Friday 20 February 2015

Fifty Shades of Red - "Patriotic" O'bama

       Much is made of Mayor Giuliani's "insensitivity" demonstrated by his referring to Barry Soetoro as "un-patriotic".  What seems strange is that such a reasonable and provable conclusion would seem to be so controversial.   Hizzoner was only following his normal, Italian, emotional, and reasonable notion that he likewise exhibited during his opposition to public funding for the portrait of the Blessed Virgin Mary covered in elephant dung.  He seemed to take exception as well to the notion that placing a crucifix in a jar of urine was an art-form.

     No man would attend a church where the daily bread was baked up in raving, lunatic hatred of America as the only place in the world where any injustice had ever occurred to anybody, if in fact that man did not agree with the preacher who spewed such vomit.
      Ill-treatment of poor, downtrodden Mexicans?  Try the post-revolutionary administration of Mexico by the marxist cabal that flowed into the vacuum left by the deaths and/or departures of the ghoulish, deranged Marxist-Leninists Carranza and Obregon.   In their efforts to shut down the Catholic Church....exactly in the manner that an Austrian corporal would be shutting down the synagogues of Europe at almost the same time.....over 100,000 Mexican Catholics were murdered.  Another 150,000 died fighting, and finally stalemating, the much superior Mexican official military arrayed against them.

     Present-day, daily reports for genocidal depravity in Africa, by different ethnicities within the black-African cohort are standard fare.  Or slavery
Frank Marshall Davis
being practiced to this day by Arabic and black-African traders?  No problem. Pol Pot, anyone?  We shan't bore the readers with the other two or three hundred thousand recent cases of gross injustice in the world that is not caused, even remotely, by the existence of the Great American Experiment in the making the common man sovereign.
     The individual pictured stage-left, is a classic piece of the Red Brick Road that Barry Dunham Soetoro Obama stumbled over during his pot-smoking truancy from responsibility.   Sometimes referred to as Barry's communist god-father, Frank was just your normal perverted porno producer who liked to befriend very young white women and young boys.  He was something like a spiritual counsellor.
     He liked to recite his volumes of perverse poetry about underwear, etc. and was a well known member of the very active Kremlin- controlled communist presence in Hawai'i.  He made no bones about his membership in the party.
     At every turn, Barry's guides, tutors, advisors, and choir of docents were very far out commies and marxists (same thing), dedicated to the "fundamental transformation" of the only shining city left on the smouldering ruins of the mountainside that used to be Western and European Judeo-Christian Civilisation.
     Obama's biological father, his mother, his grandparents, and once again, the whole choir of the Greek tragedy that performed the acts that brought up Barry the Magnificent to become the greatest single legal, political, and cultural scholar in history gave us this Grand Gift for Eternity.
     And that grand gift is detestable, an insult to all patriots, and more than enough justification for Mayor Rudy to speak out, accurately, about the horrid pretender who presently occupies the White House.   Long will Barry give thanks to Lucifer, the object of Alinsky's dedication of his book "Rules for Radicals" that served as Barry's guidebook for "spreading the wealth" and punishing the traditionalists.
    We must speak clearly and not suggest that Barry is somehow a patriot, if only in a different way.   We must not "cut slack" and assume that there is some kind of hidden love-of-country that we are incapable of comprehending because we do not have Barry's superior moral and legal angle or prism of reflexion.  Barry is a fraud.  He is not especially intelligent or even above average in terms of his mental acumen.   He is a liar.  He is immoral and self-indulgent.  He is a poseur.  And, he is, oddly enough, a bully.   In a twist to the concept of Yin-Yan, we note the perfection in the relationship between Barry and (Sir Edmund) Hillary in that each is worse than the other.
Thanks for your continued interest.
El Gringo Viejo 


Thursday 19 February 2015

Southern Tier of New York State counties & Fifteen incorporated cities seek to secede from New York and join Pennsylvania



Conklin, NY (WBNG Binghamton) The local economy is pushing one organization in Upstate New York to pose a question: Is it possible to secede to Pennsylvania?

The Upstate New York Towns Association is researching this very topic. The group says a few factors pushing its research are high property taxes, low sales tax revenue and the recent decision to ban hydraulic fracturing in New York.


"The Southern Tier is desolate," said Conklin Town Supervisor Jim Finch (R). "We have no jobs and no income. The richest resource we have is in the ground."

Finch said the ground in Conklin is rich with natural gas in the Marcellus Shale. However, that shale is unable to be tapped. He described this ban as a violation of his natural rights as a property owner.

There are 15 towns interested in the secession, according to the Towns Association. These towns are in Broome, Delaware, Tioga and Sullivan counties. The association declined to name the towns without their permission and also declined to comment on specifics at this time. As of now, research is ongoing. The group will be updating Action News with all of their findings in the coming weeks.

The association said it's comparing taxes and the cost of doing business in the two states. It says the facts show there is a huge difference between the two.
Also being considered are things like workers comp, surcharges, unemployment and health insurance. The association's understanding is that the secession would have to be approved by the New York State Legislature, the Pennsylvania State Legislature and the U. S. government.
"We're comparing the taxes in Pennsylvania compared to those in New York," said Finch. "There's a great, great difference. Right now, we are being deprived of work, jobs and incomes."
Action News spoke with two local business owners in Conklin about the proposal. John Gage, owner of Reliable Market, said he fully supports the idea.
"The tax structure in New York is just horrible to do business in," said Gage. "Whether it's fracking, or other reasons to secede, it sounds like a good idea to me."
However, other local owners are taking into account outside factors that could affect their stores. For example, state licensed shops would be at risk if the change were to occur.
"From my standpoint, owning a liquor store, if we were a part of Pennsylvania it would be hard," said Francis Larkin, owner of Spirits of Conklin.

Binghamton, New York is where the
"r" of Montrose is on this map.

Larkin said he isn't sure if he would be able to even own his shop anymore, considering Pennsylvania privatizes all liquor sales.
Sen. Thomas Libous (R) recently sent out a flyer in the mail, asking his constituents what they think about the secession. He sent Action News the following statement:
"After the one-two punch to our community from the recent casino and gas drilling decisions, my office received many emails, phone calls and messages from constituents calling for a Southern Tier secession from New York State. While getting my constituents' opinion on spending the $5 billion surplus was our top priority, I thought a question on secession should also be included in the survey."

Public Avenue in Montrose, Pennsylvania
 Centre-most Montrose and it Court House

Civil War Monument - Susquehanna County
Courthouse, Pennsylvania
Commemorates 96th Pennsylvania Volunteer
Infantry Regiment, the outfit in which two of
El Gringo Viejo's Uncles died during
the Summer of 1863, in combat.

     The  above article was transmitted over southcentral New York FOX - 2 WBGN - Television News,  Binghamton, New York.  This community, along with a row of the southern-most counties adjacent to Pennsylvania are in a bit of an uproar due to the fact that they see their Pennsylvania neighbours  getting a better shake at life, just across the invisible border.
     We thought the article was interesting because Binghamton is adjacent to Susquehanna County in Pennsylvania whose county seat is  Montrose, the place of my grandfather's birth and my great-grandfather's death.   There are all kinds of Newtons, Bolles, Birchards, and Hastings people born and buried in that neck of the woods.
     The area in and around Montrose and the hilly stretches that extend into the Catskills and Adirondacks to the northeast and then southward all the way to Alabama are somewhat homogenous in terms of peoples.   Many of these people were the "first to go West" and many were involved on both sides during the Revolutionary War.
     Montrose is also not far from where Frederich Johanne Limbaugh came into the New World from eastern Germany back in the 1730s.   That, however is a whole 'nother story.

Secession seems to be all the rage....almost communicable.
El Gringo Viejo

Back up in Texas - Visited San Miguel de Allende - Cold Everywhere

     We made it back up yesterday, without event as usual.   It was interesting to see that, in spite of the useless warnings by the State Department, there continues to be a renewed increase in the gradual return of folks going into Mexico for general tourism reasons.  San Miguel de Allende, for instance, is all but "standing room only" in terms of the number of Gringos visiting and taking up semi-permanent and permanent residence.   The latter category is now numbered to slightly more than 15,000 American and Canadian and Texian residents.  Transitory visitors at any given time are numbered roughly the same, with a per-year total being fixed at or around 600,000 such persons of foreign extractions.

El Gringo Viejo makes his way in downtown
San Miguel de Allende.
    One of our reasons for having gone down to San Miguel de Allende was to help advise and assist our neighbour, the owner of the Hacienda de La Vega which is found adjacent to our Quinta Tesoro de la Sierra Madre.
   They are decorating an apartment, as well as establishing a boutique hotel specialising in providing a theatre for wedding events, receptions, and accommodation for bride, groom, and families in a 9 - room middling deluxe setting.
      It is  a monster undertaking for three girls who are among the "poor-rich", investing several million  pesos into a facility located on the edge of downtown-most San Miguel de Allende.
     We were impressed into service, due to the fact that we have a nice little pick-up that could transport a fairly large neo-antique table and a couple of flat screen televisions of moderately large dimension.  The trip was longish, although shortened by a new, more direct toll-road and other highway improvements done in recent month and years.   Cruising at around 60 miles-per-hour wound up being about five hours worth of driving, with very brief rest stops.
     We had to join the main national central highway briefly, just south of San Luis Potosi, for about thirty-five miles.  The amount of heavy, commercial traffic is astounding,  to be brief.  It leaves no doubt about whether or not Mexico is a two-trillion-plus economy.  That even includes the recent jiggles in exchange rates, which oddly have given a fresh shot of "energy drink" to the old traditional tourism industry.
Very common downtown street scene of San
Miguel de Allende.  Flagstone streets, very
narrow, considerate parking, passive cops,
clean, ancient, with restaurants, bars,
shops, academies, repair places, fashions,
at every turn.   Clean.
    It was truly striking to see the "little old ladies with blue hair" still there, perhaps even in greater number.   The clientele is truly polyglot, poly-regional, and poly-national.   It is a deferential place, with the ancient civilities still being practiced in spite of the revered colonial community's growth of 100 per cent in the past decade.   The population now numbers 180,000.   But, in spite of all of that, there are still no traffic lights in the "Old Town", which is about seventy per cent of the geographical space.

Centre of San Miguel, with
the Parroquia de San
Miguel in the
     Still religiously practiced is the alternating  "A - B, A - B" process of merging into traffic at the peripheral rotundas,and melding at every downtown intersection. This deference even includes dealing with pedestrians, except at upraised "topes" especially placed for pedestrians who are attempting to cross the streets.   Even on some of the boulevard-type streets with multiple lanes on the periphery of the city, all traffic will voluntarily slow to a stop while pedestrians scurry (in a considerate manner) across the street....usually in a convenient gaggle....leaving the automotive community to go about its business again.   Almost no honking.   Very little urgency.  Most of the offenders are people with Mexico City license plates, and even they learn the etiquette after a few days.


     The building of the boutique hotel by our friends and their friends is supposed to be done by the end of this month.   Professional personnel, such as head chef, administrator, chief maintenance officer, and the like have been employed, and work-crews (famous for ability and relatively quick work) are crossing the 90% line in terms of completion.
     Furnishings and appointments are coming in and terminal electrical works were well on the way to completion.   We shall post pictures after the opening, while deferring at this time.  It would be a bit deceiving to show pictures of rooms with the normal disorder of final construction, and also it is best to allow our friends to post first in the appropriate San Miguel, Guanajuato, Mexico City, and  other venues' publications.

     One picture, however, that is somewhat representative of the nature of Guanajuato is an exterior painting on the outside property wall of the new hotel.   According to our neighbour, this picture just suddenly appeared from one day to the next.   It was doubly remarkable because it was done in a style that is mastered by our new daughter-in-law, who is a highly accomplished graphic-design expert and artist.

Ignacio Allende.jpg
General Ignacio Allende
 y Unzaga
     There is very little, almost no, graffiti in San Miguel de Allende.  The town's colonial name was San Miguel de los Altos (St. Michael of the Heights), which is interesting because the town of importance of our daughter-in-law is Alto, Texas.   The Mexican town is a "bit" higher, running along at and around one-mile above sea level elevation.   The name of the city was changed after the establishment of Mexican independence from Spain to celebrate one of the four main "Insurgentes" of the Mexican resistance to continued colonial status to Spain.
     Ignacio Allende, an ethnic Spaniard, Mexican-born military officer was both an original conspirator and the second highest ranking commanding officer of the initial hostilities in 1810 - 1811.  He was captured, tried, and executed by firing squad in Ciudad Chihuahua, decapitated, and his head sent back to the city of Guanajuato where it was displayed for several months for public view and warning.   The head of  Allende's superior officer, Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla kept him company during this period.

     The one problem we had while being gone during this period was the cold.  Whether at the Quinta or in San Miguel de Allende, we encountered all kinds of Climate Change with temperatures of 60 degrees or lower for 97 per cent of the time.  And by "or lower" we mean substantially lower with many nights in the 30's and daytime highs rarely hitting 50 degrees.  Cold, cold, cold, cold.
     It was substantially unpleasant, although it was as pleasant as something could be considering how unpleasant it was.  Our cats helped a bit, and BeBe, the Labrador that Alvaro brought home  several months ago, demanded being allowed inside which meant that 20 per cent of my time was spent in washing, cleaning, mopping, and de-odorising the front section of the parlour.   Another 10 per cent of the time was spent in hauling firewood into the house, burning it, and cleaning out the fireplace every 24 hours.   Of course, one of those cleanings resulted in the destruction of my second best 5-gallon (20 - litre) white plastic bucket.   Somebody shovelled a live coal into the mix of ashes, and it burned a large hole in the bottom.   Collateral damage, fog of the war on climate, friendly-fire least the cats were not barbequed.

     We shall have more later.   Thanks for the continued interest.  We are trying to figure out how to begin a climate restoration employment project for the members of ISIS who have grown tired of murdering children, women, and Christians, and apparently anyone else who they feel needs murdering.    If they only had jobs, then....what difference, at that point, would it make?   Midnight Basketball and Globalwarmingcoolingclimatechange.  
El Gringo Viejo

Saturday 31 January 2015

Heading South


     We shall be heading down to the Quinta to-morrow.  In all probability, we shall also be taking a bit of a trip over to San Miquel de Allende in a week or so to help our neighbour, the owners of the Hacienda de La Vega, begin the process of opening their new boutique hotel in that noble city.
     It is a six-room, colonial-style, with lots of stone work and points of finery that as of yet we have not seen in person.   For some reason or another the family seems to think that it will not be "real" until I have pronounced it such.  It is quite an undertaking and has been in process for about one year to this point.   Building anything in San Miguel de Allende is a bit of a wonderland due to the conditions concerning building standards and historical melding requirements.

     We should be back around the middle of the month.

El Gringo Viejo

El Zorro Contemplates the Boiling Porridge.....


Time does not support this idea but there is a scenario that one could ponder.  Just for fun imagine this: 
Picture - A scene from A Midsummer Night's Dream      In the circumstance that either of the obstreperous old biddies on the left, or any of their ilk including the phony Jim Webb, should become the next President;  The timeline notwithstanding, Ted Cruz runs for Texas’ Governor and wins.  Think of the position Texas is in.  If Texas becomes so fed up and gathers the fortitude to secede, Cruz becomes President (of Texas).  If Texas does not secede, Cruz becomes President (of the U.S.) with gobs of experience.

     Secession is very unlikely even though I would support it, but then this is my fantasy.  In my humble opinion, Ted is more qualified than the rest of the field as a Senator but having been a governor would be a credential difficult to ignore for a Presidential run.  Again, the timeline is an issue because Gregg Abbot will be Texas Governor beyond 2016 and likely will win a second term if he does not barf in his mess kit.
     Silly idea but sometimes this nature of daydream pops out of my grey matter.  Speaking of which, we would like to see TC pop out of the pack to take the nomination and win in 2016.  He is the best choice with no clear second.
    The field is strong with the likes of Mike Lee, Scott Walker, Bobby Jindal, Mario Rubio, Allen West, Rand Paul (maybe) in that order and a few others excluding Jeb, Christi, Graham, and Huckabee.  I like Dr. Carson but he will have to prove it to me. I also like Rick Perry but I do not feel he is up to the campaign… again.  If he is good enough to get the nomination I would worry about the general.  He tends to stumble and he is somewhat damaged from 2012.
It is too early to get excited but these are how I see it at this point no matter how improbable it may seem. 
Cruz for President!


     It is nearly impossible for the folks on the edges of the Republic to stop and think long enough why anyone would support the candidacy of a person who is obviously a dangerous, radical extremist.
     Reasonable people who know the difference between a secular humanist, organic law democracy and a Common Law, Republic, governed by the rules of Natural Law and obeisance to time proven moral, admire, and support people such as Ted Cruz.  The "fantasia" described by El Zorro is not an uncommon condition that affects many who have tired of the demagoguery,
deception, obfuscation, and blatant criminality of the gaggle of vermin who have contaminated the "executive branch" of the central government for the past few years.

     We really long for the time that we shall not have to vote for things being processed in the Congress of the Republic in order to find out what is written in the proposition.   And the left thinks we are crazy....?
     Cruz for President sounds better every day.
El Gringo Viejo....  

From: El Gringo Viejo []
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2015 4:01 PM
Subject: [A Gringo in Rural Mexico] The Porridge Boils

Friday 30 January 2015

The Porridge Boils

     The news of Mitt Romney's very early departure from the "pack of possibles" is not entirely un-anticipated.  His machinations appeared to this observer as something like trying to strike matches on a wet matchbox.
Will the Elephant finally charge and
take what is his?
      It is difficult to base much of an attack when commanding an army who soldiers say, "Our general is really a nice guy."   Almost everyone agreed that Mitt is an awfully nice guy who drew a clod for an opponent in the last Presidential.   This writer extracted the impression that Romney could not believe that he would have to face an opponent who, for all practical purposes, has no soul.
     Hard medicine for a Mormon.

      It was of interest to really study this event (the withdrawal from candidacy), distilling  and centrifuging the words and trying to find out if we had brandy, whisky, rum, tequila,  or just a hang-over.   Romney's observation is perhaps salient;  that it is time someone with "new-car fragrance" should come to the fore and lead the Elephant stampede to better and greater victories.
     That observation also throws cold water on the notion that Romney and Bush flipped a coin to determine who would represent the "adult" Republicans and lead the party to another dull, moderate, daddy-socialist loss on election day.   Romney's parting words actually seem to point to the younger group of firebrands and ideological right-wingers.

   There is a batch of them, many with Executive experience as governors.   Jindal, Walker, Rubio was Speaker of the Florida House when he was 12 years old.   For dark horses, (no puns, please) we have Martinez, Haley, and Saldana who could serve well, especially as ticket balance.  This is not to mention other favourites, of mine and many, like Carson, West, and of course, Ted Cruz.

     It is amazing how the party of no inclusion has a horde of attractive, conservative / hard-case conservative "minority" - type full-blown qualified personnel available to postulate for the presidency and/or vice-presidency.


     The Democrat National Socialist Workers' Party has the frumpy patrol:  (Sir Edmund) Hillary, Pocahontas Warren, the significantly mentally-challenged Biden, and a Mr. Webb who is going to take over the Democrat Party "from the right".   Frumps, lumps, grumps, and hypocrites.  Oh, excuse me, they also have the estimable Al Sharpton, the "Soul of America" and close advisor to the present holder of the office of the Presidency.  Of this composition of intellectual and moral debris, one non-biodegradable item keeps surfacing at the treatment plant.  It seems to be totally resistant to reconstitution, and so she has decided to not even campaign for the Democrat nomination, awaiting a coronation instead.

HRH(Sir Edmund) Hillary I
 practicing her first Royal Decree:

   "We deign that, From henceforth forward,
 it is our order and pleasure to replace the motto
 of the currency of the Queendom, changing from
 "In Whatever We Trust" to

     Just think about what those progressive and "caring" people have done for the Republic, for the women, for the minorities, for the polar bears, the geezerhood, and of course, for the children and for all the young black men who are always being shot all the time by all the white cops all the time, along with the New LGBT, and CCCP conmunities, (I think that these groups are the Lettuce, Gouda, Bacon, and Tomatoe people, and the Crony Capitalists, Crooks, and  Parasites - it is hard to keep them all straight, in a manner of speaking).

     So, we shall now be given the free entertainment from the Obsolete Press, watching the "reporters'' lug the Her Highness around in a wheel-barrow from one ultra-control-freak controlled environment to the next, reciting dutifully her pronunciamentos and sage absurdities.   With luck, the American Focus Group Society will come out of its self-imposed mental-process suspension and turn ever so slightly to the Right sometime just before election day, November, 2016.

More Later, and remember that we appreciate everyone's time and attention.
El Gringo Viejo
