Thursday 14 May 2015

El Zorro forwards this clip to the attention of the OROG community - mandatory information!

Ann Corcoran on Refugee Resettlement

El Zorro sent this in for our consideration.  As we were learning a new posting manoeuver to enhance our presentations, it dawned upon me that for almost 60 years we have never demanded one thing from the other.   The only two people who could call me down beyond my wife and daughter were my brother Milton and El Zorro.   I would always yield.   El Zorro would sometimes lose sight of how much value he had and how positively the people around him viewed his presence.  I would serve, very infrequently, to reassure him of his position as one of the "upper-crust".
     Perhaps, at times, neither of us took himself seriously enough.  We are still not quite at the end of the race.  But, looking around, we have distanced our peers considerably, and we have lived adventure and accomplishment.   We have served well and honourably....El Zorro more-so than I.    We have the luxury to now bark from the very near side-lines and make strong, coherent observations that are now circulating in many corners, and on many planes.
     Our assumption that the secular humanists, progressives, and marxists would have no compunction about cold-bloodedly sacrificing an entire race of Americans into re-slavery has been shown to be true.   The acolytes of Margaret Sanger and Karl Marx would and did do all necessary that would be required to push America into extinction.
     Please remember the Texas Nationalist Movement.  Please also remember the cause of the Vth Amendment Convention.  Since we began jousting the issues presented by those Windmills, both issues have advanced to the point that there are now 30 sovereign States of the American Union that have voted for a Convention under the terms of the 5th Amendment.   (For a few moments, El Zorro thought that the Vth Amendment Convention was hopeless.  Perhaps my optimism was mistaken for silliness or delusion).
       Over 60% per cent of the citizens of the Republic of Texas have declared to carefully done polling that they support an Independent Republic of Texas.   El Gringo Viejo is Longstreet and El Zorro is Jackson, but this time there will be no retreat to Richmond and Appomattox.   This time it will be us who truly free the slaves of the Oppression by the Progressives.
     And yes, we both know that there are many Longstreets and Jacksons.   We are Legion.
We commend these words of the lady above to the OROGs' attention.  Remember, also, that there are no ISIS training camps west of Ciudad Juarez.  There are, however, overwhelming evidences that ISIS operatives are self-inserting as Mexican or Central American type people....and I would estimate that five or ten per month might be being inserted.   Many have come from that insertion camp from west of Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua,  trained long ago in Syria or Iraq.  An equal or greater number might well be, and probably are, coming in from Canada.
El Gringo Viejo

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Potpourrie of Commentary....some even worthwhile

Climate and Demagoguery:
     The immediate flood of commentary concerning "Super-Storm Sandy" wreaking devastation upon New York City and places in nearby New Jersey was revealing.  The Climate-Change Industry parasites predictably reminded all concerned that the storm was living proof that the polar caps were almost finished and that not only were further storms and floods in the offing but also Atacama-like droughts that would destroy all known forms of life in the Universe in a matter of hours if not minutes.
     Of course, every little boy's cry of "Wolf! Wolf!" and each hen's shrieking "...the sky is falling!  The sky is falling!" has seen the predicted time of occurrence arrive and expire with no significant weather/climate deviations from known norms having transpired.   AlGore and his acolytes are even quick to point out that the lack of fulfilment of these predictions is even further proof of their accuracy.
     It is the problem caused by people who make a religion out of their insanity.   It is a form of the same disease that afflicts a large swath of a certain group that understands that Jews, homosexuals, Christians, adulteresses, and misbehaving Moslems must be beheaded.
     During these moments, most of the Republic of Texas is being super-saturated with nearly record rainfall.    Those areas in the Central part of the Republic, and into the areas to the East of San Antonio...the historically Czech, Bohemian, German, and Polish dominated stretches....are picking up rains of 2 to 10 inches per day, every few days.   Every part of the Domain seems to be greening and flushing out with rarely seen rainfall totals, save perhaps for the Permian, near Midland and Odessa in far West Texas.

  There were those people who told us that the droughts suffered by most of the Republic three to five years ago was proof that the End had arrived, and Global Warming, brought on by Bush failing to implement the Kobe Agreement was our punishment.  
    Those same persons are now quick to comment that the heavy rains are beyond Noahanic, and proof that their predictions were, and always have been, correct.   If one listens to the overnight radio crowd, it is astonishing how inarticulate, ignorant, cocksure, and arrogantly wrong the continuing die-hard gaggle of climate nuts remain.  One hopes that the ones who identify as high school and/or collegiate-level professors spouting this stuff either seek counselling and therapy or at least do the honourable thing and resign in disgrace for intentionally misleading the unwashed ignorant among us.
     While these rains are a bit much, they are appreciated.   The lakes around the area in Mexico where we hang around are all full to over-filled.  The same is the case in most if not quite all of the Republic of Texas.   Below are a few notes about weather and climate in Texas.

     Texas Weather Records   
  Location   Date 
Temperature (F)     
Coldest     -23 Tulia (40 miles S of Amarillo)      Feb. 12, 1899
   Seminole (65 miles SW of Lubbock)Feb. 8, 1933
Hottest120 Seymour (180 miles NW of Dallas)Aug. 12, 1936
   Monahans (45 miles SW of Midland)Jun. 28, 1994
Warmest year statewide68.6  1921
Coldest year statewide63.2  1976
Highest monthly average102.4 Presidio (210 miles SE of El Paso)June 1962
Lowest monthly average19.4 Dalhart (60 miles NW of Amarillo)January 1959
Highest annual average74.1 McAllen (60 mi NW of Brownsville)1988
Lowest annual average56.1 Dalhart (60 miles NW of Amarillo)1959
Rainfall (inches)    
Greatest in a 24-hour period29.05 Albany (105 miles W of Ft. Worth)Aug. 4, 1978
Greatest in one month35.70 Alvin (20 miles SE of Houston)July 1979
Greatest in one year109.38 Clarksville (105 miles NE of Dallas)1873
Least in one year1.64 Presidio (210 SE of El Paso)1956
Highest annual average59.1 Orange (100 miles E of Houston) 
Lowest annual average
 El Paso (westernmost city in TX) 
Snowfall (inches)    
Greatest in a 24-hour period24.0 Plainview (45 miles N of Lubbock)Feb.3-5, 1956
Greatest maximum depth33.0 Hale Center (35 mi N of Lubbock)Feb. 4, 1956
   Vega (25 miles W of Amarillo)Feb. 4, 1956
Greatest in a single storm61.0 VegaFeb. 1-8, 1956
Greatest in one month61.0 VegaFeb. 1956
Greatest in one season65.0 Romero (65 miles NW of Amarillo)1923-24
Wind (miles per hour)    
Highest sustained speedSE 145 Matagorda (70 mi SW of Houston) *Hurricane CarlaSep. 11, 1961
 NE 145 Port Lavaca (70 mi NE of Corpus. Christi) *Hurricane CarlaSep. 11, 1961
Highest peak gustSW 180 Aransas Pass (20 m E of C. Christi) *Hurricane CarlaAug. 3, 1970
Hazardous Weather    
Longest and worst drought   1950-1956
Worst heat wave  20.0 billion in U.S.damages, 10,000 deaths1980
Worst cold wave  Over half of Texas went below 0FFebruary 12, 1899
Most damage from 1 tornado442M Wichita Falls (120 mi NW of Dallas)April 10, 1979
Most tornadoes in 1 year232 115 of the total were associated with Hurricane Beulah1967
Most tornadoes in 1 month124 115 of the total were associated with Hurricane BeulahSep. 1967
Most damage from 1 hailstorm1.2B Parker, Tarrant counties **US recordMay 5, 1995
Deadliest hurricane6,000-8,000 Galveston - Category 4 hurricaneSep. 8, 1900
Most damaging hurricane3.0 Billion Hurricane Alicia - Category 3 hurricaneAug. 18, 1983

    We concur with almost all these figures, although locales generally have taller tales and dates buried further back into the annals of history.  Of note to this writer is the fact that the deadliest hurricane is listed as a category 4, although there is no asterisk to denote that there was no method to measure accurately a wind-speed that would, in these days, qualify as a Category 5.  Also, as "most damaging storm", had the same storm struck Galveston - Houston area in these days, conservative estimates of damage would be one trillion dollars or more......easily.
     It should be noted that in those days, in 1900, Galveston was the fourth largest city in Texas and it was the extent of 98%....destroyed and destroyed totally.  Steam locomotive switch-engines working the yards around the Galveston Harbour complex were found six miles away, on the Texas mainland.   The casualty levels are low because many of the workers and people who were there at the time working in the harbour area especially, were foreigners from Mexico, Italy, England, Ireland, China, and the Philippines.  Most were never found or recovered.
Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.jpg
Gen. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
President of Egypt 

     Finally, the Obama administration says that the Border is secure and al Qaeda is on the run and we are going to do better in Egypt with Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood democratically elected than having an old fool like Mubarak in charge because he is corrupt.   And besides that it is people like Netanyahu, Egyptian President Gen. el-Sisi who keep causing problems by siding with Jews, Christians, sane Moslems, and by making decisions based upon well-founded, rational reason.
     Can you all imagine.  Who do they think they are?  The King of Morocco, the King of Saudi Arabia, the King of Jordan, the President of Egypt, the emirs of the United Emirates, and King Bibi of the Hebrews suddenly form into a functioning alliance and do just battle against the Forces of Darkness.  They have done it somewhat effectively.   The response from the White House?   "Why are you people picking on the poor Hootsies and ISIS Freedom Fighters?"
     They do it facing every danger.   First is the danger of being sold down the river by an American Administration that is headed by a person who is the half-brother of a Muslim Brotherhood chaplain...who served as the future American President's best man at the wedding perform by guessed it...Jeremiah Wright.  The next is that Obama and his ilk have historically and into during these times always hated the Hebrews and loved the Palestinians.
     It is not surprising that Obama and his minions would prefer to negotiate "sweetheart treaties" with the Persians who want to annihilate the Hebes and as in "totally", in lieu of defending and co-ordinating with people who seem to understand, at the very least, how to sign and keep an agreement.   The people who want to kill us all are the President's favourites and the people who have at least a level of understanding of reality and at least grudging affection for the Gringos....the President hates.
     More later.  We are still trying to get on top of the various issues and topics that can rust out a bit after three weeks on the edge of civilisation.  Our stay this time was marked by a lot of little detail work and the continued rethinking about direction, themes, and utilisations of our little hideaway.   We shall divulge some inner thinking in the coming days.
El Gringo Viejo

A Very Moving Tribute to Sincerity and Eloquence....and beauty....and goodness


You all really do not want to forget this obra magna on the part of the Perpetual Queen of the Universe Forever. We just cannot pass  pass this one up!  A fellow OROG who is a real, live medical doctor-type person sent this in as a convenient reminder to our little community.  Pass it on to all in your posse and keep it fresh in the minds of our loyalists and zapper battalions! Even to our liberal "friends" so that they can contemplate what it means to live with the left side of the brain completely composed of rotted, gangrenous sludge.
From the Doctor OROG:     Quote of the day, no, of the week, make that a month, yet it probably is quote of the year!  No, DECADE.  Wait a minute.  It's the greatest quote EVER!  To wit:     “My accomplishments as Secretary of State? Well, I'm glad you asked! My proudest accomplishment in which I take the most pride, mostly because of the opposition it faced early on, you know… the remnants of prior situations and mindsets that were too narrowly focused in a manner whereby they may have overlooked the bigger picture and we didn’t do that and I’m proud of that. Very proud.  I would say that’s a major accomplishment.”                                                          
  Hillary Clinton
 11 March  2014                                                                                                                
Could someone please tell me what the Hell she just said?  And she may be running the Republic as President?_______________________________________________________ 

Tuesday 12 May 2015

We are back in town

     We have arrived back in town.   It  was a bit of a wet drive of it back up to-day.  At 06:35, the beginnings of quite a storm set in, and we received over 1 inch of rain in the first 10 minutes.   We drove off into the semi-darkness and the rain at 07:00 and drove, and drove into the un-relenting, moderate to heavy rain, stunning lightning displays, and all nature of strangely odd, totally deferential traffick manners being displayed by 99% of the driving class.
     Mexican courtesy on the highway takes a while to pick up on, but it normally abounds.   To-day, however, seemed like a cloistered period or silent-time retreat at an old-style Opus Dei or conservative Episcopal-Anglican cursillo meditation and rededication seminar.
     It was just as well, because about three-fourths of the trip being done, we came upon the phenomena of the highway being violated by three fairly close-together crossings by high-water runoff.  It was something that we had been through before, especially in Vera Cruz State of Mexico and in Central Texas at various times.
     The first crossing was a little touchy, while the second was fairly easy to wade through in the little Ford Ranger XLT.   But the third was impossible.  Water was two to nearly three feet deep running across the highway for what appears to have been at least one mile.  A few large trucks could manage to make slow progress through, but even that appeared to be precarious.
     The locals who came out from the farms and little community congregations informed those of us who were parked on the side of the road about previous episodes that carried off dogs, cats, chickens, goats, and even a few Volkswagen Jettas and Nissan Tsurus-type vehicles.  The older among them seemed to think that it would be three to four hours of waiting, it there was no further rain to the west, before the flow would subside to the point where general traffic could proceed.  Busses carrying luggage and forwarding packages in their bellies had stopped crossing and high-rise military and police pickup-type vehicles were pushing or towing stalled vehicles to drier confines.
     Locals, who actually appeared to be somewhat prosperous, were generous in loaning telephoning devices and providing their home facilities for charging cellular phones for those with low batteries and the like.   My own contribution was to provide jumper cables and help connect-up said cables to autos that had been hauled, pushed, or otherwise delivered to our nearby "command post".   The "drown-outs" can (and all did) respond to extra voltage supply when trying to do the "wet-dog shake-off" and get going again.
     When it became apparent that my progress would depend upon changing routes, first by retracing the 30 kilometres back to the Matamoros - Cd. Victoria highway, and then by going to Valle Hermosa and then to the Los Indios International Bridge that connects the Republic of Texas to Mexico in a rural area just south of Harlingen, Texas.   My generosity and good nature were rewarded by the fact the I was the only entrant arriving at that bridge and there was no delay of any kind.   After a perfunctory computer analysis of my passport and a couple of questions, the lady-officer sent me on my way, backtracking a bit towards the McAllen-Mission area to the west.
     Rainfall total ranged, for the area around deepest South Texas and the zone pertaining to the Quinta Tesoro de la Sierra Madre etc. from another six inches for already wet yet to as much as twelve inches during the preceding 24 - 36 hour period.    All along the core of the Republic of Texas for these days....including my in-laws, children, grandchildren, and El Zorro up in North Texas adjacent to the Red River, nearly....there has been repeated heavy rains, hail, a bit of tornadic activity with casualties, and all the flooding one would normally associate with such events.   We shall be checking on ours and hoping that all of yours are safe and sound.
More later to-morrow when this old bag of old bones rests up a bit.
El Gringo Viejo

Friday 24 April 2015

Admonition from one who has faced the fire of the enemy before.....


     What is so disturbing is the ignorance and apathy of Kafirs (any people not Muslim) generally about the state of Islam. It is a very simple society that has the ultimate goal of converting or killing all Kafirs until all people are under Sharia law. Sharia is Islamic law based on the Koran that dictates every aspect of human activity. Women are subjected to men totally. Freedom of speech is non-existent.
     There are two major parts of Islam the first being religious and the second being political. The religious part was conceived by Muhammad in 610 until about 624 in Mecca. He had revelations that Gabriel the angel sent him. The Jews, Christians, pagans and others did not accept his religion of tolerance. He was driven out of Mecca. He took his small group of followers to Medina where he developed the political and militant side of Islam. In Medina he was gaining over 1,000 converts a year by destruction and intimidation. Newer Sharia law superseded earlier. The political goal (cannot be separated from religious) of Islam is to convert the entire world to Islam.
     Islamists are using the first Amendment to gain power in the United States.  Freedom of Religion in the Constitution says there can be no persecution of it.  By that, the radicals demand special accommodations for the religion of Islam.  Schools should make allowances for prayer by giving Muslims time to pray, give them special places (rooms) to pray where they need facilities like pluming to wash their feet, etc.  The schools must teach Islam because the Koran says all people have to abide by the Sharia.  Clothing has to be Muslim specific.  Lunches have to be religion specific.  On and on...
      Islam tells Muslims they may appear moderate to deceive the Kafir until they have the strength to become militant.  The Koran says Allah allows lying to get the power to convert or kill non-Muslims with impunity.  Our ignorance of Islam by our leaders is going to be our downfall as a free society.  Our Constitution is being used against us by either closet Islamist leaders or conspiratorial ones.  Our legislators and Judiciary do not understand the nature of this enemy.
     We cannot allow the religion of Islam to be accepted because of the political implications that are in conflict with our Constitution.  Since Islam does not accept the political and financial systems in the Western world, specifically America, they use the guise of religion to implement Sharia that is not compatible with the Constitution and our way of life.  Also since Islam is not purely a religion and is in conflict with our Constitution it cannot be treated as a religion.  Religion is a rationale to implement Sharia not the purpose of Islam per se.
     "There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his only prophet!  Sharia is the only law!" There is no interpretation of the Koran.
The recent discovery of Islamic camps in Northern Mexico is evidence that Islam is here.  We know of the Islamic cells in Detroit, New York, New Mexico, and many other places in the US.  They are waiting until they have the strength to become militant.  We convert or die. Be afraid!
We have to educate ourselves. A must-read is “Sharia Law for Non-Muslims” by Bill Warner. It is only 48 pages and very concise and easy to read.
(editor's note:   The choice of words by El Zorro .....".....recent discovery of Islamic camps in Northern[most] Mexico is evidence that Islam is here".....meaning of course the most dangerous form of deranged, and already trained Islam.   The Mexican Army's analysis of the site to the west of Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua was not that it was a training base, as Glen Beck and Hannity say...but rather a place where clusters of Sharia motivated "freedom fighters against the heretics and Kafir-class of gentiles".  Their assumption was/is that these people are already trained up.  Therefore, the simple choice of words used by El Zorro are well chosen.

No, Mr. Boehner, the Clintons are not "good people".- And some Global Warming / Climate Change for dessert


     The scratching of the fingernails on the blackboard signalled that something stupid, this way comes.   It was the sometimes normal, sometimes apparently hopelessly mentally defective.   Instead of manic depressive, he has a syndrome of dumbo - repressive.   The idea of saying that the Clintons are "good people" is as absurd as a turn-signal on a sewing machine.  Puh - leeze!!!!

     Mzzzz. Rodham has flopped out so many whoppers that Burger King has had to consider suing her for copyright invasion.   There is no reason to go through them all.  She was "discontinued" from her service on the Senate's committee of investigation into the Watergate affair because she repeatedly lied to the head of the investigative group.   That individual declared Hillary Rodham to be an untrustworthy person and a person whose word was without value.
    Over the years, while people waited for her mother to name her, nothing changed.   She finally confessed that her parents waited until three or four years after her birth to make certain that (Sir Edmund) Hillary had completed his conquest of Mount Everest.   (Sir Edmund) Hillary lied when she was snoring.   She would lie in front of her grandmother's back.   She would lie about lying.
     And over the years, while other over-paid public-sector workers would arrange and stack firewood in cords, somehow or another (Sir Edmund) Hillary could have made a business of stacking dead bodies like cordwood.   Anyone who knew any inconvenient truth that just might lead to an investigation or an indictment or a conviction....might also wind up pushing down daisies in Fort Marcy Park, (or similar).
     Billy Jeff Blythe, like typical white-trash, learned how to put his bluff in on the "sophisticated" Yankees by saying the things they wanted to hear.....especially about the need to be "convenient" about killing unborn babies.   After all, we have a dude-ranch vacation at a really nice place in Colorado this Summer, and a baby in the belly would just be....inconvenient.

File:Chappaquiddick Kennedy Car 25.jpg
The Lion's Oldsmobile is hauled up from the Channel
     And, like (Sir Edmund) Hillary, Billy Jeff has never had any problem about lying through his teeth to accomplish any goal or destroy anything pure.  His brutality against various women brings to mind the fact that Democrats can walk away from the Chappaquiddick Swimming Academy for Single Young Women and never have to look back before they are called even by Republicans....Lions of the Senate.  That is pretty much what Billy Jeff did after he skated the incident with the English Lord's granddaughter.   Arkansas J. William Fulbright and the American Department of State managed to pluck Billy Jeff up and get him out of Her Majesty's country....long before he terminated his "studies" (draft dodging) at Oxford....and with enough time for people to forget what a scuz he was, is, and forever will be.
     How many women?   How many dead bodies?  How many people frightened into silence or even staying around.   At least one "beauty queen" has never returned from Canada after fleeing from the Clinton Magic.

     All of this brings up the question.   We understand that the Clintons, being white-trash, want to impress people with their wealth, however ill-obtained.   They are specialists in selling pardons, in shaking down donors, and generally doing pretzel-folding in the dark tricks to shake down more money from more people for no good reason.   We remember the "Chinese Buddhist Temple nuns" giving the bags of cash and checks to AlGore to take back to the White of many, many inconvenient fund-raising faux-pas that would have landed a Republican in prison had a Republican even thought about or had a dream about knowing someone who that thought about doing such a thing.   But for the Clintons, they were to be admired because of their "innovative fundraising ability".

     We ask now, the question.
    If the Bulgarian National Bakery magnate who has 5 billion dollars in his checking account wants to help the Haitian recovery from whatever the last catastrophe was that destroyed Haiti again, why does he not just give the money to the Haitian Salvation Army or any number of Catholic, Hebrew, Protestant, or VooDoo Bohdongu Humbaba charities???   If he wants to give a few million bucks, he could send a trusted nephew of a chief subordinate to Port-au-Prince to supervise the correct deployment and distribution of resources to accomplish the eleemosynary objective intended.
     Why would it ever be necessary to funnel money into the hands of the Clintons?  Why?   The only reason is to connect with whatever leverage the Clintons can provide to link the donor to the club of National Socialist - Crony Capitalist kick-back specialists who might be able to benefit the Bulgarian Baker.

     Fewer than 3% of the population could possibly know that Hillary Rodham's brother.....he of the Pardons-R-Us effort and the Meet-My-Friend-Craig-Livingstone-Security-Chief-for-the-WhiteHouse-Fame, was awarded a position through the Clinton's "charity" that gives him preferential accommodations to massive benefits in terms of a gold-mining concession in Haiti.  To wit:

(source cited below.  El Gringo Viejo urges connecting with linkage to read well-researched and un-refuted facts concerning this case)

     The new scandal involves Haiti, that tormented island in the Caribbean which gets hit not only by earthquakes but also by the ravages and looting acts of the Clintons and their friends and relatives. It involves obvious misuse of Bill Clinton’s position in Haiti since the January 2010 earthquake that killed more than 300,000 Haitians. It involves nepotism with the brother of Hillary Clinton. It involves Hillary directly, and it involves a foundation owned by the Clinton family which works closely with a reputed Mexican narco kingpin and some of the dirtiest Clinton political associates from their days in Washington.

Charity begins at home…

      The timing of events here is important. On March 5, the popular web blog Breitbart published a story taken from an about-to-be-released new book by award-winning journalist, Peter Schweitzer titled, Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich. The book details facts around an unprecedented award for a gold mine, the first such granted in Haiti by the government in 50 years, to an obscure North Carolina company named VCS Mining to mine the Morne Bossa.
VCS Mining according to Schweitzer, had on its board of directors Tony Rodham. Never heard of him? Hillary Clinton’s family name is Hillary Rodham and Tony is her brother. Not only that, but the mining company also lists another board member, former Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive. Bellerive co-chaired the “charitable” Interim Haiti Recovery Commission with former US President and Hillary’s husband (at least legally), William Jefferson Clinton.
Moreover, the terms of the first new gold mining license granted by the Haiti government were made with no Congressional involvement and the state of Haiti got royally cheated. The terms of Rodham’s gold windfall upset members of Haiti’s senate: The government’s royalties under the deal were just 2.5 per cent, half the customary rate. And VCS mining has an option to renew the terms for 25 years.
First appeared:

  (To date, no winner has gained the lucky Free-Funeral Drawing being sponsored by over 5,493 mortician - funeral homes in the northeastern United States.   The winner will have the privilege of performing the duties and making the arrangements for Peter Schweitzer.)   

     As a touch-stone of reality, the Mexican government works out, fairly straight-up and down, the Constitutional requirement that states that the foreign or domestic concessionaire will pay 30% of the net worth of any refined precious or first tier metal (gold, sliver, copper, molybdenum, titanium, etc.) or useful mineral (barite, cantera stone, onyx, etc.).   This will serve in lieu of corporate income tax, and the exploiter will adhere to additional environmental and labour conditions extant at the time of the beginning of exploration.   Many domestic and foreign operators adhere to these laws, and make good profits.
     Hillary's brother, who is a ne'er do well, shake-down artist, sludge-bucket....has to pay 2.5 per cent to the Haitian Treasury for the task of slicing, at who knows what kind of environmental damage, gold from the patrimony of the Haitian children.
      The Clintons' "charitable foundation" tell.   (enter sound of contemptuous snorting by El Gringo Viejo).

     Folks....all you people who want to give something to the downtrodden....if you want to give something, use an established charity with an 80% or better distribution figure.   The Clintons' "foundation" has a 15% distribution...with the rest going to staffing, travel, and well as salaries for the "administrators".

     The Clintons are grifters.  They take deductions on their income-tax for used underwear.  The lie when the truth would help them better.   They are whitetrash with marxist overtones....and they are hypocrites.

       Besides all that, they are alright folks.  Please check this out, and remember, the source is pinko and if the OROG reads through the bull-rush curtain, one sees the sad countenance of a defeated batch of experts who cannot explain why AlGore is the best source of Summer Snows anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere.  Even in their "best-scenario scenario" it is apparent that such fish-flopping on the bank of the river means only that the fish is out of his water, and his conclusions about which way to turn were as bad as his decisions that brought him to the point of being a fish out of water.

Our climate models are WRONG: Global warming has slowed - and recent changes are down to ‘natural variability’, says study

  • Duke University study looked at 1,000 years of temperature records
  • It compared it to the most severe emissions scenarios by the IPCC
  • Found that natural variability can slow or speed the rate of warming
  • These 'climate wiggles' were not properly accounted for in IPCC report

Read more:
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More later.   We head south to-morrow.

El Gringo Viejo