Tuesday 24 January 2012

People are Watching, We shall overcome the madness.

     People are watching.   We shall overcome.....the madness that has been manifested by the Occupy movement.    We are including a poignant, perhaps even brilliant observation about the soul, or lack thereof, of the movement.
     Sometimes, original unpublished poets need to be recognized by all available outlets.   This is a Facebook-type entry written in observation of the first filing for major office by an Occupy slug.  The place is Phildelphia.   It is for the office of United States Representative.   The slug is filing in the Democrat Primary against an incumbent Democrat, so we know pretty much that we are dealing with a terribly depressed area.    The poem is written in prose form.   It is profound.    The Poet is, like El Gringo Viejo, not at all impressed with the Occupy personalities or purposes.

A demonstrator sleeps wrapped in the American flag with other Occupy Wall Street demonstrators as people go to walk in the financial district on October 11, 2011.
The girl is not carrying the Che banner
But we could tell that right away anyway

El Gringo Viejo has named this work
by Matthew Clarke

Here is a OWS Dude. He's the guy on the street with the nose rings,
      the dreadlocks and the lice.
He's the guy in Starbucks making coffee because it's the only job he can get with his degree in Art History.
He doesn't always have money for rent or food but he always has money for weed.
He rents a dingy studio apartment with a window on the sidewalk level.
Bums sleep on his steps and wee-wee on his sidewalk window.
He doesn't seem to care.
He doesn't even notice the smell.

He's the guy that rides a bicycle everywhere he goes because he can't afford a car.
He has to keep replacing the bicycle because people like him keep stealing it.
He has no mechanical skills.
He has no administrative skills.
He has no trade.
He is a vegan, too weak from malnutrition to work at any kind of physical labor job;
     not that he would take one anyway as tha...t kind of work is beneath him.
He despises the military and law enforcement.

He has an upside down American flag taped to his sidewalk window...
     right next to his marijuana flag.
He hangs out with other leftwing losers who blame their innumerable failures in life on
      people they've never met and know nothing about.
He's always borrowing money from someone but never pays them back.
He gives them some weed instead.
He's never contributed time or money to any civic project yet he constantly criticizes his
He fully immerses himself in anything leftwing.
The more these leftwing organizations bash America, the more rabid he becomes.

Despite his leftist fervor, he is always on the outside looking in.
He's a loser and even the leftwing losers that tolerate him think he's a loser.
He's never been able to become part of their leftist clique, no matter how much he bashes
When he gets old and is unable to support himself he will turn to welfare.
He is a parasite.

When his life is over he will have contributed nothing but hatred and bigotry to the
He will be buried in a state owned lot at the taxpayers expense.
Maybe one or two of his dealers or customers will stop by for the funeral service.
So long, OWS bum.

     We stress again that this is not the Gringo Viejo's poem.   He is jealous.   And also recommends it as required reading for all children aged 12 and older.    
El Gringo Viejo.....

Anticipation Is Making Me Wait

We are waiting in this household to hear the inspired words of the Beloved Leader.   It will sound something like this:

     America has been a dump where only the rich are happy.   No one has had a chance until I came here after the rich people drove us into the ditch.   The Republican Congress still stands in the way, but we will take care of that in November.   They have stood in the way of us passing a balanced budget for three years now, but in November we will have the votes to make certain that the richest among us....the millionaires and billionaires....will finally have to pay their fair share.    No more subsidising their wealth, no more secret tax rates that only they know about; from now on, we will be the ones telling them what they are going to pay.    We will finally have a level playing field.   We will be the ones who have....and they will be the ones who have less.
     For too long America has been an extension of the plantation mentality.   It was a country established by slave holders, accustomed to being waited on, accustomed to making other people wait in line while they took the first pickings at the good life.   Now, with our new tax rate of 66.6% not only on the earnings of the wealthiest two percent...but also on the evaluated value of their estates while living....we will see a new day where minorities become empowered to full, rewarding lifestyles, free medical services, free food and lodging, and free entertainment options.  All will qualify except for the richest two percent.
     I have established an executive order clearance procedure which will, from this day forward, authourise the abolition of the electoral college along with the right of abeyance in the case of any disagreement my government has concerning outcomes that are not desirable.  We extend this right of abeyance to any decision made by the supreme court  that is not in keeping with the overall objectives of the administration.
     It is time that we become serious about social democracy, income equality, and other such basic human rights.  For instance, we have ordered Fannie and Freddie to immediately take possession of those domiciles that are designated as "vacation homes" or "second homes" and to make them available to historically discriminated people.    We have a ten point program that will build on this first initiative and details will be released after we have begun the implementation of that program.   Suffice it to say, there will be no more mansions of billionaires and millionaires with space going to waste when there are so many children  sleeping under expressway overpasses.
      More could be said, but you people are not really capable of understanding.   So, we'll just go ahead and say...."welcome to democracy".


Monday 23 January 2012

It's all stunning

The issue with Mr. Romney is that he speaks in four to eight word phrases that are essentially reformed platitudes.   The platitudes have been repeatedly run through a filter that takes out any chance of offense to anyone save anyone too stupid or stoned to be capable of taking offense in any regard.
File:Neanderthal reconstitution centre courrier annecy 1.jpg
 Homo Sapien Neanderthalensis
Also known as Mr. Romney's idea of
what a Republican commoner is.
     Mr. Romney is a good candidate.   He was a better candidate.   But now, he takes on the character of that cheese a body was hoping to use in this evening's meal preparation, but upon taking it out of the refrigerator, it is, alas, consumed with mold.   He is remembered as a dolt who actually believes that it is a homo sapien conspiracy to destroy the earth by crock pot and not the Sun.    After all, he reasons, who are you going to believe?   Al Gore and the drowning Polar Bears, or obvious climatogical facts?
      Mr. Romney is also one of those inspired souls who is wise enough to know that criminals will gladly go down and pay four times more for a pistol permit than they used to.   After all, criminals need to be allowed to stand in line for three hours in order to pay for their own personal protection.   What if some Republican took away the criminal's mother's social security money before the criminal could make it to her house  in time to pistol whip the old bag to get to her Social Security money so he could scrape enough money to pay for the next pistol permit he is going to buy?
      Mr. Romney is certainly an inspired, new-wave Conservative philosophical thinker.   And, he wanted everyone in Massachusetts to have free medical services.   For free.   And everything.  For the children.
File:Jesse Jackson at Max Palevsky Cinema crop.jpg
 The Rev. Mr. Jackson,
shown here trying to
remember what comes
after the number "5".
     At least we have Mr. Gingrich, who is easily the most brilliant thinker in the history of history.  When he rose to the great office of Speaker of the House of Representatives, he was given a group of seats of honor to offer to people of great note, heroism, importance, and positive contribution to the American condition or experience.    You know, like Sergeant Benavides, Congressional Medal of Honor, Purple Heart, etc.   But, the Speaker chose to give a seat to that miracle worker.....the one who managed to reform the concept of being a Negro professional into the new category of Professional Negro, the one who delighted in telling to the story to his....women....that he would spit into the soup of the people he served while a waiter at the country club where he worked.    You know, Jesse Jackson.   Speaker Gingrich "reached out" and invited a poverty pimp, racist, embezzeler, philanderer, profane, hypocritical, marxist, slug to a seat of honor.
     There were only 200,000,000 other people more qualified.  But the Speaker chose to honour Jesse Jackson.   The Speaker knows how to "reach across the aisle" and build working coalitions with septic sludge whose forte is lying, shaking down people, and fomenting violence and threats of violence.    The Old Gringo just loves "reaching across the aisle" to Satanic monsters whose only desire in life is to demogog, shake down, and have other people pay for his women.   Neither the Speaker nor the "Rev." "Mr." Jackson have very good taste in women.
     Then, we have Senator Sentorum.  Anybody who has to translate his real name into Latin must be older than he looks.   He also slings a lot of meaningless mayonnaise at his opponents.  He was also the inventor of elephant earmarks, which are the giant, economy size pieces of pork.    He does have something like a notion about what the concept "conservative" is.

Cheshire Cat Tenniel.jpgJust Please!    We all know that you are all a bunch of bums to one degree or another.  So just stop worrying about how stupid I am not to have memorised every one of your stupid mudpoints concerning the other candidates and concentrate on the enemy....the atheist marxists in the White House.    Lay down your plan and sign it in blood.   Then be quiet.   Stop shouting about what a scumbag some other Republican is.   What spoiled children you all are.
     One notes quickly why the Democrats and mainstream media had to lynch Herman Cain first.    Oh! And by the way, WHERE ARE ALL THOSE WOMEN WHO HAD THEIR LIVES FOREVER DESTROYED BY THE RAPACIOUS HERMAN CAIN?   The Stepford Wives have become the Cheshire Floosies?  Perhaps Gloria All Red can come to the fore and explain how it is that she can line up white trash and Guatemalan illegal aliens at a drop of a mad hatter's hat to trundle out to blame some Republican or another with all crimes up to and including removing tags from pillows that say "Do not remove under penalty of law".

Back to my cave to nibble on my No-doze and to drink my Air Wick.
El Gringo Viejo

Saturday 21 January 2012

A local report

Hello again to everybody.

    We are back again with no real earth shaking events to report, at least from around our little mud hut in the Sierra Madre Oriental country.   Beyond a three-day episode last week when El Gringo Viejo had to fire up the old fireplace, even the weather was tolerable enough for the December - January time of the year.   There were four mornings when the temperature hovered in the mid-30s, once even flirting with the dreaded 32F figure.   Each afternoon managed at least the mid-60s, and the departure morning, yesterday, followed a day when the temperature made it to 85 F. 
      The flowering trees and the other growies around the area and on the property are already showing signs of the "reton~o".   Our monstrous old mesquite tree is probably in its last demise.   It is an ancient tree, but now seems destined to serve for firewood.   We shall give it another year.   It is being replaced by two medium-huge ebony trees, which is appropriate, because ebony is the State tree of Tamaulipas.   The two trees are about 35 feet tall and of almost equal form and dimension.   They are also close to coming together to form a solid, dark green wall on the upper-west side of the property.   (upper-west side?)
Clay-coloured Robin, aka Tropical Robin
     This has also been a very intense episode of birds.   We have had bunches of the old regulars, but also new arrivals.   One of interest is a medium-small bird that is navy-blue in colour, with a black beak and apparently a thin red line across the throat.  He seems to delight in jumping into our large tray of water (we call in Lake Guerrero), and thrashing about with glee.  He'll jump out and shake off like an old shaggy dog, and then fly up to a nearby branch to air and sun dry.   The rest of the topic might prove boresome, so suffice it to say that every day, all day, almost without respite, there were passages of parrots, song birds, ground birds, warblers, etc. without end.   We even nailed a couple of really good navel orange halves onto the flamboyan tree in front, and waited for the attack of the orioles.   This time, however, they were joined by mockingbirds, clay-coloured robins, green jays, and summer tanagers, at times simultaneously.   Every now and then there would be smaller birds swarming looking for fruit flies and other treats around the oranges.

      Another sign of the times is that the Old Gringo encountered a little convoy of American fishermen heading down to the real Lake Guerrero with their boats and trailers in tow....about six trucks.    It used to be a very common sight, and perhaps the event is going to start being repeated.   The last time coming up, another little caravan of trailer/motor home people was seen heading towards the Emerald Coast of Vera Cruz probably for the Winter.   There used to be 50 to 60 rig caravans....sometimes more...."doing Mexico", which I always thought to be a ridiculous way to see and engage a country.   But...to each his own.
      Topics for the days ahead will deal with the continuing saga of  the War in Mexico, the elections to be held in Mexico in July and in United States in November, the lunacy of the gun control nuts and their allies in the Department of Justice and the ATFE, the bitter silliness of the marxists in Chilpancingo, and probably the Gringo Viejo's lecturing of the media, the dumboe missteps of the Republicans, the hypocritical jibberish of the Democrats and the American left in general, and other pleasantries.

     We shall be mulling over the dull, pointless, meandering lack of substance of the Republican Primary.   The candidate who will say...."O'bama's Socialized  Medicine Initiative will be repealed as my first act....could win the nomination and election.    If he can then say, "I shall sign the Balanced Budget Amendment and forward it for ratification by all fifty-seven States of the federal Union.... I shall order the design and implementation of a complete embargo and trade suspension with Communist Red China.....Once empowering legislation is forwarded to my desk, that legislation will implemented....I shall immediately order the lifting of any and all suspensions of deep water or any other drilling prohibitions in the Gulf of Mexico that were put into place during the previous administration......I shall immediately implement procedures that will result in the elimination of the Departments of Homeland Security, Education, Energy, Labour, Commerce,  and most of the Department of Health and Human Services.   In the Justice Department we shall de-activate and disband the Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives division of the Justice Department, and the United States Coast Guard will return to detached and independent service as America's only free-standing military service serving principally inside the territorial domain of the United States of America."
     This "America needs jobs" goat barf is tiresome.   Platitudes aspirate.

More later, and thanks for your attention as usual.
El Gringo Viejo  

Friday 20 January 2012

Windy Return to Texas

Returned from a few pleasant days down at the Quinta.  The theme, I would guess, was that everything was perfectly boring, there were a zillion birds including various new ones, and that the mornings were quite cold....for my old bones....and that my calling as a slave to cats and dogs was well acquitted.    There will be some tales to tell and some observations coming on-line during the next few days, so stand by for a bit.    By tomorrow we might be able to put some thoughts together.

El Gringo Viejo

Tuesday 3 January 2012

One Last Note Before Departure

This is one more rant, because if it ain't writ, then there ain't no point to tryin' to get any sleep.

     The article is cryptic, summarizing the events that left a PEMEX gasoline station attendent severly burned.    A "student demonstration" near the city of Chilpancingo, Guerrero, the State's capital, turned into the predictable and desired mayhem desired by the "professors".   First-class and Deluxe long haul busses stopped in the highway with large stones and a human mass, then boarded....thugs demand that everyone get off....pilfer money, jewelry, luggage, and whatever for "the cause", and then turn the busses sidewise to the flow of the expressway lanes that normally smoothly connect Mexico City to Acapulco....traffic count of 40,000 each way per day is common.
     The mayhem had gone on in Chilpancingo for several days...part of the common marxist tactic.  They demand this and that, and the rectory and/or the local, State, and/or national government says okay, and then the agitators refuse to agree to what they were previously demanding, accusing the other side of "being insincere, patronising", and trying to trick  the "students".
       The problem is that there were no "martyrs"....people slain by the fascist brutes who are lackeys of the filthy Capitalistas Americanos and the "free-trade colonialists".    So, like the Occupy Your Property movement in the United States and other such nihilistic narcissists in Europe, it's time to break some windows and set some fires.    After all, why should anybody have any of this stuff....what about global warming?   Think globally, Act locally!
      So a batch of thugs, driven on by their university trained urban "professors", finally attack the PEMEX gasoline station across from their school complex....quite a nice one actually....and throw a molotov cocktail into a pump.
      Enter Gonzalo Rivas Camara, a pump attendant and minor repairs and auto service person one might normally find at a PEMEX station.    He runs forward first to try to put out the fire, then runs to the shut down switch that disconnects the pressure systems for the pumps.  Gonzalo is severely burned.   He is hospitalised, receiving excellent care, but finally succumbed yesterday to the murderous, depraved indifference of marxist thugs who were trying to destroy a privately owned concession of the PEMEX monopoly gasoline operation.   Gonzalo is not a rich man....not quite a poor man.....but now he is a dead man, because arrogant, atheist, elitist "professors" educated in Mexico City's best public schools essentially at no charge, decide to change their preparatory school into a popular resistence communist training camp of some sort.    In the ensuing disorders, when the authourities finally came to restore order, two of the poor innocent students were shot to death.   The leftist media, both in Mexico and worldwide, was quick to point out that "poor, Indian students, just excersising their legal rights to protest, were murdered by trigger happy cops."    There is no common lament for Gonzalo Rivas Camara, one who complied with his legal and morally correct duty, and then some.

      It is clear that the ''students'' did everythng possible to provoke the authourities.   It is true that the largest pecentage of the  body of the "protesting students" fled the area after the molotov attack on the PEMEX station.    A dedicated group of about 30 stayed and taunted the police.   They went on one charge at the police who fell back in fairly good order, considering the abandoned autos and trucks at the scene.  The next thing is gunfire, which the leftist press immediately blames upon the police.
     It is becoming clear, as was pointed out in the previous post some days back on this same blog, that the "professors" or their agents most probably fired the shots that killed their "comrades"....thereby providing the much needed martyrs.   There is solid, camera evidence taken by neutral nobodies....like people from the busses that had been stopped....that there were at least four "professors" or their agents who were carrying rifles and lurking at the rear edge of their students' grouping.    These armed people consistently took firing positions behind cover as if waiting for some opportunity to "fire for effect" .
     Sick of it, tired of it.   These same "professor" types have been coming down to this Indian areas for years with the same purpose of fomentation of useless insurrection.   They follow the same formula every time.   It is tiresome.   It is a form of premeditated murder.   These people are pathological.   Like...I have the right to demonstrate in front of your restuarant and drive you out of business because George Bush wouldn't give me a job paying 200,000 dollars per year.   Occupy?   Protest?   Spare me.
El gobernador Ángel Aguirre Rivero, el alcalde, Héctor Astudillo Flores y la sociedad civil brindaron un póstumo homenaje a Gonzalo Miguel Rivas Cámara, trabajador de Diario de Guerrero y las gasolineras "EVA" quien murió a consecuencia de las quemaduras que sufrió al apagar con un extintor el fuego de una bomba despachadora de la gasolinera EVA III; incendio provocado presuntamente por estudiantes de la escuela Normal de Ayotzinapa. (Foto: Abel Miranda Ayala)
This individual was eulogized by his brother, a lieutenant in the Mexican Navy.   The Bishop, the Governor, the City Council, his mother came from Vera Cruz, and several thousand people came....at some danger to themselves....because the "liberators of the people" are very good about bullying, brutalising, terrorising, and otherwise wreaking violence on people who oppose and/or stand up to them.   The post election 2006 and 2008 stories out of Oaxaca are the norm, when people cross the commies.
     Simply please be aware that this entire incident was prefabricated by the marxist social disorder handbook.   A crummy imitation is Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals"....but it is the book of common prayer for marxist activists in these times.

El Gringo Viejo