Friday 6 September 2013

A Brief Note Concerning the Mexican Teachers' Union

     The hideous thuggery represented by public employee unions was demonstrated in full force, once again, in Mexico City.   Various unions, student groups, trade union groups, veterans and their widows (of the Revolucion de 1910), and even environmentalists have freely imposed the rule of the Left upon the people of Mexico for generations.
     The first rule of the Left in public discourse, wherever such discourse takes place is, "What is mine is mine, and what is yours is negotiable."   This rule gives rise to the postulate, "....and when necessary or whenever we wish, we shall disturb your coming and going, take over your public spaces, take over your private spaces if it pleases our wants, and maintain our disturbance until we tire of it."
     The next postulate is,  "....and should it behove the exploited, who in the legal protest of their undeniable mistreatment at the hands of the (political entity)(elected official)(police and/or military)(corporation and/or business and/or executives) we shall disturb or destroy the effects, processes, and procedures of those precincts that pertain to the exploiters.   Such damages essentially are to property that belongs to the exploited, since we have paid for all such properties with our sweat, blood, tears, and broken bones."


This entire plaza can hold right at a million people, incredibly enough.  Try to see it
instead, with nothing but plastic sheets, and the teeming of 20,000 marxist beggars
 busily denying Mexico and the world access, egress, and process essentially because
 they want to be paid without reference to quality of work or even if they do not work.
It is the perfect arrogance of the marxist mindset, perfectly demonstrated. 

     The Heroico Senado de la Republica Mexicana was somewhat heroic in the past days.  In spite of the excesses of the marches and blockades and occupations of the commons throughout the inner third of this metropolitan area that exceeds 23,000,000 souls, the Heroic Senate voted 102 - 22 to pass the Educational Reforms Act that essentially stripped the largest teachers' union in the New World of much relevance in the pedagogic activities that fall into the realm of "public education".    Teachers will be evaluated and they will have standards to achieve.
     Their pension funds are to be taken directly to and under the supervision of the Secretaria de Hacienda.  This is because the previous head of the union Esther Gordillo essentially used the pension fund, a staggeringly huge reserve of ready cash, as her personal checking account, literally.  She had set up, along with a small cadre of accountants, an ingenious labyrinth of barriers and bunnyholes that allowed her to obfuscate and misdirect investigators in several countries for 12 years.  Those were the final twelve years of her twenty-five years as CEO of the Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores en la Educacion de la Republica.   She also managed, early on in her term as head of the union,  to run and win election to the Lower House in the Heroico Congresso, where she forced her way onto the Educational Affairs Committee. She looked like a madwoman and her behaviour was erratic, haughty, and  frequently threatening.   But, she grabbed and relished power, and used it as a battering ram, a terror tool, and as a path to wealth.   Sounded and looked a lot like Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer.
     Not long ago the teachers of Mexico were celebrating her arrest and her imprisonment for 30 years for several hundred findings of guilt relating to her machinations as union chief.   But, other demagogues came to the fore to carry on at least the victimology and Marxism message typical of the older labour unions in Mexico.   But, to reiterate, it was a good day to see that the Senate in Mexico, unifying the government party (PRI) and the rightwing opposition party (PAN) against the marxist Revolutionary Democratic Party (PRD) did vote 102 - 22 to crush the union and bring a new day to the Mexican educational system.   If they can take it back to 1955 it would be a victory for all, because back then we were always stunned at how much more they accomplished in nine years than we did in twelve.
Thank you all as ever for your kind attention and interest.
El Gringo Viejo

A Bit of Good News

    It is a happy thing that your humble commentator can report that Ted Cruz came to McAllen to address a minor fundraiser.  This was one of those X amount for a table operations, in this case 500 Yankee greenbacks for a table of eight.  It is a rather strange charging formula, but the tables all sold out.  There were many Border Patrol poohbahs, like District Commander and District Patrol Commander who either paid for their tickets or, Heaven forbid, bought a table.
     Various Hidalgo County  mayors and other elected poobahs were present, along with ranchers and farmers, and of course the exploiting class of slave owners and  prison labour contractors.   The great majority of the attendees were also Latinos.   Of all the attendees, the odds are that  about 40% were involved in cross-ethnic matrimonies.
    Ted Cruz, in English, went through his litany.   In a crowd of Anglos who are very comfortable in a Latino environment, and Latins who think some Anglos don't smell all that bad...the laughter, applause, and backslapping, and cheering was overwhelming.
     (1)   Enforce the immigration laws we have.   Secure the border.
    (2)   No path to citizenship for anyone who has been deported, who has lived illegally in the United States, who overstayed his/her visa, or who has any convictions for misdemeanours or felonies that involve violence or moral turpitude.   "What about the people who played by the rules?   What about the people who dodged or caught bullets wearing the uniform of the United States Military?" 
    (3)   Abolition of the Internal Revenue Service, first.  Then certain other of the well-known obstacles to the development of a self-reliant small business, tradesmen, and professional class should be eliminated.  Unleash the genius.
    (4)    Defund the Obama Socialised Medicine Initiative.   Oppose and fight to the end any increase in the United States Debt Limit.
    (5)    Absolutely no involvement in Syria.   If Syria attacks Lebanon, Jordan, or Israel in a sustained and systematic way, we should consider a defence of those friendly countries, but only after a vote authorising belligerence by the Congress.
       As a pretty fair minor league sociologist, social and demographic analyst,  and blowhard, it is my desire to remind the OROGs and some of the folks who sneak around the edges of this blog that the Republican Party has all the votes it can wring out of the Latin cohort of the electorate.
       It is why, sometimes,  I want rightwingers who speak in lumpgroupthink to just shut up.   When I hear them say things like, "If they are talking that gibberish, they should be rounded up and sent back to eat beans!!!"
      Or worse,  the lumpgroupthink Country Clubber "reasonable": Republicans who somehow fuse the kinder and gentler images of immigration, "your tired, and your hungry huddle masses", and some notion that the "Hispanic" has been horribly discriminated against for at least ....say 300 years in the United States....hence the term, 'historically under-utilised or under-employed Hispanic community."  You can't have it both ways, of course, on the one hand worrying about immigration issues for people who have been discriminated against by Republicans in the United States for the past 300 years when in fact if the immigrants are just now coming in they cannot be victims of historical discrimination in the United States.   Please Think....Country Club snooty snoots!!!!!
     "The Hispanic vote must be convinced that we are inclusive and that we are sensitive to Hispanic issues".
     That open door does not say "Welcome, people concerned with Hispanic issues."  The door is open, and as the person comes through the door he sees an easel with a writing board, and a greeting.   The greeting says "Welcome, everyone,    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
      The point is that, in Texas,  we have about 45% of the Latin vote, as best it can be defined with the considerable inter-marriage between nominally Anglo and nominally Latin peoples.   These people really are not concerned with "passing immigration reform".  We do not even know what that means to the people who speak in "bilge-blather".  They, themselves, do not know what they mean, except that they want to drag down the Republic with people that they themselves consider inferior to the task of being self-sufficient.   The "immigration reform" originators are almost entirely Marxists who are dedicated to the idea of turning the entire United States into a northern Honduras....or better, a giant favela like around Sao Paulo in Brazil.

     Ted Cruz and I, and the people at the meeting in McAllen - Mission the day before yesterday all see something better than that, and we are not anti-Latin or anti-legal immigration.   We are pro-Texian, howver, and we know how to do Texas, and we do it very well.

Thanks for your attention.
El Gringo Viejo 

Thursday 5 September 2013

Odds and Ends and Pieces that Fit, but We Don't Know Where

     The first thing that needs to be submitted before it charges, invisibly, out of my skull is the matter of the birds down at our little Adobe Hut.   Normally, El Gringo Viejo will say that we have a lot of nice birds and some new or interesting species. But for the last couple of months, we have had birds, but not the overwhelming numbers of species to which we have become accustomed.
     Then, on the other hand (a politician might say) we have had more species of butterflies, by a long shot, than any other year at our 12 year old place.   There have been many species of butterflies that have never crossed our radar before.  Then, on the  other , other hand the normally numerous Monarch Butterflies are few and far between.   Normally from March through August there is a huge flight that comes up from Michoacán State about 600 miles to our southwest.

     There have been the normal amount of long dry periods along with rainy spells with copious amounts of tropical rains at intervals...always just in time to keep El Gringo Viejo from becoming depressed and despondent.   It has not been anything beyond normally hot.  If anything, due to the chilly mornings, it has been slightly to the cool side of the normal.   By chilly mornings, we have had temperatures falling into the mid-fifties Fahrenheit, three or four times per week.

     Otherwise, besides the overload of doves and whitewings, and the panoply of really great birds and butterflies, the late Summer's burst of flowers and greenery  has been the second best show we have had.  It will be very nice during the rest of the year, if in fact we can receive a regular dose of angel tears during the  Autumnal episode.


     Concerning Alfredo Caro Quintero, and the uproar about his having been released early after serving 28 years of a 40 year sentence for murder with aggravating circumstances.   Forty years, in Mexico, is essentially a capital sentence.   The sudden release of the thuggish bum  caught many...,perhaps all....interested parties off guard.    It was disappointing on several levels.

     That a federal court would set aside a verdict on the basis that the trial "should have been held in Jalisco State Courts since there was no federal crime per se that had been violated" was a flimsy sham.  The stretch they used the first time (back in the 1980s) that any felony committed during the operation of a conspiracy or the involvement in crimes of trafficking hallucinogens, narcotics, or inebriates... or other substances that are injurious to the health of families or individuals, those crimes can be addressed by the authority of the federation and penalties assigned in keeping with the norms of the State wherein the crimes were alleged to have occurred.    So there really was no such error in trial or sentencing.
     The news that Caro-Quintero was suddenly whisked away and evaporated from the consciousness of Mexico is not true.  It was carried on the wire services, especially on Associated Press and McClatchy, but it is the best understanding that Mexican military investigators have shadowed Caro-Quintero's every move.   On top of that, there are four or five other legal entities who want their piece of the thug as well, including Interpol.
     The story is that Caro-Quintero is very debilitated from the strutting bully that he was 28 years ago.  Combined effects of various types of venereal disease are blamed for his dilapidated appearance (we remember the before and after pictures of Alphonse Capone, for instance).   Other stories include the probability that he has some kind of dark organ cancer as well, and was considered to be terminal.  Costa Rica also declared that that nation would not allow Caro-Quintero to return;  his properties there had been confiscated anyway.
     A bevy of Federal Prosecutors made a written and personally presented appeal directly to the Supreme Court, challenging the release, and the Supreme Court Justices quickly acceded to the petition.   They have also given a guarantee of rapid adjudication of the petition for re-detention and a setting aside of the ruling of the federal judge in Guadalajara.   It is my best understanding at this time that the written arguments have already been presented and read.   There may soon follow an opportunity for the judges to question the prosecutors if there is a need for extra information or explanation.  So sometime before this month is out we may be able to see Caro Quintero "re-encarcelado" and perhaps even prepared for delivery to the Gringos....who are holding an approved extradition request that is about 10 years old, but still valid.  The Mexican compliance with extradition during the past ten or twelve years has been phenomenal, quite frankly, and we must hope that Obama doesn't do any more to give the powers that be in Mexico to cease with that co-operation.
     Frankly, it would be just as well if he were to die in prison, awaiting extradition.
     Now, concerning other activities beyond the silly-if-it-weren't-so-sad Syrian mess, we would like to re-direct the attention of the OROGs back to the original messes.  So long as we are deriving joy that Obama is proving to the world that he is a chronic, pathological liar,  and that once and for all even the low-information voter can tell without doubt that Obama is a slug, allow El Gringo Viejo to advise one and all...."It does not matter!   The dullards and committed marxists will do not care that Obama is a deranged incompetent who lies. and lies poorly at that.   They simply do not care.  Anything that Obama does that we would consider a moral transgression or a personality defect or a character flaw,  the Low Information Voter considers all that to be what Obama has to do to overcome racism, to protect himself and his family, to fight for the little guy who is being trampled by the millionaires and billionaires.   The Low Information Voter cannot think beyond the veneer.  They think the blood in All Star Wrestling is real, and they believe in Hope and Change.
     But!  We must continue to press our esteemed legislators to hold the line on the budget and on  the debt ceiling and the absolute necessity to not fund the Obama Socialised Medicine Initiative.   Yes,  even now, or especially now that the eyes of the world are watching to see if the Obsolete Press will allow Obama to get away with another slushy, mushy quagmire manoeuvre that involves misstating the case, blaming the Republicans for wanting to starve minority children and grandma, along with wanting to shut the government down so that the people cannot have what they want.
     Which, of course is humorous, because all this Obama Socialised Medicine Initiative was originally pegged to "do something" about the 35,000,000 people who do not have "health care".  Of course, those 35,000,000 had better "health care" than all of us.   If a miracle baby has a temperature of to the emergency room.   The folks with "no health care" would wait around for a bit, and then they would get to go behind the  curtains, and then the child would be cured, and they would go home.   No charge.   They would complain about having to wait, but of course, they do not know how long we have to wait for any medical consultation or treatment, because of them.   Because, in reality they go first.
     And the really funny thing for Nancy Pelosi to explain to her grandchildren?   Well, it's the fact that with full implementation of the Obama Socialised Medicine Initiative there will still be about 40,000,000 people without "free health care" as the Democrat Congressmen and operatives call it.
Just a few asides for our readers.  It is always a pleasure to have you over.  Come back when you can stay longer.
El Gringo Viejo

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Liar, Liar, Pants suffocated by Sarin Gas.....

George Bush was the one who exploded the gas canisters and killed the children.  We all know that.

Barak Hussein Obama,
     Please spare us.   Please don't send out your campaign staff on a national security issue.  Are you devoid of even a speck of morality or even ethics or class?   Do you always have to deflect and lie?  Why do your shallow intellectual processes always lead you back to the point of supporting the Muslim Brotherhood?
     Oh!  And by the way, your press conference gave you a chance to surpass (Sir Edmund)Hillary in the use of the subjective case "I" and the objective case "me" which, of course, sets a new all-time record in any language on the narcissometer.  You also said "uh'' 594 times, and the more emphatic "uh, uh" 226 times.   You should do that more.  It makes you look so much younger, and sound so much more like your voter base.
     Do you wear your golf cleats while you read the teleprompter.  Does your mouth go dry when the teleprompter starts going too fast?
Please go away.  Sooner rather than later.
El Gringo Viejo

Beware the White, Liberal / Progressive / Social Engineer Elitists : They want to eat your children.

      The continued use of Trayvon Martin as a sanctified icon of the secular religion of the left is self-defeating, insulting to those capable of critical thought, and a useless investment of human energy.  We would point out that Trayvon was not minded by his parents.   Even as they extolled him as an exemplary, nearly perfect personality (My boy pulled his Daddy out of the fire.  He saved my life), even the Obsolete Press could not stick enough fingers in the dike to cover up the reality of the boy's criminal behaviour.
     Not only was he not the nicest boy in the church choir, he was more like the three boys who nearly beat the boy to death on the school bus some weeks back;  probably worse.  Trayvon had a history of beating up nerds and physically abusing girls and selling drugs and marijuana on campus and something considerably larger than petty theft.
     He was wandering around with the fixings for a popular-with-druggies meth-load, late at night, while waiting out a ten-day expulsion from school....(the last measure before final complete expulsion and/or referral to juvenile criminal process).   The meth load, by the way, is Arizona Watermelon Cocktail drink, Sudafed, and Skittles candies.   Mixed together and shaken (not stirred) vigorously the devil's brew produces a rush that produces various effects, all bad.   Among those effects is a drunk-like stupor, waves of aggression, feelings of paranoia, and hallucinations usually of past images in the mind but distorted.  Good stuff.   Much better than Thunderbird or CML.
     We return to the point, made several weeks back, that Trayvon while on expulsion from school, had no responsible adult who was willing to supervise him.   His mother had no time for him. She was an important and overpaid, public union, city-county employee working in the water and utility department.   She was  used to being overpaid and underworked and being able to complain about it, and she did not have time to take some troublesome whelp under her wing and whip him in to shape.
     The father, even less so.   He says that Trayvon and his cousin went out, they said that they would probably go to the movies, and when they did not come back he figured that "....they would probably come back later."   (?)
     Is this how normal parents treat a child who has one foot hanging over the slammer?  His next felony was going to mean hard time in the big house to-night.  The next felony was gong to be him being tried in adult court.  Then he really would "come back later",
     And now we are treated to this new "awakening" of the campaign.  Yes, please tell me to let it rest.   I shall.  But this blog entry is not really about Trayvon Martin, or Tracy Martin, or Sybrina Fulton.   It is about mainly white liberal/progressive/social engineers.
Yes, I know.  She forgot the apostrophe in sun's.

The lamentable answer to this poor, unknowingly deranged woman is the following:
     While the nominally black race constitutes about 11% of the population of the United States of America, the odds are that 1 of your 13 suns will not be killed.   There is, however, a heightened chance, as opposed to other racial and ethnic groupings.
      One of the thirteen sons has over 6,000 % ( 60X) higher probability of being murdered or killed inadvertently per 100,000 Black people as does an American of principally Japanese ancestry.   He has 5,000% (50X) greater chance than if he were to be a Caucasian of any ethnic background, including Latins who count themselves within the white race.   And, isolating the Latin group of any description, he has a 4,300% (43X) higher chance of being killed.
     The odds of a black person who is killed by violence having his assailant drawn from the Negro cohort of the population is 96 to 4 in favour.    Interestingly, the odds of a Caucasian person of any ethnicity being murdered or unjustifiably killed by a Black person has steadily risen from the single digits in the 1950s to now better than even....even being 50 - 50.
     So we should all run out  and hate black people or Trayvon or his family?   No.   We should all run out and scruff up every haughty liberal who puts our money where his mouth is...who feeds the children....who takes care of the multigenerational single babymother with someone else's money, and then pats himself on the back.   All haughty progressives / liberals / social engineers have all this blood on their hands and they should be deported to Somalia, where they could do some good....or not.
     So, lady holding the sign. Go home, sue your school district, sue the NAACP, sue the Democrat National Socialist Party who promised to "take care" of you.  I seem to think you are the same woman who was on the television news not long ago, asking the camera "Whose gonna feed all these children?"  I seem to recall that you prohibited your brothers from taking your children by taking legal measures against them when they were trying to show that you were non compos mentis. You were afraid of losing your  public assistance benefits, which are considerable.
    It all weaves together.   Willing serfs, arrogant lords, crime, sloth, indolence.  All part of the "landslide" vote for Obama....Hillary to Chappaqua, Obama to Martha's Vineyard, Kerry to a boat slip in Rhode Island.
El Gringo Viejo

Tuesday 3 September 2013

What is the point? What difference, at this point, could it possibly make....?

     Remember folks, the alternative is to dedicate the last 10 years of life to re-establishing the 2nd Republic of Texas  (or parliamentary monarchy, really don't care at this juncture).
      If the best the Grand Old Party can do is to have Boehner and Cantor trundle up to the microphone and mumble about giving the President the authority to whatever, especially if it has defined chrystallic methodicalery of the laubrique influence.  And we are sure everyone will agree that trebbuscity is the most critical horbatic thurbsplyut of this issue.
      So, now we have to hold our breathe and see exactly how Boehner and Cantor are going to be really tough as they tweak the Obama Socialised Medicine Offensive to keep the good parts and fix the bad parts so that babymothers can have my son and daughter not only pay for their useless old parents' free medical attention, but also all the babymothers and babyfathers and slugs who have degrees in left-handed basket weaving but will not take a manager's trainee job at Lowe's because it only pays 29,000 USD/yr.   Besides they have "free" insurance on mommy and daddy's "free" medical policy.
    With Republican opposition this stiff, we'll be able to hold the overall deficit to well below 200,000,000,000,000 USD (two hundred trillion) by 2020.  Oh!!! Forgot about the Bin Laden's Memorial Parque at Arlington.  That's another 10 trillion.   The building that houses the Al Sharpton Concession Stand there in front of the Arlington Mansion (now re-named Al and Jesse's Hot Wings and Babes Entertainment Centre) will also have valet parking, and we will have people who opposed the National Free Ride Act providing rickshaw to and from the Bin Laden Memorial.  The rickshaws will be powered by crackers and Latin and Black conservatives who have been determined to be Traitors to the Race....the worst crime in the world.   NO TIPPING!!!!!  Let the dogs suffer and wait for their scraps.
      Boehner, we are unaware what Valerie Jarrett has on you from your FBI raw data file.  Whatever it is, try to override your own sense of embarrassment and think of the Republic. I implore you....think of the Republic. 
      You are walking into a door.  Read some of the more responsible and less irresponsible releases coming out of the Mid-East.  Listen, think, do the right thing.  Unless you are one of the Manchurian Candidate's pre-appointed handlers....what is your point of existence if you cannot stand up to a poseur who has been caught like a deer in the headlights in this Syrian matter?  He was caught siding with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and you are allowing this fraud to crawl out from underneath  the rubble of the collapsed building that he himself built!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
     Romney whimped out and said he even agreed with getting rid of Mubarek...WOW!!!! Great foreign policy statement.  Oh! And Romney was going to keep the good parts of the Obama Socialised Medicine Initiative.  Do I have to lug a vomitoreum around with me for all my remaining days!!!!????
     Will all the people on the floor of the House of Representatives of the Congress of the increasingly useless central government in Washington, D.C. who have any testosterone left...please stand up and fight?
       There is nothing in the Syrian issue worth defending.  Send 10,000,000 greenback dollars to the Docteurs Sans Frontieres and forget about it.
Happy trails.
El Gringo Viejo