Friday 14 June 2013

FEMA: That's what we mean


Ignominious:   That procedure or action that brings about great shame and humiliation.   The characteristic of grovelling or committing treason for ones life or for food, and submitting oneself to any abuse and/or degradation to gain even a few crumbs.

      The recent actions by the mayor of West, Texas and the present Governor of Texas speak to that matter we have addressed in the past.   Not long ago, there was no FEMA.  There was no pleasant, addled,  old, plump lady dressed in a hoody-dress who would come with a magic wand, and turn mice into prancers, pumpkins into carriages, and work rags into the most elegant and beautiful ball-gown of all times....with a flick of her wand.   And, the best part is,  it was all free:    Just have it all back in the drive-way before mid-night.

    Can it not be more obvious?   The intrusion and hypnosis is insidious.   We immediately move to the "free money"  because (1) there is a problem which embodies a tragedy, and (2) the politicians want to reward and punish with the politicians' money....and take the credit for "giving us" a way out of our grief...lack of hot water...shock from displacement....needs, and make those who vote incorrectly really, really grovel ignominiously for their few crumbs after being denied once or twice.   After all, if a lowly local hick doesn't know his place....he needs to learn it....NOW!

     Can we not remember when we took care of these things ourselves?   Would it not be possible, Governor Perry, to address the people of Texas, saying "It looks like these folks here in West, Texas are going to need about 60,000,000 Yankee dollars to fix this place back up.   We have agreed to a format that would include an additional 20,000,000 dollars for a revolving business investment fund.   Therefore, as the Head of State, it is my duty and pleasure to ask every household to please contribute to this effort.   You have all contributed through the sales tax exactly one-half of that fund, authorised by Bill 22033, enacted two days ago and signed by my hand, yesterday.   I would request another one time contribution of one dollar from each man, woman, and child to be sent to account number - !!!!!111999999 = Rebuild WEST!  Of course, send more if you can or wish.
      "The fund will be administered by the pastors of the six churches, the mayor, a monitor from the Comptroller's office, the County Sheriff, and six persons who will be drafted by lottery from the citizenry of West who were citizens at the time of the disaster.   That will be the governance for these funds.   I suggest you all send in your checks to-morrow, because the recovery begins on Monday, at 08:00 hours.  Combat Engineers from the Texas National Guard will be deployed here to await orders from the Recovery Committee at that time, with their Dozers and rolling gear....and will remain for 90 days.  Thank you for your time.  And may God Bless the Republic of Texas".

     It points up the fact that we desperately need to re-establish the Republic of Texas and provide for our own, and in our own way.   This hideous Queen for a Day Show routine, whereby we crawl before dolts who have power over us, and who can lift or lower their sceptres without  reproach is humiliating and degrading to the highest degree.

Two fights....Abolish the American Internal Revenue Service and the Income Tax....and move to an amicable withdrawal from the  United States of America by the Republic of Texas.
El Gringo Viejo

Texas! Our Texas! All Hail Our Mighty Nation!


Wednesday 12 June 2013

For those who understand, no explanation is needed. For those who do not understand, no explanation is possible.

 Immigration? Try this.

Khe Sanh, near Dak To

This is something everyone in America should read.   It was sent to a selected group of McAllen High School chums....who fought, served, and or lost several of our class in Vietnam.   The lady who sent it had a husband who fought in Khe Sanh and elsewhere in the theatre;  she lost him not too very long ago.   This lady is a member of a highly respected group of folks of Japanese ancestry who were "in country" well over 100 years ago, now.  They were part of a very productive and patriotic group of businesspeople and really excellent farmers here on the Border in those noble years, long ago.

Word for Americans everywhere from -
It looks like we did some good after all! On Saturday, July 24th, 2010 the town of Prescott Valley , AZ, hosted a Freedom Rally. Quang Nguyen was asked to speak on his experience of coming to America and what it means. He spoke the following in dedication to all Vietnam Veterans. Thought you might enjoy hearing what he had to say.

  "Thirty five years ago, if you were to tell me that I was going to stand up here speaking to a couple thousand patriots, in English, I would laugh at you. Man, every morning I wake up thanking God for putting me and my family in the greatest country on earth.

I just want you all to know that the American dream does exist and I am living the American dream. I was asked to speak to you about my experience as a first generation Vietnamese-American, but I'd rather speak to you as an American."

If you hadn't noticed, I am not white and I feel pretty comfortable with "my" people."

I am a proud US citizen and here is my proof. It took me 8 years to get it, waiting in endless lines, but I got it,
 and I am very proud of it."

I still remember the images of the Tet offensive in 1968, I was six years old. Now you might want to question how a 6-year-old boy could remember anything. Trust me, those images can never be erased. I can't even imagine what it was like for young American soldiers,  10,000 miles away from home, fighting on my behalf."

35 years ago, I left South Vietnam for political asylum. The war had ended. A t the age of 13, I left with the understanding that I may or may not ever get to see my siblings or parents again. I was one of the first lucky 100,000 Vietnamese allowed to come to the US. Somehow, my family and I were reunited 5 months later, amazingly, in California . It was a miracle from God."

If you haven't heard lately that this is the greatest country on earth, I am telling you that right now. It was the freedom and the opportunities presented to me that put me here with all of you tonight. I also remember the barriers that I had to overcome every step of the way. My high school counselor told me that I cannot make it to college due to my poor communication skills. I proved him wrong. I finished college. You see, all you have to do is to give this little boy an opportunity and encourage him to take and run with it. Well, I took the opportunity and here I am."

This person standing tonight in front of you could not exist under a socialist/communist environment. By the way, if you think socialism is the way to go, I am sure many people here will chip in to get you a one-way ticket out of here. And if you didn't know, the only difference between socialism and communism is an AK-47 aimed at your head. That was my experience."

In 1982, I stood with a thousand new immigrants, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and listening to the National Anthem for the first time as an American. To this day, I can't remember anything sweeter and more patriotic than that moment in my life."

Fast forwarding, somehow I finished high school, finished college, and like any other goofball 21 year old kid, I was having a great time with my life. I had a nice job and a nice apartment in Southern California . In some way and somehow, I had forgotten how I got here and why I was here."

One day I was at a gas station, I saw a veteran pumping gas on the other side of the island. I don't know what made me do it, but I walked over and asked if he had served in Vietnam . He smiled and said yes. I shook and held his hand. The grown man began to well up. I walked away as fast as I could and at that very moment, I was emotionally rocked. This was a profound moment in my life. I knew something had to change in my life. It was time for me to learn how to be a good citizen. It was time for me to give back."

You see, America is not just a place on the map, it isn't just a physical location. It is an ideal, a concept. And if you are an American, you must understand the concept, you must accept this concept, and most importantly, you have to fight and defend this concept. This is about Freedom and not free stuff. And that is why I am standing up here."

Brothers and sisters, to be a real American, the very least you must do is to learn English and understand it well. In my humble opinion, you cannot be a faithful patriotic citizen if you can't speak the language of the country you live in. Take this document of 46 pages - last I looked on the Internet, there wasn't a Vietnamese translation of the US Constitution. It took me a long time to get to the point of being able to converse and until this day, I still struggle to come up with the right words. It's not easy, but if it's too easy, it's not worth doing."

Before I knew this 46-page document, I learned of the 500,000 Americans who fought for this little boy. I learned of the 58,000 names scribed on the black wall at the Vietnam Memorial. You are my heroes. You are my founders."

At this time, I would like to ask all the Vietnam veterans to please stand. I thank you for my life. I thank you for your sacrifices, and I thank you for giving me the freedom and liberty I have today. I now ask all veterans, firefighters, and police officers, to please stand. On behalf of all first generation immigrants, I thank you for your services and may God bless you all."

Quang Nguyen
Creative Director/Founder
Caddis Advertising, LLC
"God Bless America "
"One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God"

For those who understand, no explanation is needed.
For those who do not understand, no explanation is possible.
Submitted to the OROG community for use when the "enlightened'' call us racists and so forth.   I would never trade this one Vietnamese fellow for any of several million "real live American"  people who wait in line for the government to feed, clothe, house, and cure them.
Submitted in memory of Jack Whetsel, 1st Lieutenant, United States Army, KIA, Republic of South Viet Nam.
Dedicated here to Sergeant James Robert Hathorn, aka "El Zorro" who served two tours in free South Viet Nam, and to-day continues the fight for liberty and the defence of the 2nd and other Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America.
And, finally to all who served, wherever they served, however they served.  We won it....the Democrats in Congress lost it.
El Gringo Viejo


Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Eric Holder - Fire Sale on Pants (blast from the past)

Several Points that need to be repeated, clarified, and understood by All OROGs:
      The first point concerns Eric Holder specifically and the entire Obamaham administration generally..   Any notion that Eric Holder is concerned about voting rights for "Hispanics" is preposterous.   He views "Hispanics" as stupid, greasy cannon fodder to be used in any way he and the entire marxist cause wish to use them.   The overall aim of his particular group on the left edge of the universe is to make certain everyone....."hispanic", black, white, green, Martian, sabre-toothed, tramsgendered, lesbian vegetarians, left-handed tiddly-winks players....everyone.... is placed either as an ant in an anthill or a bee in a bee hive.    He intends to have each knowing his place, each doing his assigned task, each receiving according to his need, and each giving according to his ability.   And, incredibly enough, Eric Holder thinks he will be one of the Queen Bees who decides who goes wherever and does whatever.
       So he counts on innocent ignorance, blatant stupidity, demagoguery, and outright aggravated mendacity to forward his agenda.    He thinks, "Like me, everybody knows that Mexicans are stupid.   So, I can go before a federal court and enjoin the Republic of Texas from requiring voters to have an official identification bearing a picture of the registrant."
       Common forms of such identification can include, but are not limited to, driver's licenses, passports, and military identification.  Texas offers non-drivers an official identification card upon demonstration of proof of citizenship by birth, naturalisation, or proof of legal resident aliency with the appropriate certificate from the United States Department of State.
         Eric Holder, however, is counting on what he hopes is a general public impression that Americans with Mexican and/or other Latin American ancestry or origin, are stupid.   He must necessarily argue against the facts by saying  "These people are so stupid, so ignorant, so hopelessly devoid of any ability to defend themselves in the common execution of normal life-chores, that they should not be required to do what everybody else in the Republic of Texas must do."
          Although there is no such thing as a Mexican race, or a Latin American race, the proponents of this initiative by Holder's Department of Justice say the policy of the Republic of Texas is "racist".   This proves, further, that the DOJ attorneys are dolts since they have not the remotest understanding of sociology, anthropology, or human genetics.    They are counting on the rest of the American public to be as bigotted as they themselves.
           Their objective in these measures is to "lard-up'' the voter rolls with unqualified voters.   This fits with their overall objective, a Saul Alinsky objective, of  introducing as many unqualified people into the general population as possible, so as to drive up public assistance outlays, foment ethnic anamousity, and generally "third-world" America to death.   Also, the illogic of their position is amply revealed by the fact that Latins are elected to majority Anglo district positions, Anglos are elected in majority Latin districts, and  that neither the Anglo nor the Latin group is homogenous unto itself in terms of voter preference.

credencial para votar ife
All Mexican voters have...and must present at the time
of voting...this document.  The poll workers at that
voting precinct have a roster, in alphabetical order
of the qualified electors...with photo...with thumb
print...and somehow 70,000,000 "stupid Mexicans"
managed to legally acquire this document, and
144,000 voting precincts managed to have the roster
catalogue in place before the polls opened.
Their percentage of participation has gone UP
since the "hard to acquire" electoral registration
document was begun.

     Finally, as concerns this point, we can observe the "stupid Mexican" procedure that is applied to "stupid Mexicans" in Mexico.  The Credencial Electoral Federal is required  of all voters, Indian, Mestizo, Negro, Mulatto, White....everyone.    It must be actuated on or before a date in February of the year of the election.  It is valid for three years.  It has 13 different fraud prevention employments.   It has digital photographic, fingerprint, and iris verification and it has, waiting for the elector at the appropriate voting precinct of the 144,000 in Mexico during nation-wide elections, a compendium of every elegible voter who pertains to that precinct...WITH A PICTURE OF THAT ELECTOR and his or her fingerprint...all in alphabetical order.   Each precinct has, by law, a citizen volunteer appointed by  each of political parties with candidates under consideration working the precinct election process, and a poll watcher from each party that is represented on the ballot(s).   The ballots are marked privately and deposited into a transparent acryllic 'urn'.
      The votes are counted by all the different party members present and counting and recounting continues up to five different times, if the representative of each party wants to count the ballots personally.   Each count must be witnessed by all election workers and official observers and all must sign their accordance with the results before the results can be forwarded to the appropriate entity (State Institute of Elections in the State Capital, for instance). 
     The Credencial Electoral Federal is considered to be a better proof of identification than a passport or birth certificate.   The latter two documents are quite detailed and also have very good security details, in spite of what one might have heard during the years.

     In Texas, we have a crummy piece of posterboard paper, no picture, no fingerprint, no nothing.   That is verified against a voters' roster, a computer printout that also has nothing more than the name, sex, address of the voter.    Our County has a little over 775,000 people, of whom about 435,000 are aged 21 or more. Of that number 287,000 are registered to  vote.  That would seem to include all the native born and  naturalised Americans in the county at this time.    That would be about 63% of the adult population.   About 90% of those are of Mexican national or Spanish colonial origin in whole or in part.   They seemed to have no problem obtaining a voter's registration by showing citizenship papers of the required type.    Many of the ones in the graph below who are shown not to have a correlating Department of Public Safety ID Number might well be using a military identification, since we have a huge number of WWII, Korea, and Viet Nam veterans and, especially among the Latins, who are particularly proud of their service and honourable discharges. 

 / HC

     Eric Holder does not give a whit if, by purposefully facilitating the registration and participation of unqualified voters, they  dilute....for instance...a Mexican-born individual who fought in France and Germany against the National Socialist nightmare that intended to eat the world.   That individual, once back, had the right to almost automatically gain American citizenship.   How is it, then that Eric Holder can equivilate the value of that individual with some anchor-baby-mother-slug who comes over illegally to participate in the 250-metre pamper-throw competitions  and the accounting wonder of balancing four different Lone Star Card accounts in her head.

     No, Mr. Holder....nobody is kept from legally voting in Texas in these days.   Registration is easy and convenient.   Too easy and too convenient.  It is simply your desire to try to "lard up" the rolls with people you can scare by having your operatives  frighten them with threats of being turned in to the Border Patrol if they don't register and vote.

     And then the second point...of many available.
     Mr. Holder you were successful in one thing, even better than (Sir Edmund) Hillary.   Janet Reno, Gen. Wesley Clark (the Hero of the Battle of Mount Carmel), and (Sir Edmund) Hillary were only able to kill about 63 people among the dumboe religious Kooks...including about 42 especially young children.   Their original offense was in having a bit fewer than the normal number of guns per adult individual in the living area as any other home situation in Texas.   Janet Reno, the FBI, the ATF & E wanted to bring the head of John the Baptist (Vernon Hill, aka David Koresh) to (Sir Edmund) Hillary as an offertory in the War Against Private Ownership of Firearms....especially firearms that look mean or that shoot bullets.   Too bad she couldn't have found the gun Vince Foster used.
      Even though you are so concerned about the sensibilities and conditions pertaining to people of Mexican background, you will be proud that your actions in the effort to disarm the innocent did have a pronounced impact on the Mexican people.   Some 212 soldiers, naval infantry, honest and semi-honest cops, civilian men and women, and some children are all dead now.   They were killed in the case of the military and police engaging cockroaches of the Cartels.   The civilians were killed in crossfires by cockroaches who have no rules of engagement.    You killed 212 people under false pretenses, under incompetent, uncaring admistrative procedures with ulterior, hidden motives.  Well done.

Fire Sale on Eric Holder's Pants.   But who would want them?
El Gringo Viejo             

(UPDATE:   This blog contribution is somewhat dated.   It is a two-pronged blog-entry.  It deals with voters' registrations, and with the gun-grab compulsion of totalitarians.  Since this writing the number of "collateral casualties" in the Mexican drug wars has risen to nearly 500 in which Eric Holder's weapons have been involved.  Once again we are only counting soldiers, naval infantry, honest and semi-honest cops, civilian men, women, and some children are dead now.)

Uncle Ben says.....

Tuesday 11 June 2013

The Usefullness of Fear....Please, Be Afraid!!


Be Afraid!
Being a confident individual does not mean that one can never be afraid. From personal experience, I can tell you being afraid is normal and mandatory in order for survival. Being afraid is motivation for action.

Today we have plenty to be afraid of. It is a simple proposition that the central government is on the precipice of totally managing your life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

We sit dumb and happy because today started the same as yesterday and the day before and the day before that. But do not rest easy! The writing is on the wall. We know that the Affordable Care Act and its relationship to the Internal Revenue Service is a reality but the impact is yet to be felt; however, there are significant signs that all is not well. Even the congressional signatories of the Obamacare legislation are now saying it is a proverbial train wreck.

What on earth good can come of this when the IRS is not only in charge of the amount of wealth you can accumulate but also whether you can live of die? Just think, PLEASE!

The central government/IRS today takes as much of your wealth as they want with no recourse for you. You have no part in the decision making regarding how your money is spent. Much is simply redistribution of income via the entitlement programs. Fraud not withstanding, the entitlement programs (welfare, AFDC, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare the largest socialist abomination, etc.) suck money out of the economy that would ordinarily be reinvested in manufacturing, technology, real health care and medicine, etc.

This government is a huge parasite bleeding and feeding off the American dream. It takes from the productive among us and redistributes to the least productive of us. The temptations of the welfare society are attracting otherwise decent working citizens by offering something for nothing as well as taking away the incentive for doing hard work. The IRS is the tool of the government that progressively extracts from earned income at the discretion of the President and Congress. It has extraordinary power to take as it will from whomever it chooses.

This is such a destructive institution that America will not last much longer as the bastion of liberty inspired by God and designed by the forefathers almost two and a half centuries ago. The first and maybe the last of the best society ever designed for the human race.

The IRS has to go! This is the time for action.

"You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before." - Rahm Emanuel

The IRS must be abolished in favor of either a flat tax or the "
Fair Tax" proposed by some. Either of these alternatives allow the individual to be totally in control of how much income is allocated to the public welfare. In addition, the gargantuan IRS would be disassembled at a huge savings to the Fed.

Think how much simpler it will be to know what you can afford based on what tax would be attached to a purchase. If there were a 20% tax (all taxes included) and you want to buy a car with a retail price of $20,000. You know immediately that it will cost you $24,000. A loaf of bread at $1.98 would cost $2.38. No matter what annual income is, your additional tax contribution to the government at the end of the year on income would be $0.00. That is the flat tax. The fair tax is a little more complex but the idea is similar. The fair tax is a progressive tax based on income but is collected on consumption. In theory, there would be no tax on foods and necessities then all other goods and services would be based on rates determined by income levels (i.e. poverty level, 0% twice poverty level 11%, up to a maximum of 23%). With the Fair tax as in a flat tax all payroll and income taxes would be abolished.

Abolishing the IRS would repress the Affordable Health Care Act until it can be repealed.

Be afraid!    If we do nothing now,  we will very probably have nothing soon.

Support Ted Cruz and the Tea Party Congressional representatives to abolish the IRS to save America!


Wednesday 5 June 2013

Gone in the Morning....Heading South

     Sometime before sun-up, El Gringo Viejo will be heading out on a bit of a business trip.   We shall wind up at the Quinta Tesoro de la Sierra Madre for a bit and then head down to Mexico City for a bit....being gone for a week or so.
     While we are gone, it is hoped that all literate and straight thinking Americans will take advantage of the  movement to abolish  the  Internal Revenue Service.  Any form of tax over the income or wealth is most certainly the power to destroy.   The only form of equitable tax is over consumption.  And over final consumption at that.
      The stupid European method of charging a "sales tax" at each stage of handling of a product is ridiculous.   The sales tax should be charged at the point that the product or service has arrived at the user.   The wealthy who are not penurious will spend a lot, and those with fewer resources, or who are frugal, will spend less.   But it is nobody's business who buys what.
      In this manner, even the poorest person will know that he is part of the contributing group...a paying member of the board of directors of America, Inc.
      The abolition of the corporate income tax would free up enough investment capital to take care of every "shovel-ready" concept ever envisioned since Ronald Reagan left office.
      Except for the fact that America has been trained to look to FEMA instead of to the Great Cosmic Force as the provider of bounty, we would rise even more quickly, were we  to be unleashed from the slave-strangle of the Income Tax.
     As we pack and arrange goodies in the trunk of the Old Dynasty, we learn that the central government is going to sell 30,000,000 shares of Government Motors a considerable loss.  The true recovery price, at this point, would have to be around 70 USD.   Father Obamaham's elves are selling at about half that much.   At least they have another few score million shares to liquidate....perhaps they will wait until every VOLT comes home.

     Perhaps there will be one more message before departure to-morrow.

El Gringo Viejo