Thursday 20 September 2012

Mealy Mouth Clinton usual.

“There’s the thinking that the president is somebody who is all-powerful and can get everything done,” Obama responded. “In our branch, in our system of government, I am the head of the executive branch. I’m not the head of the legislature, I’m not the head of the judiciary. We have to have cooperation from all these sources in order to get something done. So I am happy to take responsibility for the fact that we didn’t get it done, but I did not make a promise that we would get everything done, 100 percent when I was elected as president." (sounds so much like Clinton it gives me shudders)

     No, Barry, there is the thinking by stupid, un-schooled people that leads them to believe that their lives depend upon the President.   Who the President is, how he feels about "me", what he does for "me", when he will do something for "me", and above all else, if he will cut the rich people down to size.
     The people with whom you were talking at the Univision appearance, including the lefty but respected Jorge Ramos,  already know about the Constitutional assignments given to the Excutive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of the United States of America.   The pedant, dull un-necessary explanation you gave was disgusting.   It was a normal, arrogant performance of a person who assumes that he is the brightest bulb in the chandalier, when in fact his filament is already burned out.
     It is the final sentence in this paragraph uttered by the naked Emperor that gives Chris Matthews a warm and fuzzy tingle;   "....but I did not make a promise that we would get everything done, 100% when I was electred as president".   You see, you can't catch me.   I can't be caught by your stupid little question.  I'm a really smart lawyer.  So I'm gonna ask you, "Have you stopped beating your wife? Huh?   Huh?"  Gotcha!
     The president chose not to bring the issue of amnesty, path to citizenship, normalisation of temporary work permits, and several other immigration issues to the forefront when he had a majority in both house of Congress because, in typical marxist fashion, it is best to keep issues that can be demogogued easily to one ethnic, age, income, or other category, until some time around election time.   The merest thought of bringing the issue up in 2010 would have extended the disasters for the Democrats in that election, so it was delayed until the next election.
      Another problem is that 60 percent of the Latinos don't give a whit about immigration issues.   About 15 percent have some kind of skin in the game.   Part of the impatience that the hosts had with Obama on this occasion was that he was talking down to them as though they were all like the dolts he has as dumboe-manakin props behind him in the press clips.  (One wonders how much training must be invested to make sure that the dolts in those scenes don't drool on their 'forward' signs that they are holding upside down)
     Another part of the impatience of the Univision people is the matter of the casualties involved in the ridiculous shovelling of firearms into the hands of the cartels by the Obama/Holder Department of Justice, about 400 were civilian men, women, and children, honest and semi honest cops, and, of course, heroic Mexican military personnel of the Army and Naval Infantry.   Killed....Dead.  No one in the administration has expressed a whit of interest in the is fact, much less bemoaned it.   If  the 'apology marathon' were to employed anywhere, it seems as thought this would have been a fairly easy apology to make to someone.
    The fact is that when people are killed during a commission of a violation of the law, those deaths are classified as homicides, and referred for prosecution as felony murder or manslaughter, depending upon the aggravating circumstances.    High Crimes and Misdemeanours?  Impeachment, conviction, and imprisonment for Obama and Holder?   Were they to be Republicans, or worse, Conservatives, they would already be in prison.
     Jorge Ramos was so crass that he asked Obama if he is going to fire Holder for his mishandling of the "Fast and Furious Debacle".    Obama stuttered and filibustered another answer, while the atmostphere in the hall continued to cool to the freezing point before the interview was over.   And yes, don't worry, there will be none of it on the Obsolete Media to-morrow.   Fox is barely coverning the story, but believe me that this interview will have a 10 point hit in the days to come among Latinos.

 Finally, more than anything, it was good to see someone in the media not start and end the honour of having a chance to interview this terrible narcissistic dullard with questions like,"Don't you just hate when you make a shot and there's no way to tell whether or not it made it in, or just looked that way by the way it whisked the net?"  or  "Do you ever get tired of people with an ax to grind saying unjustifiable mean things about you?"   If I were to interview him, I would have asked him if he wanted to do the interview in English or Dhuhluo or pre-Dutch Indonesian.
     What is interesting about these two points....and then the total failure of anticipation, preparation, and the employment of just plain good sense in the matter of the multiple Embassy that Obama appeared off-balance, arrogant, almost offended by the questions.  It was left to a lefty, Spanish language network to actually pull of a complete show of hostile questioning...with a healthy mix of Latino-type questions, and general American question.   Harsh questioning.  It was a great moment for Univision....and the normally pinky Jorge Ramos and his female counterpart.

More later.
El Gringo Viejo  


We shall be heading to the South to-morrow.   There have been various projects started and mainly finished.   So, we look forward to seeing the nature of their appearance and function.  In the next few months we might be buying what might be that last motorcar.  Given that the one El Gringo Viejo is driving right now has been "in the family" so to speak for over twenty years this next vehicle has to be chosen carefully.
     The present one has served well, but now has more quirks that only one person can ever hope to operate it.    We were going to loan it to my son some months back, after some girl ran into his neat little Mustang when he was parked at a stop light.   The "special notes and suggestions" that we wrote up to introduce our old grey (barely maroon) mare took almost two pages of single spaced typing of the size the OROG sees here.   And that was just to start rolling.   The stopping and getting back to square one has other sets of instructions.  Those, however, can always be read while one tries to work it out of 2nd gear while texting the hospital to make reservations in the emergency room.

     In any regard, the old mare has been a loyal and faithful servant, so perhaps we will find a pleasant barn where we could jack it up to keep the tires off the ground and restore it some day.  It still makes about 30 miles to the gallon of fuel.   It has also served during the past years as a device to disarm any nefarious bum who was on the prowl to impress an SUV or four-door pick-up into Cartel service.   Humble looking is also the better part of valour sometimes, too.

     Our normal route does not take us by the blow-out at the PEMEX natural gas processing and transmission plant.   To go that way means an extra couple of hours drive, passing through Linares instead of San Fernando.   Our understanding at this point is that there are only four of the injured remaining in the hospital in Reynosa.   They are, as one might imagine, very seriously injured.   There are a few, perhaps as many as six, who are not accounted for, and who might well have been immolated.   The bulk of the casualties were Schlumberger technicians from France or affiliated sub-contractors.   One of the things that was going on at that hour of that day was a cleanout of a line-feed and tank that is used for extracting nitrogen dihydroxide  (water infused nitrogen gas) and putting it into another tank for drying and preparation for turning into other products, such as anhydrous ammonia to be used in fertilizers.

     We shall be a little removed from ready comment or from reception of emails.  Any questions can be directed to Diana, and you will probably received better, and shorter, answers anyway.   There will be a couple of more entries during the remainder of the day if there are no surprises.

El Gringo Viejo

Wednesday 19 September 2012


To the left is the President of the United States of America and to the right is the President of Libya, Mohammed Magarief.  One of them is an honest man.   One of them puts his people above himself.  Only one is worthy of Honour.

Here are a couple of fellows.  
Both are Presidents.  One of Libya, and the other of a nation in serious decline, somewhere north of Belize.  One tells the truth, even at the risk of his own life.  The other one lies without compunction.
    One tries to be reasonable, even in unreasonable conditions.  The other is essentially an extreme marxist ideologue, dedicated to forcing social democracy onto a common law, free enterprise country, as a form of punishment for having "oppressed" certain bodies of people.
     One is trying to re-establish a country that has had years of oppression of a kind that cannot be comprehended by most Americans.   While some speak of a War onWomen in the United States, the President of Libya must deal with armed gangs of deranged religious maniacs who think nothing of lining up the daughters, especially the daughters of people suspected of helping a different faction.   The thugs rape and shoot the girls in front of the parents, just as if the girls were common foreign female news reporters.   That is what the President of Libya sees as a War on Women.

     El Gringo Viejo noted when the President of Libya was speaking yesterday about the probable source of the disorders in Benghazi, assigning the blame to terrorists, probably under the control of an Al Qiada group that he appeared to me to be an honest, sincere, and straightforward man.  A Statesman.

     El Gringo Viejo noted on the Letterman show that the President of the United States continued to lie and construct preposterous Windmills and Hobbit holes and Cheshire Cats concerning the probable source of the terrorist attacks.   WE CAN TRUST NOTHING THIS MAN SAYS ABOUT THIS ISSUE OR ANY OTHER.   HE IS A MARXIST WHOSE ONLY TRUTH IS THAT WHICH AIDS IN THE DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA AND ANY FREE STATE.

    We would be willing to trade Libya's President for ours, but something tells me that the Libyans would not take the trade.
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.                                                            El Gringo Viejo

WE, the rightwing crazies have to pull Romney Out of the Clutches of the Liberal Republican Loser Thinkers

What a funny little quirk of fate.   The country-club, pinky-pants kinda-conservative Republicans tell us "ONLY ROMNEY CAN WIN.   NO RUBES OR HICKS OR MOOSE KILLERS NEED APPLY!!"
     The rightwing crazies say, Romney has a lot of pinko liberal baggage, and he is a compromiser.   The Country Clubbers respond,"You people are not sophisticated enough to understand.  We have to have a moderate.   The American people do not want hard liner extremists.   We have to have a moderate.   Someone who doesn't believe too hard in anything and who will throw in the towel immediately during any negotiation with the socialists.   After all socialism is the inevitable wave of the future and there is no way to avoid it."
      The rightwingers respond, "Then that's how Gerald Ford, King George I, Bob Dole, and Col.  McCain really stuck it to the liberal Democrats, right?"
      To which the pinky pants Country Clubbers respond, "If you only knew what a nice boy Billy Jeff Clinton is.   He is just the nicest boy and he does a lot of nice things.  He's just like one of us.   He is like a son to us.   And yes, Bob Dole and Col. McCain ran nice races because they like nice things and they like to have agreement and make progress.   Just think of all those nice parking spaces for crippled folks and geezers the food stampers can leave their grocery carts and pampers in.  That's nice because only gang members who print handicap tags ever use the parking spaces anyway."
      And the rightwing crazies say, "But McCain runs a nice campaign against a guy who makes fun of  "Special Olympics" on national television."
      "Yes, it was not good that Col. McCain built up that kind of pressure on a Negro who needed to be accepted and approved by the people because it was "their " time.   Perhaps it was the pressure of that girl from Canada who he chose to be his running mate.   Everybody knows they were having an affair....that's why they had to keep it a secret.   She was such a catty, gossipy, little trampy piece of white trash.   You realize of course that she has never know...."belonged" the sense of, you know... "belonging".   I mean, do they even have a country club in...where is it?  the Yukon?    She doesn't even understand the "inconvenience" a nine-month prison sentence....sometimes a girl has to stand up for what's right, and she just didn't understand what it's like to be a real woman, with a little dignity....knowing which fork to know."
      "Fork or coathanger?''

     And so it is left to the Rightwing Crazies to ...not just gather 'round...but to charge the parapets.   Surrounding the charger of our King, we force him to ride with us to assault the walls of the evil Prince Barry and his hideous court of treacherous vipers.  "Raise your Sword, Your Majesty!   We are carrying the Day!   There is fear and disorder in the Castle, and the defence lines and giving'way!" a popular captain calls over the din of battle.
     Suddenly the Good King Willard takes faith, seeing these new troops flooding into and onto the battlefield.  Looking up he sees that the defenders are gone from the walls.   Then, with but little delay, he points to the Castle and declares, "In the name of the people of England and by the Will of the Almighty, We reclaim the throne on behalf of every goodman!"
      The charger surges forward.   Good King Willard notices that his previous advisors are on the edge of the field, shaking their heads to the negative.    They had shone all observers how the battle had already been lost, even before it started.    When asked why it was that they had pushed him to the head of the line as the only reasonable replacement for the evil Prince Barry, if they were only going to abandon him at the beginning of the battle, they mumbled and looked away, finally pulling their mounts' reins to ride back to the Channel Coast.
      But back to the Battle at hand.   Look...look...the white flag is out!   The Castle has fallen.  Good King Willard is restored!   God Save the King!   Hooray!!  Hooray!!
     Prince Barry is stripped of his crown, title, and sent to California to remain in permanent exile, living in a small house whose only view is next to the pool where Lady Pelosi and Dame Hillary and Baroness Janet go skinny dipping every day and where he will work to repair grocery carts for the homeless for the rest of his days.   On Thursdays they let the errant Prince go down to the Exotic Dancers Saloon so he can watch RoseAnn Barr's special four hour Dance of the Seven Veils again....and again....and again.
Esteemed OROGs:   The Republican liberal eletists said we had to have Romney.   Romney hits a very minor bump and they abandon him.  They are shouting about Icebergs when our ship has only been bumped into by a porpoise.   The Abominable Rightwing Crazies are at the helm and at every battle position on the Ship soon-to-be of State.   We shall win this thing.
     And yes, we know, Romney and his "friends" will throw us out the back door in the dark after we win the election for Romney, but the credit is more important to his "friends" than it is to us.   God knows that some of us only have half or less of our genealogy connected to titled positions.
El Gringo Viejo

We Feel Sorry for the Everyday Muslim

It is pretty much a thankless task.   If a guy is just regular Mohammed, and comes and goes to work and takes the tourists for camel rides, and goes to church on Friday, and takes care of his family, looks after the elders, checks into the brick factory he and his brother operate, go home tired....he can still look around in fear.
     Are the Sharia nuts coming to drag his daughter off to the clinic for circumcision?  Is it true what that gossipy old woman said that she saw a Hezbollah agent talking to my son yesterday morning?   Will that thug from Hezbollah come again to-morrow to threaten my brother and me about the "tax" on our brick factory?   We have to pay 25% to the "war tax" so we can kill the Jews....?
     Three days ago, a Hezbollah took a digital picture of me with the tourists.   We were all laughing and putting the Gentile girl in the right place for the mare to stand up without the Gentile girl falling off on her way up.   The Gentiles maybe they were  Jews,   but they were American.  I charged them  30 dollars for three camels and they gave me 30 dollars and 20o Egyptian Pounds (32 / am.cur.)   I was embarrassed.  They were good people, the angel travellers that The Prophet said would pass by when there is need in my house.   But, the Hezbollah camera thug was still lurking at the curio stands, taking his rake-off.

     There are so many of them.  But yet, so many of us do not participate in their rallies, but we are watched all the time.  The preachers are not preachers.  They are spies and gossips.  But what do we do.   If a Copt brings me a Christmas thingy or some gift-plate for our Ramadan supper....the Hezbollah thugs are watching.  If we take them a little something for the baby on the Three Kings, the Hezbollah act like they are making notes in their little notepads.
     At any moment, when they are drunk with the liquor we do not use, they come and curse the Copt and his Saviour, and me for talking to him, and they call me a Jew-dog spy.  The thug does not even know the Copt's Saviour is a true prophet of Islam.   One pull of the trigger and my family is slaughtered.   And my brother's family.   My brother lives only six doors away.   We helped build each others houses.   They are nice...especially on the inside.  It is the tourist-angels.  That extra money.  My children can build a computer with their eyes closed, and my son can play the Spanish guitar. They are so full of life, but there is always fear in their eyes.   You do not understand the eyes that always watch and always see.   What would be life if we could be out of the view of the vermin?   And then, what if we help the American agents?  Then later the White House says..."We have people on the ground who spoke to Mohammed the Camel Driver, and he gave us the necessary information.   He lives at 222 Olive Tree Street, Cairo."
    What do we do?  We'll keep making good bricks, and waiting for Traveller Angels, and hope maybe things go back to a better normal, if God wills.

Prayer from Mohammed, the brick factory owner and tourists'-camel man extraordinaire.

El Gringo Viejo

You jes' gotta' believe in Hope 'n Change 'n Hypo Crits

This is a special consideration for Beyonce (what
is a beyonce?) put in place for the "fund-raising" get-
together for Obama, last night.  This richly demonstrates
Obama's closeness to the common man and his experience
with the suffering of America's oppressed.   He will explain
to Pimp with the Limp on the next radio programme how the
300,000 dollar tower of premium label champagne was
put in place to remind all in attendance about how Romney
is out of touch and full of animal cruelty impulses and other
forms of debauchery.   They reviewed a porno film of Romney
romping around in a hot-tub with Charro and other clandestine
films showing Romney selling 100 twelve year old blond girls from
Minnesota to Arab human traffickers.   That's the way Romney
raises his money for this campaign.   It's just the way rich people
operate.   Like strapping dogs onto the  roof of your car just to
watch them suffer.

Thank the Originator of all Kwanzaa-like Solstice days that
we can get this information out about what a hypocritical tea-bagger
swine with lipstick Romney and his whiney, do-nothing wife are.
Hope  Change  Forward  Liberte'  Egalite'  Fraternite'

You just gotta love it!  Chutzpah Uber alles! Thank Lucifer
for stupid, guilt-ridden, white folks with tingly legs.  And
now, our new National Anthem:

El Gringo Viejo  -  Pray for the peace of Jerusalem