Monday 21 July 2014

Several Quick Points - Sharpening Focus and Assigning Responsibility

    (1)   Our people at FOX News insist upon using the line that the president has the Border Patrol positioned 45 miles away from the border.  This is a lamentable error, and speaks to the fact that many reporters, including those in the remuda of FOX News....including Hannity himself who repeats this information as if it is a new and secret revelation....and it should be stopped.
Sarita Checkpoint - US 77
This was captioned as 21 immigrants in a
trailer.   They are not immigrants, but rather
illegal aliens.  It is not infrequent to find them
seriously impaired due to heat and air quality
issues.  Not long ago a trailer was abandoned
in Victoria, Texas and 20 illegals died inside.
 Falfurrias, Texas Border Patrol Checkpoint
Jim Hogg County Courthouse
Hebbronville, Texas
(101 years old)
     The Border Patrol has since time immemorial....for instance the original paving of US Highway 281 (AKA the Lincoln Memorial Trans-American) just before World War II...had a secondary checkpoint just south of Falfurrias, Texas.  This highway essentially serves  the population of  Hidalgo County (McAllen area)  that is north and south bound.      
     The same for US Highway 77 that connects Cameron and Willacy County to the World, Texas Highway 16 that leads to San Antonio from the western Lower Rio Grande Valley, and US Highway Interstate 35 that connects Laredo with Minneapolis.
     In the first case, Highway 281 has had a checkpoint about 15 miles south of Falufurrias, Texas where vehicular traffick has always been stopped and checked for the presence of undocumented entrants.  Commercial traffick is stopped there as well, including all transport tractor-trailer rigs and the like.  At times the lines at that checkpoint can be over a mile long.  Dogs are employed at that inspection station.   Normally the time elapsed is about 2 - 3 minutes, as the inspections are fairly intuitive and approaching vehicles are frequently dogged while they are in line.
     Highway  77  has a check point well south of Kingsville, Texas at a place in the ranch country (King Ranch, Kenedy Ranch, Armstrong Ranch, Yturria Ranch) and Brownsville - Harlingen with the world.    This picture is from the Sarita Checkpoint.
     On Texas Highway 16 the checkpoint is found at Hebronville, Texas.  It is the most remote, and the most difficult to negotiate via "walk-around" whereby the illegal aliens are dumped off a few miles before the checkpoint and picked-up again a few miles  after the checkpoint.  The distance between has to be covered on foot, and can be brutal to the point of death.  Last year over 300 illegals died attempting the walk around.

Hebbronville, Texas Checkpoint
     Just to the north of Hebbronville, there is a checkpoint, and although it is a place "way out in the country" like all the others, but moreso, there are huge take-downs of illegal material and people.   It has been the scene of some very hairy encounters.
     To the left, one can see a transporter, hauling corn silage as cattle feed.  The only problem was that is was also  hauling 2,400 pounds of marijuana, wrapped in such a manner as to indicate that it was cartel product.   This particular take-down resulted in the fall of several big cheeses on both sides of the Rio Grande.  It may have ignited a "war" between two different cartels that led to the Mexican Army's increased ability to degrade both groups to the level where they are to-day.   One of the problems was, of course, that several American police officers were tangled up in the affair as well and all are in prison now....and the immediate ex-Sheriff of Hidalgo County reports to prison to serve five years for public corruption next week.  He was sentenced Thursday last.   The love of money is the root of all evil.
Secondary Checkpoint
About 20 miles north of Laredo, Texas
Falfurrias Checkpoint - agents dogging
several thousand vehicle per day.
     This particular contribution to the Blog - A Gringo in Rural Mexico. voice from the Sierra Madre Oriental is to explain the deployment patterns of the Border Patrol.   Such is as it has always been since the beginning of World War II.   Before that time....back in the 1920s and early 1930s the patrol was conducted by the United States Army, and more especially by mounted cavalry units.   Some were National Guard, but most were old anachronistic Regular Army, somewhat mechanised, but still 95% mounted with lots and lots of stinky old horses.
     If we were to gauge and guess, it would be fair to say that 90% of the Border Patrol's assets are deployed along the Rio Grande and 10% is given over to the secondary checkpoints.   We lament wasting the time of the OROGs with this somewhat mundane geographic analysis  of Border Patrol deployments, but it has been left to the imagination of reasonable people based upon what Hannity, Rush, Governor Perry, and a bunch of people on our side, as they are, that the Border Patrol is only or almost exclusively  deployed "45 miles away from the border".    Such is not the case.   Furthermore, these facilities have a long history, and they are centres of other assets, such as ready deployment helicopters, old-fashioned trackers who scour the badlands and roadsides for "sign" ....while mounted or even on foot, Indian style...looking for footprints, discard, and even illegals who have collapsed from the strain of the "by-pass" manoeuver.

(2)    And finally, although I would readily support Louie Gohmer for House Speaker,  it must be suggested to him, that if he hears a 50 calibre Barrett sniper rifle discharge in the dark of night, in the bottoms of the Rio Grande, then he needs to take a new job as a forensic ready-listener.  I would suggest that it would be next to impossible to differentiate the sound of a Barrett 50 from almost any of the high-powered military styled or munitioned rifles.  The Girand M-I is a good example of a supremely raucous weapon.  A Remington .35 magnum would be another.  There are scores.
    While it is true that the Mexican Army has confiscated several score Barrett rifles  from the cartel people, many of them are dysfunctional and almost all have not been cleaned and cared for as such fine and sensitive weapons require.  The cartel people are not famous for following National Rifle Association rules for the care, cleaning, and safe operation of weapons.
     Also, wild shots taken across the Rio Grande by drunks, criminals, dumbasses, etc. are nothing new.  Twenty years ago or so, a couple was talking to a fellow on the deck of a really nice riverside saloon / restaurant there south of McAllen - Mission.  While they were talking the single fellow's head blew up.  It was safe to say that whatever hit him did not hurt for long, because he was dead before he hit the deck, with larger and smaller parts of his head being distributed in various parts of the dining area.
      And who shot him?  Some dirty stinking Meskin?   Well, not so much.  It was a Southern Mafia hit man who had been waiting for a shot, due to the fact that his target was known to frequent the particular, really nice, family-style riverside saloon and restaurant just across the Rio Grande....a 250 yard shot,  one shot only, and a clear hit.   Professional.   His spotter was a person whom I cannot identify in any way because with the slightest description 100,000 people in the Lower Rio Grande Valley would know about whom we speak.

     Further on this topic, El Zorro and El Gringo Viejo moved around on the Rio Grande in various places  at various times during our latter Huckleberry and Tom days and we had the clikittyclacker snapping of bullets-through-the-twigs, followed by a rifle detonation on few, but several, occasions while camping on the Rio when it still possible.   Enchanting places, little known to most LRGV people even, scenes that looked like mountain streams in Pennsylvania or Tennessee, with really fine fishing, Indian artefact hunting, or just lounging on the riverbank watching the panoply of bird species.

     So while I really do not like the term, allow El Gringo Viejo to Sedge-way into these further two sub-points.   There are two reasons why there is this particular rush to Reynosa - McAllen.   (A)   Obama constructed, purposely and purposefully,  by word and deed the impression and reality that children, children with mothers only, and children with mothers, fathers, uncles, aunts, grandparents, and cousins to the 3rd degree could cross the Rio Grande and climb onto the north bank of said Rio and deliver themselves to the Border Patrol.   They were of the opinion, and had full faith and confidence that, once on-shore and under the detention of the Border Patrol they would be released with a "permiso" and told when to report for their immigration status hearing.   I will assure everyone that this was being declared as fact on very popular, well produced and AAAA to major league-quality hosting, radio and Central American television programmes beginning in 2012 and becoming more intense in 2013.   Admittedly, much of my direct knowledge comes from speaking with a few Central Americans and from listening to Guatemalan overnight radio and Mexican overnight radio while staying at our little mud hut on the side of the Sierra Madre Oriental in Mexico.
     And (B) one of the reasons the Reynosa - McAllen corridor was chosen was because the word was out that the Mexican central government had essentially taken the last step and militarised the entire State of Tamaulipas, sending in more troops than had been seen there, including the Revolution of 1910 period.  While Central Americans and Mexicans are stupid and ignorant, and Americans informed by the Obsolete Press are smart and informed, some thing funny happened.   It was realised by the Central Americans that the Mexican military is generally a source of order and good works.  When the degradation of the cartels had broken down the structures to the point where operations are essentially being conducted by one-tenth of the number of cartel members, and being led by people with the strategic comprehension of a drunken corporal the Central Americans knew that they had a good chance to make it to the edge of the Rio Grande without coyotes. 
     Imagine the joking going around in the saloons in Reynosa when someone observes, ''I saw Juan trying to sell jet-ski and rubber-raft Rio crossing passages to some
Centroamericanos the other day for 20 pesos each.   You remember when he was strutting around with that brand new Ford 150 they had stolen from the dealership when he was jefe in the cartel's local cell?"   And people laugh.  It is no longer a nervous laugh.
A CAVEAT:      This is certainly not to say that there is nothing left to do in Tamaulipas, Mexico, or Texas.   There is much to do.  There is a long way to go.  To relate it to World War II, it would be my estimate that we are right around 16 June 1944.  Normandy is not quite pacified, but reconnaissance is detecting retreat formations within the badly damaged German army.
     And to finalise, finally....the massive free movement and resurgence of night-time activity, and the generally attitude of the populace at all levels in Tamaulipas has continued to improve.   It began around the time that your humble commentator detected the linkage between increased military presence and greater social confidence about 18 months ago.  The people are welcoming of the essentially martial law in the State now, and many wish that it had been imposed long ago.   But...every effort by the Calderon Hinojosa administration to convince the Governor(s) of the State of Tamaulipas to yield soveignty was rebuffed by the Partido Revolucionario Institutiocional (PRI) governors.   The Presidential party became PRI in the last election, then the incompetent, lethargic PRI governor of Tamaulipas finally invited the all-but-total militarisation of his State.  
     And that is why we have the massive numbers coming into Reynosa - McAllen.   The Centroamericanos are not afraid of the Mexican military.  They are not even afraid of the not-as-corrupt-as-they-used-to-be Mexican Immigration...they will receive neutral to decent treatment from the military, and slightly crummy to adequate treatment by  Customs and Immigration.
    And, from Obama, they will be notified of the date and time of their immigration status hearing.
This is why the Marine Sergeant is
still incarcerated in Tecate, Baja
 California.   Until people
 are thrown into prison, up to
and including the above pictured
marxist thug, Mexican arrogance
and posturing will supersede the
arrogance and posturing of Barry
Soetoro and Comrade Eric.
Thanks for your patience.  FOX is still more accurate than most.   Beck and his posse are doing a good thing, but much of the edge of his commentary is popular perception that is inaccurate.  Remember above all else that this, just like the efforts to shut down coal  and power plants and the oil and gas business is being intentionally done to drag America in to third world status.
El Gringo Viejo

Sunday 20 July 2014

Out of This World? It does come from NASA


     Try this one on for size folks.  SciFy will have a good show on at 20:00 hours to-night, also.

    We place this here for the attention of the OROGs, not to sway opinion or to force anyone to change opinion, but simply to study this very peculiar manifestation on our sister planet.
El Gringo Viejo

Saturday 19 July 2014

Woman-problems? Impeachment? El Zorro cleans his Girand while he opines....

El Zorro wonders aloud about the comparative values of the Islamic extremists as opposed to the moral and/or ethical precepts governing people who have a Judeo-Christianic and/or common/natural law set of guideposts.

A woman to follow Barry?
     It occurs to me that his probable errr, uhhh possible successor has a plethora of problems of her own.  One of the most problematic is that she is a woman.  Our largest international conflict is with the Muslim world, more specifically Islam and Sharia.  If she or any woman were to become Commander in Chief there would be no solution other than full blown cultural war.  Americans do not have any idea the Islamic ideology concerning women as less than human.  The radicals as in ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, etc. fundamentalist Islamists all subjugate all women to the status of animals or something less than human.


     The “El Gringo Viejo” blog of 7/19/2014 does accurate justice to the unbelievable mess perpetrated by the dysfunctional, selfish, average IQ, soulless puppet that has found a place to sit in the White House not once but two times due to some "misunderestimation" of the man’s ability to snatch enough votes from low information saps who would pull the chair back for him.  Unfortunately, there is not enough virtual space in the universe to document all of his deviousness.
On impeachment of Obama:
      Many supposedly politically savvy people say impeachment cannot work because there is not enough support for it.  We (we know who “we” are) say to the Republicans in the House “grow some manly characteristics and let’s see how much support there is.  We would like to see him impeached and then indicted and convicted, if for nothing more, just so he doesn’t get government retirement benefits and all that goes with them.  We might take the Senate and hold the House in November which will give conservatives a stronger hand to slow the damage Obama can foist until 2016.  The wishy-washy Republican elite say “We can’t waste our time with impeachment with so many other issues to deal with and we should wait until we take the Senate… then we will show them.”  My questions is, "Can’t they do more than one thing at a time?"
    Time is wasting.  We have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  We need to be on offense and put pressure everywhere all the time to keep Obama and Co. from their tyrannical rampage.  It doesn’t matter anymore.  Impeach him whether he gets convicted or not.  Stop this train!
Where are real Americans?  I don’t see many.
Just some thoughts.
JRH (aka El Zorro)
El Gringo Viejo agrees that a full court press would have been much better.  It still is the best alternative.  And when the "kinder and gentler, more adult, reasonable, able-to-reach-across-the aisle, moderate Republican" say..."Why can't you hot-heads just sit down and shut up?!?!".....I respond, "...because you people preside over the crony capitalist, unbalanced budgets, correct speech as required by deranged National Socialists, their lunacy, and take the crumbs the madmen give you as bribes to approve their National Socialist Imperatives!"
     Does the famous expression, "....We'll have to vote for it to find out what's inside of it,'' ring a bell?
     And this is for you sophisticated, country club Republicans who are members of all the right cliques  and groups.   You  people tell us to be reasonable?   We tell you to go to Hell and get out of the way.   National Socialists, Bolsheviks, and people who hate Jews and Christians because they exist....the time is long past to drive the tax collectors from the temples and from the moralillos  (coin purses) de la gente productiva.
     You people needn't fear those of us who are small business people, who are skilled tradesmen, the free-standing professionals.  We do not want to be in your snooty, snotty clubs.  We like having grease under our fingernails.  We like being eccentric...because it comes naturally.   Many if not most of us have as much or more blue blood than any Haley Barbour or Mitch McConnell and certainly Peter King.  While we might have some pride in having that blue blood, red blood, Indian blood, pioneer background or whatever,  it is nothing if the nation falls under the rot of collapsing culture and the coming financial debt disaster.
    And any wife of any Republican ex-President who can say that she regards William Jefferson Blyth just like one of her sons, pretty much sums up what I mean.   And any President who resigns from the National Rifle Association because the president of that organisation refers to the ATF and E as jack-booted thugs because they assaulted a religious compound of dullards like a bunch of jack-booted thugs ..... does not deserve my last full measure of devotion.
The ire among us is deep and wide.  Lectures from Boehner and McConnell about our lack of refinement and our rustic manners genuinely fall on increasingly deaf ears.   The slimy election trick pulled by Thad Cochran's handlers shows the rot inside the "correct class" of moderate, reasonable Republicans.   There is little, perhaps no, health left in them.
El Gringo Viejo

Experience and Ghostly Voices from the Past


Look, there goes Transparency! And there's
 Line-in-the-Sand.  They're all here.  Now
 I understand. All the promises, all of them.
  They're all dead.  Look!!  There's Youcan
Keepyourdoctor!!!   They're all here!!
    We are given things, at times, by this army of knaves that has been foisted upon the hapless by the Obsolete Press and the Fabian Elitists that are juicy, sweet/sour, with salsa and that just plain taste good.  The Obsolete Press sometimes lets its guard down, thinking that they have won the final battle of the final war, when in fact they are fixing to have to punt on third down.....third down and 52 yards to go for a first down.
     Shovel-ready jobs, about which Barry snickers and jokes that ".....there weren't quite as many shovel ready jobs as we thought...heh heh."  What is a trillion or so dollars flushed down to the infrastructurally-challenged sewer treatment plant?   But there are so many low-hanging avocadoes to pick.   Let's try.......


    The video features the clip of Obama and Medvedev holding a private conversation at the Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul, South Korea. During their talk, which was caught on camera and on microphone, Obama asked his Russian counterpart for some "space" on the U.S.-led NATO missile defense system in Europe.
   "This is my last election," Obama told Medvedev. "After my election I have more flexibility."   While Obama put his hand on Medvedev's arm, the Russian president responded saying he would transmit the information to the incoming president, current Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.
     But Republicans seized on Obama's request as an opportunity to frame the president as a politician primarily focused on re-election.  "It's amazing what we find out about this president's policies when he thinks no one is listening and it begs the question: What else doesn't Obama want us to know about before he's reelected?" Kirsten Kukowski, RNC spokeswoman, said.
(video - abc news, embed permitted via Youtube.  Text - CNN, reproduced by 26 March 2012)

Glamour: Some of Colonel Gaddafi's guards. Others were horribly attacked by the Libyan dictator
Qaddafi's  famous Pretorian Guards
    Now we know much of what Obama did not want anyone to know, especially Jews, Christians, conservatives, common and natural law people, traditionalists, and other such dull folk.   One notices that Barry went out of his way to follow the instructions of his Teleprompter Programmers concerning leading from behind in Libya, so as to depose an innocuous dictator.   The hapless Qaddafi had been neutered, de-toothed, and de-fanged in large part by Reagan and the two Bushes.  He had even suffered the self-imposed humiliation of turning over some considerable nuclear work and other already weaponised WMDs when Saddam Hussein was deposed.   He had become a kinder and gentler tyrant whose amalgamated physical problems and age had made him pretty much like the Old Lion in the Zoo.
    So, Barry co-ordinating apparently with revolutionaries that turned out to be affiliated with al Qaeda managed to allow the French to destabilise things sufficiently to arrange to ship most of Qaddafi's small arms, automatic weapons, and ammunition to the "Freedom Fighters" in Syria via Turkish freighters.   That is when Barry Soetoro laid down the law to Bashir Assad, that...."Either you leave town, Bashir, or I'm going to go right out and draw a line in the sand."

     The Obsolete Press was full of awe and admiration due to Barry's stabbing of Egypt's fair-to-Israel Hozni Mubarek in the back, and front, and elsewhere and the imposition of the enlightened Muslim Brotherhood to power in Egypt.   Then followed Barry's brilliant overthrow of another essentially neutral party in the Israel - Hamas / Hezbollah / Iran against the USA and Israel,  issue  Muamar Qaddafi.   They knew that before long the horrid scum of the Assad Dynasty would be thrown into the dust-bin of history.   No one, nothing, could stand in the way of the Man Who Shot Liberty Bin Valance.  

     Face it, no one could ever have created as many shovel ready jobs as Barry Onyango Hussein bin Soetoro.....not all the Pharaohs of Egypt put together with all the pyramids, totems, and statues, and golden sarcophagi....not no one, not no how.  And then, to have destroyed almost all the Arab dictators and Kings and potentates who surrounded Israel without bothering (or even trading and being friendly with) Israel....a person just has to admire anyone who can hate Jews that much and stab that many stabilising influences in a volatile region in the back so quickly.
     There was one, or two, or maybe ten or twenty problems on the way to the fundraiser for poor Barry, however.  It all started with the most trusted institution in Egypt, that pesky holdover from Neanderthal times, the Egyptian Army decided to throw the "legally elected" Muslim Brotherhood thug out into the cold and to re-instate common-sense governance.
     Barry and Hillary made it clear that the people had voted for beheadings of infidels and stoning of adulteresses, and that was what the people should have.  They deserved something better than predictable order and a modicum of respect for strange people like Jews, Christians, tourists, homosexuals and the left-handed.   Who wanted to take a Nile Tour or go out and look at a bunch of dumb pyramids anyway?

     One can only imagine how betrayed Barry must have felt when the present government of Egypt offered to broker a cease fire and potential peace arrangement between Jamas and Israel.   Worse yet, imagine how Valerie Jerrod and the Teleprompter Programmers Foundation for Hope, Change, and Revenge must have felt.   And then, when Jamas turned down the deal, the antacids must have been flying off the shelf (and in Hillary's case, the ash-trays flying through the air) when the Egyptians said, "Well, okay, the Hebes have the right to defend themselves the best they see fit then. Ciao!"

     Then, all the while, scores of thousands of illegal aliens are being placed throughout the Republic to await their turn to report for an immigration hearing.   They are receiving more attention, in many cases, than the veterans are receiving in some of our Veterans' Administration facilities.  Although it would cost about 50,000,000 USD to send everybody back home, with a goody bag of Michael Jackson CDs, singing "We Are the World" and a cookbook written by Michelle Robinson, and Klaus Nomi's "You Don't Own Me" recording.
     Barry also had to briefly interrupt his fund-raising vacay for 38 seconds to observe that somebody shooting down a 777 airliner with 300 dead might be a tragedy.  But, worryeth not.  He was back to his ill-timed, poorly placed insipid jokes well before the second hand had crossed the number 12.   By nightfall, his 40-SUV cortege was blocking up streets in the fashionable section of Manhattan so that he could tell a few more jokes, pat himself on the back for being a victim, and blaming the Republicans for the Chicago Fire and the heartbreak of psoriasis.  

     It's really a tough job, but someone has to screw it up.  We chose a winner for that one.  Next General Ham will receive a Purple Heart for changing his story after brainwashing in the Naval Hospital outside of Seattle, and the Deserting "Sergeant"  will receive a Medal of Honour for having enlisted in the wrong Army.

Hoping for better soon, and thanking you all for your time and patience.
El Gringo Viejo 

Friday 18 July 2014

Why Our Task Is So Difficult


    It is always dispiriting to watch a bit of an advertisement that is so insipid....and done by my side...that one wonders if the writers, producers, and actors were all smoking dope during the making of the announcement.  To wit: "Doesn't the government understand that all these regulations on coal and natural gas will drive the price of electricity sky-high?"
     And yes, we know that the people making the advertisement know, and we know, and the government knows  why the government is doing what it is doing.  We all know the purpose  is to drive the price of electricity sky high so that America can be reduced substantially in quality of life and productivity.
    So why do we have to be approached rhetorically in such an insipid manner?   Why could not the producers use the very lengthy clip of Barry Soetoro explaining to a sycophantic Barry-worshipping reporter that electricity bills  "must necessarily go sky-high'' in order to address the issues of global warming (now known as 'climate-change' since its gender-identity change operation)".   And further, coal production must be discontinued, and while people will still be allowed to mine coal, the cost of that activity will also become prohibitive because the of the regulations and inspections to which coal production will necessarily have to be subjected.
   It is necessary for the OROG community to remain strong in its commitment to refuse entry to these people who are arriving to the shores of the American Republic from Central America.  We simply cannot allow Barry Soetoro, nephew of Auntie Zietuni (RIP) and Uncle Omar Onyango Obama....America's official First Illegal Aliens.....also known as America's establish the notion that aliens who would otherwise be unqualified for entry can gain entry by the wave of a royal sceptre.
     This entire scene of people pouring over the north bank of the Rio Grande desperately searching for a Border Patrolman to take them to the bus station is enough to make a cat burn his whiskers off.   We must say "no" now, or we shall be forced to say "yes" what I would approximate to be 3,000,000 times within the next 24 months.   It is even possible that we might find Mexicans presenting as Guatemalans...and that would bump the numbers up a bit more.
     The episode of this horrid shoot-down by the Russian thugs of the Malaysian airliner is terribly saddening.   Barry Soetoro's horrid, low-class reaction immediately following his notification of the incident was just another piece of gravel in the mud crown of his regency.
    The inability to express oneself without a teleprompter reveals that unavoidable reality that Barry is truly a straw invention...a kind of robot...for very dark interests.  We have had an invasion of venomous serpents and rabid hyenas in charge of America's institutions and the White House for going on six years, and it amazes this writer that such shallow, easy-to-see-through thuggish, narcissistic marxists could possibly do so much damage so quickly.
The Iron Dome responds.   Thank you, Dan Quayle.
Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.
El Gringo Veijo

Thursday 17 July 2014

Mandatory Elements of Any "Immigration Reform" - Guide for Republic of Texas


      In order to advance the cause of reason and to establish normalcy within the Texian cultural and social consist, the following few things must be done within the context of any new set of immigration rules, regulations, and law.
(1)    The abolition of any form of public assistance.
(2)    The prohibition of any immigrant from participation in any form of public assistance.
(3)     The cancellation of the rule and/or any attendant law supporting the notion that an immigrant child....whether the mother be legally present or illegally born an American citizen simply because he or she is born over Terra Sanctus Texanus.   Citizenship will be granted upon the 18th birthday, depending upon the social and criminal record of the child.
(4)     Any femme sole who has two or more miracle babies and is supported by invading the resources of private charity will be deported or spayed, as she chooses.  If she chooses deportation, her children will remain in the United States and be placed in public protection and care.
Renovations are underway on the new
state of the art penal facility in
Monahans, Texas (above).  Several people
have survived the "walkinig tour" that
surrounds Monahans. 
(5)     Any immigrant, male or female, who is guilty of a serious crime, meaning a felony of any kind or, in Texas, any criminal  Class B misdemeanour or worse will be deported within 6 hours of release from incarceration.   If said deported person returns to within territorial limits of the Republic of Texas, that person shall be removed to the Maximum Security Unit in Monahans, Texas.
     The length of detention will not exceed 10 years.   During the Summer months, the inmates will be encouraged to escape and proceed in any direction of their own choice.
     Anyone who serves time in the Republic of Texas will also have the opportunity, albeit a mandatory matter, to pay for the cost of having to have been supported by the taxpayers of the Republic.
(6)    While all Citizens of the Republic of Texas are encouraged to learn any number of foreign languages, especially any ancestral language pertaining to a Citizen's genealogy, all immigrants will be required to be fluent in the English language within one year of crossing the frontier.
(7)    Any person entering the Republic of Texas by means of a tourist, business, or educational visa must retire from the Republic on or before the expiration of said visa.  He or she must deliver the document of entry upon departure or re-entry will be prohibited by automatic refusal performed by computerised analytical systems.
(8)     All portions and sections of the national boundaries will be monitored and protected on a 24 / 7 basis, by a formidable array of human and hardware assets.
(This was a partial list)
El Gringo Viejo