Thursday 8 May 2014

From the Folks Who Hold Down the Outpost in Extreme Central Texas

Great message for all ages….

How much do we notice as we go through a day?????

Lisa Beamer on Good Morning America - If you   remember,   she's the wife of Todd Beamer who said 'Let's   Roll!' and   helped take down the plane over Pennsylvania   that was heading for Washington,DC back on 9/11.  
She said it's the little things that she misses most   about Todd, such as hearing the garage door open as he   came home, and her children running to meet   him.

Lisa recalled this story:

"I had a very special teacher in high school many   years  
ago whose husband died suddenly of a heart   attack.  
About a week after his death, she shared some of   her  
insight with a classroom of students. As the   late
afternoon sunlight came streaming in through the classroom windows and the class was nearly over,
she moved a few things aside on the edge 
 of   her desk and sat down there
With a gentle look of reflection on her face, she   paused  
and said, 'Class is over, I would like to share   with all of  
you, a thought that is unrelated to class,   but which I feel  
is very important. Each of us is put   here on earth to learn,  
share, love, appreciate and give   of ourselves. None of  
us knows when this fantastic    experience will end.  
It can be taken away at any   moment.
Perhaps this is the power's way of telling us that   we  
must make the most out of every single day. Her    eyes,  
beginning to water, she went on, 'So I would like   you all  
to make me a promise. From now on, on your way   to school, or on your way home,
find something beautiful to   notice.  
It doesn't have to be something you see, it could be   a  
scent, perhaps of freshly baked bread wafting out   of  
someone's house, or it could be the sound of   the  
breeze slightly rustling the leaves in the trees, or   the  
way the morning light catches one autumn leaf as   it  
falls gently to the ground. Please look for these   things,  
and cherish them. For, although it may sound   trite to  
some, these things are the "stuff" of   life.  
The little things we are put here on earth to   enjoy.  
The things we often take for   granted.  
The class was completely quiet. We all picked up   our  
books and filed out of the room silently. That    afternoon,  
I noticed more things on my way home from   school than  
I had that whole semester. Every once in a   while, I think  
of that teacher and remember what an   impression she  
made on all of us, and I try to   appreciate all of those  
things that sometimes we all   overlook.  
Take notice of something special you see on your   lunch  
hour today. Go barefoot. Or walk on the beach at   sunset.  
Stop off on the way home tonight to get a double   dip ice  
cream cone. For as we get older, it is not the   things we  
did that we often regret, but the things we   didn't do.  
If you like this, please pass it on to a   friend,  
if not just delete it and go on with your   life!  
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we   take,  
but by the moments that take our breath   away."  

GOD Bless you every day of your life.
This is the day the Lord has made.
Rejoice and be glad in it.
God be with you!

(Sir Edmund) Hillary and her interrogation posture

A SPECIAL WORD TO (Sir Edmund) Hillary:
     Hillie, any police detective who asks a question to the guy in the interrogation room, and observes that the respondent looks down, so as to conceal his/her eyes from the question, and usually somewhat to the right, knows that the respondent is lying.   You are a chronic pathological liar so it is odd that you still have some twinge about flopping out whoppers at every turn.  Perhaps it is simply the fear that someone will finally say, "Why would you un-load a truck-load of camel-vomit-fungus on me with an answer like that?   You lying hag.  The next time you pull that off during one of my interviews, I'll slap the snot straight out both your ears, dog-breath!"

    You do a little better with the Coke-bottle lenses that allow you to act like you are looking at the little people who torment you so, when in fact you are watching the closing bids on pork bellies and cattle futures with your special Xeroskanner Glasses (made in Red China), and equipped with their own Reset Button.

Hillary Clinton testifies
Brownie Scout's Honour

  I told them six months before that damned video
 ridiculing Mohammed came out that they needed
 to go on a listening tour throughout Libya and
 an apology Camel ride tour and explain just
 what kind of a crummy dump America is.
Nobody told me the Red Cross
 and the Brits had left.

     The nerve of some people to think that they can actually question the Queen of the Universe.   For the OROGs, simply ask (Sir Edmund) Hillary if she knows the name, Mary Catherine Mahoney...Starbucks.   One might put those names into a good search engine and find out what happens. 
          Anyway (Sir Edmund)Hillary, we know what its like to have 142 people with whom a person has had close or fairly close friendship or dealings, die on you....No!  Wait a second, nobody outside of an Army officer at the Battle of the Bulge or Gettysburg or some such place would have ever had such a thing the age of the mid-forties.  Not 142 dead by murder, suicide, or 'undetermined'.    Thatsa lotta pietra tombale!

El Gringo Viejo

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Just needs to be posted. We know it is old...but it just needs to be posted

It's Official

Please read a different Blog! Soylent Green Alert for Geezers


    No, no....El Gringo Viejo is not trying to be-rid himself of his audience.   It's just better to go over to the friend's place to look at his horses and mules and crops, especially when he has everything straight and nice to look at.   This is not an autopsy-like exercise in the dusty and shadowy pews and church graveyards of the Anglican / Episcopal decline.

     This time it is a very effective drawing to contiguousness of two parallel lines.  Social Security and the Obama Socialised Medicine Initiative.  Like El Zorro, and the folks from Extreme Central Texas. the Anglican Curmudgeon says more efficiently and more eloquently than El Gringo Viejo almost anything that is worth the saying.

    So, clique-forth and slay the rotted dragon.   It is, after all, a dark and stormy night.  By the linkage in red, McDuff, you shall find the truth and that truth shall make you not only free, but also better person.   Total time for the normal OROG will be about three to five minutes.

Thanks for your attention.  Hoping for some kind of solution to my template problem, I remain,
El Gringo Viejo

Their god Ba'al and His Acolytes Against the Father of a Daughter and the rest of the somewhat normal world


    This had to be redacted by El Gringo Viejo, because the language cited out the book being discussed would have put people into prison for five years....a couple of generations back.  As a reading assignment for hormone factories in the 12 - 15 year age group it really cannot be considered as another step in the march to adulthood.

     The idea of having a large swath of life's mysteries revealed in the least favourable light, and the reduction of boy/girl and man/woman relations reduced to a mud-wrestling episode between two people who do not even know the first name, one of the other, is not a learning experience.   It is an exercise in depravity and chlamydia.

     El Gringo Viejo was depressed about being so old so as not to understand how "things have changed" until we looked around and, gee whiz, guess what?   A lot of people decided that suffering our children...even our older be sacrificed to the god Ba'al is not really "quality time with the family".   They are not to be sacrificed to Ba'al as the babies were sentenced to death.  Our children's children are to be stained and contaminated with images of carnality that can seriously bend the normal contact between girls and boys, and women and men in undesirable directions.

    A father raised objections at the school board meeting about the book.  The book had been brought to his attention by his daughter


New Hampshire school defends sexually graphic novel

“She could feel his erection, hot against her stomach.”
It’s not exactly Nancy Drew but that’s the kind of sexually graphic content freshmen boys and girls are being exposed to at New Hampshire’s Gilford High School – without their parent’s knowledge.

“’Yeah,’ he groaned, and he pushed her thighs apart. And then suddenly Matt was inside her, pumping her so hard that she scooted backward on the carpet, burning the backs of her legs.”

(Redaction of part of the text of the book in question has been made available for reading, if the reader is over 75 years of age and accompanied by potential reader's great-grandmother and two exorcists, and such reading takes place in a storm cellar with no lights on
 and with the eyes of all closed, including the reader's.)

Heaven forbid the superintendent of schools be the arbiter of decency. So who, pray tell, is responsible for deciding whether children are exposed to pornographic literature?
That’s an excerpt from “Nineteen Minutes,” a novel that 14-year-old English students have been assigned to read at the local high school. It’s a story that was first reported by, the website of the Education Action Group Foundation.

Sweet Mercy, America, that’s enough to make even Hugh Hefner blush.
The novel is based on a school shooting and deals with a variety of issues ranging from bullying to sexual violence. In previous years, parents have received some sort of notification about the nature of the novel.

But this year – somebody forgot to let mom and dad know their youngsters were going to parse a literary classic that includes this unforgettable line: “Semen, sticky and hot, pooled on the carpet beneath her.”
Dickens it is not.

William Baer became furious when he learned that his daughter had been assigned the book. He said the school not only failed to notify parents, but they also failed to offer parents a chance to opt their kids out of reading the book.

“I was shocked when I read the passage, and not much shocks me anymore,” Baer told “My wife was stunned by the increasingly graphic nature of the sexual content of the scene and the imagery it evoked.”
Baer, who is an attorney, put it in perspective. He said if someone had been handing those passages to students off campus, they might have been arrested.

Ironically, it was Baer who got arrested – at a school board meeting to address the controversy.  Baer went beyond his allotted two minutes and then got into an argument with a parent who supported the book.  Baer was charged with disorderly conduct.

But he wasn’t the only parent to express outrage.  “I am utterly appalled that this book was in my son’s hands,” parent Sarah Carrigan told The Union-Leader newspaper.  The school board issued an apology “for the discomfort of those impacted and for the failure of the school district to send home prior notice of assignment of the novel.”
Superintendent Kent Hemingway told me in a telephone interview that the district had been using the novel since 2007 – and to his knowledge – there have not been any complaints.  He also said the principal contacted every family in the affected classes and polled them on whether or not they supported the racy novel.

“More than 80 percent consented with their students continuing with the book,” he said. “Ten percent said no.”  He said 10 percent were still undecided on whether or not they wanted their youngsters to read about lovers grinding their loins.   I asked the superintendent if he would agree that the novel was a bit smutty. He declined to comment.

“I’m not going to make a decision on pornographic material,” he said.
Heaven forbid the superintendent of schools be the arbiter of decency. So who, pray tell, is responsible for deciding whether children are exposed to pornographic literature?
“It’s a decision of the local community,” he told me.

I was especially intrigued by the school board’s official statement. Read carefully:

“The School District policies IGE, IJ, IJA, KEC (available on the school district website) refer to the procedures for the use of novels containing controversial material. The district will take immediate action to revise these policies to include notification that requires parents to accept controversial materials rather than to opt out. Furthermore, the notification will detail more specifically the controversial material.”

Did you catch the part about forcing parents to accept racy, bawdy novels rather than opt out?  This school district may very well be the poster child for why you should home school your children.   Author Jodi Picoult told the Union-Leader that she was aware of the controversy in Gilford. Her solution was to make the novel a family affair.

“Read the book with your kids, by all means use it as a springboard for discussion with your kids,” she told the newspaper.   And afterwards, why not take the whole family down to the local strip club for dinner and a show?

Baer told that he believes the incident is proof that public schools are trying to indoctrinate children with moral relativism. “Many people in education and government truly believe our children are theirs,” he told the group. “These school incidents are a byproduct of this ‘we know best’ philosophy.”

So let’s review. An English teacher provided a sexually graphic novel to 14-year-old children. A parent complained. And when he complained too much, he was tossed in jail.    Sounds to me like the wrong person got arrested.

Todd Starnes is host of Fox News & Commentary, heard on hundreds of radio stations. Sign up for his American Dispatch newsletter, be sure to join his Facebook page, and follow him on Twitter. His latest book is "God Less America”.

We regret to inform you.....


     We are stuck in a situation that is most confounding.  Yesterday, very carefully, El Gringo Viejo determined that he would attempt to wade back into the Google +  theatre of operations.   We noted that even though we thought that we had shut it down some time back, it had become a hideaway for all kinds of real friends, and some strange things as well.
     As we tweaked this and fiddled with that, we were pleased to note that the Google +  site had had almost 95,000 contacts of the first order, and many more in terms of secondary contacts and readers/participants.   That was without any participation by El Gringo Viejo.

     Then, while we were in a "fix and refine" mood, it was decided to make one minor adjustment to a colour-tone on our blog.   At that point, the entire template adjustment system became dysfunctional and prohibited any modification save for some pallid, also dysfunctional default template that is absolutely useless and drab.   Worse, there is no seeming remedy.   We no longer have a template engine...even one with quirks that can be worked around.   The system is Kaput.

    We are digging around and looking for a way out.  It will not include anything to do with google +.  Or Chrome....because it just occurred to me that I was asked to send something by email on a return, and when we clicked on, the Chrome format appeared.   Please allow us to continue the hunt for the disappearing Cheshire Cat.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.  All adjunct contributors will have their material posted as it comes forward....even with the poofy backdrop we have been forced to use.
El Gringo Viejo