Monday 5 November 2012

We Want Your Child...Now

     Statists and marxists marched for the right to have you pay for the indoctrination of your child yesterday in the much vaunted MILLION MUPPET MARCH.....the name of said march changed later to "million puppet march" due to unauthorised copyright infringement....and even later had to be changed to the "Several Dozen Slugs and Dregs Who Are Marxists Who Make Course and Profane Signs with 'Inspired' Double-Entendre Messages That Are Really Cute to Explain to Four and Five Year-old Children Pointless Stroll....NOW!".
Several million guides to the proper raising
and care and guidance of children poured
out to person the barricades against the fascist
 counter-revolutionary forces who oppose
 women, children, LGBTRZOA, and
 political prisoners....and torture. and
 Big Bird...and everything.
    Estimates of the crowd size ranged from the organisers' count of several hundred million to the actually count of 425, which was quite impressive, considering that they only had one month to organise the event.
     Perhaps it is time that Big Bird move out of the house and get a job.   Surely Planned Parenthood and Service Employees International Union can pick up the tab by providing advertising patronage.
El Gringo Viejo

Sunday 4 November 2012

This Benghazi Thing

    As the days go by, and with each paragraph of reliable or reasonable or probable information crawls into the light of Truth, it appears that this Benghazi thing was nothing good from the start.   It seems as if there were many uncles, but no fathers.  It also seems as if it proves rather definitively that Barak Hussein Obama has had a policy from the beginning of his regime to back the Muslim Brotherhood's overall objectives in Arabia as well as within the Caliphasia.
     By Caliphasia, El Gringo Veijo means that vague but real understanding on the part of radical Muslim extemists who agree upon the general objective of establishing Shiria Law throughout the world, and the enforcement of that law upon each living soul on the face of the earth.  There are many faces to this movement.  Some are in concert with others, others are in concert with none.   We are familiar with the specifically dedicated movement that intend to destroy Judaism, all Jews, and especially the spectre of  Jewry existing or being practiced within "Palestine".    These movements and organisations are generally lumped into the Hezbollah and the Jamas groups...who themselves do not see beheading to beheading on many issues.   Christianity and the other major religions and spiritual philosophies are lumped under the file marked ''Judaism" by almost all these bloodthirsty psychopaths.
     Whether is it politically correct or not, it must be observed that among the very first things that Barak Hussein Obama did after his election was to go to Cairo and speak sincerely about the errors of America's way.   He pronounced that there had arrived a new spirit and a new reality to finally establish fair and equal relations between the Muslim world and the American Union.  From the time he took what he considered to be the sceptre of authority, the sly accommodation of certain Islamist groups and missions was tolerated and other Islamists  who were more involved in reclaiming tribal territory and returning that tribal territory to the 9th Century after Christ were to be harassed and/or destroyed.

Be sure to tell Vlad that after the election I'll be able
 to shake all the Cracker trash and their Toms, and we
 can get down to some serious social progress
 and social democracy for the people being
 oppressed by American Imperialism.
     The reduction in force in Afghanistan, and the purposeful avoidance of gaining an agreement in place to allow a significant American military presence in Iraq for a period extending past our formal declaration of the end of bellicose action showed Obama's and his hidden handlers' true hand.   The Machiavellian dumping of old Mubarek, with all the attendent politically correct shibboleths  about his being a horrible dictator resulted in the predictable outcome....something worse than the disease was caused by the medicine.   Dump the Shah, Batista, Samoza, and Mubarek and we wind up with the Ayatollahs, Fidel and Raul, the Ortega Brothers, and Muslim Brotherhood.  Obama's foreign policy and world view is controlled by the same people who provided Elian his jet-plane ride back to the Workers' Paradise in Cuba.  Varlerie Jerrod and Elizabeth Warren are not personalities who just happenned to spill out of the cauldron during the openning scenes of MacBeth.   Van Jones is not an accidental fixture found in the White House, he was simply a little too loud-mouthed, stupid, and "out-there" for this particular stage of the destruction process.  They are all dedicated marxists whose number one objective is to destroy both the Old Zion (Jewry, Judaism, and the Zionist Occupation of Palestine) and the New Zion (The United States of America and the United Kingdom).   Although the Obamistas are atheists, they have no problem in making league with deranged Muslims who are anxious to make it up to the place where there must be millions upon millions of virgins waiting. is a perfect marriage made in Hell....Annenberg Foundation, scores of old, noble-sounding charitable foundations (like Ford, Rockefeller, Carnegie) long since infiltrated by progressives and perverts to forward the mission of "social democracy", "tolerance", "diversity", and above all else, "progressivism'' and "reproductive rights".

The ever impressive Dome of the Rock, found not in
but in Al Quds, the Arabic name for Jersusalem,
and the name used by Obama's National Security
Advisor, and the Muslim Brotherhood, etc.
     While this is going on, we have followed a peculiar policy in Afghanistan.   We send in drones to kill Taliban, based upon information that is derived from sources that are totally unreliable.   At times, it seems, tribal and clan jealousies and arguments are distilled into information that is given to the Gringos who are told that Taliban leader X is in hovel number 193 on your contour map.   He will be having a meeting with his criminal gang there at 19:00 hours on Thursday.   So the process is, "Whoops, there goes another drone attack victory".
     The problem with these victories is that we are left without prisoners, one of the main sources of information, for instance, and without the kind of intel that might be able to predict which Mohammed is a good Mohammed, and which one sold his soul to Satan for a chance at some of the waiting millions and millions of virgins.   Ergo, scores of Gringo of good will, trying to train up forces that might conceivably bring civilised life to that literally God-forsaken place....are essentially murdered by treachery of the very people we are training.   Better 70 or 80 virgins in the hand than a chance at having a country that is something at least slightly better than a septic tanque from the Dark Ages.

      The only reason for following this policy of droning probable Taliban targets is to engender everlasting  resistance and hatred for all outside, infidel and/or heretical crusader devils.   It is designed to bring more hatred down on the Americans by the Muslims.   It is designed that way by the White House and the fool of a National Security Advisor for Obama who refers to the Dome of the Rock as the Holiest Shrine in Palestine, and to Jerusalem as Al Quds.

     It is tiresome to point out the obvious repeatedly.    Obama  and his cohorts are marxists, and they are probably atheists, and they are certainly anti-American agents, having long prepared for this time of final assault against the Shining City on the Hill.   This is not something to debate.  It is certain fact, the letters glow upon the wall.
     What comes to the fore then is the probability that the entire Benghazi thing is very much something that reeks of treason and high crimes of an unimaginable magnitude.   Once again, like so much of the Clinton Administration....there were crimes committed so ghastly that they could not possibly be digested by the American body politic's thought processes.  We are all well aware of the colossal whopperoos of Hillary Rodham, and the willingness of William Jefferson Blythe to drag the nation through the mud, all the while blaming others for his crimes and errors.   Blythe's people said on the one hand his little pecadillos were personal matters and nothing but little errors in judgement and no big thing, and on the other hand they were important enough that he had to lie, lie, twist and turn, and "is" is "is" except when "is" is "whumplefluggle" for months, and months, and months, and months and then one day say, "Well, I guess you all done got me...yuk, yuk." 
     It's the way these people think.  It is the way of all narcissists, all totalitarians, all people who see the world as a factory of servants and slavish admirers.   Lamentably there are plenty of dullards, communists, and pro-abortion people who will gladly volunteer to be among the 666 Corps for Clintobama.

     This big picture crime against America hinges on one particular and peculiar point.   In my considerable, albeit shallow research, it struck me did not digest well in the little grey cells, that the consulate in Benghazi never really was used as a place to seek a replacement for a lost or stolen passport or to seek legal advise from a person experience in the area and working for Americans in need of orientaton about the locale.   It did not ever display an America Flag or the standard bronze medallion plaque of identification on thre outside wall, or much of anything to indicate that it was something officially American.
     It seems apparent that the American Ambassador to Libya was in Benghazi for the purpose of meeting with a high-level Turkish official.   That official was there to arrange the reception of armaments, some heavy , and pertinent ammunition that was to be loaded onto Turkish freighters to then be transferred into the battle against Assad in Syria.  It is thought, and it is being spoken about openly in Arabic circles, that the arms being transferred have been turned over to the Libyan Government, and then in turn, given to the Americans to channel to the Turks who have the best capacity to deliver said items to the "Syrian resistance".
     Anzar al Sharia....a group that has been a wild card, trying to control shipping in the Benghazi port facilities and trying, simultaneously to gather up the shoulder fired missiles, and other moderately heavy infantry arms...had taken offense to the Americans blotting up stores of weaponry to use to try to curry favour with the "Syrian Freedom Fighters".    Anzar al Sharia is a militia affiliated with the now non-existent Al Qaeda (a slight bit of morbid humour, please forgive).   While Anzar al Sharia is mainly affiliated with Anzar al Sharia, it is broadly in agreement with the overall objectives of the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda....which is also a difficult marriage to make due to certain contradictions in dogma....but what the heck...This is Arabia, this is fundamentalist Islam and there are plenty of virgins to go around.   The collusion between the Shia Iranians and the Sunni Al Qaeda is something that a person must shrug off for the moment and say, "Well, that will be something that will blow up down the road, sooner or later".
     But the issue in Benghazi, accordng to Anzar al Sharia, is "Who will control the leftover arms of Qadaffi?   Who will make the money off the sales of those arms and ammunitions?  How much will be sent to Syria and how much do we sell to FARC in Colombia and now much to the Mexican Cartels and how much to criminal gangs in the United States and Europe?   You know, we have to make a little on the side, Allah and Mohammed will not mind",

File:Bedouin family-Wahiba Sands.jpg
This could have been the brother of
the guy Omar Shariff shot
 in the movie,
Lawrence of Arabia
     Remember the pedant, boring scenes in Lawrence of Arabia, wherein there were clumsy attempts to show some reason or logic behind the treachery that Arabs practice against each other.   The openning scene that shows Omar Shariff shooting a Bedouin who was riding up to use a well that was prohibited to his clan.   Yet Omar Shariff was obliged by Allah and instructed by Mohammed to extend every generousity and every courtesy to Peter O'toole, a nominal Anglican Christian and, of course,  English...precisely because he was foreign.
     The duplicity, the honour, the generousity, the selfishness, the brilliance, the stupidity, etc.etc. etc. that one encounters among people so brutal and so involved with a religion descended from Abraham borders upon the inconceivable.
      So, if this mush of corn mash can be heated up and watered down with good water from the cold spring and allowed to distill through the copper tubing and collect and rest for a bit...El Gringo Viejo does not know if it will turn into some kind of firewater, or if we can age it up and mellow it down before the revenuers find it and we can have a good whiskey.   Anything is possible.   At the very best for Barack Hussein Obama there is a case for saying that he is in collusion with the Muslim Brotherhood and very much in favour of solving the Jewish Problem by either forcing them out of Al Qud or worse, and turning over Judea and Israel to the mafia that is Jamas and Hezbollah and the Muslim Brotherhood and letting them have their way with the Hebrews.
     The extension of the Caliphate, removing the old sultans, sheiks, and kings and placing mafia-style "business thugs" in their place.   And Barak Hussein Obama has manuevered the American ship of State into alignment with the aims of the Muslim Brotherhood, one of the most morally and financially corrupt organisations in the world, along the with the Mexican and other Latin American Cartels, and the Eastern European Mafias, and of course the Sicilian-Trans Mediterranean Mafias.
     Why?   Why would the American Sons of Alinsky be messing around in this crowd?   Because their contempt for America is the same as the above groups.   And their desire to lessen American influence over the affairs of the undevelopable world is identical.   Obama has been taped making league with Putin's lackey Mudcatyev for all the world to hear.  "Just have to get past this re-election, and then I will be free to make the necessary agreements."  That pre-concessionary statement deals with selling out the Poles and much of Eastern Europe in terms of missile defence preparedness.   Obama is intent upon imposing on the previously enslaved Warsaw Pact nations a return to a form of Russian Imperial Control.    All the bad of the Romonoffs with none of the good.
     Further, the idea of trying to cover up what has been revealed so far, with a silly story about a 12 minute video about Islam can not even be weighed by a truck scale it is such a huge bucket of bilge.   It is insulting, it crosses the  borders of the criminal, and it does nothing save to try to maintain the false image that "Al Qaeda is gone...or diminished...or decimated...or whatever".  It has been know for the last three years that Al Qaeda is more ubiquitous, more inserted, more dispersed, and more inclined to the offensive than even in 2001.

     We leave you with the mash boiling, and we'll see if it turns into something worth putting into a bottle and putting a label on.  My studies will continue.   We shall rest up for Tuesday's marathon.  We are noting that Obama has not begun advertising in Texas because of his improving polling numbers (Joking).....perhaps it is because his numbers in Texas are still gradually falling.  It is possible that he might not even pick up 36% in Texas....we shall see.

Thanks for you time and for sticking with me through these rabbit trails I call thoughts.
El Gringo Viejo.

Saturday 3 November 2012

Story told by an Old Man About Another Old Man's Story

      There was a noble old man, by the name of Agustin Salinas, who was my father's mayordomo in charge of the day to day issues of our citrus grove care business and general  farming activity back in the days when north of McAllen meant   "way out in the country".  Don Agustin would at times refer to certain roads in Mexico as "caminos burros". We thought he meant that they were crummy roads or that they had been used by arrierros in their deliveries or whatever. Later, he and my father explained that during the building of the new modern paved roads (starting in the 1930s), there were always big city engineers who would come out and plan and design and really work up a good attack at getting over this or that mountain range.
      Then the rustics would show up to request work on the highway, and ask about the overall plan and schedule. The smart Mexico City engineers would say, " In a couple of weeks we'll have all our plans drawn and then about a week after that we need to start excavating."
 An arrierro with his remuda de burros.   El Gringo Viejo
has seen this scene countless times in the mountainuos
parts of rural Mexico.   While the artist might be a slight
bit generous with the quality of the animals and the  fine
hat and attire....we add quickly...Not much.   The remudas
were frequently fine, and the men were, although rustic
quite highly regarded, usually preenish with well trimmed
mustachios, and very fine hats during market days.
      Then the rustics would say, "But why sen~or, do you plan with the papers? The Burros, they know the route that you want."
       After much laughing and hooting and howling, the engineers would say, "How is that possible? You are all just a bunch of dumb, rural, Mexican Indians. You know nothing about engineering such a difficult transit, and yet you confide in Burros. jajaaajjaaa jajaaajjaaaa"
      The the Indians said,"Sen~ores, do you want this road to go from here to Mitlalchitepec?"
     "Yes, of course, that is the only pass that can be used to build the paved highway through to San Lorenzo." responded the engineers.
     "But Sen~ores, if you want to have a highway for trucks to San Lorenzo, you have to use the Camino del Burro. Please take your trucks and load the Burros and us upon them, and take the Burros and us to San Benavides. Then you can follow us back to here and then you will know the route you must take to Mitlalchitepec."
     The Indians seemed sincere, and the distance wasn't that far, so they loaded up the eight or nine mares and two jacks and six Zapotec Indians and drove them about 16 miles to San Lorenzo on the old unserviceable road.    The Mexico City professionals and their Gringo sub-contractor smiled knowingly and thought they were being very accommodating to the rustics by entertaining their foolishness as though their idea had any merit.
      After an hour and a half they arrived and unloaded their living cargo. The Zapotec rustics set about organising the return, calling loudly and sharply,"Arre! Arre! Maria, Arre! Consuelo....Arre tu!! Napoleon. Arre!...and off they went. "Hasta la casa, sonsas! hasta la casa!!! Arre!  (getty-up! Maria!!  Getty-up Consuelo...getty-up!! Get thee up!!  Napoleon, getty-up!! "Until the home, silly girls!! Until the home!! getty-up!)
     The burros began to canter into the chapparral, weaving here and there, but cantering fairly slowly all the while, just fast enough to where the men had to walk a bit briskly to keep up. The engineers followed, having sent the truck back around.    They had been going for about an hour when the engineers said, "When does this end?  Are we going to camp out here overnight?"
      The Indians laughed, and pointed to the summit just ahead, about 300 yards away. "We have arrived. Just over the 'ceja' (crest).    And then we are there."
     "You Indians are either lost or lying, because we have only been walking for an hour, and we have only covered 2 miles at the most."
      But about that time three burro colts came running up to meet their returning mothers, a soon after that the entire party arrived and looked  down where they had left, by truck, about 3 hours ago.    It was, indeed, a two-mile walk back, and it was almost totally level ground except for one 400 yard stretch of a slight incline.
The new paved highway to San Lorenzo was built where the donkeys had told them to build it.
(and yes, there really is a Mitlalchitepec  [I believe it means "Corn field full of (weeds) (wild flowers) of the mountain" in Nahuatl/ Oaxaca.])
     And that was one of many, many stories from Agustin Salinas that kept me spell-bound from age 0 - 6....a long, long time ago in a never never land on the Mexican border.  His stories all turned out to be true, or at least reasonable understandings of what he knew to be the truth.
(Excerpted from email exchange with an OROG, who served multiple tours in Afghanistan in forward areas and who is something of a son/nephew/brother figure to El Gringo Viejo, and who was a chum  of EGV's daughter and a member of her graduating class in High School.  The original email was amended, editted, and smoothed out a bit, and made more accurate in some minor detail.
     We had been talking about things, and then the topic veered into horses [I think because he knows that my father was a "real live" horse cavalry trooper back in the late 1920s and early 1930s.]  So, I signed off this email to him with, " Thanks for your observations. Sometimes they bring back memories.")


It simply needs to be stated by someone, somewhere before this issue is buried into the muck by the Orwellian realities that we suffer in these times.  This recognition is made here and is made without reservation.   It is done to honour these three people, not at the expense or neglect of others as yet un-named who are equally...possibly even more...deserving of garlands and trophies.  But these three must be held before your children...your grandchildren, your nephews and that best example of risking all for truth and the righteous defense of honour for this Republic.

Catherine Herridge
For coverage of the Benghazi Tragedy with
professional tenacity and dedication.

For disregarding the danger to self and her standing
in the profession where now large numbers of her
fellow journalists prefer the safety of approval
of a mendacious regime than the compliance
with seeking the answers to those famous
Who? What? When? Why? and Where?

Greg Palkot
(pictured with wounds)
Greg Palkot
(without wounds)
For coverage of the Benghazi Tragedy with
professional tenacity and dedication.

For disregarding the danger to self and to his standing
 in the profession where now large numbers of his
fellow journalists prefer the safety of approval
of a mendacious regime than to the compliance
with seeking the answers to those famous
Who? What? When? Why? and Where? 


Jennifer Griffin
For coverage of the Benghazi Tragedy with
professional tenacity and dedication.

For disregarding the danger to self and her standing
in the profession where now large numbers of her
fellow journalists prefer the safety of approval
of a mendacious regime than the compliance
with seeking the answers to those famous
Who? What? When? Why? and Where?


     Each of these people have had severe life-challenges beyond the matter of Benghazi.   They are ridiculed by the elite because of their affiliation with the FOX News I am fact I know.  I have followed the words on the leftist screeds where all manner of scorn is heaped upon FOX Reporters and anyone else who does not toe the Progressive line over and above the line of the Truth.
     They were chosen for this blog-entry by order determined by two flips of an Amerian Quarter.   This, because they are all three equal in valour.   This page is theirs for eternity, and we honour them for having conquered their other challenges.
El Gringo Viejo


Revenge for what, pray tell?
Cash for Clunkers?
Socialised Medicine Initiative?

With no particular repect for a mendacious, cowardly deceiver,
El Gringo Viejo

FEMA: I knew you too well

Already, Congressmen are coming forth to call for an expansion of funding for FEMA.    One just finished speaking on FOX saying that he was submitting legislation to authorise a increase of 12,000,000,000 dollars in order to back up spending and to maintain a reserve for disasters that everybody know are coming.
     It is striking, of course, that FEMA demonstrates with each disaster that it is a useless, incompetent deterrent to recovery.  It was established by compulsive central government totalitarians to displace personal responsibility and the exercise of local control and response to a local emergency or disaster.
      Presently, in what little is functioning that is sponsored by the useless central government response force, the locals were pointing out to the Obsolete Press reporters that "Those 'n-words' over are making their third trip through the line, and in that other line over there, that 'n-word' crack-whore is the sister of the ones in the first line" .   It should be pointed out that the speaker in this case is a well-presented, otherwise well-spoken Negress who was apparently escorting two older ladies, perhaps relatives, also well-presented.   This was at an urgent relief centre on the east-most part of Brooklyn.
     It brought to mind similar stories that occurred at the AstroDome in Houston with the arrival of the "Katrina Refugees".   The "Katrina Refugees" immediately upon arrival, set about to gain the system.   We shan't delve into the hundreds of horror stories about their actions and general deportment.   Much of the problem caused by those people was compounded by FEMA.
    But we remember, therefore, and now point out that FEMA learns nothing because it does not have local familiarities.   The idea that, once again with five day's certain notice, that this illustrious, magnificent "Federal" agency composed of Angels and Supermen could not implement the simple, basic, PLAN I - A, that says, "Move 5,000 small and medium-sized spot generators to within 50 miles of (in this case) that point slightly to the right of the strike point of the centre of the storm.    Mobilise and direct 2,000 fuel delivery trucks to that same area, dividing them proportionately according to brand-name of receiving fuelling stations....and keep them "nimble'' so as to respond to changes in landfall target.   Also avoid allowing these first deployments to expose themselves to entrapment by quickly rising water.
      Stand back 100 miles from the strike point and urge that the Governor take control of the supply warehouses of WalMart, K-Mart, and other such great storehouses of "stuff" (diapers, formula, canned goods, water, etc.) and to deploy National Guard elements trained in logistics and supply management under combat conditions.
      If there are inordinate rainfall probabilities, move back to 200 miles and request that appropriate governors communicate with the fire departments of towns and cities that have serviceable fire engines with pumping capacity to immediately begin converging in ten medium sized towns within 50 miles of the strike points...towns with parking lots that can accommodate 50 - 100 pumpers, and that have available diesel fuel to refuel at least twice.
     Suggest strongly the governor(s) that executive orders requiring preference be given at the most adjacent refineries to the strike point to transporters involved in delivering fuel back into the nearest possible fuel retailers, and to the resupply of the fire engine/pumpers once they begin backing up the water removal activities of  the affected areas.
     Mobilise to the highest extent, National Guard fuel tanker-trucks  and the double-axle personnel and asset delivery trucks for delivery of medical personnel and consumer items such as food, water, personal necessities, baby things, etc.   An availability of 2,000 would be a minimum, and might require three to five States to "order-up".
Now, you all know that El Gringo Viejo is a fool for even thinking about such a pie in the sky scheme....but....this is essentially what the electric power and deliver companies do as a matter of course.   We have several hundred high-skilled linemen, installers, drivers, and other very highly trained personnel who have left the AEP service area here in South Texas and already arrived in the the disaster zone...sometime last Thursday.   Large contingencies have moved in from Alabama and Tennessee (and were denied permission to work in New Jersey because they are not "union members") and from the Province of Ottawa, Canada and I am sure from other entities quite distant from the strike point of this particular storm.
     The local press here beat the drum and sang the praises a couple of days ago, of the one and only greatest help agency in the world...the Red Cross... because there are two (2) people leaving this part of South Texas with about 1,400,000 population to go help out in New Jersey.   The local Salvation Army had already dispatched 30 volunteers and regular personnel two days earlier without any press coverage or fanfare.
     In short, FEMA only clouds the issue and strives to make the people think that it has powers and abilities that it doe not, and could never, have.   It is designed to train people to audition in try-outs for Queen for a Day, and to learn how to beg for adult pampers and a can of Wolf Brand Chili and a new house and a Porsche  from Father Abraham or Father Obamaham or whoever the Great White Father  is at the moment.    NO FEMA CAN EVER HOPE TO FIGHT THE LOGISTICAL SUPPLY WAR IN WHAT ARE COMBAT CONDITIONS AND DEAL WITH THE VAGARIES OF RECONSTRUCTION AS CAN LOCAL INSTITUTIONS, POLICE POWER HOLDERS, AND THE PEOPLE RELYING UPON THEIR SENSE OF OBLIGATION TO THEIR NEIGHBOURS.   FEMA is designed, purposefully, to degrade the Samaritan sense that is...or used to be...inborn in the great American Class.
      FEMA is designed to make people realise that only Chairman Mao can provide you with your grey Mao tunic and your two changes of underwear per year....and a toothbrush.
Finally, the Governors, even the crummy ones like Blanco and Sibilius, will perform their police powers knowing that they will be backed up by the other governors.  The businesses will yield to the police powers expressed by the governors and compliance with repayments to the impositions upon the various public and private assets can be reimbursed much more quickly and much more fairly in this matter.     And with less cost.    At times the less "efficient" path is the more effective path.
We resign with an expression of dismay that our electrical company workers....all paid, but all volunteers...went to the trouble to leave hearth and home to go forth and help during a time of need....then to be barraged by people throwing eggs and tomatoes at them, calling them scabs, along with anti-Southern and  ethnic slurs, even as they continued their work to re-establish electrical service.   We'll remember.
El Gringo Viejo