It is still disappointing for me to watch FOX News spill half-truths to outright misstatements onto the screen about Mexico. This week-end, Harris Faulkner, whose father is a highly decorated Army Officer, had to read about how stupid people are going over to Mexico to buy cheap gasoline. People were doing that in spite of the fact that everybody is always killing everybody and chopping their heads off all the time.
So it's hopeless. But just to set it straight, the Mexican gasoline is not, as the white boy said, all the same grade. There are three different mixtures based on climate, elevation, and urban density. Three. The "enlightened" USA has 39 at the present time, all established by edict by imbeciles in the EPA who believe in simultaneous global warming and global cooling, and who scoffed at the notion that acid rain in Canada might have been caused by effusions from the forests in Appalachia. (It was, no matter how hard they laughed at Ronald Reagan for making the observation)
As far as the "boutique" mixtures, there are 39 in force now in the USA, but another 50 or 60 have already been approved, and we can rest assured that the new O'bamaham administration to come will have refineries making gasoline by the pint before it is all over. And blaming it on the oil companies. And most Americans are woefully and willingly ignorant about the nature of the oil and natural gas business, and will probably buy the bilge.
The most recent time anyone had a problem with being beheaded at a PEMEX station anywhere in Mexico is when Occupy-types threw molotov cocktails at a pump in Chilpancingo, Guerrero during one of the perpetual communist manipulated "student" protests about global warming and profits and being required to take examiniations and make an 80 so as to pass on to the next level. An heroic station manager died of his burns incurred during his efforts to put out the fire before the station blew. Also, every now and then the convenience stores are held up at the PEMEX Stations and, of course, that is very bad. We should be grateful that it never happens in Texas.
Folks, before you roll your eyes again....who are you going to believe....? Someone who lives it and has studied it and done business in it and who comes from ancestors who have been in the middle of it from Flintstonian times....or reporters? I have never been in attendence at any event, then seen the press report of that event, and been able to say that the report was reliably accurate. Once again, the issues we have now are not cured, but they continue to improve. And people really do go and come across the the Rio Grande and do so without extraneous issue 99.9999999% of the time.
El Gringo Viejo