Friday, 23 May 2014

A word to the Obsolete Press and their lackeys in the GOP - Beware the Gloat


    Some months back, El Gringo Viejo was watching some programme about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and taking note that the adage, "In politics the truth and the facts have no value.  Only the impression and the perception count."   That was on the other tablets that Moses dropped when he came down from Mount Horeb.

     What brought my metabolism to my normal acerbic state of boiling ire was the moderator's matter-of-fact pronouncement that JFK was struck down, and the Nation was flung into the depths of grief.   The certainty of a landslide victory being rendered by an adoring electorate was dashed by the hand or hands of a vile and capricious Fate.

      It made great Styrofoam peanuts for packing, but the peanuts were not worth eating for instance.  The fact is, the polls, one year out from the 1964 elections were showing that Barry Goldwater had a 2 to 4 point lead on the popular President.   That was one of the problems.  People generally had to like Kennedy, even if grudgingly.   But four more years of hot and cold diplomacy, especially becoming more, and more deeply wrapped into becoming both Japan's and all of Europe's defender while playing chicken with Khrushchev had people a bit wary.   The general left drift (by the standards of yore) and Barry Goldwater's no-nonsense, homey, and solid approach to governance resonated at the time.

     The last opinion polls, just before the assassination, underscored the need for the Massachusetts native to come to Texas and have, "Jackie show those Texas women how to dress".   Texas, even with a "native son" as Vice-President was showing a 55 - 45 split for Goldwater.  Nationwide, Goldwater had a 2% to a 5% lead, depending upon the agency.   To be sure, Texas had been digesting a revival of the bloody mess associated with the Box 13, Jim Wells County voter fraud that gave Lyndon the Democrat nomination for US Senate in 1948 primary run-off against Coke Stevenson.  In those years, of course, the Democrat nomination for a Statewide office was essentially the election, because the Republican presence was strictly token during the general elections.  Lyndon had other issues as well, with the Bobby Baker mess, along with the Billie Sol Estes mess, and several other "messes", many of them concerning an excess of dead bodies.

     The point behind all of this perambulation is that Kennedy was overwhelmingly popular throughout all fifty-seven States and his re-election was a foregone conclusion.  Perhaps that is true to-day, but it was not true at the time of the events.  Lincoln just loved the Negro race, and saw "them" as equals and brothers in all affairs, and he freed the slaves.   Sounds good for Father Abraham's legacy and resume' now, but, true to-day does not equivilate to the truth for yesterday.

    This is aimed at those hopeful people who have pronounce that the real Republicans are the RINOs  and that the tea-party radicals with all their crazy ideas like spending discipline and debt as well as deficit reduction along with securing the border are no longer a force in the Real Republican Party.  The pundits, even the conservative ones, bought into this interpretation.  The facts are different.
     Few of the experts are prepared to view the tsunami to come in November.  In Texas, where far more Republicans will vote and be elected than in any other State in the American Union will have almost entirely Tea Party Lt. Governor all the way down-ballot.   Nebraska was of interest, because there was no incumbent in that Senate race in the Republican Primary.   Tea Party Victory there.  Where the country-club Republican incumbents have run and won are in situations such as  Kentucky where the rural, stereotypically Tea Party type Republican voters turned out in good numbers, they split their vote between one of their own and a slightly recalcitrant Senate Minority Leader, McConnell.  They figured that he would try to be a bit less reasonable and more dedicated to the concepts of doing right and fighting wrong.
     It is my impression that his victory speech was one of the potentially sincerest invitations to the loser and to his supporters, and his words, in spite of previous bad taste in the ears problems, should and must be taken at face value.  There is no other choice, frankly, after the results of the vote.

     My point remains, that the rustics and rubes, the natural law thinkers and snake handlers are alive and well and having a profound effect upon the Republican brand.  Our...their....victories are numerous and solid.  We must buck up and remember "Repeal Obamacare, every letter, word, paragraph, and page and all the regulations that were inserted after its passage...40,000 pages and counting. Repeal, repeal, repeal, rescind!!  No repairs!!!!"

El Gringo Viejo

Pour Money on Top of the Issue, Prices Go Up

     The looming disaster of the Obama Socialised Medicine Initiative (OSMI) is now poised to thrust the rapier into the body of the American economic system again.  It is obvious even to  a left-handed door knob that the bulk of the participants in the OSMI will be a combination of Medicaid slugs and people expecting my children to pay for their "free health care" via Obamasubsidies, known in the business as "ObieSubies".

     The term "crony capitalist" that applies to private businesses that lobby to pick up preferential selection and contractual considerations, moves  six steps down to the level of "Compliant National Socialist Pseudo-private Business That is Essentially Owned and Operated by the Central Government".   Now, the previously private insurance companies can join the likes of the Ethanol Triangle Conspiracy, and the expropriation of General Motors and Chrysler and their delivery by Barry Soetoro to the United Auto Workers labour union.

     Two things will happen in fairly short order if the Republicans do not immediately move to repeal en toto the OSMI.  The flood of money being printed to subsidise the insurance companies for the lack of full-pay OSMI captives will be massive.   The old saw about how this programme will save the government, therefore the taxpayers, billions and billions will suddenly turn into a nightmare that will make the financing of the Iraq and Afghan wars look like the financing of Michelle's last State Dinner honouring Kanye West for his contributions to humanity.   And with those payments and subsidies, any and all pretence about competition and cost controls will be totally disregarded.
     Whenever there is a subsidy, the money of everybody becomes the money of nobody.  It will be exactly like the Medicaid Programme's open ended shovelling of money into the bottomless pit of social disorder, third world illness, and maladies of sloth and anchor-baby madness.

     We are humoured as well by the effects of Obama's nationalisation of the "Student Loan Programme".   It does, however, help prove the previous point.  Something had to be done about the rising cost of a college education.  Democrat Socialist solution?   More money and let the government run the whole show, so the dirty old banks could not gain a usurious profit from the futures of the poor innocent students.   Result?   More free money into the hopper resulted in the inevitable, and the tuitions and other charges went up even faster.  Now the average college graduate has a crummy marxist brainwashing instead of an education and a debt of 30,000 USD, on average, to liquidate over the next 200 years.

     We must repeat to ourselves in the morning, shortly after awakening, "The quickest way to control a population is to tax the income of that population and to control its access to medical attention and records".

     We are receiving  fair warning from the Cosmos, with this hideous Alptraum that has befallen the nation due to this Veteran's Administration situation.    Government workers, at times and far too frequently, learn that since they are immune from dismissal, they can practice inventive administration to their own benefit while the petitioners are abused or dis-attended.  We are noticing now that one after another of the Veteran's Administration's facilities have been cooking service statistics in such a way as to be something that can only be criminal.   In scores of cases, as they build up, we are looking a charges that in Texas would be 1st degree Manslaughter by depraved indifference....5 years to life....depending on how the Jury decided that particular day in that particular court.

     The phony scandals seem to outdo each other at every turn.  If there is nothing to hide, then why do they try so hard to hide it?

More Later.  Thanks for your attention.
El Gringo Viejo

Thursday, 22 May 2014

A Sad side note about a recent previous post

      Folks, this is critical.  It is sad.  It is bad.

      We were sent a quote, a very salient quote, which we posted above the speaker of said quote, James Abram Garfield on a previous page of this blog.   It was sent by some of our favourite people who sometimes send us contributions, clips, notions, and observations.  We posted the reasonable and correct impressions of President Garfield.   As good Confederates, we render honours to Generals and dignitaries and Presidents of certain countries, especially when they are our own. Mr. (General, President, Congressman, etc.) Garfield needed a bit of dressing for the entry on our blog....but we could not find anything appropriate for a Yankee hero, a President killed in office, a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, a man whose soul had few scars.

    El Gringo Viejo had thought that the lack of reasonable Confederate memorabilia and commentary...along with the flourishes and ruffles. was simply a desire to cause the  disparagement of the South and its cause in the War, the bad reasons and the good reasons.  The South, and its losses and sacrifices, was hated simply because of the hatred by liberals and the politically correct robotrons.   But no....They hate the damnedyankee heroes just as much.   Those who also fought for confused abstracts and fought against lesser numbers but who were easily the equal or greater than even the Japanese defender of his island.  And we cannot find in three or four cliques a "grand display of American Flags" to celebrate America....the Grand Army of the Republic.....or any of those great things that the Union forces and their sacrifices accomplished.
     I am truly distraught that our nation and its sections are so little considered.  To ask "The Cloud" to give me a nice 4th of July scene with hundreds of American standards flapping in the breeze seems to be a simple enough thing.  A Memorial Day something, even if not pertaining to the War Between the States.  But all forms of reasonable nationalism are being buried into the Cloud.   We are being forced to become citizens of the Planet Earth. The only reason there are such displays within five or six clics for Confederate issues is to ridicule that for which 450,000 Southerners died and to confuse the issues, and to discount the good intention as best they could be represented of the Southern position.   Both of these sides....either of these sides....would have been a better path than what the United States has now, with 25,000,000 in the slavery of dependency.  Neither of our two sides would have had the peculiar institution functioning after 1910....mechanisation would have destroyed all justification for such an archaic and disgusting  institution.


Low Information Voters for a Low Information President? Or Is It Versa - Vica?


      We have been trying to digest the "president's news conference" from yesterday, but sometimes the rumination is a bridge too far.   There were so many cats, dogs, endangered species, grandmothers, run over by that display of loose cannonry that my head has not even begun to spin yet.

     The statistics were, in the main, either pointless and impertinent to the issue at hand or they were made up from whole cloth.  To make one point and then leave it be, allow me to state that the Veterans' Administration is not burdened  by a sudden onslaught of unexpected Veterans from "Bush's Wars".  There are still more and more to come and go from World War II (although we are still losing about 1,000/day), Korea, Viet Nam, and the general Cold War posturing and deployments.  The relatively few couple of million from Kuwait Liberation, Iraq I, Iraq Surge, and the entire Afghanistan period should have been no real problem to absorb into the processes of the VA.

    The problem is....when the central government attempt to do anything, it never works as intended when administered by a civilian bureaucracy.  Every now an then we can have a U-2 project, an SR - 71 project, various warships, the B - 52 and various other warplanes come in at or below budget and at or near schedule.   But, curing poverty....well, buying votes can be awfully expensive.  At least when we buy votes with weapons systems, something gets accomplished.  Amazingly, I admit, because the military is almost as inefficient at times as Nancy Pelosi's 31st facelift....the one that set off the 7 alarm response  from the San Francisco Fire Department.

     The following observations will probably not make El Gringo Viejo very popular, but it is felt that they must be put forth into the light of the waning moon.  To Begin, we need to stop boxing when we should be doing kung fu!!!  This has been stated several times on this screed.  Everybody knows that Sibelius should have been reality she should never have been hired.  Everybody knows that everyone sitting behind any desk with the civilian rank of GS - 16 through 18 inclusive are commies, pinkoes, national socialists, or at the very best, Progressives.  The progressives' motto is, "It is far too hot to-day for croquet or tennis or golf. I move that we stay here at the club and keep the bar busy.   We can do communism to-morrow, for the little people."
     The highest ranking bureaucrats are all extreme leftists.  Many of the people in the middle and higher ranking areas of the civil service bureaucrat
"community" are dedicated, rock-solid, union-thug marxists.  Much of the general officer staff of the five services is rotted out through and through with progressives who think the military is a petri-dish for some kind of a Kinsey Report Graduate School of Social Engineering, Depravity, and Moral Decay.  The mealy-mouthisms and lack of spine required for these brass hats to grovel at the foot of a poseur such as Barry Soetoro is stunning.   To think that David Petraeus could have some dark secret hanging over him that is so bad that Valerie Jarrett can blackmail him, but he cannot blackmail her in self-defence.  To wit:


     So we have the event yesterday when the poseur-in-chief comes forth and for the 9th time, being faced with a major moral and legal scandal well-beyond any since Lyndon Baines Johnson, shovels out the bilge about how he is outraged, there is going to be an investigation, there will be a report, the people responsible will be held responsible, and more must be done for our Veterans  and the Mureene Korpse.  Saints preserve us, if they can hold their noses long enough.

     But....and I mean really....we should not call for the resignations and firings of any of these festering pieces of regurgitated refuse from a goat farm.   Allow them to stew in their juices and bile.  Let the nouveaux press, the paladins with IPads, and the bloggers with their insane energy, eloquence, and perspectives keep prying out the rot, the hideous green fungus of the decayed souls of those who preferred grovelling to serving America and her Constitution and the Creator who inspired it.

      I am tired of listening to this dull thumping on a broken drum..."Quit, Resign, Fire-them...thump, dlumpd, dlumb...  

        El Gringo Viejo says,"Let Sibelius do what she does stare into a live camera lens for 40 days and 40 nights with the drool coming out of her mouth, and the dull gaze of a moron fixed on the centre of the lens.   Let the "Lootenint  Genral" commanding the VA declared, that (Yaaawwwwnn)  I am very out.   Raged.      At all of this we are going...(YAAaaawwwnnn) get to the ...uh....uh....side door of much that we have Wensdy morning.. or sooner tree-stump."

     We can assure everyone that no one was listening to Barry Soetoro who voted for for a few people in San Francisco and in the Hamptons.  The people on Cape Cod were busy preparing for the Memorial Day clambakes on the beach and for the march to the Old Chappaquiddick Memorial Bridge...which. after all.  is what inspired Memorial Day as the formative moment when the Lion of the Senate was proven to have the mettle sufficient to be a drunken pervert and serial misogynist.   This year everyone at Martha's Vineyard will be marching to raise money for buying the little ribbons people wear to express solidarity with victims this or that.  This time it is for victims of head injuries derived from bumping into the Glass Ceiling.  These people are so sincere. Much.

 Twenty Dollars?  and that
is for one cup!
     Bring these things to the front.   Every time we lock arms with them and sway back and forth, singing, "Getting to Know You, getting to know all about you...." since they left office, vomitoreum sales have shot up at almost all of their venues.  Can the OROG imagine that AlGore did not want Billy Jeff Blythe  nor (Sir Edmund) Hillary anywhere around his stupid 2000 presidential campaign.  Hilly and Billy just helped Chelsea's mother-in-law, a clone-hag of Hillary, finish fifth in a three LBDTGZSWAJ-way race.  Hilly and Billy campaigned vigorously for Mrs. Whazzernaim who had held the United States Representative seat there in Pennsylvania back in the 1990s before she voted for (Sir Edmund) Hillary's version of Communist Care and Burial Service.   We lament having to link the OROG to his article, but it shows the actual level of what grass roots America thinks of the Clintons if they are not lugged around in a solar-powered wheel-barrow by the entire Obsolete Press Corpse.

Clinton In-Law Marjorie Margolies Toppled in Pennsylvania Race

May 20, 2014 9:49pm
AP Marjorie Margolies MF20140124 16x9 608 Clinton In Law Marjorie Margolies Toppled in Pennsylvania Race

Sue Rubel/AP Photo
Chelsea's Mother-in-Law, Mrs Whazzernaim
      Despite the support of both former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Marjorie Margolies, Chelsea Clinton’s mother-in-law, has lost her Democratic primary bid for the Congress.
     The Associated Press called the race for her opponent, Brendan Boyle.
At 37, Boyle, a state legislator, is 15 years younger than his next-youngest opponent. His campaign raised the least amount of money. He lacked his opponents’ powerful connections to the Philadelphia political establishment.
     And yet, he just beat the Clinton family at its own game, winning the race for Pennsylvania’s 13th district.     With 56.6 percent of precincts reporting, Boyle leads Marjorie Margolies 58.5 percent to 22.4 percent, per AP projections. Valerie Arkoosh has 10.7 percent of the vote, and Daylin Leach came in at 8.4 percent of the vote.

      “They say money always wins,” Boyle told ABC News in a recent interview. “If we win, we show that’s not true.”

Margolies, 71, had a significant boost from the Clinton machine throughout the race. Margolies’ son Marc Mezvinsky married Chelsea Clinton in July 2010 and they are expecting a baby this fall.

     Bill Clinton hasn’t campaigned for any candidate as much as he has for Margolies, with a fundraiser, an ad, and a robo-call on her behalf. While serving Congress in 1993, Margolies famously cast a controversial vote in favor of the Clinton budget.  The fallout from the vote cost her the seat, and hers’ became the textbook case of a career-ending vote. ABC News called her favor to Clinton “the most celebrated political debt of the year.”
     While Hillary Clinton has shied away from 2014 campaign events, she made an exception for a fundraiser on Margolies’ behalf, which the former congresswoman did not attend.
      Margolies, however, struggled to connect to voters and while her fundraising numbers were strong, the campaign had trouble maintaining cash-on-hand throughout the race. To make matters worse, a March report asserted that Margolies “doubled her own salary as head of a small, largely taxpayer-funded charity [Women's Campaign International] into the six figures” as her now-ex-husband Ed Mezvinsky was facing charges of fraud.
     Boyle emerged as Margolies’ lead contender in early May, when all three of his opponents, alongside women’s groups EMILY’s List and NARAL Pro-Choice America, mounted attacks on Boyle’s anti-abortion record. Boyle maintained that he is pro-life.
Arkoosh, 53, a practicing obstetric anesthesiologist, campaigned on healthcare reform and her experience lobbying on Obamacare while president of the National Physicians Alliance, landing the Philadelphia Inquirer’s endorsement.

     Leach, 52, a state senator, gained a following for his pro-recreational marijuana platform and unorthodox sense of humor. “If we win, we’ll have large seafood towers and fine scotch,” Leach said of his election night party. “If we lose, it’s licorice and Muscatel.”
Boyle will face Republican opponent Dee Adcock in the safe-Democratic district this November.
Get real-time election results and news about all the races you care about delivered right to your phone from now until November.

    My whole and final point, perhaps, is to let them stew.  It serves us to let their "good works" go before them until such time that we might possibly have an awakening.   Nothing else seems to work perfectly...and I would like to try a different strategy, and also different tactics in the implementation of said Strategery.
     We appreciate your patience.

El Gringo Viejo


Real Santa Claus, False Santa Claus

Dear Virginia,

     You are a bit older now, and you wrote to ask why it is that you continue believing in Santa Claus.  You ask if it is proper to cling on to such childish notions or if perhaps it might be a fear of death, growing old, or entering the challenges of adult life.   My understanding, and applying that understanding strictly to my own condition, is that you are an intelligent girl.  You know that Santa Claus as depicted in the literature is a Santa Claus that is real only to children.  They can see him....because they can see him....and not just as a colourful picture on a page.

     It is probable that, while awaiting their assignments in some other place before their birth, they might even have seen him and spoken with him.   I know that the day-care facility there must have been crowded and busy, but it is almost certain that the good and generous Bishop tried to pat every head, regardless of the colour and structure of the hair upon that head.

     So we move past our confirmations, bar mitzvahs, and altar calls and into horrors and pleasures of "real" life, only rarely seeing the glimpses of our image of Saint Nicolas, as if he were a shadow of a shadow.  I, for instance, saw him recently at the pub where I stop at least twice a week.  He was at the bar, laughing and enjoying the fraternity, and he was sitting with his friend.   That friend was the same Samaritan who had stopped to render aid to the Jew who had been assaulted by bandits on the road.   As you know Virginia,  Samaritans were a peculiar people of the Holy Land who practiced a faith made up of pagan worship, naturism, and Judaism.  They seemed to feel the need to cover all their bases.

     So, imagine the spectacle of a Greek who worked in Turkey talking and yukking it up with some kind of Semitic-Phoenician whose only binding would have had to have been that they both had lived on or near the Mediterranean Sea.   And, one other thing;   spontaneous generosity.
     One was drinking a Heinekens and the other a Corona with know....a couple of Orthodox.   In a second, Santa Claus caught my simultaneous glance with his eye, and he knew that I "knew".  He said something to the Samaritan, who then turned discreetly to see the Gentile who "knew".     Apparently he approved, because the two went back to their notes, comparisons, and experiences with the fools that mortals be.
     I stayed for a bit, meeting and greeting fellows of acquaintance in the Manhattan madness.  These places were always almost...but not quite...crowded.   People could order a half-sandwich (for me, pastrami on rye w/horseradish and a Coca-Cola).  The Jew - owner behind the counter would always, always, always say...'' Yeah! I sell them a half at a time, because they're so good that the next guy in the door will buy the other half.  That way instead of losing a dime on every sandwich, I only lose a nickel)...and the people sitting and standing around the bar would laugh, order another beer, pay out, and make room for the next hapless Gentile that could never get enough of the good food and ambience.
    The pickle was finished and the bill called for, but Levi, never looking up, say,"Achh!  Your Uncle Nikko paid you out already.   I haven't seen him for awhile.  He's lookin' pretty fit for an old guy!"
     I protested a bit, but Levi said," ....oh..just leave a tip in the jar...then ,,, fardinen a mitzvah my savtah would say....go look it up and get out of here...yer train is leaving!!"   Always impatient, always grousing, always generous.

Inside view of Grand Central Station in these times

      Virginia, this I went to the fabulous Grand Central...but just before entering there was the boy who almost finishing at the Lorillard and trying to make a few shekels, but mainly trying to overcome his inborn stage shyness as well.  He is quite a good violinist, and for the last year he has been standing up to the maddening rush, on the sidewalk.   This time I finally left him was only a 10 dollar bill, but it will buy a few strings.

     So then, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.   But always beware of the Government trying to play the role of Santa Claus.  The "very real" Santa Claus is a fake and leads to ruin and corruption and misery with his false gifts and bondage.   The Santa Claus that is seen by children....and only occasionally by us old people who moves us to generosity...that is the real Santa Claus who has always existed and who forever will exist.

And here is a gift for you!

El Gringo Viejo
Sometime long after the last...and well before the next...Feast of the Nativity.
And to all a good night.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

El Gringo Viejo quotes a Yankee General. This quote sent from the folks at the outpost in Extreme Central Texas

"The people are responsible for
 the character of their Congress.

 If that body be ignorant,
 reckless, and corrupt it is
 because the people tolerate
ignorance, recklessness,
 and corruption."

  James Abram Garfield

President of the United States of America
Major General, United States Army
United States Representative for Ohio
Self-made, compliant, and honest man
Minister of the Word of Jesus Christ
Bargeman, Ohio Canal
Father, Husband, and Martyr

as a Confederate, we render this man, an enemy, our honours.  He was
valiant in his service to his beliefs.  He was, to the degree possible,
civil to his previous foes.  He tried and perhaps would
have succeeded in the building of many bridges.
A self-consumed assassin ruined the good
this young man could have done.