Sunday, 18 March 2012

Barrack and Eric Say Americans of Mexican or Other Latin Origin Are Stupid

Eric Holder's notion about what "restraining voter turnout" might be does not include Black Panthers stalking around the entrance to a voting place, swinging truncheons menacingly in the presence of white and known conservative black voters.

Eric Holder knows but does not care that 73,000,000 Mexicans can register to vote in a much more demanding and complicated process, and further, if they do not comply with the process, THEY CAN NOT VOTE.

Eric Holder knows but does not care that 73,000,000 Mexicans will bring their Credencial Electoral Federal to the appropriate voting precinct and that it will be matched to a catalogue of voters....according to photographs and thumbprint, and 11 other security embeds in the Credencial or THEY CAN NOT VOTE.

Eric Holder knows that in Texas, every person of English, Irish, Scottish, Manx, French, Swedish, Norwegian, Russian, Arabic, Czech, Bohemian, Polish, Japanese, Chinese, Mongolian, Pakistani, Indian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian.....(enter 113,340 national, racial, and ethnic groupings) will be required to show photographic identification to vote in the up-coming elections.   One of the main reasons is because Democrats, marxists, and communists try to steal elections by flooding the proceedings with unqualified electors.   Reference ACORN and the union-thug recalls and anarchy in recent days in Wisconsin and essentially throughout the Republic.
     The approval in Texas by Latin citizens for the voter identification measures now in place is 58% while those who oppose are roughly the same percentage as there are of deranged marxist Anglos and other assorted honky-types.....about 21%.   It only seems fair to make certain that people of Mexican ancestry who are American citizens by birth or naturalisation process should be assured that their vote is not going to be diluted or cancelled by an anchor-baby mother.   IT IS THE SIMPLE MATTER THAT A PERSON MUST BE OF AGE, A CITIZEN, A RESIDENT OF THE PRECINCT AND DISTRICT OF CONCERN, AND NOT A FELON OR OF UNSOUND MIND.   Is that really too much to ask?

Eric Holder is a bigoted racist because he insists upon telling us that Mexican Americans, Negroes, and other "minorities" are too stupid to be able to do what any and everybody else does in order to comply with simple civic responsibility.

Eric Holder and his best bud, Barrack Hussein Obama, are both marxists who delight in trying to pit ethnic and racial groups against the American Commonality.   They delight in telling people that, by pulling down wealthy people, the downtrodden will be better off, be happier, and will finally receive their "fair share" of Kwanzaa presents.   It has worked everywhere else in the world, except in the places where it has been implemented.

It is mandatory that these people be given a permanent vacation in a place where they would be comfortable ..... like Red China or North Korea.

And, by the way, the last time a police officer contacted me, the first thing he asked for was my identification.   He was Latin, I am Anglo....I complied....and did not even seek legal relief.
Imagine that!

El Gringo Viejo   

Blind Man in a Dark Room

 The Archbishop of Canterbury

     The Gringo Viejo has made a commentary on another blog, defending another Anglican traditionalist.  So that all OROGs will know what the dirty laundry of another family looks like, it is being included below.  The announcement by the Archbishop of Canterbury that he is now to graze in greener meadows brings a bit of relief to those who have suffered a decade of pointless, meaningless mumblings that bring to mind warm mayonnaise.   This is said with some deference to warm mayonnaise, which undoubtedly has greater relevance to the Will of God and the fulfilment of His desire that we strive to save our souls and the souls of all mankind than did this peculiar secular humanist in priest's raiment.
     Another like-minded fellow named Kurt, stated his opinion on another blog, and it was the pleasure to stand with him after his comments were essentially ridiculed by a "more enlightened" cleric.

    You are right.
     Those of us who are wounded by the radical notions of secular humanists presenting themselves as holy men and worthy guides along the straight and narrow do certainly agree with you.
     It is amazing to note that this ABC could muddle and obfuscate so much in so little time.   Some might say he was overwhelmed by the "divisiveness and politicisation" that the Church has suffered during the past 40 years.   Those are code words for flatearthers who believe in Holy Mysteries, Church Canon, Traditions, and natural law as established by Yahweh.  The only fire and brimstone we have seen for years is the blistering hatred the Church hierarchy has for those who long for a time when the Archbishop of Canterbury could make at least one or two references to the Nazarene or His Father during his dull, prolonged, tortuously twisted meaningless commentaries.
     Nay! Nay!   We were those who were.   The secular humanists and the social justice people came and changed the Church and them blamed us for the Church's failings.  They said they would fill the pews...and they are more empty than before.   They have elevated perversity, worship of humanity, and idealised materialism.   They have resuscitated a few obscure practises from yon so as to show that they are  also traditionalists, but they never really evoke the inner feeling in a congregation that there is any sharing of belief in the unseen.   The only thing they worship seems to be "equivilisation"....the making everyone and everything "equal".   It is a dreary gospel, written by Voltaire, Robespierre, Marx, and Engles....and it does not belong in an Episcopal or Anglican Church.
We pray for the Black African Bish0p to be called to reinvigorate this great part of the Body of Christ.  That Thy will be done
aka El Gringo Viejo

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Oil Companies are not the problem

     The problem is that somebody found out that oil people....the rig workers, the doodle-buggers, the wildcatters, the royalty holders, the refiners, the truckers, the pipeliners, the roughnecks are not saints.   Most of them are not even lower level acolytes.
       Therefore, people who know nothing about the oil business like to blame the oil companies for every real and imagined difficulty in their lives.    And, if a person is especially petty and self-absorbed, he particularly resents the oil companies violating the compact they had about giving anybody and everybody fuel for whatever price the buyer wanted to pay.

       Oreally raves on and on, and it has to be that he is either willfully ignorant of the nature of the entire industry, or that he is a closet socialist.    The top 20 oil and gas explorers, producers, distillers, transporters, and end-marketters pay over 150,000,000,000 dollars in local, State, and central government taxes each year.    Royalty holders pay another 22,000,000,000 dollars, each year is such taxes.    B0n Jovi pays 150 dollars of real estate taxes in New Jersey because of exemptions he qualifies for because he has some bee-hives on his that have several million dollars of value.   El Gringo Viejo pays more than that in McAllen school taxes just on a couple of old gas wells.

     The oil business pays over one hundred and seventy-two billion dollars in various taxes last year.    And, they provide the cheapest and best gasoline in the world to its clients in America.   The solution to the energy problem is not Solyndra, or autos with solar powered propellers, or algae oil.   The solution is to bind the three nations of the North American Continent into a "cartel'' of the good, and agree to produce and deliver to ourselves first and then sell our surplus to other markets.    The oil and gas industry would make good money on that market, albeit a little less, and the prices would remain low because of the lower cost of transportation.
Natural gas is already so cheap some people are trying to figure out how to feed it to their children without blowing them up, or having them float off into the blue.

    We are off early in the morning tomorrow.   We return on Saturday, the Lord willing and the Devil not objecting.
El Gringo Viejo


So All Know El Gringo Viejo is only daft a' smidgen.

     "Grandma, what's wrong with Old Man Stanford?"
      "He's alright, Davy.   It's just that he's a tad teched."
       That resolved everything.   So we go on about our business trying to find out where the wild chickens had been puttin'.      Grandma Mamie kept about 60 hens in their cages, and let the roosters to light in the trees overnight.    Some hens, who apparently were claustrophoic, preferred to stay out and take their chances with the coyotes, foxes, feral cats, bobcats, and o'possums.  The roosters were so dumb...well, you know...they were males.

      We found a dozen and a half, some were poulet eggs, and as we went back to the side entrance of the rambling, frame farm house, I asked my grandmother, "Grandma, what do you think bein' a tad teched is like?"
      "Well, you know.   Go and put'n those eggs in that bowl of fresh well-water.    Bein' a tad teched is like being daft a' smidgen," Mamie said after a bit of contemplation.
     El Gringo Viejo, who is daft a' smidgen, includes this scanning from the main economic events newspaper in this part of the frontier so that OROGs will know that their blogmeister is not totally fallen off the edge.   The article deals with the environment from whence I came, where I dwealt, and what is actually going on in the 99.9% area of what is Mexico.   The security issues are real, but it is not what one deals with 99.99% of the time when tending to birdwatchers, loafers, and photgraphers in some corner of rural Mexico, for instance.
     Every day things become a little bit better.   Every day things become a little bit better.   Two steps forward and one step back.   And we have the Mexican Army and Naval Infantry.   Those two institutions have given Mexico, and El Gringo Viejo, frankly...a reason to be ultimately optimistic about an increasingly positive future.   A future with no Obama and with a Mexico Retaken, an America Restored, and a Canada establishing the clear path to leaving socialism in the rear-view mirror.    The above article was published in Texas Border Business, vol. 7 no. 9 March, 2012
This is what we see and experience.   This is the trucks on the highways hauling stuff from the
United States and Canada, and hauling stuff up to the United States and Canada.  We have
a front row seat on a fascinating place that never seems to change, yet is always changing.
It's like a trip with no dope, dude. 

Thanks for your time and attention.   More Later.  We shall be heading north to babysit the granddaughters for a bit.   We shall try to make some more salient observations while up-state.
El Gringo Viejo

Eric Holder - Fire Sale on Pants (blast from the past)

Several Points that need to be repeated, clarified, and understood by All OROGs:
      The first point concerns Eric Holder specifically and the entire Obamaham administration generally..   Any notion that Eric Holder is concerned about voting rights for "Hispanics" is preposterous.   He views "Hispanics" as stupid, greasy cannon fodder to be used in any way he and the entire marxist cause wish to use them.   The overall aim of his particular group on the left edge of the universe is to make certain everyone....."hispanic", black, white, green, Martian, sabre-toothed, tramsgendered, lesbian vegetarians, left-handed tiddly-winks players....everyone.... is placed either as an ant in an anthill or a bee in a bee hive.    He intends to have each knowing his place, each doing his assigned task, each receiving according to his need, and each giving according to his ability.   And, incredibly enough, Eric Holder thinks he will be one of the Queen Bees who decides who goes wherever and does whatever.
       So he counts on innocent ignorance, blatant stupidity, demagoguery, and outright aggravated mendacity to forward his agenda.    He thinks, "Like me, everybody knows that Mexicans are stupid.   So, I can go before a federal court and enjoin the Republic of Texas from requiring voters to have an official identification bearing a picture of the registrant."
       Common forms of such identification can include, but are not limited to, driver's licenses, passports, and military identification.  Texas offers non-drivers an official identification card upon demonstration of proof of citizenship by birth, naturalisation, or proof of legal resident aliency with the appropriate certificate from the United States Department of State.
         Eric Holder, however, is counting on what he hopes is a general public impression that Americans with Mexican and/or other Latin American ancestry or origin, are stupid.   He must necessarily argue against the facts by saying  "These people are so stupid, so ignorant, so hopelessly devoid of any ability to defend themselves in the common execution of normal life-chores, that they should not be required to do what everybody else in the Republic of Texas must do."
          Although there is no such thing as a Mexican race, or a Latin American race, the proponents of this initiative by Holder's Department of Justice say the policy of the Republic of Texas is "racist".   This proves, further, that the DOJ attorneys are dolts since they have not the remotest understanding of sociology, anthropology, or human genetics.    They are counting on the rest of the American public to be as bigotted as they themselves.
           Their objective in these measures is to "lard-up'' the voter rolls with unqualified voters.   This fits with their overall objective, a Saul Alinsky objective, of  introducing as many unqualified people into the general population as possible, so as to drive up public assistance outlays, foment ethnic anamousity, and generally "third-world" America to death.   Also, the illogic of their position is amply revealed by the fact that Latins are elected to majority Anglo district positions, Anglos are elected in majority Latin districts, and  that neither the Anglo nor the Latin group is homogenous unto itself in terms of voter preference.

credencial para votar ife
All Mexican voters have...and must present at the time
of voting...this document.  The poll workers at that
voting precinct have a roster, in alphabetical order
of the qualified electors...with photo...with thumb
print...and somehow 70,000,000 "stupid Mexicans"
managed to legally acquire this document, and
50,000 voting precincts managed to have the roster
catalogue in place before the polls opened.
Their percentage of participation has gone UP
since the "hard to acquire" electoral registration
document was begun.
     Finally, as concerns this point, we can observe the "stupid Mexican" procedure that is applied to "stupid Mexicans" in Mexico.  The Credencial Electoral Federal is required  of all voters, Indian, Mestizo, Negro, Mulatto, White....everyone.    It must be actuated on or before a date in February of the year of the election.  It is valid for three years.  It has 13 different fraud prevention employments.   It has digital photographic, fingerprint, and iris verification and it has, waiting for the elector at the appropriate voting precinct of the 144,000 in Mexico during nation-wide elections, a compendium of every elegible voter who pertains to that precinct...WITH A PICTURE OF THAT ELECTOR and his or her fingerprint...all in alphabetical order.   Each precinct has, by law, a citizen volunteer appointed by  each of political parties with candidates under consideration working the precinct election process, and a poll watcher from each party that is represented on the ballot(s).   The ballots are marked privately and deposited into a transparent acryllic 'urn'.
      The votes are counted by all the different party members present and counting and recounting continues up to five different times, if the representative of each party wants to count the ballots personally.   Each count must be witnessed by all election workers and official observers and all must sign their accordance with the results before the results can be forwarded to the appropriate entity (State Institute of Elections in the State Capital, for instance). 
     The Credencial Electoral Federal is considered to be a better proof of identification than a passport or birth certificate.   The latter two documents are quite detailed and also have very good security details, in spite of what one might have heard during the years.

     In Texas, we have a crummy piece of posterboard paper, no picture, no fingerprint, no nothing.   That is verified against a voters' roster, a computer printout that also has nothing more than the name, sex, address of the voter.    Our County has a little over 775,000 people, of whom about 435,000 are aged 21 or more. Of that number 287,000 are registered to  vote.  That would seem to include all the native born and  naturalised Americans in the county at this time.    That would be about 63% of the adult population.   About 90% of those are of Mexican national or Spanish colonial origin in whole or in part.   They seemed to have no problem obtaining a voter's registration by showing citizenship papers of the required type.    Many of the ones in the graph below who are shown not to have a correlating Department of Public Safety ID Number might well be using a military identification, since we have a huge number of WWII, Korea, and Viet Nam veterans and, especially among the Latins, who are particularly proud of their service and honourable discharges. 

 / HC

     Eric Holder does not give a whit if, by purposefully facilitating the registration and participation of unqualified voters, they  dilute....for instance...a Mexican-born individual who fought in France and Germany against the National Socialist nightmare that intended to eat the world.   That individual, once back, had the right to almost automatically gain American citizenship.   How is it, then that Eric Holder can equivilate the value of that individual with some anchor-baby-mother-slug who comes over illegally to participate in the 250-metre pamper-throw competitions  and the accounting wonder of balancing four different Lone Star Card accounts in her head.

     No, Mr. Holder....nobody is kept from legally voting in Texas in these days.   Registration is easy and convenient.   Too easy and too convenient.  It is simply your desire to try to "lard up" the rolls with people you can scare by having your operatives  frighten them with threats of being turned in to the Border Patrol if they don't register and vote.

     And then the second point...of many available.
     Mr. Holder you were successful in one thing, even better than (Sir Edmund) Hillary.   Janet Reno, Gen. Wesley Clark (the Hero of the Battle of Mount Carmel), and (Sir Edmund) Hillary were only able to kill about 63 people among the dumboe religious Kooks...including about 42 especially young children.   Their original offense was in having a bit fewer than the normal number of guns per adult individual in the living area as any other home situation in Texas.   Janet Reno, the FBI, the ATF & E wanted to bring the head of John the Baptist (Vernon Hill, aka David Koresh) to (Sir Edmund) Hillary as an offertory in the War Against Private Ownership of Firearms....especially firearms that look mean or that shoot bullets.   Too bad she couldn't have found the gun Vince Foster used.
      Even though you are so concerned about the sensibilities and conditions pertaining to people of Mexican background, you will be proud that your actions in the effort to disarm the innocent did have a pronounced impact on the Mexican people.   Some 212 soldiers, naval infantry, honest and semi-honest cops, civilian men and women, and some children are all dead now.   They were killed in the case of the military and police engaging cockroaches of the Cartels.   The civilians were killed in crossfires by cockroaches who have no rules of engagement.    You killed 212 people under false pretenses, under incompetent, uncaring admistrative procedures with ulterior, hidden motives.  Well done.

Fire Sale on Eric Holder's Pants.   But who would want them?
El Gringo Viejo             

(UPDATE:   This blog contribution is somewhat dated.   It is a two-pronged blog-entry.  It deals with voters' registrations, and with the gun-grab compulsion of totalitarians.  Since this writing the number of "collateral casualties" in the Mexican drug wars has risen to nearly 500 in which Eric Holder's weapons have been involved.  Once again we are only counting soldiers, naval infantry, honest and semi-honest cops, civilian men, women, and some children are dead now.)

Monday, 12 March 2012

Hollow Victory...Dark Clouds Forming

     We are told to joyously celebrate the victory of the Proletariat when the Che Guevara Government Motors and Mao's Motors posted the great leap forward for the Democratic Peoples' Revolutionary Movement.  Ch.G.Government Motors, which has repaid all the investment made by the People and refined all operations to the highest level in keeping with the precepts as set forth in the Little Red Book, posted Great and Heroic Profits for use by the Peoples' Governing Committee of the Treasury of over 7,000,000,000 filthy, capitalist running-dog dollars.   During the earlier fascist period, the company never made any financial profit, while terrorising and brutalising an essentially enslaved work force.   Payment for their labour was frequently made in last year's professional sporting events tickets.    Now all has changed and families have many heads who can drink whiskey and beer and smoke marijuana before during and after their many rest breaks during the day.    Truly a Workers' Paradise.
     In the meantime, the fascist Germans, long notorious for saying horrid things about women on the radio, could only muster $21,000,000,000 in profits from the sale of their bourgeois conveyances (aka - Volkswagen) that are desired by nobody and bought by very few.  It is well known that the fascist holdovers from the Berlin regime of the 1930s take the vehicles, under cover of darkness, from the factories where many workers are chained to their work benches in their dark and filthy working areas and then dump said vehicles into the North Sea.   All their sales and income figures are made up from the thin air.
     Meanwhile, the World is arriving to of the great metropoli and success stories brought on by strict adherence to Marxist social management sign onto the lengthy waiting list for our automobiles.   The Chevrolet Chernobyl  and the Chrysler Commissar are the most popular, while the great concept car, the solar-powered Yugo Volt has become the "must have" of the young, cool, and "with-it" crowd.
         Here is a clip from the end of the last meeting of the old board of directors of the old General Motors and Chrysler,   where the last bond-holder and preferred stock holder was dealt with by majority vote.

For the First Time, many citizens could finally be proud of their
truly backwards and disgusting country.   LOOK FOR THE UNION LABEL!

This message was approved by the the Committee for the Defense of the Popular Democratic Union of Auto Workers, 666 Che Guevara Boulevard, Detroit, Michigan S.S.R.