Friday 6 November 2015

Take Faith, OROGs: Carson is clean on this one. More smear, it's clear


    Please remember that when Clarence Thomas was nominated to serve on the Supreme Court, almost immediately the strike squads attacked with all nature of defamatory mud.   Gloria Allred, also later of Hermann Cain defamation fame among others, and a gaggle of ultra-leftist, pro-abortion women charged that Clarence Thomas was a serial sexual harasser and was, therefore, not qualified to sit on the bench.   A nice, attractive, innocent-looking young lady presented herself as an almost unwilling witness before the Senate Committee in charge of initial approval of the candidate, Clarence Thomas.

     She went through interrogation between Republicans and Democrats, turn by turn.  She detailed the horrible harassment, while the nation waited for some real harassment or physical threat or terror-invoking menacing had occurred.  The day closed, and many were left scratching their heads, but trusting that she was holding back the big punch for the knockout in the last rounds.   But to-morrow came and there was still no deep ground to plough or plant.   Then the Democrats called a large woman who said that she had prepared the apartment for Clarence Thomas and some men to occupy while transferring into Washington, D.C. during the Reagan Administration.   She pointed out that she had to put up with the fact that someone had put up a pin-up of a Playmate of the Month, but could not really be sure whether Clarence Thomas had put the picture there.  The questioner was, oddly enough,  then Republican Alan Specter.   Please be aware that President George H.W. Bush, the one who had chosen Clarence Thomas had already thrown him under the bus publicly and privately, but Thomas would not back down and his Senate sponsor, surprisingly, stood by him and testified in his favour.  

     The Democrats then countered with another woman. I believe she was a judge of some sort from California.  She presented herself as a close friend of Anita Hill....and then she delivered a narrative that substantially contradicted the time frame and the nature of any offense that had previously been presented by the aggrieved Miss Hill.  It was an almost comical, but sad, collapse to a house of cards.  The Molly Yard - Gloria Steinem Strike Force people, the precursor to Move On and Code Pink and Emily's List of permanently psychotic unappeasable females.....they put the word out to the increasingly obsolescent press, "It not whether there is proof or even evidence of the crimes.  The only thing that is important is the seriousness of the charge." The obedient press took that up as if it were a battle cry.

     This is not a joke.   Later, a series of friends, acquaintances, and work-mates came forth to contradict with strong evidence the tale told by Anita.   One professor from the University of Oklahoma came to testify that Anita had shown concrete evidence of having amorous feelings for Thomas by her own admission long after the events she had related before the Senate Committee.   Let it rest to state that it was a total disaster for the Allred crowd.

     AND, let us remember that the paragon of virtue Harry Reid took to the floor of the United States Senate and declared that he had evidence from a reliable source that Mitt Romney had paid no income taxes for over 10 years.   He droned on for about twenty minutes with the lamentation that it wasn't fair that a man could take so such money from the poor and still not pay his fair share or any share.   Reid knew, of course, that nothing he said from behind the lecture on the floor of the Senate could be used in terms of a slander or libel suit.   He was immune.

     AND, there was the attempt to tear down George W. Bush about his Texas Air National Guard service and the Swift Boat Brothers for telling the truth about Herman Munster's brother John Kerry. Both efforts failed and Dan Rather was proven to be the malicious, chronic, pathological liar we knew him to be.   So it is another thing we win by default.

     Dr. Carson will win this and it might even spur the head of the FBI to finally move on the obvious case of obstruction and illegal use and possession of classified information against (Sir Edmund) Hillary Corkscrew.   Perhaps she can explain one more time how it was she decided to volunteer for the United States Marines while in her first year of marriage to Billy Jeff Blythe in Arkansas and right after she had taken a position of political convenience as a Governor's wife as a professor at the Arkansas School of Law.   Sounds like a bad joke.....but she actually tried to sell that story on various occasions.   She also told a grand jury in Washington, D.C. that she, "could not remember" fifty-seven times when responding to prosecuting attorneys and grand jury members.   Fifty-seven times.

     Remember the Youtube above.   Two Grand Shamans of the Great American Press....Remember Walter Cronkite declaring after the greatest American and ARVN victory over the Viet Cong and NVA in the war, Walter glaring into the camera and declaring, "This War Is Lost!".   My point is that we are right in this matter to stand up for Carson as we did for Thomas.

El Gringo Viejo

It is with a heavy heart, but.....


    The tension that exists between the Country Club Blue-blood Republicans and the Rightwing Crazy Tea Party Republicans is palpable and irresolvable.  True enough, I know that certain amounts of titled blood runs in the veins of my brothers and me and a lot of folks at the Country Club, especially in Texas, have a few pints of commoner ancestry coursing through their veins, but the difference between 'moderate - reasonable' Republicans vs. 'snake-handlers - bigot/racist' Republicans is a philosophical and not metabolic one.

     We move on to the issue.  It deals with the Bush family.  First, the disclaimer.  George Prescott Bush, the son of Jeb and Colombo Bush is about as close to a Tea-party type as one can be.  He was elected to the important position of Land Commissioner for the Republic of Texas during the last general elections.  He actually ran slightly ahead of the very popular Tea Party-type Governor Abbot  who destroyed his Sandra Fluke Imitator opponent in a landslide.   It is very, very rare for a down-ballot Republic-wide candidate to run ahead of the gubernatorial candidate.
     He has complied with his campaign agenda and promises and continues to talk, walk, act, and generally quack like a Tea Party type.  He must support his family in matters concerning the Presidential nomination, I am sure, but perhaps that cup will be taken from him during the preceding primary contests in places other than the Republic of Texas.

     The sneering assault by George W. Bush against Ted Cruz for having had the audacity to fulfill his campaign promises by doing exactly what he said he would do was a real low point.   It underscored that peculiar characteristic that the former President and Governor would rarely if ever confront radical deranged Democrat leftists such as (Sir Edmund)Hillary or Nancy Pelosi, but he suddenly lurches into attack mode to denigrate a noble personality like Ted Cruz.
     This follows his peculiar eight years of never defending himself against the generally deranged Democrat National Socialist Workers' Party panoply of dullards and demagogues.   It was left to us, the Rightwing Crazies.   Never an expression of gratitude or thanks was heard.   Always distance.
     Then comes Jeb, whose foremost attack target is another Republican, not (Sir Edmund) Hillary.   It is Jeb who has no "fire in the belly", and apparently has no interest in taking any victory unless he finds it under the Bush Family's Christmas Tree during the coming December fiestas.
      Then comes good ole' "Read My Lips" who can't resist jumping on Cheney's and Rumsfeld's bones for being hard, mean, extreme, and iron-willed.  Would that good ole' Read My Lips had save some of this ire, just once, for the Democrats and their moronic, mendacious posturing.
       For instance, when the ATF acted like jack-booted thugs, along with the FBI while trying to execute the Reno - Hillary assault on the compound of a bunch of religious kooks at Mount Carmel, McClennan County, Texas, good ole' Read My Lips took offense when the NRA head referred to the jack-booted thugs as jack-booted thugs.   So instead of condemning a long siege and final assault that killed over two-score children on the ATF / FBI excess (with General Wesley Clark's collaboration), he blamed the NRA, and resigned his membership in protest.   (?)
         We remember that the "kinder and gentler offensive" with its "midnight basketball" programme and the blinding "Thousand Points of Light" solved all the inner-city problems, along with how the appointment of Magic Johnson to an important AIDS-related commission also solved all the problems.   Magic Johnson, of course, was famous for stalking off and blaming the Republicans for not only causing the AIDS problem, but also for the introduction of cocaine into "the hood".
      And of course, Barbara Bush travelling to the funeral of one of those poor boys, three brothers who were hemophiliacs who had contracted HIV/AIDS after transfusion and died one-by-one, and then glowering into the camera lens to remind us that ".....HIV/AIDS is everyone's problem now".   It was the throw-down line to those who felt that promiscuous male homosexual sex and indiscriminate needle-sharing by heroin addicts was where 99.99% of HIV/AIDS could be found.   But no, the President's wife inferred that it was the fault of those who felt that way were at fault, not the ones who had contributed blood to the blood bank, knowing that they had HIV.

     So, with all the King's horses, and all the King's men, and all the King's treasure, they will never be able to put Jeb together in time to survive a Cruz Tsunami during the Texas Republican Primary next year.   I and mine shall be voting for Cruz.   If called upon, we will probably vote for George P. Bush for some higher office someday soon, but that is because he, somehow, is one of us.

Thank you all for allowing this valve to release pressure before arriving at a critical point.
El Gringo Viejo

Thursday 5 November 2015

Eternal Father Strong to Save

Gleanings by El Zorro....always worth the time (I'm still laughing)


The Canadian Revenue Agency actually commented on this one:

(Something to ponder ... but, worth a broad smile !)

Amazing, but true, if you think about it! The importance of accuracy in your tax return,

The CRA has returned the Tax Return to a man in Canada after he apparently answered one of the questions.

In response to the question...."Do you have anyone dependant on you?"

The man wrote: ... 
"2.1 million Illegal immigrants, 1.1 million crack heads, 4.4 million unemployable scroungers, 80,000 criminals in over 85 prisons plus 450 idiots in Parliament and an entire group that call themselves Politicians''.

The CRA stated that the response he gave was unacceptable.

The man's response back to CRA was, ... "Who did I leave out ?"

My immediate notion of a body of takers that had been neglected was almost the entire Native Peoples population of the old Dominion.  However, the most culpable are not actually the Indians of various and sundry tribes and nations, but those same do-gooder, utopian, social democraticians whose calling it is to help people into dependency, and ultimately, oblivion.

El Gringo Viejo


The consummate hypocrite - a reminder

     There has been so much mendacity, so much hypocrisy, so much responding to question while looking down and to the right to avoid eye contact while saying, "Uh, uh, uh, what you fail to consider is that we inherited a lot bigger mess than anyone imagined...." or some other such bilge.

    This is specifically to remind the devious pretender which cow eats what cabbage.   The Republicans did not have any problem dealing with the CNBC midgets.  They chewed them up and spit them out.   Remember.   And then they took a bit of a victory lap as they should have after the "debate".    Cruz especially showed why he may well finally win the nomination and the election.

     Using the example of challenging the "toughness" of the Republican field standing up to Putin was not well advised in that you, Barry, were caught, in flagrante delicto, thereby essentially committing treason;  conspiring with Russian thugs against American and allied interests, "Until after the elections".


El Gringo Viejo



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