Friday 23 March 2012

Butt Out

Butt Out, Mr. President.
     As in Cambridge, as in Tucson,  this is not your affair.   Legal remedy is being employed.   Your hyperventilation at the opportunity to never let a good crisis go to waste is showing, and it is not a pretty picture.    You do not give a flip about the boy's death.   You do not care about justice.  Your only iron in this fire is the opportunity to somehow connect the death of the young man to the fact that Florida is a concealed carry State, and it also has the Castle Rule now made into law.
     Since you are an incompetent attorney, allow El Gringo Viejo to explain to you that the Castle Rule, also known as the "Stand and Defend" rule, now written into law in Florida, does not include pursuing a person off of the premises under concern.   It only covers the imminent physical danger or significant loss and/or damage to property under the control of the armed resident.
     This case rests solely on the possibility that the young man in question did anything on the premises under the protection of the neighbourhood watch "captain" that would have presented an objective clear and present danger.
     Finally there is process underway, completely and properly under the control of the appropriate authority.   It was a bit too late, however, because the stench of Calypso Louis and the famous Minstrel Character who plays the part of Chaplain to the Amos and Andy Show whose name escapes me now....I think it is Tawano Brawley.
      It will be difficult for them to go into their deranged, hydrophobic slobbering rage as it becomes clear that just over to the West a bit, in that horrible place that has a Confederate Flag incorporated into the State banner, a white boy was just convicted of murdering a black person, and now has the rest of his life to think about his actions,to enjoy free room and board, and 1 hour per day of recreation included.

Deryl Dedmon, 19, of Brandon, Mississippi, has been sentenced in the killing of James Anderson.
 Face of a Dispiccable Person.
Killed a gardener, 17 years married, and known
to be a pillar of the community....a positive force
in his home town.  James Craig Anderson, based
upon our research, was the kind of guy who makes
a community in the South that special positive
place.   Mississippi eis full of them, but they are
never seen in the media of the popular culture.
Deryl Dedmon, 19, of Brandon, Mississippi, has been sentenced in the killing of James Anderson.

(sourced from CNN and verified through two other sources by the Voice from the Sierra Madre Oriental)
  • Deryl Dedmon says he was "ignorant and full of hatred" when he killed Anderson
  • The victim's sister says her family is praying for "racial conciliation"
  • The prosecutor says more charges and arrests are coming
  • Dedmon has been sentenced to two concurrent life terms
Editor's note: This story contains language that some readers may consider offensive.
(CNN) -- A white Mississippi man has been sentenced to life in prison for the 2011 murder of an African-American man, with the judge calling it an inexcusable, "despicable" crime.
Deryl Dedmon pleaded guilty to murder and a hate-crime charge before a judge in Jackson on Wednesday afternoon, admitting to the June killing of James Craig Anderson. Hinds County Circuit Judge Jeff Weill sentenced him to two concurrent life terms, saying, "This craven act isn't who we are."
"Whatever excuse you offer, forget that. There is no excuse," Weill said. He added, "The state of Mississippi condemns this despicable crime."
     Dedmon, 19, told the judge that he was a "changed man" who had found religion since his arrest.  "I wish I could take it all back," he said, adding, "I was young and dumb, ignorant and full of hatred. I chose to go down the wrong path."
Leave us alone.   Black Klanners, White Klanners.....Leave us alone.
El Gringo Viejo

Thursday 22 March 2012

Truth Droppeth as a Tonne of Bricks from Heav'n

RONAL WILSON REAGAN, speaking in 1964, Goldwater Campaign

     This is mandatory viewoing for rightwing crazies and those who want to be rightwing crazies.   It is also required viewing  for those who will see that the truth we tell is true, and the predictions we make about the effect of socialist policies upon society are true.   The incessant meddling in private business, the taxation of industry and industriousness, the establishment of public assistance and welfare as a lifestyle become the down button for any nation's elevator.  Peace through strength, strength through self-relaince.
Ronald W. Wilson
PAUL HARVEY, playing the role of Lucifer

    This will underscore why El Gringo Viejo does not believe in safety nets, lotteries, social progress, or anything that has been talked about in the popular culture for the past 50 years.    This radio vignette is bone-chilling and will serve to re-invigourate your resolve to defeat progressive and pro-socialist forces before they destroy everything.

Thanks for your attention and time.
El Gringo Viejo

Yes We Much II

A man was in a barber shop one day, having a shave and a haircut.   During the time that was normally restful and invested in a bit of pleasant conversation and unwinding, the tranquility was broken by an especially loud-mouthed, obnoxious man.   He held forth on Negroes and damned them to hell this way and that.    He threw out to the attention of all who would listen every shiboleth, every trite observation, every un-kind and unsavory thing he could lay upon the Negro race.
     The other people in the shop were not great crusaders for the elevation of the black man to common status with the white man, but neither were they admirers of the Klan, an organisation, it was rumoured, in which the loud-mouth was a key member.
      He was known to have a lop-eared bay with four white socks, and that was the horse he used on his "rides".  In the entire county, and in all the adjacent counties, there was no other horse that could be so easily identified.   So it was understood that the loudmouth was not really the brightest candle in the chandelier.
     Finally, the customer who was seeking the repose of a good haircut and a shave, with a bit of pleasant conversation, finally barked at the offender,"Jerome, shut up!   I came in here for a bit o' calm.   I'm sick of listening to you braying like a jenny-ass in labour!   You know, you sure ought'n to thank the Good Lord that you were born white, because if you hadn't been, you would have been out of anything to do."

     Such is the case for the above pictured individual.   In the matter of the shooting of the boy in Florida, it was certain that only hours would go by before the combination of clumsy police process, and rabble rousing community organisers, and the nature and gravity of the case would bring the above pictured individual into the fray.   His only interest, of course, is in seeking and finding justice.   His most famous accomplishment to date is his brilliant intervention in the case of Tawana Brawley.   Another of his finer moments in the application of the Beatitudes and the Golden Rule is his admonition to crowds gathered in a Harlem commercial zone that Koreans did not belong there and that they should be burned out of their businesses.   Of course, he was integral in righting the wrongs that were committed against the poor woman who was beset upon by the Duke lacrosse players.   That might really have been his finest hour.   In short, the above pictured Heroic Community Organiser,  like the blowhard in the barbershop, would never have had anything to do had he not been born a Negro to some degree or another.   Luckily for the above-pictured individual, he does not have to suffer the boarding, feeding, and veterinarian bills of owning a lop-ear bay with four white socks.   He can prove his useless stupidity just by "being there". 

     Thankfully for the individual pictured above, there are dolts and dumboes who can stumble into a way to attract things that look like a horse-fly that fell into a barrel of Velcro.  With reference to the Floridian shooting, we must proceed on the assumptions that can be drawn from the press reports.   Such measures are always risky, but let us proceed.   To the reasonable observer, we have a very un-photogenic "captain" of a neighbourhood watch committee having been accused of shooting a very presentable young man.
     We have a problem in that the young man was apparently unarmed, and apparently moving around in a public area, with the knowledge of his mother, and without seeming to be bothering anything or anyone.   A case can be made, therefore, that the individual who was legally armed, exceeded the purview of his authority by pursuing the young man some distance away from the area to be protected, having engaged the boy in physical scuffling, and then shooting him, knowing that the police were on the way to determine what the nature of the conflict and situation was.
       It would have seemed to this writer, that given no weapon being used or carried on the person to the boy, and judging by the boy's appearance and criminal record, the "captain'' was, at best (for him) standing with at least one foot outside of his authority and discretion.   Were El Gringo Viejo to have been the Chief of Detective or Chief of Police in Sanford, Florida it would have been necessary to detain the "captain" for some period as allowed by Florida Law.   If it were to be necessary to release him, El Gringo Viejo would have requested a bench order to attach an anklet on the "captain".    It would have been doubly necessary to research the boy's school history, the neighbours, and the community, his church, his living situation.   At this point, it appears as though the boy was a Rockwellian American type.   He did not have drugs, burglary paraphernalia, shoplifted products, or anything like that on or about his person.
     It would have been necessary to research similar matters concerning the "captain",  paraffin and GSR patterns on both the quick and the dead participants, and at least an offer of a polygraphic analysis.   All of the data and information should have been delivered to the District Attorney and there should have been a grand jury immediately empanelled.    Likewise, the established ministers in the Black community should have been met with on their turf, and it should have there been explained that discussing this case in public would jeopardise moving the case forward.   He should also have said, "I want to have any shred of evidence from any of your congregation that would serve to clear or convict either or both of the people involved in this tragedy.   I want any lead, notion, hunch, or hearsay from any reasonable person known to you."'
     And then, El Gringo Viejo would have immediately called the Attorney General and the Florida Department of Public Safety and asked for a special prosecutor and a forensic assistance team, since  a type of security a way...was involved.

     Sadly, to me it seemed that the Black folks in the area, while vocal, were somewhat more restrained than the rabble one finds in the big northern cities.   But, of course, they are Southerners.  This higher level of class, sociability, and reason among the agrieved group was wasted by the Police Chief.   The issue should have been to disarm the entry of racist rabble-rousers immediately by throwing a blanket over the issue and making it a local matter.   But now, the Community Organiser Extraordinaire will be coming down with his friends from the mainstream media, and we'll have another circus.   The Black Panthers will come, the Ku Klux Klowns will come (they are joined at the hip, one living because the other is living because the other is living.... mentally retarded losers),

     In the issue of a similar incident in East Texas, when a black man was dragged behind a pickup by three reprobates of limited intellectual reach, the miscreants were rounded up, tried, and sentenced....two to the death penalty, and one to life imprisonment.    It still wasn't enough for the NALACP, because for some reason or another, even though two of the bums where put to death, somehow it wasn't adequate without there being an additional charge of having committed a hate crime.
     The particular Texas incident was handled without intervention by the central government police such as the FBI and/or the ATFand E.

     Lastly, the individual pictured above has never raised a hand or his voice when a non-black person is killed by a black person.   During the last ten years, over40,000 white people have been murdered by a black person(s).   During the same time period, something under 2,400 black people were killed by white people.   These figures relate to manslaughter and murder in the 2nd up to the capital level of degree.   Never once did the person pictured above lift a finger to condemn the norm.   He is quick to condemn the uncommon occurrence, and frequently winds up being unapologetically wrong.

The inconvenient truth.   Like Algae and Algore.
El Gringo Viejo

Sometimes a person knows

     The visit by the President, at substantial taxpayer expense, to Cushing, Oklahoma to "cut the ribbon" on a pipeline to the Orange-Port Arthur, Texas refinery and petro-chemical complex is an exercise in mendaciousness that is almost equal to the entire W.J.Clinton and H.R.Clinton Administration's  eight years of raging lies and deviancy.
     Suffice it to say that Barak Hussein Obama has done nothing to enhance the production of clean coal, natural gas, or oil ever in his life, since the day of his birth to this point, and such will be the case probably well beyond these days.    Suffice it to say, as well, that he has done nothing to facilitate the safe transport of said materials at any time during his remarkably mendacious life.   He probably never will.
Obama Pinocchio
O'bama surpasses William Jefferson Blythe's whopper.  Blythe's
was, "I've never worked so hard in my life trying to find a way to come up
with a middle class tax cut like I promised during the elections, but
there is just no way.   Things are worse than we thought, and it's
George Bush's fault.   He did not inform us, and I have no other
choice except to propose a tax increase on the middle class."
Barak Hussein O'bama says yesterday he has no way to affect the
 market price ofoil.   To-day he says that he is moving to fast-pace
 this pipeline so that he can affect the price of oil.
   These are the utterings of a psychotic,
 mendacious madman.
         Mr. President, my family and I have been royalty holders in Texas for three generations.   I have worked, in a dilettante way on a couple of occasions on drilling rigs.   El Gringo Viejo has worked peripherally near and on edge of the oil and gas business for the better part of a half-century.    I listened to your talk in Cushing, Oklahoma to-day.   I accuse you,   I charge you, of being the worst of what a liar is.   You contradicted the very things you said a day ago, a week ago, a month ago, a quarter ago, a year ago, before you were elected to the office you hold now, when you were a worthless senator representing mendaciously a State of this Union that suffers mendacious fools such as yourself in office.   You are a chronic, pathological liar.
     Further, you have had nothing to do with the Cushing - Port Arthur line.   It is the work of big business, smaller companies, investors large and small, thousands of highly skilled pipeliners who work with huge machines and tiny devices to perform "miracles of tons under pressure going a long way away".    You do not understand the science, the engineering, the financing, the risks, the training, skills, education, and experience involved in this matter.   Furthermore it is an issue of State to State, private to private.   It works precisely because you had nothing to do with it.   Had you had anything to do with the Cushing line, the project would, like the Canadian leg, be sitting idle now.
      That is because you hate America.   You hate private economic activity.  You want a homogeneous society of people beholden to the central government for clothes, food, shelter, and medical service.   You want a society with those people living in projects, while you and your fellow-marxist wife can live on the other side of the divide between the 'proles' and the control people.   That is because you see yourself as one of the control people because you are smarter and better than the rest.     And you will make American pay for her sins.   And you will make white people pay.   And you will make conservative black and latino pay for being "sell-outs".
      Ninety percent of the people who heard you talking this morning knew you were lying.   Oddly, about twenty percent of those agreed with you even though they knew you were lying.   They were thinking..."The rubes will buy this bilge.   They are so stupid that they can't see that he is lying.   We'll fool 'em again, like we did with the "hope and change" thing.   Man these common Jed Clampett crackers are stupid.  Isn't is neat-o?" 

     Please go somewhere you like better, like Cuba, while Fidel is still alive.   Or, like Venezuela, while Hugo can still babble incoherently about his Vision of Utopia.   You, Fidel, Hugo....a dustbin....a sunset.

At Sunset Evening Sky
We thank all OROGs for their patience and understanding and time.
El Gringo Viejo 

Wednesday 21 March 2012