Wednesday 17 October 2012

Debate Surprise

The below-included passage is an observation that co-incided with El Gringo Viejo's impression at the very second that Obamaham the Mighty began his disjointed response to one of the questioners at last night's debate. 
     This is from Jennifer Rubin's "Right Turn" editorial comment in the Washington Post, this date.   She draws the following from American Crossroads analysis of Obama's problem with being a chronic, pathological liar:

There is another problem with Obama’s response. Recall this part of his answer: “So as soon as we found out that the Benghazi Consulate was being overrun, I was on the phone with my national security team, and I gave them three instructions. Number one, beef up our security and — and — and procedures not just in Libya but every embassy and consulate in the region. Number two, investigate exactly what happened, regardless of where the facts lead us, to make sure that folks are held accountable and it doesn’t happen again. And number three, we are going to find out who did this, and we are going to hunt them down, because one of the things that I’ve said throughout my presidency is when folks mess with Americans, we go after them”

     To begin, Obama and all the King's men flooded the airways during the days following the attack on the Counsel in Benghazi to make certain that the affable hoit poloi did not connect the dots that 11 September....crescent moon with Venus nearby....multiple uprisings throughout Muslim Arabia...and all nature of other nefarious manifestation...meant that perhaps Al Qaeda is not quite as much "on its heels" and the Naked Emperor wants us to think.   His secretary of state, his ambassadette to the "United Nations", his chief press spokesman. his chief of staff of the campaign (odd), and a score or so more of mendacious lurkers certainly flooded every venue to pull wool, blow smoke, and put wings on the pigs.
     An attachment to this is Obama's effort to confuse the issue by reminding people that Romney had spoken without permission without knowing all the facts.   Romney shot from the hip, so to speak.   The problem with that admonishment is that Romney's first, and correct, shot across the bow was to condemn the knee-jerk blame-America-first statement from the Embassy at Cairo, Egypt wherein they apologised for the "anti-Mohammad" video.
      That, by itself, should have resulted in the immediate dismissal of whichever employee made such asinine statement.   But, not only was it made the first time, but again during the full scale mob vandalism of our Embassy.   Romney was right, even during or especially during the middle of a presidential campaign.   Grovelling before deranged religious maniacs who are being led by agents of Lucifer does not gain respect.    It gains nothing.   It loses everything.
     Romney actually said little about the actual murderous assault of the American facility in Benghazi.  But, Obama, last night, transferred the one condemnation and "inappropriate over-reaction" about Cairo over to the situation in Benghazi, and thereby implied that Romney had made things worse by his meddling.
     But, leaving that behind, we are told by Obama that as soon as he found out that the facility in Benghazi was being overrun, he immediately communicated with his national security team.   That is a lie.   Had he done so, he would have known that some frumpy lady at State was following the issue in real time, in video and audio.   He did not fish with much bait to try to assemble the best people, closest to the scene.   It was several days later when the Ambassador of the United States of America to the Youknighted Nayshuns went out to assure the Crackers and religious nuts and gun nuts that all this row was caused by one of them.   It was all due to an offensive video about the Prophet Mohammed, done by a Christian extremist.   She went to five different morning shows on Sunday to say the same thing, with the same words, to leave the same erroneous impression.
     As word further leaked out from here and there....(please scroll down to previous post concerning the value of the President of Libya's word as opposed to the value of the word of the President of the United States...19 September 2012....TRADE PRESIDENTS, ANYONE?) became more and more obvious that Obama is a liar, and that Al Qaeda had destroyed a significant American facility and murdered four Americans, one a full ambassador, in the process.
    With that said, the rest of Obama's answer to the questioner was totally Styrofoam peanuts and horse feathers.   There were five other massively egregious acts of aggravated mendaciousness that, thankfully, were relatively easily detected by large numbers of the audience last night.   Hence, the pundits said..."Wow! Obama really showed everybody!" while the polling and general reaction of the Nobodies was "Why does that guy who plays the part of President lie and avoid direct answers to all questions?"


Who won the debate?

Erik Wemple

You voted this way:
Mitt Romney  -  58%
Barack Obama  -  42%

61283 people have taken this poll.
Source - Washington Post, this date

Thanks for your time and attention.   Remember, we won this one. too.  And, after Romney makes it to the White House, we shall have to fight him and his "reasonability" in order to keep the ship of state steering more centre-right than centre.  It will be easier to argue with him than with Obama, because Mitt has a soul and has always been proud of his Country.

El Gringo Viejo

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Another 200,000,000.00 Flushed

      The total damage done by the money-laundering device dreamed up by the Saul Alinskyite marxists has long since gone past the jaw-dropping dis-belief stage.    Solyndra was the classic formula, followed frequently:   take government money, give money to Democrat campaign donors, say words like "green" or "sustainable" or "friendly" mixed somehow with the words "battery" or "electric" or "ecological" and go down to get your check for a few (or many) hundreds of millions of dollars from the tax-payers.
     Wink and nod, because it is well understood by anyone with the IQ of a two-foot tombstone that two things are going to happen:   (1)   the money will never be repaid, and  (2)  there was never even the merest, most remote chance that any of the "investment" would ever produce anything remotely resembling a viable automobile power plant.    The entire deal was designed to move money out of Washington, D.C. to lackeys within the Democrat Party, who would take the money, pay inflated salaries for "administrators" and "technical people" and then to harvest small but important percentages from said personalities to shovel back into the  pockets of the Obama re-elect effort.    Ditto the United Auto Workers.....and various of the too-big-to-fail banking slugs on Wall Street.   Corzine, anyone?   Marc Rich, anyone?  Franklin Raines, anyone?
     Frankly, Republicans do something similar.  El Gringo Viejo has been involved in some of it.   But, when the deals are being cut by people seeking some kind of government contracts, the poobahs will always make a point of demanding due diligence and compliance with the objectives being funded.   That's why Republican shenanigans produce better results.   It's similar to Mexico where Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI)projects produce about a 50% effectivity, while the Partido de Accion Nacional's (PAN) projects are more like 96% effective.
     This next news is out almost at the same time.   No temperature change of significance during the past 20 years.   Studied more closely, that actually was the climate change zombies trying to hide the fact that the overall "world temperature" as they have been measuring it has been static to diminishing slightly.   The ice skirt surrounding the Antarctic Continent is passing record extensions.   It's just a bad day all around for AlGore.  At least his California coastal love-nest gift to his new squeeze is not in as much danger of falling into the Pacific for another 300,000 - 600,000 years.....more or less.   But Wait!!  There's more, the present count of 30,000 polar bears will probably blossom to several hundred million before the end of this century.....Planned Parenthood, Where are you when we need you??   Are we all going to be forced to quarter Polar Bears instead of British Soldiers? 


Electric Car Battery Maker A123 Systems Files for Bankruptcy

Electric Car Battery Maker A123 Systems Files for Bankruptcy

Jeffrey Sauger/Bloomberg
A123 Systems Inc. fell as much as 16 cents, or 70 percent,
 to 7 cents a share in over-the-counter trading as of 9:43 a.m.

This is about as far as the El Gringo Viejo can go.  It's time to relax and let the old blood pressure go back down to moribund level.   Thanks for your time and interest.
El Gringo Viejo

Laugh as one might, Texas Independence has contemporaries

Elections just concluded in Belgium resulted in the expulsion of the Socialist Party from the mayoralty of Antwerp.   The somewhat conservative Flemish National Movement people won the election by an overwhelming majority.   Belgium is another of these European countries cobbled together from ancient duchies and even smaller aristocratic sub-divisions.   It is split between four different forms of Dutch, and two different types of French, within a population that is a bit more than 12,000,000.   That number includes the contaminant of being roughly one-fifth Muslim, of which over 60% are on almost complete welfare.
     The Flemish-speaking group (Dutch) around Antwerp has longed for the past 90 years to gently re-establish total autonomy over its affairs.   Theirs is the clean part of Belgium and theirs is the part of Belgium where public assistance is least availed upon.  Theirs is also the part of Belgium that pays the greatest part of the taxes on a per-capita basis.    Like Texas.
      There is a bit more of ethnic "purity" in their identity, but by this time a new Texas "ethnicity" is almost "ethnicity" of philosophy if not of chromosomes.

 Antwerp, Flanders

We'll rest for a bit and come back to grouse later.   Thanks for the attention.
El Gringo Viejo

Monday 15 October 2012

A Brief Note to the Father of Ambassador Stevens

During the previous hours, our grief, our pain, and our outrage at the events in Benghazi have had the admonition of the father of Ambassador Stevens to fold into our sadness.   We have been told to stop using the death of the Ambassador for political purposes.
      It brings to mind the anger that Dr. Lewinski expressed concerning the events surrounding his daughter....lo, these many years ago.  Dr. Lewinski was furious about what his daughter was having to suffer.   For all his daughter's trials....the good doctor blamed....Ken Starr.
      Mr. Stevens is likewise offended.   He is grieving.   He says that Americans do not have the right to "politicise" his son's death.
      But, El Gringo Viejo has lost people at the first degree of relation.   El Zorro has lost people at the first degree of relation.   The American people have, in their great majority, lost children and friends and parents and siblings during their journeys in this life.    Mr. Stevens has lost a child who was in the service of the central government.  This we lament, not for Mr. Stevens so much as for the entire state of the Republic.  It is like when we go to the funeral of a fallen warrior who has come back from the Middle East.  We did not know the boy.   We are not members of his family.  We are simply crushed because vermin such as he was fighting could waste a life so valuable when their lives are so worthless, miserable, foul, and evil.
      Therefore, Mr. Stevens, please do not politicise the death of your son by telling me that I cannot condemn the authors of the events and conditions that led to the death of your son.  Your son is, in many ways, very much a part of the public domain.   He represents us.   In representing the President as ambassador to anywhere, he becomes me.   He becomes all Americans.  He becomes us.   He is us.   He was us.
      Therefore, Mr. Stevens, either understand that your son's sacrifice was brought on by policies and procedures and incompetence of his superiors, or stand aside and allow the small majority of Americans who do understand that fact to respond to it.   One hundred percent of your son's death was caused by sub-human, irrational beings who parade under the banners of Islam.   Likewise, one hundred percent of your son's death was caused by the wilful lack of security preparation of your son's facilities.  One hundred percent of the cause of your son's death was the failure to establish a realistic policy concerning Al Qaeda not only in Libya, but throughout the Middle East.   Drones and the killing of bin Laden or his look-alike does not, did not, end the war.
      Dr. Lewinski was a fool.   The enemy of his daughter was a piece of white-trash named William Jefferson Blythe, who was supported in his abuse of Monica Lewinski by another piece of self-absorbed narcissism named Hillary Rodham Clinton.   The blood of our departed Ambassador is on the hands of religious psychotics, the highest levels of the current President's administration, and the State Department under Hillary Rodham Clinton.  And, as one who has grieved, Mr. Stevens, I shall not tell you how to grieve, and I shall not follow your instructions concerning I am supposed to grieve or blame for the death of your son.
 Thanks to all for the time and patience invested.
El Gringo Viejo

Saturday 13 October 2012

Remember the Camel Guy at Giza

You all will remember the camel guy outside of Cairo, the one who had his little tourist business, and the brick factory on the edge of Cairo with his brother.   His biggest concern seemed to be always being under observation by a Hezbollah or Muslim Brotherhood thug, and always being subject to having to pay arbitrary anti-Jew taxes and "operation expenses" for the two esteemed organisations who control small business among the Muslim nobodies.   After all, Hezbollah and the Muslim Brotherhood are Muslim somebodies, and they have the money and the guns to prove it. 
      Obama and Hillary tell us that Arab Spring rid us of the curse of Mubarek, and the Muslim Brotherhood....a moderate, secular group....would establish democracy, and show people Shirley Temple films....and give them ice cream.    Watch the pigs fly.   Look!  It's snowing in Hell.
Shas Reza Pahlavi and the Queen in 1973,
He was a terrible person because his SAVAK
secret police had 2,000 political prisoners
at that time.   Now there are only 200,000
political prisoners and they hang homosexuals
 and adultresses.     Progress has it's price.
       We get rid of Pahlavi because he's just bad, bad, bad!   Now Iran is free.   The Persians can go about the business of being free and democratic.   Samoza is a bad, bad person, so Jimmy Carter gets rid of him, too.   The Sandinista Blues Brothers (the Ortegas) come in and establish democracy.   To celebrate that they find the old Jew in Managua who had a little business and headed up the small Jewish community there, and they stripped him naked, tied a yoke to his wrists, put the yoke behind his head and made him walk around in the centre of Managua for the the Summer....until he collapsed.   Later in the week, he died;   democracy, you see.
     These people...Jimmy Carter, Barak Hussein Obama, Al Gore, Billy and Hilly Clinton, and their type of elitists, marxist hypocrites almost always change things....for the worse.   Then they wipe their dirty hands, stride out onto Park Avenue, and begin to lecture the little people again....from a distance, of course.    Eat what we tell you to what we tell you to do.   Say what we tell you to say....think what we tell you to think.   If you need the police, call the official State Security number and a team of officers will come out to tag and identify your body and transport it to Soylent Green Factory #666 for.....preparation....for free.   Just pay shipping and handling.  Body bag - Made in China.

     This little entry to-day is made in memory of, and out of respect for, the four Americans who were murdered by an Al Qaeda assault unit in Benghazi, Libya and the Yemeni Arab security specialist who was murdered last week by Al Qaeda operatives in Sanaa, Yemen after serving at the American Embassy there for the last 20 of his 53 years of life.   Not to mention the number of soldiers who have been murdered in Afghanistan by the treacherous slugs who the victims are actually trying to help to become human.   These losses are entirely the fault of  Obama's announced date-certain, cut and run....maddening!    Insane!

The Horowitz Family is celebrating having
found Curly's long-lost twin sister, Curlette, at
Foster's Nursing Home and Corkscrew Factory,
in Hope, Arkansas where Curlette has been
 under care for some time now.   Between stringing
 the beads and eating well, Curlette gets to go to town
 and act like she is a really important element in the scheme
 of human affairs.  Other mentally defective people in her
circle think she really and truly and  actually is the
 Secretary of State of the United Statesof America.
   Curlette knows better.   Curlette knows
that she is Qeeen of the Universe.
(nyuk, nyuk, nyuk)

     Perhaps Holder, Panetta, and Hillary can publish the names of all the Mohammeds who have helped the Gringos during these past few years, along with their addresses as they depart on 20 January 2013, so that the Al Qaeda and Taliban operatives won't have to look them up on cross reference guides before they go out and behead them and shoot their daughters in the middle of the soccer field as part of half-time entertainment.  They can blame it on Bush.

     We still wonder what Hillary dragged out of the confidential FBI files on the present Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and Gen. Petraeus that could have been used to turn those two men into useful idiots for Chairman Mao.

Pray for the Republic.   Hope for an Independent Texas.  Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.
El Gringo Viejo 

Thursday 11 October 2012

Queen of the Universe Up-date

This woman has quite a record.   She is the most admired woman in the United States, on Planet Earth, and in the Universe. She has mastered time travel, inventive story-telling, Cowboy Poetry, Negro Poetry, cattle market futures, land speculation, inventive billing techniques for charging for her brilliant legal services, as well as having done "so much for women's issues".   She is famous for inventive Cowboy Campfire Tales, and is known in the Balkans as Corkscrew Queen.   She also received a Medal of Valour from the Nobel Peace Prize Committee for piloting a helicopter up to the Twin Towers on 11 September 2001, putting the bird on autopilot,  and then walking out on the spinning rotors like a Flamenco Dancer and extracting her daughter from the licking flames before returning to pilot the copter back down t0 safety, only seconds before the buildings collapsed.
This woman set the world's record
for fewest words spoken per minute,
with oak-leaf cluster for condescension.
She sang, "Hit the Road, Jack" at Vince Foster's
Funeral.  The attendees applauded nervously.
 She cares.