Wednesday 7 September 2011

Began a Rant...but shortened it by 96%

Dear Republican Candidates at all levels,

    Hi!   How are you?    Now, when you are asked by an imbecile from any news service, local, State, or national, public or private this question, "What are you going to do to create Jobs?", please have the testosterone and moral fibre to respond thusly:
     "I cannot create jobs.   Only American industry, commerce, and entrepreneurship can create jobs.   Further, we need something more than 'jobs'.   America needs trades, callings, missions, professions, and the higher forms of providing wealth and prosperity only available through a pleasant disorder, founded upon commerce, demand, and private property free from design by an un-productive, parasitical group of vultures who seek to control the placement of a taxi meter in Minneapolis from an office in Washington, D.C.    Only Americans proceeding under the rules of the Beatitudes, the Golden Rule, and the Ten Commandments, seeking satisfaction of their legitimate self-interests, can provide true employment."

ALSO -  AMERICAN PRESS CORPS    (corpse to O'bama, the first Irish President of all 57 States)
     Governor Perry is not a "Tea Party Candidate" .   Governor Perry won renomination by Republicans in Texas to another term by defeating a liberal, country-club, "reasonable" incumbent United States Senator, and a "Tea Party" somewhat Republican lady who was fire-bombed by Glen Beck on a set up deal during a supposedly fair interview opportunity on his national morning radio program.   The Old Gringo would have voted for any of them over the Democrat who styled himself as a "true Texas conservative", but who invited the hoards of Katrina slugs into Houston in the aftermath of their own self-created disaster.
      Perry is not the Old Gringo's favourite for all times and all purposes.    If one listens to him carefully, he rarely if ever says anything more solid than cigarette smoke.    One must also remember that....far from being a Tea-Party man....he had to face vicious right-wing, know-nothings and super-patriots in the electorate in Texas who hated him and still hate him.   This distaste for Mr. Tex Goodhair was based on their ire against his approval and backing of the NAFTA SuperHighway.    This was to be a transportation corridor linking Texas to Mexico and Canada, through middle America.    It was (is) proposed to be an Interstate Express Highway with four-line passenger and cargo rail between Laredo and Saint Louis and Chicago.   Supposedly, Juan Carlos Bourbon was going to hold the keys to the front and back door on behalf of the Illuminati.   The title to the project would be buried in the crypt of King Ferdinand with a certified copy being sent to the Secret Illuminati Office, General Delivery, London.
       Kay Bailey Hutchinson, the liberal, country-club Republican was a true lady.   The Old Gringo voted for her at various times in her political career,  quite willingly, in spite of her Old Dallas Blue-snoot Republican leanings and origins.   You jist cain't fault a girl fir bein' whut she iz.    But she is a good girl.   The only place she'd be called a liberal is inside of a Texas Republican Primary Saloon.    Nancy Pelosi saw her as Annie Oakley and  Dale Evans....Barbara Stanwick in the Big Valley...But, of course, Nancy Pelosi thinks of Dallas and sees re-runs of Little House on the Fly-Over Country.
Debra Medina was the candidate of the nutty Tea-Party people.   She lit fire and rose sharply in the polls after a couple of good showings on the debate circuit and other public appearances.    She is just a nobody like the rest of us who has a profession, a business, and a family and a primitive understanding of insignifacant matters like THE CONSTITUTION and COMMON LAW and PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS and 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHTS.   She received more votes per dollar spent than any Statewide candidate, even Kinky Friedman, and was a real phenomenae.   She remains very popular and active in Tea Party activity.   The Old
Gringo still resents weepy Glen Beck's set-up of a girl who had something worthwhile to say and deserved better treatment from a person who decided to be a bully on that day of her interview.
Had any of the three won the Republican Primary, the Old Gringo would have voted for that winner....and he did.   He voted in the Primary for one of the three, finding them all slightly flawed but otherwise acceptable.    The idea of any Democrat mayor of Houstorleans calling himself a "conservative" or independent of O'bama....made the Old Gringo have to order up a extra drum of Pepto Bismol and a gross of Hefty's Super-size vomit bags.
BUT....Perry is not  a Tea Party Candidate.   Neither is he a pro-Mexico candidate.   Just because he more-or-less opposed a wall being built along the Rio Grande does not make him especially friendly to Mexico.   Neither is he an enemy of Mexico, in spite of what the Mexican left says.  Texas has a special relationship with Mexico that is very, very similar to trying to herd cats, when the catboys are composed of people who hate cats, who love cats, who are cats, who have families married to cats, who have been involved with cats for many generations, and people who don't really give a rat's tail one way or the other about cats.   Mexico, with 102,000,000 people and Texas with 30,000,000 have equal GNPs.    Texas bases a lot of its prosperity on the fact that much of its population is derived from some form of Mexican or Spanish ancestry and from commercial and industrial interaction with Mexico.   Mexico derives much of its prosperity from the large amount of interaction with Texans who trade, invest, buy, sell, and live in Mexico.    Intermarriage, especially at the middle, upper-middle, and upper class/income groups, is simply rampant.    We are steadily...perhaps rapidly....developing an Alsatian-type ethnicity.   Perhaps, we already have such.
      The Old Gringo, in reality, is opposed to the building of that hideous wall.   Part of it goes, literally, over the front yards of my children's grandmother's and grandfathers homegrounds....within less than a stone's throw from their ancient community cemeteries.
      The Old Gringo would remount the National Guard, retrain them in cavalry and mounted infantry strategies and tactics, back them up with everything from heliographs and heliocopters, co-ordinated directly and openly with the Mexican Army and Naval Infantry and advise the human slavery and drug traffickers that, if they survice contact with the Texas Military, they will be waterboarded for free.
       The Old Gringo's father rode in the cavalry along these stretches    He even did a brief stint up at Fort Leaton and Lajitas, on a rail and ride exercise.    Most of his time was between  San Ygnacio and Brownsville.   All of his service with the 1st Cavalry Division, 12th Regiment, Headquarters Squadron was on the Rio Grande.   They stopped a lot of counterfeit money, including silver, good and bad liquor, and infiltrators...unually European anarchists and Bolshevik agents that had set up operation in Mexico and who were being rousted out by the Mexican government (finally) after a 15 year flirtation with the satanic World Revolution of the Proletariat.  (Mexico will never recover from the political venereal diseases brought in by Trotsky and spread by the likes of Freida and Diego.   At least Diego confessed he was wrong on his deathbed.)
     Now, let it be quickly observed that most of the opposition that is known to the "Border Wall" is from pro-communist, anti-Americans, idiots who compare the wall to the Berlin Wall...get it...a wall to keep people in is exactly like a wall to keep people out....Right Brain Thinking Warning.    Their mission to flood the United States with as many unqualified and dependent parasites as possible is not to be impeded!   Migration is not illegal!!!!   etc. etc. etc.
     These people are looney, communist, America haters, or mentally disabled Bambi movie watchers.   Hopeless, right brain thinking glubniks .  Their only defence of their position is to shriek "RACIST" at those who oppose unrestricted entry of unqualified entrants  into the United States.    The pinko, anti-American MSM will not report, of course, that Latins who are native to or otherwise legally residing in the United States also favour rigid control of the border and interdiction of the unqualified.  fence.   But something stronger.   Because Good Fences make good neighbours.

More later.
El Gringo Viejo
Three of the first chosen for starring
roles because of their....uh..talent

Monday 5 September 2011

Things That Prove the Point

Sometimes the Old Gringo says and puts down things here in the screed that really seem outlandish.   He is not referring to the obvious...."Uncle Elmer and Aunt Bea" stories that are patently and obviously sarcastic take-downs on the quintuple-standard practiced by the oh-so-fair-and professional batch at MCCLATCHYNYTIMESLATIMESNBCCBSWDCPOSTABCREUTERSASSOCIATEDPRESSCNN CARTEL.   But at other times there are other basic issues that put the Old Gringo in conflict with what he lumps into the category of "Well. duh....everybody knows that".
     Some of the great things that "everybody knows...." include "Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves with the Emancipation Proclamation".    This is an issue that should be easy to resolve.   Read the Emancipation Proclamation....the very name of document tells all.    What gains a man if one man is given his liberty so that the government that grants that liberty....even by that deed....assumes the power to plunge all men into slavery?    Further, the document "frees" only slaves under the control of the several States in rebellion, not in the States subdued or other freed the Slaves in States where the Union had no control.
     The 'emancipators' won that issue over those who saw manumission as the correct route of improving the lot of the Negro....and we have paid a heavy price ever politicians have run to and fro on the backs of Negroes and over the necks of the White man....depending upon the hour, issue, and location of sundry issues.    There has been  little or no progress...especially since the effort to "Declare War on Poverty"....
      We remember the admonition of the The Nazarene, "Trouble ye not the poor, for they shall always be with you".   Those who reveal a conceit so strong that they will to offend against natural law are fools and forever destined to bring violence and disorder upon their works and upon those who reside near them.
    The tract included below comes from an article sponsored by a pro-communist public radio station in Wisconsin, heralding another effort to establish "rational social order" .    It proclaims that the "National Socialist Movement" is going to protest the mob-violence that occurred recently in Allis, Wisconsin which saw 300 Negro young people mercilessly beat, brutalize, rob, and terrorize families leaving the Wisconsin State Fair ground after a pleasant day of Americana.
    The entire thing was and is a set-up.    It is all a plan.   It has been executed an almost infinite number of times.    Raise an issue, create tensions, try and set up a violent White response, and then call in the national and international press (on cue), show the world and America itself that America is a horrible place that holds people down and discriminates....and is,in fact, the only place on Planet Earth that does so...and call for legislation banning guns, hate-speech, using the word chocolate, prohibiting jaywalking on Thursdays in alleys, etc. etc.
     The pro-communist, anti-American forces line up the Black event along with the White response so their opinion...each side will come out to support their "team".    The Blacks are formed around "community organisers"...usually neighbourhood thugs and lower level drug dealers who have good connections with drug wholesalers and local users, normally people found in the ACORN army....and these people work in hand-in-hand concert with the "White Team" troublemakers...normally the Ku Klux Klan which is stronger in the North than the South at this time...has been since the 1930s...or any of a number of groups associated with this silly entity.    The "whites" are usually white-trash, meth-heads, paid a pittance to don Nazi uniforms or satin sheet movie Klan outfits...typical ACORN material...people who are also used as "deputy voter registrars".
      The National Socialist Movement is real in the fact that it is part of the present day consist of socialist enterprises, generally headed by the Ku Klux Klan.   Other groups loosely associated with this Communist Party USA hydra-headed mafia are the Muslim Brotherhood, the Aryan Nations, the Arian (sic) Brotherhood, the leadership of the Service Employees International Union, the American Civil Liberties Union, and a broad group of literally hundreds of tiny clubs, groupings, gaggles, cliques, committees of 3, labour unions, etc.   Lamentably, there are more pictures of Che Guevara in the highest offices of the United States Government now than there are of George Washington....placed there by members of these hundreds of committee, organizations, and movements.
      The National Socialist Movement as anything of substance, however, is not real.   It is the same people running to-day to that banner....and tomorrow over to the pro-Castro, American Pastors for Peace....and the day after tomorrow over to the Cesar Chavez Fair Treatment for Chicanos and Migrants Movement....and next week the same 120 people will be protesting the application for a building permit for a WalMart somewhere because of "workers' rights abuses and brutality against women".....It is all a Commie sham....designed purposefully to set Americans against each other so as to finally facilitate that Bastille Day moment when they can destroy the engine of honour, good, and prosperity from the face of the Earth.  
      The replacement for our America will be something similar to Mexico in the 1920s or Cuba in the 2011 period, or the Soviet Union in 1990..."They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work"....
       Follow the logic of these Communist groups operating freely in the United States.   There is strife in El Salvador.   It is the fault of American capitalist imperialism, whereby the American capitalist take products out of El Salvador and pay a pittance for such products and then elaborate those products into more valuable items from which they derive a fortune.   The American Alchemy of producing Gold for white people from the sweat of the darker skinned people....classic oppression.
      So, a "committee" is formed ....just like during the Spanish Civil this case the "Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador" designed to resist the "fascists" in charge of El Salvador who are like Batista, selling favours by bribes to the greedy  American degenerates.    They foment disorder, raise money, funnel guns. get a of people killed, blame the Americans and America for that and guess what....the people flee and go to Cuba?   to Russia?   to Red China?   somewhere?    No.   The people flee and go to the United States of America.   Part of this serves the communist cause....but much of it backfires...because the Salvadoreans see that America really is superior culturally, morally, and economically.
      Put in whatever group....Jews, Italians, Japanese, Irish, Mexicans, Eastern Europeans, Africans.....whatever group....and, if they are not given public assistance...that group in two generations is living two to ten generations over the level of their "ancestral" it England, Kenya, Mexico, Canada, or Spain.   That is why the left spends so much effort in the creation of racial and ethnic strife.    That is why Sharpton, Jackson, Wright, and Co. have to repeat, re-try, repeat, whine, demagogue, twenty-eight hours per day,  nine days per week, 400 days per years in all 57 States of the Union....Racism, racism,racist, racism, racism, racism, and best of all ...."God Damn America"...."For the first time in my adult life, I am finally proud of my country".....and Oprah says.."What I think she means by that is ......"
     It is all the flailings of a pitiable conspiracy, played by sophomoric elitists who dream of a railroad which they own and where they can control who boards which cars, where the rails are lain, when the trains leave, where they go....their own real live monopoly board where they can be the gods ruling over the little peoples' existence.
    One of the main "Heads of Hydra" is the group found at this link...   which should be enough to curl the hair of a bald man.     One of the least of them is the sham group which is a 1st cousin to the SEIU known as the National Socialist (Nazi) Front found at this linkage    .    Be aware that although the group seems to be "anti-communist" they are in fact closely co-ordinated by the general pro-communist movement and used to provoke violence when the "regular white people" failed to respond to deliberate, anti-white racial provocations.    The radio station disseminating the information...."as a community service", of course, a University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee Public Radio outlet which uses significant public funding to "fairly and impartially" enhance a predictable leftist agenda.   They can be found here .    
      These are troubled times.    We must adhere to our catechism, the beatitudes, and our pledges at baptism.  

This is Google's cache of It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on Sep 2, 2011 18:27:36 GMT. The current page could have changed in the meantime. Learn more

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National Socialist Movement will rally in West Allis on Saturday Photo Credit:
National Socialist Movement will rally in West Allis on Saturday Photo Credit:

White Supremacy Group to Hold Rally in West Allis
By LaToya Dennis
September 2, 2011 | WUWM | Milwaukee, WI
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Members of a white supremacy group plan to rally in West Allis this weekend. The National Socialist Movement says it wants to call attention to what it deems growing violence by black youth against white people. As WUWM’s LaToya Dennis reports, the plans have created a stir.

Organizers are calling Saturday’s scheduled gathering at West Allis City Hall, “In Defense of White America.” The person coordinating the event is Harriet Paletti – a resident of New Berlin and member of the National Socialist Movement. She says the rally is in response to what she views as racially-motivated attacks in the Milwaukee area.
“Honestly, it is about the black-on-white crime. If it was the other way around, there would be plenty of outrage from the black community, while the white community tends not to have any organization standing up for them,” Paletti says.
Paletti says she decided it was time to act after a mob of black youth beat white people leaving the Wisconsin State Fair on opening day. A few weeks earlier, black teens roughed up people in a park following 4th of July celebrations, and another group ransacked part of Mayfair Mall earlier this year.
“Obviously we don’t want our city to be destroyed or mass amounts of deaths. While that may seem a little extreme, they claim that the flash mobs are the start of that. I think that if we don’t take a proactive stance on addressing the racial violence on both sides, you know it’s never going to stop,” Paletti says.
Not everyone believes Saturday’s rally is about stopping the violence. TJ Leyden is a former white supremacist who recently wrote a book about his experiences.
“They always go wherever they can get the most publicity. Wherever there’s an incident where there’s possible racial tension or anything of that nature, they’re going to try to exploit it,” Leyden says.
Leyden says the rally is really about recruiting new members, so he urges protestors to stay away.
“You’re going to have people yelling racial slurs at the racists. You’re going to have people screaming and hollering and calling them stupid and idiot. And all the name calling is just going to help them recruit the young kids who are with them. They’re going to say look, those are the same people who won’t let you be proud of being white,” Leyden says.
Leyden says at these sort of events, it’s typically the counter-protestors who end up getting arrested, not members of the supremacy groups. Charles Padgett is a deputy chief with the West Allis Police Department. He says officers from around the area will work to keep things civil.
“We work with various surrounding agencies here, county and state, and also contacted departments in different cities throughout the country that we were aware had similar types of events or rallies, if you will, occur in their jurisdictions. And we’re taking information from them on how they prepared, and we’re implementing that into our plan to prepare to maintain control and security and the safety of everyone in the city,” Padgett says.
Organizers of the rally say so far, around 50 people have committed to attending. They may find themselves greatly outnumbered by counter-demonstrators.
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Saturday 3 September 2011

Should Have Waited A Bit..Additional commentary added on Sunday, 4 September 2011 In the early morning hours.

The Old Gringo's duties at the hospital distracted his view and study a bit.   The bifurcation referred to in Hurricane General Lee, was a classic Confederate Cavalry deception.   Mosby's Ghost is riding in the Storm.    The lower circulation of this storm has become dominant and is moving almost due west along the Gulf Coast.    Heavy rain banding is blessedly affecting  the easternmost part of Texsas and with the continued guidance of Providence might reach far into the soul of Texas.   This has been an interesting little storm.
     You are all left to your devices, the Old Gringo is going back in a little earlier to the hospital
to-day, and the OROGs will have to guide its progress.
More later, thanks for visiting
El Gringo Viejo.
      After reviewing the maps, SatRads, and other data, it seems very clear that the bifurcation analysis was totally correct.   Still, this storm's 2nd vortex continues to circulate just south of the  the Sabine River's mouth to the Gulf.    Convection, although feeble, continues to fire up as far south as a latitude that runs east and west through Brownsville, Texas.   The more energised eastern element of this peculiar (not for the Gulf, though) little storm continues to make its sweeps of Dixie's Land, while the "crazy aunt" keeps knitting doilies in the northwesternmost corner of the Gulf of Mexico. 
      This might speak to a failing, if anything, of over-reliance upon forecast computer modelling.   Ground, radar, and satellite readings, coupled with a couple of old Mexican Cowboys and an Indian medicine man might do better.  That said, there were two of the modellers who suggested this particular situation....even to the point that the storm would possibly regenerate in the northwestern Gulf starting on Sunday and/or Monday morning very early.    To this observer..even with the little remnant "lost vortex" spinning around still, there seems to be a lack of energy supply to permit such an occurence.
      The Old Gringo had hoped for greater accumulations in East Texas, and for a deeper penetration into the rest of the State, but perhaps something may come of the cold air mass moving across the upper half of the State at this time.   Perhaps a bit of friendly friction between Continental Canadian and Maritime Tropical can get the action underway.
More later...we still have the hospital thing....
El Gringo Viejo
08:20 4 September 2011 

Friday 2 September 2011

Were the Old Gringo to be involved - Driving Hurricane Lee

     My hands have been full with having to do as little as possible concerning our family's medical involvement.   My biggest contribution is to pull the overnight shift of sitting in the hospital room and to therein do either nothing, as little as possible, or stay out of the way.   Sometimes, the Old Gringo answers the telephone or something equally energetic like going down to the little dining area on the first floor....(approximately 4.6 miles from the room)...and other such challenging contributions.
      Looking over the infrared Gulf of Mexico loop and the land-based northern and western Gulf of Mexico coastal radars' seems fairly obvious that the mother of Tropical Storm Lee is moving just slightly south of due west.   The center of the circulation is adjacent to the convection on the east side of the circulation, which is fairly common with storms that organise suddenly in the Gulf of Mexico.
      Upper and middle level winds have relaxed in their push to the northeast, even to the point of lightening and changing direction to the opposite vector.   This would leave the is definitely a Tropical Storm at this writing, with little steering elevation imperatives, with an inclination to move to the West.    This is something that is urgently needed for the parts of Texas that would be affected for such a read on this same screed during the day as the Old Gringo attempts to help readers with his pontifications and divinations.

End of first advisory.

After a couple of hours of monitoring, it is the Old Gringo's notion that this is, for now, a nocturnal storm and not diurnal.   More development will occur during the nighttime hours.   It is also nearly stationary.   It is also gathering strenth, albeit slowly.
      Official discussion says that upper level currents are stronger on the east side, providing good outflow, while on the west side there is more turbulence and less definitivity about guiding winds.   The Old Gringo sees this upper level anti-cyclonic as feeble and withdrawing to the southwest.    Should that southwesterly withdrawal become de riguer, then The Old Gringo will have more confidence in saying that a quickening drift to the west can be anticipated.
      If the southwesterly withdrawal does not take place....then his bets are that it's 1/3 to the northeast, 1/3 to the east....essentially to follow Katia....and 1/3 simply staying in place, slowly dispersing, and causing widespread showers over most of the Northern Gulf Coast and Western Gulf Coast, but  casting showers over much of the Mexican Coastal waters, including possible re-enforcement of Instability from the northwestern Caribbean.
End of second advisory
11:42 am
01 September 2011

     The link above is about a wealthy Congresswoman....a Nancy Pelosi clone....but from Connecticut.    More evidence that George Bush is guilty of everything.

The Tropcial Storm Lee, as imagined is trying to decide whether to bifurcate, intensify, or degenerate.   There is a fiery banding in the dense convection on the east side of the storm that would indicate that it will intensify if it can make it into the nighttime.   It has expanded in coverage to the south, west, and north, and moved erratically to the north a little, and then to the southwest .    Tonight, the Old Gringo will write more.   There are a few issues with the family medical situation which will need all is rather much intertwined.
Thanks for your time.

End of third advisory and discussion
15'15 hours
2 September 2011.
       There seems to be an improving circumferential outflow throughout all four quadrants of soon-to-be Hurricane Lee.   The "dry side" is gaining moisture, oddly enough, from the upper levels, moving in from Mexico from Pacific origins.    The key here will be the mysterious "mind" of the Storm itself during the night.     The longer it dawdles in the center of the Gulf of Mexico, the less predictable it becomes.    Historically (which matters naught to any specific hurricane) these systems want to go to the west or to the northeast.
      Keep tabs on Weather Underground's infrared Gulf of Mexico's readings during the night and early morning hours.   The Old Gringo shall be at the Hospital, and there are no facilities where he will be to be making observatjions or updates.   The Government of Mexico has issued a marine Warning  and coastal Tropical Storm Watch f9r the northeasternmost coast of Mexico.

More later.
End of fourth advisory and discussion
17:24 hours, 2 September 2011

     The Old Gringo is back from the hospital at around 08;00 on Saturday Morning.   My reading of the data available and the review the the SatRads show that the northwestern part of TS Lee is moving to the west in to East Texas....hopefully with significant rain, although large amounts are not expected....And, the eastern part built up nicely in the Gulf over night and is training into the heart of Dixie.   The center of circulation remains over water, so lessening of strength will be slow to occur.   There is no wrap of convection, with drier air entering from the Texas mainland, and the possible reinforcement from the west and southwest has stalled and even retreated, bringing heavy rains to the west central and cetral parts of Mexico.
      Therefore, the system should be monitored, but at this point it will bi-furcate, with the eastern two-thrids of the convective mass moving to the northeast, and the western third of Tropical Storm Lee gradually playing out....unless remnant circulation re-fires during the night to-night.    Such a probability is unlikely, given the absence of the intrusion of moisture and energy that had been approaching from Mexico.   That's what it looks like from here.

This is the last advisory on this screed.   New commentary will appear in new postings.
09:00 3 September 2011

Thursday 1 September 2011

Call Congress to Session...The Crown Deigns to Speak. We have returned from our vacation.

What a peculiar mixture of Royalty and Bolshevik

      O'bama is not an American.
     No, I do not mean anything about his birth certificate. I mean he is not an American in many other senses. He is not an American Negro in the sense that Booker T. Washington or Jesse Owens or the Platters or Willie Mays might bring to mind asa concept of an American Negro.
      His Negroness comes from an absent father who was a Kenyan, a communist, an anti-colonialist. His father was a hater of white people, of America, of Great Britain, of women, of white women, and of paternal or any other type of responsibility.
      His Caucasian characteristics are determined by a maternal line that moved as far away from America as possible, and still be in it. Hawai'i is famous for being a neat place to live and surf, a neat place to vacation, a great place to put a western Naval Base of Operations, and it was full of communists who had money. His mother's parents were commies who had least enough money to move to paradise and hang around without workiing. So, his white-side was one which provided him a pinko, private education and wormed him into preferential race-based placement at prestigious, pinko, private universities. It hand-connected him into the ultra-pinko echelons of the ultra-corrupt Democrat political machine in the decayed culture of Chicago.

      So, his hard drive was defective. He is an un-published "law school professor" at two university levels, had books written totally by ghosters....communist terrorist ghosters....speeches chiseled into the unseen workings of unaccomplished political career which bespoke of a Bolshevik mole trying to "blend in" just like a "real American".     How does one spell "voted present" in Russian?

           The people who flew Elian back to "liberty" and a loving father in Cuba are the same ones who birthed up this National Socialist mobster from the bowels of the Chicago sewer system. He is not Black....He is not American....He is a Red.

As you all know,

As you all know, the Old Gringo has been up here for a bit of time due to health matters affecting a family member.  We have been in communication with our place down near Cd. Victoria, Tamaulipas with some frequency.   Our chief of operations will probably be ready to beat me over the head with a hoe-handle by the time of my next arrival, but for now everyone has been very helpful and understanding of our situation.
      We are given to understand that during the past 10 days the Quinta Tesoro de la Sierra Madre has received  13 inches of rain.   The legendary "sequia de la canicula" did enter on a wet spell and it was not very dry and it is ended with a very wet beginning of the rainy season.   Sequia de la Canicula...essentially means "Drought of the Dog Days"....which is a very common climatological phenomenae throughout Texas and Northern Mexico.   In Texas, there is a cyclic thing that seems to occur about every twenty years, more or less, like the Dust Bowl days of the early 1930s, the Drought of the early 1950s, the well-drying drought of the early 1970s, then the minor dry spell of the early 1990s, leading up to this period of the 20-teens Texas a pretty stiff go of it.   This particular drought, in spite of what one might hear or read in the present day is something between the 1950s and 1990s situation.     I remember the 1950s drought as a child, and it would be incomprehensible to most people at this time.     The Rio Grande and the Rio San Juan, the Rio Sabinas, the Rio Salado, and the Devil's River all went dry....totally....during the 1952 - 1953 period.   Our part of the Texas -  Mexican drought was broken by Hurricane Alice in 1953 which killed several hundred people on both sides of the Rio Grande, all the way up to Pecos Texas.    Alice would be like Xena the Warrior Princess and Irene would be like Snow  White's sickly little sister when compared to one another.    Hurricane Alice flooded everybody for several hundred miles and filled  the recently finished Falcon Reservoir, which when at maximum storage could cover half of Vermont. (...yes....really.)

An old New England water powered mill
Powerhouse Covered Bridge (circa 1998)
     As another aside, the Old Gringo's great-great-great grandfather was very much involved in the building and rebuilding of some of those Covered Bridges as well as many of the water-powered gristmills in Vermont back then.   He and his son, and his great-grandfather....built both overshot and undershot mills in Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and lastly in northeastern Pennsylvania.   (from around 1730 to 1860). (For those OROGs who were not aware or who are new to the Blog...El Gringo Viejo really does have pure, "real" Yankee blood...from the entirety of his paternal line.)

     We have been encouraged by the fact that much of the negative activity has been reduced, as anticipated, by the massive deployment of military force in the area.   The "organised delinquency" has been reduced as much as 95% and is now almost exclusively conducted by incompetent punks in groups that are more like badly organised street gangs.   While we are a long way from returning to a Mexico situation of the 1950s, we are on the way in that direction.    We have had people coming out to visit and take advantage of our before....even some foreigners.    So...refer to the "Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah" by Allan Sherman...which rather sums up the feeling...if one listens all the way through the song.

More Later....thanks for your time and interest.
El Gringo Viejo