Tuesday 3 June 2014

Another Great Foreign Policy Victory for Obama


     All day, all night, every day, every night the masses trundle up with their children, or with a child, or sometimes the children arrive without the nariest sign of any adult or even adolescent sibling.   It is a mass of humanity not seen since the disorders of the Mexican Revolution and the subsequent Cristeros War.   That was a period of cultural upheaval that pulled Mexico apart at the seams from just before 1909 through the beginning of the Great Depression.
     The Revolucion de 1910 - 1917 that never really ended, even when it ended was followed by anti-Roman Catholic disorders that mirrored the destruction of the Russian Orthodox Church at the same exact time.   Through the 1920s there were anit-Catholic reprisals and repression 1,000 times worse than any Inquisition.  It ended in another full-scale war, finishing  in time to welcome the International Great Depression.

     The number of mortal casualties during the two wars, when the population of Mexico never exceeded 15,000,000 people, exceeded 1,000,000.  Perhaps a fourth to a third of those were civilians, and easily one per cent were foreigners.  Most of the first third of the 20th century in Mexico was something similar to a continuous earthquake.   That was followed by a complete World War, with Mexico being involve on the periphery...a very active and costly periphery that brought an odd order and stability.
     No more playing footsie, diplomatically and commercially with the Huns, as they had during the latter stages of the Revolution of 1910.   There was a draw-down on the playing of footsies with the Comintern, controlled directly out of Moscow that Mexico had practiced in some segments of their ''polite society'' before, during and after the Second World War.

     We have been left since the Second War with a slowly, slightly improving situation through the remainder of the 20th Century, with certain episodes of significant setbacks.   The greatest problems?

     (1)    A smuggling industry that traded off running international and Mexican liquors to the north and all nature of industrial items and domestic things like washing machines and electronics to the south.  That industry morphed, starting in the late 1960s, with the "dawn" of self-realisation and the new decadence of drug usage, throughout American society.   A more than willing group, with operators in the middle of Dixie, southernmost Texas, and California established the first organised criminal enterprises that thought in terms of millions of dollars per action instead of a few hundred dollars.

    (2)     A disastrous social welfare programme called The Great Society.   This was put into place by Democrats, Big Labour, limp-wristed Republicans and Big Business as a vote buying scheme for the Democrats.  Head Start, Free Food in various manifestations, and all nature of rewards for failure to defer gratification and for the practice of licentiousness.   That was the first "Great Wave" since the Cristeros War in the 1920s.  Perhaps 5,000,000 people came into the United States from Mexico on 72-hour border passes, and established themselves over Terra Sanctus Americanus.  The delivery of one baby was quickly learned to be the "paso magico" to be allowed to stay in Gringolandia on the dime of the Gringos. 
    The more there were, and the more un-spoken for babies, the more money was poured into the support of those who had finally found a place stupid enough to defend those who would not defend themselves.   Poverty kept being re-defined, ever upward, in order to keep the grocery stores full of people who obviously needed little malnutrition intervention, the rental properties heavily subsidised, and the schools full of digestive and future reproductive tracts.

    (3)    Since all the above worked so well, Democrats and limp-wristed Republicans who are completely uncaring about or unaware of the reality in these precincts are causing a new, hugely massive exodus from the south into the United States, chiefly at these moments, primarily through the South Texas and Lower Rio Grande Valley area.
     How is this happening?   Simply because from Tegulcigalpa to Chichicastenango to Puerto Barrios to Tikal and Copan...there is a movement of millions, Coming to America....not for opportunity, but rather for a certificate of preferential occupation and a free ride.   Make no mistake.  The Progressives know all the old saws than make peoples' heads nod in the affirmative.   Those old saws do not apply in this case.  They are not coming for opportunity.  Eighty-five per cent are coming for the greedy-freeby fun-time machine.   It used to be visa - versa.   And even the "floods of people" of the days of yore, were miniscule trickles compared to the Noahnic flood facing us at this point.

     To-day we are found, in the Magic Lower Rio Grande Valley, which is the southernmost four counties in Texas and we are surrounded by an inundation of people that cannot be handled by the Customs and Border Patrol, by the churches, by the Roman Catholic church that specialises in using "free federal dollars", various "Alleluia" churches, local public charities, food banks, and whatever, along with some mainline protestant and Episcopal churches, and a few social fraternities and sororities.

Jeh Johnson
 Incredibly enough, worse,
stupider, more anti-American than even
Janet Napolitano.   He refused to allow
the Border Patrol Chief of Operations in
this sector to call for public attention to
the issue of the Tsunami of humanity we
are facing here, and along the frontier.
As Johnson appears here, a stupid,
arrogant, self-impressed slob, is
actually an improvement over his
true personality.  T0-day HLS
tomorrow, maybe the VA.
     Four days ago, the commandant for this part of the Rio Grande Valley and the extension to the north up-river to Laredo, scheduled a press conference to address this issue and give an accounting of the dreadful numbers we are seeing now.  He was also going to declare that there was no place to keep the people coming across.  Jails and prisons are full, primarily of illegal aliens who have already committed moderate to extremely serious crimes.  Public housing is over-stretched, primarily because of anchorbabyism and lethargy poverty....(being too tired to go down and buy junque food with the Lone Star Card).   

     But, the scuz-bucket, incompetent fool who is the Secretary of Homeland Security ordered the Commandant to "stand down" and not give an unauthorised press conference about the issue.   He did not want the American people to receive a "....distorted image of what is going on in one small section of the border".   To Wit:

Homeland Security Secretary Cancels Border Patrol News Conference

Play Video

May 30, 2014 1:00 PM

    The fact is that we are being overrun by people who have arrived here recently because of rumours being spread throughout Central America.  Those rumours spread by agents promoting the destruction of America by the introduction of incompetent people who will tax the system of public assistance well beyond the breaking point.  That task will be fairly easy, because it is already broken.  And it never should have existed.  The reason?    Quite specifically and clearly because of what is happening here,  right now.

     We are having scores of thousands of children without adults, adolescents with two younger siblings, 36 year old grandmothers coming with two generations in tow, people who essentially have no idea what living reasonably in Texas and/or the United States might reasonably require.   They equate the concept of opportunity to finally arriving at that promised land that pseudo-Catholic, liberation-theology people have been spreading in southern Mexico and Central American that the Americans will pay you to eat.   They will give you and your children free medical attention.  The Americans are required to give your children a free education because of the abuses the Americans have committed against "la gente" for hundreds of years.   They are told by "NGOs", "church workers", and "people who have helped the poor", and even the embassies and consuls of the United States and other countries that, "The United Nations has ordered the Gringos to pay.  All anybody has to do is cross the Rio Grande and turn yourself in to the Border Patrol."

     And they are arriving in droves.   The Border Patrol is taking their transfer busses down to the Rio Grande to load them up and take them to feeding, rest, changing, processing, and then "distribution" processes.   Please Understand the Following.  Distribution now means:

     (1)   Being given a temporary entrance permit, if the illegal alien and any and all dependents with her have a known relative who has been in residence since such and such a date in the United States, legally or illegally.  After a telephonic, text, or email confirmation of existence of this person and that place.

    (2)  The illegal alien and her coterie are then given a ride to the fancy bus station we have in McAllen, and from there they are able to just mount the 1st class bus with their continuous flurry of pampers and litter trailing around and after them.   All the illegal aliens say that the family members have sent money during their detention for the bus fare. Ostensibly, the central government does not pay the fancy bus ticket.

    (3)  In 24 to 36 hours they are somewhere in North Carolina, Louisiana, Tennessee, Texas or somewhere ..."waiting to be notified of their time and place for appearance concerning their immigration status and normalisation."   What they are actually waiting for is the Congressional Act that will grant conditional amnesty to illegal aliens who have been in residence since before such and such a date.

   (4)  It is for that reason that the are sent to a relative who has been in residence since such and such date...El Gringo Viejo thinks that it must be the date that has been agreed upon by the Democrat National Socialists and the "reasonable Republicans" that will establish eligibility to "join the back of the line'' for citizenship.  

 There is a labour shortage in Mexico.
 Central America is what most Americans think Mexico is.
 Central America is essentially a totally failed area...completely under the control of left-wing demagogues in some areas and in all areas, perhaps save Costa Rica, and the organised best rural and urban parts of Panama.
   Roving hordes of criminals, thieves, rapists, and murderers abound.   The disorders one hears about from all the authoritative news agencies about Mexico are barely true.   If they were to describe the Central American situation...especially Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala....one is speaking of a socio/cultural cauldron of complete collapse, utter violence, and what must be recognised as anarchy.
    This is especially true of Honduras, which is easily the most violent and murderous nation in the New World, per capita, and the ever-perplexing El Salvador. Both are associated with being the spawning grounds of the bloodthirsty Mara Salvatrucha 13  whose membership is composed of boys who have killed their mothers as a rite of initiation.


after supplying the three with food and supplies for the  3 day's
long bus trip "home" from the bus station in McAllen, Texas to
Tucson, Ariz.  The three spent the night at King's home in
McAllen, Texas after U.S. Immigration and Customs
Enforcement left the family at the McAllen Bus
Terminal the day before.
Photo by Kelly Presnell / Arizona Daily Star

  It is reasonable to think (and here El Gringo Viejo must put on his sociologists hat) that the explanation for the existence and arrival of so many children and females lugging babies and toddlers up to the Mexico / Texas Frontier is to evade the probability that the women will be slaughtered by their sons, once the sons are recruitable (ages 10 - 12).   Young girls are carried off by their brothers and used in Santaria rituals and Santo Muerte services of socially psychotic, death-dealing zombie barrio commanders.

     This became especially bad since the arrival of Obama and the subsequent lessening of pressures against the neo-communist, military dictatorships of Honduras and in Nicaragua with the Ortegas back in the driver's seat.   One must recognise, and study the actuarial charts of demographers and insurance companies, etc.

     For instance, the nations (such as they might be) of Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador combined have a population of almost precisely 20,000,000 people.   They occupy about 80,000 square miles of the Earth's surface, combined.   That means they have about 4/5ths of the population of Texas on about 1/3rd of the terrain.   With the 20,000,000 however, they commit more than 3 times the amount of death by murder, criminal gang activity, and such as what Mexico can produce with 110,000,000.

     During the worst of the Cartel violence in Mexico, about 30 months ago, President Felipe Calderon was being blamed by the leftist press for bringing violence upon the country.  Fools...always fools.   The violence was there and had been increasing slowly for fifteen years until suddenly the extortions, kidnappings, and cartel wars set everything in motion.  Over a six year period, all homicides in Mexico totalled right at 60,000.
     Last year, Honduras alone had 16,000 homicides.  Six times sixteen?  And then that 96,000 times the 12 times larger Mexico is than Honduras.  That's a total of nearly 1,000,000 dead in Honduras more or less (we are speaking conjecturally)  were  Honduras to have had the same population as Mexico over the same six year period.   The problem is that there are so many born without souls.  This is even worse than Chicago and Detroit and New Orleans combined in terms of rates per 100,000.

     In Texas, we are aware that in Houston, there is a Barrio dominated by people from El Salvador.  The violence, gang activity, welfare, filth, litter, graffiti, and licentiousness is incomprehensible.   Almost all the people there are derived from those refugees who came up during the CIA sponsored Agrarian Reform war that the communists took away from the CIA and used to get a couple of hundred thousand people killed in Salvador.  The "refugees" poured up into Texas and centred themselves around where there had been a very small Salvadorean community.  That is what began the phenomena of Houston becoming a city surrounded by normalcy.   Small, clean towns with low crime rates and clean streets and parking lots and and no pampers in the parking lots.... little or no graffiti.
    And this is while Houston, lamentably, has become a dirty place full of violence and full of a city council that approves the mayorette's pet bill that requires no more men's rooms and women's rooms.  All rest rooms will sing a one-note song from now on.   Can a person imagine, Houston? ....and don't visit the Salvadorean Barrio at night or in the daytime...or if you are Anglo... or Salvadorean...or anything.

    Finally.   The Border Patrol and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement people have been reduced to a meet and greet group, and forwarding agents.  This story about bussing and flying people to terminals out of McAllen and the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas to destinations "in-country" with temporary entry permits is not a joke, and it is running in the thousands per day of people coming in,   Thousands.

Thanks Barry, and thanks limp-wristed, Reasonable Republicans.  Thanks a lot.
El Gringo Viejo 


Mommy! Mommy! Look at the President

Mommy! Why does the president walk off with the Hate America First people and turn his back on the Flag?


     We urge that the OROGs "go to the rifle" on the sidebar, and click on there.   There El Zorro has posted a coherent collection pertinent commentary and images about this miserable event of reverencing a deserter and saying nothing about the many who were killed and wounded trying to save him.

We have the address of the article here:

Swirl of Fraud, Lies, Deceit, and Deception: Dishonour shrouds the White House


     There is so much interplay right now, and so much evidence that Obama and his criminal ghouls always side with whatever produces a positive outcome for the radical, Islamic Terrorist cabal.   At each turn, it requires the researcher to stretch his own credulity in order to get a reach entirely around the magnitude if the treasonous hoax being played out on the United States of American.

     We are saying treason because, although Barrack Obama might even be a natural-born American citizen, in spite of the fact that his mother was an ardent anti-American and proud communist activist, as were her parents.

     Among the things that are well within the range of probable, and many of the following pieces of a puzzle are "settled fact", we start with the following:

“(The) basic principle is that you don’t deploy forces into harm’s way without knowing what’s going on; without having some real-time information about what’s taking place,” Panetta told Pentagon reporters. “And as a result of not having that kind of information, the commander who was on the ground in that area, Gen. Ham, Gen. Dempsey and I felt very strongly that we could not put forces at risk in that situation.”
  The information I heard today (the writer of this report) was that General Ham as head of Africom received the same e-mails the White House received requesting help/support as the attack was taking place. General Ham immediately had a rapid response unit ready and communicated to the Pentagon that he had a unit ready. General Ham then received the order to stand down. His response was to screw it, he was going to help anyhow. Within 30 seconds to a minute after making the move to respond, his second in command apprehended General Ham and told him that he was now relieved of his command. - See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/rogue-u-s-general-arrested-for-activating-special-forces-teams-ignoring-libya-stand-down-order_102012#sthash.Wu8905iS.dpuf

     General Ham (a four-star brass-hatter) was sent, in quick order, to a medical facility at a Naval Base on the Washington State Pacific Coast.   He has been making the rounds recently, now lobotomised and without command, denying that he was ever detained and that he had always supported the Commander in Chief to the letter and the spirit.   He is also, as one might suspect, retired. 

    This matter is complicated by the fact that another 4-star general officer with a gallon of scrambled eggs on the visor of his dress hat, Rear-Admiral Goullette, Commander of a flat-top battle group, in the same theatre and during the same moments, reacted in a similar way and received an identical trip to the "wayward officers' rest home".

     Adm. Gaouette had also received the startling requests for support as the attack unfolded in Benghazi. Like Ham, he readied a response from Carrier Strike Group Three (CSG-3). Gaouette was also ordered to STAND DOWN and like Ham, he decided to refuse those orders. Gaouette readied vital intelligence and communications operations for an extraction effort to be launched by Ham.

     Stars and Stripes reported October 18, 2012 that General Ham is being replaced by Gen. David Rodriguez. They also reported on October 27, 2012 that Adm. Gaouette is being replaced by Rear Adm. Troy M. Shoemaker. The Navy stated that it was “replacing the admiral in command of an aircraft carrier strike group in the Middle East, pending the outcome of an internal investigation into undisclosed allegations of inappropriate judgment.”  (these replacements were permanent)

     General Petraeus, General McChrystal were also both pushed out...along with others whose private information was leaked out by the FBI....all for things that merited a vigorous written reprimand.  Obama and Jarrett needed their own "domesticated" general officer lackeys. Like the ones who run the Veterans' Administration by using the Obama system of administration.

 Ridicule and marginalise, ridicule and marginalise, remember
 to follow Alinsky's rules.   Make your enemies and the allies of
 your enemies pay for previous, present, and future associations.

     No reduction of force agreement in Iraq, and essentially the same in Afghanistan, essentially guaranteeing the un-ravelling of any house of cards that could be left behind without the presence of American force and forces?   That works for Barry.

     And now we have the same guy, along with (Sir Edmund)Hillary who, it turns out authorised the use of the Muslim Brotherhood (think Aryan Nations but with a scimitar, crescent moon, and star of the east) to "provide security" for the American Ambassador and the compound and complex at Benghazi.  Not even Congressman Daryl Issa wanted to touch that one, because it turns out that the Muslim Brotherhood turned over the security issue to none other than....you guessed it....well, read it for yourself:

derived from  FrontPage  Mag, 4 June 2014 
We are done with the narrative that no forces were available or could have reached the site in time. Generals Demspey and Ham are now both on record as saying that the forces were available, but did not get used. The fallback story is that there was a lack of intel, but there was actually plenty of intel from the consulate that had been there and even in declassified documents provided assessments of the Islamist militias, from the two SEALS in the fight and other consulate personnel. And during a rescue operation, intel is always going to be limited.
The issue was almost certainly a refusal to come in, guns blazing, into Benghazi, a Muslim city, for fear of destabilizing Eastern Libya and upsetting Muslims with an American show of force. The decision was made to rely on the Muslim Brotherhood’s Feb 17 Brigade to help evacuate the area, even though Ansar Al-Sharia, the militia leading the attack, was a splinter group of Feb 17 and serious questions remain about the complicity of Feb 17 personnel in the attack.
Benghazigate is now a focus, but it should be remembered that there have been countless Benghazigates in Afghanistan, where US forces were denied air and artillery support while under fire. That should be the real focus of this conversation. What happened in Benghazi is what has been going on in Afghanistan for some time. It’s the outcome of the Obama Administration’s CVE and Hearts and Minds program that puts Muslim sensibilities first and American lives last.


     With all the brazenness of an arrogant autocrat, Barry Soetoro decides now to help his half-brother the imam, the one with "good relations" with the Muslim Brotherhood to "work around" the new Egyptian strong-man, General Sissi. Barry's half-brother moves between Jamas, Hezbollah, and the shadowy network of terrorist groups, and even helps with things like Bill Ayres "flotilla" movement that caused and met with such a disaster off the coast of Israel some months back.  The Turkish ship delivering the goodies to the poor Palestinians turned out, of course to be full of arms and ammunition, along with RPGs and thousands of grenades  for the purpose.
Sites of the Cliff Buddhas that were destroyed or badly
 damaged by the murderous, deranged, degenerate
 pseudo-religious nutters whose leaders Obama
 released for the price of one American deserter.
There are numerous smaller ones remaining.
     While this assessment may be wrong, we do not know who could put together, almost from one day to the next, the liberation of 5 of the worst terrorists/militia of the entire Taliban Constellation.  And to make the Taliban pay dearly for it, all for one worthless, wormy American deserter.
   This bad bargain is not only illegal, it is also  treasonous because there is utter certainty that the five who were released, all murderers according to Amnesty International and the United Nations, later proven such by American, British, and other forensic analysts, because of their total elimination of a village of some 9,000 people.   Every male 16 years or older with their throats slit, and those males aged 15 and less, both hands sliced off.   Child-bearing aged women slaughtered  before their toddlers.....all for belonging to the wrong sub-sect of one denomination of Islam.   The estimates began at 2,000 and after years of research, it is commonly accepted that the total is much closer to 7,750 or even more.   The village is gone.
     These were the same reprobates and sub-humanoids who blew up the cliff Buddhas....some of the greatest ancient monuments on the Planet.   The five who were released, surreptitiously by Barry, are far more radical and bloodthirsty than even Osama bin Laden and probably greeted his demise with pleasure.  We can note how passively the Muslim Terrorist cohort of the population received and digested the news of Ossie's departing.   Al Zawahiri and these fellows will soon be back in the business of slaughtering wayward rustic villagers, foreigners, heretics, homosexuals, and all nature of out-of-step humanity within the next 18 months, or sooner.

And oddly....and at each and every step....Barry always does what favours the over-arching aims of radical Islamists and what damages America and Americans.  A deserter for five ardent murderer radical psychoes?  Who is laughing up his sleeve?   But don't worry Barry...we'll have the last laugh.

From a gleaning of the Information highway.   Not even FOX News thinks we would believe this, but it is true. 

Barack Hussein Obama’s half-brother, Malik, joins terror group Hamas in advocating the destruction of Israel.    This is Barrack Hussein Obama's half-brother who was also Barrack Hussein Obama's best man at the wedding with Michelle Robinson in Chicago.)

Jan29, 2014

Posted on Malik Obama’s WEBSITE, ‘The Barack H. Obama Foundation,’ is a photo of Malik wearing a Hamas scarf (keffiyeh) that bears a well-known Palestinian slogan – ‘Jerusalem is ours – WE ARE COMING!’ It also includes a map of Palestine that says, ‘From the River to the Sea!’ In other words, Malik is saying, ‘there is no Israel.’

SHOEBAT :  The keffiyeh (or scarf) doesn’t just say, ‘Al Aqsa is ours and is not their temple’. It also says ‘Innana Qadimun’, which translates to mean ‘We are marching forward’. This famous battle command which is a reference to the prophecy that some day the Muslim world will march on Jerusalem and then the trees and stones will cry out, ‘here is a Jew hiding behind me… come O Muslim, come and kill him’.

Hamas leader Khalid Mash’al wearing the same kind of
Hamas leader Khalid Mash’al (Right) wearing the same kind of keffiyeh


It went unreported in the mainstream media that Malik received 501(c)(3) status for his Barak H. Obama Foundation in less than 30 days and had it illegally backdated 38 months by Lois Lerner. Malik’s foundation is tied to a State Sponsor of Terrorism in Sudan. Lois Lerner should be granted immunity and compelled to testify about why she granted tax exempt status to a man who is tied to terrorism and just so happens to be the brother of the President of the United States.



Lois Lerner can expedite 501 (c) (3) non-profit status for terrorists who are related to Barry, but not for American citizens who are simply concerned about the moral and cultural health of the Republic.   This particular authorisation was back-dated as well.   If Bush had done it he would still be sitting in prison.

    Malik reads and speaks fluent Arabic as do many in his family, like cousin Musa Ismael Obama and Uncle Sayyid who’ve been to at least one prominent Wahhabist university in Saudi Arabia. Barack recited the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer with a first-rate accent according to the New York Times’ Nicholas Kristof.
Musa Obama and Sayyid Obama at Umm al-Qura University.
Musa Obama and Sayyid Obama at Umm al-Qura University



Thanks for your interest and time.  Let us hope that this matter can finally awaken the critical mass among the populous that is necessary to force the resignation of the poseur who is driving the government and Republic into the garbage heap.
El Gringo Viejo

Monday 2 June 2014

A Word from the Other Side of the Mountain - El Zorro Ventures into the Night

El Zorro always says more with fewer words than the old sidekick.  It is difficult to read these words, not because of the grammar and syntax and construct of the prose, but of the profound hurt it brings the soul to know how true the words are.   And then to think, "Is the the outcome of my service.?"   Who will pay for the six infantrymen dead who went to "rescue" a deserter, of all things.  Once again, Democrat National Socialists and marxists take victories in the field, be they one form or another and degrade them into tragedies and defeats.

 Solemn Reminder or Forgotten
penumbra of Grandeur?

Zorro at Mosinguy.com

to me

El Zorro stays unobtrusively (conspicuous by his silence) quiet these days on matters pertaining to scandals, lies, treason, deception, stupidity, incompetence, insolence… shall we go on… by the “administration” as we watch our beautiful America degraded into something as insidious as Sharia, Communism, and Fascism.
He is retired from direct involvement in endeavors of any meaningful import; however, he is not deaf or blind though somewhat mute.
El Zorro was a soldier and a patriot.  He believes in the literal meaning and intent of the Constitution.  He scours the Federalist papers and Anti-Federalist papers to reinforce his understanding of the Constitution.  There is no mistake in the wording of the Bill of Rights.  There is no ambiguity in it.  (a brief note: El Zorro is an acknowledged, self-studied and university-trained expert on the Constitution.)
Today we find ourselves in a full blown assault against liberty and our fundamental law.  One of the issues is the subject of this note. 
Why was there such silence during the Benghazi attack?  At the first inkling that something was underway there should have been, if nothing else, a reconnaissance drone sent to inspect.  We know the attack was not without at least advance knowledge by the U.S. Departments of State and the President.  There should have at least been a strategy for such an event.  To believe otherwise is wilful ignorance, stupidity, conspiracy or all of the above. 
On September 10, 2012, Ayman al-Zawahiri released a video calling for an attack on Libya.  This was supposedly to be in retaliation for a drone strike by the U.S. on an al Qaeda ranking terrorist in Pakistan.   Then on September 11, 2012 (911 anniversary) attacks were perpetrated on the Embassy and the CIA compound in Benghazi.  During 8 to 10 hours during the attack there was nothing out of the White House.  The big questions are: Where was Obama all that time?  Why were all potential rescue missions told to stand down and by whom?  Was the CIA compound also attacked to thwart rescue at the Embassy?  Why was there a lie or even a need to cover up the reason for the attack (begs the question also what was the reason)?
The President/Administration at least did nothing to support a rescue and, at most, deliberately did not send help.  With all support externally from Libya ordered to stand down and the CIA compound held down there was nothing to prevent the murder of U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and Sean Smith, U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer.  They and two CIA contractors at the CIA compound were killed.  The contractors were originally thought to be State Department Security officers but Hillary Clinton later stated they were CIA contractors.  Was this part of the cover up?  Were these individuals intentionally targeted?  Was Hillary hiding operations under her direction by allowing to be killed two State Department officials?  What did these people possibly know that might have been a threat to Hillary Clinton, the State Department or the President himself?  Why was Muammar Qaddafi assassinated?
There were approximately 100-300 radicals involved in the 2012 attacks.  We do not know who organized and directed the attack.  We do know the U.S. government did attempt to cover it up.  We can only come to the conclusion that it is very probable that the Administration had a vested interest in the elimination of the Embassy personnel at Benghazi. 
Of considerable concern also is that the President and the Cabinet are being controlled by some Islamic element.  The support for the overthrow of Libyan and Egyptian governments and U.S. support of Iran at the expense of Israel lead us to believe we are being infiltrated by extremists.  There are Muslim enclaves in most of our major cities notably Detroit and New York where Christians and any non-Muslims are afraid to go.  These radicals will not assimilate and are dangerous to the communities where they infest.  And why is the President giving back gains made in Iraq and Afghanistan by our troops, many of whom gave their lives?  His apparent support for Islam is literally killing Americans.
We have great concern for the country and would only ask these questions, even at potential risk to some retaliation by what we perceive as a subversive element in control of the government, for straight answers.  The concept of our president as a Manchurian candidate is not only possible but probable from the evidence we have.  The evidence is by the prevailing deference toward Islam.  The President abuses the Constitution through executive order.  The Courts miss-interpret the Constitution and legislate from the bench.  The Congress acts in its own interest and political advantage instead of responding to the constituents in their interest.  We are in big trouble.  Benghazi is only one example of the fundamental and total change of America.  The NSA, the ACA, the VA, Dodd-Frank… all of these scandals are examples of decay.  It is by corruption and deception.
We would rather not see what, lamentably, is only too perceptible of the government but the evidence is overwhelming.  The only replies for the questions asked are lies and distortions or nothing at all.
Something must be said.  I contribute this in support of my friend, El Gringo Viejo.

Ripped out of facebook



The Church Lady

     On the way to a monthly church meeting, an elderly lady was stopped by a Montana Highway Patrolman. He asked for her driver's license and insurance. The lady took out the required information and handed it to the patrolman.
     In with the cards he was surprised to see she had a conceal carry permit. He looked at her and asked if she had a weapon in her possession at this time. She responded that she indeed had a .45 automatic in her glove box..
     Something, body language or the way she said it, made him want to ask if she had any other firearms. She did admit to also having a 9mm Glock in her center console. Now he had to ask one more time if that was all, and she responded once again she did have just one more, a .38 special in her purse.
     The officer then asked her what was she so afraid of? She looked him right in the eye and said...,"Not a damn thing!"



Every step you take, every move you make....we'll be watching you, Barry


We'll lead with a liar and a dunce...Rice and Stephanopoulos...both of whom
are leftist, marxist robotrons with deep connections to (Sir Edmund Hillary)
and her posse.  Rice managed to, and was allowed to, filibuster with pure CO2
especially with the "served with honour and distinction" bilge concerning the
deserter.   Rice could not possibly think she has any credibility.
Could either Rice or Stephie tell us who hired Craig Livingstone in 1993?
Hillary could not seem to recall.
Maybe Huma knows.

     By this point it should be neither surprising nor excusable.   Each wave of the hand, each shouting menace, every urging to "get your revenge" to the dull, low information masses, should be more than enough for any thought process to be sure that Barry Soetoro is the Manchurian Manikin.   Moreover, (Sir Edmund)Hillary may well be the Mongolian or Siberian Candidate.   The Clintons have a long affair with Red Chinese money and with doing the Red Chinese technological favours.

Obama's corner-man for the
last bout between the heroic
Barry Soetoro and the bad,
mean Mormon billionaire
racist who pays no taxes,
not a penny, for ten years.
And who does not care for
people "like us". 
     Remember that the father of the deserter, yesterday, in an internationally televised statement, advised his son to co-operate with the people in Germany because they have been chosen to help him.   This proves without any doubt that the release of the deserter was part of a surrender and humiliation deal.   To accept an American of no military value, qualified for the firing squad for having departed the field of battle during imminent hostilities, and then living without detention among the enemy and giving aid and comfort to same, for the release of five hardened war criminals and genocidal maniacs of the worst order is a crime in and of itself.

     Nothing will happen.  Susan Rice has already explained to the ever compliant Crowley that "America has the sacred duty to recover their soldiers"...a laughable, if it were not so sad, equivilation of the deserter to a true battle-grabbed prisoner of war.   To equivilate this individual to somebody like John McCain is an insult, and an insult that Barry Soetoro is well-capable of delivering.   Susan Rice is a marxist and defines truth as that which advances the cause.  Candy is a stupe and defines the truth as anything that will keep her in face-time.  Pray for the cameras.
     This issue is critical, because it does involve a breach.  The War Powers Act requires that the Commander in Chief consult closely with a broad representation of the leadership in Congress before authorising any trade for prisoners or hostages with known or declared enemies of the United States or her allies.   Not even Harry Reid nor Nancy Pelosi can say that they were advised, consulted, or in any was involved in this decision.

     The mistreatment of the veterans was a purposeful, arrogant, joke played upon the honourably infirmed.....just another way to disrespect America's armed forces in a physical and concrete way, while saying things to the ill-informed, low information people words that seem patriotic but, for this speaker, have no value.

   "If you want to keep your...."....Do We Remember?

  Any said by these people means nothing.  It is what they do that counts.  Leaving the military situation in Iraq and Afghanistan, ensures that the efforts expended by the people who fought the Wars spent their time and blood for naught.   Another kick of sand into the face of the American Armed Forces.

     The trade of five Primary Value enemies who are associated directly and indirectly with the assassination of 6,000 - 7,000 Afghani mountain people of  Mongolian background, but Muslim religion for an American deserter who has no military or social value is absurd and essentially suborning and accommodating treason.  This is what even the United Nations agreed the five set free from Guantanamo were up to in various places in Afghanistan.   TO WIT:

Taliban killed 4,000 in ethnic cleansing drive

By Ahmed Rashid in Islamabad

Electronic Telegraph, September 10,1998, Issue 1203
BETWEEN 4,000 and 6,000 Afghan Hazaras - three times more than recent Amnesty International estimates - were massacred by the Taliban when they captured areas of northern Afghanistan last month, according to diplomats.
The envoys described the killings as a deliberate campaign of ethnic cleansing by the Islamic fundamentalist militia. Diplomats, United Nations officials and aid workers say thousands of Hazaras, mostly males, were killed in front of their families in Mazar-i-Sharif, capital of the anti-Taliban alliance in northern Afghanistan, when the Taliban captured the city last month.
A senior diplomat who has interviewed dozens of Hazara families said: "Young men over 16 were brought out of their houses into the streets and had their throats slit in a ritualistic killing. Younger boys had both hands chopped off at the wrist."
An aid worker said Hazara bodies were left in the streets for days, and people trying to escape from the city were shot. The aid worker said: "They were mutilating children and telling them, 'You will never fight us again'."
The Hazaras, a Mongol people who form some 15 per cent of the country's 18 million population, have resisted Taliban offensives for the past four years from their strongholds in the Hindu Kush mountains.
The Hazaras are Shia Muslims, whom the Sunni Taliban loathe. Iran, which is predominantly Shia, has used the massacre issue as a reasons to mobilise 70,000 troops on the Iran-Afghanistan border.
Last week, Amnesty International released a report saying that thousands of Hazaras were killed in Mazar. But aid workers and diplomats who left the city after the Taliban takeover and have met Hazaras who escaped, say the number of dead could be much higher.
The Taliban have rejected the allegations, but refuse to allow aid workers, the UN or foreign journalists to return to Afghanistan. Mazar has been closed to foreigners.


    This is serious breach of faith and violation of law, and it is among America's top 100 darkest moments.  This is a deal between America-haters in the wilds of Afghanistan conspiring happily with America-haters in the White House.   There is no good to come of it, unless it is a wake up call...at 03:00 hours for Hillary the Mendacious, and for Barry and all his anti-American cadre-ghouls at the saloon scenes in the movie Galactic Battlestars Sponge Pants.    It is now 23:59 on the American clock.

    Impeachable and Convictable has occurred and now it is overwhelmingly demonstrable.

Thanks for your attention to this urgent and troubling news.
El Gringo Viejo