John Kerry....the lesser of two evils has a deeper meaning.

     And it is recognised that class is class.   Both King Georges and their families have more class in their toenail cuttings than any Democrat in the national socialist pantheon.   To think that Democrat leadership would show a semi-animated film of Christopher Reeves walking and that they would use Michael J. Foxx to shill for embryonic stem-cell research as a plausible route to cure for multiple sclerosis!   What pitiful, soul-less people.   And those objections are just the peak of the peak of the peak of the iceberg of complaint about the Democrat National Socialist Labour Party.
Home of the Cast-off  Democrat
National Socialist Leaders

    It remains the case that the greatest fear the Country Club, RINO, pink-Republicans is to arrive at the County Convention of the local Republican Party and find the place full of red-necked hillbillies and pepper-bellies wearing hats and boots and people with crankcase oil smudges on their bib-overalls, and people with bad teeth and K-Mart clothes and black people wearing Uncle Sam red, white, and blue outfits, and all that (shiverrrrr) tacky stuff.   After all, they are not "real Republicans". 
     You see...we are real Republicans....and we are a bit crazy about following natural and common law....much of which is included in the Constitution of the United States of America.  We accept the country club Republicans as real Republicans, but they do not truly accept us until their plumbing backs up, or their head gasket blows, or  they need that special wedding cake....or some other urgent errand needs to be attended.

And yes, Virginia, I shall vote for Dewhurst should he win the Republican run-off.   It appears at this point that he will lose decisively.   Either Cruz or Dewhurst would be better for the Republic of Texas as well as the United States than any Democrat in these days.
El Gringo Viejo

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Signs of deepening derangement.  Signs of faceliftosis.  Signs of holding too many "Official House of Representatives Really Official Hearings designed to make El Gringo Viejo's daughter pay for Miss Flukie's BC pills, Officially".   Proudly pro-choice, but anti-face.
Photo: AP
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi attacked House Republicans for pursuing contempt of Congress charges against Attorney General Eric Holder on Wednesday.   “I could have arrested Karl Rove on any given day,” Pelosi said on Wednesday, The Huffington Post reports. “I’m not kidding. There’s a prison here in the Capitol. If we had spotted him in the Capitol, we could have arrested him."
    It is well to remember that this woman was 2nd in line of accession to the Presidency, following only that other great reservoir of intellectual energy, Uncle Joe Biden.   We have a picture below of her home in the vineyard out in the Napa Valley....where everything is nice...and quiet....and not stressful or funny coloured people....just lots of totally deranged San Francisco type loonies and cuckoos....

Nancy Pelosi's country home.   She has
a larger one in San Francisco, where
her house is equipped with its own
on-site prison, just in case Karl
Rove happens by some day.

As always, thanks for everybody's time and interest.
We're heading for a date with Mr. Sandman.
El Gringo Viejo                                                                                              

Say It All Over Again

Janet Reno, Hillary Clinton, Helen Thomases, Mrs. Brady and the gaggle of "ban the guns, have peace" crowd designed and devised the attack on Vernon Howell's insane asylum in the Blackland Prairies of Texas.  On a warm and very windy day in April, backed-up by military assets authorised by the hero of the Battle of Mount Carmel, Gen. Wesley Clark, the FBI as a subset of the ATF and E, killed 76 men, and especially women and children, so as to bring the Head of St. John the Baptist to the daughter of Herod.....Queen Corkscrew Sir Edmund Hillary, Duchess of Cattlefutureshire, who cannot remember anything, but has done more for women and children than all other people since the arrival of the Sumerians.
     Vernon Howell (aka - David Koresh) was no John the Baptist.   He was simply a marginally sane whitetrash shyster, shucking religion to people of fairly dull intelligence.....many of whom were women, foreigners, children, Negroes, and such people usually used as cannon-fodder by the marxists within the American political panoply.
 Very imaginative Kwanzaa concept
     But while we are instructed to respect every known religion and notion of things unseen, such as the wholly invented from un-holy cloth "kwanzaa",  and the extreme versions of Islam which demand that a woman be forced to be a saint or have her brains blown out for half-time entertainment at the local soccer game,  we are allowed to despise the "Branch Davidians" sect of the the Church of the Seventh Day Adventists, because they are kooky, and some kind or another of Christians.   It was because they had guns on their grounds.  They had to be disarmed.
      The issues surrounding "Fast and Furious" are the same.   It was a great Battle of Gettysburg designed by the marxists in the Obama government along with those forces who are totally dedicated to the disarming of civilians in America.    It is a huge and never ending commitment.    Mean, vicious elitists who live in gated communities in the Hamptons, who have armed security agents surrounding them 40 hours per day, 9 days per week, demand that the rest of us call the police, so that the police can come over an call the coroner two hours after the first 911 call.   Does anybody here know what the number for 911 is?  Can you bring me some more toe-tags?
     It's like Obama Socialised Medicine Initiative.   We get to have hospitals for us because we are important, and you get to have two aspirins and an appointment for next month with the gynaecologist....what, you are not a female?....what does that have to do with it?  It's not my fault....You should have taken care of that several years ago....Next!
      So, we set up a deal whereby we can sell guns into Mexico and then arrange for some Cartel thug to shoot an innocent American or a federal law enforcement officer.   Then we can point out that the gun was sold by a greedy gun dealer in Tucson or Phoenix, and have Obama sign an executive order prohibiting the sale of guns and ammunition.
      As El Gringo Viejo has stated on numerous occasions, the vast majority of weapons used by the Mexican Cartels over the years have been imported into Mexico, in original transport cases, from eastern European legal and black-market arms dealers.....Chinese Communist PLA specialists in the sale and trafficking of military-grade automatic rifles and weaponry - specifically arming the Mexican cartels so as to destabilise the Republic of Mexico and create disorder in the United States, especially in what is politely referred to as "urban areas".    Most of the arms have come through a delivery filter that crosses over, under, around, and through Nicaragua, Venezuela, Cuba, although sometimes, as has been pointed out, they arrive aboard "legitimate" Communist Chinese trans-oceanic freighters docking, blatantly, in the Puerto Lazaro Cardenas, Michoacan....with shipping crates filled with hundreds of thousands of rounds of ammunition and hundred and thousands of automatic rifles.   The shipping boxes are marked "medicines" or "tennis shoes" or "Mrs. Olsen's necklace alarms".   But they are actually carrying armaments and ammunition for the cartels, the "urban" gangs in the United States, and other groups on the extreme left in Mexico and Central America.   It is Red Chinese military active measures.   Every Chinese restaurant established in the last 20 years in the United States is probably a front for a cell of ready-to-call saboteurs and shock troops.

      This is actually what is going on.  We have pointed it out at some peril to ourselves.   It is the actual, on the ground conclusion of honest and serious Mexican military officers.   Politicians....even of our own party like Mexico must necessarily at least act like the firearms coming from the United States have some significance militarily.   Their value, militarily, is in fact minuscule.    Common gunmen of the cartels wear out a rifle in a couple of firefights due to unwillingness to go through the necessary cleaning and maintenance.   The actual recovery of American-sourced weaponry at forensic sites in Mexico composes about 3 percent of all weapons recovered by the military.    Even most of the M-16 rifles are Red Chinese knock-offs.

    AND, like Mount Carmel, the "Fast and Furious" program has blown up in the faces of the "smart" people....the new Gestapo....who are doing people a favour by disarming them.  Tell that to the nearly 400 people at this point who have been killed and/or wounded by guns directly retraced to the "Fast and Furious" program.  These are the innocents, the women, children, honest to somewhat honest cops, and soldiers and sailors who have been KILLED AND WOUNDED.   And, American federal police personnel have been KILLED AND WOUNDED by these same weapons.   SCREAM BLOODY MURDER.   SCREAM accomplice to murder in the first degree.....Holder and Company.

      The Department of Justice has behaved stupidly.   Perhaps this is a teachable moment.

El Gringo Viejo

Out of the Night, When the Full Moon is Bright

Please Note:

During the past several months, our circulation has continued to grow.  We receive a small but steadily increasing set of responses and questions about Mexico and about the cultural and political situation both there and in the United States and the Republic of Texas.
     Not at his request, but at mine, El Gringo Viejo will be including comments written in by a friend who is not an alter ego, but more like a co-ego.   A man who says that he has many friends is a fool.   A man might have two or three friends in a lifetime.  This is El Gringo Viejo's friend.
     El Zorro is drawn from a combination of extreme upper class and working class people.   He is a pure-bred Texan.   He has been introduced before as more Indian than certain Democrat candidates for United States Senator from Massachusetts.   He has a strong, old Episcopal catechism and yet wanders from agnostic to theist to spiritualist; he is a true free spirit and he is a true philosopher.   He is, (he never stating such) a war hero who endured the boredom of  Can Rahn Bay  and the insanity of intrusions into "non South Vietnamese adjacencies" (approved by both El Gringo Viejo and El Zorro and someone named richard) to recover personnel and equipment.  He is a person who knows and understands the matter what that happens to be.   He is extremely well-read and well-stated.  He is a college graduate, as well as a fellow graduate of El Gringo Viejo's class of 1964 from Old McHi in Texas.
     There is a certain necessary roughness to both his and my observation of the current state of affairs.  He and I almost almost always agree.  There are times when our concurrence does not resolve into a focus of agreement.   Our differences, however, are like the difference between Latin and the present day Italian language.

Cam Rahn Bay, South Viet Nam

      With this dabbling of an openning, we must advise that we shall receive brief, ORIGINAL FROM THE GUT ONLY, rants...thoughts....wanderings within consciousness, observations, criticisms, approvals, what-if's, and such writings.   We shall require that the writer be substantially sober.   With delusions of grandeur, perhaps we can make this a place of refuge where people can escape the absolute rule of political correctness, while certainly rejecting Klannerbilge.    One of our mottoes will be that "We are Confederates, not Klanners".   We support Negroes, Latins, Anglos, Orientals and even Irish, Mormons, and French people for any office, have done so, and will continue to do so.
    With that, and with a appeal to humour, kindness where possible, ire where necessary, we commend the site to the public's readership and participation.   Perhaps we shall become the Drudge of old-fashioned home-spun, Southern-style barbershop commentary.


Oddly, the El Zorro above-pictured looks
amazingly like the El Zorro who sent in this
submission to Voice from the Sierra Madre Oriental



Ich bevorzuge Bier so billig war!
But… I digress.  Demography is the greatest determining factor regarding fates of the Judeo-Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Shinto, etc. and other compassionate religions.  In this point, I will include atheists and agnostics as philosophical escorts and cohorts to the world's religions worth keeping.  Or, for all practical purposes, all non-Muslim populations.
The fact is that Muslims are taking over the world demographically through birth rates and infestations everywhere geographically.  Their birth rate is estimated at about 2.2 births per Muslim woman to 1.5 for European women (Norway it is 3.1 to 1.8).  In the United States the total births per woman is 2.05 and the Muslim birth rate is 2.1; however, the Muslim population here is only about 3%.  It is growing however, especially in Obama’s stomping grounds.  Minnesota is infested as well, with their own Muslim representative Keith Ellison.  Some rates in some countries are higher as in northern Africa.  France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Greece, and the UK are particularly at risk and pretty much in that order as far as the Eurozone is concerned and as relates to your column.
The European Countries are terrified by the Muslim populations growing in their countries because they are very invasive and do not assimilate but do intimidate the indigenous peoples.  The Ummah is their country.  The simple definition of the Ummah is “the unity of all Muslims led by a caliphate”… but you know the meanings and history.
The birth rates are dynamic.  The trend is scary.  Muslimism (Islam) is a total life system that replaces and/or fuses religion, government, and all other ideologies.  A Muslim who does not commit to Islam is an apostate.  Apostates are treated as non-Muslims but may be imprisoned instead of being put to death if the hadith affirms the individual does not work against Islam or can be reformed.  That is rare.  The non-Muslims are considered either Satanic or friends of Satan depending on the hierarchy of religions established in the Quran.  In all cases non-Muslims including heretics, infidels, and apostates are at risk of death.
This tirade was inspired by El Gringo Viejo's last paragraph from the entry of 17 June 2012.  It is a large part of the reason for the decline of the Eurozone and collapse of world financial systems.  Islam is influencing all the financial structures by infiltration of the political systems and putting unsustainable stress on the public assistance structures.
The Muslim ideology was an inspiration to the third Reich and der fuhrer.  Hitler affirmed a belief in Christianity but instilled in it the purge of Jews and  the Nazi philosophy ( Please review Mein Kampf).  He had training in the religion and attended monastery but privately had negative views of Christianity.  He stated at times that Christianity was just another form of Judaism.  (back to topic) The persecution of the Jews and degradation of Christianity during that epoch is not dissimilar to Muslim practice since the 7th century until now.
Islam will take over the world either quietly or by violence unless it is neutralized or eliminated.  We are not "safe"….therefore we must be brave.

Last:    Good analysis on George Zimmerman.   If you will allow me this addition observation;  He did not kill the kid for fun.  He had a license to carry.  The requirements are very rigid.  I know because my wife and I have ours.  FBI background checks and great formal instruction as to how and when to use are sufficient to initially know he was well trained.  The FBI check guarantees he is a good citizen… at least as of 2009 when he and his wife acquired theirs.
The issue of funds available whether true or not should be a non-issue.  The amount of bail or whether it is to be granted or not should not be connected to what he can afford but rather to fit the flight risk.  I submit that the CHL is a testament that he would not bolt.  This is a witch hunt.  I give him a 90% righteous rating and no bail requirement.  Then investigate the issue before prosecution.
El  Z

Monday 18 June 2012

Questions About the Zimmerman Case

The jailing of George Zimmerman for misleading the court concerning the amount of money on hand for posting bail seems more than just a bit strange.    The court stated that bail was being revoked because the defendant had stated that he did not have great resources to pay for a high bond.   What the defendant said was true at the time that he said it.
     The wife has since been charged with perjury in the 3rd degree (a felony) because she also, supposedly, misled the court concerning the availability of resources to the Zimmermans.  This charge carries a possible sentence of five years and/or a 25,000 dollar fine.

     The entire matter is strange.   The prosecutor seems to be on a vendetta to punish George Zimmerman and anyone associated to the first degree of relation with him.   The judge also seems to be at least somewhat complicit.   It was known that considerable money had been contributed to the Zimmerman defense account, solicited publicly on the internet even before the judge established the 150,000 dollar bond requirement.   Nothing was being done secretly.
    The money was being raised, ostensibly to meet bail bond requirements and to defray legal expenses for a trial that may well never take place.   Mrs. Zimmerman could not have given a precise amount in the account because the contributions of five, ten, and twenty dollars were coming in fairly rapidly.  It is known that they were not poor, but also that they did not have massive resources.

    The prosecution is also making a case about the mendacity of Mrs. Zimmerman due to the fact that a "second passport" was discovered in a safe deposit box.   Mr. Zimmerman's passport in force was surrendered, and it is stated in the passport that it is a replacement passport for a lost or stolen passport.   El Gringo Viejo has experience with such an event.  Once a replacement passport is issued, the previous passport becomes void.  If that lost or stolen passport is somehow recovered, it remains the property of the holder, although it cannot be used.   At any airport or entry point into the United States it will be shown to be invalid.   It should be noted, for instance, that the Zimmermans had put the old dead passport into a safe deposit box, and did not even have the document at their home.
     We still have, for instance, my brother's passport, which was recovered at the time of his death.  We still have the Gringo Viejo's voided passport that served to replace another passport that was stolen fifteen years ago.  It was returned, punched out, at the time the State Department sent my renewal (not replacement) passport some time back.

     The entire issue bespeaks of something out of Keystone Kops, and could be construed as a form of a sop to the professional race-baiters.   The charges could not withstand analysis by testimony and evidence in a court any more than the charge of 2nd degree murder in the Martin boy's shooting.   We would recommend sending some more money to the defense account, but given the nature of the bench in Florida, it might be possible that the court would move to confiscate the account.

Just some thoughts while texting in my brain.
El Gringo Viejo