Thursday 29 November 2012

Shovel Ready

     As a child, while living on the farm, among the animals and the mess, we noticed that there was a goodly amount of shovel ready material.   Our neighbour had a dairy farm.   Shovel ready was abundant there as well.
     Listed below is what those of use who follow the markets day in and day out...who have a modicum of understanding about the international business scene...have seen increasingly since Obama's regime came into power.    Bush and Clinton and Bush were bad enough.  Especially Clinton, but Obama and his gang of marxists and compliant "American Business Men Useful Idiot Running Dogs (standard terms used for Americans and American business people in Red China)" are in a league of their own.  
     The especially vile hypocrisy of "defending American 'jobs'" with the expropriation of General Motors by the White House Agrarian Reformers....and the use of such a campaign plank by the UAW and the Obama Re-election team....can be shown for what it has been, is, and will increasingly become.   Lots and lots of shovel ready stuff....all in foreign Red China.
GM venture in China plans $1 billion auto plant
The Associated Press - 4 hours ago
     None of these "investments in shovel ready jobs" will keep Detroit from being shuttered and  turned into a landfill in ten years.  This is even being considered the governor of Michigan.   And the factories and outlays in Red China will have cracked walls, weeds, and broken windows....lieing vacant like almost all of their facilities they have put up with great fanfare in Mexico over the years.  There they put up a little operation, build some stuff and ship it out, and then disappear overnight.  People come to the factory in the morning and find the offices empty, all files and computer records gone.   It happened so much that they really aren't involved any longer in on- shore production in Mexico and a number of other Latin American countries.
    Obama plays the UAW workers for the fools they are. Not the Union bosses...they know the game.   They are all crooks and marxists playing the labour union shell game, counting on the predictably intellectually dull, selfish, small, easily-led, mainline union dullard who compose the majority of the ranks of the UAW. (Yes, we know that 34% still vote Republican, and we are referring to the majority of the ranks)
     Even with recent gains in the stock's value, the chance of General Motors ever climbing out of the bottom of the canyon is nil.  They will not let go of the VOLT and they are having their lunches eaten by labour costs in the United States and their "advances" are dated, at best, even as they roll off the assembly.   Dealerships are inundated and sales are sluggish even with all kinds of incentives, financing promotions, and "discounts". 
    Where's the light switch?   It's startin' to be that time.

Continuing to Come Out of the Closet

Yes, we are coming out of the closet.   We have mentioned it in the past, hinted at the fact, but we now have the luxury of being an old fool who is relatively independent of any linkage.   We can say and do things that could not be said or done years back...and certainly not in public.
     Below the red line is a letter written to some very dear friends with whom we have had, albeit at a distance, business and social relations for some time.   We communicate about family and the socio/political situation at times.  During recent days we were urged to communicate by them with our elected representatives about a pressing issue before the American Congress.   We had already done so, and now have re-done so...our political inclinations are very similar.

    However, we felt that it was time to tell them that we had fallen off the wagon, flipped our lid, cut off our nose to burn the bridge ....or is it burned our bridges to spite our face?   Can't ever seem to keep those things straight.
     In any regard, so that more will know...these things are going on throughout the Republic of Texas at this time.   Thousands of such conversations, informative communications, confessions, re-thinkings and contemplations on the part of a people who woke up on the morning of 7 November past and realised that the United States of Ameria had seceeded from Texas.
“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There was never a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.”
--John Adams

Read more here:     The American Republic has put us in the position of paying for them....of sending us their problems...and then ridiculing us for being rubes.
     So, the OROGs are informed of the final decision of El Gringo Viejo.  I'm not taking my flintlock to the mountains to fight off the blue coats...or any variation of that.   I am, however, going to spend what little time an old man has to re-establish what David Hawkins Crockett knew had to be done.   We owe it to the Cherokee the sons of Lexington and the hundreds upon thousands of Confederate dead who had no slaves and/or loathed the "peculiar institution" and should have been allowed to deal with it in their own way...we owe it to all American dead who fought against tyranny of behalf of the people of the Orient and Europe....all of this is being wasted.    Wasted...on a naked Emperor who has no magnificent raiment....and a hopelessly addicted ....increasingly addicted.... populace that is more and more disposed to chant..."I need!  I want!  I deserve!" and to expect someone else to pay for those needs, wants, and desires.
     Much of our ire is reserved for the effeminate, marshmallowy GOP, which brings a piece of wet, cold spaghetti to a fight where the other side uses any and every means, including crowds of  filthy, perverse, anarchistic vermin who shriek falsities and threats...and otherwise do "God's work" (according to Nancy Pelosi).    Any political party whose leaders can speak in respectful terms about a marxist in the presidency or about either or both of the Clintons, is lost in a haze from which they can never return. 
Here is my "coming out confession" to our friends.

Hello to all,
We sent a refresher to various of our hapless representatives and senators. We have another close friend without contact for two-score years with whom we co-ordinate attacks on the various Constitutional imperatives required in any true republic.
We had become somewhat deflated after the election. We have a string of liberal Republicans who have lost elections now....and this last one even lost to Obama when Obama's vote count fell by over 3,000,000 votes as opposed to his count in 2008. Romney had more votes than McCain in 2008, Obama had 3,000,000 fewer, and the "moderate" Republican still lost. And of course the party poobahs and shamans blamed the Tea Party, the Rightwing Crazies, and the Constitutionalists for the GOP's own lackluster performance.
We are genuinely of the opinion that 5 to 8 million of "our types" just 'kinda drifted off into the darkness'  after Romney began to go pinky in the debates...("Yes, I agree that you did a good thing in getting rid of Mubareck")....and when the Romney people kept on with the line of ...."First we'll rescind Obamacare and then we'll redo it with the things that were good about it"...and so forth. The failure to openly connect with our snake-handlers, foot washers, and alleluia people also was a kick in the face to them....after they made overtures aplenty that they would go ahead and support a "cultist" over a communist....But they didn't. The whole campaign was limp-wristed, like the two week victory lap before the election and the failure to warn Christi that if Christi were to kiss Obama's big toe with reference to the "Queen for a Day Hurricane Relief Effort"...then Christi would certainly face vigorous opposition in the primaries coming up for governor of New Sludgeburg.
It became apparent, and fairly well disseminated, that Romney's "team" would make sure that the "Michelle Maulken nuts" would never darken the door of the White House and that a Romney Administration would be more involved in "reaching across the aisle" than either Bush II or Obama. So that is the unspoken story. Our own people...among the whom of which is I...are the ones who just drifted off down the beach, collecting shells, and humming Dixie....until by voting time, they had drifted unseen into the fog.  The Better Half and I did vote this last time for Romney and the complete Republican ticket, especially Mr. Cruz.
        Folks, You all might as well know. We are dedicated at this point to commit to the Welsh and Scottish solution....except to take it a step further. There is an increasingly active and an increasingly sophisticated movement to re-establish the Republic of Texas. Texas has a bigger GNP than Canada, and a larger GNP even than Mexico. It is sinking in even on our Texas liberal element that the welfare state is going to cause ruin for Texas and their "constituent groups". It is sinking in with our psuedo-conservative, country club Republicans that the business-control group will be the first to be sacrificed to the guillotine when the bakeries run out of cake in Washinton, D.C.
      The United States looks upon Texas as a goose that lays golden eggs. That is not a good thing to be when the 47% decide that 17 meals a day is not enough for the We Breed 'm, You Feed 'em R'Us group. We might can still control that group here, and tell the HEB's and other parasitic businesses that live off of food stamps and subsidies that they need to change keys and octaves on their pianos. It is the only hope we have to maintain any sense of an English Common Law - Natural Law Civilisation on the North American Continent.
     Mexico and Canada are edging to the Right, while the United States is hurtling into the abyss of national socialism faster than Germany did. It just leaves no alternative for an old man. 16 minutes a day in politics will be spent in the Texas Nationalist Movement. As you know, our grandchildren through the Boss are 13th generation Texian, and by my line they are 6th generation. We are studied, but we choose to be parochial. The Republican Party views us as bullet catchers and cannon fodder and rubes. They do not take active measures of any kind to defend and promote basic liberties that are required in any free country. And they hold us up to ridicule, even within our own ranks. Time is up. The game is over.
       We shall continue to support the right-most candidates on the American national theatre, but our efforts will be spent in withdrawal and in fostering support for a non-socialist, non-public welfare society within these borders.   The borders of Texas.
We remain trusting in your good health and prosperity. It is always a pleasure to hear from and we think and speak of you all often.
El Gringo Viejo
Thanks as always for your time, patience, and attention.
El Gringo Viejo

Wednesday 28 November 2012

New Truisms

     Anyone who thinks that the government can do a better job with money than can a normally well-off individual with a higher wealth and/or income level than the majority of the population is a fool, a slug, a syphilitic paramecium, a jackass, or a marxist.  Anyone who demands that those who are better off than the norm be taxed in order to "pay their fair share" is delusional, an intellectually dysfunctional amoeba, and a brain-damaged seed wart, who is devoid of the most basic sense of moral reason.
     The insidiousness of the progressive notions that led to the income tax is now presenting itself.  It is based upon a strange notion that a person's income first belongs to the central government.   The possessions, including the money, of all true persons belong to their owners.
      There is no quicker way to establish a peon class than to make a slothful person comfortable in his sloth. To attend to that person in his necessities...his feeding, his medical needs, his accommodation, is a death sentence.   It kills the soul.   Without a soul, the homo sapien is a lower life form, but certainly not a descendent from the Orderer of the Cosmos.
      A mother gives a child his heart.   A father give a child his soul.
      All ills affecting the American condition at this time have either been worsened or caused by programs authorised and/or administered by the central government located in Washington, District of Columbia.
      How can FEMA help?   What can FEMA do?  How did Anyplace, USA ever get on with life after a disaster, in the days before FEMA?  FEMA is another agency designed to make the citizenry beg The Great White Father for a few crumbs of largess provided by people who were forced to pay for said largess at the point of a gun and/or by the certainty of prison.
      Were the Social Security Program to be operated by a public agency or by a private person or business within the confines of the Republic of Texas, the operator, or public entity, would be charged and without doubt convicted of felony fraud.
    If only we could legalise marijuana consumption and tax its purchase, then all of our budget problems would be over.
    If only we were to have a small Statewide sales tax, that alone would pay for all the State's operations, along with the royalties on oil production from State-held royalty rights; that solved all of our problems forever, back in 1961.
    It worked forever again,  when we legalised parimutual betting on horse racing and dog racing, thereby funding the operations again for all eternity, in 1987.
    It worked even better when we secured public funding for public education by Ann Richards's pledge to save the public schools with proceeds from a State Lottery.   Right? School funding solved, forever, in 1991.   
     If only we could legalise liquor by the drink, those taxes on that vice alone would pay for 30% of the State's budget.  That solved the problem forever....back in 1970.
     If only we had just a minute tax on tobacco, no one would even notice it,  the operation of the State's finances would be solved forever.  So we have a tobacco tax, and a tobacco tax law-suit settlement.   Both have produced billions and billions of dollars to feed 300 pound sixth graders.  We should be proud.
     Now...if only we could just edge the camel's nose just a little further into the "business gross margin tax" Tent,  to a more realistic level, and institute Casino Style Gambling along with that really would solve the funding problem for all those people in need out there in TV land.
     Each of these ideas are made to sound good to the dolts of us who compose the dolts who compose the non-political body politic.   Think of all the jobs it will provide!  Think of all the economic impact it will cause!
    The last truism is a combination of lies...purposeful lies.   In all cases, liquor by the drink, pari-mutual race betting, Texas lottery, and even the stupidity of a sales tax  (taking money out of an area so as to be commended when it is sent back)....the result is always dirty buildings with grey defeated people coming in to buy liquor by the drink, lottery tickets that never pay and even when they do, wind up destroying the winners 80% of the time, leaving them as the losers that they always were, and ever will be.   Hence, the term "idiot tax".
     If we want these things, let's just do private business.  Enforce the laws of fraud and theft.  But why tax them?   So as to hire accountants to count the money that is derived from the tax?   To pay for some previously unheard of "urgent need?"..."Head Start"?
     Folks, we have to re-establish the idea that the government is not here to create jobs, business, or to help people have a safety hammock.  In so doing, it simply provides the road to perdition, selfishness, class warfare, and the dull, grey reality of 1957 Eastern European drabness.    It was called  'social democracy', which translates into realspeak as  "everybody's poor".  Lots of dirty parks, buildings, and filthy rest-rooms.   Governments are for providing a public record, a judicial system that provides equal justice before the law to all who come forth, domestic peace and tranquility, and in thq cases of home-rule cities, an orderly provision of water, sewer, and garbage pickup.   Paved streets with curbs and gutters if the people want them as well.    The central government's job was to be to provide for a common defence and a postal service.
We've come a long way, baby!
El Gringo Viejo

Tuesday 27 November 2012

      We are beginning to prepare for our jaunt down to our little hideaway on the face of the Sierra Madre Oriental.   Our man has been there far too long for one stay, and it is all due to a series of small problems and obligations for El Gringo Viejo to address on this side of the Rio Grande.   It may well mean having to be out of circulation for Christmas and the Holiday Season in general.  With better order being restored there is even a chance that we might go back to having folks stay with us for all or part of the festivities, which in Mexico really start up with the day of the Virgin de Guadalupe  (12 December), or what the Anglicans would style (when there was such a thing as an Anglican or Episcopal Church) as the Apparition of Saint Mary of Tepeyac.

A very small portion of a principally Indian group of worshippers coming
to the Basilica de Guadalupe on the 12th of December, any year

File:Our Lady of Guadalupe.JPG
This is the actual "'tilma" of Juan Diego, enshrined upon its own
altar made of different types of lumber drawn from every nation
 in the Americas, from Canada to Argentina
     A good treatise that is reasonably short yet complete about the events surrounding the various aspects of the Apparition can be found in a book under the title of "Roses for Mexico" by Ethel Cook Eliot.   It is classified as a fiction, but I have no idea why.   It is something between a gushy puff piece written by a Roman Catholic apologist fused with the reasonable understanding of conditions and events of those days in the 1530s in the high, cold, dank precincts of the new and burgeoning capital of New Spain....La Ciudad de Mexico.
     While the book has drawbacks, it is readable, has errors in history based on common understandings of the mid-1900s, and stays aimed at the intelligent swimmer entering into the shallow end of the pool.    It is a very good prologue for that intelligent person who would like to do deeper study into the phenomena.   Phenomena, did I say?   One should consider that 30,000,000 pilgrims, worshippers, tourists, and interested others arrive on the grounds and at the Basilica annually.  Official Church estimates of the numbers of visitors are kept around 12,000,000 to 15,000,000 but some say that this is to keep leftist politicians from ranting about "cultism" and currency with "In the Pope We Hope" instead of "Sufragio Efectivo, No Re-eleccion!"    The official count makes this Basilica the 2nd most visited in the entirety of Chistendom, following Saint Peter's in Vatican City.
      The smock, or tilma, of now Saint Juan Diego is still there to be seen, as it is by millions upon millions each year.   It has been analysed, investigated, purged, and surged, UV'd, IR'd, spectrachromaticised, curse't, damned, bless't, defended, threatened, defended again, and generally made into a symbol of Mexico and Christianity for now nearly 500 years.

     In any regard these celebrations for Saint Mary take place on the day 12 December, and after that Mexico generally goes 1/4 speed ahead, as 100,000,000 people take it easy until the day after the First Day of Epiphany (Three Kings) on the 6th of January.   After that the same 100,000,000 have to take off a week or so around St. Valentine's, just to rest up from their exhaustion from the December/January episode.

Tomorrow more about Father Obamaham and about Mexico.   Thanks for your attention.
El Gringo Viejo

Monday 26 November 2012

Moral High Ground

“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There was never a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.”
--John Adams

Read more here:

     Humour is something like listening to a pinko, obsolete media reporteress solemnly pointing out that the Democrats, as usual, have staked out the Moral High Ground in the matter of shaking down people who have anything more than the next person.  
      One of the most important things to a socialist politician is to have considerable sums of someone else's money to distribute to one kind or another of a victim class.   The socialist/marxist cares little about the exploited victim, but a great deal about having control over the poor victim and the disgusting person who has things.    After all, the socialist has been endowed by the Great Power Which Existeth Not with supernatural knowledge about how cultures should be arranged and who should be at the top of the pecking order.


     We, on this humble theatre, would like simply to point out that it is far nobler for those of us who have little, to defend those who have much, when we have nothing to gain.   We know that money taken from those who have much is destined to profligacy and payment for all manner of self-defeating, injurious activity.   It is the nature of "social democratic" governments.
     We would like to point out that the only true task and obligation of the central government was to have been the provision of a common defence for the several sovereign States and to operate a postal service.   Certain duties and tariffs were to be levied, and the northern interests fought over this with the South, because the South was disposed to free trade while the northern interests wanted great walls of protective tariffs so as to lessen competition from foreign finished goods,  (as an aside).

    The purity of the demagoguery of the Obamacrats is the conceited notion that we who can read and write would think that raising taxes on the "rich" will in any wise affect either the national debt or the national running fiscal deficit.   The best any of the proposals put forth from the White House would provoke perhaps 300 hours worth of extra income, but even that is in doubt due to diminished overall economic activity that would be caused by raising said taxes on the productive investing class.   In short, the productive investing class will not productively invest.

     The willingness of any Republican to play any kind of ball with these charlatan national socialist madmen is disheartening.   Any position taken by any Republican will certainly be, is certainly being, ridiculed and derided by the Obsolete Press.   Nothing can be gained by being "reasonable and inclusive and bi-partisan".   The only thing the national socialist madmen truly fear is that the Republicans will put up a fight.   The Rightwing crazies and common Republicans rising up and digging their heals in is the only way to derail this artificial Windmill made of sugar that Geitner and Bernacke have invented to essentially generate support of Quantitative Easing XVII .
     It'd the Fiscal Cliff don't you see?...If we don't spend another 1,000,000,000,000 on useless projects and corporate and union welfare....then you see,  just put in that small amount into shovel ready projects and unemployment compensation and areas that have good union wages and provide investments for sustainable energy projects and the rebuilding of the Nation's infrastructure, THEN, and only then,  we can finally arrive a place where we can be proud of America for the first time in our adult lives.
       If Republicans cannot unite to fight against such bilge and intellectually defective garbage, then it really is time to move closer to an independent Republic of Texas or the establishment of a Constitutional Conservative national party to replace the useless RINOs.

Thanking everyone as always for passing through these precincts.   Every viewer is appreciated.
El Gringo Viejo 

No Respect Earned, None Given


     There is a fine old American institution, whereby Americans think that it is good to "respect" the office of the Presidency, and that somehow refraining from calling a cad a cad, or a fraud a fraud is the meaning of such an epithet.
     Such refrain is not the meaning of the concept of "respecting the institution".  Respecting the institution is pretty much limited to the idea of desisting from removing the President by means of unjustifiable force.   It can be construed as waiting for the normal cycles to approve, renew, or disapprove and replace the present president, and to accept the victory or defeat of this or that candidate by virtue of the rulings, procedures, and votes of the Electoral College.

     As an aside, most of us know that the libs, pinkoes, and lefties hate the Electoral College.  They know that everybody is equal all the time and that we should have direct elections for president, just like a real country.   A professor told me one time that it was stupid to have a place that used to be a school evolve into being an arbiter of a national election.   Ah! The dulcet lure of fraternite', equalite', et liberte'.

    So, from this fountain of vitriol and other spewing gastric acids, we point out that no one who is completely unaccomplished, who has no agenda save for the destruction of the American Republic, and who knows nothing beyond the agenda of demogogic marxism deserves any of my respect.   Quite frankly, he deserves no one else's respect.   He has gamed the system by trusting in a certain residual willingness to be doubly fair when dealing with certain people.   He and his peeps knew and know that the American people will put up with being called racist white-trash Klanner dullard neanderthals scum selfish fascists by a supposedly brilliant black man until the cow that jump over the moon comes home and closes the barn door after herself.   The marxists who seek Utopia know this and, of course, use it to their advantage.   They know that while elections are still taking place they need to combine the following in order  to "win" approval.

    (1)    demonisation of the opponent as an uncaring, detached wealthy person
              who made his wealth by fraud and exploitation of the masses.

   (2)    promising to the oppressed and exploited the return of the profits
             made by the exploiters and the millionaires and billionaires.

   (3)   promising, to the oppressed and exploited, free telephones food,
            housing, education about how to obtain public assistance,
            heating, cooling, transportation, medical services, and
            carnival palace tattoos and fingernail jobs.

   (4)   promising to "make the rich pay their fair share", by finally
            forcing them to pay taxes, just like the rest of the people.

   (5)   promising to extend unemployment benefits to beneficiaries
            on a permanent basis, along with "drive-through disability"
            benefits at Social Security Multi-service benefit dispensaries
            located by every liquor store and lottery dispensary in America.

   (6)    promising to balance the budget by raising taxes on the rich.
             (see #4)

   (7)   promising to give unmarried and married women free abortions
            contraceptives, child care, world peace, absolute independence
            from men, and free shopping, and know...unless,
            whatever...and no men...unless...and everything.

File:Beguiling of Merlin.jpg
The Lady of the Lake beguiles Merlin
during one of her trips ashore.
   This above group combines well with the "gimmeeverythingforfreenow!'' 70% of all labour union members, although there might be some duplication with the 25% abovementioned.   Tack on the stupid and ignorant wise-fools who stumble around in the universities memorising communist cant and canon as if it were newly discovered wisdom recovered from a rock with a sword stuck in it, taken out of a lake with a beautiful lady-spirit living there. This will produce a base of 25% of the electorate that can barely wipe up their own drool. It will also fold in the single women and women who are essentially in a remorseless quest of extending their hatred of their mothers and their own wrinkles into a crusade against whatever catches the microwaves generated by whatever hormone froth seems to be spilling out of the cauldron at the openning scenes from MacBeth.
       Included in this latter group are thrippets who think that my daughter should pay for her birth control pills when, while my daughter paid her own way through school, is married, has a family, has a professional level position, a husband who complies with the complete traditional assignment and on, and on....while the thrippets want free pills at Georgetown University where the Jesuit Beelzebuddies perversify not only Roman Catholic dogma, but other things as well.


     There is no "fiscal cliff" arriving.  It arrived with the establishment of the Federal Reserve Bank and the deification of the Green Back Dollar.   Our present problems could be solved by cutting all central government spending by 8% across the board...everything...and reducing the income tax to 20% maximum, and abolishing the capital gains tax on secondary gains.  Abolition of taxes on any form of business, including small, medium, and large corporations would also solve the problems.
     The rule is that any money sent to the central government will have a tendency to be misspent.  The more money that is sent to the central government will increase the tendency.  Sending money to the central government is the beginning of that process by which leaches and parasites who "really need" the money to build Solyndra Plants and buy lottery tickets with food stamps,  gain their fix.

    No excess money in Washington, D.C. -   No starving children, no 24 year-old inter-generational grandmothers, no Solyndras, no ethanol, no housing crisis, no 300 pound sixth graders, no fairness and diversity and tolerance sex-education classes for 3rd graders, no duplication of 70 programs involved in ''job-training", no studies of examination committees checking into the studies of reviews of the policy initiatives relevant to the peripheral impact of peripherilisation.

Thanks for Being Here.  More later.
El Gringo Viejo