Wednesday 18 April 2012

Michelle Obama: 'This President Has Brought Us Out of the Dark and Into the Light"

     The number of OROGs is increasingly numerous.   It is a gratification and each reader is sincerely appreciated.   El Gringo Viejo shall re-double his efforts to present a slightly different, but coherent point of view, and to mix a bit of humour and information about Mexico into the marble cake batter as we go.
     The title of this entry summarises the issue.   Suitcase Michelle has gone pretty and soft on us, although, to any reasonable observer, she is neither pretty nor soft.   She is a hardened marxist warrior, schooled and trained up in the ways of Saul Alinsky and dedicated to the overthrow of America as a free-enterprise, faith based Nation under God.    Her most famous utterance for the history books is ".....for the first time in my adult life, I am proud of America."
     This means, of course, that her idea of a good America is an America that drinks enough Kool-Aid so as to stumble into a situation that finds the Nation nominating and then electing a Negro simply because he is a Negro, to the office of the Presidency of the Union.     She lauds a person who is un-examined concerning his credentials, untested concerning his motives, with ample evidence that he is a complete and total marxist abounding in all directions emanating from his present and past, and whose very writings and gyrations concerning nativity indicate is a clear and present danger to the Republic.
     There is ample evidence to support the fact that he is an unpublished, un-distinguished holder of titles such as Editor of the Law Review, and the title of "professor of Constitutional Law" although he knows and/or cares nothing about the Constitution of the United States of America.  It is fairly well accepted, even by his own camp, that his books were ghosted by a totally dedicated communist terrorist, and that he was pretty much cut out of whole cloth by the most corrupt political organisation within the most corrupt political party in the United States, that being the Cook County, Illinois Democrat machine, which is union local of the Amalgamated National Socialist Workers' Party of America.

Permanent Member of the Democrat
National Socialist Labour Party's Executive
      But enough of this chewn cud.  Simply be aware and rest assured that it is basic communist tactic, and at times strategy, to employ powerful linkages between whatever "leader" is being adulated at the moment to the immanence and importance of the Supreme Deity and/or his Son.   It is an axiom of the warfare template of those who cleave unto the Atheist Religion of Liberation Theology.    It has been practised within the Anglican Communion for three generations (at least), and almost every major sect and denomination of the Christian and Hebraic Religions for at least as long.
     To be overly cutesy, a man who brought us Solyndra and Solar One, and the Chevrolet Volt, and 20,000 wind energy job losses in two years....did not really bring us to the light.   He is the darkness, related to his not-to-distant Uncle, revered by Saul Alinsky who dedicated his major literary work to that Uncle of Obama....a fellow named Lucifer.
      Sorry, Michelle....but Star Kist really does prefer tuna that tastes good....not Red.

Thanks for your time.
El Gringo Viejo 

Tuesday 17 April 2012

A few images of the grounds of the Quinta Tesoro de la Sierra Madre

 Bouganvilla growing into
ebony tree
An image from above to below, looking
in the direction towards the Rio Corona
On the left is a powder-puff with red blooms,
and our free-standing rock wall made of malaquite
stones, hauled up from the Rio Corona.  On
the right is a huge rosemary bush that we use
in some of our recipes.
A slightly different view
with a flamboyan tree anchoring
the right margin

The climbing rose
'that ate Tokyo

The north wall of the Quinta, with our
little 2 hp electric water pump.  It's a Spanish
pump, made in Mexico, with a three year
warranty.   It's going on 10 years now.

Our little emerald island of carpet grass. along
with the parrilla and Alvaro's prep table.
This is another corner of our small but
complex "front yard".

These are just a few of the pictures we made during our last stay down at the Quinta Tesoro de la Sierra Madre. We are anticipating quite a bit of further enhancement of all of this, especially in June when the flamboyan trees begin to bloom.

Thanks for your attention.
El Gringo Viejo

Whose mote, and whose beam?

(Informational Bulletin, Directory of Social Communication:   Alternatives are sought to conciliate the peace between city subdivisions)
El Presidente Municipal, Ing. Jaime Rodríguez Calderón, ocupado por mantener la tranquilidad de los ciudadanos de García, Villa Metropolitana, se reunió con ciudadanos del sector poniente para conocer sus necesidades.  (The County President, Engineer Jaime Roriguez Calderon, worried about maintaining the tranquility of the citizens of Villa de Garcia, a village within the Metroplex, met himself with citizens of the western part of the community to learn of their necessities.)
Vecinos de la colonia Villas del Poniente aprovecharon el diálogo con el Presidente Municipal para exponer las inquietudes y problemáticas que tienen con los habitantes de la colonia Alianza, del Municipio de Monterrey. (Neighbours of the Colonia Villa del Poniente took advantage of the opportunity to have dialogue with the County President to expose the inquietudes and problems that they have with the inhabitants of the Colonia Alliance, in the County of Monterrey.)

El problema más sobresaliente es el derrumbe de una barda que fungía como división entre ambas colonias, lo que ocasiona la molestia de los ciudadanos pues las pandillas se cruzan de fraccionamiento a fraccionamiento para hacer maldades. (The problem most apparent is the tearing down of the wall that physically serves as a division between the two colonias, and which causes the molestation of the citizens of Villas del Poniente because the thug gangs who cross themselves from one subdivision to another subdivision to do evil things.)

La solución que se propuso, por parte de la administración, es la reconstrucción de la pared, así como la colocación de puertas de acceso en los planteles educativos, que dan hacia el lado de la colonia aledaña, para que vecinos de la Alianza puedan llevar a sus hijos a la escuela sin ningún problema y no tengan que rodear hasta la avenida Lincoln. (The solution that was proposed, on the part of the administration, is the reconstruction of the wall, along with the placement of gates of access near certain educacational campus settings, which would give access to and from the adjacent colonia to the end that neighbours in the Colonia Alianza can bring their children to school without any problem, and so as to avoid having to make the circle all the way out to Lincoln Avenue.)

Por su parte los miembros de la colonia Villas del Poniente se comprometieron a poner la mano de obra para dar solución al conflicto y mejorar la convivencia entre vecinos. (For their part, the members of the Colonia Villa del Poniente committed themselves to put the hand-labour into the effort to give a solution to the conflict, and to improve the convivience between neighbours.) 


     As one might imagine, the Colonial Villa del Poniente, you can see their house in the background of the last picture, are middle and upper-middle class people, often of blue collar background.   Many are small business owners or independent specialty construction contractors.   For some reason they do not like having to have gangs from a different Colonia, and from a different city/county that just happens to be adjacent to them, coming into their Colonia to conduct their gang-wars.   They do not like the grafitti, the crime, the vandalism, and the unsupervised nature of the children and adolescents next to them.
      The lower element....the perpetually poor....resent the idea that some one would do something so inhospitable as to build a wall between the two colonias.   The solution to rebuild the wall that was torn down by the lower element in many places, and to provide a few check-point style gates so as to allow the enrolled primary students who pertained to three or four of the primary schools in the Colonia Villas del Poniente that are within the district of attentence for the urchins of the Colonia Alianza.
       Of course, the gangs in Colonia Alianza came and dismantled the gates and took them off to sell for scrap to raise money to buy glue, paint, and marijuana.   So all the agreements identified above, last year, have been scuttled and dumped into the dumpster.   The people on the Villas del Poniente of the community of Garcia have unilaterally rebuilt their Wall of Protection dividing the two colonias.   They have also formed a community supervision group, and hired armed professional security service to patrol the wall, day and night.   The local police of Garcia have also begun parking along the wall as an additional presence.
     The cartel people are complaining, because it has suddenly become more difficult for them to recruit urchins from the Colonia Alianza for training in the criminal profession.   Most of the boys and many of the girls in the Colonia Villas del Poniente are taking kung fu, along with their baseball, soccer, and ballet after school activities.

     This is not an endorsement of the Border Wall, but it is an example of why and what people do in order to defend themselves against a foe with no soul.

Monday 16 April 2012

"I am a Head of State and not a Hoodlum"
Cristina Fernandez de Kirstner
      Sorry, Cris, but if you quack like a hoodlum, and waddle like a demagog, and look like an old barroom Frida-commie....then Star Kist doesn't want you.    You will appreciate that El Gringo Viejo has used the above picture, that wore out 36 airbrushes and 6 silk screens twenty years ago, so that your mother could still be proud of you.   We all appreciate and remember your good work with the  communist guerilla movement in the 1970s.

File:Cristina Fernandez y Obama.jpg
Old Bolshies never die, they just turn into
sludge and hide in the Brea Tar Pits in California
and wait for the establishment of Ut0pia.
      The fact is that when you pushed the bill through the Argentine Congress authorising the expropriation of the Spanish oil company Repsol, you became more of what you are.   The confiscation of the private pensions, the demagoging of the Falkland Islands matter, the confiscation of duly entrusted foreign assets....all pretty much smell like a petty little tin-horn marxist dictator taking his/her people down the road to serfdom and the glory of the Cuban Revolutionary success for the little people.   You will continue to play the role of Evita and Isabel, but you are just another broken down old lefty, driving your country into the swamp and blaming the Spaniards, George Bush, American Imperialism, Global Warming, and Margaret Thatcher for all your ills.    You may be a head of state, but you are certainly also a hoodlum.
     But, Cristi, remember what the book says, when you hear the bells, ask not for whom the bells toll, they toll for you.

Thanks for your attention.
El Gringo Viejo

Cumbersome. Change for the sake of change!

Time Warner Cable suddenly advises that we must register with an entirely new package of name, emails, passwords, and so forth and that we must do it in this manner and before such and such a date.  While attempting to do as instructed, because the Gringo Viejo is a compliant man, we are notified at each juncture, at every fill-in box,  that our old email not only does not exist, and never existed, but it is also invalid.    The same goes for the password, the same goes for our zip code, address, and every question queried.
    So, we chat up a helper, but he can neither read, write, or understand the English language.   Literally.   Either that or he is on dope, drunk, mentally defective, or playing some kind of game (nobody could be that stupid).
    So we call the 800 number, and receive adequate service, although the first girl sounds like she is reading from a textbook of her first English course.    She was not Indian, Pakistani, or Arab.   She was Mexican, and doing a creditable job of speaking English, but she could not plug in the context of the problem into the reflex of the answer.   She needed to sit in on conversations for a couple of months.   She was not bad, or neglectful, or incompetent like the first....dolt.   She seemed very bright and very civilised, but just not tested under fire.   She might have been talking from a call centre in Guadalajara.    When I began responding in Spanish, she became very flustered and tried to "really, really try" to solve my problem, but her voice was breaking from nerves by that point and she pawned me off to a different division after consulting with her supervisor.
Larry, The Cable Guy
     Finally, Norton the Nerd came on and quickly referred me to the department that can actually control resetting passwords and security questions, etc.   That wound me up with Larry, the Cable Guy and he took care of everything.

     But!   Why did Time Warner have to change anything?  Why does and/or Google have to "improve" formats or design modules or anything?   Why?  Porquoi?  Porque?   Aaaaarrrrgggghh!

 In any regard:

Thanks to Norton, Larry, and the Mexican girl for trying and/or succeeding to put the train back on the tracks for El Gringo Viejo, thanks for honest and informed effort.    The first guy, though,  Mr. Vick the Chat Room Guy, really needs to look into a job as a hermit....somewhere a long, long ways from El Gringo Viejo.
Leaving for a bit.   All is well.  Much rain both here and down at our place in the Sierra Madre.   More tomorrow!
El Gringo Viejo

Saturday 14 April 2012

Transferred from the Web Page for the Quinta


Security Issues?
(updated, 15 April 2012)
Uppermost in the minds of all reasonable people is the issue of basic security. First of all, local, domestic, common criminal security problems remain all but nil. No change. Everything dull and boring. Jose got drunk down at the deposito de cerveza and cussed everybody out. Maria bonked Juan over the head with a skillet for flirting with Juanita at the wake for Tio Fidencio. Rosendo stole a case of Corona empties from his brother and took them down to redeem and buy some beer. Things like that , once every two or three months. Our section of the Municipio (County) of Hidalgo, Tamaulipas is almost entirely rural, but it is heavily populated. In our section (delegacion) the census tracts total up to about 49,000 folks in a 500 square mile area.

We reiterate the following:
A combination of vigourous military response and presence, a forensic approach that is a quantum improvement, and a judicial/penal process that is more open and forceful are all coming into focus in such a way that it could signal a change in jurisprudence of historical dimension. Recent episodes of tranquility have given the impression that the "War of the Cartels" is either over or won.      Neither is the case.        BUT, the Cartels have been severely debilitated by their own in-fighting, and more especially by what has proven to be an exceptionally capable Army and Naval Infantry. Much of the activity now being reported is being committed by dispersed and disorganised elements of Cartels that have been badly battered.
     During the recent "Easter shopping season" as it is referred to in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, a relatively strong peso and the much improved perceived security situation along the highways and byways, filled the bridges, then the parking lots of every shopping center....(several score) from Mission - McAllen, to Brownsville.    Bridge wait lines approached 4 hours, well beyond any previous record.   Sales records, sometimes surpassing even the Christmas period, were set in many retail outlets.   It was as we had pointed out in one of our late March, 2012 blog entries, that the princesses from San Pedro de Garza Garcia would be flooding over by unprecedented numbers.   My own return on Easter Sunday was dull, boring, and uneventful as usual.   I had to return on an emergency because my wife had undergone an emergency appendectomy early on Sunday morning.   Luckily, the bridge traffick was down, and mainly southbound by that time anyway, while El Gringo Viejo was northbound, and hoping for the best.
     As an aside, the next day, travelling back to the hospital, two large, white, new Ford pick-ups roared around traffic under the overpass at Mission, Texas's main street intersection with the Expressway US83, running every available red light, in very heavy traffic, turning left off the main street and onto the west bound access lanes for the expressway.   Each pick-up had one co-pilot who was shooting what appeared to be 9mm semi-automatics at each other.   It's the first time I have witnessed such a thing, and it had to happen in Texas.    In any regard,
Much remains to be done, but it can be said at this point that much has been accomplished and much is being accomplished even as we write these words.