Wednesday 20 August 2014

Time Runs Out

     Back on 15 August of this year, we wrote the following:
  Firm orders could have been given to pull at least one, preferably two flattops into correct position, and then conduct low-altitude strafing and bombing of the undisciplined celebrants with unrelenting and merciless pounding.   The first casualty counts would have been devastating.   It brings to mind the scene when the Iraqi army fled Kuwait.     In that event, American and allied forces intercepted the fleeing Iraqi Republican Guard, who had been rapacious and brutal during their occupation of Kuwait.   The head of the convoy was stopped by anti-tank mines and air power, thereby blocking the forward progress while the rear of the convoy was repeatedly bombed and strafed.
     We were thinking that since we are influential commentators on domestic as well as foreign policy that Valerie Jarrett would immediately have us arrested and imprisoned.   Then she would order Barry to follow my suggestions to deploy the necessary B - I bombers and numerous F - series fighter/ bomber platforms against the obvious threat presented by ISES and L.   That deployment would be relentless, 30 hours per day, bombing and strafing an ever decreasing periphery of combatant concentration until such time that here would be nothing left.   It was and remained until just that past few hours ago the one aperture of opportunity to face a body of combatants so full of their own hubris as to think themselves indestructible.  Concentrated, compressed militarily into a ridiculous ball, and our leader is on the golf course....plotting how to milk the Ferguson matter for Democrat votes...and generally doing what American-hating Nobel Peace Prise Laureates do.  Hate America....and play golf....or lay around in Mallorca hating Americans.
Pathetic.  The time is past.  The ISIS combatant are "going civilian" now, and they will have to be rooted out one-by-one.  They are coming to get us.   But Barry will not have to worry, because the courses where he tee's up do not allow people like the ISIS people to get past the gates.
El Gringo Viejo

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Parallels: Treyvon and the Gentle Giant

   Similarities between Treyvon Martin and Mike Brown are abundant.  Like Jesse and Al pictured above, the two boys are poster-babies for the Great Society and Progressivism.   Or, the case can be made, as enshrined above, Skittles, Arizona Watermelon drink, and Robitussin (or Sudafed) can be used to make "high-school meth", was Treyvon's  juice of choice.   Mr. Brown's preference was for mixing the sugary tobacco of Swisher Sweets Cigarillos with marijuana, and repacking the Swisher Sweets with the mix, and selling the semi-industrialised reefers to his "friends".   It is known due to the toxicology reports on both boys that they used considerable marijuana, and certainly in Treyvon's case and most probably in Mr. Brown's case, there were mixtures of other toxins (drugs and alcohol) that were frequently ingested.   Treyvon,  high-school meth and Michael, Swisher Sweet Cigarillo Reefer.   Real cultural and intellectual proweress.
     Treyvon was the finest boy in the world, just coming back at night from the convenience store to his home.  He had just gone to buy himself a candy bar and a canned drink.  But the facts, when fully revealed and comprehended would tell a different story.   The whole truth and nothing but the truth reveal that Treyvon was not going "home" but to the apartment of his father's current squeeze, to where he had been relegated because his mother did not want him at her place.  His father, although he had the girlfriend, lived elsewhere and did not have "room" for his son.  So Treyvon lived the life intended for him by the engineers of the Brave New World.  Shiftless and dependent and narcissistic and mean.
     Treyvon was working on a ten-day suspension from school, having been found with drugs (probably marijuana) in his locker, along with stolen gold jewellery.  His suspension for such a long period was because of another previous suspension for physically bullying a girl.  He would have gone to juvenile detention but for the fact that the school district where he attended was trying to avoid reporting crimes so as to artificially be able to state that the "crime problem" in the school he attended (massive) could be demonstrated to be falling.  Kudos to the principal for innovative bureaucratic union mendacity.
     Mike Brown had been separated from his mother because of the fact that she had tired of being pushed around and hit by her son.  In a variation of the hyper-sensitive domestic violence laws that exist now in almost all States, something had to be done with Mr. Brown.  So, apparently, it was decided that he could go live with his grandmother.  She, after a period, banished her grandson to a certain section of her house, and would not permit him to enter into "her'' section.  We have not been able to ascertain as of yet the reason for such measures, but it seems likely that he just likes to push much smaller people around.  One can readily see his method of dealing with the person at the convenience store when that person called down Mr. Brown for trying to leave without paying for his Swisher Sweets cigarillos and the other things he had purloined.
     The notion that Mike Brown was waiting to start college in the coming week is ludicrous.   It was an invention of the Obsolete Press, possibly in parroting some silly person's fictionalised response to some lame "reporter's" question, "Well, what was Michael doing?  Where did he work, or was he going to school?'' 
     It should be noted that Anonymous had "hacked" into St. Louis criminal files, supposedly and found a lengthy record for Michael Brown.   But, one of the reasons we should all be leery of using Anonymous as a good agent in research is because he (it?) is wrong about 50% of the time.   Michael Brown of our incident in question at this time turned 18 this past May.  Were he to have a record, it would have to have been either entirely or overwhelmingly juvenile and therefore essentially unrecoverable.  We do know that had he lived, he would have been charged with aggravated felony robbery of the convenience store, with the charges elevated by having physically accosted the clerk/owner of the store.  His friend, who has been said to have been uninvolved in the affair at the store, was an active accomplice.   In my reading of the complete police report of that incident indicates that Michael gave him several boxes of the Swisher Sweets which were then secreted on his friend's person under his outer clothes.
     It should be pointed out that the response when asked about Michael's juvenile record has received the famous answer, "Issues about his juvenile criminal record cannot be released since those records are closed to the public without a court order."   That response almost always means that there is a juvenile record.
     Finally, we fear for the community, due to the threats implied by the notion that if there is no quick indictment and conviction, as the Democrat State Senator warned, " will see a response that will make these riots look like a picnic in the park."   The fear is based on the fact that the officer's injuries brought on by a sucker-punch to the mid-face area did considerable damage to the bone structure around the eye (many fractures), and the action of Michael Brown in making a bum's rush against the officer after having once attempted to take the officer's weapon will limit the possibility of an indictment, and certainly of a conviction.   It is a dark future for that community.
     The arrival of Eric Holder into the mess portends nothing but demagoguery on steroids and strong-arm tactics.   It is the Democrats only hope to energise their base sufficiently to hold on to the Senate.
El Gringo Viejo

Finally, Holder is Fast, and He Is FURIOUS!!!

Father Obamaham
Nobel Peace Prise Laureate
Known for all Eternity as the
Emancihoper and Changipator

We are all aware how Eric Holder leapt to the fore when simpleton, un-sophisticated Tea Party dullards were dealt a bad hand by the White House, in concert with the Department of Justice and the Internal Revenue Service.  Father Obamaham declared, "Eric, my boy, leave no stone un-turned.  Get to the bottom of this and find out who has lost what and how we can make it up to those poor, in-bred, crackers.   We shall not rest until those peoples' interests have been tended and their injuries are healed, and the guilty are beheaded."

    Eric the Red has been dispatched with dispatch and will deal with one of those scores of incidents wherein white police officers shoot down innocent black children on a daily basis. Just as everyone knows that this is an hourly occurrence, it is also known that it is in the purview of the central government to enter into a local police and judicial matter because of the Obamaham Corollary which states, "Whenever the police behave stupidly, or whenever there is an innocent child who could have looked like my son  has been killed or offended by a Kracker Kop then we are gonna draw a red line in the sand.  You gotta get your revenge no matter what the evidence might indicate." 

     Eric the Red Holder has also been tasked with the problem that many "undocumented shoppers" have had their Constitutional Rights violated by members of the constabulary simply because they are encountered at times in stores that are closed.  Further, many store owners have been taken into custody, being suspected of interfering with the Undocumented Shoppers' right to "afterhours  browsing and window-shopping", a well-known Constitutional Right denied to many strictly on the basis of  racial or socio-economic position.

     Eric the Red Holder is noted for his record concerning what is known as Tectonic Marxism.   The cases of Fast and Furious, the Internal Revenue Service non-profit exemption abuse, the Benghazi matter, the cases of the Duke Lacrosse Rape, the Zimmerman - Treyvon Martin case, plus others, have purposefully been stalled by Eric the Red, because he wants to get to the bottom of every detail.   Someday.  After 21 January 2017.

We are certainly in good hands with All State Owned and Controlled.

El Gringo Viejo

Monday 18 August 2014

El Gringo Viejo Fights Back on the Democrat War on Men

Please keep in mind that these are Fifth Grade males.

Click here for your free show!  Turn on your volume.

Thanks for your attention and patience!
El Gringo Viejo 

a public service announcement for the OROG community

The best meme about the Perry indictment so far!
    The blog, "A Gringo in Rural Mexico" has provided Rosie this space, time, and opportunity to speak to the OROG Community.
El Gringo Viejo

Ferguson, Missouri - Pre-planned Get Out the Vote Drive

     What is transpiring at this time in that pitiable place north of Saint Louis, Missouri is a classic destabilisation procedure used by leftists and "agents of reform" for lo these many years.  The various labour movements from the 1870s through to the present, the National Socialists, the Bolsheviks, the Saul Alinsky acolytes known as "community organisers", anarchists, nihilists, and other diabolicals throughout the Planet Earth.
     It is a form of (1) community terrorism and (2) establishing who is the victim and who is the perpetrator.  It is necessary for the forces of disorder to point out that a nice young black boy was shot in back by a mean white policeman, as if for sport.  And it is necessary to demand justice, outside of the normal process of any investigation, because of the uncommonly "urgent" nature of the crime.  The provocateurs also point out that there are "civil rights" issues involved in this particularly heinous breach of the peace.
    We begin by pointing out that since this issue became an issue for the press, in the American Union there have been 30 white people murdered by black perpetrators.   There have been over 150 black people murdered or shot down by black perpetrators.  Efforts to find any black people who have been shot down by white people have turned up nothing, for this period, although we continue to comb the various news fountains.  This will be up-dated as developments warrant.
     We also point out that since the Muslim Brotherhood, the Black Panther Party, Sharpton, Jackson, and all other sorts of vermin have injected their irrational, belligerent presence into the matter, there has ceased to be any reason to be "reasonable".  One cannot be "reasonable" with the stupid, those who will not reason, and those who come already to the fray with the single-minded purpose of destruction and "winning".  The entire effort being made here is strictly for the purpose of maximising the turnout of the vote during the upcoming Congressional elections.   The issue for those of us on the side of fact, our only alternative is to establish order by the use of force.
     Eric Holder and Valerie Jarrett have done nothing concerning the Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS, Solyndra default, voting right abuses, and numerous other deep and wide scandals that this administration has committed.  They scoff, roaring with laughter within the confines of their palatial administrative settings.  Perhaps it is better said that they have done nothing positive, because it is true that they have obstructed and interfered quite actively, with malice aforethought, and they have covered up their interference and obstruction.
     El Gringo Viejo declares his fervent belief derived from his knowledge about how these people always have operated, that the "Administration" had "Plan A" sitting on the front burner waiting for this "opportunity".  The step- by-step progression of the breakdown of order in Ferguson has been predictable, scripted, and co-ordinated by the White House.
     Each time there has been a situation requiring the repair of society because of white abuse of the interest of the black victim, this "Administration" has walked into the door in the dark.  The Cambridge mess where the police reacted "stupidly" was a stunning overplay of a hand with no high card by Barak Soetoro.
     Follow this with the Duke University Lacrosse players rape charge.   Then the wading in, once again, with another teachable moment concerning the Treyvon Martin case.  In each of these cases the President took the moral high ground always assumed by people who have no concept of what morality is, and in each we previously state...he and his posse rode into Box Canyon.    Made fools of themselves due to the facts of the case.  Because of their intrinsic racist thump in the chest they have in lieu of a soul.  Coupled with the hatred of America.  And their need to Destroy America via race war, cultural rot by welfare, and socialist-inspired over-regulation of free economic activity.
     So "Plan A" is put into play one more time.  The President moves quickly to "nationalise" the Ferguson Affair.  He has no right, or place, or justification to do so, but he does it anyway, employing his ever-reliable lackey Eric Holder to flood in with twenty FBI agents, ordering an almost unheard-of autopsy of the "Gentle Bear" after two have already been done, demanding the confiscation of the tape of the "Gentle Bear's" activity at the convenience store and other acts of unconstitutional central government meddling in a strictly local criminal proceeding.  It is the action of a totalitarian's mindset.  It is the action of a totalitarian who is also motivated by at his core by racial hatred.
      The glory of this case was that a poor, gentle boy was on his knees with his arms high in the testified by two or three almost eloquent "witnesses" who were with the Gentle Bear when the officer cold-bloodedly shot him six times in the back. 
     Their information is not only false, but is actively contradicted now by active cellular telephone audio and video material presently in possession of local authority.  And once again, we have a situation wherein there is probably further evidence of assault against a peace officer, due to the fact that the officer was taken to the hospital due to "swellings in the head area".
     This is nothing more or less than Sound and Fury signifying nothing except the fact that the Democrat National Socialist Party is trying its very, very best to try to re-energise their disinterested base.   Anything must be done to save the Senate for the Democrat National Socialists.  Even a race war....brought on by the Community Organiser in Chief.   Period.
Signing off sadder than I am angry,
El Gringo Viejo