Be Afraid! |
Being a confident individual does not mean that one can never be afraid. From personal experience, I can tell you being afraid is normal and mandatory in order for survival. Being afraid is motivation for action.
Today we have plenty to be afraid of. It is a simple proposition that the central government is on the precipice of totally managing your life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We sit dumb and happy because today started the same as yesterday and the day before and the day before that. But do not rest easy! The writing is on the wall. We know that the Affordable Care Act and its relationship to the Internal Revenue Service is a reality but the impact is yet to be felt; however, there are significant signs that all is not well. Even the congressional signatories of the Obamacare legislation are now saying it is a proverbial train wreck. What on earth good can come of this when the IRS is not only in charge of the amount of wealth you can accumulate but also whether you can live of die? Just think, PLEASE! The central government/IRS today takes as much of your wealth as they want with no recourse for you. You have no part in the decision making regarding how your money is spent. Much is simply redistribution of income via the entitlement programs. Fraud not withstanding, the entitlement programs (welfare, afdc, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the largest parasitic enterprise Obamacare, etc.) suck money out of the economy that would ordinarily be reinvested in manufacturing, technology, real health care and medicine, etc. This government is a huge parasite bleeding and feeding off the American dream. It takes from the productive among us and redistributes to the least productive of us. The temptations of the welfare society are attracting otherwise decent working citizens by offering something for nothing as well as taking away the incentive for doing hard work. The IRS is the tool of the government that progressivley extracts from earned income at the discretion of the President and Congress. It has extaordinary power to take as it will from whomever it chooses. This is such a destructive institution that America will not last much longer as the bastion of liberty inspired by God and designed by the forefathers almost two and a half centuries ago. The first and maybe the last of the best society ever designed for the human race. The IRS has to go! This is the time for action. "You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before." - Rahm Emanuel The IRS must be abolished in favor of either a flat tax or the "Fair Tax" proposed by some. Either of these alternatives allow the individual to be totally in control of how much income is allocated to the public welfare. In addition, the gargantuan IRS would be disassembled at a huge savings to the Fed. Think how much simpler it will be to know what you can afford based on what tax would be attached to a purchase. If there were a 20% tax (all taxes included) and you want to buy a car with a retail price of $20,000. You know immediately that it will cost you $24,000. A loaf of bread at $1.98 would cost $2.38. If your annual income is $55,000 your taxes at the end of the year on that income would be $0.00. That is the flat tax. The fair tax is a little more complex but the idea is similar. The fair tax is a progressive tax based on income but is collected on consumption. In theory, there would be no tax on foods and necessities then all other goods and services would be based on rates determined by income levels (i.e. poverty level, 0% twice poverty level 11%, up to a maximum of 23%). With the Fair tax as in a flat tax all payroll and income taxes would be abolished. Abolishing the IRS would repress the Affordable Health Care Act until it can be repealed. Be afraid! If we do nothing now we will have nothing very soon. Support your representatives in Congress who would abolish the IRS now! Support those who are in favor of a flat tax or the Fair Tax. Support Ted Cruz and the Tea Party Congressional representatives to abolish the IRS to save America.
El Zorro |
The voice from the Sierra Madre Oriental and the entrance to our Quinta Tesoro de la Sierra Madre
Thursday, 17 October 2013
A Timely Re-Post - The Truth Does Not Rust
Contemplations on a Debacle
This is analogical picture. The Strawberry is the body of socialists who are in charge of the central government at this time. It is a very happy strawberry. It scoffs at the terrapin. The terrapin is ugly and everybody hates him. The Strawberry is pretty, and everybody loves him. Right now, the terrapin is having a hard time trying to grasp a hold of the Strawberry. In another few minutes, the terrapin will be very happy, and the Strawberry will be gone. The terrapin is the Cruzites, and the Strawberry is the socialist cabal and the lackeys who zombie-walk into the abyss of debt that the socialists have created. As in the case of the hare and the turtle, against all odds, the terrapin will win. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We are now done with it. Only 92 more days before the deadline is accomplished for the next debacle. About three months between now and that time that there will be further authorisation to publish another few trillion dollars worth of Yankee greenbacks.....thereby further devaluing the worth of the greenback dollar.
At the very moment that it became apparent that the Congress was going capitulate and follow Harry Reid into the Palace of Oz, the American dollar lost four - tenths of one per cent of its value against the Mexican peso. Reason? In spite of everything, the Mexican national budget is within some reasonable position of balance, and the overall deficit is in a better posture than our own. The American running budget and deficit and overall debt is now edging into the zone of psychotically catastrophic. The Mexican budget and debt situation is moving from bad to not-so-bad.
The average American understanding about the debt is that the Red Chinese hold much if not all of the outstanding American Treasury paper. In actuality, they hold a little less than 10 per cent. The average American understanding is that most of our oil comes from Saudi Arabia and a cartel of six or seven other Arab countries in South America or Austria or somewhere. But, most of the natural gas and oil used in the United States comes from ...... the United States. After that, Canada and Mexico generally exchange first and second place with each other....although Venezuela can be found in first, second, or third place depending upon the month.
The point of this diversion in the screed is simply to point out that the folks who go about their business every day are not, and cannot be expected to be, experts on macro-economic or resource provision. The Obsolete Press does everything it can to make certain that the general public remains in that penumbra of mild ignorance so that when push comes to shove the folks will make only one decision about who is at fault for the manifestation of any particular artificially created crisis.
To do complex thought, for instance such as: Why do the Republicans do things that seem to be so injurious to them? Is it possible that they see a damage being done that is so severe that they feel that they must risk their own political popularity in order to confront that injurious thing? Why are the hard-line conservatives voting the way they said they were going to vote when they were elected? Why are we spending so incredibly much more than we are taking in? Why does the president always invoke the notion that he is going to go back to work to strengthen the middle class when every action he takes injures the middle class and the productive elements of the society?
Why has the American dollar lost four per cent of its value against the Mexican peso in the last 36 hours?
Why has gold increased by fifty dollars per ounce in the last 36 hours?
Why does the Fernandez de Kirchner's administration have an Argentine Peso that looks like it does as it relates to the American dollar during her horrid, socialist regime's administration of the nation's business. We urge that OROGs remember that El Gringo Viejo has stated that this insane woman and her equally insane cabal of ultra-socialist elitists are bound and determined to invade the private pensions....confiscate them....because " just doesn't make sense to have so much 'dead money' sitting around doing nothing when there are so many poor people who need so much." This is among those ultimate objectives of Obama - Soros - Annenberg and the Bolshevik vultures who radiate from them. Please review the effects of just the past three and one-half years of hyper-deficit spending by Mrs. Fernandez de Kirchner. She, like (Sir Edmund)Hillary, had the good sense to utilise a medical emergency briefly last month. She went in for a brain operation, literally, and has sense been returned to the Presidential Palace (literally known as the Pink House). Rumours circulate, of course, that she is intellectually incapacitated, but in that I do not know, nothing shall be stated. Source:
This note: Please click onto the linkage "" just below the graph so as to arrive at a very user friendly familiarisation with economic disaster.
The above graph shows the price of profligacy. Argentina has been printing money at four times the rate that Obama and Bernanke have been printing money. Therefore, in the lemming-run to the cliff, Fernandez de Kirchner and her loons should arrive before Obama and Michelle in the three-legged sack race.
More later.
El Gringo Viejo
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Zombo Queen of Mendazia
You know? Sometimes a picture just doesn't need a caption |
This is a hard one to figure. We have not been able to determine if this individual is a Zombotron from the Planet Zombo, or out of a parallel universe called Mendazia. She is, as almost all of the Obamabots, and as almost all marxists, completely incapable of telling any form of the truth. Her main claim to fame is that she is an advocate of partial birth abortions up to and including the age of 26, since all such medical procedures are now free if the child is living with his parents....who are also free...if the Soylent Green factory is running low on do you say
Her greatest moment in terms of public service was like Mayor Nagin and Governor Blanco in Louisiana. The saying is, "First, do nothing. Then, wait for the Obsolete Press to pour into the flooded-out scene of New Orleans. Then, do nothing. After a couple of days, blame Bush."
This is what the above-pictured individual did during the floods that affected her State while she was governess of said State. She declared that she could not do much to abate the flooding because Bush had taken her National Guard soldiers and equipment off to the Iraq War. Her own adjutant had to contradict her the next day, while adding that all necessary works had been done to prevent major flooding in the areas that could be defended, according to Plan A, about which her governorship knew nothing. She did know how to lie however, and when called on her mendacity, she giggled and said, "Well, that's what they told me to say at the DNC (Terry McCauliffe was the head of the DNC at the time)."
How many mendacious marxist hags could one administration have in eight years. We thought that Billy Jeff Blythe had set an unbreakable record.
Wondering if the Republic can withstand any more Hope and Change, we remain,
Sincerely appreciative for the presence of OROGs in the Cosmos.
El Gringo Viejo
El Gringo Viejo
Special Message for Charlie Rangel, Paragon of Virtue
United States Representative to the United States Lower House of the Congress took issue with the demonstration by the Veterans over the past few days. He was especially dismayed to note that the Tea Party, right wing extremists were showing their Klanner characteristics when it was noted that there was a Confederate Battle Flag seen at the congregation near the White House. One. A single flag. Among thousands of truly distressed people who resented the idea that something so innocuous as a monument commemorating the contributions of fallen soldiers from World War II would be blocked from visitation, and the accommodation of illegal aliens to demonstrate their hatred for their hosts would be permitted, while the same grounds were prohibited to Veterans to visit, in their latter days, a monument to their fallen buddies.
Charlie, you are a slug. You call us racists, when your entire life...with very few exceptions...has been guided by your own particular brand of self-serving demagoguery and racism. Without it you would never have qualified to be a part-time relief taxi driver. You were willing to shill and mislead so that you could lounge around with your walrus carcass by your pool in Santo Domingo.
Concerning your reference to the "racist" Confederate Battle Flag, and your assumption that it was there because Obama is a Negro....there are two points.
Point One: Barack Hussein Obama has no chromosomic relationship to anything that has anything to do with the American Negro Experience. His father was a misogynist, communist, anti-colonialist, low-grade terrorist, polygamist, drunken drug addict who finally killed himself in a drunken, drug-stewed stupor while taking his last drive in the Kenyan outback. Obama's Negro ancestry had nothing of the American experience. It is Kenyan, and his father only briefly moved around on American soil, and most of that movement was in the pursuit of women of whom he could advantage himself sexually and beat up. He also managed to abandon his one child that he fathered by an underaged American female.
Point One: Barack Hussein Obama has no chromosomic relationship to anything that has anything to do with the American Negro Experience. His father was a misogynist, communist, anti-colonialist, low-grade terrorist, polygamist, drunken drug addict who finally killed himself in a drunken, drug-stewed stupor while taking his last drive in the Kenyan outback. Obama's Negro ancestry had nothing of the American experience. It is Kenyan, and his father only briefly moved around on American soil, and most of that movement was in the pursuit of women of whom he could advantage himself sexually and beat up. He also managed to abandon his one child that he fathered by an underaged American female.
At the time Barack Hussein Obama's father had at least three other wives. Barack Hussein Obama never had any significant relationship with his father.....the one who gave him his passport into the Negro race. So therefore, do not lecture me or anyone else if you wish to be a logical arguer of fact, that somehow it is "racist" to vigorously oppose the policies that white people who are communists and marxists have crammed into the vacuous head of an empty suit whose forte is the reading of scrolls in a teleprompter.
Point Two: Barack Hussein Obama knows nothing of the American Negro Experience....Nat King Cole, Jackie Robinson, Frederick Douglass, the War Between the States, Booker Tecumseh Washington, the Platters, and on and on. Slavery? Manumission? Black Confederate Veterans? He knows nothing of those things and could care less. He is a marxist and a narcissist. Not a good mix.
So, Charlie....with hands and soul thoroughly stained by corruption....please understand one thing. Were Barack Hussein Obama to be a white man like Clinton or Carter there would have been hundreds if not thousands more Confederate Flags at the White House fences. The Confederate emblems, in these times, means little more than that of being a symbol of the defence of the 10th Amendment and deference to local control. Your symbol is that of a wasted old man, flopped on a pool lounge chair with a "tropical drink" sunning yourself.,,,,living on the blood, sweat, and efforts of the productive masses.
Submitted to the attention of Charlie Rangel.
El Gringo Viejo
Some Facts about Welfare.
Statistics on welfare? How many people are on welfare? Welfare demographics? How much money can you make and still receive welfare?, How many states does welfare pay more than minimum wage? What per cent of recipients stay on welfare for how long? What are the top 10 states that pay the highest amount in average welfare per month? Information on welfare per state? How many Americans are on welfare? What is the number of Americans collecting unemployment ? (It should be noted that the word "American" may be overused in the table included below, because certain numbers of participants are legal and illegal aliens. Illegal Aliens under complete public assistance support include the two individuals pictured below.)
As all OROGs know, we are bitterly opposed to the concept of governmentally provided public assistance to individuals and/or families. We, as a nation, have become accustomed to the dysfunctional notion that there needs to be a "safety net" for the populace, administered by a benign, charitable, understanding, and deeply generous Uncle. In sociological and/or anthropological terms such an understanding and practice inevitably leads to cultural rot and the eventual suicide of the society so involved.
It also leads to the attraction of flies to garbage instead of bees to flowers. The bee arrives at a place that is foreign to him and immediately sets about to work his way...and his community's way...into prosperity and abundance. He even allows the owner of the place where he dwells to profit by that owner's industriousness, and the work ethic of that bee. Each can injure the other, but after a not-too-long period of understanding, they each begin to work together to the benefit of each.
About the only thing that flies can provide us are certain maggots that can be used to clean dead tissue out of wounds in a more effective way than surgery might.
We might note in the graphic provided below that the Latin group composes 15.7 per cent of the total group receiving public assistance. That is a bit higher than the total that the Latinate group composes of the overall population. Most of that overage is found among the illegal and extra-legal population that has entered into the United States since around 1980.
The generally White group still accounts for about 70 per cent of the overall population of the United States and makes up 38.8 per cent of the consumer class.
The Negro element of the population, after years and years of specific assault by demagogues and charlatans, totally for selfish political reasons has allowed itself to be reduced to all but a slave race. With about 11.5 per cent of the overall population, they constitute almost 40 per cent of the consumer group of public assistance. There is nothing more that one can say than to state clearly that in cultural terms is it catastrophic. We recently watched a programme on the tele that pointed out one of the first labour organisation of the Black folks was an extremely prestigious Brotherhood of Pullman Car Porters.
Why is this important? Because as the 18th Century became the 19th Century there were gradually more and more educated Negroes who were studied AND who had an absolute catechism AND who had a work ethic that was second to none. They, knowing their self-worth, knew that they were more than qualified to attend and service a Pullman Sleeper, usually loaded with a bunch of presumptuous, even if pleasant, rich white folks. THE NUMBER OF COMPLAINTS, OVER THE YEARS ABOUT THOSE WHO COMPOSED THIS SERVICE WAS, IN ANY REASONABLE ESTIMATE, ALMOST NIL. They attended, maintained strict sanitation, comfort, and conversation. They could black shoes for the passengers' de-boarding in style and carry on significant conversation about matters ranging from the arts, to philosophy, to history, geography, current events, etc. etc. etc. , all in a collegiate form of the English language. It is said that their motto was "Service, not servility".
It is true enough that the "Brotherhood" was a labour union, although it had to fight to even be accepted by the true racists, those being the leftist white union bosses of the American Federation of Labour and its cousin the Council of Industrial Organisations that fought to the end to prevent Negroes from "invading" the union labour ranks.
Now we have Crips, Bloods, and variations thereof. And, there is a near 80% illegitimacy rate in terms of baby production, when it is known that the majority of those birthings will lead further into the abyss of multigenerational welfare dependency.
Happy New Year from Uncle Omar!
Yes, it’s the president’s beloved Uncle Omar, chilling out Friday night at the Chicken Bone in Framingham, the same bar outside of which he was arrested for drunk driving last summer. He’s got a full beard now, but he was easy to spot. The illegal alien fondly known as “Stinky” to the patrons of his workplace, Conti’s Liquors, was by himself, wandering the ginmill, a glass of brown water in his hand. (Read the photographer’s account below). Odd, though, that he wasn’t vacationing with the rest of the family in Hawai i'. Guess his invitation and plane tickets were lost in the mail.
It would have been easy for the Framingham PD to stake out the Bone, but it probably wouldn’t have been wise — his lawyer has already accused the cops of violating his Fourth Amendment rights by stopping him at all (he blew a .14 on the Breathalyzer). And God knows his nephew, the president, doesn’t mind accusing a Massachusetts police department of “acting stupidly” whenever one arrests a black man behaving badly.
Prior reports on Obama's ordered-to-be-deported uncle can be browsed here:
Statistic Verification |
Source: US Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Commerce, CATO Institute |
Research Date: 9.10.2013 |
Welfare is the organized public or private social services for the assistance of disadvantaged groups. Aid could include general Welfare payments, health care through Medicaid, food stamps, special payments for pregnant women and young mothers, and federal and state housing benefits. The Welfare system in the United States began in the 1930s, during the Great Depression. Opponents of Welfare argue that it affects work incentives.
Welfare Statistics | |
Total number of Americans on welfare | 12,800,000 |
Total number of Americans on food stamps | 46,700,000 |
Total number of Americans on unemployment insurance | 5,600,000 |
Percent of the US population on welfare | 4.1 % |
Total government spending on welfare annually (not including food stamps or unemployment) | $131.9 billion |
Welfare Demographics | |
Percent of recipients who are white | 38.8 % |
Percent of recipients who are black | 39.8 % |
Percent of recipients who are Hispanic | 15.7 % |
Percent of recipients who are Asian | 2.4 % |
Percent of recipients who are Other | 3.3 % |
Welfare Statistics | |
Total amount of money you can make monthly and still receive Welfare | $1000 |
Total Number of U.S. States where Welfare pays more than an $8 per hour job | 39 |
Number of U.S. States where Welfare pays more than a $12 per hour job | 6 |
Number of U.S. States where Welfare pays more than the average salary of a U.S. Teacher | 8 |
Average Time on AFCD (Aid to Families with Dependent Children) | |
Time on AFDC | Percent of Recipients |
Less than 7 months | 19% |
7 to 12 months | 15.2% |
1 to 2 years | 19.3% |
2 to 5 years | 26.9% |
Over 5 years | 19.6% |
Top 10 Hourly Wage Equivalent Welfare States in U.S. | |
State | Hourly Wage Equivalent |
Hawaii | $17.50 |
Alaska | $15.48 |
Massachusetts | $14.66 |
Connecticut | $14.23 |
Washington, D.C. | $13.99 |
New York | $13.13 |
New Jersey | $12.55 |
Rhode Island | $12.55 |
California | $11.59 |
Virginia | $11.11 |
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
"Education Union" Thugs and the havoc they love
Gang of Union Thugs in Cancun supposedly protesting about the recently imposed, and very necessary education reforms in Mexico. Cancun was targeted specifically to injure the national image. Marxists always will destroy in order to have their way, as in Barry's attempt to leave the fallen soldiers in a cold-room in Kabul, because of "GOP intransigence". |
As a bit of an up-date about Mexico, please be aware that El Gringo Viejo is dedicated to the proposition of providing solid right-wing commentary and interpretation about what is going on in our sister Republic. We hope that our perspective helps deepen and widen the OROGs understanding beyond the hopelessly inaccurate information that comes to the USA through Obsolete Media sources.
We had thought, perhaps foolishly, that the issue of the occupation of the Zocalo in Mexico City and the various local protests (frequently quite violent) in places throughout the "provinces" would have ended with the forced removal of various of the "leaders" from the Zocalo, along with the disbanding of their followers. Most of the followers in such deployments are generally somewhat humanoid presences who have IQs roughly approaching the level of Styrofoam packing peanuts. They used to be known as "bullet catchers" but in these days the Army has tried to refrain from such measures except for those involved in "organised crime" (drug trafficking).
We have been sorely disappointed. Our main reason for discontent is sourced in our own conceit and egotism. We just hate to be wrong. El Gringo Viejo's analysis was wrong.
As in the case of Obama, the slime never goes away. The stench of true marxist evil never stops burning the nostrils. The true marxist never stops trying to pervert natural law and impose the order of one kind of elitist or another. So, just because nice Miss Gordillo, the immediate past president of the national educational workers' union, was thrown in prison for pilfering what appears to be something along the order of 200,000,000 USD from the union coffers for her own investment, benefit, and squandering (six face-lifts, and she's still uglier than bat-puke), it does not mean that anyone has learned his/her lesson about good order in public service.
Almost immediately after the passing of a dull and boring, secular, modernist, homosexuals-are-better-than-normal-people, and egalitarianism is-a-national-priority teaching format....the marxists 2nd and 3rd level people in the education union went into violent, confrontational mode. In spite of the "liberal, progressive" thrust of the new educational plan, the Thugs were mobilised by the hundreds. Almost all have a criminal background and/or some association with violent crime in their past.
Although well over 90% of the people who were members of the old union are in favour of the reforms already enacted by the Congress and the President, and a similar number of those expressing a preference in the general population concur, the sliver of activists who hate good order are determined to make Mexico pay for slaughtering the Golden Calf. Perhaps we are watching the punishment of Mexico for imprisoning the Sacred Cow as well.
The City and State of Oaxaca are long-famous for the continuous "education protests". Bus-burnings, bus-blockades complete with flattened tyres, incessant protest the tune of 9 or 10 a week, are all part of the "folklore" in Oaxaca. But this has extended to several State capitals in the southern, and now Yucatecan, parts of Mexico. Major secondary cities and towns are being involved, and teachers are being threatened in typical union thug form through the southern half of Mexico. Any perceived scabbing or out of step performance by teachers, custodians, secretaries, teachers' aides, etc. is being dealt with by extremely tough measures. The Army has been called into various sites and special police units deployed at Capitol buildings and Municipal Presidency buildings. It is madness, and it is designed to express marxist strength...not just in Mexico...but throughout Latin America.
Much of the steam is going out of their "legitimate" electoral victories. Argentina is a basket-case, Mrs. Fernandez de Kirchner was recently interned into a hospital with a serious head/brain issue and operated upon. People did not cheer her release, because the blush is off the bloom in terms of her particular "great leap forward". Brazil is rumbling towards a very probable disaster in the World Soccer Cup and Olympics. Brazil's crime rates are far in excess of even Chicagoland and Detroit.....but at least it's only at its worst exactly where the worldwide events will take place. Nicaraguans, after the re-takeover by the Ortegas, have been outnumbering Mexicans in terms of those detained by the Border Patrol here along the border.
(While re-reading this, it occurs to me that it should be pointed out that in spite of the common, leftish curriculum, it is a bit more balanced that it used to be before the 'reform measures', quite frankly)
(While re-reading this, it occurs to me that it should be pointed out that in spite of the common, leftish curriculum, it is a bit more balanced that it used to be before the 'reform measures', quite frankly)
(parenthetical inclusion)
Nicaragua Population Growth Rate:
Even though the population of Nicaragua has been growing, the growth rate has been steadily declining and is now around a 1%. This is a significant change from the early 1990's when the population growth rate of the country was 5.8%. However, the population surge in the early nineties was largely due to a large influx of people migrating into the country after the anti-Sandinista political parties defeated the incumbent Sandinistas party which had been in power since 1979. (Source:
The gross population of Nicaragua is a little less than 6,000,000 souls. Mexico is obviously much closer to the United States than Nicaragua, but the number of Nicaraguans at times surpasses the number of attempted illegal entrants into the United States. Central Americans as a whole have been outnumbering Mexican illegal alien apprehensions, especially since the return to power of the Ortegas.
Take Guatemala and El Salvador the number of people goes up to around 20,000,000 and these numbers, we state once again, now outrank the Mexican illegal entry level, at times substantially. And that fails to consider that Mexico's population is a little less than 110,000,000, making it the largest Spanish-speaking nation on Earth.
Take Guatemala and El Salvador the number of people goes up to around 20,000,000 and these numbers, we state once again, now outrank the Mexican illegal entry level, at times substantially. And that fails to consider that Mexico's population is a little less than 110,000,000, making it the largest Spanish-speaking nation on Earth.
The people who are holding these "protests" are 1st cousins to the Occupy Wall Street people and the "No One Is Illegal" operatives in the amnesty movement here in the United States. Those connections are not ephemeral, but rather absolute and concrete and frequently run under the "open cover" of the leftist academic community.
We shall continue to monitor this situation. So far is does not seem to spill far beyond the buildings and the people within said buildings. But frustration on the part of these rabble-rousers could lead to difficulties that would be more problematic than the recently diminished drug war. Stay tuned.
El Gringo Viejo
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