Tuesday 6 March 2012

CNBC did something decent

Dr. Juan Jose Suarez Coppel, Director of Petroleos
Mexicanos, Mexico's Oil Monopoly
It is a bit disturbing, but when it happens, El Gringo Viejo has to just accept it and use the information for the benefit of all.  CNBC, the financial affairs network had a good article based on an interview with the Director of Petroleos Mexicanos, Dr. Juan Jose Suarez Coppel.   The Director pointed out that Mexico received 10,000,000 barrels of refined, high test gasoline from EXXON - Mobil, and that Mexico also sends 85% of its oil exports to the United States.   Also, it is understood that EXXON "harvests" a radioactive isotope of some rare metal and that isotope is used as the reactive agent in some kind of MRI process for medical research and treatment.  PEMEX does not claim against that benefit for EXXON, preferring instead to take the preferential pricing for the refined gasoline.
     The 10,000,000 barrels of gasoline, essentially EXXON Supreme 93 octane, is refined from Mexican and other oils.   It used to be, and may still be the case that EXXON refines what is sent to Mexico without any mark-up.   It is essentially wholesale priced out to the original supplier.  The amount of oil that Mexico exports to the United States dwarfs the amounts we receive from all but Canada and Venezuela.   There are months when Mexico's exports actually put them in first place.
     The reporterette asked Dr. Suarez if he thought North America could be self-sufficient and self-contained in terms of oil, gasoline, and natural gas, and he replied in the affirmative.   He pointed out that the reserves of all three countries are "beyond millinial", and the logistical advantage of keeping the resources within the Continent were clearly evident.   Suarez-Coppel heads the giant company, ranked 43rd among all companies on the Planet, and presently producing 105 billion dollars in annual sales.   PEMEX recently, after many years of trying to root out union and other problems in terms of accountability, was awarded the title as the most "transparent" of the megabusinesses in Latin America.   Suarez Coppel was "puzzled" by the EPA and other governmental problems holding up the Canadian - American Keystone Project, and pointed out that Mexico and the United States have been transporting natural gas and oil via pipeline for many decades with no significant or dangerous problems.
      There, in seriousness, have been several "great leaps forward" since during the last three years of Zedillo Ponce de Leon, Fox Quesada, and now Calderon Hinojosa which have resulted in many structural, administrative, and financial improvements in this huge company.

Some new news and some restating of known knowledge.
El Gringo Viejo

Monday 5 March 2012

And He Did Not Receive a Call From the President of the United States

    El Gringo Viejo recommends this link very strongly if one would like to see what a homeless, five year old boy, selling candies and soft drinks on the streets of Seoul, South Korea can do if he just plogs away and believes in himself enough.   This shows an oriental form of the Susan Boyles  "Got Talent" show, and is well conducted, equally surprizing in the results.
     One also is brought immediately to the question at hand, that if this boy can suddenly walk out in front of 1,000 people in studio, and know that 2,000,000 fellow Koreans are watching him on live television and do this well, then certainly a 30 year old woman with all the privileges in the world must certainly be able to figure out how to buy her own medicines.   Perhaps she would even want this boy to pay his fair share for her pill? 
     As he is being questioned, he informs the panel that he has never had any lessons, although he did try to listen to people at a music school, from outside the windows.  Of course all the women in the audience are crying, and the female judges are sobbing and blubbering...and all for good reason, I imagine.   And yes, El Gringo Viejo is crass enough to draw comparison between two seemingly unrelated events.   And the comparison should be drawn.   Some people have class, others are socialist parasites.

     This young man did gain a little training before his arrival to the contest.   He gained a little more as he advanced into the finals of the competition.   Then he....    No, El Gringo Viejo will let you all find out whether he won the whole thing or not.    A further bit of disclaimer, he did receive a public housing accommodation finally, through the intercession of his first voice coach.   But, remember that in South Korea, much of the housing was "nationalised" after the Korean War, in an effort to rebuild the huge amount of damage that the War had visited upon the people and their houses and properties.   Many people wind up buying their aparments and privatising them legally.   So, it's not like Section 8 or "the projects".

Okay, so you'll know.   Here is the final so that you don't have to look it up.   I know you're busy.
El Gringo Viejo

You all will never believe it....

     You all will never believe it.   El Gringo Viejo clicked into the Democrat Senate Campaign Committee's call for condemnation of Rush Limbaugh's ''mysogeny".  Of the respondents who had arrived....very few really....something like 1,400 since the call went out, over half were not in approval of condemning Rush.
     The funnier part is that the screed has been totally taken over by Muslim Brotherhood types and Syrian Assadistas calling O'bamaham names and invoking prayers to Allah that it would be His will to destroy the meddling Americans, especially O'bamaham.   We know that way down deep inside the Muslim Brotherhood is terribly concerned about the psychological damage and hurt that poor little Saint Fluke has suffered at the hands of The Misogynist.
      If only William Jefferson Blythe ("You'd better put some ice on that lip.") were here to show Rush how women really want to be treated.    His example was really something.   Really.

      It is a wondrous thing to be allowed to see the perfect hypocrisy of marxists.  Praise be.

El Gringo Viejo

For Those Who Fret, a Source of Comfort

     Many OROGs become depressed at the slightest notion that Father O'bamaham could possibly be re-elected.    We know there are several who hope for a positive outcome for the President, but most who invest their time here come to find out things about Mexico or have some comfort blogfood.
     Take faith, and be of good cheer.  Many of us do not take the trouble to go to Rasmussen's comparison of "The President makes me feel a little nauseated all the way to  'the President makes me puke'" a opposed to "The President is doing alright all the way to 'I simply love the President and wish I had married him'".   This used to be called an "intensity index", that measure only the most dedicated, heartfelt, intense feelings of the respondents to the pollster's questions.   It often can predict probable turnout preponderance, as in whether the Republicans or the Democrats will have an easier time turning out their vote.
     The above graph shows fairly clearly that on a scale of 0 -  5, Father O'bamaham has not been able to ignite the 4's and 5's enough to make it over the 30% mark since January of 2011.
No matter what the MSM says, that is stunning.   Critical, way-past-the-red-line B A D.   For O'bamaham.
      It means that the ooommph! to haul voters out to the polls, whose only motivation is the possibility of receiving more public assistance will be very difficult.   Once people are really trained into lethargy, they can lose even the instinct to beg....it is just too much trouble.   Besides, we can use the Lone Star Card at MacDonald's now, anyway.
     This is why there is such a frenzy about whipping up  the frenzy level of the Mrs. Che Guevara  Vegetarian Foundation for Women's Issues, and the Democrat National Socialist Party by means of  this "contraception plot".    They are trying to scare the ear wax out of those females who have deductive capacity of a dead rock by saying..."the Republicans are going to take away your contraceptives".    There are many who are so pitifully stupid, and so hopelessly incapable of even the most basic deductive reasoning that they will fall for the argument.    But....wait!   That's not bad news, because those women vote Democrat anyway, and they are likely not to vote, even with the fervor that is happening now.
     The MSM has been hiding the fall-off reflected above for several months, now.   Over a year.    It is even known by Republican strategists.   THE MOST INCREDIBLE THING NOW IS THAT EVEN WITH THE DUST UP ABOUT THE POOR GIRL WHO WANTS YOU TO PAY FOR HER BC PILLS, THE FALL CONTINUES.   Notice that the graph actually diverges, even after the dust up began, starting with the stupid questioning of Romney by Stephanopoulos and, a week ago, Fluke's Inquisition and Martyrdom.    If a person watches the merest amount of MSM he will be surprized at the above facts.   But facts they are.
     Be encouraged as well that the 43% who score 4 and 5 in terms of disapproval are ardently committed, in all probability to voting for almost anybody other than O'bamaham.    They want him to buy his VOLT next February, if they are still being made, not five years from now.  Take faith.   This poll, essentially indicates, if we remain motivated.... a possible landslide in favour of at least a more or less conservative.    If we can push the Congress a bit to the right at the same time, we are on the cusp of an Alleluia moment.

Keep the powder dry, cleave unto your religion, and thanks for your continued interest, support, and great submissions and questions.
El Gringo Viejo      

Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

Co-ordinating Committee of ACORN veterans,
 meeting with White House staffers, MSMs, DNC,
 MTV, OCCUPIERS, SCIU, Public Employee Unions,
 UAW, and leading Global Warming/Cooling advocates.


     This piece of Americana (above) came to El Gringo Viejo by way of El Zorro, Protector de lo Bueno, Enemigo de lo Malo.   He is one of the few OROGs who volunteers for the dangerous missions. The carbon-black and baby oil face paint, the black fatigues, the M-2 carbine with the muzzle flash retarder, and all the accoutrements of counter-insurgency.    Well, sometimes he used a flintlock pistol, a foil, and a midnight-black Arabian as well.

    He is the Chum who is First Friend and who, like the Gringo Viejo, spends too much time worrying about national socialists, commies, and progressives. Too much time is relative, however, when one considers that the Democrats continue to try to tax, tax - spend, spend - elect, elect until the whole train goes over the cliff. They will be successful when the train hits the bottom of the 20,000,000,000,000 foot cliff and kills everybody and everything, equally and democratically, each just as dead as the other. Study the entire document, and one realises that the socialists never stop, never sleep, never stop their zombie stagger in their effort to turn the living into government dependent zombies like they themselves. Demoraculas, Demombies, Demowerewolves out to drag our grandchildren into darkness.
      Who will be the last to light his cigarette with a 50 trillion dollar federal reserve note? Who will have the 1000 trillion dollar federal reserve note to buy a cigarette?
Thank you for your time and interest.  More later
El Gringo Viejo
Can I interest you in registering
to vote?   It won't hurt a bite...
I mean a bit.  Do you have
a daughter?  A granddaughter,

Recently Discovered Letter

Last Saturday, the Gringo Viejo was going through some old letters that had been handed down from some ancestors from the 1800s.   One was of particular interest.  It is included below, in its entirety.

January 30, 1864
Robert E. Lee, Commanding
General of the Army of Northern Virginia
Alexandria, Virginia

         After three years of incessant warfare, occasioning the considerable loss of precious blood and treasure to both sides of this lamentable time in our history, it is my decision to order all activity, military, naval, and civilian, taking place on the behalf of the United States of America within the territorial boundaries of what has been styled "The Confederate States of America"  to cease.    All agents and orderlies of the United States of America have been ordered to return to territory commonly recognised by our representative, in concert with those who represent your National Authority, and we trust your Honourable Guarantee of safe passage to said individuals, their families, and their pertinences.
        This withdrawal will take place throughout any and all territory pertaining to those States within the territorial domain of the Confederate States of America, to wit:
         North Carolina
        South Carolina
        Virginia (less the six western counties)
           Upon your receipt of this letter, the conditions will have been so ordered and so complied by all those under the purview of the authority of my Office as President of the United States of America.    I have named General George McClellan as my envoy and messenger in this matter, and trust that both as my representative and as a person for whom you and your officers have had personal friendship, he will receive every hospitality and deference.
          Thank you for you attention to this matter and your speedy return to a posture, if not as a citizen of this Nation, then as a friend to this Nation.   We should concern ourselves, in my opinion, to the establishment of an atmosphere which permits charity of attitude to all, and malice toward none as the days of the calendar turn steadily away from the bad and equally steadily toward the good which dwells between our two parts of this noble Continent.

To this order and announcement I affix my signature and seal of office, on this the 31 instant of the Month of January, during the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four.

(signed with name and rubric)
President of the United States of America
Washington, District of Columbia)

(Great Seal of the United States of America)

One can only imagine my surprize when this letter was discovered.   We also have the enclosure that assigned the general officers, including Grant, Sherman, Meade, about 50 others involved in field command or occupation duty, such as in Memphis and New Orleans.

    It was amazing.   Now it is easy to see why Father O'bamaham has decided to follow the lead of his namesake and advise the Al Qaida operatives in Iraq and the Al Qaida and Taliban operatives in Afghanistan of the time American force of arms will be withdrawn from those two countries.   That has paved the way for waves of cowardly assassinations of Iraqi civilians and officials (25 to-day so far), American troops, and Afghani civilians.....some immediately after the early withdrawal of American force from Iraq, and the rest after the Taliban and the 7th Century Club became certain that Afghanistan would not have the Gringos around to try to drag the crummy country at least up to the 9th Century.   We knew that things were getting back to normal when the Kabul Times began to publish Help Wanted ads like the following:

                                          Wanted -  Board Certified Female Circumcisionist.   Must
                                          have own hacking and slicing devices, preferably with
                                          no rust.   All applicants will be tested for pig fat ingestion.
                                          5 Euros per year.   Free camel food.  10 kilos of opium to
                                          sell on the black market per year.

                                         Wanted - Stoners, left or right handed.  All applicants
                                         be tested for pig fat ingestion.  Must be accurate at 19
                                         paces on odd number days and 21 paces on even number
                                         days.   Stones are provided.   Applicants have a chance
                                        as probationary stoners to execute two women for wearing
                                        wrong coloured bhurka on Tuesday.   No mulligans, and
                                        failure to make a head shot with at least one of first ten
                                        stones will result in the stoning of the applicant.
                                             Successful applicant will be a team stoner, and pay
                                       will begin at 5  free stones per month, and 2 Euros for each
                                       killed infidel.   A 1 Euro bonus is paid for heretics.

                                       Retraining Opportunity -  Retired or unemployed suicide
                                       bombers, tired of laying around watching pornos?   Train
                                       now for an exciting new career as a Chevy Volt technician.
                                       Work on a car that blows itself up.   Built by our ally's
                                       bankrupt auto company.   Stipend is 3 dry measure litres
                                       of oats each month or so, plus an extra 4 live AK47 cartridges.


     One can only wonder what would have happened to Hapless George W. Bush had he been so stupid as to do a "quick out" of Iraq, and then advise the enemy in Afghanistan of exactly which Greyhound bus would be the last one pulling out of Kabul, and at what hour and date.   We managed to win another war like in Viet Nam and then let the America-hating Democrat socialists lose the victory again.
Welcome to the new week, and thank you all for your time and interest.
El Gringo Viejo