Saturday, 11 February 2012

Let Me Get This Straight

Father O'bamaham comes out and says..."We are going to compromise.   Instead of us violating the 1st Amendment in such a blatant manner, I am going to order the insurance companies and not the church denominations to provide contraception for free.   That's what I call a real compromise".
HRH Emperor Barak I

The hope is that there are still enough voting Americans to understand that the President of the United States does not have the authority to order insurance companies to provide anything for free.   Lamentably, we have arrived at a point there it may be possible that enough people actually think things can be ordered by an all-powerful provider to be provided for free.   The hour draweth nigh that we learn whether this is the Shining City on the Mountainside or if it is the sludge-filled hovel of Grovellania, full of victims, beggars, and slothful scum who see themselves as entitled to something.
To-day was the first time in the last 15 that my wife and I paid out at the HEB grocery store that we did not have to wait behind one, two, or three mondo-blobbos Lone Star Cards and gaggles of children and two carts full of every imaginable junk food, soda pop, and actual delicacies that "the upper-income" people can only afford to buy once or twice in a blue moon.    The reason we did not have to wait is because the girl opened up her lane just as we were coming up to pay.   Pure Co-incidence.

Thank you, as always, for your kind attention.
El Gringo Viejo

Friday, 10 February 2012

Can the Cosmos Give Me a Break?

So, let me get this straight.   Can we still use the word "straight'' any longer?

     O'bamaham tells the Roman Catholic Church, "You must provide abortion and contraception services through any employment by your church of employees of your church staff, hospitals and clinics under your control, and other employees directly employed by official Roman Catholic entities.

      There is an outcry.   The stupid and ignorant immediately counterattack declaring that women need, have a right to, and must have these services that are being denied.   The pro-abortion group takes a victory lap and high-fives each other.

      Those who have the remotest sense of critical thinking know that the issue is the interjection of government authority into the internal affairs of a religious entity.   The unclear thinkers love to drone through their drool expressions such as "....separation of church and state...".  Perhaps those of us who think clearly and critically could say, ".....separation of state and church....".   It is a much larger issue than any of that.   It involves certainly the fact that the central government can order a religious group how to administer is daily business operations.
It also, if permitted, establishes that a President, even a horrid communist President who wants to rule by "stroke of a pen, law of the land" can so do.
     It was predictable that the press and others would zero in on Roman Catholic reaction.   The fact is that the government must not be allowed to direct private businesses, public businesses, the Maranatha Alleluia Baptist Tabernacle, Jimmy"s Roller-Skates and Hamburgers-the best in Texas,  the Latter Day Saints, any religious or non-religious group, an auto dealership...or anybody about these matters.

      Now, O'bamaham comes forward to say...."Okay, okay I get it.   The Church is safe, we're see your point.  You're right.   So the Church is off the hook.   Now, instead I'm going to order that the insurance companies provide free contraception and abortion services to women.   I know how to compromise, and now we'll see if the dirty, stinking, tea-bagger, millionaires and billionaires will let all  you little people have your little piece of least have a few tiny crumbs."

 It is hoped that everyone sees through this classic, predictable cynical standard communist method of addressing a dispute.  

      (1)     First find the target.   Label the target  "Thesis"

     (2)    Determine the objective and then announce the objective.   The objective should be
                something far beyond what is actually wanted or obtainable.  Call this"Antithesis"'.

     (3)    After much "soul searching and negotiation" come to a "reasonable' alternative. 
               Call this "compromise" .   But the good communist knows it as "synthesis" or               "victory". 

     The dumboes go off saying, "We were very reasonable.   We gave a little, they gave a little, isn't it wonderful to be a moderate, to be reasonable?   We are so good.  We are better than those unreasonable ideologues who worry about things like "principle".   And it really doesn't matter whether it's right or wrong or that it really can't work.   All that matters is that WE WORKED TOGETHER TO GET SOMETHING DONE."

     How in the name of Jumping Jehoshaphat can it be somehow better that Herod slaughter this baby and not the other one?   What he cannot do to the Church he should also be stopped from doing to anyone especially to a private business.   It's Rosemary's baby....from the rape of the auto companies.   O'bamaham can say, "I cancelled the stupid crackers' preferred stock and gave the company to the union thugs who give me campaign contributions.   Now, I'll tell the insurance companies that they have to pay for FREE ABORTIONS, FREE THIS, AND FREE THAT.   Take that you miserable cracker tea-baggers.   Where's my Che shirt, Michelle?" 

El Gringo Viejo        


It is a matter of no joy to have to put out the article from El Diario of Coahuila contradicting the "annual emergency travel advisory" to the frontier and interieor of Mexican border States.    Nothing is said about the improvements in Tijuana and Mexicali.   There is no  mention of improving situations in and around Hermosillo.   Monterrey continues with inter-cartel issues, but even there things are assuming greater normalcy.
     The coincidence of the "emergency travel warning" is in fact a cut and paste warning that has been issued at the beginning of every Spring Break episode for the past 10 years, where the Holy Innocents come down to South Padre Island to participant in religious studies, do good works for the poor, naked, hungry, homeless, and prisoners and fast while meditating on various points raised by the Nazarene in His sermon on the mount.   
     The "emergency travel warning" does not specifically or even generally indentify places of real concern, which, while fewer, still exists.    Recent success in the lower reaches of Vera Cruz  State, in the extreme southern part of Tamaulipas State, and in the Monterrey metroplex still have not eliminated the problem totally.  However, it is well to call the attention of the OROG to the remarkable phenomena of the return of well-heeled Gringo hunters into the same area that received so much attention during the peculiar Hartley incident at Falcon Reservoir.
    Quoting the speaker, it states, "Gonzalez placed the example of the white-tail deer hunting season that has brought hunters to Ciudad  Mier from Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon, and Coahuila, but principally from Texas."
     El Gringo Viejo can attest to the fact that there were also a few groups of hunters back hunting the incredible whitewing, mourning dove, and waterfowl areas of central and coastal southern Tamaulipas this year, and a surprising numbers of fishermen heading back down to the lakes of Vicente Guerrero, Republica de Espan~a, and the coastal fishing community of La Pesca.    In that area, we are looking at a few hundred when there used to be several thousand.   The return to the Mier - Cerralvo area has been remarkable, because four years ago it was riddled with "bad influences" but now, the only problem they seem to be having is, like Central Texas, a plague of deer.    The number of Texas hunters returning are going on the word of Mexican friends and/or American/Mexican outfitter-guides with good records and who are also straight arrows in terms of their word.    The hunt has been phenomenal, we are given to understand.

      It would be appreciated if the United States State Department would publish an advisory that has usefulness, however.   Like the remoter parts of the highway between Acapulco and Zihuatenejo.   And point out that visiting either of the two towns is probably one of the safest things a person can do.    The advisory does the Gringo Viejo no good, because it is known that what it states is false and purposefully misleading.   It refers to events in the past.  It fails to correctly define events in the present for what they are, and it fails to recognise the massive amount of military and policing efforts that have steadily been degrading the malefactors.    The last incident to the west of Reynosa last week, and  two weeks before that incident were both horribly mis-represented by the local press...and finally even by members of the American federal government police officials.

     It is more than just a bit humiliating to think that better information can be derived from politicians from the old Partido Revolucionario Institutional than from our own press and officialdom.

      The simple fact is that a bad situation began to improve since the introduction of massive numbers of boots on the ground.    For four years we common dumboes have seen a slow restoration of order.   It has been, and will continue to be, very much a two steps forward and one step back situation.    EL Gringo Viejo will lament the steps backwards and celebrate the steps forwards.
El Diario de Coahuila

Viernes 10 de febrero de 2012 | 09:47 hs
En gira de trabajo sostenida en Reynosa, el mandatario tamaulipeco presidió la entrega de apoyos de Petróleos Mexicanos, al estado y municipios de Tamaulipas, por el orden de los 160 millones de pesos, y allí Torre Cantú aseguró que en esta entidad los casos de violencia que se han registrado, han sido aislados y no representan riesgo para la ciudadanía, ni para el turismo.
"Esa es una alerta que emiten cada año, si ustedes la ven, ellos (Estados Unidos) hablan de una situación que se vive en el país, y hacen una recomendación para cada uno de los estados, pero ya es algo que realizan año con año".
Resaltó que su gobierno trabaja de manera incansable en el tema de la seguridad y además continúan promoviendo el territorio tamaulipeco, con muy buenas relaciones en todo México y en otros países.
"Estamos trabajando todos los días por darle más seguridad a los tamaulipecos, y esta alerta de seguridad nosotros simplemente la vemos como un reporte anual con recomendaciones que ellos emiten", puntualizó el mandatario tamaulipeco.
Por su parte, los alcaldes de la frontera tamaulipeca, lamentaron la postura del gobierno de Estados Unidos, y de igual forma señalaron que a esta entidad no le afecta, ya que por primera vez, en esta administración, se puede decir que la seguridad ha sido recobrada al 100%.
El alcalde de San Fernando, Tomás Gloria Requena, dijo que la seguridad de Tamaulipas hoy se palpa principalmente en su municipio, el cual a inicios del 2011 fue azotado por una inusual ola de violencia, que los puso en el plano mundial.
Destacó que esta seguridad que hoy vive su municipio la garantiza el Gobierno Federal, quien a través de la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional ha manifestado que San Fernando, hoy es el municipio más seguro de Tamaulipas.
De igual forma el alcalde de ciudad Mier, Alberto González Peña, minimizó la alerta estadounidense, ya que aseguró que en esta zona ribereña de Tamaulipas, el tema de inseguridad es cosa del pasado.
Reveló que gracias al apoyo del gobernador Egidio Torre y del gobierno federal al mandar a Mier al Batallón 105 de Infantería la seguridad se recobró al 100%, y el comercio y turismo han vuelto a la normalidad.
González puso como ejemplo la temporada de caza de venado cola blanca que hoy se vive en la región fronteriza, y que ha atraído a ciudad Mier a cazadores de Tamaulipas, Nuevo León, Coahuila y principalmente de Texas.
- Difieren con alerta en congreso local
Es respetable pero no compartida, así se refirió el presidente de la Junta de Coordinación Política del Congreso del estado, Gustavo Torres Salinas, sobre la alerta de viaje que emitió a sus ciudadanos el gobierno de Estados Unidos.
"Esa postura del vecino país es respetable pero no la compartimos el llamado es que sigamos trabajando como hasta ahora, en la eneración de empleos, de economía, en la inversión", señaló el legislador priísta.
Previo al inicio de la sesión ordinaria de este jueves, Torres mencionó que en Tamaulipas se sigue trabajando.
"El estado sigue su marcha, han visto que hay diferentes estrategias que ha impulsado el gobernador y nosotros como congreso, apoyando todas las medidas tendientes a buscar la tranquilidad de todos los ciudadanos en cuanto a su trabajo y labores cotidianas", expresó.
Añadió que, "difiero con respecto a esta postura, seguimos trabajando en lo que nos corresponde.

     Any OROG desiring a translation of the above newspaper article should advise us, and we shall attempt to have a translation emailed to you befor Spring Break begins.
With grumpy resignation, we retire from the computer for at least a little while.  Thanks for your time and attention

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Lo Que el Viento Se Llevo

     The title of this blog-entry is Gone With the Wind.   El Gringo Viejo includes a couple of silly little clips of the late 1950s and early 1960s just so we can remember and give others a chance to see how innocuous and shallow the popular culture was.   To give everyone an idea, in the time exposed in this little clips, the illegitamacy rate among Black folks was hoverning at an alarming 9%, and the licentious Latins were checking in at a disturbing 7%.   The sedate and ever-so-correct Anglo group, by the same measure back then, was scoring a 5%.    Public assistance of any kind was something to be avoided and never to be revealed  to people outside the family because of the possible shame of it all.

    Now everything is better....and we can show our children how to make obscene gestures during the halftime show of the SuperBowl.    In any regard, El Gring0 Viejo sent these little ditties to his children so they would know what kind of silly people we were back in Bedrock. The Spanish part of the transmission is because a friend in Mexico is being sent these looks into the dust bin of history.    The one in Mexico is a bit older than my children, but not old enough to have been able to make fun of this kind of music and presntation.   At time El Gringo Viejo communicates for no purpose in the Spanish, just to keep his children on dedos pedales.

Proviene desde los días cuando la gente negra fueron, casi todos, gente presentable, ordenada, y civilizada.    No es mitología.   Simple fue una realidad.   Las Ronettes, el trio, son de Spanish Harlem en Manhattan.  Mas increíble todavía es que no están llevando pelucas.  Es cabello real.
      It is a bit of a sad thing to see these girls from Spanish Harlem, The Ronettes,  such a corny, boring routine....but when one thinks of Celena Quintanilla and how her father turned her into some kind of a whatever to flounce and shreik in her underwear in front of an essentially brain-dead audience, it is still my opinion that things have edged steadily down for the common folk since the Beatles crawled out of their vermin hole in Liverpool.

a pleasantly rustic bed and breakfast at the foot of the Sierra Madre
Oriental, in the countryside not far from Cd. Victoria, Tamaulipas.   Birds,
butterflies, and other creatures framed by an absolutely perfect view into
the "real Mexico".    Pleasant accommodations, good food and libations.   A
near-perfect atmosphere for total relaxation.   E-mail us any time or call
956 - 205 - 2441....we'll get back to you quickly!*<>

Required Viewing for OROGs

We commend to the attention of all OROGs  the very brief film-clip that can be joined at the below-included linkage.   This was to have run during the SuperBowl commercial madness in the past, (2004).   The production and direction of the little blurb was paid for and sponsored by our friends at and the estimable financial genius George Soros.
    We have borrowed this link from the ANGLICAN CURMUDGEON which is also found as one of our constant recommended reading alternatives on the list to the right of our screeds.   The Rev. Mr. Haley is that joyful combination of perfect literacy, subdued eloquence, and inspired work-a-day genius that one fears may be soon absent from the American and English-speaking world's scene.
We include the entire article.


Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Superbowl Commercial No One Saw Today

This commercial (H/T: Powerline) was originally made by
George Soros' lapdog, MoveOn, to run during the Superbowl
in 2004, but for various reasons (including its then very political
slant), it did not make the cut. My, my -- how times change.
For some unfathomable reason, George Soros and MoveOn
did not even consider submitting this commercial for the
Superbowl ad competition this year. Please watch it, and
along with me, wonder why -- are their particular bones of
contention becoming increasingly irrelevant to what the rest
of us can see is happening? Here is the 30-second commercial
that -- despite Soros's billions -- did not run in either 2004 or in 2012

Meanwhile, here is a commercial (with Clint Eastwood) that did run this year.
It implies that, under the Obama administration, Detroit and its automobile
industry are about to launch a new "second half" initiative that will
put the (Democratic) team on the scoreboard once again:

Who else but the Democrats under President Obama can claim to have turned
GM and Chrysler around in these trying times? (Of course, the commercial
does not mention Ford, which managed to survive the recession with its own
capital and negotiated union contracts, no thanks to the President.)
And who else but the Democrats under Obama would choose
to make this commercial the one they decided was best to run,
instead of the one George Soros handed them in 2004?
I tell you Republicans out there : you've got to get up
early to gain a march on these Democrats.
RalphM said...
Perhaps I'm unperceptive, but the Clint Eastwood Chrysler commercial does
not seem to be about a second term for Obama. I don't know Eastwood's
political views and I doubt that most viewers would know either.
To me, the ad seemed to be an inspirational message to have hope
and work for a comeback.
(Obama is not the person that is going to inspire that comeback IMHO.)

A. S. Haley said...
RalphM, Clint Eastwood himself agrees with you.
President Obama's campaign,
on the other hand, does not.
My juxtaposing of the two ads was intended to poke
fun at the Democrats--
that they could not re-run the first ad because it
would embarrass Mr. Obama, but that they could
identify with the second ad because it could be
taken as an endorsement of the results of Mr. Obama's
bailouts of both GM and Chrysler. In doing that
however, they would end up emphasizing
how the bailouts have served mainly to keep
GM and Chrysler alive, so that they could
continue to pay union workers according to their
elaborate contracts. But neither of those companies
nor Mr. Obama has yet devised a means of going
forward profitably in these recession/depression times
while still adhering to those contracts.

You, seeing Clint Eastwood for what he meant to say,
didn't fall for it. But Obama's campaign managers,
wanting to hitch their candidate to an icon like Eastwood, did.

Links to this post

Ad Orientem: Truth in Advertising

Addenda:   Posted during the mid-afternoon of 9 February 2012

The Old Gringo said...
There is no place to hide. No one can reasonably say that the Clint Eastwood clip was not a campaign advertisement for BHO. The dastardly take-over of the two companies, Fiat-Chrysler and Government Motors resulted in the cancellation of all preferred shares of stock, thereby punishing those who had the least to do with the companies' failures. Preferred stock is that which is most frequently found in the "widows' and orphans'" portions of long-term, "ultra-secure" stocks designed to produce modest but sure dividends. One can check how many mutual funds are still in existence since the expropriation and subsequent cancellation of these shares of stock. The number of Mutual Funds have been reduced by almost 40% since the expropriation. The most innocent of the financial instruments were the ones most punished by this marxist administration.
Clint Eastwood, as have I, perhaps has become a bit unclear in his thinking now, at this stage in his life. During the expropriations and subsequent delivery of the two corporations into the hands of extremely corrupt labour unions and the central government, Rowdy Yates knew that these were bad moves, and he said as much, frequently.

Forgive my long-windedness and abrasiveness. Thank you for your kind attention and time.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Quick, Cap & Trade

                                                                    Extreme Winter Weather Hits Europe
These images always seem to be shielded from the tender eyes of the American audience.  After all, since the United States was three times hotter this past year than the year before, many more minority children and elderly and minorities and handicapped and people who have different levels of intellectual understanding and everything, you know.   After all the Occupy Wall Street people are the only ones doing anything about any of the problems left behind by George Bush and all the military and everything, you know.  That's why I can't find any work at a living wage.   Free America From Zionism Now.  Free Palestine, Now.   Solidarity With the Pastors for Peace and Union with Fidel.    Unemployed Liberal-Arts Graduates and Unemployment Compensation Recipients - Local 2294 - AFL-CIO -   Union Pruod! You kmow?
Al Gore hair
"Good weed, man.  Like wher'd you score it dude?   Gotta light, dude?   Have you seen that girl I had in the tent a minute ago man?   Bad hag, dude...bummer.    Nah...not a dime, man, but I jacked some stamps off an old black woman in the store.   Where do we knock out the windows tomorrow? Who's that ugly dude with the mouth problems?"

 I'm Sgt. Davis, NYPD,  There is some question about the identity of the person we apprehended here in Fort Lee Park.  He appears to have a mouthful of Marbles or a severely impacted tooth infection.    He does not seem coherent, because we cannot make any sense out of anything he says except the word, "masseuse".   He doesn't appear to know his name, in fact, he doesn't appear to know anything.
Okay, thanks.  But if anything comes to mind, call the number on this card, anytime.