Tuesday 20 March 2012

El Gringo Viejo was having a bad dream.

The Controversial Painting 'One Nation Under Socialism' (Photo Credit: John McNaughton / http://McNaughtonArt.com)

What Might Actually Be Happening

Amanecer en Monte Alban.
A particulary stunning view of the impressive Zapotec -  Mixtec
Arqueological Site of Monte Alban
El Gringo Viejo has led many, many groups here.   Most were larger
while some were small, exlusive parties.   Always pleasant here.
Even the diner in the administrative building is excellent.
   Restrooms are always clean.   A real joy to visit

     Concerning the Easter-tide Vacational of the Obama daughter, something occurs to what little is left of the "little grey cells" about what might actually be happening with this trip.   First of all, it is very, very unlikely that there is any security threat.   What goes on in the City of Oaxaca almost continuously are the dreary "Final Struggle March!   Thursday, Main Plaza, Unify, Occupy!!"    "March Against Roman Catholic Inquisitional Fascist Oppression!" "Unify in Solidarity with the Free Democracy of Cuba against Yanqui Imperialism".
      This goes on continously.  The know-it-all university students certainly do know that it is a lot easier to gather in the main plaza and rail against the "Machine"  for  an afternoon with a bunch of air-head, self-involved 20 year old girls who have an emotional maturity of a 10 year old.    For many of the "students" it also beats bathing.   It's also a chance to trade lice and fleas and bed-bugs with the European backpackers and exhange 4 minute handshakes of solidarity- with- Che people.
     But, there is another and much greater City of Oaxaca.   It is the kind of place where the  vendors have immaculate little stands in the 60 square block "walking downtown" of august buildings built with malacite lode. Even the streets are paved in many cases, especially downtown, with malacite/limestone slabs. The garbage cans (actually used by the people) have insects entering and leaving...one would reasonably think them to be flies... that turn out to be our friends, the bees. And the rule is to leave them alone. The people and the bees get along fine, each appreciating the clean environment. The quality of the goodies served by the stand-owners is excellent, along with the numerous tiny family owned restaurants, and the scores of first-class and deluxe dining spots. It is a cornucopia of culinary wonders.
The Valley of Oaxaca, center of Seven
MesoAmerican Cultures
      The City is ancient in colonial terms, dating back to the earliest days of Spanish colonisation.     It was long populated before the Time of Christ by the Zapotec and the Mixtec peoples, who had contact with the Toltec and Maya nations at the very earliest known times of the human occupation of this part of MesoAmerica. It has hundreds of archeological and historical sites that include Monte Alban and Mitla, plus scores and scores and scores of lesser known place of equal or even higher importance and interest.
     There is a relatively large and constant Gringo and foreign population.   Of the 500,000 people in the city,  there are probably 2,000 Americans who live in or within 10 miles of the center of the city.   There are probably 3,000 Europeans who live there as well.    There is a massive tourism presence.  People arrive there from all over the world.
     If one were ever to go the area, it is very, very highly advised to program NO LESS than 6 or 7 nights.    It is a place where one could easily spend the entirety of a three-week vacation in the City and its surroundings within 50 miles.   There would still not be enough time.   Americans especially are treated with neutral to very positive concern.   Prices range from moderate to really bargain level.   It is very modern and totally ancient.   The weather is likened to perpetual late Spring, being situated mid-way between the Tropic of Cancer and the Equator.  The elevation is right at 5,000 fasl.    Even the shopping is tempting at times.

     So, what is the purpose of this trip beyond a pleasant sojourn in a pleasant and interesting place?   Like Guanajuato, there are numerous Indian, Spanish language, culture, culinary, crafts, and general studies schools.    Unlike Guanajuato's environment, however, there are a few of the  private academies in Oaxaca that are blatantly communist in their orientation and instructional perspective.   And yes, even the cooking and crafts places have a few in their number that are totally marxist.   Most of the really hard-Red places are dedicated more to language, culture, and history from a marxist perspective...but a person can fit in comfortably in two or three of the little academies to learn cooking styles under the watchful gaze of a Che or Fidel poster.   Right-wing Guanajuato and San Miguel de Allende would tear down the posters.

     So, El Gringo Viejo thinks that this trip has been put together by someone with the Ayres family connection.  The Obama daughter was seen and photographed in Oaxaca City wearing a white T-shirt with a "peace symbol" on the front, a common way the "young, with-it commie-teens" express solidarity with fellow know-it-all adolescents who will solve all the problems tomorrow morning by taking all the money from all the rich people and giving the money to all the poor people and passing a law against bad things and war and everything and the Palestinians, and the children, and the women, and the homosexuals, and the animals, and the Indians.  (Whew!  I never thought of that!  It's so inspiring!)
El Gringo Viejo has had many groups
large and small eating on the 2nd floor
of the building on the left.   This is
a typical scene at the "Zocalo"
or Main Plaza
She is learning how to be the commie her parents are.   In Oaxaca City there are private academies that specialise in culture, Indian studies, Spanish, culinary arts, handcrafts, etc.   Some, wierdly, combined these studies with marxist precepts. (?)
The students in these "marxist convent schools" spend two weeks to two months studying how to make mole or speak Zapotec  while under the watchful eyes of Che and Fidel, who beam down from their posters, gathering dust on the wall.

 That is what is going on.   She is going into a "third world" environment to be shown and
to "experience" poverty and exploitation and to listen to a couple of 2 hours "seminars on fairness and social justice" rendered by kindly old "Auntie Commies".    It is almost like convent school, but aetheist driven.    They might go over to the Basilica de Santo Domingo to study the excess of investment of gold, silver, and artistic finery... "being wasted in a church that celebrates a god that does not exist when there are so many impoverished children who don't even have a cup of milk to assuage their hunger, who can barely exist."  (Yes, I've heard it all many times)
The interior of the Church of Santo Domingo
on edge of downtown Oaxaca.   When John Paul II
visited a few years ago, he declared, "Oh! My God!"
when he entered.

Thanks for your time and attention.
El Gringo Viejo

Monday 19 March 2012

Please Think About the Actuarials...Not Press Reports

     It is still disappointing for me to watch FOX News spill half-truths to outright misstatements onto the screen about Mexico.   This week-end, Harris Faulkner, whose father is a highly decorated Army Officer, had to read about how stupid people are going over to Mexico to buy cheap gasoline.    People were doing that in spite of the fact that everybody is always killing everybody and chopping their heads off all the time.
     Then, an authoritative white boy comes along and responds to Harris's lead in with something to the effect that even if you survive the trip over to buy the gasoline, the gasoline is no good and it will void any warranty that might be in force with your automobile.    On talk radio overnight, Teamster-type truck drivers called in with the same pre-fab story about how some stations in Mexico that are owned by the cartels lower prices on their gasoline standards so as to lure innocent Americans over, at which time the people are beheaded and their vehicles are stolen.  For one, Cartel people do not own PEMEX Stations.   For Two, PEMEX Stations do not have price standards.  The price of gasoline and diesel is fixed, nationwide.  There are no other gasoline dispensers save for PEMEX, and it is a government chartred monopoly.
     So it's hopeless.   But just to set it straight, the Mexican gasoline is not, as the white boy said, all the same grade.   There are three different mixtures based on climate, elevation, and urban density.   Three.   The "enlightened" USA has 39 at the present time, all established by edict by imbeciles in the EPA who believe in simultaneous global warming and global cooling, and who scoffed at the notion that acid rain in Canada might have been caused by effusions from the forests in Appalachia.   (It was, no matter how hard they laughed at Ronald Reagan for making the observation)

     As far as the "boutique" mixtures, there are 39 in force now in the USA, but another 50 or 60 have already been approved, and we can rest assured that the new O'bamaham administration to come will have refineries making gasoline by the pint before it is all over.    And blaming it on the oil companies.   And most Americans are woefully and willingly ignorant about the nature of the oil and natural gas business, and will probably buy the bilge.
     The white boy said that the government owned PEMEX company forces the stations to all charge the same, so the station operators fill their underground tanks with water, and there is no control or recourse.   They all do it, and that's why the vehicles do not run.    The fact is that PEMEX auditors do more frequent test-tubing and meter-register exams than any place in Texas or the United States that I know of....perhaps California might have ,more snoops, because the State of California is trying to take $1.50 on the sale of every gallon and really needs the money.   They need to feed the miracle babies and children and do the day-to-day funding of pensions and programs that are financially insane.   PEMEX is a Government-owned operation that is run like a private business finally....and especially in the last ten to twelve years has been doing a really good job in complying with their compact.   Some say it is prelude to ultimate privatisation....good, and the sooner the better. Also, the Mexican gasoline is quite good, and it has been many years since I could get an engine knock even out of the lower of the two octane grades.   The old 1992 Dynasty has fairly high compression and 400,000 miles on the same engine, so El Gringo Viejo uses an ABABAB approach, filling with the 87 octane Green Pump this time and the 93 octane Red Pump the next time.   The Red Pump fuel is either EXXON Supreme or the PEMEX equivalent made with the same formulation.    The full filter has been checked occasionally and has never had junk or anything.   So scratch up another one for the blowhard no-nothings.
     The most recent time anyone had a problem with being beheaded at a PEMEX station anywhere in Mexico is when Occupy-types threw molotov cocktails at a pump in Chilpancingo, Guerrero during one of the perpetual communist manipulated "student" protests about global warming and profits and being required to take examiniations and make an 80 so as to pass on to the next level.  An heroic station manager died of his burns incurred during his efforts to put out the fire before the station blew.    Also, every now and then the convenience stores are held up at the PEMEX Stations and, of course, that is very bad.   We should be grateful that it never happens in Texas.

     Folks, before you roll your eyes again....who are you going to believe....?   Someone who lives it and has studied it and done business in it and who comes from ancestors who have been in the middle of it from Flintstonian times....or reporters?    I have never been in attendence at any event, then seen the press report of that event, and been able to say that the report was reliably accurate.   Once again, the issues we have now are not cured, but they continue to improve.   And people really do go and come across the the Rio Grande and do so without extraneous issue 99.9999999% of the time.
El Gringo Viejo

Sunday 18 March 2012

The Saddest Moments in Life. Can We Talk?

Heartbreaking news for the heartland.   Rosie's program on Oprah's network managed to capture a 00.000 share and a -24.2 rating, meaning that people were actually turning their chairs and Lazy-Boys around, even while the television was on...so as to say that they were actively not-watching the Rosie Show.   With that, it seems that Rosie is going to join Katie Couric in the "Who?" Hall of Fame sometime very soon.   No time or date will be announced by Arsenio Hall, because, who cares?
Rosie's program space will be replaced by Michelle O'bama doing aerobics on special vacation flights to Aruba and the Taj Majal next week, and then to Machu Pichu and the Summer Show in Paris on her shopping trip for "Clothes to Shop Target By". 
My mother told me to say nothing about a person that is negative. So, El Gringo Viejo
will refrain from saying that the above picture could puke a buzzard off'n a gut wagon.
As for the one on the left, congratulations on setting up a perfectly useless network with perfectly useless programming aimed at people who are significantly intellectually
challenged. At least they apparently are not watching, in droves.
The one on the right, besides never having seen a picture of a Bessemer Converter melting
iron and steel with fire is also uglier than an old abandoned Bessemer Converter, and nowhere near as smart. And yes, kerosene and an updraft can make quite a billows
and a fire that can produce heat values in excess of 2,800 F....and with the nature of
the upsurging feed of air such as at the Twin Towers....perhaps even to the boiling
temperature for iron of 5,200 F. There was a fire in McAllen, one time, that
burned down the biggest hotel in town. It was hit by lightning on its twin copper
cupolas. The fire immolated the building, including concrete blocks and hard-fired
bricks. There was nothing left. Sorry, Rosie O'pottamus.

Not having known that there were 190,000 people stupid enough to watch Rosie's program, or Ophra's network and  operate a channel changer with one hand, I remain, very pleased with your presence on this dark and stormy night in Texas.
El Gringo Viejo

Barrack and Eric Say Americans of Mexican or Other Latin Origin Are Stupid

Eric Holder's notion about what "restraining voter turnout" might be does not include Black Panthers stalking around the entrance to a voting place, swinging truncheons menacingly in the presence of white and known conservative black voters.

Eric Holder knows but does not care that 73,000,000 Mexicans can register to vote in a much more demanding and complicated process, and further, if they do not comply with the process, THEY CAN NOT VOTE.

Eric Holder knows but does not care that 73,000,000 Mexicans will bring their Credencial Electoral Federal to the appropriate voting precinct and that it will be matched to a catalogue of voters....according to photographs and thumbprint, and 11 other security embeds in the Credencial or THEY CAN NOT VOTE.

Eric Holder knows that in Texas, every person of English, Irish, Scottish, Manx, French, Swedish, Norwegian, Russian, Arabic, Czech, Bohemian, Polish, Japanese, Chinese, Mongolian, Pakistani, Indian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian.....(enter 113,340 national, racial, and ethnic groupings) will be required to show photographic identification to vote in the up-coming elections.   One of the main reasons is because Democrats, marxists, and communists try to steal elections by flooding the proceedings with unqualified electors.   Reference ACORN and the union-thug recalls and anarchy in recent days in Wisconsin and essentially throughout the Republic.
     The approval in Texas by Latin citizens for the voter identification measures now in place is 58% while those who oppose are roughly the same percentage as there are of deranged marxist Anglos and other assorted honky-types.....about 21%.   It only seems fair to make certain that people of Mexican ancestry who are American citizens by birth or naturalisation process should be assured that their vote is not going to be diluted or cancelled by an anchor-baby mother.   IT IS THE SIMPLE MATTER THAT A PERSON MUST BE OF AGE, A CITIZEN, A RESIDENT OF THE PRECINCT AND DISTRICT OF CONCERN, AND NOT A FELON OR OF UNSOUND MIND.   Is that really too much to ask?

Eric Holder is a bigoted racist because he insists upon telling us that Mexican Americans, Negroes, and other "minorities" are too stupid to be able to do what any and everybody else does in order to comply with simple civic responsibility.

Eric Holder and his best bud, Barrack Hussein Obama, are both marxists who delight in trying to pit ethnic and racial groups against the American Commonality.   They delight in telling people that, by pulling down wealthy people, the downtrodden will be better off, be happier, and will finally receive their "fair share" of Kwanzaa presents.   It has worked everywhere else in the world, except in the places where it has been implemented.

It is mandatory that these people be given a permanent vacation in a place where they would be comfortable ..... like Red China or North Korea.

And, by the way, the last time a police officer contacted me, the first thing he asked for was my identification.   He was Latin, I am Anglo....I complied....and did not even seek legal relief.
Imagine that!

El Gringo Viejo   

Blind Man in a Dark Room

 The Archbishop of Canterbury

     The Gringo Viejo has made a commentary on another blog, defending another Anglican traditionalist.  So that all OROGs will know what the dirty laundry of another family looks like, it is being included below.  The announcement by the Archbishop of Canterbury that he is now to graze in greener meadows brings a bit of relief to those who have suffered a decade of pointless, meaningless mumblings that bring to mind warm mayonnaise.   This is said with some deference to warm mayonnaise, which undoubtedly has greater relevance to the Will of God and the fulfilment of His desire that we strive to save our souls and the souls of all mankind than did this peculiar secular humanist in priest's raiment.
     Another like-minded fellow named Kurt, stated his opinion on another blog, and it was the pleasure to stand with him after his comments were essentially ridiculed by a "more enlightened" cleric.

    You are right.
     Those of us who are wounded by the radical notions of secular humanists presenting themselves as holy men and worthy guides along the straight and narrow do certainly agree with you.
     It is amazing to note that this ABC could muddle and obfuscate so much in so little time.   Some might say he was overwhelmed by the "divisiveness and politicisation" that the Church has suffered during the past 40 years.   Those are code words for flatearthers who believe in Holy Mysteries, Church Canon, Traditions, and natural law as established by Yahweh.  The only fire and brimstone we have seen for years is the blistering hatred the Church hierarchy has for those who long for a time when the Archbishop of Canterbury could make at least one or two references to the Nazarene or His Father during his dull, prolonged, tortuously twisted meaningless commentaries.
     Nay! Nay!   We were those who were.   The secular humanists and the social justice people came and changed the Church and them blamed us for the Church's failings.  They said they would fill the pews...and they are more empty than before.   They have elevated perversity, worship of humanity, and idealised materialism.   They have resuscitated a few obscure practises from yon so as to show that they are  also traditionalists, but they never really evoke the inner feeling in a congregation that there is any sharing of belief in the unseen.   The only thing they worship seems to be "equivilisation"....the making everyone and everything "equal".   It is a dreary gospel, written by Voltaire, Robespierre, Marx, and Engles....and it does not belong in an Episcopal or Anglican Church.
We pray for the Black African Bish0p to be called to reinvigorate this great part of the Body of Christ.  That Thy will be done
aka El Gringo Viejo