Sunday 12 August 2012

O'Reilly does it again. El Zorro caught him, though!

We are brought to a wistful smile when we hear someone include Bill O'Reilly among the various and sundry conservative personalities and pundits.   He is anything but a conservative.   He is certainly not a liberal, but that does not make him a conservative.   O'Reilly does, however, represent what is worst in American political thinking.  Lacking principles, he relies upon reason.   Reason is like fire and electricity....very useful until they burn your house down or melt your bones into your boots.    Reason is what the serpent sold Eve in the Garden.   She convinced Adam to "follow this line of thinking" which seemed very reasonable at the time.
     Being reasonable is what has brought us to the mess where we are, nationally, in terms of our fiscal situation and governmental burden at this time.    We have stated this before, but it merits re-statement, and frequent re-statement;  Doing something on behalf of the American people, reaching across the aisle, compromising, being reasonable, being realistic, and being bi-partisan/non-partisan/non-profit has brought us to the point where three-fourths of what is considered the Black Race in America is mired in the abyss of hopeless, inextractable degeneration.    It has given us a debt larger that the total wealth of the 150 poorest countries in the world, combined!

     Rule by banal platitudes and focus-group one-liners....aspirates.   No mas! No mas!   El Gringo Viejo has railed about O'Reilly's ridiculous, wave-of-the-hand dismissal of gasoline prices going up as a market situations resulting from hundreds of ever-changing, uncontrollable influences, situations, and conditions.   We know that most Americans have some sense of entitlement to dollar a gallon gasoline.....but the fact is that if we have dollar a gallon gasoline, that would be great, except for one thing.    There would be no gasoline, no oil company taxes, no top-dollar blue-collar wages, no commonly held stocks producing dividends for stock holders, no enegy innovations, no explorations, no nothing.
      His dismissiveness, as one follows the thought channel, leads with certainty to oil company nationalisation....and then really high gasoline prices....because the income derived from gasoline overcharges is funneled into the treasury to pay for bureaucrats and their programs, like paying the dole to Muslim men who have four wives, all receiving support from the Queen's Exchequer for the wives' 22 children....all permissible under Shiria law.
       In short, O'Reilly is a braying jackass and absolutely no conservative.   He is that particular type of dullard who says things like...."Well I feel like there should be..." and "Everybody knows it, and that's why they have to keep it secret"....He is like the braying drunk at the end of the bar who outshouts all the other drunks (and sober people) and when he looks around and finds no one in the saloon, says to himself, "That's another argument that I won".

File:Old plough schema.svg
Organic Ploughshare.   Unlike Al Gore,
who actually ploughed the rocky hillsides
of his Tennessee homeland with a team of
mules, El Gringo Viejo simply rode Ulyssis
or Sherman while his grandfather did the

     The following instructive electronic mail was sent to Mr. O'Reilly's attention by the ever vigilant El Zorro.   This is, simply put, one man who knows what he is talking about telling another man who is an ignorant blowhard what the facts are.
Bill O’Reilly,
      You should have your facts before going on the air.  You obviously have no experience with guns.  The ATF 4473 is required for all  civilian gun transfers at gun shows as well as dealer and interstate sales.  The only exception is an intrastate sale or exchange between private citizens in which case the individual who sells or purveys the gun remains responsible for anything that happens with it no matter when or where it goes.  That is the law.
       AK 47s are in two configurations, fully automatic and semi automatic as are AR 15s and other familiar rifles.  You make up some catch title, “heavy armament”, that further compounds the confusion.  The fully automatic rifles (machineguns to you), are only available to citizens if they were manufactured before the 1986 weapons ban signed by Ronald Reagan.  Then they have to have Federal the reporting i.e. ATF 4s, ATF 4, Tax forms, fees, extensive background checks and so much more… you should study so you will know.
    Those of us who appreciate the freedom to protect ourselves and the Second Amendment know the law and abide by it.  We report appropriately and respect the responsibility.  There are a very small few who can do a lot of harm to our society by circumventing the laws we have and that harm extends to the hysteria you exhibit and display for those who watch your TV show.
     Argumentative news sells even if the argument is inaccurate.  The seed is planted.

(El Zorro) (the actual e-mail was signed by El Zorro's normal, citizen, legal name.)

     O'Reilly's logic flows from one reasonable position to the next.   And then one morning all the swords have been beaten into ploughshares and the lambs are laying down by the wolves.

Can't we all just get along?

   Since nobody has a gun, we'll all be safe....right, Mr. O'Reilly?    Are you going to "look out for me and mine".....or will you just tell us to dial 9 - 1 - 1 ?
     As usual El Zorro is right concerning this issue.   And, as frequently happens when a person tries to be "reasonable", Bill O'Reilly is wrong.

9- 1 -1 ,   9 - 1 -1,   Hello?   9 - 1 - 1,   Is anybody out there?   Hello?
El Gringo Viejo

Saturday 11 August 2012

The following missive was tossed through the window of our Quinta on the face of the Sierra Madre, late last night.   It is from El Zorro, who is always nice enough to throw his message-wrapped stone through an open window, saving El Gringo Viejo the need of re-glazing any damages.   El Zorro states better than does El Gringo Viejo the true ire that those of us with children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, grand nephews, and unimportant things such as that, feel in our souls during these days.

To Gringo in Rural Mexico - Voice of the Sierra Madre Occidental
3:18 PM (23 hours ago)

from El Zorro 

Right on! Right on!
The ideology of change:  A basic truth that “The life of man upon earth is a warfare…”  All evils are caused by exploitation of the poor by the rich. The community organizer’s truth is not fixed.  “To him it is relative and changing: everything to him is relative and changing.”
Hope and change are meaningless to the organizer as in the “fundamental change of America”.  A war that is fought with positions that constantly change to achieve winning at any cost.  Obama’s change is whatever he wants it to be.  The only thing for sure is if left alone there will be a change, one so horrific that it does not occur to sane people that it ultimately will cause pain we cannot imagine.  Those who drink the cool aid think they will be on the train with him just because they say Right on! Right on Barry!  Guess what.  The train has only the engine. 
The word change is something most of us think of as something necessary, else why consider it.  We change our socks because it is necessary.  We buy a new car because the old one doesn’t serve us.  But what is the necessity for a fundamental change of America?  Since to us, change means necessity to take a different direction we believe this fundamental change must be necessary.  We have to change so we will know why we need to.
We proletariats are not fighting but unbeknownst to us we are being fought.  We did not know how awful our lives were until Obama told us.  We did not think of change until he offered it to us.  Now we have to have it.  We all had healthcare but we now know that we don’t because he told us.  The rich are robbing from us because he told us.  We are the rich because we make $200k a year and take home $75k and we have to pay more.  He told us and we believe him we need to change and what else, oh yes have hope.
We now know that things were so much worse than he thought they were so he needs more time to fix it for us.  More more change.  More more war against the middle class uhhh…errrr upper class.  Yes he can again, still.  You feel me?  Right on! Right on!
A Manchurian candidate is not far from the truth if not the truth.  Obama is a loner with a made up history which is so full of holes it has to be made up.  There has to be an entire army of dark creatures collaborating this fiction.  Could it be the truth that he will not release his Occidental college transcripts because they will prove he was/is not a citizen?  The cover-ups are huge.  There is an elephant in this room.
There is something very wrong that this fool gets 46% approval, or whatever it is, for the job he is doing.  Any approval at all is an atrocity.  What happened to thinking?  It was here just a decade ago.  I don’t get it and I am glad I am my age.  This is not the future I counted on so many years ago. 
Rambling,  but what else can we do but yell, scream, and get in the face of all the whiney souls who don’t get it whether they hear us or not.  Whether they are friends, family, acquaintances, enemies, or who cares who they are. 
We hope our rage excuses whatever incoherence this message has,  but sometimes being coherent does not provide gratification, quite frankly.

(The last we knew of anything was the sound of hooves galloping back into some canyon recesses that we can see, but none of us can find.  We are almost certain that in the daytime, he is among us as though he were one of us.  It is good to know that he is out there, watching the forces of totalitarianism and corruption.
El Gringo Viejo)

Friday 10 August 2012

Wierd Fox News Poll? (Amended 21:46, 10 August 2012)

El Gringo Viejo has had a bit of experience with polling in the past.  His training and much of his university level education was involved with the obtaining and analysis of social demographic information and attitudes.

The most reliable general polling instrument available to the reasonable public at this time is, of course, the Rasmussen.   At one time Zogby did well, but then began to politicise itself into virulent anti-Israeli contortions that had a bad effect on outcomes.

Of the "mainstream" type polling groups, only Gallup makes the least effort to be anywhere near accurate.   They tend to move towards full accuracy towards the very end of a campaign cycle.   Polling groups such as Quinnipiac, Pew, PPP, and therefore the Real Clear Politics polling average are off from 5 to 8 percent by the end of the campaign.

Therefore, when Fox News aired the Obama 49 - Romney 40 poll to-day, it was immediately rejected by this observer because it flew in the face of yesterday's posting of the Rasmussen projection of  Romney 47 - Obama 43.     That calculation is almost exactly the reading of to-day's Gallup analysis.   Interestingly, Gallup tends to poll more into 'all registered'  whereas Rasmussen relies on samples of those who seem most apt to vote.  This time they concurred.

These figures, by any historic standard, are catastrophic for an incumbent president.  Rasmussen's analysis of "strongly in favour"  of Obama as opposed to "strongly opposed" to Obama's policy leaves Obama in a   - 16  (negative sixteen) deficit.   Catastrophic.   Only about 25% of the voting population is remotely interested in "defending the parapets", while almost 50% of the voting population is adamant about driving the marxist and his handlers out of the White House.  Once again, we repeat, and in neither personal nor politically motivated terms, these figures are unprecedented in a re-election bid for an incumbent president.  They are catastrophic.

So, El Gringo Viejo must only assume that someone within the FOX News operation is pulling FOX New's chain, or their polling agency is pulling their  chain, or the execution of the poll was done incompetently.    It is very, very difficult to play outrider to both Rasmussen and Gallup to that extent without suspicion being raised about the competence, or intent, of the FOX News polling agency's ability and/or motive.

Thanks for your attention.
El Gringo Viejo



Aug 7-9, 2012 – Updates daily at 1 p.m. ET; reflects one-day change
Presidential Election
7-day rolling average

    Our statement above that the Gallup Poll showed that the voter's disposition breaks out at 46 to 46.   My error in stating in the original article that Romney was ahead.  My thinking was probably stuck into the Approval / Disapproval figures of  43 Approve  -  51 Disapprove.     Both the disposition and approval numbers in any regard, for an incumbent president, are catastrophic.
     Also, please note that the employment number shows a decrease, while the underemployed and unemployed both showed significant increases over the past three day period polled.   Economic confidence figure, according to responses by Gallup, shows a net negative impression of the economy of  -30, which would translate to 65 /things are bad to 35/things are okay.   Catastrophic for the president.

Thanks for allowing this correction and for having patience with my sloppy work.

Thursday 9 August 2012

Always Assert, Never Deny

Barry Soetoto before his fundamental transformation
doing his best Frank Sinatra

It is axiomatic for marxists and socialists of all stripes.    "Always assert.  Never deny".  Therefore, we shall watch the  "Romney killed my wife" advertisement, the details will be sorted out, the advertisement will be shown to be not only devoid of fact but an outright lie, but there will be no remorse or admission or apology.   The Obama people will reconstruct and continue to foist the mendacity upon the public.

   "It doesn't matter that Romney was gone from the scene by that time the man lost his job, or that the wife died long after Romney was gone.   None of that matters.   It  does not matter if the union worker was offered a buy-out and refused it.   It doesn't matter if the union worker's wife was working long after the plant was shut down, and that she had insurance, and that none of this has anything to do with Romney.   It just doesn't matter!   It is still proof that people like R0mney have no concern for the little people.   People like Romney do not understand the average American's problems or care about them." 

And!    It doesn't matter whether the charges are true or not.   What matters is the seriousness of the charges.   Can't you people understand?
And!   On top of that.....Remember that Romney never paid any income tax for 10 years.   Everybody knows it.   The Bain Company guy told Harry Reid, man.  That's gotta   say something to you.
And!   Romney was a notorious bully, 50 years ago, everybody already knew all about those episodes.   Mennonites all have that "rowdy period" when the teenagers are allowed to run wild.   Romney took advantage of that and then they covered it up.  Everybody knows about it and that's why they have to keep it secret.
And!    Do you think that anyone who would tie a dog to the roof of a car and drive 1,000 miles just to let his kids get their kicks out of watching a dog suffer would give a flip about you or your family.   It's the way rich people are.  Didn't you ever read anything by F. Scott Fitzgerald?   Don't you know anything about Gatsby?
And!    If Mrs. Romney had to choose between her horse or your kid drowning in the swimming pool....who do you know she would choose?   Huh?  Huh?  These people belong to a sacrificial cult, man.  The Amish are a sacrificial polygamist cult.   They eat babies, man.  That's why they have to have so many wives, man.   Sheeesh!  Can't you understand anything?
And!   If you have any problem with anything I said here, you took my statements out of context.   And I'm not taking any of it back.  And I never said it.


This is how Miss Flukie, Pelosi, Wasserman, Biden, Reid, and Co. think.    There is no cure.  They are terminally deranged.    It is a prerequisite to being a socialist.   All socialists are deranged.   National socialists, Bolshevik socialists, Trotskyite socialists, Maoists, Sendero Luminoso, every little factional Committee for the Liberation of Dumpovia, Hugo, Fidel, ad infinitum.    All deranged.  It is required.

     Let us remember that this entire "Romney killed my wife" tactic is an echo of Barry Soetoto telling the world in his "Dreams of My Father" book that Barry's poor mother died because the insurance company would not give her coverage because her problem was part of a continuing or pre-existing condition.   It was a lie.   It was a damned lie.

     Barry's entire life since Occidental has been a scripted, Manchurian candidate lie.   It is so big that we cannot see it as country.   It is so insidious that reasonable people cannot believe it.   See it.    Believe it.   We have our own personal Hugo Chavez.   Everything Barry says and does is like that exercise actors do when they face each other and mirror each other's movements.   Barry and Hugo.   Barry and Nicolai.   Barry and Maxmilien Robespierre.

Maxmilien Robespierre.
Jacobin leader of the French Revolution

A true brother-in-arms to Barry, pictured above.
Thanks for your continued attention and willingness to dilute the ire of an old man.
El Gringo Viejo

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Odds and Ends from Our Last Stay in Mexico

During the drive down and back, and during my stay, all of the normal difficulties and pleasantries were encountered, of course.   The dogs jump up on an arriving person delivering preferred dog food and doggy treats.   Little matter that they have been told not to jump up, it is very difficult to constrain them during those first moments.
     Next, one could note that the ample rains of the late-Spring, early Summer had caused the flamboyan trees to set a second blossoming.   So the approach to the Quinta was enhanced by that and other flowering things.   My mother's favourite vine, the corona vine, had invaded very heavily in all the usual places and the pinkish banks of blooms were actually shimmering in the mid-day heat as we arrived.   So all of that was nice.   The only problem is that my flamboyan trees were not blooming, save for the one "down below" , and it was only a marginal blush.    One has to repeat, "All good things come to those who wait", several times.
    Next, the work Alvaro had put in to extend the water line around to the front of the house has proven to be a magnificent improvement.  It has cut down on about 30 minutes of hose manoeuvring every day or two.   It has also improved the constancy of flow in the interior of the Quinta.   Before the pressure of the showers and lavatories would wax and wane under normal delivery about once every 20 seconds.    This is not from fire-hose to dribble, but still a significant variation in pressure.   Now, a person can take a five minute shower and perhaps detect one recharge of pressure, or perhaps not.
     Then during the entire three weeks and a fraction, with high winds, lightning in the area, heavy rains once or twice, and other vagaries of man, beast , and nature we lost power only once and that was because one of the two big fuses in my breaker box at the in-feed had slipped down a little too far and lost contact.  El Gringo Viejo is extremely technically competent, so he went through his safety procedures and moved the fuse back up about a half-inch and saved the day.   Utter brilliance.
     Upon arriving, it was noticed that after ten years of effort, Alvaro and to a lesser extent your humble servant managed to have created what was desired.   Our corridor feels like a tunnel, formed by the wall of the house and a high wall of flowering vegetation at the very edge of the corridor to the outside.    And, our parking/front patio area directly in front of the "manor house" appears to be a canyon due to the enclosure formed by high trees and bushes.    While too much might be made about the growies and flowering things, our motive goes a little beyond banal poofyism.    Every tree, bush, and flowering plant produces a blooming that attracts huge numbers of bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and hundreds of bird species right to nearly arm's reach of our visitors.    It is one of the best passive shows in the Bed and Brunch business.
      Neither does El Gringo Viejo seek to coldly justify the plants and the outfall from their existence in economic or even logical terms.   It is just totally pleasant.   Quiet.  Enveloping without being claustrophobic.   Even the owner of the place can actually sit for an hour and a half and enjoy the comings, goings, and stayings of the interesting beasts, small and great.

      On our last night there, a couple drove up at a point nearing day's end.  This required putting on a shirt and my "good cap" and going out to the "porton" (main gate).   The visitors were a Mexican couple, well-presented, driving a nice late model Ford pick-up.   They said that they had been told about the Quinta Tesoro de la Sierra Madre by various friends and decided to stop by on their way back from Monterrey to their home in Tampico. 
     While we are situated almost "on the way" it is still about a true 50 - 60 minutes of going and coming time to drive to the Quinta from the main trajectory.   We unlocked the porton and invited the couple in.   The lady was effusive in her "oowing and wowing".   And, in fact, they were in luck.   We still had the sprinkler running with the last half hour of the daily water delivery, so everything was watered and the "emerald island" to the front of the house (our big patch of carpet grass) was glistening.   Everything was showing at its best.   Alvaro's Labrador, BiBi, did not bark or jump up, choosing instead to be formal, friendly, and serious, with only dignified moderate tail-wagging.
      Diana told me to always turn the fan on in the guest room right after the arrival of any visitor so that the room would feel fresh and coolish in the Summer especially.   I asked the folks to wait a second, accomplished that duty, and then let them in to general entrance to the main part of the house.   They seemed confused a bit, because I always take off my shoes before entering, and essentially walk around in my socks, but they were informed that the could keep their shoes on.   They seemed really overwhelmed at the archaic construction, engineering, and material, the glistening glossy white painted walls, the cane roof, the parts of the interior walls that still had exposed adobe blocks, and the cats, and the simplicity of the place.
     Then they were conducted down the corridor to the guest room where the old, colonial style double doors open to a similar, but smaller and more whimsical setting.   The lady especially was effusive, but it must be said that her husband was also humoured.  He repeated several times "amazing" while the lady's favourite reaction was "enchanting".  They sat on the beds, the chairs.   They commented on the coolness.   "Your air conditioner works really well for such a small unit."    Then they were all but incredulous when I told them that only the stand fan was on, and showed  them that the air conditioner was un-plugged.   The wife joked that she wanted to remodel their master bath in Tampico like the one in the guest room.   I'm afraid that, no matter how neat that sounds, it really is far to retro to actually live with.   But for a few days, weeks, or a month it is very a sane Alice in Wonderland setting.
     We arranged a couple of those wide, heavy plastic white chairs with a little antique table between them.   They accepted the offer of a cold beer.  While the host sat on his overturned 5 gallon paint bucket, we talked at some length about the "situation"  and the elections past and the weather.   Hummingbirds came up to within 2 or 3 feet of them, much to their delight.   BiBi curled up beside the man's chair and Smokey the Cat actually came and all but sat on the lady's feet.    Another couple of the little Corona beers (7 ounce), and some pointing out of the avocado's production and other stories about the plants and the birds and butterflies brought us into darkness.   All three of the corridor lights were on, and the first cool, light breezes were having their effect.   "Well, I guess it's on to Tampico.   We can call you or email at the numbers on this card?   We will come back, maybe during All Saints,  because we have some people buried here, and we'll be fixing up the graves and having a little get together."   They were advised that that was, not too oddly, one of our most demanded times, and that it would be a pleasure to have them.   The cemetery is within walking distance....a bit long...maybe 400 yards, but easily done.   They said that they would probably prefer to have the all-inclusive deal when they came back, and we went back to the gate, along with BiBi the Labrador.   The lady said, "This is enchanting.   It's as good or better than the Hacienda."
     "You are too kind.   You all are not concerned about the "situation"?" they were asked.  Just a two or three months before there would have been no one driving at night on into Tampico, another two hours away.
     "No.   Things have gotten so much better, we said to ourselves, '....let's stop being prisoners.  The highway was full when we drove to Monterrey a week ago, and we did most of that at night.   You just have to be realistic.   There are fewer and fewer incidents.  It's gone back to a gang crime thing in the bad neighbourhoods in the cities.   So we've just decided to be reasonable and go and come as we wish.   Prudence and reason."
      El Gringo Viejo responds, "That's my position."   They departed after warm handshakes and waves, and BiBi finally expressing some emotion, laughing and barking, bounding beside them as they pulled away on the early evening drive home.   It had been a pleasant interlude.  A Summer's encounter on the face of the Sierra Madre Oriental.

     Somewhat continuing in the same vein, our drive back up the next day was a series of encounters with very heavy deployments of very heavily armed and equipped Army personnel.   Traffic was moderately heavy, especially commercial traffic.   There was a lot of private traffic heading south, mainly middle and upper income people coming back from shopping in McAllen and elsewhere in Texas and preparing for this week's registrations and re-openning of school sessions.   The first-class and deluxe bus count that we met as we were going down about a month ago for the four hour drive was 42 busses, and going back up it was an almost equivalent 46.   That will give a person an idea of how much traffic and humanity is moving on the highways.    So, as Yogi would say, "Normalcy seems to be starting to be the normal norm again."
     It is well to see the doubling and tripling down of the military, even after the elections, in these areas that have had so much infestation.    Perhaps Pen~a Nieto will be wise enough to "keep squeezing the neck" until the beast stops breathing.   It would be a shame to lose the gains that have been made in order to have "peace in our time".

FINALLY, various agencies, Mexican and foreign, have confirmed that our area...actually centered a little to the north by a few miles....has been being beset by minor to nearly moderate earthquakes for the past  four or five years.   It has been El Gringo Viejo's certain opinion and observation, sometimes verified by the Mexican Seismic Institute on rare occasion, for some time now.  It is an egg-shaped area about thirty miles long, running north-northwest to south-southeast to a point just barely including the Santa Engracia (us) area in the south part.   The range of the quakes is from 1.9 to as high as a rare 4.0, sometimes as many as three or four times per week. much for frakking....because there is no drilling for oil or gas within 90 miles in any direction of that zone.    It has to do with mountain growth and tectonics, as my departed brother stated several years ago.   So there we are.

There will be more later about these and other matters, probably over at the barbacoa and menudo place later tonight or tomorrow.   Thanks so much to everyone for your time and interest.
El Gringo Viejo

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Ghoulish, arrogant Democrats

We should all know that Obama is bad to the core and anti-American.

    We have been told that Bill and Hillary were "good Democrats" and were moderates.   Billy "gave" us welfare reform.  Hillary "tried" to give us free medical care.   Billy even showed people a card and declared that he could not understand  why the Republicans would not let the American people have this little card in order to obtain any and all medical care to which they are entitled.
     The fact is that Billy Jeff did not "give" us welfare reform.   He vetoed very weak and watered down, compromised to the hilt welfare reform bills sent to him by the newly Republican Congress, twice.   On the third try, with a slightly stronger bill coming at him, he adopted the cause as his own and showed his knack for reaching across the aisle and being reasonable.   He was always adept at being decisive, especially when he had no choice to do otherwise.
     Hillary really, really wanted to give us free medical care.   When asked how small businesses would be able to pay the massive participation fees, or if her proposals would wreck and destroy small and medium sized firms throughout the Nation, she snarled, "I'm not responsible for every little under-financed business in this country".    It was reminiscent of her "What do you expect me to do?  Stay home and bake cookies?"  Both her responses were similar to many others that showed she had no interest of any kind in anything beyond reducing America to a nation of two classes....serfs and the elite.   She intended to be among the elite.

     The Democrat National Socialist Party never changes its tune.   Republicans want to kill you and we want to give you everything you need, for free.   We are stuck now with a Democrat alternative that is worse even than the Clintons.   Hillary had no qualms about evidence tampering or mendacity before a grand jury in any of her various issues with her personal and professional conduct.  Pulling confidential personnel files from the FBI and releasing very private, and also very incorrect, information about private individuals is, to her, just the cost of doing business.   Billy Jeff is the same.
     The only reason that Billy Jeff and Hillary and their posse are not mounting a challenge against this hideous excuse of a Presidency is because the Chicago Crowd is slightly smarter and 100 times more vicious....and criminal.    The President's private home in Chicago was "sweethearted" to him by a gangster who is in prison now....for the sake of Jumping  Jehoshaphat.  Had that been George Bush...George would have been sitting in Angola Prison in Louisiana for the next 300 years.
      Shades of Torricelli whining about people questioning his honour as a Senator for the people of New Jersey when he was accused of taking bribes.   A little later when it became obvious that he was not only guilty, he was very, very guilty of those charges and many more, he finally resigned his seat.   The improvement was Corzine.   But, since Torricelli is a Democrat, he was not sent to prison for taking bribes.   For some reason the Chinaman who gave him the gifts went to prison, BUT THE GUY WHO TOOK THE GIFTS and MONEY ALSO APPARENTLY MANAGED TO TAKE A PASS.   Shades of Marc Rich....Eric Holder's greatist legal accomplishment.   Check here to refresh your memories:

     The main and perhaps quintessential reason why Hillary and Billy Jeff did not even make the try to regain their rightful residence is because  of the fear of mortal retaliation and/or the release of literal tonnes of secret documentation concerning the Clintons' involvements in hundreds of felony acts.    There can be no other reason, when it is obvious that Hillary would have defeated Obama 60/40 in the Democrat Primaries during these times.   Her campaign slogan....?    "Hope and Change? You gotta be kidding".    So they got the word....maybe about Vince Foster, maybe about Whitewater, maybe about Jim Douglas, maybe about some aeroplane crashing in Croatia with Ron Brown....who had just decided to go State against Hillary and Bill concerning a matter about taking illegal Red Chinese campaign contributions, among other things. Please refer to the following:

Clinton's Fake Tears

[Clinton Tears Video Clips]
Clinton's fake tears at Ron Brown's funeral.  
The man to his left is a liberation theologist,
 spiritual counsellor who help Clinton
 during the Lewinski mess.   "Carry
 the Bible with you, Bill."

     The final thing about all of this, while remembering that Mrs. Clinton has never really practised law since life in the White House....Bill was disbarred and fined by a judge in Arkansas for rendering misleading that the Clintons know how to play "final solution" type politics.   The Obama machine....which actually has little to do with Obama, who is essentially a little voodoo wind-up, fronting for very extreme marxist interests and who is permitted to read teleprompters full of platitudes...knows "final solution" political measures much better and they are much less reluctant to use them.

Written in full lament.
El Gringo Viejo