Tuesday 20 December 2011

The Way We Still Get Around in Texas and Mexico

Here is a bit of a connexion with our past.   I remember running out to see the steampowered Mikado engines on the Southern Pacific line that ran about a half mile from our place near McAllen, Texas in those days.   It made our windows rattle, and enthralled a four year old with its noise, power, and friendly engineers.

We offer this up as a contempletive interlude for quiet moments of remembrance and
gratitude for the past year's blessings and for last year's trials.
A tip for navigation; click onto "The Real Polar Express"
and work through it or speed it up as you wish.   Then when it ends, click onto
"All Aboard!" and repeat, selecting at the end "Polar Express, Texas State Railroad
Palestine, Texas.


This excerpt is a bit more instructive, and equally inspiring.   Perhaps it is less for
personal reminiscence than for general and pleasant history worth knowing.

El Gringo Viejo

Racism/Eric Holder/Barak Obama?

Eric Holder has taken the American marxist refuge.   When ones actions cannot be defended in any reasonable manner, it is necessary to begin flailing the term "racist" at ones opponents and assuming an expression of sneering contempt.
     He ties himself to that other paragon of Americanism, Barack Hussien Obama, and declares that he and his immediate bureaucratic superior are both victims of that horrid disorder that only exists in America.   No other place.   And it is only practised by people who have a strain of Southern ancestry, who are Caucasian, Protestant, preferably Anglo/Saxon or Teutonic/Saxon, who own guns, and are, obviously, meanspirited.

     Eric Holder says that discrimination against him is the same as that which is heaped upon the poor, hapless victim Obama because he and Obama are African Americans.   The problem, of course, is that Barack Hussein Obama is not an "African-American" in any American sense.    The Gringo Viejo was perhaps among the very first to point this out during that ghastly 2008 election episode when almost no one knew anything about Barack Obama....about his ancestry, about his collegiate and post-graduate studies, about his proclivity to vote "present" on almost any piece of legislation, about his saturation with communist and anti-American instruction and associations, about his lack of any significant history, substance, concrete accomplishments, or attachment to any philosophical guidance save for marxism.    He has no blood-line that in any way represents the history of the Negro race in the British Colonies, the Dutch or Spanish periods or areas, nor the French New World experience.    Barack Hussein Obama is not an "African-American".   He is a marxist-American.
     BHO was like his father in one way....being pretty much dedicated to the sale and consumption of cocaine during his college days.    His father was better, because he could mix his drug use with copious amounts of alcohol.   His father was better, playing out his own minstrel blackface show by becoming the stereotypical stereotype of a KKK Grand Wizard's stereotypical depiction of a Negro male.    University people loved BHO's father, however, because he was "inspired".
     One could tell he was "inspired"  because of his writings.   His writings, papers, treatises and such were almost illiterate jibber, dealing with topic somewhat related to his hatred of white people, The United Kingdom and its Royal House, his lust for women, his hatred of free enterprise, colonialism, and....always....for white people who had pale skin.
     Barak Hussein Obama's father fit in well with another stereotype.    That template is provided by Auntie Zulema  who is an illegal alien, a welfare cheat and fraud, an aggressively  and arrogantly determined "entitled person", and certainly a person who blames the Americans for (1) giving her the free food, housing, lottery ticket money, and walking around money and (2) not giving her enough free food, housing, lottery ticket money, and walking around money.
Come to know and love Auntie Zeituni like we all do by clicking on the above linkage.
      The template is rounded out by Uncle Onyango, who is an illegal alien, under complete public assistance, holding a valid social security card, and a frequent visitor to both the bar and the bench. 
Come to know and love Uncle Onyango like we all do by clicking on the above linkage.

      The bringing of these matters to the attention of the public is racism, of course.    It was also racism when we pointed out the drunken, pot-smoking  scum who were siblings of Billy Jeff Blythe and Hillary Rodham....both panhandlers, shaking down potential pardon-seekers for "finders fees"....so we are just staying in character.   Sadly they were just being grifting slugs like their respective older brother and sister.   They were, at least, not illegal aliens on complete public support.    Like when we used to make fun of ....many, many, many years ago of Sam Houston Johnson for being a drunk and a slug.   He was, at least, not an illegal alien on complete public support.   He just had the bad fortune to be related to a murderous, perverted slug like Lyndon Baines Johnson.
      Can we all imagine how Barack and Eric hoot and howl with laughter about how they "pulled one over"....on those stupid crackers who like to cleave unto their guns and Bibles...by having them pay Uncle Onyango's and Auntie Zietuni room and board and walking around money.    It's so easy to hate America when you have the Americans paying you to do it.
      Perhaps Auntie Zietuni can qualify for an in vitro process and become a baby mother so she could pick up an extra pittance through AFDC/WIC/and stamp allocations.   In Massachusetts that would amount to an extra 15k per year if she could sell her checks and stamps for 50% on the dollar at the liquor store on the corner.    She could even take her payout in lottery tickets.    After all, she and Uncle Onyango are on a roll.
     Eric....Barack....the Old Gringo is really sorry about all the racism you  all have had to suffer.   More money is on the way to the IRS so that you can send more and more folks some more "gettin' even" money.   That money makes their lives better  and gives them that uplifting sense of personal value.   It liberates them from the bondage of dependency.    Right?
Always appreciative of fundamental transformation, El Gringo Viejo slouches off to the dark parts of his cave and grumbles with his moldy tofu and funny smelling goat's milk smoothy.
(put together, it tastes really good....like the way a old ash tray smells after two or three weeks).
El Gringo Viejo

Sunday 18 December 2011

More Glimmers of Normalcy

Old fools are the hardest ones to convince and then, at times, to be re-convinced.    It is not my wish to plow over ground that cannot be broken.   It is hard on the plow.  It is even harder on the mules.
    So, that is why, when somebody asks me about "the situation" in Mexico and I respond and then the questioner contradicts me....my conversation is over.   The second party can say whatever he wishes, but the Gringo Viejo neither responds nor hears.   The usual case is that the less a person knows about Mexico....the less he has been throughout Mexico....the less he has experienced things in and about Mexico....the less he has studied matters concerning Mexico, and the more he relies upon authoritative news and information sources, then the more he knows that he knows more about Mexico and most other things than I.
     El Gringo Viejo will continue to post certain facts and interpretations for the benefit of OROGs.   Most OROGs are sharp people.   Most are as smart, if not smarter, than the Gringo Viejo.    It is up to the OROG to determine how he or she will stuff his or her pipe with the information provided here,  and whether he or she will light the pipe with a match or with a BIC.

      T0-day, after Mass, El Gringo Viejo and his long-suffering wife had an extremely pleasant conversation with another couple in the Parish Hall.   It turns out that that we had common interests in various things, as one might suspect.   The conversation turned to whether the Gringo Viejo thought that the news, generally being disseminated here on the frontier, about relative stability becoming the rule again, is true.   They were considering going down to Cd. Valles, in the eastern part of the  State of San Luis Potosi' to visit relatives.    Last year the same relatives said not to go....too problematic....etc.   Now they say those same relatives are declaring everything to be normalised.   They asked the Gringo Viejo's opinion.
      Standing there, four people, face-to-face, in real time, it was necessary to make a final judgement, about how to answer these reasonable folk.   It was necessary to say, that for all practical purposes, the family was correct.    The caveat was put in place that one should be reasonable and call or check ahead....study the situation at the moment....but that it is reasonable to assume that things are a mix of almost normal, normal, and better than the used to be even before the disorders.....better police, more military, better highways and bridges, better facilities....all the physical plant has continued to improve even during the Cartel mess.    There are still isolated incidents.   There is still the criminality (or a little less) that one might expect to find in a country with the  demographic of Mexico.   There are still the lunatic political manifestations that occur here and there at various points on the map.....like always.   But....it is....dare one say....beginning to look a lot like normal.

       One little barometer is the following.   Last year there were no hunting permits and gun license permits issued for American hunters looking to bag the famous Mexican mule deer that are found in the great barren, mountainous and desert-like extensions of Northcentral Mexico....overlapping the two northern States of Coahuila and Chihuahua.   The disorders had taken the number of hunters involved in the commercial business of the mule deer season down from around 3,500 American hunters in 2006 to a big fat zed (zero) in 2010.   This year, the Secretary of Agriculture/Department of Forestry and Wildlife issued 1,600 permits for the taking of one mule deer to foreign applicants.     An identical number of hunting rifle importation permits were issued by the Secretary of National Defense.   All such permits must be signed and authorised by a Mexican Army General, either active or retired and commissioned for such action by the Secretary.
      The relationships between the hunters and their Mexican and/or American guides and organisers are very private, very confidable, and very, very personal.   The American operators are people who have been through every up and down imaginable doing business in Mexico.   They are willingly mired in the mess and they love the fishing and hunting business and the people and the locale where they perform their services.  Their Mexican interfaces are the same....and the times the Mexicans provide.... the astounding geographic settings, the food, the liquor and beer, the camaraderie, the hunting and/or fishing experiences are legendary.
       Many Mexicans think that the involvement of the American hunters has resulted in the massive rebounding of the mule deer, brown bear, quail, migratory geese and duck, and types of dove populations.   Ducks Unlimited of Mexico has been very contributive.   The improvement in Mexican enforcement of basic husbandry and conservation rules and laws has had considerable impact as well.    The return of the Gringos to the field and lake marks another step in the slow return to normalcy....only this normalcy will be to a better level than what existed before.

Click onto the linkage below to see the world's record largemouth bass caught during a tournament at Lake Guerrero, not far from our place.    This was during the Summer just past, about when things started to begin to think about  returning to full normal.

      This video is very dull and boring, all in Spanish, but the OROG will see many, many fished being weighed in a over 6 kilos.    One fellow brought in three fish from one contestant that weighted 4o pounds.    The scenes of the two boys fishing from a boat are taken where our Rio Corona makes its entry into the Lake Vicente Guerrero, about 22 miles (by a straight line) away from the Quinta.

All very much fun and, we hope, the harbinger of things to come.
Thanks for your time and interest.   More later.
El Gringo Viejo

Saturday 17 December 2011

The Reason the Press Aspirates During Advent, Christmas,and Epiphany

The local press is composed of nice people who have that wondrous opportunity to be inside of a television rather than plasti-molded into a sofa or recliner looking at a television.   Those who are not inside the television are fortunate enough to put their names on human interest article of the season.    You know....those joyful stories about....

       "......due to the government cutbacks on medical and social services put forward by the Republican legislature this is not going to be the Merry Little Christmas that Mary Ann Wompleduffer was hoping to have for her seven children.    It's especially bad this Christmas because  her house burned down again three weeks ago, "ironically" just like last year.   She and her whole family are living in the back of an old abandoned pickup over on the edge of the stockyards and slaughterhouse, next to the sewer plant.
      "Ironically, Christmas falls on the 25th again with is always the same day as Mary Ann and all of her children were born....and they have a connection with Jesus, because, "ironically" he was born on the same day.  And they were really poor, too.     Many people think that it is "ironic" that Mary Ann's name is just like Jesus's mother's name and that there are so many parallels between their situations.
       "'Ironically' Mary Ann's plight was made worse because of the Republican sponsored cutbacks in basic social safety net programs that were provided originally by Barak Obama and the Democrat sponsored legislation that  was stopped before it could arrive to Mary Ann, who is so similar to Mary and so many Americans in this never ending recession.
    But like Mary Ann said, coughing through her black lung contracted during her days as a coal miner, that......

                                             Gimme, Mr. Rich Man

                                 "It really seems so little to ask,
                                   That those, who in their riches, bask,
                                   To give a bit, what they could spare,
                                   But the One Percent just doesn't care
                                                                                                       El Gringo Viejo - 2011

Please pardon the Gringo Viejo as he reaches for another tissue.
Ironically yours,
El Gringo Viejo

Diana says that I have to declare the poem as a copyright, so therefore the new classic American poem "Gimme, Mr. Rich Man" authoured by the ever humble Gringo Viejo is private property and all benefits derived from the use of said property accrues to the said Gringo Viejo.

Friday 16 December 2011

Research on the AK series of rifles imported for sale in the United States

This is an aside to the post we made previously, which is probably more informative and interesting.   El Gringo Viejo is putting this in so that people can understand all the complications concerning firearms and especially low-quality firearms such as those that are of recent manufacture in Red China and Romania  and other Eastern European countries.   The WASR-10 was popular at one time but no longer.   Coupled with the improper usage and poor maintenance practiced by the criminal and psuedo-revolutionary movements presently found operating in various theatres of the world, the entire suite of AK weaponry and AR knock-off from Red China make very poor armaments.    Good once, twice, maybe three times...then, watch out!    Please read the following posting by a gun expert and private collector, published not long ago on a gun enthusiast site.


(excerpted by the Gringo Viejo from a knowledgeable web source)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

DO NOT GET THE WASR..... Last Sunday afternoon my Romanian WASR 10 EXPLODED at 4 in the afternoon... Thats right blew up!!! I have owned several AK47 rifles in the last 25 years and this one is the worst gun that ever happened to me.... Luckily I had my safety glasses on and this hat I had on took the brunt of the receiver cover blasting me in the head.... I spent 3 hours picking schrapnel steel out of my face, arms and neck.... Every day for the last 4 days I have been picking steel particles out of my arm..... I took the rifle to a gunsmith and it is inconclusive what happened to the rifle. He suspects either the bolt wasnt completly shut when it fired or it was a hot powder charge in the cartridge..... This particular AK I bought about 5 months ago and put approximately 1100 rounds thru it. It was cleaned after every use so I am a little miffed as to what happened.... Fortunately the bolt didntschrapnel into my face, neck and left inside of my wrist where the magazine plugs in....... BUY A BETTER GRADE OF AK47 RIFLE. Forget the WASR.....
If you or anyone that owns one of these WASR rifle wants to contact me for questions about safety recomendations 2 gunsmiths have made on how to prevent this from happening to you then feel free to contact me.....
Thanks for your continued interest.
El Gringo Viejo

Without a Doubt

Issues about Mexico, Mexicans, and things that relate to American and Mexican interaction is the continuing theme of A Gringo in Rural Mexico.   During these days of Advent, the Gringo Viejo will try to employ a bit of nostalgia, a tad of rancour, a smidgen of humour, and a dash of reason.

      The issue with Mr. Holder is cut and dried.   He is a marxist, American-hating, and truth-be-known, like a lot of extreme left-wing activists, he is also anti-Mexican.   He is especially anti-Mexican at times when Mexico seems to be edging, like a blind person feeling his way around a new room, to the political right.  The further Mexico matures away from the "inevitability of world socialism" the more desperate the marxist agencies become in America and Europe to defame and denigrate Mexico.    Admittedly, there are times when Mexico becomes and remains its own worst enemy, as when an otherwise reasonable and inspired President Felipe Calderon makes stupid statements during an address to a joint session of the United States Congress.....but he fell for the idea put forth by the left in both countries that he could advance anything with the American people by saying something uselessly offensive.   Such things only serve to damage him and overall relations, as he quickly learnt.
        Holder is a piece of work.   He is the anti-American slug who did the heavy paper-work shuffling to arrange the pardon for the Puerto Rican terrorists at the end of Billy Jeff's illustrious term of president.   While Hillary Rodham was demanding a pardon for a particular Jewish personality who was associated with a sect that normally votes Republican, Holder was waiting outside the Oval Office to pick up Billy Jeff's signature for Marc Rich's pardon.
       Hillary's intervention cost the Jewish sect's leaders about 90,000 dollars in campaign contributions, and the "Free Marc Rich Fund", (Marc Rich's ex-wife), paid Billy Jeff 400,000 dollars to the Little Rock Taj Mahal Library Project.   The processor for all of it was the estimable Mr. Holder, the lapdog of Gorelick and the butler to Reno.
        It would follow, of course, that the law firm from which Holder was extracted has a long, long, long record of intervening on behalf of agents, individuals, and groups whose main justification is to wake up in the morning and blame America.   They are the people who arrange flights for Elian Gonzalez to be "liberated" from Disneyland and flown back to Fidel so that he can be close to his father and enjoy the advantages of living in a workers' paradise.

     The Republicans err in not making alliance where alliance will aid the issue.   They should point out repeatedly that the "Fast and Furious" program has resulted directly in the death of a member of the United States  Border Patrol....a Marine veteran of Iraq.   But they should also repeat, repeat, repeat and then repeat again, again, and again that the entire reason for the establishment of the program was to defame "gun dealers" and "gun shows" in order to close down those establishments and institutions.   Even when it became clear that was the probable motive, Holder still insisted on having Obama issue an "executive order" requiring more stringent imposition of un-legislated rules and regulations concerning sales of "long-barrel" firearms in the States of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and the Peoples' Republic of California.
Chutzpah, I believe is the word.   "Stuff it" is the way John Kerry's elegant, beautiful, and refined wife would express the administration's attitude towards reality.  
     The gun dealers and gun shows have had an excellent record in pointing out what they assume to be straw man purchases.   They have done this over the years at great danger to themselves.
      The myth....or better stated, the lie....about the drug cartels arming themselves from American gun store-shelves is laughable and ridiculous.   It was a convenient intellectual hidey-hole for the Mexican left to use and point out how evil the Americans are and America is.    It was a convenient windmill for the American left to construct and use to point out how evil America is because there are homes that actually have guns in them.

United States Border Patrolman
Brian Terry, QEPD*
        It is very clear, and well known to Americanm Mexican, and Interpol analysts, that 95% of all the guns in the possession of the Cartels come from Red China, the Russian and Eastern European organised crime cartels, Islamic traffickers of armaments, and, until recently from North Viet Nam's  cache of captured ARVN stockpiles.   A recent, huge shipment was recently decommissioned off a PRC ship delivering "commercial goods" to the port of Lazaro Cardenas, Michoacan.    A brief announcement was made about the incident, and then dropped out of the news mix by the MSM.    There are reports from local observers that Mexican Navy personnel did remove approximately 130 (one hundred and thirty) 2.5 ton truckloads of "military material and other contraband" from the ship, and the ship has been blocked in port now by the Navy.

Tuesday, 29 November 2011 13:46

Mexico Makes Biggest-Ever Firearms Seizure

Written by Jeanna Cullinan
Mexico Makes Biggest-Ever Firearms Seizure
Federal authorities confiscated 911 guns from a container ship in the port of Lazaro Cardenas, on Mexico's Pacific, which was headed to Nicaragua. The guns were found on board a cargo ship en route to Nicaragua, during a planned stop at the Michoacan port of Lazaro Cardenas. The ship is believed to be of Turkish origin, but no information was provided on the origin or destination of the weapons. The operation was carried out by Mexico’s Navy, working with the Federal Attorney General’s Office and customs officials, and represents the largest seizure of illegal weapons in the country’s history, reports Milenio.The cache included several varieties of handguns and more than 750 shotguns. Organized crime groups generally prefer to use semi-automatic and assault weapons, like the AK-47 or AR-15. One variant on the AK-47, the WASR-10, is the gun most commonly seized within Mexico.
(El Gringo Viejo ran this article some days back.   The ship that was "believed to be of Turkish origin was originally a Turkish ship , but has been in Red Chinese service for some time.    Since this occurred, another Red Chinese ship came in, and we can understand why there might have been some purposeful obfuscation by the Mexican Navy about the provenance of the ship and the cargo.  The number "911 guns" is laughable.    We would urge that the reader consider the Headline of the above story, and not the body to consider the relative importance of the issue at Lazaro Cardenas.    It is an issue the MSM has, as all OROGs can attest, avoided assiduously.
  The other ship carried weapons as well, but had a bit of a cherry for the chocolate sundae as well.  Please continue.)

     While the haul off of the first ship was much larger, in all probability, than what is described in the above article, the second article reveals much less modesty and caution on the part of the Mexican Navy communique'.   To wit:

Mexican Navy Makes Meth Chemical Haul
A massive cargo of a chemical used to make meth, likely destined for the US, is found in 11 shipping containers from China.
Needle in a haystack Photo via
The Mexican navy has seized 226 tons of methylamine, a banned chemical used to manufacture synthetic drugs including methamphetamine, it announced today. The haul was found spread among 11 shipping containers in the Pacific port of Lazaro Cardenas. The containers had been shipped from China; East Asia is a leading consumer and manufacturer of many chemicals and drugs in the amphetamine-type stimulant (ATS) category, which includes meth and ecstasy. And Mexico's many traffickers are only too happy to profit—they're blamed for the bulk of synthetic drug imports to the US market.
      It is almost certain that the shipment cited above was also carrying large supplies of weaponry and munitions.    The oddity is that much, if not all, of the weaponry was destined for Nicaragua.   It is presumed by various observers that the "new, improved democratic" Daniel Ortega is arming a Liga Voluntaria Sandinista to begin a Che-like infiltration into Costa Rica, Honduras, and even Panama.   Democratic and other "reasonable" leftwing regimes in Central America poo-poo the idea in public, but in private it is taken very seriously.
Since the re-installation of Daniel Ortega....now under heavy pressure due to obviously rigged presidential elections recently conducted in Nicaragua....that Central American country has returned to being a re-arming, re-supplying, and R&R location for cartel traffic.   Mexico has become very precarious in recent times due to Calderon's war on the cartels.
      AND Therefore, to return to the issue, the Republicans, and the defenders of America and the American way, should....nay, MUST.....take out the large blanket and declare the following:

       The Cartel people want to poison your children.   They have allies high in the American entertainment and music industry.    They have allies among the cultureless, atheist, relativist, humanist zombie alliance throughout Europe, Latin America and North America.   "I'm okay, You're okay" is not a good catechism.
        ERIC HOLDER is guilty of conspiracy to implement an illegal policy, regarding the sale and purchase of firearms, which led to the death of an American Border Patrolman and  other innocent American citizens.   By extension, he and his immediate subordinates, and his immediate superior are guilty of being accessories to murder in that they particpated knowingly and willingly in illegal acts that led to those murders.
       They are also guilty of the same crime in relation to the killings (murders) of as many as 10 soldiers in the Army of the Republic of Mexico, and perhaps as many as 5 sailors in the Naval Infantry of the Navy of the Republic of Mexico.   Forensic investigation strongly suggests that they AND as many as 10 innocent civilian individuals, including women and children, were killed as part of collateral loss during confrontatation between established civilian and/or military authourity of the Republic of Mexico and individuals involved in organised crime (cartels), or during incidents involving confrontations between different organised crime elements (cartels).
       That is is hefty charge, perhaps.   But, it is a true charge.   Mexican and American forensic examinations have determined that firearms involved in the "Fast and Furious" lunacy were involved in the loss of life above cited.    Dead innocent Mexicans, dead innocent Americans, all due to a seedy, vile, mendacious attempt to disarm Americans who have a legitimate right to ownership of firearms.
       And yes, El  Gringo Viejo says mendacious because, like the term "hope and change", everything about the establishment, operation, and cover-up pertaining to the "fast and furious" lunacy has been devious, deceitful, and mendacious.    And unjustifiably deadly.  

*QEDP -  A Spanish expression equivalent to RIP.   It states Que En Paz Descanse....That he should rest in peace.