Friday 16 November 2012


                                  Monday, May 28, 2012 7:01:49 AMby Kartographer
The Eagle’s Watch,by Kartographer

And this is the poem I wrote to go with that picture. I hope you enjoy it.

In a quiet river valley,
Lies a green and peaceful place,
Were warriors come to rest,
Having honorably met their fate.

 No more do they stand the watch
 O'er other Father's son,
They’ve passed their duties on;
 Their worthy service, done.

  Yet flying high above them,
On silent wings spread wide,
Soars freedom's embodiment
And a country's sign of pride.

The mighty Eagle watches o'er all
And guards their well-earned rests.
For he like they, knows the feel
Of Freedom in his chest.

And though he does his best to guard
The fallen warriors' sleep.
Still at times he grows so weary
And must rest his wings a-beat.

So slowly he glides his way
To where the fallen rest,
And there he bides his time a bit
Among the honored Vets.

And though he knows no words
Of the valiant warriors' speech,
Still they communicate
In a way that words can't reach.

Having communed with those who lie
Among the rows of stone,
The Eagle takes to flight again
And resumes his post alone.

In endless soaring circles,
He surely makes his rounds,
Guarding fallen heroes
 Abiding in this hollowed ground.


Just a note concerning the probabilities.
Not the probabilities of Jake telling Ole' Bubba,"Y'all know it's prob'ly gonna rain".
But, the probability of several thousand people doing the same relatively simple process 100% correctly.   Truth be known, if one thousand people vote on paper ballots, it is almost impossible for all 1,000 to vote for the same person, even if that had been the intent of the 1,000 people involved.    The normal number of votes in error would be between 18 and 30.
That assumes that all are literate at an 6th grade level and are reasonably only slightly stoned, drunk, insane, or otherwise hopelessly physically impaired, or suffering from only moderately severe TDS (total dufus syndrome)

The rate is the same for almost all machine voting, except of course for certain counties in Florida.   There the rate can go much higher, especially if the voter forgot to leave his auto's turn indicator firmly in the left turn mode while he was in the voting precinct.
Otherwise, it is patently statistically impossible for that many people to have voted in the same manner without fail unless they all had just a little teeninsy, teeny, tiny, teeny, teeny, teeny little bit of help, from the nice ward boss and the precinct voting judge.

The facts about the odds of repeated outcome participati0n deviation is not a joke, it is a fact. Thank you for time as we stew here in our cauldron.
El Gringo Viejo

Simple Solution - Quick and Easy

(1)  Freeze all spending at present levels, while simultaneously rescinding the Obama Socialised Medicine Initiative.
(2) Reduce the tax rate for millionaires and billionaires to 20 percent, c0mbining
capital gains and standard income tax rate.   Reduce the tax rate for people
 making $20,000 or more to 10 percent.
       Require anyone receiving AFDC, Food Stamps, Section 8 rental assistance, WIC, or
 free Obamafone or free Obamascooter to pay the 10 percent tax on their gimmes just as if they were real human beings.
(3)  After having abolished most of the repressive taxation upon anybody who
 matters, then we could have a 2% sales tax on most purchases beyond groceries, medicine, medical procedures, but not on birth control pills for Miss Flukie.   That rate would not be changed and would also usher in the new period of having currency backed in silver and bonds backed in gold.   By the end of the 7th year, the income tax would simply disappear.
(4)  Advise everyone that public welfare will be turned over entirely to the States and
that parasites will have to do their Queen for a Day Routine at their various State Capitals.   We recommend that they move to New York and/or California.   There is a reasonable chance that Due to the Civil Rights for Parasites Act, they will be able to draw public assistance from those two states simultaneously.
(5)  For corporations and financial institutions who deal with the central government, all payments will end, and all deposits for the central government's fiscal activity will be deposited in the New Dime Box State Bank, in New Dime Box, Texas.   That also includes food stores and convenience stores that sell food to people who are receiving food stamps.  But, of course, they will be hard pressed to do that because they will have to whine and beg to the States, just like the Queen for a Day Parasite Union.   Or, they might try just selling things for something called, "money".
 PLEASE NOTE:     Any government agency, along with all its employees,  trying to spend more than the level approved for the previous fiscal year would be placed in the Giant Solar Powered Microwave that was confiscated by the FBI from Solyndra's black-ops department....and Zapped.

As always, we are very appreciative of your time and attention.
El Gringo Viejo

A Brietbart Contributor Tees Off....

This is the response of a fellow traveller on the trail of truth to a posting by El Gringo Viejo.  In other places, due to El Gringo Viejo's low self-esteem, he uses a psuedonym as well, and styles himself as GeneralLee.

    El Gringo Viejo wrote under that nomme de plume the following, drawing the response we have included immediately below GeneralLee's submission.

It disgusts me to no end that this is the riff raff that affects our lives.
4th graders know more about our country, and can probably to a better job than she.


     It is regretted to have to inform anyone who will listen. Unless your child is home-schooled, or in a private, Christian school, he/she will know nothing about American Civics, History, or economics upon graduation.
     Ask 10 people aged 15 to 18 which came first....World War I, the War Between the States, the War of 1812, or the Spanish-American War and the Phillipine Action.
     You will break down, laughing and crying.


We are born with the despotic progressive behaviour gene; i.e. no empathy for those upon whom we make demands combined with an ever growing list of expectations. The cognizant, skillful and civil society, of parents and teachers have a duty to educate and guide their young toward responsible, honourable, independent self-sufficiency.
       The source of our blossoming malignancy goes back generations. It manifests now in individuals in high places who, as leaders, judges, legislators and educators are but children who never grew up. They have many demands and expectations with no demonstrable feelings for those expected to meet their demands.     They emerged into public view as the 'flower children' of the 1960's. The work product of a cultural cancer that took root in US academia when refugees of Hitler's purges brought the Institute for Social Research to the United States.
      This infection has metastasised over 2+ generations and now manifests at all levels of education, legislation, courts and the White House. The Honourable citizen is dogged daily by 2+ millions of administrative officials who craft law without representation, administrate, enforce and punish . . . all within a tightly knit bureaucracy.   We are witnessing a real-life repeat of the "Stanford Prison Experiment" where it was shown how a child's intellect drives demeanuor and behaviour that abandons any sense of honor when (1) given power and (2) shields from consequences of their behaviour.
      They become incapable of independent self-sufficiency. Their sense of elite status is juvenile . . . like getting a row of gold stars after your name for various and sundry 'achievements' which in fact took no extra-ordinary effort.  Aged children become dissatisfied with the gathering gold stars. They seek nearly worthless diplomas, Oscars, Nobel Peace Prizes, high offices in government, specious awards for best-off-the-year, etc. etc. I wonder what Mr. Nobel would think about having bestowed planet wide accolades and so much of his money upon the likes of Carter, Arafat, Gore and yes, Dear Leader.
      Our salvation is at the voting booth but this presupposes educated and honorable voters. I will suggest that the future of the nation is in the hands of our teachers, parents and those of their students sill capable of an honorable thought . . . and a willingness to exercise those thoughts in defense of their persons and property.
      The Founding Fathers would surely weep over what masquerades as honorable allegiance and application of their wisdom. Wisdom they shared at great personal risk. Much of what I read in the chronicles of world events today gives rise to blurred vision in me too. I grieve for the likes of Pelosi, Reid, et. als. for their teachers most certainly failed them.
Given present trends in the national halls of power, I grieve for my grandchildren.
Here below is the legal and cordial and procedural permissory activities that El Gringo Viejo went through to gain contact and approval to reprint this fine material.   As with the work of El Zorro, we are trying to form a Battalion of Messengers to signal to all that something much worse than the British are already here.
nuckollsr wrote, in response to GeneralLee:
Condescend? My friend I am honored that you find value in my effort to share what my teachers have shared with me. This and similar sentiments offered from my keyboard have been published in the public domain.

These are not MY ideas. I have no ownership . . . only a willingness to ponder, observe and connect the dots. To the extent that you wish to join in this sharing is gratifying and a validation of the efforts of my teachers.
GeneralLee wrote:
Would you condescend to allow this poor old, straight-Republican (44 years of voting), honourably discharged, rightwing curmudgeon, to re-publish your contribution on his blog? It is a rightwing type blog, kinder and gentler perhaps, but only because we do not advocate grabbing people around the neck and shaking them. It accompanies a web-page about our little place in the Mexican outback that is a center for bird and butterfly watchers....and beer and margarita drinkers...or not.

Then El Gringo Viejo sent his appreciation with the following:

GeneralLee writes:
      Your kind generousity is most assuredly appreciated. Your words are soon to be spread upon a small, but potent little Double AA - minor league blog and birdwatching page. We must join and make solid lines of interior supply and communication. The enemy is all about us, we are surrounded, but we are stronger because we think in terms of our grandchildren and our great-great grandparents.
      I had two great uncles who died in the War Between the States who were with the Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, 96th Regiment and Several who fought, but survived, save for one fighting for the concept of local control attached finally to Hood's Brigade in the service of the Confederate States of America.
In the War with the British in the 1770s - 1780s, we had people on both sides as well.
My disposition would have been with the Continentals in the first case and with the Confederacy in the second. You will understand me, agree or not, but this conversation would be met with blank stares in the Student Union Building in most Colleges and Universities in these days.
Once again thank you privat is your portal, look for the linkage to our website on the right column.

Thursday 15 November 2012

Contradictions and Conundrums

     The Democrats and the campaign engineers for the Republicans all agree.   Of course, in the one case, the Democrats, they are hoping that a selective plague comes around and removes anyone who ever thought about being a Republican or a conservative be stricken down like all the first born Egyptians during the Mosaic period.
     The campaign engineers for the Republicans, somewhat predictably arriving at the same conclusion as the Democrats, come up with the same, post-wild-mushroom-eating visions of how to win elections.  And these people are paid real Yankee  greenback money!

      Both of these groupings point out that the Republican Party needs to "reach out to Hispanics".   Both of these groupings of dolts point out that the "hispanics" are a tailor-made voting block for the Republicans because the "Hispanics" are "all" right in line with the Republicans when it comes down to the meat and potatoes social issues.

      Both of these groupings of dolts also demand that the Republican Party, if it intends to grow and remain somewhat viable as a permanent, insignificant minority party on the American politcal scene, needs to absolutely stop being mean to people who need free abortions, have homosexual matrimonial prerogatives, free birth-control pills for 12 year olds, anything they want for free, plus free tuition for any schooling from Harvard to a full trades licensing at the community   Stop, stop, stop being mean!   And judgemental!  Now! Now! Now!

     Well, er, uh,  on the one hand we have a built in Republican voting block, "Hispanics" as they are called by the insipid political experts, who are all ''social issues" voters, and then on the other hand we have a horrid Republican Party who dwells too much on things like "social issues" and scares away the nice people who really don't like mean, judgemental anything because it's just not's like being a meany-poo.

     If my great uncles in Tennessee had tried to 'still up anything with ingredients like that, back into the high hollers in the low Smokies, their whiskey would have come out more like frog slime.
     But, my uncles were not stupid.   The sage political class thinks they were stupid because they were born in a rural area that pertained to the Confederacy at one time.  But they learned early on that fluid is put into the bottle.   The bottle is not put into the fluid.   The ladies learned, 'round the age of  5 that the thread went somewhere into the needle, and that the needle did not go into the thread.
     Later, after they go to school in a fancy university, then they can learn how to cut a saw into two parts with a log.   They learn that if you pay several generations of girls to have babies that, all of a sudden, we going to have a whole lot of babies and a lot of confused storks flying around without having filed a flight plan.   That is called "social progress" in some cases, and in other cases it is called "social democracy".   In either case, it does not make very good whiskey, fish bait, or gun oil.    That there twas what our 'learnin' was.   My great-uncles made good whiskey.   They didn't drink it...they just made it and aged it and spread it around, for medicinal puposes.

Dr. Charles Krauthammer
     Some of my harshness is regretted because the esteemed Dr. Charles Krauthammer is one who frequently uses the "lumpthemalltogetherterm'hispanic"'.  Dr. Krauthammer is a truly great thinker, although no highly filtered conservative.   His trudge to the Right has been tectonic, a little slower than, say, the great Mexican poet, philosopher, and author Octavio Paz.    He is, in any regard, one of us and a great thinker.   But, he doth err.  The basic assumption  is false. That assumption is  the idea, once again (oft stated on this blog) that anyone can say "all hispanics" and then continue accurately with the rest of the sentence.   It is difficult unless one is going to say, "All hispanics are more or less human."    Or, "Most hispanics are probably male or female, or something else."   But, barring a too-long stay in the Olde Saloon, why would anyone want to say such things?    Or, perhaps one is being distracted by the producer shouting into the Doctor's ear-piece, saying things like, "Wrap it up, Doc.  Ten seconds to the hard break".
     Now, El Gringo Viejo's point is, once again, very simple.   Latinos are a lot like us "regular, real people".    They are all different.   Although one can take a broader brush and do some painting of a group portrait, one cannot take The Broad Brush and paint that same portrait.   It is a true statement that, under the term "hispanic" one can find people who are 100% Negro and 100% Caucasian and others who are 100% New World Indian.   Many "hispanics", if not most, might fall into some combination of of the latter two categories.   But, most Americans...and most Hispanics for that matter, could not differentiate, by sight only, a regular run of the mill "palestinian'' from a regular run of the mill "hispanic".   Is an Italian a "Latino" ridiculous right?   How come French, Spanish, Arabs, Romanians, Italians, Turks, Greeks, Portuguese, and the like, look like....Mexicans?  Or, that Mexicans look like them.    Why do Mexican Indian nations appear physically different from American and Canadian and Peruvian, etc. Indians?   Why do they look similar?
     Well, the Italians are the original Latinos....of course...the ones who based out the languages that most "hispanics' speak.   As far as the Indians are concerned, MesoAmerican Indians come from one place and American and Canadian Indians come from another.   Although there are schools of thought who suggest that  Polynesia was populated from what is now Mexico and Guatemala.    But, I digress....
     There is no way the Republican Party is ever going to dominate totally what the Democrat Socialists,  the media, and the Republican Campaign Engineers, call "the hispanics".   One main reason is that there are now a large number who are derived from a category of people of Mexican origin who have always been trained to believe that the government was the source of riches, favours, and money in general.   Some of these people are derived from a class of people who were involved in peonage during the Colonial and Republican periods in Mexico.   They have many, many generations of depending upon first the Hacendados to care for them followed by many generations of being told that the central government would care for them an defend them.    These same people gradually lost the ability to discern any notion of what liberty, chance, risk, or tomorrow meant.  Especially as they urbanised, they put their faith in the futile hope that in the city....they could find a better way to be taken care of.

As a starter, this is a map of the various languages, not
dialects, spoken in Mexico among the indigenous.  Especially
in the southern half, there are probably 10,000,000 native
speakers at this writing.
     The central government, according the the tenets of the Constitution of 1917, told them they had the right to a minimum wage, to a house, to food, to a free education, to free medical care, to fair labour treatment and to union membership, etc.  Of course, the only solid advances made during the past 100 years in Mexico have been among those classes of individuals who did not depend upon the government's promises.   Even as they might have been using or participating to some degree (it is/was unavoidable for any class of person not to use some government sponsored something in Mexico), the lower-middle class established and stabilised to large degree by mastering blue-collar skills and becoming indispensable to the needs of the upper-middle and upper castes.
     During the last thirty years we have seen steady and radical changes to the population that might be considered to be of Spanish/Mexican/Latin American background.  The main change is that many of the arrivals in that time period have been people who learnt from a small body of malingerers who were family members already in Texas or the United States how to effectively game the system.   So we had something like the planting of a weed in a fine garden.   The first amnesty, lamentably; was pushed  by Ronald Reagan, whose understanding of Mexican people was from contact with the well-established middle-class Latins with whom he dealt in California.   If not them, it was  the Mexicans across the Border who treated him with antique civilities and grace and sincere class and dignity in Mexico when he was hobnobbing in Ensenada.
TFH2541CATHEY     He thought it would be better to have those people among us, and he also thought that they would realise sooner, rather than later, that they were Republicans.   In that he was totally correct.    Therein lies the problem.    If you ask Ronald Reagan, he might say, "All Mexican Americans are......"    The ones he knew really were and are almost all conservatives, tending heavily Republican.    They are still with us.  They are the ones who have gone to war in disproportionate numbers and casualties and medals and Medals of Honour....up to and including Iraq and Afghanistan and Kuwait.
     These are still the skilled blue-collar, the small business people,  the doctors and dentists and pharmacists and nurses, the accountants, the teachers, the warriors, the farmers and ranchers....who happen to be the true immigrants, colonial people, the refugees from the Mexican Revolution of 1910 and the Depression, who really were here or came here and put up with the cheap trash, sought out and found friends of all stripes, and steadily folded in as the Americans they were born to be. 

    Then, apart from the above, there are people who come out of the darkness of the public assistance addiction, simply because of the American engine of prosperity.   They stumble out of their cells of "help"  from the government, their "shackles" of "public assistance" and start to rise....perhaps from a starter job at MacDonald's that turns into "assistant night manager" one day....and then into "assistant day manager" one day..etc.

   These are the people who become Republicans and conservatives.   They recruit themselves.  They will find their way towards their similars, and we simply keep the door open.  Receive them heartily, then forget about it.  They only want to be Republicans when they are nailing signs and working the phone banks.   When they go home they can do whatever thing makes them what they are.   But they will come to the open door.   They do not need to be helped.   There are already large numbers within the ranks, and more are coming.

      Some might ask, "Well, if more are coming how come they only voted 29% for Romney, huh? huh?"
       And the answer is, first of all it will be nearly impossible to get the old amnesty people in by "attracting them" with some magic ad campaign.  At least 60% of those are not reachable. Most do not vote.   They eat.   There are others, youngsters who look around one day at the graffiti, the litter, and the gangs and violence and go down to MacDonald's one day where he saw a "help wanted"notice.   There are others who join the Army on a whim....and then, 97% of the time, that ''hispanic" has been transformed.   (of course, that is why we need to take back the military from the social engineers.   The military vote this time was 50/50).
      The complete answer is also, that there is no way anyone can determine what the "hispanic" vote percentage is because of the method of extracting that data.   It is assumed by the "campaign engineers" that "all hispanics" live in "hispanic" neighbourhoods.   Such in not the case...and in Texas, by this point, it would be most probable that about 50% of the Latin population is interspersed or intermarried.   In Texas, best estimates seem to indicate that the Latinos voted about 40% Republican (or for Romney), or perhaps a little higher.   That seems to be born out her on th border.   So, it's hard to put that in your pipe and smoke it, because no one knows where the pipe is.

We'll leave all this to ferment.  We do appreciate your time and attention.
El Gringo Viejo

Wednesday 14 November 2012

You get what you ask for, even if you don't know what it is...


This is an actual picture of El Zorro.  Ladies, have your fainting
salts ready.

We shan't preambulate this submission by the resident 10th Amerndment authority.   We do call attention however to the employment of the word 'ignorant' in its various presentations.   Also, El Zorro puts the title of this perfectly spun article in the article's last sentence.
    What occurs to most of us, something not necessarily in our consciousness, is that our President and his socialist contemporaries are ignorant of the Constitution. That is when we define ignorance as “to ignore” the Constitution. They believe that all law is what they interpret it to be ignoring the beauty, simplicity and truth of the Constitution. The body responsible for interpretation, the Supreme Court, has a tenuous hold on a majority of strict (we use the term loosely) constitutionalists. Chief Justice John Roberts ignored the Constitution in his ruling/deciding vote on Obamacare based on “judicial restraint”. That is he assumed the enacted law had to be preserved not considering the validity of the law itself. Unfortunately that is now law even though not sanctioned by the Constitution. However we have to go back not only to what the Founding Fathers and subsequently the Framers of the Constitution intended. Fortunately we have the Federalist papers and the predecessor to the Constitution, the Articles of Confederation and Declaration of Independence to get that information.
Very brief but powerful examples:
James Madison in Federalist Paper #39 (where he discusses the differences and value of a Federal Republic over a National one) states where the power of government was and is derived:
“…ratification is to be given by the people, not as individuals composing one entire nation, but as composing the distinct and independent States to which they respectively belong. It is to be the assent and ratification of the several States, derived from the supreme authority in each State, the authority of the people themselves. The act, therefore, establishing the Constitution, will not be a national, but a federal act.”

This makes the intention clear that the power held by the governors is granted by the people through the soveriegn states, not the governors themselves. Constitution 101. The precursor to the Constitution, the Articles of Confederation Article II expressed the relationship of the States to the government:
“Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this Confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled.”

The Declaration of Independence text:
“…to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,”
      The Founding Fathers drew heavily from the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Federalist and Anti-Federalist papers to form the Constitution. The Framers composed and guided it through ratification “by the people”.
      What we have is a rogue administration propped up by a judiciary that does not only ignore the Constitution, they use fraud against it to secure power they cannot derive from it or worse they haven’t even read it. We the people have to read and understand this very short and simple document to pick our administrators. We the people have to understand they are only administrators hired to administer the law not abuse, distort, or ignore it. They deceive by promises they cannot deliver (legally) to buy votes and secure power. The Constitution has only 4,440 words compared to over 22,000 pages of Obamacare yet “we the people” voted for Obamacare. It is not likely that most of those who voted for Obamacare did not read it. It is even just as likely those same people have not read the Constitution. You get what you ask for even if you don’t know what it is.