Monday 12 November 2012

‘Destroy the idols,’ Egyptian jihadist calls for removal of Sphinx, Pyramids

Murgan Salem al-Gohary, an Islamist leader twice-sentenced under former President Hosni Mubarak for advocating violence, called on Muslims to remove such “idols.”  (Courtesy: Dream TV)
Murgan Salem al-Gohary, an Islamist leader twice-sentenced under former President Hosni Mubarak for advocating violence, called on Muslims to remove such “idols.” (Courtesy: Dream TV)
An Egyptian jihad leader, with self-professed links to the Taliban, called for the “destruction of the Sphinx and the Giza Pyramids in Egypt,” drawing ties between the Egyptian relics and Buddha statues, local media reported this week.

Murgan Salem al-Gohary, an Islamist leader twice-sentenced under former President Hosni Mubarak for advocating violence, called on Muslims to remove such “idols.”

“All Muslims are charged with applying the teachings of Islam to remove such idols, as we did in Afghanistan when we destroyed the Buddha statues,” he said on Saturday during a television interview on an Egyptian private channel, widely watched by Egyptian and Arab audiences.
“God ordered Prophet Mohammed to destroy idols,” he added. “When I was with the Taliban we destroyed the statue of Buddha, something the government failed to do.”

His comments came a day after thousands of ultraconservative Islamists gathered in Tahrir Square to call for the strict application of Sharia law in the new constitution.

But in retaliation to Gohary’s remarks, the vice president of Tunisia’s Ennahda party, Sheikh Abdel Fattah Moro, called the live program and told Gohary that famous historic military commander Amr ibn al-Aas did not destroy statues when he conquered Egypt.

“So who are you to do it?” he wondered. “The Prophet destroyed the idols because people worshiped them, but the Sphinx and the Pyramids are not worshiped.”

Gohary, 50, is well-known in Egypt for his advocacy of violence, Egypt Independent reported.

“He was sentenced twice, one of the two sentences being life imprisonment. He subsequently fled Egypt to Afghanistan, where he was badly injured in the American invasion. In 2007, he traveled from Pakistan to Syria, which then handed him over to Egypt. After Mubarak's fall in early 2011, he was released from prison by a judicial ruling,” the newspaper added.

In recent months, fears have surfaced that the ultra-conservative Salafi political powers may soon wish to debate new guidelines over Egyptian antiquities.

Islamists have swept the recent presidential and parliamentary elections in the country’s post-revolutionary stage, with the Muslim Brotherhood and the ultra-conservative Salafi Islamists rising to political power.

“The fundamental Salafis have demanded to cover Pharaonic statues, because they regard them to be idols,” Egyptian author on ancient history Ahmed Osman told Al Arabiya English, explaining that Salafi Muslims follow conservative religious principles which view statues and sculptures as prohibited in Islam.

“But so far the government has done nothing to indicate what is the future of Egyptian antiquities,” adds Osman.

Many hope that Egypt’s new President Mohammed Mursi will help usher better preservation of Egypt’s proud cultural heritage. Egyptian officials have recently announced the country will reveal more of its ancient buried treasures.

The tomb of Queen Meresankh III, the granddaughter of Khufu, of Great Pyramid fame, is set to be opened to tourists later this year, with the last resting places of five high priests also slated to be put on show.

Officials are also believed to be reopening the underground Serapeum temple at Sakkara, to the south of Cairo.

[Related article: The Jinx of the Sphinx: How Egypt’s ‘exploited’ past came full circle:]

Sunday 11 November 2012

AlGore keeps chuggin'

    We feel obliged to give our fellow Tennessean, of sorts, some equal billing.   No one watches his television channel.  Very few care about what he says, save for some over-indoctrinated, psuedo-educated collegiates who desire to believe America and capitalism is guilty of all evil, even evil that does not exist.

    TThere is considerable lack of awareness by AlGore and the Globalgeddon Zomboes that their revered East Anglia University weather people have stated very recently that "global warming" seems to have stopped about 14 years ago and temperatures have retreated slightly since that peak.   All OROGs and all reasonable people must point this out breifly in any conversation where "climate change" is being discussed in such a way as to include anything that AlGore has said in the last twenty years.   His  apocolyptic pronouncements have always been wrong, and this arrival at odd sites over the years only to be greeted by out of season heavy snowfalls is legendary.
     The Globalgeddon Zomboes are now reduced to declaring a Category I Hurricane to be evidence of recent onset Global Ischmutithianistic Reletroxicity, caused by man-made evil, like making apple pies out of apples and baseball bats out of wood.
     It does little good to remind the Globalgeddon Zomboes that the much larger weather significance of the whole Sandy Episode was the Continental Polar system that brought real live record breaking and head-scratching weather to the area just on and to the immediate west of the Appalachians.   Another small matter is the lack of competence and the unruly trashy behaviour of the people in the New York and New Jersey area.   It speaks to the fact that inability to practice self-reliance is now the norm, much to the good cheer of the "Let the Government Take Care of It" crowd.   It will never be understood by this writer how or why Governors Christi and Cuomo would not have taken advantage of the long, long, advanced warning to have ordered generators and mobile pumping equipment into place.
     And please answer....Why in the name of Jumping Jehosophat would anyone throw eggs and tomatoes at people who had come a great distance to help restore electricity.   Is labour union membership that important?

REUTERS/Steve Marcus

Al Gore to argue link between dirty energy and dirty weather

Mike De Souza, Postmedia News

Published: Saturday, November 10, 2012
OTTAWA – Former U.S. vice-president Al Gore will try to make the case next week that "dirty energy" is contributing to what he calls "dirty weather" events around the world.
"Hurricane Sandy is a disturbing sign of things to come," Gore wrote in a recent opinion piece in the Huffington Post. "We must heed this warning and act quickly to solve the climate crisis. Dirty energy makes dirty weather."
      Gore will deliver his message on Nov. 15 through a new presentation in New York as part of his Climate Reality Project, to be broadcast on the Internet. The initiative was launched last year as a 24-hour event with slide-show presentations from around the world, highlighting the latest news about human influence on global warming.
       Maggie Fox, the CEO of the project, said that although scientists cannot link global warming to specific storms, there is evidence warmer temperatures and oceans make storm systems stronger, leading to devastating impacts such as those caused by Sandy in the United States and Canada.
According to a 2010 analysis published in the Proceedings of the National Academies of Science in the U.S., nearly 98 per cent of the most-active climate change scientists in peer-reviewed journals support evidence that human activity is causing global warming.
       This evidence says that heat-trapping greenhouse gas emissions – mainly from the burning of fossil fuels such as oil, gas and coal – and land-use changes are responsible.  This is weather that is created by dirty energy, so it seems really important to name it," Fox told Postmedia News. "Our goal is to build both grassroots and communications tools to empower people to see the reality."
      She said the project deliberately scheduled its event to be held after the U.S. elections to push it onto the agenda of the president, a few weeks before an annual United Nations climate change summit.     But she also noted that the superstorm, and other recent extreme weather events, droughts and wildfires, helped make it an issue that voters considered in the last days before the Nov. 6 vote.
In his victory speech Tuesday, President Barack Obama said that Americans want their children to live in a country that "isn't threatened by the destructive power of a warming planet."
     The Climate Reality Project event is slated to begin on Nov. 14 at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time, ending one day later with Gore's new slideshow from New York. In the fourth hour, presenters will look at the impacts of climate change and recent events in British Columbia and the West Coast of North America. They will also discuss what's happening in the Arctic and the world's oceans over the next two hours.
      Canadian participants who are part of Gore's project also have several different presentations on climate change scheduled in the coming days in various cities.   Environment Canada recently offered its own minister, Peter Kent, a slideshow that highlights billions of dollars worth of losses caused by climate change, suggesting that the Harper government could discuss these impacts in public.  Fox said Gore's presentation would also have some positive aspects that explore opportunities to reduce dependence on dirty energy and help stabilize greenhouse gas pollution in the atmosphere.
     Of course, we feel really bad for AlGore because "he jist cain't he'p hisself."   His Inconvient Truth keeps coming around to bite him on the ear lobe.  Please review this small matter of North Polar activity that....well, you know...kinda proves that and his followers are practicing a religion with no god, no philosophy, no lore, myths, traditions, or rites....just the worship of ignorance.   At least they are proud of it.   Remind the next "news reporter" who talks about teaching the children about global climate change if she ever considered self-commital.

To wit:

extent map time series
Click for high-resolution image. —Credit: National Snow and Ice Data Center

Arctic rapidly gaining winter ice

Ice extent doubled in October. The rate of increase since the 2012 minimum was near record, resulting in an October monthly extent 230,000 square kilometers (88,800 square miles) greater than the previous low for the month, which occurred in 2007. Despite this rapid growth, ice extent remains far below normal as we begin November.

Overview of conditions

Figure 1. Arctic sea ice extent for October 2012 was 7.0 million square kilometers (2.7 million square miles). The magenta line shows the 1979 to 2000 median extent for that month. The black cross indicates the geographic North Pole. Sea Ice Index data. About the data

Credit: National Snow and Ice Data Center
High-resolution image
Average ice extent for October was 7.00 million square kilometers (2.70 million square miles). This is the second lowest in the satellite record, 230,000 square kilometers (88,800 square miles) above the 2007 record for the month. However, it is 2.29 million square kilometers (884,000 square miles) below the 1979 to 2000 average. The East Siberian, Chukchi, and Laptev seas have substantially frozen up. Large areas of the southern Beaufort, Barents and Kara seas remain ice free.
As of November 4, sea ice extent stood at 8.22 million square kilometers (3.17 million square miles). This is 520,000 square kilometers (201,000 square miles) below the extent observed in 2007 on the same date, and ice extent remains 2.04 million square kilometers (788,000 million square miles) below the 1979 to 2000 average for this date.


To give an OROG a reasonable idea about how much ice is "rapidly gaining" in and around Santa Claus's home,  88,000 square miles is about one-third the size of Texas.   If the OROG will be so kind as to indulge a bit of self-congratulation, he/she will notice that the article is presented so as to include evidenciary material that disagrees with El Gringo Veijo.  As the OROG studies the graphics, he/she will notice a wiggly coloured line that indicates what the National Snow and Ice Data Centre  points out figures that are all but dreadful, they still show that the northern Polar Cap on 4 November 2012 is standing at 3,170,000 square miles, or roughly 4.5 times the size of all of Texas.
     We are also of the opinion that, while this group is committed to the concept that America and capitalism are killing the polar bears and minority children, they seem to try to at least make some effort to produce reliable data.   Their wiggly, coloured lines are using a base data period of 1970 through 2007, as if that is the period of most correct and instructive comparison.   The fact is that at one time....not long ago....the Bering Strait was the Mongolian - Athabaskan land bridge.   And that in the first part of the 1950s, there was almost no ice anywhere in the Arctic Ocean.   One might also consider that in 1911, in April, the icebergs that menaced the Titanic weren't ranging that far south because they were on their way to Miami for the Summer.
      In any regard, any university during these times with enough to put a heading "Arctic rapidly gaining Winter Ice" needs at least honourable mention.
     El Gringo Viejo is aware that the pendulum has swung back to the masses understanding that Simultaneous Global Warming and Global Cooling are simultaneously driving the Polar Bear into extinction while simultaneously producing a species-threatening over-population of Polar Bears.   All that pendulum swinging stuff means is that it is time to push it back to where it was and should be.
So, we'll leave it there and thank you all again for your presence and interest.
El Gringo Viejo

Saturday 10 November 2012

Checking through the burned bones

      Obama lost almost 15% of his previous vote total.   Romney's vote came in about 3% shy of McCain's vote in 2008.   As posted in the previous submission, that means that Obama lost almost 9.5 million previous supporters.   Not a very flattering endorsement of a marxist, narcissist slug.
     Romney could have held in those several rightwing crazies by have done or not done a very few things.    If we fall for the "become relevant or die" argument, or if we take advice from the "moderate Republicans" we shall be like the Tories in Parliament, trying to show the Brits how we can make the National Health Service "responsive and efficient".   And to-morrow, perfect teeth for everyone, and all for free;
     Romney went limp-wristed in the last two debates.   There were several places where he could have said, "Once again the President relies on tired mendacity instead of the truth.  The tax burden in American is born solely by 50% percent of the people.   Of that share, we can honestly state that the upper two percent of taxpayers pay 20 percent of all IRS income tax.   It that is not progressive enough, then Heaven help us all.   Do you think, Mr. President that you have any shovel ready ideas that are half as good as what a high income earner would do with his investment?   I say no.  You choose political cronies with the rich man's money and with the taxes throttled out from the middle and upper-middle income people.   Some build laundromats and  make custom designed barbeque pits for sale, you build Solyndras.
      Also, the evangelicals and Hebrews in the audience probably were not overjoyed by Mr. Romney's insertion that he thought that Mr. Obama had done the right thing by getting rid of Mubarek.    Every Jew in the audience and listening must have been able to envision the engines hauling in the cattle cars.    Such a position is patently ridiculous and showed that he was being guided by focus groups instead of an inner voice which points the correct path when there is a fork in the road.  Mr. Romney's observation should have been,"Mr. Mubarek is to be lauded for extending the ancient recognition that Egyptians also have for the Jewish People.  In the ancient times, the Jewish people prospered during two great episodes of interaction with the Egyptians.   Mubarek respected the agreements made by Anwar Sadat, and he did so at great personal peril, and he did it with an Army that had honour.   He did it while leading a people who knew that things much worse than Mubarek's iron hand awaited them should the Muslim Brotherhood take control of the society and the government.   Mr. Mubarek needed to be helped along slowly into retirement....but only after reasonable replacement had been found." 
       Rid Iran of the Shah....there's the Ayatollah.  Rid Nicaragua of Samoza,  we have the Sandinistas Communists. Please, Mr. President, reserve your celebration after the body count of dead Copts and normal Muslims who are sure to be slaughtered by the deranged extremists in the Brotherhood.   The Brotherhood does well at raping American female reporters....we have noticed."   THAT IS THE RESPONSE OF A PRESIDENT.   TO HELL WITH FOCUS GROUPS.  AN INDIAN CHIEF THROWS HIS LANCE INTO A CERTAIN POINT IN THE GROUND AND TELLS THE OTHER PARTY WITH WHOM HE NEGOTIATES THAT THAT IS THE POINT WHERE HE STANDS AND FROM WHENCE HE AND HIS TRIBE WILL NOT RETREAT.   THERE COMES A TIME WHEN THE PEOPLE NEED TO HEAR THE TRUTH, THE POSITION THAT IS RIGHT, AND WHY IT IS RIGHT!
     We shan't even think about the notion of "Repeal and Restore" or "Repeal and Repair" or whatever the Mommy Socialism solution to the Obama Socialised Medicine Initiative. the Romney poeple were cooking up.       If a rabid animal comes into the group, there is no other alternative but to shoot it.   The beast cannot be repaired or restored.  There are no "good parts".   And if you, Mr. Romney, think that the central government telling families that they have to provide insurance for some slob on the couch playing video games and eating out the family's refrigerator....simply because he is not 27 years old yet,  then you fail to understand what the 10th Amendment is.    And, knowing not the 10th, that is the easy one, what are you going to do about the 1st and the 4th and the 5th.....and the 2nd?   Hopeless.
     Moderate Republicans only serve to prepare the way for the national socialists who come after them.
      It becomes clearer and clearer that the only way to move this matter in the right direction is to quietly go about the business of withdrawing from the this broken, doomed federation of States. In so preparing, we might last chance.... to form a Party of Plurality....aiming to carry a substantial plurality of votes in enough States to gain an Electoral College victory in the 2016 elections.    In a passive way, that is what Woodrow Wilson (one of America's top five worst presidents) did in 1912, when the Democrat Party was decrepit.   He charged it up with all kinds of socialist and populist platitudes and, after winning, plunged America into a World War and into two recessions, and set race relations and business back substantially.
     A free enterprise, Constitutional Conservative Party could do the opposite and have a chance at saving the Republic.   Either way, Texas genuinely has to move to the status of a free standing Republic, otherwise we shall be the last goose laying the golden eggs to be slaughtered so that the Democrat National Socialist Party of New York and Caliphornia can feed their people cake, one more time.
     The count of supporters within Texas for self-removal from the federated relationship with the central government in Washington, D.C. is now approaching 1,000,000 true persons, with every ethnic and racial type and mixtures thereof represented.   The snow ball will not be affected by Global Warming as it gathers speed.
El Gringo Viejo

Friday 9 November 2012

Albatross, Straw Man, Red Herring

     During the autopsy season following an election, there are the predictable people who come forth to say that the Republicans will cease to exist because they are an exclusive, discriminating group that prohibits the entry of people "who do not look like them".    This although we have two Latin seated governors, and two South Asian seated governors, who in each case are divided equally between girls and boys.
      Let us be perfectly frank about these things.   It is the country-club, liberal Republican element that has always resisted the participation within the any meaningful way...of the unwashed, the Mexicans, the Negroes, the working-class, the blue collar, the classical conservative thinkers....who in fact constitute most of the growth in the party that it has seen since 1976.
       The Bushes, the RNC and almost  the entire party leadership in almost all cases, speak in unintelligible, unintelligent, gibberish, conditionalising their positions, and never staking out hard ground, and hard positions because...quite frankly...they have no principles in terms of philosophy.   Their position is almost always seems to be some variation of, "We can do what the Democrats do, just a little cheaper".

     Tbe strange oddity is that the Country Club Republicans lose the elections and then blame the conservatives who had nothing to do with the loss.
     Straightforward thinking...shooting down the demogoguery and cranking out the vote is how we can win.   We can flood the polls again by going back to the 1980 and 1984.
     It is becoming clear that the reason Rasmussen and Gallup and even El Gringo Viejo were wrong about this entire election was because of the failure to admit to the invalidity of the original premise.   We knew that there was significant weakness in the Republican turn-out looming.   People, with my own disposition, have long since tired of  being tolerated by the country club Republicans only for so long as we make phone calls and nail signs and lick envelopes and then vote for Bob Dole....because it was "his time".    And we have tired of going back to our hovels while the "important professionals and experts" go back to their fancy saloons and talk over aged scotch about how "we almost made it this time".   "If it just hadn't been for the ulta-radical conservatives scaring the black vote away...or the geezers...or the left handed lesbian lithuanian salmon fishing boat operators from southwestern  East Virginia.  We would have won this time.   Too many conservatives...too many people who worry about debt and deficit...and guns....and dead babies that haven't even been born."


     BUT~~~El Gringo Viejo did not think that the rightwing crazies like me would ever dream of saying ..... and then doing .... the often repeated and undone threat.   We wanted Caine, we wanted some better than Santorum, we wanted something...but we knew that Romney would run a good race and lose.   The Republican establishment talked itself into supporting Romney, because "he was the only one who could win", according to the country-clubbers.
     Bit by bit he ran a good race...for a moderate...who did not want to truly inspire America, but did want to fix it so that it would be a place where the poor could have their flat screens and free cell phones with free time and their free food and their free homes and their free schooling, and their free whatever.
     And we knew.   Little things burned out the rightwing crazies.  The worst one was probably the notion that we ....."needed to keep the good parts of the Obama Socialised Medicine Initiative."   Other things came saying "Oh yes!   We agree that Mubarek needed to go, we congratulate Obama for getting rid of Mubarek".....and then the failure to call him the cowardly liar that he is....All of those things dug up the past about his pride in being able to bring socialised medicine to Massachussets and "work across the aisle" with the worst of the very, very worst leftist, labour union slime in the  American political pantheon.
    Boston, and the big dig.   Kennedy's perpetural tunnel (ing) project.   Originally budgetted for 2,000,000,000 dollars and two year's work, finally being almost finished after burning up over 30,000,000,000 dollars  and 16 years.   It had been perhaps the biggest, lardiest, most corrupt public construction project in the history of the Republic, and yet Romney was proud of working with them.
     Romney could have blown Obama out of the water on the immigration issue simply by pointing out that his auntie and uncle had been living illegally in the United States on complete public assistance, at almost incredible expense to the taxpaying public, while "someone" arranged for extremely costly law firms to represent them in various courts for every issue ranging from immigration and deportation proceedings to welfare fraud to DWI in collision on multiple cases and counts,
      But,Romney was not a fighter.   He was brave enough to let sympathetic super-PAC people defame other Republicans in the primaries, while keeping his own hands ostensibly clean.  It is still thought that his people collaborated with Gloria Alred to foist a set of baseless rumours onto the stage concerning Herman Caine.  The rumours disappeared, but so did Herman Caine as a leader of the pack.
      But,  when dealing with an out and out lying, no holds barred marxist with the sake of the Republic in the balance, Romney could not override his better nature and become a fighter.   And the rightwing crazies said, "To hell with it", and they did not vote....They saw Romney delivering the Republic to the ash heap one day later than Obama.   They saw Romney, finally, as the guy who would say,"Well if we reduce the tax rate by 1.334 percent on people making 12,000 dollars every quarter, and gradually increase the rate on people making less than 64.22 times more than the median interceptor of the Gladian factor of the inverse quotient of 0.04% of the combined cost of living increases for the upper 39% of income earners.....blah........blah............blahblah."
      Herman Caine's 9  -   9  -   9   proposal had to be ridiculed to Hell and beyond because it was the only thing that would really work.   Caine's notion ...nay, correct.  First tell the central government that this is what you are going to have..or less, and you will adjust your expenditures to that level.   Southerner know that Caine would have used the ammunition necessary and would have rewritten the rules of any debates so as not to have a slob like the woman who corrected Romney by affirming that Obama's lie was actually the truth, (something she had to retract the next day...when of course it was too late).   Mr. Caine, also, had the prescence of a man with black African ancestry who was a true product of the Amerian experience, while Obama had none.


    NOW, CLOSING...The numbers are truly shocking.    There were about 12,000,000 FEWER overall votes when comparing the 2008 presidential election with the 2o12 election.   Obama did not come near increasing his gross vote or his percentage of the take.   A last measure, it appears that he had something less than 9,500,000 fewer votes this time as opposed to his last run and  1.7% less percentage of the total.

     Romney did a little better in very few places.  He did better than McCain' s pitiable run in 2008 in Utah for instance, but in the final analysis he gained 1.7 million more  votes and 2.8% more percentage than John McCain's hopelessly stupid, losing, pointless run.   Which of course...that failure was blamed on Sarah Palin...who actually brought McCain into a significant lead before McCain's greater willingness to defend Obama than to defend Palin resulted in his fall into a dismal 2nd place against a person with no qualifications and no resume' and whose only claim to fame is that he hates America, white people, conservatives of any race or colour, and free enterprise.
     Rightwing crazies did not vote in the numbers necessary to defeat the United Nations-type,  marxist, narcissist.   They saw Romney as just a weaker cup of tea, whose leaves are from the same bush.

WE THINK THAT THE NEXT ELECTION MAY WELL BE HAVE A CENTER RIGHT CANDIDATE BEING PROMULGATED BY A COMING TOGETHER OF THE CONSTITUTIONALISTS FROM VARIOUS POSITIONS ON THE RIGHT....INCLUDING ALL CONSERVATIVE  REPUBLICANS.  That amalgamation could defeat an emasculated Republican party of pinky libs and the truly "democratic socialist" party that the Democrat Party became some years back.   What we have now only guarantees the ruin of the Republic.
El Gringo Viejo
(and yes, egv did vote, straight Republican.  This was his 12th presidential...straight Republican.  And in by-elections, straight Republican)

Comparative Totals and Percentages
Barack Obama (Democrat) 69,498,516   (52.93%)
John McCain (Republican) 59,948,323   (45.65%)                          Total   -     129, 446, 839

Barack Obama                   59, 946, 022 (51.2%)
Mitt Romney                       57, 263, 941  (48.8%)                           Total  -    117, 209, 963

Thursday 8 November 2012

Sorry Global Warming Kooks. (up-date, 9 November 2012)

Precisely 101% of the reason for the effects of Hurricane Sandy having been so "devastating" were for the following reasons:
         (1)   Happenstantial strike at another place of considerable population.
        (2)    The interaction of the Hurricane with a Continental Polar air mass that provided for a collision in and along the Appalachian Mountains affecting eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey,  West Virginia, downstate New York, and to a lesser extent Connecticutt, Rhode Island, and Massachussets.    The cold system was much stronger than the tropical system, and helped accentuate the winds of the Hurricane by providing for an intense pressure gradient between the two systems.
       (3)     The effects of wind-driven welling of sea water onto the beaches of the nothern half of New Jersey, and at the mouth of the Hudson and East Rivers, and through Long Island Sound, as well as Staten Island was accentuated by the fact that the arrival of the strongest winds pushing 20 - 25 foot waves,  were accompanied by the normal high tide, and all of that was intensified by the fact that IT WAS THE PEAK OF THE FULL MOON!!!   That was the perfect storm of causatives.
     The "intense Hurricane Sandy" was nothing of the sort.  It was a category I storm, very dispersed, and at its fall, relatively fast to move ashore.
      The stylings and posturings of politicians (who started off as the normal small little men that they are in the northeast...typically...with some Teddy Kennedy who is an Icon in Massachussets but anywhere else would simply be another drunken whore)....notwithstanding, this storm was great only because it affected people who are used to being dealt with as though they are more important than the rest of us.    They have subways....they have they are just plain better than we are.

      Favourite almost never mentioned fact.   Record setting snowfall and low temperatures, with some places in West Virginia picking up almost 40 inches of snow.   Heavy snows were recorded in eastern Pennsylvania, western New York, and on up into upper New England.  Record snows fell in eastern Tennessee, westernmost North Carolina, and western Virginia.
Records, AlGore....records.    Early season records.   We do not listen to you Global Climate psycho-marxists, anymore.   This addenda is placed on 9 November, and the New York City area is just now recovering from an outbreak of bitter cold, with record snowfalls and other types of freezing precipation, associated guessed it...a nor'easter.
      Favourite comment heard during a newscast after the 10th day of misery in Long Island.   "You people haven't done anything for us.   If you don't watch out we're going to get together and take care of this thing ourselves."
       Favourite cultural event?   People making obscene gestures at the Confederate area electric companies' emergency response teams who had drive 1000 to 1,500 miles after volunteering to help put the lines back up and the replacement transformers up.   The egg and tomatoe peltings and the snarling of the words hillbilly, redneck, scab, and n-word were a nice touch too.   They didn't want any non-union workers there, that was for sure.
Sorry AlGore....nice try....the global warming problem will start again for the morning....when the sun breaks the horizon.
El Gringo Viejo

Moderates Lose

It is axiomatic within the Republican Party that we have to be moderate and incorporate a bit of conciliatory, realistic progressive thought into our party complexion.    We have to appeal to the 'hispanics' and the "african american" with solid proposal that address "their issues" .  Moderates think that "their issues" are food stamps, AFDC, public housing, and a free ride.
      The Democrats follow this line and they have devoloped a massive group of parasites who can be depended upon to vote and to produce more voters who will be paid for by the Republicans.
      Republicans fail when they try the kinder and gentler approach.  This round, when all depended upon electing a flawed moderate Republican instead of a deranged, mendacious marxist, several million conservatives and other such Republican types did not vote.   The Romney campaign's publicising the slogan "Repeal and Replace 'health care"'....just made everyone go limp.   Campaign poobahs like Sununu saying, "There are some good things in the bill that we need to keep, and some things we can tweek....."   There were many holes in the walls in the shape of conservatives and 10th Amendment Republicans who just ran out of the room without looking for a door or a window.   You humble Servant, El Gringo Viejo, was one of those...and he remembers thinking..."No body believes this, but I am one of the more moderate rightwing crazies....and I know a lot of guys who stopped watching Romney and turned on the Cooking Show, 48 Hours, Guns and Bait Show, Antique Roadshow, and American Pickers, Ghost Hunters, etc.....Heck! I was looking for a Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble All Day, Every Day.
     The other thing, Republicans do not care about jobs.  The care about missions, callings, professions like dentists, pipeline and underwater welders, small business ownership, nurse, certified mechanic, teacher, pilot, soldier, rabbi.   They are the...''Yeah, I own six taxis, and we can take all your people to the airport, three to a car for the 5:30 afternoon flight to Mexico City....It'll be 170.00 dollars and we'll wait until the plane takes off, but it's a good flight in terms of arrival and departure."


    Gerald (Whip Inflation Now) Ford  -   Drubbed by a shallow, self-appointed morality prophet from Georgia.   Country Club Moderate Republicans said it was because Ford had pardoned Richard Nixon for all his horrible crimes against humanity.   And the children.
      The morality prophet's first act upon arrival into the White House...grant amnesty to a gaggle of draft dodging scumbag coward pieces of garbage who ran and hid or who went to share their bed-bugs and lice with Canada, or who fled, for their lofty principles to the beaches in Mexico,  and then hustled folks with, "hey, buddy, can you spare me a couple of bucks.  The meskin cops shook me down for a bribe, and I'm trying to git bus fare back to Ellaye."  (pupils dilated at 14:00 hours on the beach in Mazatlan.  Mainly naked, pallid stringy haired girl has 16 needle penetration indicators on one arm and about 5 on the other).   Ford lost.....

     George Herbert Walker Bush  -   Read my lipths,  No new tackthes....and it hurts to make fun of a 19 year old A - 6 torpedo bomber pilot...shot down by a Japanese shore battery and barely escaping a  Japanese prisoner recovery detail by 90 seconds or less....a real hero.  But if he could stand up to a real enemy that was stout, brave, committed, well-trained, and intelligent, then why not stand up to a blobbo crooked piece of garbage like Tip O'Neil and slime like Charlie Rangel and Barney Frank.   GHWB won his first presidential based upon Reagan's "nostalgia extension".   He took care of all that nostalgia by agreeing to massive tax increases that plunged the United States into a sharp Recession.   The same Democrats who demanded the tax increases, then blamed the Bush and the Republicans for causing the "Worst Economy in the Past Fifty Years"....(a lie)....and then saying through William Jeffersn Blythe that the only way out was toe "raise taxes on those who do not need the money".
    After the election, of course, Billy Jeff said "I never worked harder in my life to find a way to give the middle class a tax cut, but there's just no way...and we're gonna hafta raise taxes retroactively on everybody, yuk, yuk."   And they did.   Strike force Republicans ran against the tax and spend Congress in 1994 and actually swept the Democrats out of power from the lower house of Congress  for the first time in 44 years.   But in 1992,
GHWBush a whitetrash and a kook

Robert Dole  -  Another WWII hero.  His pride and joy legislation?   Americans with Disability Act....also known as "The Unemployed Attorneys Full Employment Act"....putting the central government  in charge of vacant parking spaces and  trip ramps for a six wheelchair users in  Bonesteel, South Dakota.   Would not attack the horrid, ash-tray slinging, foul-mouthed marxist hag who tried to cram her form of Mao's Prescription for Health Manipulation for the Masses down America's throat.   Running against a perverted, mysogenistic, chronic, pathological liar with a marxist pre-disposition.
Dole lost, to a whitetrash draft dodging, mysogenist, mendacious marxist.

George W. Bush  -  never raised a veto pen or openned an inkwell to wet the point of that pen.
He was elected and re-elected, first because it was said that he had his father 's good points but none of his liberal bad points....George W. is a "real" Texan, it was said.    He was re-elected due to the "changing horses in mid-stream argument as such pertains to a time of war.   Never once raise his voice to defend himself, preferring to be Mr. Nice Guy to the marxists and parasites, and Mr. Meany to to the rank and file conservatives in the GOP.
American Patriots lost.  Leftists and America haters everywhere won.

John McCain  -  another war hero.  a nice guy in a lot of ways.  A reasonable fellow.  Kinda like, you know, like failed to point out that his opponent had no record.  Was the only editor of the Harvard Law Review who never published anything in that law review.   Who had no transcripts from his university days.   Had no public or private body of work....was a rabble-rouser shake-down artist, now referred to as "community organisers".    Set the record for voting "present" in the Illinois State Senate for two years.....two years that made him an expert on foreign affairs and how to "git out of this ditch that George Bush drove us in to".
GOP shamans blamed Sarah Palin and the unwashed evangelicals, but in the end,
McCain lost, and America had its first fully marxist president.

Mitt Romney  -   I am really competent and I am just as liberal and nice as Valerie Jerrod and Michelle and I really don't care that much about Benghazi or any of that stuff that's messy stuff that girls don't like to talk vote for me and I'll keep the good parts of Obama's really good FREE MEDICAL CARE AND GEEZER LIVE FOREVER FOR FREE and YOUR 66 YEAR OLD CHILD CAN STAY ON FREE OBAMACARE FOREVER AND IT WILL ALWAYS BE FREE NO MATTER HOW MUCH IT COSTS. 
He lost, and America had four more years of hell to pay.

    When people want free things, they vote Democrat.   The Democrats' programs don't work and don't really solve problems. Their programs actually increase problems, but at least they know to blame the Republicans for wanting to take away the stupid programs the people want, even though they are purposefully designed not to work and to leave their "out" as being that the Republicans want to take the stupid program away from remember to vote!

    When people want to vote to make or keep the country strong they vote Republican.   When the Republican says..."Repeal and Replace Obama's Socialised Medical Initiative"....Millions of Republicans became residents of the Hermit Crab's shell.

Reagan won twice...and he was not a real text-book conservative.   The left says he is/was.  But he was pragmatic, unfortunately.   Nixon was not a text-book conservative....and he gave us tonnes and tonnes of new regulations and  alphabet soup regulatory agencies.    But at least Reagan and Nixon knew the nature of our enemies.

El Gringo Viejo