Monday 22 October 2012

Hazardous Material Team Called into White House

Dangerous work if you can
get it.
       Several thousand Haz-mat workers were called into the White House yesterday late during the afternoon when a repair crew encountered several hundred pages with repetitive writing, as if someone was trying to perfect somebody elses handwriting.  The pages had essentially the same message with slight changes and were all signed by a "Vince Foster".   The issue was complicated by having been hidden under several tons of black pantsuit outfits, with the initials "...H i l l a r y  R o d h a m  C l i n t o n..." stitched on the inside, so they were determined to be of undetermined ownership.  A binder holding the pages was labelled "Practice Suicide Notes for Vince".   
     According to the repair crew, the last time there had been any access to this part of the interior walls of the White House was around 1997.   The Haz-Mat crew detected various types of radiation, as well as certain strychnine-based poison residue similar to the type used by a certain old lady who was last seen near the house where Snow White was in charge of the seven short bachelors' domicile.    All the workers said that it was "....the worst smelling mess" that they had ever encountered.
      A complete investigation was done by Eric Holder between 4:30 and 4:35 yesterday afternoon, and it was determined that nothing was of any significant forensic interest, considering that there are well over 300,000 people named Vincent, Vicente, or Vince in the United States at this time.   Many of them are LGBT and some have criminal records while others were born on odd or even numbered days.   There were also no individuals in or around the White House with the initials "H i l l a r y  R o d h a m C l i n t o n".   Therefore there is nothing that would justify using the resources of the Justice Department on a wild duck or turkey hunt....(non-lethal, catch and release hunt).  It was the general agreement of the Inspector General's office that it was all George Bush's fault anyway.



Putin is watching your
every move.
      The White House has been encouraged by the recent endorsement by three international heavyweights, long famous for slavish devotion to the precepts of common law, human rights, and transparent domocratic processes.   President Obama made a famous overture to Putin lackey Mdvdevevev, intimating over a hot mike that he (Obama) would have a freer hand in disarming American anti-missile defense systems after the up-coming elections in November, 2012.   It was telling that Obama felt comfortable grabbing Medevevdvs leg while emphasising his willingness to sell out the entirety of Eastern Europes sovereignty and right to self-defense.   Mdednevde was moved to say, "Yes, I understand."
       This is the kind of diplomacy that has set American foreign policy on a path to gain respect and affection on the part of democratic leaders throughout this and all other planets.   Obama has been on a roll after pacifying the entire Arab and Muslim world by pointing out what a slimy bunch of pigs the American people are, and how selfish and exploitative America has been with people of colour.  It has been pointed out that no other American president has done more bowing and grovelling to tin-horn thugs and people who are morally, intellectually, and culturally inferior in all respects to America and Americans.
We all smell sulphur
     Hugo Chavez, who is famous for taking care of the poor and distributing wealth and and destroying his own refineries in order to finance his election campaigns, likes Obama's marxist pre-disposition.   After all, rich people do not need what they have, and who better to determine who needs what than people like Michelle Obama and Pocahantas Warren?
     The Venezuelan dictator is legitimately elected, although he uses money from marxist foreign contributors as well as public Venezuelan assets and tax funds for direct campaign operations.   Very efficient application of the nation's wealth for a nation that has slid over 40% in terms of basic purchasing power for all classes of citizens in the last six years.   Those following his lead in Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, and Nicaragua are enjoying similar economic collapses at this time, so soon the marxist objective will be acheived and the ghost of Guevara will be pleased.....Everyone will be profoundly poor and have his own open sewer running in front of his favela....his own naked children playing in the sewer.....his own 11 year old son a captain in the Mara Salvatrucha.  You gotta love it.

Che, Raul, Fidel
Momma, I have a nice boy named Che' I want
you to meet.   He's here with his friends, Raul
and Fidel.
  Then we have the Brothers Castro - Ruz.   They have outlasted Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, and Obama.  They have seen the coming and going  of Lopez Mateos, Diaz Ordaz, Echeverria Alvarez, Lopez Portillo, de la Madrid Hurtado, Salinas y de Gortari, Fox Quezada, Calderon Hinojosa, and Pena Nieto.   They have seen Diefenbaker, Pearson, Trudeau, Clark, Turner, Mulroney, Campbell, Chretien, Martin, and Harper come and go in Canada.   And, any of the 57 States in America, the 31 States and one federal district in Mexico, and any province of Canada has a greater Gross Internal Product than the entire Republic of Cuba.    Cuba moved from fourth most affluent nation in the Americas in 1960 to the next to last place just above Haiti during these times.   Quite a record for the Fidel and Raul, even as they looted the assets of Cuba to the tune of several billion dollars for their own checking accounts in France, Spain, Mexico, and other places, near and far.  



Eva Longoria

Forever the hippie      Eva Longoria is known as a great intellectual force.  She is open minded and critical in her thought processes.  She is also very much against racial and ethnic stereotyping.  That is why she says that if a Latin person votes for Romney then that Latin person must be forced to turn in his/her genealogy card and become a person of no known race or ethnicity.   Latins must perform according to her ethnic template.     So, as is frequently asked of such dolts that are covered in this blog, "Who is the racist?   Who is the ethnic bigot?"   The fact is that it is Eva.  Not us.   We figure that if a Latin person votes Democrat it is because he or she is a dummy dumbo....but at least he or she is still the child of his ancestors.   If the Latin votes Republican, he or she is a Smarty Marty....and, of course,  he or she is still a child of his ancestors.
      Sorry, Eva.   Your logic is not very logical.  Might be because you are a blithering bimbo who is totally self-absorbed and who has never thought through any problem of logic or critical thinking in your life.   And you used to be almost attractive, but you are looking more, and more, and more like that mean old lady who rocks back and forth sitting over in Fort Marcy Park, pictured at left.
     There is still hope, because you can sell what is left of your soul to Lucifer and he can get you a discount on the Sculpto-Face Wind Tunnel machine that Nancy Pelosi broke after giving the Pope a lecture on Roman Catholic canonical law and liturgy.   There is also a discount on Nancy Pelosi's brain.   She is selling it because she does not need it, and it is in like new condition since it was never used in the first place. Sounds like you, Eva.   A new brain in reserve would not be such a bad idea.   Beats hanging around at boring basketball games. No?

     Well, that is it, folks.  All the news that's fit to print.

Whew!    This is all amazing.   Pardon the melt-down....but it was fun.   Now it is time for a quart of milk and 42 triple chocolate chip cookies....Ummmmmmm! Breakfast.
El Gringo Viejo        

Sunday 21 October 2012


Presenters are (A) Al Sharpton   (B) Bill Mahr  (C) Elizabeth (Pocahantas) Warren, serving due to the inability of Woody Allen and Jane Fonda to arrange for their private jets to be fueled and prepared for take-off in time for the ceremonies.

Hi!   These awards are brought to you by the pronoun I, the command form of the verb ' give',  as in "GIMME", and the concept "arrogant, narcissistic, self-absorbed slug".  The winner is one of our favourite slugs, Miss Flukie herself, the namesake of the Flukie Awards, Sandra Fluke.

 Hi!  I am Sandra Fluke.  I'm a nice girl who
 graduated from Cornell University's Program in Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies in 2003.    I just graduated from Georgetown University with a J.D. so that I can sue you
Crackers and White Trash for wanting to do bad things to girls all the time.  I am so
impressed with myself, that I just wanted you to get to know me like I know me. 
 I like to do a lot of travelling around in Europe with Cutie Pants, my significant whatever, and I really did like doing my advanced studies at a Catholic university where the Jesuit  liberation theologist professors tell the Bishop of Rome what he can do with
his churchful of Fascists.
  Don't worry, you could never get into that school, because they only take the best...not people like you, but don't feel bad, only a few are good enough, so at least you are part of a big group, while I am special.  I want your daughter to pay for my birth control pills, because...because I can.   My momma and my poppa have taught me to expect  everything and to make the little people  pay for it.....because I can. I am 31 years old and still working angles on how to draw down on the Mutterperl estate's moneys.   They are the grandparents
 of my significant whatever, Cutie Pants.  They have lots of money.We like to travel around in Europe.

HI!   I am "Cutie Pants", aka Adam Mutterperl.  My grandparents make
 Creosus look like a homeless person.  I like to travel around and be
 self-absorbed because its fun and boring.  I play ice soccer because it is so international...not at all American...thank God (yes I know there
 is no god, so just chill it.  It's just an expression!).

File:Kroisos stake Louvre G197.jpg
Hi there!  I am Croesus, just sitting here on this pyre that
some sap is trying to light up.  My wealth is mythological.  It was
more than Sen. John Kerry's wife's ketchup fortune, for sure, for sure.
Actually I had more than him, Teddy Kennedy, the Mutterperls, and
a bunch of those people, but I'm getting pretty worried about this
sap trying to light my fire.   Check back with me in a thousand years or so.

     Sandra Fluke, the woman at the centre of a media firestorm earlier this year after Rush Limbaugh called her a “slut,” spoke Saturday in front of about 10 people at the Sak ‘N Save in north Reno.  The speech was part of a daylong effort by Democrats to get Northern Nevadans to the polls on the first day of early voting.   (why did the reporter have to estimate "about 10"?)
     Miss Fluke almost beat out (Sir Edmund) Hillary Rodham for the use of the the 1st person singular pronoun per number of other words within two sentences, but lost by a few hundred "I's".   Miss Flukie said, “I’m trying to do everything I can for an election that I feel is very important. I have a unique opportunity for how I get to do that,” said Fluke, who is coming off recent campaign trips to Colorado, Iowa, New Hampshire and Florida as a surrogate for Democratic President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign.

     Miss Flukie was breathless and "really inspired" by the crowds who came to the Sac and Save in Reno.   All ten of them.   Ten.   10

A bit of advice, Miss Flukie.   If you want birth control pills, buy them and pay for them yourself.
El Gringo Viejo

Friday 19 October 2012

Depends on Your Point of View - Try Simplicity

We have long thought about doing an open lines Friday, and this is as good a time as any.   The OROGs who are into this blog have....shall we edge on those who think  the government should do something about something.   Here is one example that is simultaneously deadly serious and thoughtful and humorous:


Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 7:29 PM
Subject: Simplicity

This rather brilliantly cuts thru all the political doublespeak we get. It puts it into a much better perspective.

Lesson # 1:

* U.S. Tax revenue: $2,170,000,000,000
* Fed budget: $3,820,000,000,000
* New debt: $ 1,650,000,000,000
* National debt: $16,271,000,000,000
* Recent budget cuts: $ 38,500,000,000
Let's now remove 8 zeros and pretend it's your household budget:

* Annual family income: $21,700
* Money the family spent: $38,200
* New debt on the credit card: $16,500
* Outstanding balance on the credit card: $162,710
* Total budget cuts so far: $3.85

Got It ?????

OK now Lesson # 2: Here's another way to look at the Debt Ceiling:

Let's say you come home from work and find there has been a sewer backup in your neighbourhood and your home has sewage all the way up to your ceilings.

What do you think you should do? ... Raise the ceiling, or pump out the crud?

Your choice is coming November 2012. It is here!!!
This was contributed by another high school chum from the class of 1877 or sometime back there.  We are all three or four hundred years old.   Last night I saw Pocahantas.  She turned me down for the Prom...and I wasted my dry cleaner's bill for my white sports coat of $0.65 and the $2.00 for the orchid and the $0.25 for the pink carnation.
     Does anybody have the number for a good crud-pumper?
El Gringo Viejo
A little blast from the past for Old McHi

Pinned Against the Wall Like Basil Rathbone!

Then, after just turning in for one of my famous 4 hour sleep fests at 23:00 hours, once again there are sounds of hooves at hard gallop.   But this time the rider dismounts and can be heard striding to the main door of the Quinta.   Suddenly, a sharp thud is heard on our thick wooden door, followed by the sound of deliberate striding back to the horse...neither quickly nor slowly....and then the diminishing sounds of a long-legged Arabian beating 30 miles-per-hour, heading back to those caves in the mountains....or to another nice house on the other side, on a bigger property....there is much speculation about precisely where "where" is.

     The events force attention.  El Gringo Viejo gets up and puts on his old, stained jeans and checks on the door.  He opens it carefully, making sure not to let one of the cats in with her new pet mouse.   Lo and Behold, there is a full-scale, older Bowie knife thrust fully an inch into extremely hard Mexican Tropical Oak, and pinning a note.  Once again the note is written in fine hand on a thick sheet of elegant stationery.   It states:



Estimado Hermano Gringo Viejo,

Being only a “pretty fair county lawyer”, my concern is for the tenth amendment... those rights which have already been forfeited by the States or confiscated by the Feds. All other Amendments defer to the Tenth in that all law originates in the states and by the people, those which “shall be enumerated”. Article 1 and Section 2 of the Constitution and Title 13 of the U.S. Code provide for enumeration though be it for taxes and representation; however it is law! I rest my case.

Como siempre me quedo a sus ordenes,




    Of course, at this hour of the morning the disposition tends to the grumpy.   But, the problem is that El Zorro is right.   HOWEVER,  El Zorro is the fellow who is not the Jack of All Trades, and Master of None.   In reality, he is the master of many trades.  Sometimes he, himself, does not see this in himself.   But, I must take into consideration that to saddle, tack, mount, and ride at least 7 miles in the middle of the night, one-way to deliver this message, and then ride back....either to those secret, elaborate caves or that house on the other side of the a daunting matter for such thing that appears to be small, but actually is large.   It must be pointed out, of course, that El Zorro is not an attorney.   However, he understands the law in many, many areas better than barristers I have met who are held up as authorities and high practitioners.   IT IS TRUE THAT HIS UNDERSTANDING AND INTERPRETATION OF THE 10TH AMENDMENT TO THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION, is overwhelmingly powerful.   Had he spoken in his way concerning the 10th Amendment on the floor of the United States Senate after the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln in 1860, excusing the departure of the various Southern States from the union, there would have been no War Between the States.   There is no manner by which one can reasonably refute the fact that the Power to the People rests wholly within the 10th Amendment.   The enumerative powers in the Constitution held by the central government are aimed strictly at a census of population to determine apportionment for representation in the lower house of Congress, and to determine the method of levy for the purpose of maintaining and funding a common defense of the several united States. One thing that is certain as well is that had the 10th been adhered to, the "peculiar institution" would have been resolved to the benefit of slave and master alike.    The product of that resolution would have been much more positive than the result that the War produced, and which social engineering (all un-Constitutional) by the Progressives in the 20th Century produced.    As we have retreated during the generations from the liberty produced by the existence of the 10th Amendment, we have reaped the whirlwind  of the avarice produced by almost all national central governments.    The buying and selling of votes, bought and paid with fiat currency, bought and sold by businesses  who sell their souls and people who sell their liberty for a bit of false security.....that is our whirlwind.

      All this being said, it must be re-stated that El Zorro is not only an expert in weaponry and ammunition, but he is also an expert on issues pertaining to the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of these several united States.   So, El Zorro will just have to take that, not as a compliment, but as a fact.

Now back to dreamland.   And thanks for your attention.
El Gringo Viejo

Here's a little sleeping music:


But What If?

El Gringo Viejo has gotten over the impulse to do screed posting over the last few months.   It is rather much like the television talking heads all talking at the same time to nobody who is listening, assuming that that he who shouts the loudest wins the argument.  There are very few minds left to sway.   Those who cannot think deductively and critically are doomed to "feel" that such and such is right, just because.   Those who think, "If we do "this", then "that" will certainly occur as a reaction to "this", will never begin to be able to convince the "feelers" that paying for a string of un-fathered babies in the projects can lead to no good.
    The "feelers" just think it is good to feed the children.   After all, is it not good to feed the hungry?
     We win this issue among ourselves as structural, common and natural law conservatives when we simply point out that as moral people we allow no one to go hungry.   We also would do a better job by providing for each hungry person wth our own, local, inefficient, one-on-one, Salvation Army (and similar) approach, in the absence of a cumbersome and politically motivated welfare establishment,     The Salvation Army does not help people on the basis of justifying their salaries or by reminding recipients that their bread is buttered here, and the Republicans are going to take away both your bread and butter and put you back in chains.
      We have the sad situation wherein the once noble Catholic Charities, for instance, as a public welfare substation has become one of the little squealing piglets, squueeeeeealing for their place at the trough, pointing out that the number of hungry people and people who need "services" is just sooooooo massive.   We can only solve the problem by saying things like "There is no such thing as an illegal person". the Maryknolls as so inclined to do, setting up storefront mid-wiferies, and enrolling baby factory illegal aliens to deliver and walk out the front door with participation in AFDC, Food Stamps (lone star card), WIC, subsidised rent program, and other benefits provided for any woman simply because she has whelped upon Tierra Sanctus Americanus.
     And, yes Virginia, if a French woman, or a Canadian woman, or a Japanese woman, or an Englishwoman were to be in that same store-front mid-wifery to throw herself on the American public for financial gain, it would be my will to swoop her up, give her her bag of diapers and a two day supply of formula, and drive her over to the illegal alien detention to be deported on the first flight out, tomorrow morning.   Any jewelry, money, or valuables would be taken from her and turned over to the account set up to defray the costs of deportation and attendant transportation.    For a further instance, I have known of four occasions when American girls had an inconvenient truth appear.   They brought the inconvenient truth to life, and each true handiwork of the Holy Ghost was taken up by people waiting for that particular baby, and all the babies turned into solid, productive citizens.  All the girls turned into solid mothers of their own families and productive, positive people.   That's the difference.
     To do otherwise is not fair to the people who come into this country after literally waiting in line forever and paying all the attendant fees and permits.   To do otherwise is unfair to the body politic who is somehow expected to pay for the wilful acts of imposition that place a such people far below the scale of life than, say, a female cat who births her litter under your house.

President John Adams Houses,
A graffitied stairwell to Hell, at this 1964-era project
in the South Bronx, picture from 12 June 1979, forewshadows
the very predictable.   Seven buildings, ranging from 15 to 21
stories high, with 925 apartments, designed for 2,347 occumpants
Typical Soviet-style "to each according to his need", little boxes.
To-day, there are an estimated 5,000 people staying in the ruin
where the main occupation is welfare, crime, violence, and sloth.
     The "welfare package" has become so ingrained and institutionalised that in urban areas of the United States that the common social norm is for a woman to choose a man at the 2 year point to sire another "ticket" so as to have a stairstep of cashflow, which can be as much as 4,000 dollars per month, including housing, medical, food, utilities, and other benefits.   The main requirement is to be sure that there is no man in residence.
     The result?   Detroit.  New Orleans. Great Sociological Swaths of sub-humanity, all paid for by us, and fathered by the liberal/marxist notion that government must determine what to take from those who must give, and what to give to those who must take.
     One can determine if his soul is damaged by trying to remember if he ever said something like, "The rich people should pay more taxes, you know, like their fair share.   It's only right, because they have more than than they need."    The conceit and vacuousness of such a statement marks that point where Satan knows he has gathered another sheave.
El Gringo Viejo puts this linkage here, just because.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Tedious, but necessary

     Yesterday morning El Gringo Viejo had to go out to the corral to let the mares out for a scamper.   Just as I swung the gate open to let them into the main pasture, a leather bag came into view.   It was bigger than a bullet bag but smaller than a lady's purse.   It was probably something benign, but I openned it carefully anyway, noticing quickly that a piece of fine stationery with a black Z on it, covered a ribboned collection of five or six pages of very legal and important looking stuff.

     This time the message was about the appeal of the decision of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, in the service of the central government with reference to an appeal by the State of Arizona, wherein said State prays for relief from the 9th Circuit's decision to set aside Arizona's recently passed legislation concerning its method of qualifying electors and conducting elections within its pertinent territory.     The State of Arizona is appealing on two points; one that asserts that the 9th Circuit is ruling against existing precedent established in other Appellate Courts  of the central government, as well as the Supreme Court of that same central government.   And the second point being that the 9th Circuit specifically overreaches by setting the National Voter Registration Act as applicable to, and superior to, law passed by the State of Arizona, to wit: requiring that potential electors provide proof of eligibility to register to vote.
      El Zorro provides the linkage necessary to delve into the nuts and bolts of this important case.   The Roman erred by expanding the definition and pathway to citizenship to the point that the status of Citizen ceased to have any status, once it became apparent that anyone could become a citizen and exercise his rights without concern about addressing his responsibilities.    So these cases become more interesting, even if tedious to follow.   The investment of the time, and the cleaning of reading glasses lenses frequently, in the opinion of El Gringo Viejo, is well worth it.   El Zorro is better than a "pretty fair" country lawyer, especially considering that he is self-trained.   He is an expert on 2nd amendment law, par excellence, and a worthy commentator on most United States Constitutional issues.   He is not the guy at the end of the bar bellowing, "Well, if there ain't no law agin it, there oughta be!"  He makes more sense than the  $1,000/hour big-city attorneys.
     Date Filed: October 15, 2012
Case #: 12-71
Court Below: 677 F.3d 383 (9th Cir. 2012)
Full Text Opinion:

PREEMPTION: (1) Whether the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
erred in creating and applying a heightened preemption test contrary
to the Supreme Court's authority and in conflict with other circuit
court decisions; and (2) whether the Court of Appeals for the Ninth
Circuit erred in holding that the National Voter Registration Act
preempted an Arizona law requiring proof of eligibility to register to

The State of Arizona passed Proposition 200, which amended state
election laws to require proof of citizenship when registering to vote
and when voting. The trial court held Proposition 200 valid, but the
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit applied a heightened preemption
test and reversed in part. The circuit court held that states have no
reserved authority over federal elections and that requiring proof of
citizenship to register to vote directly conflicted with the National
Voters Registration Act's (NVRA) requirement to "accept and use"
federal forms when registering voters for federal elections. The
circuit court affirmed the voter ID requirement at voting stations and
the Supreme Court granted certiorari to determine whether the circuit
court erred in holding that the NVRA preempts Proposition 200.

On appeal, Petitioner argues the circuit court erred in using a
heightened preemption analysis that is incongruent with set precedents
and federalism principles. Additionally, Petitioner argues that
because the NVRA and Proposition 200 can be enforced without conflict,
the NVRA does not preempt Arizona's law. [Summarized by Katie Hoesly]

Once again, worth the effort.   If I can work through it, any OROG can!\
El Gringo Viejo