Sunday 26 July 2015

El Zorro presents an attorney's "connecting of the dots".....


Some of this can possibly be explained, but it is interesting and should be worthy of investigation by the esteemed media.

Here are 4 Simple questions from an attorney...are there ANY logical answers ?   You be the judge.  
Here's what I would like to know. If the TRUTH ever comes out and it is decided that Obama was never eligible to be president, what happens to all the laws he signed into being and all the executive orders?   Should they all be null and void?  
Here are 4 Simple questions from a reputable attorney...This really should get your "gray matter" to churning, even if you are an Obama
fan.   For all you "anti-Fox News" folks, none of this information came from Fox. All of it can be verified from legitimate sources (Wikipedia, the Kapiolani hospital website itself, and a good history book, as noted herein). It is very easy for someone to check out.

1. Back in 1961 people of color were called 'Negroes’. So how can the Obama 'birth certificate' state he is "African-American" when the term wasn't even used at that time ?

2. The birth certificate that the White House released lists Obama's birth as August 4, 1961 and Lists Barack Hussein Obama as his father. No big deal, Right? At the time of Obama's birth, it also shows that his father is aged 25 years old, and that Obama's father was born in "Kenya, East Africa".  
This wouldn't seem like anything of concern, except the fact that Kenya did not even exist until 1963, two whole years after Obama's birth, and 27 years after his father's birth.

How could Obama's father have been born in a country that did not yet Exist ?   Up and until Kenya was formed in 1963, it was known as the "British East Africa Protectorate".  

3. On the Birth Certificate released by the White House, the listed place of birth is "Kapi'olani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital".   This cannot be, because the hospital(s) in question in 1961 were called "KauiKeolani Children's Hospital" 

and "Kapi'olani Maternity Home", respectively.  

The name did not change to Kapi'olani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital until 1978, when these two hospitals merged. How can this particular name of the hospital be on a birth certificate dated 1961 if this name had not yet been applied to it until 1978?

Why hasn't this been discussed in the major media?

4. Perhaps a clue comes from Obama's book on his father. He states how proud he is of his father fighting in WW II. I'm not a math genius, so I may need some help from you. Barack Obama's "birth certificate" says his father was 25 years old in 1961 when Obama was born. That should have put his father's date of birth approximately 1936 - if my math holds (Honest! I did that without a calculator!) Now we need a non-revised history book-one that hasn't been altered to satisfy the author's goals-to verify that WW II was basically between 1939 and 1945. Just how many 3 year olds fight in Wars? Even in the latest stages of WW II his father wouldn't have been more than 9 years old. Does that mean that Mr. Obama is a liar, or simply chooses to alter the facts to satisfy his imagination or political purposes ?  

Very truly yours,  

354 Eisenhower Parkway, Livingston, NJ 07039

   "A pen in the hand of this president is far more dangerous than a gun in the hands of 200 million law-abiding citizens.   Send this to as many Patriots as you can!  Ask your Republican friends /representatives in Washington D.C. If they have a backbone'\. Why in the hell can't they use it and get media coverage to explode this across our country? Impeachment in itself is not justice!  We are talking orange jumpsuit & long prison sentences.


Thursday 23 July 2015

Girl Scouts of America, Boy Scouts of America, Planned Parenthood, and (Sir Edmund) Hillary


     The "progressive movement" steadily inserts itself into the institutions that once formed the foundation blocks of the American scene and culture.   So, in the decade before the present....and during the decade following this point, we shall see the "progressive movement" use the Girl Scouts of America as a force to assure acceptance of the transgendered (14,000 people at most), and the "bi-sexual", lesbian, and male homosexuals (perhaps 1.5% of the population at most) and as a privileged class under the law.
     As proof, it is already certain that the Supreme Court can find in the Constitution of the United States of America an entry made by the writers that  homosexuals had the right to be married by legal and/or ecclesiastical authority.   They have been found to have the dual and inverted right to, on the one hand demand that a ''wedding cake" be made for a homosexual wedding, and then on the other hand to be able to deny service to heterosexuals who would like a good or service provided by a homosexual-owned business.
     So that we be aware, a couple with a pastry shoppe in the northwest somewhere has been fined 135,000 USD for refusing on religious grounds to provide a wedding cake for a homosexual couple's wedding reception.  If it were just a pool party without Sacramental ceremony or implications, they said they would be glad to make the cake, but not for a matter they considered to be Sacramental.   We are officially well into the Orwellian madness of 1984.

     The Girl Scouts of America has been "progressive-ised" to the extent that the young ladies who are members will be increasingly exposed to issues of tolerance for people who will be held up as victims, morally superior, suffering quietly the indignities that "mean people" throw their way.  These people, of course, are the "transgendered", and the general homosexual population.   Remember that when the gaggle of cute, uniformed girls comes to the door with their order forms for the increasingly poor quality Girl Scout Cookies.
       The girls are already being given lessons about life that all but ridicule the traditional and laud the people who can "grow" in their level of acceptance of people with "other styles of life".   We would urge everyone to please do some research about the Girl Scouts of America and its not-so-newfound connection with LGBT and international socialist objectives and issues.

       The same dismantling of the Boy Scouts of America is taking place, with the same objectives and intents.   For some reason the fixation with joining practicing lesbian and homosexual into the presence of children and adolescents is elevated to an overriding, zombie-like quest.   Is it opportunity for recruitment, perchance?
     And, along with the offensive to create sexual confusion comes the lectures about global warming, cooling, climate change, nuclear winter and the guilt held by the United States of America for having only six per cent of the Earth's population while using 50% of the resources, while children are starving in Darfur.   Remember to accuse your parents for having contaminated the planet, and to separate the garbage before they carry it out....I'm busy texting.    Etc., etc., etc.


     Then there was one of those magical moments when I was trancing during a Zen exercise and suddenly I was in a planning room of (Sir Edmund) Hillary's presidential campaign.   There were several people there I could recognize, Eleanor Smeel and Eleanor Roosevelt were there, along with Margie Sanger....sitting very close to Frida was misty with marijuana smoke, and there were about 200 younger women dressed in Revolucionario Chic....talking among themselves and slightly listening to the impassioned harangues of an elderly Angela Davis trying to shout over a vapid slug named Flukie who is stridently demanding her free birth control pills, still.
     A small gaggle of Che'-shirted girls with buttons carrying the Hillary trademark emblem were talking....simultaneously, of course, "Yes, I'm talking about Huma.   She came out this morning and told us that Frumpy will not allow any of us under the age of 25 to talk to anyone from the press, even cameramen."
     "Frumpy?" asked one of the girls.
     "Yes, Frumpy herself."
     "You mean Hillary?" asked the second girl.
     "Yes...Frumpy." the conversation mate responded, even while texting.

     "We call her Shrieky" chimed in a third, "Why do you call her 'Frumpy'?"
      A long pause....while the girls exchange looks of wonderment.

      "Well, anyway, we call her Shrieky because every now and then, about 40 or 60 times-a-day we can hear her shrieking at Huma or whoever is near about how her margarita is too wet, or the ice in the Scotch and soda is melting too fast, or shrieking at the FBI because they haven't brought over the files on Trump and Cruz yet.   She shrieks a lot," commented another of the Hillaryettes.

    "That's so cute....we have a name for her, too....we call her kinda rhymes, no?" another Bimbette inserts.
    "Freaky?" several inquire at once.
"We're going to catch that man who made
that horrible video about Mohammed."
    "Yeah," responds the source, even as she texts on an Opod and takes three selfies with her ZZad, as deftly as a magician. "She comes through the 'Room of the Little People' as she calls us, and has kind of a glazed-eye look.  She keeps looking at her hands and rubbing them, and asking one girl or the other if Vince has called....or if anyone has seen Vince.   We were wondering, 'Who's Vince?   We ask her and she seems like she doesn't hear us.   She's really Freaky."

     "Yeah, but we have to stay in with her after all she's done for us...girls and women's issues and everything, you know."  All the girls nod in agreement.   They look up at the picture of (Sir Edmund) Hillary at the Dover Field Hangar with the coffins of the four Americans returned from Benghazi...."See, she really, really does care."

     And that the way it was, this day during the 100-year campaign to install a Queen as the deserving President of a Republic that seems to be trying to find out where the basement is.

More later.
El Gringo Viejo

WHAT ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT? One murder every twelve days?


     During the past few days we have heard and seen repeated references to the  absolutely horrid fact that illegal aliens murder (or kill by some form of homicide) more than one person every twelve days.   This is said with a tone of incredulity, as if such a massive number could not be tabulated on the best of the Ming Dynasty's largest abacuses.

     Folks, fellow OROGs, please allow us to catch our breath.  It is some thing akin to the notion that Black Lives Matter and Hands Up! Don't Shoot!   The battle cry of the socially psychotic, demanding safety from the police, as if they are the only ones offended by this or that police action is, of course, ludicrous to the extreme.  Black taxi owners/drivers do not pick up young black males after dark in almost any large city in the United States....because they know that there is almost a certainty that, at a minimum they are going to be strong-armed and at a maximum, murdered for 36.12 USD.   Over 93 per cent of black African ancestried people who are killed by act of felony manslaughter to capital murder are killed by other black African ancrestried people.  Period.

     We come down to the illegal aliens who are criminally involved, usually with repetitive arrests and convictions in the United States.   It is, ethnologically a bit of a problem, because the Latin cohort can and does range from totally Caucasian all the way to totally Indian or totally black African, and every known gradient in between.   But what is known is that the enlightened "Hispanic" criminal is pretty much non-discriminant in his/her targetting for Death.   Whoever is behind the cash-register at the local convenience store, will do.   Whoever is stupid enough to enter an intersection on a green light, will be rammed by an illegal alien from Mexico....or increasingly from Central America....who is totally blotto, via drugs, alcohol, or both.
     Almost always, the blotto driver will still try to run away from his/her handiwork, no matter how many people he/she has killed or seriously injured because in keeping with inferior personalities....number one always comes first.
     The above is in very, very stark contrast with the citizen Latin cohort in Texas, a group that has almost identical criminal statistics as the general population of Texas.    Also, the legal alien, with documents in order, is typically uncommentworthy in terms of compliance with legal and social norms.   THE PROBLEM IS THE REPETITIVE ILLEGAL ENTRANT WITH FELONY AND SEVERE MISDEMEANOURS ON HIS/HER RECORD, AND WITH REPETITIVE DEPORTATIONS.

     The Obama administration, from the beginning,  has been purposefully deceptive, and has been purposefully trying to fill the ranks of the "immigrants" with the unqualified, with the anchorbabymothers, and the criminal.   It is a plan the ACORN nuts and the Alinsky Community Organizer Hate America First crowd has always had.  It is designed to fill the United States with sub-humans like the Mara Salvatrucha and similar and people who, unlike true immigrants, have no intention of becoming productive and self-supporting Texians or Americans.   The people of preference of the Obama Administration, very predictably, have been the parasites and the criminal.

     NOW to the news the OROG already knew or suspected.    During the Obama Administration, there have been about 50 Mexicans killed in Mexico by Americans.   Almost all have been incidents involving transactions of illegal drugs, including meth, various opiates, and cannabis.
        During the Days of Fundamental Transformation, Hope and Change, etc. and in Texas alone, there has been not one every 12 days....from whence that figure was drawn we have no idea.   No, it is not one every 12 days....the figure is 1.2 every day, in Texas alone.  Felony manslaughter, murder, and capital murder.   By illegal aliens.  Almost all felonious repeaters.   Usually the victims are other Latins....citizens, legal aliens, and illegal aliens.  Frequently they are innocents although a large minority are caught up in the human trafficking, drugs, and criminal enterprise industry.   Over 3,000 in a little less than seven years.   Quite a record.  Actuarily stunning.

Case closed.  Checkmate.
El Gringo Viejo

Wednesday 22 July 2015

The Anglican Curmudgeon Appears on the Screed of El Gringo Viejo


     This is the nature of the commentary one might receive here and wherever El Gringo Viejo might go.   I refer to the web-site of the Anglican Curmudgeon as my synagogue, or even as my little Mexican chapel in the middle of nowhere, where the cattle and goats prefer diced nopal cactus to alfalfa.
     There is a lesson about the diced, perhaps even French sliced cactus if the wielder of the machete is deft.   The lesson is that things that are different and process of change does not, in and of itself, mean improvement.
   But in the case of the common Mexican nopal cactus, it is true that it is  better forage for lactating cows and ewes than alfalfa.  The cactus is better even for the rams and bulls because it has more protein and other such testosterone enhancing minerals and vitamins that I am surprised that pills containing common Mexican cactus pills are not being sold at the unheard-of price of 19.99 per bottle of 193 power-laden capsules,  shipping not included.....But Wait....if you call right away....

     Please study this posting at the  I have had the  discourteous impulse to post the brilliant, and brief article here.   You, the esteemed OROG will do well to check in with the and become involved with the culture wars within anchor institutions of this culture.

     The Estimable Mr.  Haley, a renowned attorney and authority on matters pertaining to the interfacing between Church law and canon, and Caesar's attorney who has lost...but also won many more cases in these matters is one of the best....if not the best....thinker, philosopher, and lawyer in these matters that I, in my almost seventy years, have witnessed.   Jimmy Swaggart he is not.   He is a Catholic of the Anglican persuasion, bathed with the Episcopal understanding that the Bishop of Rome is only the Bishop of Rome, and there are many Catholic Churches that are good.  He also sees the validity of our Protestant brethren and sistern  in their adherence to the spoken word of the greatest Saints and the Son of Yahweh...the Nazarene, hope of our redemption and salvation. 

     But us, the Orthodox...he defends.
    And for that reason I beg and humbly require the OROGs' investment of six to eight minutes.   Your compliance is profoundly appreciated.

The Rout (not Rule) of Law

I am an attorney, licensed to practice law in California (and also to appear in a number of federal courts, including the United States Supreme Court). As such, I take an oath to uphold the Constitution, and I take the oath seriously.

The Justices of the Supreme Court take two oaths upon entering their lifetime offices, which you may read here. Suffice it to say that each Justice undertakes "to support and defend" our Constitution, and to "faithfully and impartially" perform the duties of their office. After the 5-4 "decision" last month in Obergefell v. Hodges, there is a legitimate question as to whether Justices Kennedy, Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor and Kagan any longer respect their oaths.

Are those strong words? They are intended to be. Consider just this fact:

Well before the Obergefell case ever came to the Supreme Court, both Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Justice Elena Kagan officiated at same-sex marriage ceremonies. Yet neither of them saw fit to recuse themselves from deciding whether same-sex marriages must be imposed on all States under the Fourteenth Amendment. They simply ignored the request to do so, because it was filed not by a party to the case, but by amici curiae ("friends of the court", who may offer advice, but are not actual parties).

How does the Justices' insistence on participating in the decision reflect any impartiality in the matter whatsoever? Their minds were already closed on the subject.

Imagine the left's outrage if two lawyer-obstetricians had been on the Court in 1973 when Roe v. Wade was decided, and their votes had changed the outcome to one that refused to make an abortion a federal constitutional right. But when two liberal Justices see no reason to recuse themselves for having already performed same-sex marriages, nobody (not even the parties!) makes a peep.

As for Justice Kennedy, he broke his oath by legislating from the bench -- i.e., climbing out of his role as judge and deciding by fiat to impose what he thought was the constitutionally required definition of "marriage" upon America. The other four Justices, including Justices Breyer and Sotomayor, signed onto his legislative usurpation without a single qualm, so they are just as complicit in the violation of their oaths.

Note for the five Justices in the "majority": the word "marriage" nowhere appears in the United States Constitution. So where, pray tell us, do you find the source of your power to define the word for the entire country?

Answer: Nowhere. Justice Kennedy and his four cohorts simply assertedthat authority.

Once five Supreme Court Justices decide to abjure their oaths, and make up the law for the occasion, what is left of our much-touted "rule of law"? It has become a rout -- and nothing deserving of our respect, to say naught of allegiance.

We have a lawless President, who changes or suspends the laws at will, and ignores whatever he doesn't like.

We have a lawless Congress, who has to vote to pass laws before they can know what they contain, and who routinely (and fraudulently) exempts itself from the laws to which it subjects the rest of us.

And now we have the ultimate oxymoron -- a lawless Supreme Court.

When all three branches of the national government show such contempt for the rule of law, one might expect anarchy to result, but instead (because of the powers already vested in them) we get Animal Farm. The resulting elitism of those within the Beltway turns our country's founding principle on its head.

Once the common folk begin to grasp the fact that there is no leadership, but only lawlessness, and competition to "get mine first", the country may have to resort to martial law to preserve order. Such an extreme measure in response to an external threat (such as invasion) would be understandable. But in response to internal unrest engendered by elitist lawlessness, it will be a tragedy for the republic.

People need to use Facebook, Twitter and all the other social media not just for chatter, but to begin holding their elected leaders (and unelected judges) accountable. Without accountability, there can be no responsibility.

And where there is no responsibility, there can be no republic, but only a descent into tyranny.

Maybe Robinson Jeffers was prescient:

Shine, Perishing Republic

While this America settles in the mould of its vulgarity, heavily thickening to empire

And protest, only a bubble in the molten mass, pops and sighs out, and the mass hardens,

I sadly smiling remember that the flower fades to make fruit, the fruit rots to make earth.

Out of the mother; and through the spring exultances, ripeness and decadence; and home to the mother.

You making haste, haste on decay: not blameworthy; life is good, be it stubbornly long or suddenly

A mortal splendor: meteors are not needed less than mountains: shine, perishing republic.

But for my children, I would have them keep their distance from the thickening center; corruption

Never has been compulsory, when the cities lie at the monster's feet there are left the mountains.

And boys, be in nothing so moderate as in love of man, a clever servant, insufferable master.

There is the trap that catches noblest spirits, that caught – they say – God, when he walked on earth. 


  1. A military officer also swears to " and defend the Constitution of the United States..." When I was a serving officer, it seemed that everybody was more or less in agreement on what that was. Today, I would be hard pressed to be able to explain it since words often now mean the opposite of what they seem to say. Having a situation where you worry that your ultimate superiors are part of the "...enemies, foreign and domestic..." is NOT a healthy situation for a Republic, and especially for those sworn to defend it.

  2. I have often wished we could lock the Nine into their chambers with nothing but The Constitution in their legal library.

Tuesday 21 July 2015

When the Negro "civil rights movement" becomes a disease....nothing good can come of it

     The OROG is afflicted usually with the notion that there is a readable  balance between reality and reason.   Most OROGs have the idea that if something makes sense, it probably has evidential proof that their belief or understanding actually does make sense.    Something as complicated as, "It is necessary to boil water with eggs inside the container with the boiling water with the eggs inside and covered with the boiling water in order to have boiled eggs" might be a hard angle to figure for some liberals, socialists, Democrat-mainliners, and deranged marxist black folks whose socially psychotic pathology has become steadily more obvious since their train fell off the track with the establishment of the Great Society.
    Their movement has hit points far lower than what used to put my mother into a frenzy of laughing and crying at the same time.   That was when she would have to deal with a white racist....usually white-trash....who would say variations of, or almost precisely something along this line:   "Well, if'n I ain't no better than some n*****, then who ain't  I better than?"
     The "cutting edge" thinkers in the pretty much useless "African American civil rights" movement becomes duller and duller, and more and more committed to a path that can only be described as group derangement.    The chant about ''Hands up! Don't Shoot!" doesn't even make sense, for instance.   Then the notion that "black lives matter, but no other lives amount to a hill of gorilla puke." does leave quite a bit to be desired in terms of the Beatitudes and certain Oriental philosophies and religions.
     The notion that somehow people who never suffered Jim Crow, much less slavery, have the right to the assets of the people (a) who fought for the concept of the abolition of slavery (b) people who fought for the right to control how the Negro would be manumitted from the imbecilic concept and practice of slavery, and (c) people who risked much in order to fold the Negro as a race and as a citizen fully into the American tapestry is preposterous.    Never mind the people who came after all the dust had pretty much settled.   Why does anyone have the right to tax people such as those identified above, so as to support what essentially is another form of slavery.
     That slavery, of course, is the status of being born into multigenerational welfare dependency and into a sub-intellectual notion that one has the right to never be offended, to never be denied, to be immune from any inconvenience that happens to not meet one's favour.   This lamentably now takes in perhaps a majority of those who count themselves among the cohort of "African-American" in the American population universe.   It also points to the fact that 77% of the babies born into the black-African ancestried American population are born without benefit of marriage and with AFDC built in, almost as a birthright.
     The writer is quick to point out that one can almost immediately point out the person with Black African ancestry who might be a conservative and/or a Republican, a category of the population that is thankfully on the increase, in spite of everything.   That person will be literate, studied, clean, intelligent, usually comely to a fault, almost always instilled with the noblesse of a Southern gentleman / gentlelady, and well adept at handling the white man or any person, extraterrestrial, or other eventuality.
    So that the OROG will be sufficiently armed, this is the Demand Manifesto of the Black Lives Matter movement.
According to the website,, the movement’s list of demands for “Black men, women, trans and gender-nonconforming people,” includes:
  1. We demand an end to all forms of discrimination and the full recognition of our human rights.
  2. We demand an immediate end to police brutality and the murder of Black people and all oppressed people.
  3. We demand full, living wage employment for our people.
  4. We demand decent housing fit for the shelter of human beings and an end to gentrification.
  5. We demand an end to the school to prison pipeline & quality education for all.
  6. We demand freedom from mass incarceration and an end to the prison industrial complex.
  7. We demand a racial justice agenda from the White House that is inclusive of our shared fate as Black men, women, trans and gender-nonconforming people. Not My Brother’s Keeper, but Our Children’s Keeper.
  8. We demand access to affordable healthy food for our neighborhoods.
  9. We demand an aggressive attack against all laws, policies, and entities that disenfranchise any community from expressing themselves at the ballot.
  10. We demand a public education system that teaches the rich history of Black people and celebrates the contributions we have made to this country and the world.
  11. We demand the release of all U.S. political prisoners.
  12. We demand an end to the military industrial complex that incentivizes private corporations to profit off of the death and destruction of Black and Brown communities across the globe.
Following the list of demands, the BLM website features some commentary on the Obama administration’s current program addressing race relations, known as “My Brother’s Keeper.” The BLM website claims that My Brother’s Keeper “ignores too many members of our communities,” and fails to address the “white supremacist system.”
     The commies and anarchists never change.   Always assert, never deny.  Demand the impossible and refuse to accept the impossible if it given.  Always express dissatisfaction and declare abuse whether it occurs or not.  Always demand reparations from the rich....who are defined as anyone who has anything.   Always be surly and act superior, morally and especially in terms of threatening physical violence and/or massive destruction of property.
     A sad submission.  Thanks for your continued attention and interest.  We retire for a bit, in order to return to the fray, perhaps later to-night or to-morrow.
El Gringo Viejo

Teachable Moments: a few brief points concerning current events and the public theatre of madness


     THE FIRST point concerns ex-Governor O'mally of Maryland.  He was famous for having turned over Maryland's largest prison for violent and other felony offenders to one of the prisoners.   That prisoner ran the prison in the way of all mafia-like...criminal-enterprise type convicts. The prison became essentially a criminal enterprise headquarters.
    His (O'mally's) conduct of State business was so bad that the body politic of Maryland voted for a Republican to be Governor of their State.
     O'mally made further inroads on the point that liberal Democrats have no inner moral compass, and they have no guiding moral or philosophical convictions.   He was answering a question about some matter, when he made the unfortunate remark, "Black lives matter, White lives matter, All lives matter."
     The assembled group of Democrats, mainly people of the leftist Negro pursuation, went berserk.  They shouted down the ex-governor, and drove him from the stage.   During a later interview with one of the berserk, marxist Negresses, she asked the ex-governor if he understood that the inclusion of the term White lives matter was offensive to what she and her fellow berserk-0-matic nut-cases see as the truth that she felt moved to force the ex-governor to confess, grovel, and essentially excuse himself from existence.
      And, do you all know what....????   He did.   He apologised for having said such an offensive thing as 'White lives matter' and he now understood the error of his ways, and he begged forgiveness from a socially psychotic, berserk marxist and her posse of nut-cases.

     Who needs critical thinking, testosterone, normalcy, and backbone when you can grovel?

    Ahhhh!   And then there is that friend to the woman....I am woman...I am strong!!!! Planned Parenthood.   The spin-off subsidiary of the Margaret Sanger legacy.   Margaret Sanger who make truck with the Ku Klux Klan, the Prohibition Movement, the Communist Party USA, and with the innovative public health and cultural improvement measures of the German Democratic National Socialist Workers' Party.   You had to admire that she could put together such a gaggle of perverts, murderers, arrogant holier-than-thou meddling old WCTU battle-axes, Negro/Jew/Catholic/hating white-trash Klanners (the vast majority of whom were in northern States by that time).
     Throw in a contingent of wealthy New York and Massachusetts doctors and eugenics "scientists" of the day....the same people who in previous incarnations came up with the idea of "abolition" as a solution to the "Negro Problem".....and what a wonderful witches' brew of death and hate they could brew.

     In 1970....thereabouts...your humble writer was working for a community action agency in Hidalgo County...actually the largest one in the United States.   It was funded by the Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO - Executive Office of the President) and other central government and State bureaucracies.   Among the programmes operated by the community action agency in question was a sub-contracted project titled "Family Planning Services".   The receiving agency was the Planned Parenthood Association for the county in question. 
    It fell to my task....(actually my task was to Republicanise to the extent possible the programmes operated by the Agency) evaluate and assure compliance with stated objectives and procedures.   My job was to do this for all the programmes, including Head Start for the whole County, and various other  projects....totalling to almost 10,000,000 worth of annualised funding...a fortune in those days.

     The Planned Parenthood account was relative small, because they had other funding and many volunteers.   My number one task was to make certain that the operations did not include abortions, or even the insistence that clients and participants consider abortion as a Family Planning alternative.  The Executive Director, a long-term combat public health Registered Nurse (RN), was definitive, "We do no abortion.  We recommend no abortion."
     Still there were wisps of opaque smoke that seemed to spell out to people in the inner sanctum,"Yes, officials in the Planned Parenthood Association organization in this County recommend and direct girls and women to abortion services."
     It was true that the Executive Director RN, a brilliant medicine woman and excellent administrator, was telling the truth.  It was true according to all the women working in the five or six sub-stations of the organisation throughout the County.   The normally-disposed-to-gossip women did not "drop the dime'' on some surreptitious aborting going on late at night in some alley somewhere.   They could not, because in this area, much of the gossip and "chisme" (whisperings), is based in truth.

     A couple of months into the passive investigation later, it was the task of this humble employee to drive down to Weslaco where the Board of Directors of the Planned Parenthood Association for the County would be meeting at a public facility.   The community action agency had a clause in the agreement that its inspectors and programme analysts of the grantor could come by at any time, and attend or presence any activity of the grantee.
     And it dawned on me as I drove down.....the staff knows nothing about anything pertaining to abortion.    What about the hootsey-tootsey snootsies, all rich-folks and real, live MD-type doctors?   I went into the meeting room and took a seat in the far back.   As people filed in...finally about 15 folks...I stayed seated in the back, minding my own business.
     There was a call to prayers, pledge of allegiance, etc.  A report of the balance and a report of the activities was read.  Then the chairwoman called a certain doctor to report on his research about the need for intervention services and availability of provision of such services.  A very well known Ob-Gyn strode to the lecturn.  He immediately announced that he had good news.  He took his wallet out, extracted a small piece of paper.  He then declared, "Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud and excited to tell you that we now have a women's health centre facility in Corpus Christi....a telephone number and address....where elective pregnancy termination has become a reality for women in South Texas.   There is some indication that soon there will be a facility in Harlingen.   So, nobody can say that we haven't been doing  our job down here."
     There was applause and "hurrahs" and other celebratory comment.  The chairwoman reminded everyone before departure that, in spite of this 'good news', everyone needed to remember that so long as Planned Parenthood was receiving money from the community action agency it would be necessary to continue to follow the line that there were no abortions performed by Planned Parenthood Association in the service area covered by this local chapter.
     She reminded that all referrals will be discreet and handled by the man who had made the announcement a few minutes previous.   As we broke up, some of the people who knew me socially and others who knew me as an officer of the community action agency exchanged salutes and comments, but none seemed at all concerned that I had been there.

     A full report was made.  Preparations were also made to begin to withdraw funds from the local Planned Parenthood Association over the next eight quarters.    Some time after, however, there was an out and out firing of all the top ranking personnel...the RN and her bookkeeper, several of the office managers, and so forth.    People more "realistic and sophisticated" were put into place and the PPA became integrated into the abortion chain of relationships.  You know...women's health issues.

Planned Parenthood has always been a House of Horrors, a ghoulish dealer in the death of innocents and the barter of their dead flesh.   It is the crime of the Century and the Judgement will come upon America when and/or if we ever stop fighting this macabre worship of Baal on American soil. 


     And now at the risk of being called an Old Grumpo, we are totally disgusted with the stupid advertisements that dwell on the fact that there are auto insurance companies that force people to drive around on three wheels.   The insurance companies do this to the hapless policy holders on purpose because they want the poor unsuspecting policy holders to stop saying things like, "Hey, insurance companies, nobody's perfect!"
     Be there a mind so numb, be there so many stupid people who believe Banks when they offer "Buy one suit and get 10 suits, FREE!"?

     Did the stupid people whining about having to drive around on three wheels think that the insurance company they were using would be glad to essentially put on the "accident forgiveness" rider just like the one advertising with these stupid advertisements, if the client agrees to begin paying for the rider that provides that coverage.   Then, perhaps, the hapless victim client might have a chance to uselessly expend money for something that might be better covered by a savings account.

     And no, Virginia, the shipping is not free, either.   It might be included in the cost of purchase of the product, but it is not free.

More later.
El Gringo Viejo