Monday 7 May 2012

Odds and Ends

The following is an assembly of little points and fact that El Gringo Viejo thinks about, and says, "I need to write that down and put it on the blog."   He then pulls into into the parking space, puts on the burglar bar, clicks the zombo-lock button, and forgets what it was that he needed to put on the blog.

(1)    Mexico, Canada, Japan, Mexico, South Korea, and Taiwan  have a combined population of about 340,000,000 people. The GNP of the five countries is a combined 12,450,000,000,000 (twelve trillion, four hundred and fifty trillion American dollars).
         We are taught to at best disregard these countries or dispise them by the mainstream press and in the case of Mexico, even FOX News.   Only Red China matters to the New Improved Democratic United States of America.    I mean, man....look at the market potential.    There are 1,300,000,000 people in the population!   And just think, when they execute somebody for being un-re-educable, the family of the condemned person has to pay for the pistol bullet to rid society of such a reprobate.   Now that's my kind of tight fiscal policy!
         The 1,300,000,000 (increasingly male) population produces a GNP of  8,000,000,000,000 (eight trillion American dollars).
      The per capita "punch" of the smaller group is 38,000/person .   The per capita "punch" of the Great Red Dragon is about 6,000/person.

(2)    Mexico has suffered over 50,000 people killed during 5.5 years of warfare between drug trafficking cartels, related gang turf fights, and direct confrontation between the military and police, against the forces of disorder.
        During that same time, in the United States 150,000 have been killed in warfare between drug and human trafficking gangs, related gang turf fights, and interaction against police agencies by such groups.   The number of 150,000 does not include the "regular" non-drug traffic/use murders.   "Stop snoring!" "No!" Bang  Bang!
       Greta says it is safe in the United States but dangerous in Mexico.  Jim Cramer vacations at his home in Mexico and comes back to anchor his programs on CNBC.   Allison Camerotta vacations in Mexico, resting up from her ardour as anchorette on Fox and Friends Weekend and other stints on the network.
       The per capita kill-rate in the United States is greater than in Mexico.   The press...even still mired in issues like Hispanic, or white Hispanic, or "the Hispanic Vote'', or Illegals or Immigration Issues, playing neatly into the marxist inspired tactic of clouding an issue with undefinable terms and assuming that there is a problem that can only be solved with money and by the government.

Aldous Huxley would be proud
(3)    Anyone who says, "We need to make O'bamaham understand that....."  should be taken to the nearest facility for the mentally retarded.   Father O'bamaham has done everything that his past, present, and promises for the future have laid out plainly.   His objective is to break the economic back of the United States of America.   His methods include the stratification of groups of importance and groups of no importance.   The productive are of no importance, because they cause a nation to prosper and advance.   In order to destroy the nation the productive must be harrassed, threatened, taxed, and if necessary bullied and killed.
   In order to destroy the nation, the consumers must be fed, housed, medically attended and generally totally supported by the productive.   The non-productive consumers are very important because they are the tools and the cannon fodder for the final pustch.   Obama definitely knows what he is doing.

Thank you all, as usual, for your time and attention
El Gringo Viejo

Saint HRH Sir Edmund Hillary Rodham, added to Mr. Rushmore


First Photo-portrait for the preliminary design
 work on the addition to Mount Rushmore

      This will be the only personage to have a marble plaque, 500 yards by 500 yards square, placed in front of the monument at Mount Rushmore, that is electronically adapted to show repeated episodes of those moments when Saint HRH Sir Edmund Hillary Rodham was carried into the Cosmos via the Whirlwind Angel Soyuz.    It will depict those heroic moments such as when HRH Sir Edmund Hillary Rodham found 1000 American dollars in a wine jar, and at her mother's request turned the 1000 American dollars into 100,000 American dollars.
      See how, later in life, she walked over a river of White Water without ever getting her feet wet, while scores of others were murdered and/or thrown into prisons operated by the fascist counter-revolutionaries.    Watch in amazement as she awakens, as did her relative Snow White, from a long slumber, remembering nothing of her past travails as she walked over that dangerous water.
      See how she strove to give all Americans free socialized medicine, but like her relative Jean d'Arc, she was thwarted by fascist counter-revolutionaries who only wanted people to die.  Unlike Jean, HRH Sir Edmund Hillary survived being burned at the stake and ascended into Heaven to return later.
     Watch in amazement as she managed to raise money from a Jewish group for her campaigns of liberation of those oppressed by fascist revolutionaries.   ThoseJewish groups  had previously only given money to fascist counter-revolutionaries before, so as a small reward she obtained a Presidential Pardon for one of their members.
     See those wondrous moments when she ordered and received over 1,300 confidential, raw-data personnel files about private persons from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and ransacked them, looking for information that might protect the poor from repression by the fascist counter-revolutionaries.  Unlike Charles Colson who did 3 years of hard prison time for having one, unopenned  such FBI file in his desk in the Nixon White House, Sir Edmund Hillary Rodham escaped any abuse by the forces of the fascist counter-revolutionaries they had replaced.
      Other miracles will be shown on the 500 X 500 square yard obelisk which will be visible for over 200,000 square miles on Earth, as well as broadcast to the Universe via the SETI space penetration radio wave project.   Miracles such as witnessing HRH St. Sir Edmund Hillary's "good friend", Vince Foster putting a gun in his mouth and blowing his brains out, then taking a shower, putting on a nice fresh white shirt, and fresh suit, and apparently walking to Fort Marcy Park and lying down with his back on a tree trunk, with his hands crossed over his chest, still holding a pistol that was not his.
      This miracle has an assistant miracle which shows Maggie and Bernie ransacking Vince Foster's White House office...a few doors down from Billy Jeff Blythe's oval office of other famous miracles....taking out every trace of paper or file, box load by box load, that could remotely divulge exactly how various and sundry of The Many Miracles had been performed over the years.   Oddly, the only thing really left behind was a brief-case with a suicide note Vince Foster had written in the printed hand of another person  (another of the wondrous miracles) and torn into over a score of roughly square pieces.    The briefcase had apparently been overlooked several times during repeated passes by police authority, although it been right there, miraculously, on Vince Foster's desk, in plain view, for four or five days, hiding in plain sight.

      Pope Nancy Pelosi, leader of the Real Live Meaningful Roman Catholic Church and Abortatoreum Service, LLC  ruled that the only explanation of the following observations that were entered into the Congressional Record and sworn as evidence by forensic investigators in various forums, official as well as informal, WAS DIVINE INTERVENTION!!  Can we even imagine how fortunate we are to have been graced by this woman.   Read these comforting words, derived from the Congressional Record, so as to further your peace and contemplations:

         "Anyhow, they said that the fingerprints on the telephone records can remain intact on paper and other materials for years, so her fingerprints on the billing records do not necessarily mean that she saw the records recently. Now, this is very interesting, Mr. Speaker, because when Vincent Foster died, you remember Vincent Foster , the assistant counsel to the President at the White House, when Vincent Foster died, a suicide note was found in his briefcase. At least that is what they called it. Despite the fact that it had been torn into 28 pieces, you have to tear it to get 28 pieces 14 of 15 times, there was not one single fingerprint on any one of those pieces.
        "Investigators and various Clinton administration officials said at the time that it was not unusual, because fingerprints do not attach themselves easily to paper. Now, here we have the President's wife, the First Lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton, her fingerprints are all over these telephone records that nobody could find for 2 years and were found in their residence, while they were under subpoena, incidentally, and they are saying that it is not unusual for the fingerprints to be attached to paper, and that she probably attached them to those documents in 1992 during the Presidential campaign. Now, you cannot have it both ways. Either it can be attached to paper, you can get fingerprints on paper, or you cannot. Her fingerprints were on the documents, but the fingerprints were not on Vince Foster 's alleged suicide note.
        "Adding to the mystery, the first two times that the White House counsel at the time, Bernie Nussbaum, search Vincent Foster 's briefcase, he did not find any torn up note. The note was found 6 days later when another White House aide searched the briefcase for a third time. Now, Mr. Speaker, it has to be one way or the other. If fingerprints attach themselves easily to paper and stay there for years, there is no explanation for why Vincent Foster 's note had no fingerprints on them, especially since it had been torn into 28 pieces. And if fingerprints do not attach themselves easily to paper and if they wear off quickly, then Mrs. Clinton must have handled the billing records more recently than her aides are saying, which was 4 years ago, in 1992"

      There is barely space enough to name, much less describe the wondrous wonders of this wonderful woman.    The use of the FBI to frame and then fire the permanent, non-partisan White House travel office workers so as to hire her own cousins and cronies was certainly an act of self-sacrificing charity.    Reactionary forces managed to have the scoundrels vindicated, in a process that caused a lot of other people to have to resign in disgrace.   Good ole' Craig Livingstone, the Chief of Security for the White House, had trained briefly as a saloon bouncer and was determined to be competent, therefore, to protect the Holy Innocents inside the White House in those days.   He was one of the casualties of the Reactionary scoundrels.     

     Her collaboration in the assault upon a compound of religious kooks in Mount Carmel, McClennan County, Texas that left almost 80 men, women, and children dead and immolated....all in the justifiable effort to disarm the American civilian population...was truly a moment of high self-sacrifice.   She and her soul mate, Janet (affectionately known as Miss Sasquatch) Reno collaborated on that one, and Billy Jeff refused any responsibility.
     Also commemorated on the Great Marble Tablet:   The Miracle of the Immaculate Corkscrewing into Sarajevo or Kosovo (or one of those funny little places with funny names), and The Miracle of the Holy Camel Ride of the Severe Backache suffered One Week Before the Trip After Billy Jeff Blythe Had Confessed That He Really Did Do Something With a Chubby Jewess After All.
     And of course the Miracle of the Manhattan hunt for her daughter Chelsea, on the morning of the assault on the twin towers.   This is the Chelsea, Executive Worker of the Hedge Funds and tobacco smoker....(gasp).   Her Highness did all this, in spite of the fact that her daughter said that it was impossible because she was "spending time" overnight at her boyfriend's apartment and was nowhere near the Twin Towers.   Now, that's what everyone must admit is a real miracle. 
     It is amazing, truly, how much will have to be put on so little space....500 X  500  square yards of marble....Thank the Good Lord that this is a shovel-ready project!   How could America have been so fortunate as to have had a woman such as this who was willing to control absolutely every aspect of our miserable, stupid, insignifant little lives....with our petty little cookie baking and crummy little under-financed unimportant little businesses?   We have all been  truly blessed by this woman's care and protection.
Secret photos taken of Saint HRH Sir
Edmund Hillary Rodham, dodging sniper
 fire in a saloon famous for entertaining
women, especially women who like  Fidel
and other enlightened leaders. Hard to
find in Colombia, but remember, this girl
does miracles while she rides camels in the
dark, painting her fingernails.
Miserable, Mendacious, Murderous, Marxist Hag


Sunday 6 May 2012

     Partisans of Prophet of Perpetual Demagoguery were disappointed, certainly, to learn that the 34,ooo expected lobotomised zombies turned out to be 14,000 dull union thugs and self-entitled recipients.    There is a certain sad echo in Great Halls of the People when the room is less than half-full.   But it could have been worse.
       Before the event even began, pro-marxist redistributionists were blogging that FOX nuts were sending out pictures of the event that suggested that attendance was....sparse.   The dastardly rightwingers accomplished this by taking pictures two hours before the event began, so as to "give the impression" that no one came.
      Good thinking.   Tell another lie to cover the first.   Then another, then another, and  pretty soon a person has 17,000,000,000,000 in debt piled up and a whole, heapin' lot of Hope and Change to explain.    When Romney pulled off this boner, of course, it was front page news.   With the Divine Ruler, however, the occurrence was not noted save for among us rightwing crazies.

(sent into the Voice From the Sierra Madre Oriental by EL ZORRO)

    El Zorro, the secret operative who is generally found in the yonder parts of Texas sent us this profound and most reasonable observation:

El Zorro and El Gringo Viejo know that the boys who did the deed concerning the matter in Abbotabad, Pakistan are not  "Soldiers", but rather "Sailors".    We do  both take this time to salute them and specifically them and those involved in their close combat support,  for the sucess of their fire-for-effect accomplishments.   All who served and who are serving honourably in the United States Army, the United States Air Force, the United States Navy and Marines, and the United States Coast Guard receive now, and daily this salute from El Zorro, El Gringo Viejo,  and all OROGs.

More Later.
El Gringo Viejo

Saturday 5 May 2012

Of RINOs and other worthwhile things....

     A million years ago, in a different Universe, when up was up, and down was down, the popular culture tolerated things like PUFF.   Little did it matter that we knew that the blond
Amazon girl and the bald guy beside her were communists like Pete Seeger and Woodie Guthrie.  We knew.   There was a thing called the John Birch Society that wildly branded all kinds of people as communists back then, and two of the three in the PP and M trio were so scarred.    Other poor innocents like Alger Hiss, Fidel Castro, Ho Chi Minh, and the like suffered having the Red Letter "C" carved into their foreheads.    It was all a bloody mess.
      At least the third member of the PP and M trio was just a "democratic socialist", so we felt no real guilt about enjoying their profound talents.   While some still smirk about how the song was really about marihuana..."Puff!  The magic drag on a roach, dude...get it?  Huh? Do you get it, dude?   Cool groove, man!".....Charlie Gook saw it a bit differently when another PUFF the Magic Dragon, a C-47 outfitted with three rapid-fire Gatling guns on the port side would lumber around in circles, putting down a "cone of fire" into Charlie's camps, usually at night.   The controlability of the C-47 with its slow speeds made it a marvel of accuracy.    Almost everyone on this blog knows that a C-47 is the military version of the DC-3, perhaps the most serviceable aeroplane ever built, but some people who read this were not born a million years ago.

      All of this relates, somehow, to the the title of this post.   Allow El Gringo Viejo to try to stretch the point.   RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) are people who say they believe as Republicans, but who will frequently "reach out" and "be reasonable" when dealing with people like Bill and Hillary, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Jesse Jackson.   They have their poll-tax receipts stamped "voted Republican Primary", but they get to go to the fancy saloons and the cocktail parties in Chappaqua and Aspen.
     They really don't like their saloons to have "those" and "them" around, so they read the society pages of the Los Angeles Times and  the New York Times and decide it's better to be accepted by people who serve 112 year old brandy and scotch than to hob-knob with Joe the Plumber who is know... "one of 'them'" and, at best, drinks Mexican beer.   So much cleaner, you know.   And where does all that sawdust on the floor come from in those places?
ROGER MILLER tells it best
     Our problem is that the Poofy, Pinky-pants, Country Club Republicans who are "reasonable" and who "know how to get things done" and who can "reach across the aisle" cannot win an election without the Rightwing Crazy Republicans.   And the Rightwing Crazy Republicans cannot win an election without the Poofy, Pinky-pants Country Club Republicans.  And of course, the Rightwing Crazy Republicans are dangerous because they will go up and upset the apple-cart in Washington and HEB Grocery Stores will go out of business overnight because there will be no one to feed the 666 spawn of the AFDC Monsters.
      So, we are locked in an embrace of Death. And the Spawn of Satan continues to breed, and the American people continue to accustom themselves to the very largess that will finally destroy them.
     But what do we do?    We have seen the advertisement placed by "friends of Dewhurst" or whatever, on our sites and frequently visited pages.  They are the good people.   They are the ones who like 112 year old scotch and brandy.   They do not like nobodies who are not under absolute control by the Absolute Control Committee that is housed in the Republican National Committee's in Das  Untergruntblunderbunker.    They decide who is a witch, who is a Beverly Hillbilly who hunts, kills, and strips mooses, and who can or cannot call a communist a "likable fellow".

      They are the ones who are really against discretionary abortions unless it really, really important that we take that snow-skiing trip to Aspen next month....they have those really nice trail rides and pretty when they do them as dusk and the moon comes up over the glinting snow.  Goodness...and Irish coffee when its mixed with 112 year old brandy.   There really is a know.... a presiding force type god....of some know what I mean. 
Ted Cruz, Candidate for the Republican
nomination for United States Senator
from Texas

     In any regard, El Gringo Viejo will be voting for Ted Cruz.   It is verily hoped that he can refrain from responding in-kind to the Dewhurt Zombies, who obviously either trained or worked with the Friends of Romney superpac people.   There is no need to respond.   The Texas Republican Primary voter is not stupid.   We know that Dewhurst is a RINO.   We know that Cruz can win the General Election.   We know the Country Club Republicans will work against him just like the do against all moose hunters and witches and nobodies.   After all, they want "reasonable" candidates who know how to "reach across the aisle".    But the time is now.   We must stop the crony capitalism.   We must stop paying to feed other peoples' children, housing them, clothing them, providing "free medical" and other such benefits that only provoke the production of more dependency, feelings of entitlement, and decay.   And we must do it now, or we shall certainly lose the Republic.

Thanks for your kind attention!
El Gringo Viejo  

Thursday 3 May 2012

Cinco de Mayo, Batalla de Puebla

 Somewhat stylised depiction of the
aftermath of the Battle of Puebla

   General Charles Ferdinand Latrille, Comte de Lorencez would probably not have liked the above illustration of the aftermath following his attack on the the two citadels outside of the city of Puebla de los Angeles.    He was commanding an expeditionary force representing the Empire of France, and Napoleon III, the nephew of the much loved and hated Napoleon Bonaparte.
Furst Otto von Bismark shown here sitting with the just-captured Emperor of France, following the Battle of Sedan, in 1870.   It was the loss that established Germany as an Empire in its own right, and finished France as anything of importance for the next two centuries.    The Franco - Prussian War's conclusion costed France Alsace and Lorraine, destroyed the Monarchy, and generally left France with an inferiority complex that it has never seemed to be able to outgrow.   Liberte', Fraternite', et Egalite' became Mediocrite', Hypoctrite', et las femmes avec des jambes poilues.    But we diverge.   The issue here is the Battle of Puebla, in Mexico, eight years before these two gentlemen above-depicted had their brotherly, post-carnage conversation (they were 2nd cousins).
      So why is all this fuss raised about the Battle of Puebla?   For one it was a splash of cold water over the reality that Mexico would be a difficult blowfish to swallow.    The French (Napoleon) assumed that if the Americans could beat the Mexicans, then anybody could.   The Americans had managed to dispatch the Mexicans in less than two years, carrying their war into the very center of the City of Mexico.   The Mexicans had avoided every advantage in that war, and even when winning, seemed to withdraw.   Very peculiar.
      The French, who were adamant about being repaid monies invested in Mexico on a loan basis.   Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna had stolen much of that money and moved to New York City where he set about various swindling schemes.   Antonio stole public money and private money so he would have been very comfortable working for Corzine and Co.
      Banditry was rampant in Mexico, the Wars of the Reform had ground on for years, with grumpy, autocratic Conservatives jostling with a Zapotec Indian President who hated the Roman Catholic Church that taught him how to speak Spanish and read and write, hated white people, hated wealthy people, hated foreigners, and hated most Indians as well.   That is why everybody loved him, according to present day Mexican official history.
       The French decide finally to invade, after failing to convince the Spanish and the Brits to join in the invasion of Mexico to recover all debts.    A huge army is dispatched to Vera Cruz, which is Mexico's principal port and one of its main sources of income to the government by means of the levy of  tariffs and import duties.    Starting with that income, the French would then fund their army's advance to the City of Mexico where the mints, stores of gold and silver coin and bullion, and site maps of the mines of gold, silver, copper, and semi-precious stones were known to exist in abundance.
       The esteemed Generale Charles Latrille de Lorencez leaves Vera Cruz with a large army, under good order.   Zouaves, artillery, cavalry, drummer, buglers, bands, munitions and supply trains....and almost 30,000 effective combatants and close support personnel head West and Up....from sea-level to 7,300 feet fasl.    There are several significant skirmishes, and finally one significant battle that dispatches nominal Mexican Resistance.   Gen. Charles is being opposed by a Brigadier from the Guardia Nacional who is commanding about 1,000 regulars and about 4,000 better and lesser prepared troops from various local units of the Mexican Guardia Nacional, such as it was.
      Latrille de Lorencez had dispatch this unit here and that unit there as he moved, correctly,  into the interior of this foreboding and difficult terrain.   He learned about Mexico being hot, wet, dry, cold, windy, jungle, desert, and everything at the same time.   He also knew that each cluster, village, ranch, town, and city would have to be subdued, and  all this he did well, usually with little or no loss.    The significant battle that fairly well convinces all  that the French Army's task would be blessedly simple was fought on the 28th of April, 1862 in and around the community of Alcutzingo, not far from the pass of the same name that is hubbed on the mountain known as La Malinche or Matlalcueitl (goddess of blue and green waters, also perhaps non-salty water in Nahuatl language).
Gazebo in the Main Plaza of Alcutzingo, Vera Cruz
Now, Alcutzingo is a blessed place, to the left is its showy gazebo in the main plaza.  It is said that many French soldiers retired there after all the warring, and other family members joined them when things had settled down.   There are also curmudgeon Gringos tucked in here and there in this and other similar communities here-abouts.
15,000 fasl Peak of La Malinche, aka Matlacihautl
     It was here that the French dispatched the Mexican resistance and relaxed a bit to continue to Puebla de los Angeles.   It was anticipated that the conservative, very Roman Catholic population there would be happy to see the French and that there would be a celebratory reception.  Two days' march, 8,000 crack troops with fine French howitzers, a couple of grand entrances and a ball at the Kasino de Eventos on the Main Plaza beside the Great Cathedral....such anticipation was difficult to contain.   The officers and men knew that Puebla was a place of great refinement and excellent table fare as well.
      It was two days later that the French forces prepared to assume control of the critically important city of Puebla.   But only one little nagging problem remained.   It was that same pesky Brigadier General Ignacio Zaragoza Sequin and his gaggle of rag-tags from the Mexican regular and highly irregular Army.   They were terribly outnumbered, and already fatiqued and defeated, so what is going on here?
    All of this had started downhill when   Le Generale Charles had been confounded by a call from the the French Royal authority who wanted Le Generale to return to Vera Cruz city with his army and assume total and secure possession of that city and everything within 100 leagues along the coast.    This call came shortly after French forces had secured Orizaba, another important, although smaller, city on their way to the west.   He had begun to prepare a compliance, but noticed that Mexican units had begun to demonstrate hostile postures along his flanks.   That is when Monsieur Le Generale determined to seal up the opposition and destroy its ability to resist in the future.   It was a "slight deviation" from his orders that he would regret in short order.

     After a bit of preparation and reconnoitring, the French began an assault on the Fortress of Loreto and its brother on the right looking out, the Fortress of Guadalupe.    The Mexicans repulsed the first charge.   Then came the second and telling attack, during which time the French exhuasted their artillery advantage by running out of powder and munitions for the Brass Napoleon 6 pounders.    The Mexicans on the line of defence between the two citadels broke out of their lines, and were backed up by fresh and competent cavalry.    The third attack failed miserably.
      Flanking Mexican infantry, supported text-book style by cavalry,  followed a fairly disorderly retreat of the French, during which time they suffered a devasting series of counter attacks that could not be prepared for.    Heavy rains commenced and both sides quit the day.    The French forces had lost almost 500 dead, 500 captured and 600 wounded.
     Mexican irregulars continued to arrive and bolster weak spots in their ranks.   They had paid a price, with shy of 100 dead and a similar number wounded, but the French estimated that by dawn there would be 3,000 more irregulars joining the Mexican assault.  Monsieur Le Generale Charles was to be astounded that he had been essentially destroyed by an inferior army in terms of numbers, training, and supplies but when he began his orderly retreat the next morning, NOBODY CAME TO CHALLENGE HIS REAR GUARD!   He was expecting an officer's group to arrive from Zaragoza to request his fine French sword.   None came.

     The battle stops there.   Zaragoza has no munitions.   Food is no problem.  From here to Vera Cruz there are beans, tropical fruit, fish, goats and cows that provide meat, cheese, milk, and there is abundant production of wheat, rice, and corn.   But he has no munitions, and he does not know how much punch the French have left in them. He and his older, trusted subordinate, General Silvestre Aramberri determine to put up a hostile appearing distraction on the French rear-guard, which they do for the next two weeks.   They know that  at least the French are withdrawing.    At that is how the Battle of Puebla would end.   Mexicans 1  -    French 0.

     The 31 year old Mexican Brigadier would be dead within two years.   Always sickly during his early years, and lovelorn at the loss of his betrothed in Monterrey  (cholera?) a few years before, he was a surprise graduate of the Colegio Militar.   Born in Texas, near Goliad, he was the direct nephew of Juan Seguin who gave great and grand service to the Texian cause against Lopez de Santa Anna, both during the early stages of the siege of the Alama, and later at the total destruction of Lopez de Santa Anna's Army at San Jacinto, Texas.
     Monsieur Le Generale Latrille would come down with typhus, fight in other wars, become debilitated during his advancing years, but die among his own aristocracy in Paris in 1892. There is a legend of the Ceremony of Camarone, associated with a fight to death stand by some very valiant (perhaps stupidly so) Legionaires, some times associated with the Battle of Puebla, but while the heroic company was at the Battle of Puebla, their other heroism was accomplished about a year later and towards the northeast in the coffee  country down a bit lower in elevation.   Of 93 officers and men, only two survived.   The captain, who perished, had a wooden forearm and hand....quite a nice piece of art....which was recovered by an Anglo-French (Franglaise) farmer in the area and returned to the French much after the Battle.   There were only two survivors, and they demanded to be given terms or they would not surrender.   As per agreement, they were escorted to French lines and delivered back to their Army.   It is said  the the Mexican Cavalry dismounted and fave the two a sword salute and 21 gun honor salute.
     To this day, the remembrance of the loss at the Hacienda de Camarone -  Tejada is commemorated with the Legion's most somber and moving ceremony.     The officers of the unit terminate the eeremony by service coffee to the enlisted personnel.   The Hacienda concerned was and remains, actually, a source of some of the best coffee grown.   To end, the soldiers did not die at the Battle of Puebla, but they had fought there, a year earlier.

File:Camerone 2006.jpg
 This is the ceremony paying honours to the Legionaire
company commanded by Captaine Danjou,  His faux
forearm and hand are carried by the centre veteran
behind the officers in this formation. 
File:Main Danjou.gif
The esthetic prosthetic forearm and hand of the Captaine Danjou
Too much for one Gringo to digest. the OROGs know and understand the rest of the beginning of the story about the Cinco de Mayo.    Very quickly, it becomes a much deeper and wider story.   It is a compelling story, and one of the best places to start would be "The Cactus Throne", which is a definitive, dispassionate, and even-handed treatment of the rise and fall of the Second Mexican Empire.
El Gringo Viejo

Wednesday 2 May 2012

A Must Read - More Proof Obama is a Depraved Liar

author-imageby Mychal Massie Email | Archive
Mychal Massie is chairman of the National Leadership Network of Black Conservatives-Project 21 – a conservative black think tank located in Washington,
Speaking at the Carmichael Arena, in Chapel Hill, N.C., last Tuesday, Obama displayed not just his commonality, he purposefully lied to a handpicked audience of students. And as he always does, he was belittling someone else to make himself look good. Said behavior is typical of someone who carries the scars of the type of parents he had, but such behavior isn’t the character trait of an emotionally stable leader.
     In boasting about his plans to keep student interest rates on federal loans from doubling, he said: “One Republican congresswoman said just recently – I am going to quote this because I know you guys will think I’m making this up. She said she had very little tolerance for people who tell [her] they graduate with debt because there’s no reason for that.” He mockingly continued: “I am just quoting here, she said students who rack up student loan debt are just sitting on their butts, having opportunity dumped in [their] lap.” He finished with: “Now can you imagine saying something like that?
      Actually, Barry, what we have difficulty with is your dishonesty. The congresswoman he was referencing is Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., and her exact words were: “I have very little tolerance for people who tell me that they graduate with $200,000 of debt or even $80,000 of debt, because there’s no reason for that. We live in an opportunity society, and people are forgetting that. I remind folks that the Declaration of Independence says life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. You don’t sit on your butt and have it dumped in your lap.”
Rep. Foxx, unlike Obama and his wife, didn’t have her education handed to her because she was Kenyan, black, Muslim, or because the school needed another black to make its quota. She worked as a janitor, and it took her seven years to get her undergraduate degree at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. But she graduated debt-free.
The next day, Obama swaggered up to another microphone with the same toothy leer and reprised his role as liar-in-chief. At the University of Iowa, he said: “You’ve got one member of Congress who compared these student loans [and] I’m not kidding here – to a stage-three cancer of socialism.” With a condescending grin, and preening before the handpicked crowd, he continued: “Stage-three cancer? I don’t know where to start. What do you mean? What are you talking about? Come on. Just when you think you’ve heard it all in Washington, somebody comes up with a new way to go off the deep end.”

      I’ll tell you what I’m talking about Barry. I’m talking about you being a depraved liar. You were referring to Rep. Todd Akin, R-Mo., who in response to the student loan issue had harshly criticized the government’s taking over college loans.
Akin’s exact words were: “America has got the equivalent of the stage-three cancer of socialism because the federal government is tampering in all kinds of stuff it has no business tampering in. So first, to answer your question precisely, what the Democrats did to get rid of the private student loans and take it all over by the government was wrong. It was a lousy bill. That’s why I voted no. The government needs to get its nose out of the education business.” I’d say that is hugely different than what Obama claimed.
     In an August of 2011 column, “Nero in the White House,” I wrote: “Mr. Nixon and Clinton lied to save their backsides … [but] in the case of Obama, he lies because he is a liar. He doesn’t only lie to cover his misdeeds – he lies to get his way. He lies to belittle others and to make himself look presentable at their expense. … His lying is congenital and compounded by socio-psychological factors of his life.”
     The tragedy is that many of those students believed what he was saying, and others didn’t care one way or the other, as long as he was promising them something. In Chapel Hill, a girl seated behind Obama shook her head in disgust, wrongly believing his lies about Foxx.
      But that student probably wasn’t thinking about finishing school with $25,000-$200,000 in student loan debt alone. Nor was she likely thinking about the credit-card debt and car payments she was going to have on top of that student loan debt.
      In that same column, I wrote: “Never in my life, inside or outside of politics, have I witnessed such dishonesty in a political leader. He is the most mendacious political figure I have ever witnessed. Even by the low standards of his presidential predecessors, his narcissistic, contumacious arrogance is unequalled. Using Obama as the bar, Nero would have to be elevated to sainthood.”
      Let me remind me you of something else I’ve been saying. Extending the lowered student loan interest rate is setting up another financial bubble because there is no way to pay for it.  But don’t look for Romney to bring relief to this madness – he agrees with Obama that the plan should be extended another year. But hey, like they say, anybody but Obama.

     And so the Gringo Viejo chimes in, first as a racist to get that out of the way, to point out how Black Conservatives arrange their arguments. in all of my experiences, in a steady, blunt, 6 pound sledge-on-an-anvil, ever-advancing manner, always arriving at the end-zone of irrefutability.  The forging and tempering of their words always results in a conclusion that a person does not have to vote for before he reads it.

     El Gringo Viejo especially points out the portion of Mychal's editorial that has been accentuated in red.

     The marxist tactic of drawing a  circle around a group of people who can be determined to be stupid, greedy, mean, self-centred, and/or spoiled enough to listen to lies, believe the lies, and receptive to the idea of receiving something for nothing is alive and well.   The marxist "community organiser" always points out that "those people" have more than you....They are the Millionaires and Billionaires that don't pay their fair share.
     There are the oil companies.    They overcharge you and they receive subsidies while you eat Ramen noodles.    There are the Republicans, they want to take away your social security checks and give the money to their rich friends.   Don't go out into the world without me to protect you because the Republicans will lynch you and take away your stamps, AFDC, Section 8, SSI, and then they'll drown you like rats by directing a hurricane on you and blowing up the levees.

 Click here to remember how we deal with Romanovs
      Their solution is always shooting the Romanovs again and breaking out the guillotines so as to make their constituency happy, content, and at peace with the world and starving the Georgians to death.....but only a few million of them.   Life is much easier when a person can stand in line all day to buy a bottle of vodka and some matches to light the 12 or 15 half-smoked cigarettes you found and carry around in a soup can.   Life is even more fun when Fidel tells you that access to the clinic is denied for the next 45 days because of the "blockade" by the Yanqui Imperialists....and, by the way, beans and rice ration allotments are being reduced by 50% for the next 60 days as well.   At least we have Head Start.   FORWARD!!   ADELANTE CON LA REVOLUCION SOCIALISTA! 

Czar Nicholas and his family - c. 1914

      Mr. Massie points out the girl shaking her head in disgust.   It brings to mind the iron-jawed Miss Flukie, speaking through clenched teeth and with a non-blinking, snake-eyed glaze, reminding everyone in the faux "Congressional hearing" that Republicans were not going to give her the free contraceptives to which she is entitled.   We wrote to Miss Flukie to determine if your daughters or my daughter is to be required to pay for her contraceptive devices, medications, or procedures.     And if so, how much?   And if so, where do they send their checks?     She has not responded.
     A benign Providence grants us the company, even if vicariously, of persons such as Mychal Massie.
El Gringo Veijo